Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1929, p. 14

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J SADT ime ag 1 _ . Government Declines to Sup- port Dependents of Hos-., . pital Cases Toronto, June 27.~The families »f certain war pensioners owing 10 1 recent Order-in-Council from Ot- 'awa, are liable to find themselves destitiite of thrown on the charity 5f the city, according to the view »f fhe Canadian Pensioners Assocl- ation, ; Somé two weeks ago an order-in- council was passed to the effect that - pensioners who are being reated in Christie Street Hospiead will not receive any allowance for their wives and families. 'This ap- sles 'to those pensioners in a cer- aif class, which is class 2. Hith- rto when a veteran who was in re- eipt of a pension was in hospital indergoing an operation which was 10t, according to 'the view af 'the »Mcials, due to war service, his de- yendents received an allowance, it rarjed according to the size of the amily." Now the Government Mus ssued an order that no allowance vil 'be granted to these dependents. Chat is, if a pensioner has to un- iefgo 'an operation, : he must have smough money to tide over the pe- -jod of his hospital sojourn, or slse his family will be left to shift 'or themselves. A Gathering Point The effect of this will be more pronounced in Toronto than in any sther Canadian city. Christie street Hospital is recognized as . the best squipped military hospital both as to staff and facilities. It means that in not a few cases, as was ex- plained to The Telegram by one official. of a. veterans' organization, pensioners are brought to Toronto from various parts of Canada. W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIET 23%; Simcoe St. North Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort | Hare's Faulticss Lenses J Ho PHONE 22 For Your rug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S.--We Deliver Bode Boiteteitocteids J tid. Sodoatodsdoited Ca) Coa a aa TIME TABLES Bete desd Beate destosleshs Ch a a a C.P.R, TIME TABLE: Effective April 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going * West m, Daily. .m, Daily. m, Daily extept Sunday. Daily. Going East Daily, 1 PS Nap RE gR3VS a a a. p Pp a Pp. m, m. i .04 pam, 8,03 p.m. 11.10 p.m. 12.03 am. Daily, : All times shown above are times 'trains depart from Oshawa Station, . CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) Daily. Daily except Sunday. Daily, thoun 23 a.m, Daily except Sunday. .58 a.m, Sunday only. 9.59 a.m. Daily. % 17 p.m, Daily except Sunday, .m. Daily, : m. Daily except Sunday, . Daily. A . Daily, .m, Daily. + Daily. ) 'Westbound . Daily, . Daily. . Daily, Daily. m. Daily excepf Sunday. m. Daily except Sunday. m, Daily. . .m; Sunday only, m. Daily except. Sunday. p.m. Daily except Sunday. "Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman#ills "> BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) {Daylight Saving Time) ing West Leave Leave Bawmanville Oshawa 0m tnt Bai, in a NR AOR ANS wa--OWn n Qn 32 SRIURESRIZ BHAI IJILTSH a . P. 4D [J si -WwDDi PRA ALSO 8388 n338L 12.45 p.m. PRESonN 38388 4.3 p.m, --- 0 NR ona gu Sunwno 2333832333; PPPPPPP i, T1055 Bw eo, SE ng Eas soa Arrive Arrive 3 Oshawa Bowmanvi 6.50 a.m. 7.20 a.m. nese 54 E38 3 RomNuanp=td gens e a 11.00 p.m, "1H10 5. Ti arked Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Going East Leave v~ Arrive . Arrive ' _.+. Oshawa Bowmanville 10.00 a.m, * HE 1% am, na a.m. 12.30 p. y 00 pom. 30pm. pai Pas 3.00 p.m, 3.30pm. 445 pm, S00 pm. 5.30 om, 645 pm. 2.00pm. 2.30pm. a is pou. 9.00 pon. 930 p.m, 11.00 por. "LAS pom. 11.30 p.m." 12.00 pum. Tine marked * are through busses fo Whitby Hospital, Soci Si Te, 1 SP Reasonable | and Careful Drivers, N, N Bowmanvi Phone 412 or 346 232 je .tnew 'order they will be left with '6.48 pam. | I gtated The Telgram's infor A "There have been many such cases yv-way from Halifax to Van- flies have naturally come to 3 "His ailment might be one which } . | requires a long stay in Toronto," couver. These new pensioners' tam | / city 1 tg be near the head of | the on oe according to this THE OSHAWA DAILY 1 IMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 de Gaspe, Casgrain, Frechette and, others, h 1d full 'sivay 'in 'that limit- mess i out any means of livelihood. It is who ate disabled or partly so, in- varfably drift to the cities, and To- ronto has its full share of these men, They will not stay in the country or.in small places, proban= ly because they canont find any work that is suitable to their phy- sical condition. This only adds to Lents 'of pensioners who will be af- fected by the new order from the Director of Medical Services at Ot- tawa. Not For Pensioners It is also a fact that Poppy Day funds are not expended for the benefit of pensioners but for ex- service men and their dependents who are out of employment, Hence there is only the municipality to fall back on, because the rrovin- cial Government has usually recog- nized that such matters are for the municipality, The new order makes it