Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 ---- 0 » S811citor, Nass, aig 3 oney to A be 4 is, of Phone 67. Residence 08W. sisters, stc. Money to Inan. Bldg. Opposite Pust Office. Phone 2614. A. J. Parkhill, A, C. H. Feld. sisters, Solicitors, etc. 24% Sime cos St. N. Phone 3160, her ts Medical BA ras. Spemsl , Obstetrician, Speci: ort to maternity work and di- "seases of women. Two years' post e, Office and resi- 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) hone 303. : (119-¢f) Accoucher, Office and resi- King St. East, corner Victoria S a. Phooe ; Surgeon, Obsetrician, diseases of infants childr Office and O00 Bond East. Phone 1155. F | good loam, 7-roomed house, good | barn, 1 84000, '| must be sold, See A, C, List, 26 Apply 169 Gibbs St, our and your interests © IS and Land Co Local agmiy for ons § companies. - [he Minar ompanict, Oh Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. ther § : rg ry pri To- to or all ean Ovhewe ednesdny, 2" Simcoe ut North. Phone 2754F, (129-tf) ransportation CARTA . sand and cinders, Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F. Smith snd Cox, 44 Bond St. w. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOK- | 1 age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to and from sll trains. = ¢ } (6426) » AL A distance. Also sand and gravel. Cunningham, 121 Albert St, Phone 1835. (June 3-1 mo) OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. ¥rank Cowle, Prop. 65 Fark Rd. South. Phone 216. (June 15-1 mn) TRUCKING AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance hauling. Prompt gervice. Reasonable prices. Me- | Nevin, Gilmour and Gardner, 297 L. BR. OC P. and S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obatstric- 1an, Office 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3030, residence 161 King St. KE. Phone 2156, (Des, 31t1) list in surgery. Office 143 Sim- a street North. Residence 166 cos Street. North, Residence 11 Brock St. B, Phone 3020, be a rv tht 4 > 0. P,-& 8. Edioburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity ork and dis- esses of children. Office and 'eeid- ence, 185 Simcoe Sv. North. Phone 3107. (tf) y t ialist o To 1 West, Toronto, will Street West, Toron Lh R Fi be »® his r Jury 's rug Shoe pos Juv & from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment eases of ear, nose and throat 'only, Appointments may be made at store. Phone 97. (49-tf) 7 Ew, "Nose and Throat I. » OFFI over llitchell's Drug Store, Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6. Evenings by appointment, Office phone 2660. Residence. ¢32J. (otf) ervous is "gervous mental and Juctless nd diseases, Office and resid- ehce Uxbridge phone 133, Be Dental . 8 J. , OVER BAS- sott's. Special attention to X-Ray work, Gas eztraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 959. A 87 King street east, Alser building. Phone 3860. Evenings by appoiat- ment. J (48t1) A k. 9 north, ayer Mitchell's D: as for extraction. Phone 54. L. L. DENTIST, Nitrous pxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, . Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948. residence. 1378M. e do BN i L138 Simcoe St. N., ever Dewland's. Phone 1957, Res. 292W. Evenings by appointmert. (July 9t* BE W. TL CIFFORD, OFFICE OFFIC nt Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. ce 66Y. 66-tf Ea LANGMATD: "DR. DAViES, Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at- - tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse {in attendance. Phones 1243 and 331. (9Bee) eterinary Surgeon HIRLEY, NARIAN, t diseases domestic animals, H 203 Kin (568 Store. west. Phone 629. Archit S -- k. Second floor, Jebitestural wor! ootd Roos one 909]. S (8-tf) soclate architects, Simcoe Qver Felt Bros. 5 RG A Simooe 'Morth. Phones 310] St. 8 (8681) Bruce otpset. Ambulance Plone 0083, a Es) Festubert street, Phone 2491J: (June 24 1 mo) MOBILES TO Te Th models, by mile or trip. Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 Kiig St, West. . (June 27 1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY 1,00 PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave '$7.50 and $100 Autonsatic machipe. 