Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jul 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY. 6, 1929 d -> WY EEE Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. B.A. LLB.: AF. Annis, BA. LL.B. Ss A 1 icit Nota Public, Con r Opposit t Ea owe SIN W. E N. CLAIR, ® BANK of Commerce Die an .) ER i .) Notary Public, i cer. Money to loan. Office 1 St. East, Osha e Residence 837. AR- Pub- k, IN i Conveyancers, Notaries Ee i Sim 5. Phose wi J coe ¥. Grierson, N.C. %. K. Crelgh BE: "& H).MAN, BARRISTER, golicites, Nntary, ever Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3206W. A A D, BAR- risters,: ttc. Money to lran. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A, C. H. Field. AR- Sim- ey 10 (26tf) EER A » risters, Solicitors, etc. 24 coe St. N. Phone 3160. M Ioan. Medical W. TRICK, PHYSI- chin; 'Surgeon. Obstatrician, Special references to materri'y work and di- seages of women. Two years' post graduate experience, Office ard resi- dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- reon, Azcoucher. Office. and resi- fence, King St. East, corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. R. G T BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obsietrician, diseases of intants and children. Office and residence, ond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HATLEWO OD, PHYSI- i 3 al altention dh to an ectro- vs Office, Dishey Block, Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to . Mm. Residence 161 King East. Phone . DA A R, M.D.,, C.M., L. R. C. ®. snd. 8. Bdinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric- tan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 161 King St. E. . Phone 2155. © (Des, 31tf) BN DR. A ART, ciallst in surgery. Office 143 Sim- coa street North. Residence 166 coe Street North." arenes 1 Brock St. E. Phone 3020. ° A , M.D, L. R. C. P. &'S. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity ork and dis- eases of children, Office and 'esid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 8107. (cf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & ell's Drug Store each: Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of dissases of ear, nose = tivost , intments may made at ics oe) Phone 97. (49-tf) , Nose and Throat PR. B. | RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence. 432J. otf Dental R. 8. J. TLLIPS, OVER BAS- pett's. Special attention to X-Ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312. . (41 yr) ) peikanger, DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil gers, So divisions, Kd planting muni [J cers, or St E Phones 2532) or 2544. (89tf) Auctioneer auctioneer, 346 Simese St. 8, can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. y. Oshawa, Onterlo. insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, SON, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in wa. 30 Re- le Fire Companies. . (118tH) Ww P S consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. RAN S. A and {Land Co. Local agents for one of the best lish companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL 1EA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simcoe North. Phone 2754F. (129-1) 3 = Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GEZAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2592F. Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. w. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOK- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warchouse equip- ment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains, (64tF) OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Fark Rd. South. Phone 215. (June 15-1 mo) TRUCKING AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance hauling. Prompt service. Reasonable prices. Me- Nevin, Gilmour and Gardiner, 185 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 2915W. (June 24 1 md) AUT OBILES TO RENT. LATE models, by mile or trip. Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 King St. West. (June 27 1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY 1.00 PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone £9868. (88tL) "MA Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shep. