Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 7

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 7 PAGE SEVEN ANY ATTEND THE ANNIVERSARY AT 'HAMPTON CHURCH 'Supper and Concert Monday Evening Were Most Successful + Hampton, July 2.--The Sunday ay in eonnection with the Hampton church anniversary were well attended, both morning and evening. Rev. W. R. Fletcher, of Oshawa, spoke very interesting- ty to the children, in the morning, also speaking to the adults in the vening. 2 The supper in connection with {ke anniversary services was largely attended. The tables were tastefully spread on the church lawn, and decorated with pink and green| streamers June roses and other flowers, The Hampton ladies catered. In the evening a full house at- tended the concert when the Hampton Dramatic Club presented the play, 'Sonny Jane." The splendid attention throughout the evening gave evidence of the ap- preciation of the audience, The cast of characters was: Peggy Foster, who runs the Fos- ter boarding house, Laura Virtue, Lucille Brander, a pretty neigh- bor, Isabel Campbell; Pansy, slow- est hired girl in the world, Ethel Stephens; Mrs. Amelia Spitzen- dorf, three times married and will- ing to try again, Mrs, W. Horn; Ruby Wade, who is engaged fn newspaper work, M, Pascoe; Nancy Wade, an unexpected visit- or, Mrs. Harold Salter; Sonny Jane Marguard, the little Miss who started the war, Ruth Johns; Charles Mitchell, the enemy, Fred Billett; Sam Streck, enemy num- ber two on whom Mrs. Spitzendor! has designs, Harold Salter; Larry Randolph, enemy number three, Hilton Peters; Freddie Beadle, the sheik of Orchard Centre, Laverne Clemens. The sports during the after- noon were 'held in the park when the Senior League Hampton Soft- ball team lost to Courtice. This game was followed by a contest between the junior teams of So- lina and Hampton softball teams which resulted in the defeat of the Solina team, The booth on the grounds un- der the management of the Hamp- ton Women's Institute supplied ice cream, candy and soft drinks, Among those who attended the _anniversary services and were en- tertained at the various homes were: --Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pas- coe, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Smith, and Mrs, Walter Cryderman and son, Allan, Enniskillen, at the home of F, J, Groat, Mr, Dickin- son and daughter, Norma, of Port Hope, at the home of T, Rowe; Mr, and Mrs. Lambert, Oshawa, at the home of A. E. Jenning; Mr, and P. Keralake,, Meg & LLL and Miss Greta Wic owmanville, at the home of Mrs. Bessie. Rob- W. | lees, bins; Mr, and Mrs, Dr. C, W, Sle- mon and family, Bowmanville, Mr. W. Staples and Miss F. Virtue, Tyrone, at the home of J. J, Vir- tue; Misses Ruth and Margaret McKessock, Soling, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Rundle, Solina, at the home of L. T. Pascoe; Mrs. Hordge, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Doidge and son, Toronto, at the home of W. Wilbur; Mrs.,J. Wil- lis, Toronto, at the h¥me of J. Colwill, Sr.; Misses Maud and Stel- la Reynolds, Bowmanville, at the home of A. Trull; Mr, and Mrs, G. Wilkinson, of Toronto, at. the home of I. Trull; Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Willis, Toronto, at the home of C. John; Miss Blanche Cryder- man, Toronto, Mr. Albert Allin, Toronto, at the home of A. B. Cry~ derman; Mr, Foley, Maple Grove, at the home of C, W. Souch; Mr. and Mrs, Ray Wilbur and family, Toronto, at the home of G., Ed- cock; Mr, and Mrs, H. Tink and family, Mr, and Mrs. McKessock, Solina, at the home of Mrs, Mar- garet Pascoe; Miss B. Sargent, Bowmanville, teaching staff, Mr, and Mrs, F, W, Bowen, Newcastle, Mr. W. Davey, Orono, at the home of Jas. Curtis; Mr, and Mrs, H. Wonnacutt at the parsonage; Mr. and Mrs, E, Smirtwaite and daugh- ter, Jean, Toronto, at the home of E., L. Willilamson; Mr, and Mrs. Theophilis Salter, Mimico, at the home of F. G, Kerslake; Mr. and Mrs. Wood and family, Bowman- ville, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Wil llams and babe, Solina, at the home of Reeve Williams; Mr, and Mrs, W, R, Ranton