1 Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shep, Marcel and sham- poo $1, Phone 2068, (34th) A N'S R AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. MARC work done, T75c. Powder Furl Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3061, © (104-tf) Money to Loan FA LOANS, PRO- ress ioans arranged. Parkhill & Field. Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. (49tf) (June 105-1 mo) ' Cl iL | 1598 REL. TUR try. Goods called for, Phone 2060m $600 Phone (1c) % 5 A and conveniences, garage. buys it. No balance, 2376W. creek and piggery, stock and machinery. All Owing to sickness this King East. TTS tf) touring car for sale, in good con- dition, "24, Party is leaving oli: -C IX-ROOM . pardwood floors, chestnut trim, nearly new; bargain for quick sale, for appointment or apply 240 Drew Owner leaving town. Phone 2630W Street, (Tues. Wed. Thurs tf) TOR SALBE--COTTAGE, BOW- manville West Beach: five rooms, furnished complete, garage, boat- house and boat. Apply Box 61, Times. (2-d) aD LL - Work Wanted RE-UFTIOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order, We save you money. Estimates free. G ne stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone . (56tf) A A for and delivered 75c. 1f rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill steeet. Phone 880W. June 7 1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE- livered 75e¢, rental 25c. Entire electrical system of car overhauled and repaired, Prices reasonrble. Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3112W or 3078J. (June 6-1 mo) CONTRACTING -- CONC RETE, plastering, electric or alterations. 'Phone 139 for estimates. 3 > (June 5-1 mo.) ~-- RETE cellar floors. sidewalks, driveways, and foundatjons. For prices 'phone 2873W. J. Pidgen, 97 Colborne St. E. (13240) Hemstitching ABMSTITCHING, NINE. CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs. Dell, 26% Simcoe soyth, Phone 1656. : (June 14-1 mo) ___Wantes to Buy MRSJ , Di IN of. metals. Buyiag 03, old cars and poul. | Residence 99 Mill St, (134t2) WANTED--CABIN TRUNK. State particulars and price. Box 1 Oshawa Daily Times. (13-2) "For Sale or Kent FOR "SALE OR TO RENT-- Store and six roomed dwelling with all conveniences, Garage, Ap- ply 31 Elgin B. Phone 1686J, (1431) FIVE-ROOMED FRANE HOUSE. Apply Ed. Wade. Phone 1938 r12, (1-1) FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW SIX- roomed house: hardwood floors, all conveniences, wired for stove, garage. This is a bargain as party is leaving city. Phone owner, 1918. (3+c) 'Watch Repairing nting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA- perhanger, painting and graining. rices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine .Ave., phone 3003w or 2067w., (72tf) 00DW "A A IONS furniture repaired. Palnting by job or hour. 735 Cedar street. Phone Z4561J. : (June 17 1 mo) F. A" VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at i4 King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited. (20tf) Awnings AWNINGS, PORCH verandah curlains, cans T, Taylor, Tor- Even- (77tt) WINDOW awgings, opy tops installed. onto, Oshawa phone 1053. 25TW. uilding Supplies OR 8! 3 AVEL, stone and black loam. $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phon: HEgsery Bros. 332 ring 11. (tf) N. OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS. Phone 15754. Cement blocks, 8.0, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and stones, (June 20-1 mo.) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery dato. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-t1) "Radio Service RADIO SERVICE aND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re. aired at moderate prices. Char- es Wales, Phone 1046). (June 8-1 mo) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS, GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs ell kinds cars. Special yijentiog to bumping and welding, Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (107t) Cam Motor Cars FOR SALE--EXCELSIOR MOTOR Cycle with side' car, Good running order. $175 cash, Apply 535 Albert Street. a (2h) FOR SALE -- OLDSMOBILE touring, A-1 condition; a real buy. 26 Gladatone Ave. (2-0) STA FOR SALE. ab 2-¢) city, R week; Apply 39 Ontarig Street. ply 17 Ritgorr Road, North. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3 MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, §3.50eper load. - Also bone dr body wocd. Watérous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS, MOST complete stock ia Oshawa, Murfitt and Park. §2 Simcoe St. 8. (661) FOR SALL--HEINTZMAN CO. Lid, pianos: new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terws arcanged. Apply C. Tryll. Phone 1656J. (111-tf) 8) 5 for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order, Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (te) , --BAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam; dump truck service; moderate prices. Phone 1778). Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St, (July 2-1 mo.) FOR SALE--ONE BOOR CASE and one bed complete. . Also other ar- ticles, Apply 10474 'Alma Street, @) &C FOR SALE -- REFRIGERATOR Two wire shelves, 18 deep, 26 wide, 44 high. Phone 774; (2b) F A -- Pandey Dise tractor Hitch, Huy Peddler six and géven foot bind- ers; also other machinery, Apply H. Pawson, 560 Simcoe St. North. Massey. Hargis. .ageat, Phone 14DB Tc. bomen timation. onset moi, Gl) ) FOR SALE--CASH REGIBTER and adding machine, combination; must be sold tonight; used six months; cost two-[ifty; sale price ninety-five dollars. 26 Church St. (2-b) FOR 8 -=~BARNETT KITCH- en cabinet and Happy Thought coal and wood stpve, both practic- ally new. Phone 2772W, or 22 Simcoe St. South. (1-0) CONTENTS OF HOUSE FOR Sale including piano bench and lamp. Apply Box 63 Times. (3¢) FOR SALE 1929 ROGERS BAT. teryless radio and speaker. Bargajn for cash. Phone 2464. (3¢ FOR SALE ELECTRIC WASHING machine. Cheap. Phone 2464), (3¢) BICYCLE FOR SALE IN GOOD condition; will sell cheap. Apply 204 Oshawa Blvd. (3b) FOR -SALE---6-PIECFE KITCHEN suite, 1 cook stove (coal and wood), 1 orthophonic Victrola and piano. Apply 321: King Street, West. Phone 8264W. (3-¢) A BELL PIANO FOR SALE IN good condiion, also 50 ft, of gar- den hose; sacrifice; owner leaving Phone 360 r 3, (3-e) Room and buard ROOMS AND BOARD, $8 PER rooms only $2.50 and up. (June 7-1Tymo.) RU 4 Private home. Home privileges. Ap- ply 344 Athol street east. (146L1) FIRST CLASS ROOM AND board for gentlemen; all convemi- ences: central; also garage. 2% (2-¢ 510 Front Street. Pets and Live Stock BABY CHICKS, FOR 1 i- ate delivery frem Canada's oldest and greatest laying strains. White Wyandottes and White Leghorns, We were first in Canada to adver: tise and ship chicks. Safe arrival guaranteed. Wyandottes 18¢ each. | Leghorns 15c each: apy nuniber. Large catalogue freo. Fisher Poul- try Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, Oun- tario. \ : i FOR SALE -- TWENTY-FIVE fresh milkers and springers. Apply F. J. Clemens. Phone 1088 r 1-2. (153¢) SALE WHITE TRON bed and springs, drosser and wash stand, Apply 114 Albert St. St. East. ) 1617M. ( W elding : ACETYLENE WELDING AND Brazing. All kind of metals, We St. West, ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY breakfast if desired. Apply 161 Col- borne St. E, i BUSINESST OR OFFICE (3c) MAN d board near Mo- sidential section, Phone 191 may have room tors and town. ADD OX SECON NDB UR- uiture. t aud lour ) have the best welder in city. Workmanship guaranteed. $2 Kin (June 27-1 mo (3-a) "Cleaning and Pressing U and dyers, the place for altera- tions and repairs, Phone 509..12% King West. Above Cannings Men's Wear. (June 24 1 mo) - ' -- A the .bite. Put it on and scare them away. 15c, 25c and 50c per box Try our famous Blood Mixture. Also Asthma Remedy. The dollar bottles that gives the million dol- lar feeling. Guaranteed pure herbs. Obtainable only from proprietor, Goulding; 23 Prince St. Old Del Ray Bus Station, Oshawa. Juge 24 1 mo) price. Analy Box 63 T. a Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT SUMMER cottage on lake at or near Oshawa. Apply Box 60, Times, (2-c) WANTED TO REN ed house with all conveniences, by August 1st or earlier. Phone 535M, (3-2) For Exchange C - furnished cottage on Lake Scugogz, at Williams Point, + for second mortgage. Inquire at 4 Bond St. West. Phone 2780. (2-¢) GOOD HOUSE IN NORTH END Oshawa to exchange on a farm 25 to one hundred acres. State Jocation & imes. » Ww house. posgession. Perry.' (3-1) Position Wanted A. JOUNG ENGLISH WOMAN : | wants daily work, Gc) | tax, Phone 245 For Sale or Exchange A good kitchen range Westinghouse electric range. Good as new, i ' 2464 hone fl (3c) DAIRY FARM: 9 Barn 90x30 cement floors, Passed for shipping milk, Good 7.roomed house, 26 acres alfalfa. Well fenc. ed. Price $6000 subject to $3000 mortgage. Would rent or exchange Situated 2 north of Port Perry on main road. Immediate Edwin Jennings, Port Sew or wash- il oe (2-0) \ {TO RENT--2 wits in V Apts, 301 'St, South. Apply to Mr. Grier, Phone 29897. (24t0) TWO ROOMB'TO LET, FURNISH ed. Every convenience, suitable for light housekeeping, - 211 Clarke St. Phone 1473J. 141t0) on Bimcoe St. 