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34t0) A NS A R AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653. (June 15-1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL--EXPERT work done, 75c¢. Powder Puff Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3051. (104-1) Money tc Loan CITY /ND FARM LOANS, PRO- | ei ioans arranged. Parkhill & jeld, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. (49tf) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE,_ FIRST CLASS PA- r r, painting and graining. rices right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave. phone 3065w or 2067w. (72tf) WOODWORK ALTERATIONS furniture repaired. Painting by job or hour. 735 Cedar street. Phone 2451J. (June 17 1 mo) F. A. ORA, DENTISI, 87 King street east. Alzer building. Phone 2860, Evenings by appoint- ment. © (48tD DR H. M. C 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's D: Store. Gas XS ction. Phone 34. R. L. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid en gas for extrac- tions. Office, Bank Phone residence. 1378M. ST, 18 Simcoe St. N., ever Dewland's. Phone 1957. Resi. 292W, Evenings by appointment. (July 92° Theatre Bldg. Ph 1780, Regent Theatre " one 1 Residen 66-tf \ Dy AVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. HB. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse in attendauce, Phones 1243 and 231. (96¢f) sterinary Surgeon PR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist 'diseases domestic animals, 3 ospi 203 Kin ust Bonet sail Architects tectural work. Second floor, Bank Building. Phone 1496. phone 909]. (8-tf) 0 JO. sociate architects, Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. (66tf) Undertaking Fast, ZURIAL © ily 548 Simcoe street north. Phones 210J and 310W, NERAL HOM . 87 Celina street,Osbawe. Corner Bruce otreet. Ambulance. Phone 1082. 96-22) Watch Repairing F. A VON GUNIEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shops at 443% King Street West. Your pat- 7 FOR SALE -- ALL KINDS OF building material, doors, windows, sash, lattic work, plumbing fixtures; also all kinds of buildings wrecked, big and small. Lath $3.50 per M. Dominion Wrecking, corner Olive and Drew streets. (5b) Building Supplies SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, FOR *|stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. on N. OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS. Phone 16575J. Cement blocks, 8-9, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and stones. (June 20-1 mo.) BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-t1) Radio Service A A. PATRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered; rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices. Char. les Wales. Phone 1046J. : (June 8-1 mo) Automobile Repairing T. ENSON BROS. GA 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (1078) Cleaning and Pressing UNIVERSAL DRY COLBANERS and dyers, the place for altera- tions and repairs, Phone 509. 12% King West. Above Cannings Men's (June 24 1 mo) scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St. (134¢0) WANTED TO BUY--SVALL SEC- ond mortgage or equity. Apply Box 73, Times. » (5-3). 340) st, West. REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Parl, Terms to suit you Office 38 Simcoe A AGE, - manville West Beach: five rooms, furnished complete, garage, boat- house and boat, $1000. Apply Box 61, Times. (2-4) FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOMED house, all conveniences, good location, Splendid garden. Apply J. Parrott, Colborne St., Whitby. (4c) FARM FOR SALE 46% ACRES Raglan Village, gobd buildings. All under cultivation, Possession March first. No exchange. Apply J. R. Claughton, Myrtle, Ont. (4-5-6-9-10-11) FARM FOR SALE--50 ACRES good loam, 7-roomed house, good barn, creek and piggery, crop, stock and machinery. All for $4000. Owing to sickness this must be sold, See A, C. Lycett, 25 King East. (TTS t-f) FOR SALE--THIRTY FEET ROX- borough 