Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Jun 1929, p. 2

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1929 ENTRANCE EXAMS "ATH ScHooL Whitby ---------- TONTAR QONTY AX RATE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR RATE STRUCK YESTER- DAY IS TEN AND ONE HALF MILLS || Proposal to Change the Equalized Assessment 'Meets With Defeat as (wo of the tines townships in the Eis with modérn cénven} endé a : on build. ings. "no reason, he thought why they should not take on more assessment, After considerable discupsion Réeve Roy Pafk, Brock, was suc- cessful in having an amendment éarried that the equalized assess ment of county municipalities tor 1930 remain the same as this year. It was binted that the Township of Reach ht take an appeal to the County Judge, HAMAR GREENWOOD BECOMES A BARON Is a Native of Whithy--Was | eV d Cott ge THOUSAND ISLAND wo PARK, No X. |- On the St Lawrence River. Rooms vate oF Danci prices. Loeal Monumental Works hy Esti lidind the By Staff Régoriae , : Whitby, 2 2. ~Sixty-four ean : / Meche 3 of Sis, we are ni now in a position te sup- didates including boys and girls ply you wi News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times. T 887; ORONO BASEBALL {| GAME WAS TED) Teams Were Knotted at Soul "hase" ori. Using Eight Runs Each at the cracks, crevices and My jute ting piece of brick for a hand or at from twelve to fourteen years, finish ed writing their entrance examina- tions at the Whitby High School yes- terday afterndon. Geography formed the last formidable barrier in the march of these juvenile pilgrims from public school to secondary school. In the opinion of the candidates, the test airly hard but it was all over GREAT SUCCESS Splendid Program Was Pre- seted at Gathering Last Having a very large stock on hand and somewhat overstocked we are pre. (By Stat? Reporter) Whitby, June 29,-=Ontario coun- ty's tax rate for 1929 will be teu was at four o'clock and for the grea Night (By Staff Reporter) Bowmshville, June 29--A large asumber of Bowmanville citizens niot- J pred to Orono last night for the strawberry festival and ball game whith was put on there under the wuspices of Centre street church, Af- ter the ball game which was a tig, 8 all, a large number of the people presént went up to the church grounds where a strawbetry supper was very fittingly served on the lawn behind the church. There was half s dozen long tables heaped high with delicious strawberries, cakes, pies, tarts and many other good things to eat. It did not take long for the ma- jority of it to vanish after everybody sat down, Plate after plate of straw- Perris was brought out and after everybody had been filled up to their heart's desire many exe¢laimed that they wouldn't be able to look at an- other strawberry for the rest of the summer, Others on the other hand were asking when and where the next festival would be, After the supper had been served and everybody had eaten to conten ment a fine musical concert Was put on ifi the church which proved to be real éntértaining and ohe of the most interesting programs put on in this district for a long time. Many celebrated artists were present from different places including: Mrs. O, D. Friend, of Oshawa, Mr. Verland, of Oshawa, Ross Cain, of Toronto, Miss Thompson, of Toronte, Mr. Ji Léwis, of Oshawa and Miss Marion Gumiméw, of Oshawa and Mrs, Knapp. The program was a rather long one but évéry bit of it was in- teresting and attracted the best of attention from one of the best au- diénees in the district. The singing was wonderful with the. instrumental numbers proving a huge success if one goes by the applause of the au diefice. The readings and recitations were all of the best. The chairman, Mr, G. Mason gaye a short address in which he thanked all those who had helpéd to make the evening a success, The program was as follows : Opening, "All Hail the Power of esus Name" Chairman's address, Ir. G. Mason, Duet, "The Singing Lésson," Mrs. O, D, Friend and Mr. Verland. Recitation, Ross Cain. Solo, yore Is Meant to Make Us Glad," Mrs, Knapp. Reading, Miss Thonip- son, Solo, "An Old Fashioned Town," Mr. Lewis. Piano $olo, Miss Marion Gummow. Solo, "In the Garden of My Heart," Mrs, Friend. Reading, Miss Thompson. Solo, "The Road to andalay," Mrs, Veérland., God Save the King. ADDITION OPENED (By Staff Reporter) . Bowmanville, June 29.