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished, Central. Apply Bradley Bros, office. (1424) TO RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms. Electric plate. All conveni- ences. Also a garage. 140 Tylor Cres, Phone 774W, (152d) HOUSBKEBE PING ROOM TD rent, with all conveniences. Apply 211 Simcoe Street S, (1-8) TO RENT--FURNISHED BED pitting room, suitable for two' breakfast, or light. house-keeping if desired; all conveniences, 256 Court Street. Phone 2756J. (1.¢) LARGE FRONT ROOM TO RENT, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 3211W. 230 Drew St. (1+) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO, $1 per week. Phone 1412), Call 869 Pine Avenue. (1-c) FOR RENT -- TW RI rooms suitable for light housekeeping at 312 Kingsdale Ave, Phone Iaiow. C FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE, All conveniences, Garepe: Possession July 21st. Apply 260 Athol. (2¢ > ; Of | three light housekeeping rooms with arage. Continuoys hot water, newly vib oR ten minutes from downs town, Reasonable. Box 59 Times. (2c) CHOICE APARTMENT TO LET All conveniences. . Immediate posses+ sion, Baird Block. Phone 460 a hardwood floors, newly decorated, close to Motors. July 25. Adults. Apply 263 Haig Street. (2-¢) FURNISHED FLAT TO RENT. Apply 282 Golf St. Phone s8as). (2c) COTTAGE TO RENT AT WIL: liams Point, Lake Scugog, for last two weeks of July. Apply to A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville, or at Williams Point Phones p (2-4) met-------- te -------------------- TO RENT-----HOUSE, ALSO ROOMS furnished, Apply 240 Eulalle Ave- nue. (2b) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED room, in good locality. Phone 2382W, (2-¢) .|very reasonable. Suit two room- ers. Apply 102 Mary St. (2-b) TO RENT---TWQO OR THREE partly furnished or unfurnished rooms, water, light and use of 'phone, close in. 236 Dearborn Avenue. (3-b) FURNISHED apartments, also furnished rooms, cheap; very central; all conveni- ences; suitable for light house- keeping. 82 King St. W, (2-c) TO RENT---NEW BRICK HOUSE: 4 rooms, kitchenette wired for electric stove, all conveniences. 135 Albert St. Apply 131 Albert St. to owner, Isabella Mills, (2-0) ROOMS TO RENT--BOARD IF desired. Apply. 137 Ritson Road South. (3b GARAGE TO RENT, Willam St. East. Fi RENT~AT ARMS GPT, Lake Seugog, one. five-room furnished cottage for last three weeks in July, Aprly W, E. Armstrong, Bowman ville, Ont. Phienc 321. (3b) FOR RENT-THREE ROOMED furnished flat. Phone #52w, (Ja) TOR: -~THREE ROOMED apartment, hot water, heated electric stove, etc, $35. per month, Apply Beaton's Dairy, King St. West. ct (3-5-7) TO RENT---THREE UNFURNISH- ed reoms. Apply 72 Ritson Road S. : Je) iH- New APPLY 132 (3c) T-- EU ed rooms, All conveniences, house. No children. 337 Division St, Phone 3011W. (3-2) FOR RENT--APARTMENT, ONE four and ome three rooms, new, private entrance, central, all con- veniences, rent reasonable. 26 Church or 'phone 2323. (3-¢) Help Wanted-- L THE Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every car a rospect. Endorsed by Ontario otor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 40, 70 Lombard, Torountv, enced Digman for bod: and fender work. Good wages and steady work. Apply Stratford Auto Bedy, 152 St, Patrick 8t, Stratford, Phone Stratford 14377. . 133th) PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GR . ing Cards--agents wanted to take prders for the finest line ever shown in Canada, Regal Art Co. Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto. ; TINSMITH WANTED ANCE. Apply Goodfellow and Welsh. Peter. rough, Ontario. : (Je! with checking and specification ex- perience on small mechanical 'electrical apparatus. Apply De- Forest Crosley Limsited, 245 Carlaw Avenue, Toronto after 9 A.M. En. glueering Department'y . .(3-b) ) { continued, Ex erionced, preferred. A nh Bhoe Co. (nS Ee DUEL 0! rs, Jame - NO noid S. 1 Jamey foe a) » eneral office work. 0 Apply Dr. undle. (2+! b) at least three years' experience, at hand work and at folding ma- chines. Apply at once to W. H. Wager, Mundy Printing Co. (3-b) AL A - parlor maid to go to Muskoka. Ap- ply 261 Simcoe St. N.,, Oshawa, (3-¢) ""Felp Wanted ADE BY OUR s Greeting Card agents in their share time, Write us for particulars today. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadina Ave, Torono. and ---- N ' between C.P.R. and King St. Re- ward. Finder please return to Police Station, (1-¢) Will the gentlemen in whose car a suit of clothes was left en route from Toronto to Bowman- ville on July 1st. please 'phone Pickering 1403, or write H, W. Boyes, RR. No, 1, Pickering, (1-c¥ TOST----CLUB BAG, ON RO. AD BE- tween Taunton and Five Points Mon- day night. Liberal reward on return to Henry Scott, Taunton. (2c) 2 Personal Christ Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--AT SULLEY'S sale vard at 41 King St. West, Oshawa, Friday July 5, 1929, of the following furniture: one piece oak dining room suite, tables, chairs, wicker chairs, beds com- plete, Quebec cooker, pictures; other things too numerous to men- tion, Sale at 1,30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Any person wishing to put articles in this sale please notify W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. Phone 716), (2-b) PECULIAR COLONY GAINS VICTORY Attempts by State to Break up Colony Detroit, Mich, July 4.~When the Michigan supreme court ruled that the House of David colony at Benton Harbor was legally entitled to prac- tice its religious beliefs and conduct its community life accordingly, its de cision was a complete victory for the colony. The state had sought dissolution of the colony and banishment of "Queen Mary Purnell, consort of the founder of the cult, and had been victorious in the circuit court, The which almost since its inception more than 25 years ago had been harasscd by lawsuits and criminal. charges, took the case to the supreme court on an appeal, It gencrally was conceded that the supreme court decision meant the end of any further attempt by the state to break up the colony, There was but one reservation in the higher court's decision~=there must be no violation of an anti-nuisante injunc. tion issued against the cult, Numerous profitable enterprises ope brated by the cult, including farms, baseball teams, an amusement park and Benton Harbor buildings, may be and the colonists must fight it out among themselves as to the disposition of revenues. The death of "King" Benjamin Purnell, who styled himself the "Sev- enth Messenger", and taught ever. lasting life through fealty to him, was largely responsible for the colony's victory. The supréme court held that the state's major complaint against the colony had been wiped out when Purnell died, belying his own teach ings, Purnell died December 16, 1927, less than a fortnight after the lower court had ruled that his colony should be dissolved. The faithful ones held that Purnell was not really dead; that he would arise on the third day. When the third day passed and the resurrection failed to materialize, King Benjamin's body was embalmed and placed in a glass case in one of the colony buildings. There it re. mains today and there are those among the faithful who hold that the resurrection still will materialize, Aside from "Queen" Mary Purnell, the leading figure in colony affairs, since Purnell's death is H. T, Dew- hirst; a former California - superior four Judge and long a member of the cult, Reports of a contest for control of the colony between Mary and Dew- hirgt have been frequent and began almost with announcement of Puy. nell's death, REPRODUGTIVITY [5 DISCUSSED Biological Factors Natural ». Check to Unlimited Expansion Chicage, Ill, July J-~Biological factors opprate as a natural check to the un! tion following a cyclical movement more or less analagous to that of