395--Patricia street lots $15 foot--35 feet Roxborough $650--New six room, hot water, $5,600--Gentle- man's home, county taxes, $7,500-- 8t, | $500 down Warren Ave., 7 room, new --Murdoch, phone 3027--, 27 War- ren Ave, (5a) FOR SALE--BARN FRAME AND quantity of building stone, apply Stanley Prevost, Orchard View Blvd, North Oshawa. : (5c) PROPERTIES FOR SALE SPLENDID HOME IN WHITBY, nine-room brick house, garage, spring and town water, electric lights, large lot, beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees. Five Thousand, easy terms. M. Gibson, Agincourt, Ont, (5-b) RE-UI'HOLSTERING, CHESTEK- fields made to order. We save you money, Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595]. (56tf) ATTERIES A ALLED for and delivered 75c. If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 1885W. June 7 1 mo) S AND DEB- livered 75c, rental 25¢. Entire electrical system of car overhauled and repaired, Prices reasonable. Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3112W or 3078J. (June 6-1 mo) Rates for Classified Ads. Minima charge--30c. Each tnsarvbion 0 hue: Threo consecutive inser. tions for the prise of twe' firot insertions (three cents a . Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box aumber 10c additional boy Tri Rp 10 cents a word por month for erch additional] word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask for Classified Ad De. partment Articles For Sale MIXED HA J slaba, $3.50 load, Also bone body wood. Waterous-Meek 5 Phone 1288, (Apr. tf) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS. MOST complete stock ia Oshawa. Muttitt and Park. $2 Simcoe St. S. (661) FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN CO. Lid, pianos: new and used pianos, also radlos, latest models; ters arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 15657. (111-t) FACTORY OR OFFICE OLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order. Apply Oshawa Dally Times. (tf) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam; dump truck service; moderate prices. Phone 1778J. Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St. (July 2-1 mo.) CONTENTS F HOUSE R Sale including piano bench and. lamp. Apply Box 63 Times. (3c) FOR SALE 1929 ROGERS BAT- teryless radio and speaker, Bargain for cash. Phone 2464). Jc) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CON C RELE, plastering, electric or alterations. "Phone 139 for estimates. (June 5-1 mo.) CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE cellar floors, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations. For prices 'phone 2873W. J. Pidgen, 97 Colborne St. E. (132-tf) FOR SALE ELECTRIC WASHING machine. Cheap. Phone 2464). (3c) FOR SALE--6-PIECE KITCHEN suite, 1 cook stove (coal and wood), 1 orthopheonic Vietrola and piano. Apply 321 King Street, West. Phone 3264W. (3-c) A BELL PIANO FOR SALE IN good condiion, also 50 ft. of gar- den hose; sacrifice; owner leaving city. Phone 350 r 3. (3-c) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs. Dell, 263% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (June 14-1 mo) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Rloor St. East. Phone 1617M. (31) Welding A NB A Brazing. All kind of metals. We have the best welder in city. Workmanship guaranteed. 82 King (June 27-1 mo) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, can- opy tops installed. T. Taylor, Tor- onto. Oshawa phone .1053. Even- 257TW. (77tt) Pets and Live Stock BABY CHICKS, FOR TMMEDI- ate delivery from Canada's oldest and greatest laying strains. White Wyandottes and White Leghorns. We were first in Canada to adver- tise and ship chicks, Safe arrival guaranteed. 