<The addi- tion to the Olympia Cafe was opened Thursday night with a large number of citizens of Bowmanville paying the fe a visit, Many commeénts were passed as to the lovely way the addi- tion had been finished off. The addi- tion which seats twenty-four persons is finished in stained gumwood with mirrors above cach table, The table tops are made of black semi-annex. The addition is up two steps above the old part and is divided off by a curtain for private parties. $25.00 made shrubs and flowers. Price 38¢ "Protect Your Garden' With this sure safe Cure, Kills Aphis Leaf Hopper, etc. Use it in the garden to protect your Roses and all other Close i - Bowmanville, Junie 2,«Orm Gams. by's Orono team after a hard qught battle were tied by the league ledd- ing Bowmanville Pirates after the Orono sluggers lead for the first three innings in » Big Four fixture at Orono last night preceding the strawberry festival, The game was one in which leng flics were hoisted to the outfield and which were quickly gob- bled up by the fielders. These flies although numerous failed to bring results, The Orono team opened the game up with four rhs against two in the first frame and four runs (0 nil in the second. Bowmanville, how- ever, made the third inhitgs theres and ran in six runs to tic the score at 8 all at which it remained through out the rémainder of the game. Er- rors were plentiful and cost both teams many a run, Red Hooper made the longest drive ¢rashing out a three bagger while Dutch Osborne and Lowery both got two baggers. Both pitchers were rather wild and walks were plentiful throughout the game and many times when ethers were on bases. The line-ups for the Orono Positions Bowmanville teams were: Lycett Pitcher I', Hooper , Cornish "Catcher ~~ M,-Osbérile inter 1st ase Corden West 2nd base D. Osborne Conch 3rd base Witheridge R. Cornish short stop RR. Hooper Lytle left field Large right field Moorerait Graham i Lowery centre field Caniéron BLACK DIAMONDS BEAT NEWCASTLE High Class Baseball Shown in Close Game Last . Night (By Staff Reporter) Bowmatville, June 29. --Bowman- ville Black Diamonds intend to kecp on the winning side of thé ball game now in the Big Four League and showed it when théy deféatéd New- castle 5-4 in a real close game that has been said to be the best of the scason. This game was full of real baseball from start to finish with plenty of good hitting and some réal classy 'flelding. C, Caverly, the New- castle pitcher, was as usual one of the feature hitters of the" day. In all the games he has played in so far he has had. at least twe hits to his credit and this time he did not fall down on the fans. The game, however, did not have as many long hits as in forniér games but was not lacking in real high class baséball. I'he line-ups were: Néweastle Positions Black D'monds Caverly itehet Osborne Brown cateher Bates T. Graham 1st base _ Olsen Moise 2nd base A, Osborne B. Walton |, 3rd base 8. Célwell G. Wilten short stop E, Colwell Couch 1éft field Tudor B, Graham right field Thurston Jonés céiitre field Cole Human Fly Gives Fine Exhibition By Swaff Repar . ( artery Bowmahville, gx With the ease and agility of a menkéy, Jerry Hudson proved to the citizens of Bowihativilles that he was the world's greatest human fly, Climbing 4 the frofit of the A, L. Nichals bléck and even to the top of the fldgpdle, Jerry mate the trip in record time, cov- ering the distance in a little over two intifés. Showing that He was absolutely. fearless, Hudson stood on his head dt the edge of the roof for several minutes. Many people stood and $1.28 Sold by B Cooper-Smith Co. 16 Celina Street. Phone 8 foothold, he quickly made his way up the side of the building. A silver col- lection was taken up to award him for his "performance. WATER ON SIDEWALK CAUSES COMMENT ------ (By Suaff R Bowmanville, June 29.<After every rain storm there is one spot on King street in the busiest séction of the town, that harbours a small lake for a number of hours after each storm, This place is in front of Corbett's Motor Sales. The sidewalk has sunke en down a bit and the water readily flows into this lower level, making it necessary for pedestrians 10 go out on to the road to pass the spot, There fs, no doubt, in the minds ot nearly evety citizén who passes by after a storm that this place should be properly fixed and in the near future, COUNCIL MEETING POSTPONED (By Staff Reporter) : Bowmanville, Juhe 29.<As. Monday is a holiday the regular meeting of the town couticil which is usuall eh the first Monday in each month, will be held on Monday, July 8 at 8 o'clock. COUNTY DECIDES T0 BUILD A NEW REGISTRY OFFICE Recommendation of Com- mittee Is Adopted by Council THE ATHERLEY BRIDGE Settlement Has at Last Been Reached in Long Controversy (By Staff Répoftes) Whitby, June 29.