pr Da ae £ 4 "Oye Oshass Bally Times Sow ee] -~, aA a Air BS THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER ot (Established 1871) ' An independent newspaper published every afternoon except Sundays and legal holidays, at Oshawa. : Canada, by Mundy Printing Company, Limited; ; Chas, M, Mundy, President; A. R. Alloway, See- * he Oshawa Daily Times is a member of the Cona- dian Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers' Ase sociation, The Ontario Provincial Dailies and the Audit Bureau of Clreulations. 3 ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15c a week. By mail in Canad (outside Oshawa carrier delivery limits), $4.00 year; United States, $5.00 a year. TORONTO OFFICE ; #07 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H. D. Tresidder, representative. REPRESENTATIVES IN U. S. "Powers and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicago. TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1929 THE VALUE OF THE JUVENILE COURT The value of the juvenile court to Oshawa was to some extent revealed when Judge S. C. Jarrett lifted the veil from the operations of his court in an en- lightening address delivered to the Rotary Club yes- terday. It came as a distinct surprise to most of his hearers to learn that, in the three months which have elapsed since the Rev. Mr. Jarrett was appoint- ed 'juvenile court judge, he has had seventy-three cases of juvenile delinquency before his court, In many of these cases, of course, the delinquencies may bhave been of a minor nature, but this is the type of case in which the work of the juvenile court judge can be most effective, for by checking tendencies to- wards wrong-doing, it may be possible to arrest what would otherwise be a career of crime of a serious ture, A luis that in so many cases coming be- tore him Judge Jarrett has found that the lack of 'home supervision and of the right kind of home in- .. fluence has been responsible for the lapses of the boys and girls. This is a deplorable state of affairs to find in any modern community, and yet it is but "typical of most cities today. One can see signs of this any evening on the streets, where children who ought to be at home in bed, or at least under the watchful eye of their parents, are wandering atound in gangs. It is indeed hard to find the right remedy for juvenile delinquency in cases of that kind, for when the parents do not care, who else can reasonably be expected to take their places. Judge Jarrett spoke, too, of the gang influence which has been responsible for bringing many boys before him. Boys will always travel in gangs, and the future career of these boys depends on the type of gang they belong to. As a matter of fact, some kinds of gangs have a wholesome influence on boy life, but they must bé led by the right kind of leaders, and indulge in the right kind of activities, For instance, the boy scout movement is but a development of the gang idea, but it is the gang . idea controlled and directed by wise leadership, the type of leadership that directs the latent boyish energy along channels of usefulness, instead of along channels leading to crime. Although it is only three months old, the Oshawa juvenilé court has already justified its creation in the city, and there is every reason to believe that §t will continue to increase in its usefulness to the boys and girls of the city, and to the community at large, THEY FORGET QUICKLY %he strike which has started in the Lancashire eotten mills in England, involving half a million workers, is an unfortunate occurrence. The new Hinister of hedlth, the Hon. Margaret Bondfield, ex- haustéd every means of securing conciliation before the strike actually came into effect, but she was un- successful: The spirit of compromise and common- * gense was entirely absent, and the result is that un- told misery will be caused to hundreds of thousands of innocent sufferers, just because there is a dispute over wages in the cotton industry. It must be that the people of England have short memories, for it is only a little more than three years since the disastrous coal strike and general strike. Britain is still suffering economic depression as a direct result of that strike, which cost the coun- try millions of dollars, and, dislocated industry to such an extent that it has not yet fully recovered. One hesitates to say that either side in this dispute is at fault. The main bone of contention seems to be the reduction of wages in the cotton industry by about twelve and a half per cent. The mill owners claim that the depression in the industry is such as , «to make this wage reduction absolutely necessary, "and there may be some justice in their plea. Yet the attittidé of the workers has been fair. They have expressed a willingness to take their differences to arbitration, but the employers were obdurate, and insisted on their pound of flesh. It is regrettable that matters have gone so far. It would have héen worth while for employers, as well as employees, to show the spirit