and daughter, Margaret, and Mrs, Jno. Ranton, Trenton; Mr, 'and Mrs, L, Robbins and babe, Leskard, at the home of Mrs, W. Virtue; Miss B. Leach, Oshawa, with her sister, Miss W. Leach; Mr. and Mre, Jno, Yellow- Solina, Misses Marie and Aura Rundle, Bowmanville, and Mr, Bray, Enfield, at the home of E. Horne; Mr, and Mrs. Dr, Da- vies, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Edger and Rosina, Courtice, at the home of H, W, Wilcox; Mr, and Mrs, L, Craig and babe, Maple Grove, Mr, and Mrs. Howdon, To- ronto, a tthe home of H, Clayton; Miss, Carrie Smale, Rochester, at home; Mr, and Mrs. Morley Has- tings and family, Toronto, Lorne Hastings and friend, Philadelphia, Frank Hastings, Peterboro; Miss Muriel Moore, Enniskillen, visited C., W. Hastings; Mr,. and Mrs, Milton Wilcox and Mrs, Densem, Bowmanville, visited T. W. Wil- Cox. The Misses Philip and friends, Toronto, visited W, Craig. Mr. and Mrs, T. McGill, Ennis- killen, visited L. Pascoe, C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, visited his sister, Mrs, M. Goodman, Misses Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Williams, Oshuwa, visited A. Peters, ! Mr. and Mrs, P. Hills, Toronto, visited L, Allan, Dr, Jabez Elliott and daughter, Miss Nora Kerslake, Toronto, vis- ited C. J. Kerslake, Mr, and Mrs. L, Pascoe, Toron- to, Mr, and Mrs. R, Metcalfe and family, Maple Grove, visited A. Trenouth, Mrs, Mary Rundle, Maple Grove, vishal W. G. Doidge. "Ruth Ferguson, Toronto, visited at-her home, The mellow smoothness and appetizin of Gold. Me it the choice of women Rich with Flavour and Fragrance fragrance Teamake Miss 8, Virtue, Toromto, spent the week-end and holiday at home. Mrs. E. Holtby, Manchester, vis- ited her father, L. Williamson, who is 111, Miss Nancy Johns, teaching staff, is at home, vr, and Mrs, R, Hall, Oshawa, visited G. White, Mrs. Braund, Oshawa, visited Clifford Colville, Mrs. Fanny Clarke, Mrs. Joll, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Reynolds and | Gloves, family, Toronto, visited L, Cryder- |u, man, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Wood and family, Orono, visited L, Johns, Stanley Cowling returned home on Saturday from Bowmanville Hospital, where he recently had an operation for mastoiditis. Bloyd Wilcox had the misfor- tune to have his eye hurt, while playing at school, and had to have medical attention from Dr, Sle- mon, NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY HAS FINE MEETING Closing Meeting of Season Faatured by Excellent Musical Program STOMACH PAINS? sts gtos "Fruit-a-tives" will sid after and Hence, of, pals Toronto, Tat Dawe write! these ills wess o A ! "Fruit-a-tives" acts tem. Gently snd from tract. It awakens live, the whole pro, g Mr. Kenneth Pearce of the Bank of Commerce, Port Perry is spending his holidays at his home here. ; Mr, and Mrs. Mervin M, Morrison, Mr, and Mrs, H, C, Hurlburt of Osh- awa, spent Sunday, with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, F, Spencer and attended the anniversary services, Mr, Parnaby Martin, Laverne and Archie, were recent Jassts of Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Beaty of Port Hope, A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's pas- ents, Mr, and Mrs. George E. Han- cock, Ward St. Port Hope, on Wed- nesday last, at" 4.30 pm, when their elder daughter, Muriel Beatrice Ellen, was united in the holy bonds of ma- trimony to Clarence John Norman Al- lin, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Allin of Newcastle, Rev. G. A. Sisco of the Port Hope United Church officiated. The bride Ne ~Miss weastle, June 29 iss Dorothy hk eB hag People of Kedron Sun- day School held their regular month- ly 'meeting at the home of Rev. J, Clugston, Columbus, on Friday cven- ing, June the twenty-cighth, After the otional exercises and business The Youn, meeting, the evening was spent at a number of enjoyable contests and games, Refreshments were served about midnight and after cxpressing their appreciation of the evening's entertainment the assembled Young people departed for their homes. sual services at Kedron church