in- dividuals, Corrado Gini, professor uf ¢. Supreme Court Decision ends colony, limited expansion ef a pope, or { ulation, reproductive powers of a na- statistical. economics af the University | of Rome declared in his lecture at the 'Harris Institute meeting at' the versity of Chicago, ; ' Nations have the choice, he said, 'of allowing unrestricted interchange between social classes and leading a normal biologic life that is more in» 'tense and productive but of shorter existence, of setting up artificial bar- riers between classes, such as the caste systems of oriental countries, which produced a longer national life 11 2 "Wealth, nobility, culture, intelfect~ ual professions, refinement of life, urbanism, all factors determining the social level are shown by the many studies made to be apparently more or less closely related, but always in 2 Regative sense, with reproductivity," Prof, Gini said, "Moreover, their mn» fluence is cumulative, Taken as a whole, the upper classes are found to be incapable of intaining by their own productive powers their numerical ratio to the population as a whole," This insufficiency, according to the Italian expert, is felt most when na- tions are on the ascending parabola, The necessity of avoiding or filling up the gaps in the higher social ranks induces a current from the middle classes to the upper, and from the lower to the middle classes, Such 3 current, he said, tends to spread here. ditary physical and intellectual char- acteristics from the lower strata to the whole population, "To hope to improve' the race by artificially stimulating the fertility of the upper classes is a delusion com- arable to that of those who should ope to increase the efficiency of the population by prolonging artificially the life of the. aged." Since the nation of anding jopulation is a young one iologically, it is not chance 'that these countries produce the great captains, the industrial geniuses, and the great thinkers, according to Prof. Gini's theory? "When a nation is in a period of expanding birthrate the population is vich in young people, witefeas when rapidly ex. decline in reproductivity, the oppor site phenomenon oceurs, and the old- er age-groups acquire increasing im- portance, This has a decisive effect on ge psychology of a nation, for a population in which young age-groups abound bears the imprint of thelr spirit of daring in all its social or- ganization and in the trend of its collective policies, whereas cold cal« culating prudence is the characteris- tic of populations in which older age- groups prevail" GOVERNMENT OF CHINA SOUND President of Dollar Steam. ship Line Expresses Opinion Victoria, B. C, July 4.--China now has the soundest government since the fall of the Manchu dy- nasty in the revolution of 1911, in the opinion of J, Harold Dollar, vice president of the Dollar Steamship Company, who arrived here recently after a lengthy tour of the Orient. When Captain Robert Dollar, who started his eventful career in the Ontario woods back in the seventies and became the pioneer of trans-Pacific shipping, estab lished his freight and lumber busi- ness in China, he placed his son; Harpld, in charge of the Oriental offics. That was many years ago and Harold Dollar is now remarded ag one of the outstanding author. ities on Far Eastern trade, "The Nationalist government has a definite programme" said Mr. Dollar "I have been making a survey of the treaty ports and. I am returning more than ever comvin- ced that the Orient offers the greatest field for foreign trade. The Pacific is" going to De "the trade sphere of th efuture. I noticed a great improvement fin. business everywhere in China is making steady headwav under the new administration." 