'Wyandottes 18c each. Leghorns 16¢ each: any number, Large catalogue free. Fisher Poul- try Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, On- tario. BABY CHICKS, FOR IMMEDI- ate delivery from Canada's oldest and greatest laying strains, White Wyan- dottes and White Leghorns. We were first in Canada to advertise and ship chicks. Safe arrival guaranteed. Wyandottes 18c each. Leghorns 12¢ each; any number. Large catalogue free. Fisher Poultry Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, .Ontario. (146-152-5-10) F S 00D PONY, SUIT- able for children, also carriage and harness. Cheap for quick sale. Ap- ply to J. N. Thickson; 9 Bond St. W,, Oshawa, Ontario. (5c) For Sale or Rent 9 Store and six roomed dwelling with all conveniences, Garage. Ap- ply 31 Elgin BE. Phone 1686J. (143tf) FIVE-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE. Apply Ed. Wade. Phone 1938 r 12. (1-f) FANCY HOUSE DRESSES REGU- lar $2 at $1.29. Large size printed dresses regular $1295 for 895. Girls' summer dresses at $298 and $3.98, Engels Store, 21 Bond st w. (4b) FOR SALE CHEAP--I BED DAV- inette, 1 bed, 1 dresser, 1 small table. 652 Somerville Ave. 4b FOR SALE---CREAM WICKER baby carriage in good condition. Phone 1865] ( SPECIAL CLEARING: SALE OF Children's Slippers. Reg. $1.75, Sale 29, Progressive Shoe Store, cor. Prince and Bond. (4b FOR SALE--TEN ACRES OF HAY timothy and alfalfa. Geo. A, Scott, Harmony. (4c) MEN'S SUITS ALL KINDS SAT- urday regular $35 for $20, Engels Store, 21 Bond st. w. (4b) FOR SALE--CHAMPLAIN RE- frigerator, almost new. Phone 23377. (4-c) FOR SALE -- SECOND HAND Tandem disc, tractor hitch, hay ted- der, 6 and 7ft. binders, and other machinery. Apply H. Pawson, Mas- sey Harris agent, 550 Simcoe street north. Phone 1493], (5b) {E-EROWN SIDWAY WICKER aby carriage. Reversible. Apply 236 Park Rd. North, ied" REFRIGERATOR A gramophone. Reasonable. street. 1 "VALLEY" BATT er, nearly new. $15 for quick sale: 258 Burk street. Phone 449F. (5c) F SA fel, :6 months old. Phone 1690W. #4 (5-2) TOR SALE--A MOFFATT BLEC- tric stove in' good condition, Phone 1918J. (5-¢) ~ Room and beard : ROOMS AND BOARD, $8 PER week: rooms only $2.50 and up. Apply 39 Ontario Street. (June 7-1 mo.) ROOM AN ARD y Private home. Home privileges. Ap- ply 344 Athol street east. (146tf) ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY breakfast if desired. Apply 161 Col- borne St. E. Phone 1916) (3c ROOM AND ARD FOR TW! young men or bedsitting room to rent. Apply 120 Oshawa blvd. (4c) BOARD AND ROOM, 286 JARVIS street. All conveniences. $7 per 82: Lloyd Sc FOR'SALE OR RENT--NEW SIX- roomed house: hardwood floors, all conveniences, wired for stove, garage. This is a bargain as party is leaving city. Phone owner, 19187. (3-c) week. (5c) oem Loan 'Wanted WANTED--TWENTY FIVE: HUN- dred dollar loan, as first nmiorigage on a first class property. Apply bir gs t THREE ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale or to rent, and lady's bicycle, cheap. Apply 375 Gibbons St. Phone 230r5. (4c TO LET OR FOR SALBE--STORE and apartments, all conveniences, next to Royal Hotel, Whitby. Store now. used as barber shop. Good stand, vacant Sept. 15th. Ap- ply H. Wilkins, 228 Gibbons St., Oshawa, - - (5-a) ){ Corrugated Metal Times. wh Metal R EST A JA Roofing 5.55 delivered during July and August. Our record value. Send sige of building for free estimate or order from this advertisen ent and pay on delivery after inspection. HalH- day Company, 14 Halliday Build- ing, Hamilton, Ont, «+ tor Owner, Toronto. |crier. Phone 2089J. pu OR roomed suite in Victoria Apts. 2V1 S'mece St. South. Apply to Mr. Grier, Phone 2989J. 0 8 ed. Every convenience, light - housekeeping. 211 Clarke St. Phone 1473J. (141tf) APARTMENT TO LET-FACING on Simcoe St. 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished. Central. Apply | Bradley Bros. office. (142t0) CHOICE APARTMENT TO LET-- All conveniences. Immediate posses- sion, Baird Block, Phone 466 ef) FURNISHED FLAT TO RENT. Apply 282 Golf St. Phone 2652J. (5-c) , FU - suitable for COTTAGE TO RENT AT WIL- liams Point, Lake Scugog, for last two weeks of July. Apply to A. "W. Pickard, Bowwanville, or at Williams Point. Phone 185. (2-4) GARAGE TO RENT, APPLY 132 William St. East. (3c) FOR RENT---APARTMENT, ONE four and one three rooms, new, private entrance, central, all con- veniences,. rent reasonable, . 