impossi- ble in many cases for a pensioner to undergo an operation which may he imperative. Rather than see his family destitute he will have to forego the necessary treatment, un- less he ¢an get someone 'to look af< ter them. The . iliegislative Committee of the Camadian Pensioners' Associa- tion it 18 expected will meet this week to take up the matter of a protest to Ottawa. There is also another matter which is being strongly protested by veteran or ganizations in the City. The Gov- ernment agrees to gfve free tzvat- ment to pensioners in Christie Hos- pital only up to a certain degree of disability. Over 70 per cent dis- ability, however, is discriminated against. The Government main- tains that with a large pension the recipient should be able to pay for his own hospital expenses. The ab- surdity of this is' evident. A man who is in receipt of over 70 per cent disability pension must be to a large degree handicapped, for almost any employment, His earn- ing power will be consequently relatively small, To he able to save enough out of a pension plus a meagre earning in order to pay a hospital bill strikes the average person as an impossibility. Yet such has been the Government de- cision at. Ottawa. WORLD OF PAGEANT CREATED IN PARADE! Lord and Lady Willingdon and Papal Delegate Witness Display Montreal, June 27.--For two hours on Monday afternoon, the world of fancy, combining legend with rom- and Canadian "contcurs," Perreault, SPECIAL 19¢c Children's Running Boots and Oxfords I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W Felt Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELER | 12 Simeoe St. South Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 "For Better Values tn | DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms Diamonds! Bassett"s On Oshawa's Main Corner also a well known fact that men |' 'the: number of wives and depend- | ance, created hy those old French) Ora ve Bl I~ 2 wn QD UWL WW MINGS ~the ideal of all that is finc and new in ringeraft-- revealing absolute fidelity to highest quality and a fine- <i ness of finish and - design heretofore unapproached. May we show you | the combination f. pictured above -- an unusual value. 4) Set with fine quality diamond aud five stone wed- % ing ring, the pair a ae Lad C4 D. J. BROWN 10 King St. Ww. Phone 189 RR "| Thank; -- ed asphalt-carpetted kingdom inglu- ded in Sherbrooke street," between Papineau and Alwater avenues, to the 'initiative of the So- ciete Saint Jean-Baptiste, more than 100,000 spectators renewed acquaint- ance with those childhood friends called Cendrillon, La Belle au Bois Potmant, Peau d'Ane, Petit Poucef, and with a galaxy of sorcerers and fairies, dragons and knights, which' enchanted so many of their carly me- memories. Under a scorching sun, at times attenuated -by menacing clouds, 30 floats, inspired by the ydmance and legends of old, and prepared and exceuted "with a masterful skill, car- ried from one end to the other of the space allotted to. the St, Jean» Baptiste parade, all the romantic, my- sterious and sometimes terrifying he- roes immortalized in the French and Canadian folklore, It was a great, a record-breaking success. Stréets Lined Early in the afternoon thousands of spectators stood on both sides of Sherbrooke. street, from the Laifon- taing Park to Atwater avenue, and by (the time the parade started, soon alter 3 o'clock, had occupied all the possible space included between the houses and the middle of the street, encroaching on the side streets, and taking possession of every doorstep, window and stand availabl& It was Li 'patient crowd, ready to see amusc- ment in every little incident that can happen in such a large gathering, and the police hat very little trouble in maintaining perfect order all through the afternoosd. Though scheduled to start at 3 o'clock, the parade did not leave La- fontaine Park before 3.30, and the only incidents of importance which helped the spectators to beguile the time, were the arrival of His LExcel- lency the Papel Delegate, Mgr. Au- drea Cassulo, who accompanied hy Mgrs: Gauthier and Deschamps, made his appearance a few minutes before 3 o'clock, followed immediately afte: wards by His Excellency Visconnt Willingdon, accompanied by Lady Willingdon and escorted by a mount ed guard, Both parties. were given a hearty ovation, when lead fo the official grandstand, where they wete received by Semator F. L. Beique, president of the committee of recep- tion; Guy' Vanier, president of the socicty, and others, 3 School Cadets At 3.30 o'clock, the signal to start was given and amid thunderous ap- plause, the first section started west on Sherbrooke. street, toward Atwa- ter avenue, followed closely by the others. A remarkable characteristic of Monday's parade was the great numbers of school cadets taking part, practically cvery parish haying fits own corps, smartly efficient and do- ing honor to their instructors aud teachers. A large detachment of fire- men, iwo hundred, also made a very good impression on the crowds, as did the police