on Sunday next in connection with which the regular Communion will be ob- served, Mr, and Mrs, H, F, Werry and Miss Bernice were at Ashburn on Sunday. Miss Bernice Werry assist- ed with the music in connection with the church anniversary services there. VESTRIS KEPT IN THOROUGH REPAIR Company's Books Show -Sunken Liner Was in London, July 4, -- Owners and agents of the Lamport and Holt liner Vestris, which sank off the Virginia Capes last November with great loss of life, kept the boat in a "thorough and constant state of excellent repair, as evidenced by an examination of their repair book," G. P, Langton, attorney for Lam- port and Rolt and Sanderson and The evidence showed, he said; that surviving officers constantly F.| kept their proper watch and had complete confidence in their cap- tain taking proper measures to save the ship. "My clients are sorry and great- ly regret that two officers should have taken the view that it was necessary to go behind the backs of Lamport and Holt and make af- fidavits in New Pork," Langton said. 'My clients are not bitter with these officers on this account, These men made their affidavits because far-seeing gentlemen in New York saw that affidavits in any inquiry would be useful. No man has ben dismissed from the Lamport and Holt service for tell- ing the truth, Those who deft the service did so simply because they wanted to." 'BETHESDA PERSONALS Bethesda, June 29.--Miss Elsie Oke of Ebencezer is holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs, Rundle, Miss Margaret Hooper of Toronto is visiting her. sister, Mrs, T. A; Wer-~ ry. Voir. and Mrs, Wallace Miller were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Carruthers of Salem, : Miss Muriel Baker of Solina and Mrs. W. J. Bragg of Bowmanville are spending a week at the home of How- ard Couch. Miss . Winnifred Cole and W, A. Gilbert motored from Toronto on Sunday .and were entertained by T, J. Cole and family, You will derive far more - satisfaction from SALADA than you will from cheap 'teas "SALADA" 'Fresh from the gardens' "wh TEA px INVINCIBLE OLIVES, PLAIN OR STUFFED, GIVE YOU MORE INTEREST IN THE GOOD THINGS TO COME Ragen of Toronto is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. John Douglas. The Young People's Society brought the season to a close on Mon day svening with one of the finest rograms of the year. The President iss' Elizabeth Hancock, welcome the guests and chief entertainers of the evening. The Bowmanville Chor- al Club, under the capable direction of Mr, Francis Sutton, The numbers provided by this musical society were widely varied, and all exceedingly well 'given.' In addition to the chore uses, quartets were sung by Misses Marion and Winnifred Rickard and Stanley Rickard and Clare Allin, "Juanita"--Bernice Bellman, Dorothy Allin, Greta Pollard, Marguerite Armstrong. "I Love Thee, Lord Je- sus," Bob Corbett, Kenneth Morris, Dorothy Allin, Greta Pollard, "In Heavenly Love Abiding," Ducts Ken- neth Morris, Bob Corbett, "Drifting O'er Life's Sea," Greta Pollard and Dorothy Allin, "Whispering Hope." Mr, Sutton contributed a beautiful violin selection accompanied by Mrs. Sutton. The selections provided by the Choral Club were highly appre- ciated and they will be very cordially welcomed on another visit. The topic was very ably given by the president, "Hymns of the Old Re- vival," A reading, "Just Keep Plug- fing Along" by George Sparrow. Mr ack Green, CN.R, who added so greatly to the Sunday services with cornet playing, made another hit with his audience on Monday evening when he recited "Twins" and "A Hol¢ in the Wall" Rev. W, P, Rog- ers then mounted the platform and {opducied a series of interesting Bi- e riddles, The last item on this program was the serving of ice cream and cake in liberal quantities, after which the League Benediction was re- cited aloud, Mr. Chas, - Moise, Bell Telephone Co., Toronto, spent the week end at home, Fn Jessie Brock of Trento visit- ed her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Parnell, * Mrs. Tillie Taylor celebrated her birthday on Wednesday. Her sister, Mrs, Brodie, and her