of conciliation and compromise, so that a solution might have been reached which would have kept the wheels of in. dustry turning, instead of hampering an industry which is making a gallant struggle for survival. THE WEEK-END TOLL Although the week-end toll of life taken in acei- dents in Ontario continues high, eighteen lives having peen claiméd by drowning, motor accidents, and other mishaps, there is one encouraging sign in the record for the last week-end. That sign is found in the decrease in the number of serious automobile accidents-recorded, There was not a single fatal £0 -- al ; -~ ~ A automobile accidept in the WAY area adjacent to Toronto during the wesk-end, and the number of automobile ties was cut down to five 'for the whole province, the lowest number for any week-end for & considerable period. That record, of course, is still too serious to be regarded with complacency. There should be an aim on the part of motorists to achieve an objective of a weekend without & single accident, and the culti- vation of this state of mind would work wonders in improving conditions. It is pitiful that so many deaths, however, were caused by drowning, particularly when it is con- sidered that the exercise of even ordinary care and common-sense would, in most cases, have averted the accident. It is hard to understand why people become careless when they are away from home on holiday bent. Precautions which would be rigidly observed at normal periods of the years are thrown to the winds, and there is a lack of the restraint which makes for complete safety. The di ng peri], for the time being, has taken the place of 'the highway menace as a cause of violent death, and it will be & happy day when the newspapers, on Mon- day, have no fatalities to record. CARELESS PARENTS The whole province has been shocked and herri- fled within the last few days by a case in which a little nine year old girl was taken away from her home by a man who, it is alleged, brutally assaulted the girl, and finally brought her back, covered with bryises, to her home. A man has been arrested in connection with this crime, and if he is found guilty, his punishment should be sufficiently severe to act. as a warning and a deterrent to others. In spite of the fact that crime of this kind cannot be too strongly condemned, there is a strong feeling that the mother of the child {n this case was largely at fault. She allowed her little girl to be taken away from home by a pérfect stranger, on the pre-, text that he wanted a companion to go to camp with his own daughter. It was only after the girl was sone that the mother found out that the references that he had given her were fictitious, and began to worry about the safety and welfare of her child. Such lack of care as to the bona fides of the man to whom she entrusted her little girl is hard to understand on the part of a mother. It is not so hard, nowadays, to make a speedy check of refer- ences and bona fides, and where a young and inno- cént child was involved, would have been the.natural and the logical thing to do. If the story as reported to the newspapers is correct, then the mother of the girl cannot be held altogether blameless for the fate which has befallen her little daughter, OVERCOMING GREAT HANDICAPS There is something inspiring in the story which appeared in the newspapers a few days ago of a Brampton girl who, in spite of almost unsurmount. able handicaps, won highest honors in the middle school examinations of the department of education. This girl, seventeen year old Priscilla Brockman, was partially disabled. Her disability, caused through paralysis, was of such a nature that she was unable to write the examination papers, She could answer the questions, but her hands could not perform the normal functions of putting them on paper. Sensing her handicap, and yet determined to suc- céed in the test, she secured permission of thé min- ister of education to dictate her answers to the prin- cipal of thé Brampton High School, and in this way she wrote the examination papers. In all, she took four of them, second class proficiency in the third and third class proficiency in the fourth, a record of which studénts in full possession of all their facul- ties might well be proud. This instance of a great handicap being overcome by a determination to succeed is worth recording and worth remembéring. Thére aré many peéoplé who have no handicap at all who are too prone to set back and 1ét things follow their own course, without making An effort to fight for that success whieh can only be won by hard work and perseverance. This Brampton girl is to be congratulatéd, not alone on heér suctess, but on the example she has set to her fellow human beings on what can be accomplished if there is only the will to do great things, EDITORIAL NOTES It is very noticeable that it is very rarely the slow driver who figures in an automobile smash, The war scare in China could not hope to last so very long with the newspapers so full of peace talk. "Trotsky