--Plans for the new addition to the County Regis- try Offiee will be prepared forth- rier) tor of Legal Officers at oronto for Approval, When this has been granted tenders will be invited and if a satigtactory price is obtained the work will be procéeded with «i once, : Ontario County Council adopted A report yéstérday of the Commits tee on County Property and Gael Management embodying thé above récommendations. The question of the proportion of cost to be pau vy the City of Oshawa will not be de- terminéd until aftér the new wing is erected. The wing will be 28x 60, and will providé two additional rooms and wash rooms for male ahd female employes, During a brief discussion on the report, it was suggésted to the cora- mitted that 4 local architect be en- gaged ag hé might not charge so much ak an outeidé firm, while oh the other hand the money in ives would be expénded in the county, The Atheérléy Bridge The Atherley Bridge question ha- finally been disposed of, after hatiging fire for over four years. THe Cbuncil adopted a 'report brought in b ythe special commit- tée of Warden Dobson, G, M. I'or- sythe and John Ross (Thorat), which visited Ottdiwva with & view to securing a further séttidment in connection with thé Dominion gov- ernment's share of the cost. The committee, it was reported, press. ed th~ government very hard for 5 per ' of the $40,00 cheque, re- tion . the cost of the structure, which vemained in. the chief en- gloeer's office for two years untif the final gettlement agreement was finally consummated, and, which, when consolidated, amounted to $15,000 greatér than the amount of thec heque, Mr. Forsyth thought that thé committée dékerved cre- dit for securing such a settlément, and Council agreed. : west Not Accepted In a letter from the Chief En- gineér, however, which was read to Council, it was pointed out that had thé two counties, Ontario and Simcoe, accepted the lowest tend- er for the bridge substructure, the cost of the structure would have beén about $11,000 less. It was no fault of the govérnment, the letter stated, that the lowest tender; sub- mittéd by a reliable contractor, was not accepted, and the government should not 'be required to pay part of this extra cost. The total grant to ba made for the bridge by the government 14 $55,956, which includes the cape talization to be paid for, The Council decided to issua de- Dentures tor Ontario County's share of the cost of thé structure. --------------------tts What a whale of a difference ane letter makes. Just think of changing the "6" in vocation to "a. "=Chicags Evening Past, Honesty may be the best policy, but the trouble is it 1s often allows ed to lapse. --Galt Reporter, with and submitted to the Inspec. | and a half mills, an increase of oné and a half mills over last year, due largely to heavy demands for ex- penditures on roads and bridges, much damage having been caused throughout . the country by the storm of April last. The rate for general purposes will be 7.3 mills and for county road purposes, 2.9, Debentures will be issued to the amount of $17,000 to cover cost of construetion in 1929 of cérum bridges and culverts on the coun- ty ronll system, The tax rate was struck by the County Counell this aftérnoon. The Counetl finished its session after adopting several important repos. The Committee on the Equaliza- tion of assessments of the various municipalities for the year 1930 brought in a réport recommending that the assessment of Réach Town- ship be reduced hy $50,000, and that $25,000 each be placed on Brock and Scott Township, This recommendation brought a strong protest from Reeve Roy Park, of Brock Township, and Reeve Herbert J. Peaison, of Scoti, who charged that they were being discriminated against, as the ass. essment of no othér municipality was hbing Incréased. The reéeve and deputy reeve of Reach sought to prove to Council that theif mu. nicipality was overburdened with taxation, that the pepulation hea decreased considerably in 30 years while land Assessments had fone up, and that the township had 11, 000 acrés of land almost value. less. Tt was conténdaed that the townghip got an unfair deal when the last valuation was made of the county, Reeve Maleolm Forsyth, Pickéring, pictured Brock and Scott Formerly Secretary for Ireland majority it represented the conclusion of nine years of public school---nine vears of happy, active life, for old fn Pp a b h 0 ¢ § conferred by His Majesty in cone Hon, Stanley Baldwin as prime min« ister, issued last night is not unduly 16ng nor does it cotitain many sur- tar well remembered in Canada as leader the contingent of