26 Church or 'phone 2323. (3-c) EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE TO rent: modern conveniences, cen- trally located. Phone 1353W. (3-c) TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED front downstairs rcoms to rent, newly decorated. Phone 1275F. (3-c) HOUSE TO RENT. APPLY & EI- {don Avenue. Phone 3127F (4c) THREE ROOMED FURNISHED flat to rent. Apply 122 Division St. or Phone 1895F (4c FU HE LIGHT . HOUSE- keeping rooms. All - conveniences. Phone 2784, 21 McLaughlin blvd. (4c) TO LET -- FURNISHED HOUSE at' 14 Nassau street, double garage. House suitable for 2 families or for boarders or roomers, immediate en- try. Apply Robt, Henderson, 102 El- gin street, phone 353. (4b) FOR RENT-THREE ROOMED flat unfurnished wired for stove, close [to G.M.C. Phone 1168]. (4b) GARAGE TO RENT APPLY 213 Arthur street, phone 2021]. (4c) Apply (12441) Experienced _ preferred. Burns Shoe Co. AL A parlor maid to go to Muskoka. Ap- ply 261 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa, (3-¢) WOMAN FOR KI and cooking, appl. Camp, Bowmanville. WANTED A - Cream of Barley 4b ) eral, Apply to Mrs. D. F, Johnston, 104 Brock street east, phone 980, Help Wanted--Male Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every car a prospect. Endorsed by Ontario Motor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 40, 70 Lombard, Torouw. A . enced Digman for body and fender work. Goéd wages and steady work. Apply Stratford Auto Body, 152 St, Patrick St., Stratford. Phone Stratford 1477. (133tf) a ------------ a ------------ PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREET- ing Cards--agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co, Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto. TINSMITH WANTED AT ONCE. Apply Goodfellow and Welsh, Peter borough, Ontario. (3c) FIRST CLASS AUTOMOBILE mechanic capable of taking charge, good wages and steady employment to the right man. Apply A. Brown & Son, 383 Water street, Peterboro, dealers for Buick, Pontiac, Mar- quette and G.M.C. Trucks. (5¢) Agents Wanted REGAL ART CO., 310 SPADINA Ave., Toronto, require agents in this locality to take orders for Can- ada's finest line of Personal Christ mas Greeting Cards. Lost and Found TOST--CLUB BAG, ON ROAD BE- ween Taunton and Five Points Mon- day night. Liberal reward on return to Henry Scott, Taunton. (2c) For Sale or Exchange WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR good kitchen range Westinghouse electric range. Good as new. Phone 2464 (3c DAIRY FARM: 98 ACRES, SILO Barn 90x30 cement floors. Passed for shipping milk. Good 7-roomed house, 26 aciss alfalfa. Well fenc- ed. Price $6000 subject to $3000 mortgage. Would rent or exchange house, Situated 2 morth of Port Perry on. main road. Immediate i Edwin Jennings, Port PRIVATE BEDROOM TO RENT, also garage. Breakfast if desired. Ap- ply 114 Colborne street E, phone 3175W. - (4c) FAOUSE AND GARDEN ON HIGH- iway in Harmony. Apply F. Alds- worth, phone 1652 r 5. 4a) TO RENT--THREE ROOMED apartment, hot water, heated electric stove, etc. er month. Apply Beaton's Dairy. ing St. West, (3-5-7) TO RENT -- SEVEN-ROOMED house at 286 Golf Street. Phone 2712. ¢ , (4-c) 4c) | STX- HOUSE TO RENT; conveniences. Apply 206 Albert Street. (4-b) TWO NICELY FURNISHED BED- rooms to rent, board if desired, also garage to rent, Apply 40 Division Street. (35) TO LET---FIVE MED COT- Perry. (3-1) Help, Wanted §25 PER WEEK MADE BY OUR Personal Christmas Greeting Card agents in their spare time. Write us for particulars today. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadina Ave., Torono. Position Wanted | MAN WANTS WORK ON FARM, ARM, experienced. Apply to A. Clark, 193 St. Julien street, Oshawa. (5b) YOUNG LADY TEACHER, WITH some bookkeeping experience desires temporary position in office or store, telephone 605. (5a) Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT FIVE OR SIX roomed house. * All conveniences, == | close in by young couple with no chil- dren. Apply Box 64 Times. (4b) tage. Apply 210 Prince street. (5tf) SUITABLE OFFICE SPACE TO let in Oshawa. Twelve hundred feet or less to suit tenant, possession im- mediately. Box 66 Times. (5a) BRICK GARAGE TO RENT. Phone 