is one of the ten most interesting men living," says George Bernard Shaw. Who aré the other eight? If the week-end rain had only ¢ome three weeks sooner, what a difference it would have made to the western provinces. A pig routed an eagle in a fight in a United States barnyard. So far, the United States has not sent an ultimatum to Ireland. It is interesting to note that it was only when silk stockings became cheap in price that girls started to go without them, Mussolini has closed 27,000 saloons in Italy in the last five years. Why not invite him to the United States to do the same job in Chicago and New York? One can hardly blame the premier of Saskatche- wan from hanging on fo office as long as he can, particularly when he knows he is due to be kicked out anyway. If the idea of inseribing the words, "Accidents Here" on the highways is carried out to its logical conclusion, the highways will become a perfect scheme of black and white. The King of Albania has been ordered to give up smoking for fear it will rob him of his voice. Now watch for the rush of husbands trying to persuade their wives to start smoking. The lack of a woman to christen a new boat at Churchill, Manitoba, has revealed a condition that may cause quite a rush of the fair sex up the Hud- son Bay Railway, once it starts operating. The apology which the Detroit Motor Club has made for the unjust criticisms made regarding treatment of U.S. tourists in Ontario proves that the people of this province are not yet lacking in the essentials of courtesy. Ped Ne Vv EE a gm. ¥. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1929 *; ae ADVERTISING AND TRADE (Saint John Times-Globe) It is a well-known fact that ad- vertising, attractive, persuasive and gompeling, overcomes many tariff barriers, Price does not prevent pur- chase even if enhanced by duties, ity that the goods are satisfac- ing Ary is no doubt much truth in the statement of the Minister of Commerce that there are many ar- ticles of British manufacture which if known to the Canadian public could be purchased by Canadian con- sumers to - better advantage than commodities that are now bought in the United States, The next move seems to be up to the manufacturers .OveEIeas if they wish to increase their es. ATROPHIED LEADERSHIP AH Express) We have just come through a gen- eral election in which the Empire was hardly mentioned by any of the three contending parties. Or, if men- tioned, it was merely mumbled, For the. moment theré is no such thing in Great Britain as a definite Em- pire policy or Empire party. The function of Imperial leadership seems suddenly to have become atrophied among our statesmen. Canada's ac- tion, however, is a plain warning that if we decline to advance, the Dominions, with their larger vision, faith and practicality, will not be content to await our convenience. They will be up and doing on their own account, and sefting the example that should have come from here, We all know that Great Britain is the heart of the Empire. But the first duty of the heart is to beat. - WHO OWNS CANADA? (From the New Outlook, Toronto) Perhaps the day is past when such a question should be taken serious- ly but there was--and not so very long ago--a time when the bogey of Wall street domination stalked a- round election platforms. By peaceful penetration methods, United States was to have conquered and absorb- ed Canada, There was to have been a sort of painless annexation. That day is past and over according to the Ottawa correspondent of the New York Times, who reminds his readers that Canadian and British capital own from seventy-five to eighty per cent. of Canadian indus- try. Investors throughout our own provinces are furnishing more and more of the capital required for de- velopment of Canadian trade and Ca- nadians own over sixty per cent. of the securities of all enterprises lo- cated on Canadian soil. The habit of buying domestic securities was form- ed during the war and it has persist- ed. From the Dominion Bureau of Statistics comes also the report that an increasing number of Canadian in- dustrial concerns are passing into thankful for what British and United States capitalists have done and are doing. But we are not grufbling over the assurance that Canada is now owned by Canadians. - Bits of Humor - It Suits Him, Proud Parent: What kind of a man is this fiance of yours? Prudence (his daughter): Well, he has always wanted a home. Proud Parent: That sounds good Prudence: And he likes ours' very much.--Answers, Word to the Wise "Vacuum Cleaner Agent: aCn I sell you a really good machine? Business Man: Come back on Thursday. Vacum Cleaner Agent: Sorry, but I'll be out of town on Thursday. Business Man: So will I.