sister-in-law, Mrs, Montgomery, came from Toron- to to be with her on the happy oc- casion, . Miss Elizabeth Hancock is spend- ing her school holiday behind the counter in Mr, A, E. Mellow's Drug Store, a nice change from class room work. The village and community offer congratulations Mr, Clarence Allin and bride nce Miss Muriel Han- cock, Miss Olive Thome of Toronto, was a week end guest of her friend Mi Ethel Lockhart, Mrs. Thos Clemence underwent a successful operation in Toronto on Monday for the removal of two goi- res. Mr, and Mrs. W. C, Allin of Bow- manville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. F, Rickard, Rev, and Mrs, M. E. Wilson of Havelock were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. "W, Glenney. _ Mr, Williams of Trenton is visit- ing his daughter, Mrs, Percy Hare, - Miss Cooke and assistants from the university settlement of Toronto have been at Copper Beach since Friday getting things in readiness for the re-opening of the Camp next week. Mr, and Mrs, P. O, Neil were the host and hostess to a number of week-end visitors including Mr, and Mrs. Young and their son-in-law and daughter and three children, of Nap- anee. Mr, Gordon McDonald of Col- bourne, and lady friend of Brighton, Mrs, Ray Keech and son Kenneth of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Col- lins Bay, and Mr. and Mrs, Vallan of Danforth, OSHAWA FOLKS By W. H. Kam A WOMAN WHO WILL DELIBERATELY PICK. HER HUSBANDS POCKETS --- U JUST A MINUTE. You LITTLE VITAMINEY PICKING ALL DONE -\F A WOMAN WOULD BEFORE THEY STA SE care in selecting those your health depends. on whom Use care to pre- serve that health. Use our reputation as your guarantee for having accuracy in prescriptions. PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI SHE'D WAVE HER. THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE ; unattended, drawing room on the arm of her father to the strain of Lohengrin's Wedding March, played by Morley Hancock, brother of the bride, She looked charming in a beige georgette d | and lace ensemble with matching mo- hair hat and carried a sheaf of but- terfly roses, lily-of-the-valley, and forget-me-nots, During the 'signing of the register music was rendered by three of the bride's brothers. A buffett luncheon was served following the reception to about fifty guests, after which the bride and groom left for a trip to Quebec and points east. On their return they will reside on the farm at Newcastle, Mrs, D, Campbell from Alberta, who has been. visiting her sister, Mrs, Pearce, is now visiting some of her late husband's pcople near Chatham. Miss Evelyn Tink of Solinia has been spending a few days as the guest of Miss Florence Ashton, RETIRING KEDRON TEAGHER HONORED Miss L. G. Dearborne Pre- sented With Ivory Toilet Set Kedron, July 2.--Congratulations to Misses Elda Mountjoy and Jean Love who were successful in the recent ex- aminations at Oshawa Collegiate In- gtitute, On Saturday afternoon, June ths twenty-ninth the pupils of Penman's School in company with a few of the ex-pupils held a picnic in honour of Miss £. G. Dearborne, who has been teacher of the school for the past four years. At half-past three, after a number of enjoyable games, the gathering was called together for a short concert consisting of the Chair- man's address from Miss duet by Misses Elva Penman and Jean Love; recitation by Raymond Gimblett and speeches by isses Doris Annis and Wilma Werry. Miss Florence Love, then, read the follow- ing address: Dear Miss Dearborne-- : We, the pupils of Penman's School, on hearing of your resignation, felt pass, without letting you know that we deeply regret your departure from our midst. In the past four years, wc have ever found you, as our teacher, willing to help each and every onc of us with our difficulties at any time. Although, it may not always have ap- peared so, we have and do sincerely appreciate your fine work in our school, and we feel that we are suf- fering a great loss in your departure. However, in your new field of teach- ing, we wish you the very best of success, We would ask you to ac- cept this small