8,000 MUSKRATS SHIPPED FROM FARM Juesnel, B C,, July 4 -- Eight thousand live muskrats are being shipped from the Swan Lake Fur Farm, near here, during the pre- the world, Three thousand are now, ready for shipment to Northern Chink and smaller consiguments will to other European destinations. It is estimated that there are fifty thousand rats in the Swan ke ares at present and officials of the farm state that the rabbit has nothing on the muskrat when are being installed and after trap- ping for the season has been coms pleted a series of canals will be dug to provide bunkhouses for the rats in the Swan Lake area. sa that eventually there will be ample room for tens of thousands of thousands of these animals. but one that progresses slowly, if at] & nation advances inte the phase of] h sen tsummer to various parts .of | KO every year. it comes.to multiplying. Dredges| SGIRAGE NECN! BEGONES INVENTOR Going to Germany to Over see Building of Air Yacht -- New York, N. Y,, July 4-8 Fan who 15 years ago was a mid-West garage mechanic with no money be- yond his daily wage, sailed on the Majestic recently to superintend the last' touches on a $125,000 air yacht being built to his order in Germany. The erstwhile mechanic is Gar Wood, speed boat manufacturer and racer, capitalist, and more recently aviation enthusiast and pilot, The new plane is a Dornier sea- plane and will be the largest seaplane in America with a wing spread equal to that of the largest plane any kind in this cousitry. It will be equip- ped with the utmost luxury, with 1 ing acce dations for 12, three washrooms, a full-sized shower bath, and a regular stateroom with a bed in it for the owner, It will 'be powdered with four Am- erican engines of more than 2,000 ag- gregate horsepower and much of the other equipment. is being shipped from this country fo the Dornier works, The hull'is 86 feet from tip to tip and the wing spread is 101 feet, he same as that of the plane Rene onck had built for a transatlantic flight and later sold to a company planning an air line to South America The new plane is designed as an ocean cruiser and its specifications call for it to be able to take off in seas or from 10 to 12 feet, While working as a garage man Wood invented a hydraulic hoist and his fortune was made. It was after he. became wealthy that he interested himself in speedboats which, he now believes can be perfected to the point re they can make 100 miles an our, . The plane will be called' the "Do- ar," the "Deo" part of the name be- ng 'for. "Dornier." It will carry a crew of six. Wood expects to use it largely for. hunting: expeditions with parties of his friends. WILL EXPLORE CORONATION GULF Planned to Establish Aero- plane Base on Arctic Vancouver, B, C, July 4 we Min- eral respurces of the Coronation be explored this summer by air- Gulf area of the Arctie Ocean will Plane, according to Lieut, Vol. J. K. Cornwall, noted Arctic advep- turer, who has completed arrange- ments here for the expedition, It is planned to establish an air- plane base on theA rctie, and a gor- ies of stations on Coronation Gulf. Wireless communication will be maintained with the aircroft and th eprospecting will be carried out from nearly a desen points im the vast country, which is believed to hold tremendous wealth in base previous metals, . 3 The survey will, eontinue for som seasons, it is said. A la store of supplies will be loaded en the Hudson's Bay Company's steamer Baychimo and gent io her- schel Island via Point Barrow; Al- aska, Colonel Cornwall will meet the ship there and superintend the disposal of the stores to statipns hundreds of miles te the east of Coronation Gulf, The party of twenty which Cel< onel Cornwall will lead inte the north will consist 'of enginesrs mineralogists and a staff of Bski- mo helpers, LOSSES INCURRED BY STATE RAILROADS Wellington, New Zealand, Jylv 4. -- This Dominion's experitnce with the operation of state-owned railroads bas not been comspicu- ously pleasant and heavy losses are still being annually incurred, ae- cording te Hon. W. B. Tavener, minister of railways "We are a long way from mak- ing the railways pay", said the minister. 'There will be a loss of something under £1,000000 this year, and probably a little mare next year, as the interest charges are mounting up'. Competition from automobiles is reported to be severely cutting into the revenue of the railways and this competition becomes kesner "> 87 Celina -COTT ol RE et Ra A AUTOM TWELVE | Loins paid off or a *, - Open Dally » MONEY LOANED IN TEN MINUTES ON TO PAY Cash. All dealing confidential G. R. HOLDEN Room & 20:0 Rug East. Facog SP80 . = we -- ----- - op 5 T/T O 9) 5 AM. to 0. P, M, ¥

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