--Answars. Slicker. A young lady entered the station- ery store and asked for a pound tin of floor wax. : "I'm sorry, miss," said the clerk, "all we carry is sealing wax." "Don't! be silly,' she snapped. "Who'd want to wax a ceiling?" -- Boston Transcript. Smart Lad rd Teacher: What is a cannibal. Tom- my? Tommy: Please Teacher, I don't know, Teacher: Well, if you ate your father, and mother, what would you e Tommy: An orphan, miss, -- Ans- wers, Bits of Verse SEA-FOAM A fleck of foam on the shining sand, Left by the ebbing sea, But richer than man may understand In magic and mystery-- Transciéent bubbles rainbow-bright, Myriad-hued and strange, Tremble and throb in the noonday light, Flower and flush and change. A million tides have come and gone, Great gales of autumn and spring, A million summoning 'moons have shone To bring to hirth this thing-- A foam-fleck left on the ribbed wet sand By the wave of an outgoing sea, With all the color of Faeryland, Wonder and mystery. ~Terese Hooley. du ym kd Be os The Basic Principle--Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.--Matthew 1:18. Prayer: "The task Thy wisdom hath as- signed O let me cheerfully fulfill." provided the buyer is persuaded by. Canadian hands. We are pleased and 1 [ By M. McIntyre . A The Ex-Service Men's Provincial Parliament Impressions of the Provincial Convention of the Can adian Legion, and Some of Its Debates, Resolu- tions and Outstanding Features Hood, Member of Oshawa's Delegates =z Provincial Executive, and ome ARTICLE No. 13 One of the features of the On- tario Provincial Convention of the Canadian Legion, as showing the common-sense principles which ani- mate its rank and file, as well as the officers, was the report of a special committee which was appointed at the opening: of the convention to con- sider the whole situation as regards canvassing, Canvassing in the name of the ex-service man and their or- gasization has been one of the great ugbears which the public has had to suffer ever since the war closed. There have been those, unfortunate- ly, who, without authority, and with- out any real claim to consideration, have preyed upon the sympathies of the public for their own ends, The Legion frankly recognizes this evil, but at the same time regrets that it should exist, and 'its special com- mittee, in the réport presented and adopted unanimously, set forth the stand which was taken by the or- ganization in this regard. The Report So as to show the general public, as well as the members of the Le- gion, the attitude taken, it is well that the complete report should be published here. It speaks for itself, and needs no further explanation, The report is as follows :-- "To the President and Members Provincial Convention Assembled, "Your Committee met this morn. ing, all members present. "As a preface to our Report, your ommittee feel that an explanation of the situation affecting canvassing generally for the Legion should be given. At the time of amalgamation, it was found that several of the old Organizafions employed in some in- stances crews of canvassers, These Organzations insisted upon the Le- gion taking over these so-called em- ployees, and against the will of the majority of the then Provincial Exe- cutive, it was unfortunately found that amalgamation could not be achieved unless we complied with their desire. This, however, prob- ably in the long run proved bene- ficial, as since that time the Provin- cial Council has been able to do away entirely with this pernicious system of canvassing, and there is not presently a Legion canvasser as such, employed. Concensus of Opinion "Considerable evidence was taken from Branch delegates covering pret- ty well the whole Province, the con- census of which seems to be as fol- OWS [= "Strong exception is taken to un- authorized canvassers soliciting busi- ness and using the sentiment attach- ed to the movement by reason of sac- 0 - . JS---- rifices made as a medium, In some instances, it was found that canvas- sers_selling a publication known as "The Source Records of the Great War" (which we understand has the endorsation of our Dominion Execu- tive) had deliberately canvassed towns and cities after having been refused credentials by both the local Branches and the Chief Magistrates. "Objection was also registered against canvassers who make a busi- ness of selling calendars, Further- more, it was stated in several in- stances, that canvassers for the "Le- gionary" had used objectionable tac- tics. ~ "It is the opinion of the Committee therefore, that as the Legion is now accepted generally as the sole re- presentative of organized ex-service then and women, and as therefore it is evident that unscrupulous persons, particularly outside of the Organi- zation, realizing this are leaving the inference that they have the support of our Organization; and further- more, as these persons are also by their actions besmirching the good name of the Legion, and thereby lowering its prestige, it is felt we must accept some responsibility to- wards affecting a remedy, Committee's Finding "THEREFORE BE IT RESOL- VED: "THAT no canvassefs whatsoever be authorized to canvass in any form in the name of the Legion, or for subscriptions to the "Legionary" un- less such canvassers have received the approval of the Provincial Execu- tive, and