gift as a token of our esteem for you, and at the same time, we assure you that the pupils of Per- eman's school will always cherish a fond memory of you. Signed on behalf of the school, Helen Hutchings Doris Cook Morley Terwillegar At the proper moment Master Roy Pereman presented Miss Dearborne with an ivory toilet set, Miss Dcar- borne thanked them briefly with a few well-chosen words. Then all cir- cled around her singing "For She's a Find Good Fellow." Later, while isses Wilma Werry and Jean Love ably entertained the small children, the others enjoyed a e of soft- ball. The afternoon's fun was com- pleted by a bountiful supper served on Mrs. Gordon: Scott's lawn, A number from. here attended the Garden Party at Hampton on Mon- day, July the first. oe 75) James Love, Joliet, Illinois, has been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. E, Love. Mr, and Mrs, H, J. Davis and son, Cecil of London, Ont.,, Mr, R. Stevens and Miss Ella Stevens of Oshawa and Miss Lily Stevens, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, H, T. Cole and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Love and fam- ily and Mrs, James Love attended Greenbank Anniversary services on Sunday and. while there visited Mu. and Mrs. Blake Craigg. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and daughter Lorraine spent the weck- end with other friends on a motor wp to the Rideau Lakes. {iss Willa Bishop of Carp has been engaged ag teacher for Max- well's school during the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. H, F. Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batty, Brooklin. Miss Dorcas Macfarland of Myrtle visited with Miss Bernice Werry over ( the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice and sop, Murray, and Miss Luella Hep- bwa wars in Toronto wagt weak, C. Wragg; al' that we could not let this occasion |: Sons, New York commercial agents for thel ine, said yesterday in re- suming his two-day sneech at the Board of Trade inquiry. aa Mr, and Mrs, Herman Gray 'and Miss Evelyn Gray motored from Hamilton and were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Everton White, "INVI OLIVES NCIBLE iN NAME AND IN QUALITY'® McLARENS LimiTep - HAMILTON, ONT. VALUES & This list of fine special values will be helpful in making up your summer menus. Visit ybur nearest Dominion Store, where you will find a great variety of finer quality summer foodstuffs at lowest prices. BRAESIDE BRAND BUTTER The Finest Obtainable MAYFIELD BRAND BACON Machine Sliced wm 35° PURE SEVILLE ORANGE Marmaladeres x23 ESSEX MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS zee. 25 ». 19 "TASTY" BRAND 30x. Jar 13e 'Mayonnaise a6. COOK'S FRIEND Reg. 3% Baking Powder: 25 KRAFT McLAREN CHEESE DOMINO BRAND Golden Corn e.:m 18 DOMINO BRAND TOMATOES 2%..°29- COMFORT Cream or Small Pkt. 14¢ Pimento pargePkt.24¢ LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP SOAP 3 cue 20- [| 10 Ban 49- usr GRAPE JUICE Be. 32¢ Miku PEACHES 2 s-oz.Tine 23¢ CERTO = Bde. 20¢ BLUE ROSE RICE 35%, 3 Ibs. 25¢ RICE KRISPIES 2 rks. 25¢ in JELLY POWDERS 4 Pkt. 23¢ MILLIONAIRE SARDINES Tin 17¢ Gillette Razor Blades 3 rku. §1 KELLOGG'S WARM WEATHER _ _ POST Slo | oC < & SH Rolls - / 3 tor 10e PALM OLIVE 5, ~ Soap 3 Cakes 23¢ "CLEANS EVERYTHING" Pkg. Charm eo 0 He HAND CLEANER Tin Snap ..... 15¢ P & G THE WHITE NAPTHA Soap 10 Bars 39¢ DURHAM Pkg. Corn Starch . . 10¢ IODIZED OR FREE-RUNNING Pkg. Salt LJ \ L ] LJ L] * 10c PUFFED Pkt. Rice ®e eo oo oo oo oo 1% Toasties 2 Pkts. 21¢ FRY'S 14-1b, Tin Cocoa . .... 25¢ Zidb. Tin sa vvrnnssvase vile FLIT : 8-0r. Th Fly Spray . . . 43 S. 0. S. PAD CLEANER 14: 223 SMALL PKT. Delicious Iced Drinks Iced Tea Dominion Stores' own Richmello | Blend Tea makes a delicious iced fj + drink served with a dash of lemon. n "ge Iced Co A soothing, cooling drink for | warm days. Try a glass of Rich. mello Iced Coffee, our own | famous blend. In sealed tins only. . 59 DOMINION STORES LIMITED "OUR ADDRESS IS EVERYWHERE" 206000600000 060060606 0000000 000006092006 0600000000e606006006000 0066080080806

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