1323]. (5¢ FOR RENT---A SHACK WITH conveniences, $15 per month. Apply 55 Burk street. (5a) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS all conveniences, vacant July 15th, 19 Hillcroft "St. (5¢ FOR RENT--T U NTSH- ed rooms, close to Motors; all con- veniences. Phone 2693J. 22 Rit- Rd as (5-c) rent, on Alexander Blvd. 92 Church' St. Apply (5-b) room, suit one Or two gentlemen, one block from ors' office. Ap- ply 69 Division St. / (5-c) A A - ished or unfurnished; every conve- nience, private bath, very: central. Apply 154 William Street East, (5-¢) equipped, possession at once. Ap- ply 102 William St. E. (b-c) S- 46 session immediately, Apply N 4 (5-a) Louisa Street. : . ; 0 rent, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 207 :Church St. (5-2) FOR BALE=2T" CHEVROLET Sedan, $450, cash or terms; will sacrifice, 'Phone 2854J. or 392 Mitchell . Avenue. (4-c) G JULY AND August. Bargain Circular now ready offers Fir Doors $298; glazed House Sash $1.35; Barn Sash glazed 78c; Heavy: Coated Corrugated Metal Roofing $5.55, Asphalt s Slate Roofing $2.98; Oak Flooring be. House Paint 68c quart; Insulating Board half inch $43.00, thousand feet. Wall Board $28.50 thousand. Ready Cut Garages only $2500 down; Pumping Engine with Jack 90. Bargains in Plumbing s; Metal Siding, Pumps, Sinks, Roof: Coating, Metal Ceiling, Garage, Doors, Com- bination Doors, etc. Write for free circular, Halliday Company, 14 Halli- day Bwlding, Hamilton, Oat. ) {Try our hingles $5.25: | For Exchange GOOD HOUSE IN NORTH END Oshawa to exchange on a farm 25 to one hundred acres. State location & ) price. Apply Box 63 Times. (3¢) Herbalist MOS-KE-TOX--DON'T WAIT FOR the bite. Put it on and scare them away, 15c, 25¢ and 60c per box famous Blood Mixture. Also Asthma Remedy. The dollar bottles' that gives the million dol lar feeling. Guaranteed pure herbs. Obtainable only from proprietor, Goulding, 23 Prince St. Old Del Ray Bus Station, Oshawa. June 24 1 mo) RS RS a ad Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED up to and including July 15th, 1929 for certain repairs andother work on the Oshawa Pubdic Schools. The erec- tion of a wire fence around Mary street 'school grounds. The interior decoration of King street school and exterior painting of Ritson road school. Replacing toilets of Simcoe| street.' south school. may: be obtained from house, Royal Bank Building. tenders for 600 tons of Pocohantas coal, 100. tons of . Anthracite coal. Weighed on city scales and 'deliver ed and trimmed in the bins at the Specifications . C. Sten- { school. Also equipment for drafting room of the Oshawa Technical school, Plans and specifications may be seen at secretary's office. J. A. McGIBBON, Sec. Oshawa Board of Education (4-5-6) | Of the eight Presbyteries in the Dominion which have attained the highest record in giving towards the Missionary and Maintenance Fund, four are in the Saskatchewan Conference: Elrose and Regina. . Rev. H. D. Ranns, after a success- ful pastorate at Biggar, has accepted a unanimous call to Humboldt. A series of social functions have been held in honor of Mrs. Ranns, who has been an active worker in church and community circles. Mr. Ranns is at present on a business trip to his native Eogland, - ° i @pl 7 Also| M Kindersley, Saskatoon, |. PRETTY WEDDING AT ENNISHILLEN M. Wilson and Mary Lamb Are United in Marriage ' Enniskellen, July 3--On Saturday, une 29, a pretty lawn Weiding took place at the home of the bride's bro- ther, Lorne b, when Miss Mary Edna Lamb and Cecil M. Wilson of Nestleton were united in marriage. Rev. J. M, Whyte officiated. e Cecil E. bridal party stood under an arch of]. evergreens decorated with orange] blossoms and peonies. While the wedding' march was played by Mrs. Lorne"Lamb, the bride appeared leaning on the arm of her father, Mr. Wm, Lamb. She was lovely in a gown of peach silk crepe de chine trimmed with lace and wore a mohair hat, She carried.a bouquet of pink roses, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern, wearing the gift of the groom, a white gold wrist watch. The bridesmaid