are given Credentials sign- cd by the Provincial President and Secretary; and that even after such canvassers have obtained the neces- sary credentials, they only be allow- ed to canvass locally aiter obtain ing the authority of the Branch oper- ating in that territory. "AND FURTHERMORE, that the Provincial Secretary be instructed to memorialize the Chief Magistrates throughout the Province 6f Ontario regarding this arrangement, asking them to co-operate with us in our endeavour to stamp out this vicious system of unscrupulous canvassing which, in the opinion of your Com- mittee, is doing much to damage the good name of the movement gener- ally, and the Legion in particular, and that where necessary the Jd.egion assist the local authoritics in prose- cuting the offenders where it is deemed necessary. "All of which is respectfully sub- mitted. H. Bray, chairman: L. Car- ter, Charles Hicks, D. H. Rawlings. (The election of officers and further resolutions will be dealt with in the next article). That Body of Pours By James W. Barton, M.D. THOSE DANGEROUS SYMPTOMS One of the first things a medical student learns or is taught is that the commonest ailments arc the ones that he will see most frequently and that it is good sense to assume that the ailment is the common one he thinks it to be; unless there are some outstanding contradictions to it. And so as he questions the patient about his aidment he should look for and ask about the usual symptoms thereof, and let the patient tell him all he can about himself and the ail- ment, To keep his mind on the patient's age, his occupation, the likely or most common ailments to occur at this age, climate, occupation and so forth, Thus as Dr, W. C. Alvarez puts it "Just suppose a man of fifty-five comes in and says that he could digest tacks up to three months be- fore,when everything seemed to go wrong. You can be almost certain that he has cancer of the stomach. A woman of forty-five comes in complaining of attacks of pain in the upper right sideof abdomen with bel- ching and floating in the integrals. She can trace the trouble back to bilious spells and severe stomach ache when she was a child. She has gall blad- der disease. A man with a pain in the stomach says that he has had attacks off and on since he was twenty, pain coming on at a definite time after cating disapeparing when he takes food; he probably has an ulcer of the stomach or beginning of the small intestine. A thin woman tells you that she has always had more or less indiges- tion and that she is always having to be careful about her diet; she has likely a functional trouble, Now this sounds simple enough but each one of the above symptoms which seems to fit the ailment men- tioned, may be due to something much less serious so no alarm should be felt about it at first. However this is the "commonest," the outstanding symptom of that particular ailment, and so that ail- ment should be in the student's or physician's mind when he is making the examination, | : hen by test meals, "X-ray examina- tions, and so forth he can verify this diagnosis, (Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act), In Europe they call the merger process rationalization, the combine a cartel, and public ownership na=- tionalization--but the meaning's the same.~Toronta : not an organic' R. H. DUNLAP, ADVERTIS- ING DIRECTOR OF THE ROCKFORD (ILL) DAILY REPUBLIC, SAYS: THAT all enlightencd people de- pend upon newspapers, every day, to supply them with information, en- tertainment, news and ad- messages. pictures, Everywhere the already great newspaper audience is constantly growing. Authoritative, complete, neatly attuned to the cultural and merchandising needs, the Ameri- can newspaper supplies the equi- valent of a gigantic library to reader audiences. . SO, TODAY THE NEWSPAPER HAS BEEN ACCEPTED AS ES- SENTIAL AND "SUFFICIENT IN MILLIONS OF HOMES. EDITORS AND AD-MEN IDENTIFIED WITH THE WEEKLY TO THE ALL-DAY AND NUMEROUS-EDITION- ED METROPOLITAN DAILY, CONSTANTLY ENDEAVOR TO MORE THAN DO THEIR APPOINTED TASK. BRITAIN'S LARGEST MOTOR SHIP BUILT London, July 27. -- Britain's largest motot ship, the Britannic (27,000 tons), will be launched from Harland & Wolff's, Belfast, Tuesday, for the White Star Line. Two years the new liner has been building, and 2,000 men have been employed on her at a time. The vessel, with accommodation for 1500 cabin, tourist third and third. class passengers, will run on the Liverpool-Queenstown-New York service. She will be White Star's first motor ship. . These figures give an idea of the work and quantity of materia: 3,- 000,000 rivets, weighing 650 tons: 13 miles of piping; four miles of ventilating trunks; 200 miles of electric wiring; stern-post weigh- ing 31 tons; rudder 36 toms. ; Electricity sufficient for a town of 30,000 people will be laid in the liner for cooking, cleaning silver, peeling potatoes, making ice cream and ice, printing, and to operate lifts," water-tight doors, steering gear, deck winches and pumps and auxiliary machinery in the motor room. There will be 200 electric motors, ranging from one to 170 housa-nawer. ,. . - .» i, {Tower , Editor of the Phe. Rel London, July 3.