detachment, The veter- ans of the Great War, banners fly- ing, were accorded generous hand- clapping all along the route, His Wor- ship Mayor Camillien Houde, who marched with his own parish secc- tion of Ste. Marguerite-Marie, was acclaimed during the two hours of the parade and, though his face was wreathed in smiles, he had all that he could do to respond graciously to the unceasing plaudits coming from both sides of the street. Large measure of popular approval was reserved for the floats and their multi-colored and romantic heroes, It would be difficult to say which . of these deserved the more acclamations. though it seemed that those of fa Chassc-galerie, Les sorciers de ile d'Orleans (Sorcers of Orleans I: Jand), La Belle au Bois Dormand (The Sleeping Princess), Peau d'Ane, Cendrillon (Cinderella), Petit Poucet (Puss in Boots), Barbe-Blue (Bluc- beard) were more willingly applaud- cd than others, All floats neverthe less, had their particular charm andl value, Produets of the soil represented 26 per cent~ef the total freight revenue of the Canadian Natioual Railways in 1928, OSHAWA FOLKS Don't forget that ~-- ~ You MEAN ?| THAT You FORGOT WHAT) we carry the simple necessities as well as prepare the most difficult prescriptions. PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF IO THATS IT | CAMPHOR / I'VE GOT TO GET| SOME AT Kastor THANKS / = Ld THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE MYSTERY OF LOST SHIP 15 UNSOLVED Danish Training Ship Disap- peared Without Trace nm Copenhagen, June ~The mys- tery of the disappearance of the Danish naval training ship Koben- havn during a cruise in the South Atlantic six months ago remained unsolved Tuesday after the most récent effort to check up possible clues to the vessel's fate | Capt. Christensen, commanding {the motorship Mexico, which tne owners of the Kobenhavn dispatch- ed from Rio de Janeiro early this month to search for the lost vesset, reported that a thorough search of Gouch's Island, in the South At lantic, failed to give any clue to the ship. A depot camp was found on the east side of 'the Island when Capt. Christensen "landed, he - reported, but there were no signs that any of the Kobenhavn's crew had land- ed there. Capt. Christensen said he landed on Gouch's Island Sunday. and would go next to Tristan da Cun- {ha, where the steamer Helisius was said to have reported it recently ELLA CINDERS--The Hermit's Story I WAS AN INVENTOR! Sle andl Jin Blunt Pour Skelter Fro torre hut of Heron Yee i RA sg -- ------ sighted the Kobenhavn's wreckage. The Kobenhavn's owners here doubted the Helisius's report, hut sald they were awaiting further word from Capt. Christensen, The Kobenhavn disappeared af- ter sailing from Buenos Aires with nunierous Danish youths in naval training aboard, en route to Aus- tralin. The last message from it was Christmas Now . Little Rabbit, Don't Yuu Cry---You'll be a fur coat, bye and bye. It doesn't take a clerk in a store very long to find out which wonien fare shopping and which are buying --Kitchener Record. By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BRINGING UP FATHER HER =~ Wit HERE'S ONE OF THE FIRST LOVE LETTERS | WROTE TO MAGGIE- VLA. GET HER AND READ IT TO @® 1029, Intl Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. £2 WHAT A BIG LIAR | WAS IN: "THOSE THOSE WERE THE MWAPPY TELLING TOMMY WHEN WERE THE FIRST HORSE RACES, DADDY. ? HORSE 'RACING HAS BEEN A POPULAR AMUSEMENT FOR CENTURIES, TOMMY ----] 4 TYATER RECORDS TELL OF KING SOLOMON BUYING HORSES FROM EGYPT. HORSE RACING AS INTRO- DUCED INTO THE OLYMPIC GAMES IN 648 BC FROM GREECE IT WAS INTRODUCED INTO ROME WHERE IT BJHOTHMES T_0F THE 18 DYHASTY OF EGYPT, IN A PAPYRUS LETTER, TELLS OF HIS CONQUEST OF MESOPOTAMIA AND PRIDES HIMSELF UPON THE ACQUISITION OF THE ARAB RACING HORSE AD BEING THE FIRST T0 INTRODUCE IT IN AFRICA. "A Ee ! ' MEDIEVAL i JOCKEY. WITH GAINED A PLACE AS ONE: OF THE CIRCUS GAMES THE INSTITUTION OF HORSE \) RACING IN ENGLAND BELONGS TOA REMOTE PERIOD BUT THE FIRST REGULAR RACES BEGAM IN THE REIGN OF JAMES I. © 1029, King Features Syndicate, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. pith K -- Ff UNLUCKY AY 1 YOU THINK TVA . DADDY WAS RACES, TOMMY ? ES § POUT OUT THE way § THE OTHER HORSES | THE of WONT WHEN THE HORSE} | 1 IE PICKED CAME BY? < . Boy's Balbriggan Combin- ations. Special 49¢ Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: The Eyes in Modern Life Optiwetry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and 'Eye Strain Disney Block" TILLIE THE TOILER-- I'M SO GLAD You WROTE To MAC, TILLI\E . | Know wil |! PLEASE Ht, -- Prince St I. A. GA ea 5 £2283 Ushaws Waiting Room, 10 [5 azn .T 1516-Pheme--1518 oer, HE ISN'T HARD To PLEASE ~ HURRY, | MUMSY- TACK IS TAKING US To THE WILL YOU EXCUSE US, MPS. STONES, WHILE WE DANCE a0 RIGHT WHY, CERTAINLY, AHEAD, rights reverved. (Loo, TACK, MOTHER HAS [2 DIS APPEARED JS oF FAS ONE OF THE OWNERS OF "THIS HOTEL, NEVER. HAVE A DULL MOMENT | ALWAYS INSIST THAT MY PATRONS

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