chose a light green silk crepe and mohair hat to match, wearing a white gold necklace, the ft of the groom and earrying a ouquet of pink roses and fern. The groom was. attended by S. Hutchison of Peterboro, The bride's table was decorated in pink with pink candles and pink peo- nies, with a large bride's cake in the centre. After the reception the happy cou- Pe motored to Goderich and Niagara alls. After their return they will reside at Nestleton. The groom's gift to the pianist was a white gold neck- lace and ta the groomsman a pair of gold cuff-links. Misses Helen and Wilma Ashton is visiting at their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Lindsey. Gordon Werry and Mr, and Mrs. R. Ormiston motored to St. Mary's to attend the Hepburn family picnie. Milton Werry of Oshawa spent a few days with G. Werry. Services on Sunday were withdrawn owing to anniversary. services at Hampton and Haydon. Wilbur Hutchinso#t and Dr. James Hutchinson, Winnipeg, called on old friends _here on Tuesday. Dr. Slemon and family, Bowman- evill, Miss Greta: Slemon, Mr. Rowe, ) | Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Slemon, | ¢ Toronto, visited J. Slemon. .. Walter Rickard, Newcastle, - visited W. J. Stainton, Sunday. . Miss Mari¢ Rundle, Ebenezer, vis- ited Lloyd Ashton and family. Miss Ethel Gilbert and friend visit- ed R. Gilbert and family. Miss Laura Andrew and Miss Myr- tle Brunt, Toronto, visited L. Brunt and family; . Mr. and' Mrs. Stanley Preston and family Miss Bernice Nesbitt, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gilders, Bow- manville, visited Mrs, Thos. Gilders. Mrs. J. M. Whyte and sons, Joc and Donald "Whyte, Kingston, are spending their holidays at the par- sonage. Wilbur. Dickinson is spending his holiday with Mr. Anderson, Hope, and Miss i Mr. Sproats and family, Canton, Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, and Ira Gravail, Oshawa, visited E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and fam- ily, Rochester, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster are visiting friends 'in Buffalo, Miss Mary E. Virtue, Toronto, vis- ited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Virtue. Miss Myrtle Amsbury and Miss Luella Stevens, - Oshawa, spent the week end with the. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, C. W. Scott spent the week-end at his home in Whitby. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Falls, Toronto, |: the week-end with James Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Rahm and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Wm. Thoms, Oshawa, Mrs. -L. Lyle," Midland, are visiting Mrs. G. Preston. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aunger and son, Stettler, Alta, visited Mr. and Mrs, T. McGill and called on old friends. Miss' M. Dalton returned to her home at East Templeton on Saturday. The pupils and teacher held a picnic on the school grounds and while playing a game of blind-man's-buff they surprised Miss Dalton with a few tokens of remembrance. Mr. and Mrs. Hack, Brooklyn, N.Y, who are enjoying a motor trip, visited their cousin, Mrs, T. Slemon. Mr. and Mrs, John Wotten and family, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Cartwrigh iss Elva Griffn, Toron- to, visited Wm. Griffin. Mrs, M. Spinks, Mr. and Mrs. E Darcey, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. -, Roy O'Neal and Miss D. O'Neal, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong, | ! Mr. and Mrs. O. Graham, Burketon, visited Jas. Freeborn. Miss Sutton, Toronto, Misses Min- nie and Ethel and Roy Webber, Bow- manville, Harold Allin, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wotten and fam- ily: visited Wm. Herring: Master Allen Ferguson held a par- ty on Tuesday after-noon in honor of his fifth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robbins and babe, and Master George Robbins{| have retyrned home to Rochester af- ter spending a week with his parents Mr, and Mrs, F. Robbins. m--eemelia---- And Helen Wills didn't appear stockingless to play tennis at Wimbledon after all. Nobody who really knew anything about that sensible young lady ever sup- posed she would, -- Detroit Satur. day night. : : * » A Spanish matador is said to have killed over 1,500 bulls:in 600 bull tights. Yet he is probably just the sort of: man who would get hot and botherd at a picnic if a wasp 'tried to share his fruit salad.