~For a moment this morning I was wondering if I would have a chance to see the three tailors. of Tooley street, for along there we passed on the way to the Tower, Children at home used to sing a little song about "London Bridge is Falling Down." May I assure them all that London Bridge is quite all right, for I can see it from the win- dow where I am sitting now. More- over, I have crossed jt several times, and it neither trembles nor shakes: Coming back ovér the river by the Tower Bridge we came to London Tower, one of the places I was anx- ious to visit. It may be a depraved taste, but I admit that I had always wanted to get inside the dungeons there, and see the place where they actually did the execution work of those distant ages, for London Tower spins its story back to the days of William the Coriqueror at the time of the Norman invasion. Outside the walls there is, just across the road a small elump of trees, and it was there that public executions use to take place. A commoner would see his last glimpse of daylight there but those of higher estate had the cold and cheerless option of being' beheaded within the walls. Entering through the gates, I saw a moat for the first time, which, in olden days, was filled with water, and made it almost impossible to get in or out. Today this moat is used as a parade and training ground, be- ing #0 large that . formations can readily be carried on. Passing the gate we come upon guards wearing the old costume of the beef-eaters, an order starting in the days of Henry the VIIth, The walls of this old castle which was the home of kings and queens until the days of Charles II, are sixteen feet through, and the mason- ry is so good that it looks as though it would stand for all time to come. What. history has been written here! There is the White Tower, and from the windows Lady Jane Grey saw the headless body of her husband brought in from Tower Hill Another sign here reads "Traitor's Gate," and even yet it is a forbid- ding looking place, some feet below the walk, used for the purpose of bringing prisoners from the river boats, after their trial down stream at Westminster. Just a few names suggest themselves: Edward, Duke of Buckingham, Sir Thomas More, Queen Anne Boleyn, Thomas Crom- well (Earl of Essex), Queen Kath- arine Howard, Seymour, Duke of Somerset, Lady Jane Grey, the prin- cess (afterward queen) Elizabeth, and James Duke of Monmouth--all these had passed under this spike- guarded gate to prison or the scaf- fold.. The earliest date in the above list is 1521. In the small chapel contained in the building Lady Jane Grey took her last communion prior to execu. tion. (By A. R. K Stratford Written In Blood It ig not possible in one short ar- ticle to tell the history of London Tower. Whole books have been writ- ten about it, but it is not possible to turn away from the story of exe- cutions for they have been written here in blood. Just outside the chapel one comes upon a little place paved, and containing a tablet. This was the site of which at rare inter- vals was erécted a special scaffold Right here it is definitely known that the following were executed: Lord Hastings, by order of the Duke of Gloucester in 1483. Queen Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII, 1536. Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, the last of the old Plantagenet fam- ily, 1541, Queen Katharine Howard, fifth wife of Henry VIII, 1542. Jane, Viscountess Rochford, 1542. Lady Jane Grey, wife of Lord Guildford Dudley, 1554. at Devereux, Earl of Hssex, 1601. All these, they say, were beheaded with an axe with the exception of Queen Anne Boleyn, whose head was cut off with a sword used by a spe- cially skilled executioner brought in for the purpose. While I am at it, perhaps one more detail should be included. The executioner of the Earl of Essex bungled the job, as we would say, it requiring three strokes to complete the work. This so en- raged the population that the exe- cutioner was mobbed and badly beatén on the way home. Whether this. demonstration was a token of sympathy for the unfortunate earl or as a protest against the poor work- manship of the axe wielder, I could not find out. . Perhaps you have read in the read- ers at school about the two little princes who were smothered to death in the Tower in the days of Richard II. That took place right here. Other names of those who were im- prisoned or executed were Raleigh, Sir Thomas Lord. In the Dungeon But let us get on down to the dungeoh. Floors are cold stone, walls the same, all very cold, and severe. We go to one corner of the room where once William the Conqueror held court, then commence the des cent of a little winding staircase, fashioned in stone. The windows of London a Place of Ancient and Sinister Memory History Goes Back to Days of William the Conqueror and Many Noblemen and