visiting British |!" patliamerntarians last to an earldom. Hicks, late home secretary, becomes of the peerage at one bound, is the granting of a barony to Rt. Hon. Sir Hamar Greenwood, a native of Whitby, Ontario, and the last man to occupy the position of secretary for Ireland in the British government, Liberal side, and no doubt it was this adaptability which earned seciétary who attempted to govern Ireland from Westm pénacity of courage there is no doubt. When hi crosséd the floor to the Conservative 1ouse seemed to lose much of the in-|a terest it had once taken in him in this constituency in 1924, but Lore Greenwood retired fn the last general his stéad, losing, the seat to the Labor party. By Thomas T. Champion Canadian Press Staff Writer. London, June 20--The list of honors ection with the resighation of Kt, an rises. Viscount Peel, former secre: of state for India, who will he tri ear, is raised Sir William Joynson- | su viscount, thus taking two steps in| Pe But most interesting to Canadians ah va For many years the Canadian was sort of general utility officer on the liar the aronetcy conferred in 1914, Later h eld a number of minor ministerial flices and finally was the last chief nster. Of his purpose and personal | of th ovériiment benches, however, the He had had a comfortable majority th lection and Fitzelan Hope, deputy peaker of parliament was put up in ca were in progress. didates schools, the separate school and the preparatory school in connection with the Ontario Ladies' surrounding dis- Its, timers claim, and Have always. claimed that school days are golden rule days. Principal Archibald, of the Whitby High School, acted as presid- ing examiner during the three days the entrance exams Fifty-seven cans from th local public ring which came ct, I'he entrance pupils arc now eaget- awaiting the publishing of the re- Those who dre successful will in a position to take an important step in entering high school to attain their mean time, the summer holidays are ead with two months of glorious |= weather and all the pleasures of a secondaty education. In the cation spent at home or abroad, Outing Enjoyed By Women's Institute (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 29.--A very enjoyable outing was held Thursday afternéon when meibers of the local branch the whmen's Institute, including eir families and friends, visited the Cream of Barley Camp at Bowne ville. The party numbered well over hundred and the picnic proved de- lightful to all, from the youngest to ¢ oldest, The afternoen was featured by games and races while splendid prizes were donated to the winners of the various events . The happiest moment fie with the sérving of delicious and ample refreshments, Pasga 38 mike 4 Yate re: profits to pay, we can wive you a price lower than anyone else. J.T. Lethbridge 94 Bond St, West DEAN LAIRD'S SIXTH ANNUAL 21-DAY TOUR AcrossCanadas Back 00 F '34.0* From, TORONTO Corresponding fares from other points. Leaving Toronto by spaeial train vis CANADIAN PACIFIC - Monday, July 23, 1929 En route you visit mahy important and intéresting places. Béein miles of Canada's Mountain Gragdeut and Wold: ous Beauty Ly Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley Motor Drives-- Extensive sight-seeing trip on Banff-Win ré way. Bteamer Trips=Kootenay Lake, Puget Sound, and aeross the Great A Nlustrated. anklet giving full information can be hag op application I'M. R. JOHSTON, C.P.A, CIR. 11 King Bt. E., Oshawa DEAN SINCLAIR LATRD Macdonald Gellege P.O., Que. ETT ITI IN TI LIL i ITI TIT IIIT] Fi tisha vephiring me Church. We guaran 8 Pi Optical Parlors C. CHURCHLEY brihg your walch add clock k "Prices redsonablé. Old bought ea hinged for few goods, = od he Credit Jeweller When We Test Eyes--itls - Done Properly JURY & LOVELL Phone 28 or 20 YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Photie 2520 and a driver will call OSHAWA LAUNDRY Mill Street and Help Build Up SHOPPING DISTRICT : Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps to Build Up Our City. And Dry Cleasing Co. "You Get Married==We Feather the Nest" ia Simooe Street South Plone 701 Radios--~and the Wonder Orthophoniec Also Saclusive Desler for the Vietie Revoid in Oshewa __ D. J. BROWN Streit Weat Phone 18 Oshawa Golf Knickers, Golf Hose and Golf Sweaters to match, together with a complete assortment of Summer toggery for sport or 27 King St. East Sports Wear Siberrys' MEN'S WEAR ' i wear. Opposite Post Office Money Spent in Oshawa Helps Oshawa En a. AARNE NER EEE RENE NES IEA SANA EARNS EREREEER

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