--The Passing Show. : * \d td Ilford Corporation report a prof: it of £7459 on the electricity un- dertakings for 'the year, Dickinson is visiting, SOLINAPIONIE MUCH ENJOYED One of Guests Had His Car Oshawa By Solina, June 27.--Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto, visited Mrs, John Bakers. The Solina Young People held their picnic at Oshawa on the Lake at Lakeview Park with an attendance of 50. The day was ideal during the afternoon after a cloudy morn- ing. The following races were run off : Needle. and thread race won by Mrs. A. J. Reynolds (teacher) and Ernest Hockaday with prizes of whistle and shoe' trees, Wheelbar- row race won by Les Gibson and Myrtle Vice, prizes telephone and compact. Ladies' foot race, Evelyn Tink, talcum powder. Boys foot race, Hilton Tink, swan. Three legged race, Evelyn Tink and. Allan Balson, prizes comb and soft ball. After the sports a bounteous supper was served by the ladies. Some car thief got away with Mr, Allan Balson's car after the picnic at Lakeview Park. Mr. Balson-came up town and some one was mean enough to steal it while the driver was in a show. It has since been located in Toronto by the Osh- awa police. Mr. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera attended decoration services at Zion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor and Miss Lena Taylor visited Mrs. Er- nest Larmer, Blackstock. Miss Muriel Baker visited Mrs, Howard" Couch, Bethesda. 3 Mr. Jesse VanNest, Oshawa, vis- ited Mr. C. Howsam. Several of the women of the neigh- borhood had a scrubbing bee at the church on Tuesday preparatory to Mr. Abernethy painting the floor up- stairs. Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe spent Sunday in Harmony and Oshawa. = Mr. and Mrs. G. W. James, Wil« liam and Ruth, Mr. M. A. James, Miss 'E. Peardom, Bowmanville, Mrs, W. A. White and Mrs. J. A. Phil- lips, New York, visited A. L, Pas- oe. Miss Evelyn Tink visited Miss F, Ashton, Shaws. : Mr. and Mrs. Weir and Mrs, Harper, Brooklin, = Mrs. Lymer, Goderich, visited" Mrs. S: 'Shortridge, Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant, r. Fay Osgoode, Saxon's River, Ver- mont, recently visited at Mr. H, Hardy's and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil. bur. Miss uncle, Mr, ville. Division Court at Sons of Temper- 3nce Hall on Thursday evening, July th. Miss Vera Baker in Toronto with Mr. Les. Harris. a ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynolds, Misses Stella and Maude, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. H. Reynolds, Quebec, Mr. Frank Branton, Oshawa, visited 'Mr, Baker. oi A skunk, which has been, killing chickens, in every direction at So- lina, me# its finish at Mr, Harvey Hurdy's at dawn on Saturday morn- ing, it had taken 52 from Mrs. H, Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearce and Mr. Eric Pearce of Newcastle and Miss Florence Walkington' of Tor- onto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. McK. Penfound and Miss Hazel, Oshawa, visited W, T, Baker on Sunday. A few from Solina attended a pic- nic held at Mr. John: Balson's "on July 1st, in honor of Mr. Balson's sister, Miss Thompson of St. Mary's. Mr. and Mrs. "Thompson and daughter Maud, Mrs.» Will. Trick, Oshawa, called on friends. in Solina on Sunday morning on their way to Lockport. . Silo filling with sweet clover has commenced at Solina, Mr. S. E. Werry was kicked by' a horse on Tuesday morning. Haying is in- full swing at our burg. The crop being good around here. ? Sunday services at Eldad - were withdrawn last Sunday on account 'of anniversary at Hampton. Next Sunday services as' usual at Eldad. Nora Werry visited her M. E. James, Bowman-

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