Fair Ladies Were Executed There! Block and Axe Are Still on View, Also Henry VIII's Coat of Mail are fairly wide at the entrance, buf the space where the light is entering is no greater than a man's two fists, As we go down I noticed that the light from the outside became less; each turn in the staircase seemed tq be taking one farther from the lasf chance for life, and a chance tg live. Finally the staircase ends and we walk across a fairly large oper place and enter the dungeon. It is at least twenty feet below the sun face. The smell is musty and clam my. At one end is a long stone chute, and down here, they tell me the prisoners were dumped from, the floor above. This room would be about twenty feet across and som fifty feet long. Stone walls, stone floor, and a stone ledge around the edge about a foot wide, where pris oners could sit. I can't conceive that there would be one chance in ter million of a person escaping from such a place. Just around the corner is the fa mous poisoned well; it is still there Who poisoned the well remains ; mystery, but it seemed like one touck of human kindness to place there water that would end the suffering: of the poor unfortunates who wers thrown into this living cemetery. More narrow passages, more hard floors, more musty air, and we come to a small opening in the wal through which condemned persons entered the place of execution, Com: pared to it the place where Nurse Cavell died seems a place of rest and beauty. There is an electric light in here today; years ago there may bave been a dim candle light. Here is the execution block, carefully pre served. Like an enormous chopping block with a place scooped out at the edge to accommodate the head, Right at hand, as though ready for the day's work, stands the axe of the executioner. The blade seems about a foot in length tapering back to several inches where the handle goes in. The handle is a short affair not more than two feet in length, and with one blow a good executioner was supposed to complete the work in hand, The Rack A little farther on is the rack, a miserable and a devilish looking de- vice, where prisoners were placed and tortured in order to extract confes- sions which could be used to warrant their execution. I had been keen to see all this, and was just as keen to retrace my steps to the room above, where are preserved the armour of ages, and documents that are price- less. Here is the appeal of Lord Kitchener, written in a bold and le- gible hand, "I have said that I would let the country know when more men were wanted," and so on followed the call for 300,000 more men in 1916. Spears, scythes, suits of mail, they are all here. One collection is mark- ed as having been used by the Sed- gemoor rebels of 1685. They were crude tools, long handled scythes, with the blade almost straight, but I should imagine that an infuriated and determined individual with such an implement could do tremendous damage. Others are fashioned so that they could conveniently take the head off quickly, while more seemed to be designed so that they could puncture many holes into the framework of opponents, The armor of King Charles I is here, and it weighs 77 pounds, and here, too, is the fighting raiment of Henry VIII, a man of very great proportions. His armor weighs 81 pounds, and that placed on the horse 48 pounds. There are many rooms filled with such equipment, and the attendants tell me it is a constant sourte of worry to keep it in condi- tion, as the fog and dampness attack it continually with rust. Constant care keeps it shining as though it were going to be used to-morrow. "Who ever used this suit?' I ask- ed of an attendant, for here is a fully clad armored figure standing at least a foot over my head. "No person knows," was the ans wer. "He probably was the unknown soldier many generations ago," for it took a model figure six feet, ten inches to accommodate that suit of armor." Outside the Tower again. Sun shining brightly. A man draws pic- tures on the sidewalks, another tears little animals out of folded paper to gather pennies from tour- ists. Cars go by and heavy trucks B take their loads to the docks, Can't help thinking that those people who argue that the world has made little advance, and that the good old days were the best, have made a serious miscalculation, England of today, with its passion for the rights of the people and its genius for giving expression to this desire, is leagues removed from the England of gener- ations ago, reflected in what I have just seen in London Tower. 1 must be pardoned if this story seems unduly long, but I have not written anything when compared to the volumes of history contained within the walls and moats of Lon- don Tower. J EMPIRE TRADE (Border Cities Star) : The people néed no skill of ora- tory to impress on them the value of keeping their money in the coun- try, and keeping it within the Em- pire is broadening the subject only slightly. Private Wire System "17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144