Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1929, p. 11

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Viakeviow § found, ronto, Ww THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN SOLINA MARRIED PEOPLE'S PICNIC Park, . Oshawa, Proves An Ideal : Location Solina, June 21,--M. K, Pen: Hazel Penfound and , Mrs. M. BE. Penfound, Oshawa, ! visited Wi T. Baker. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Reynolds, To- in -Solina on Wednes- day. Ke James Reynolds, Mrs. J. W. Rey- nolds and } iss Ruth are in; Cherry- wood. A 'Mr. and} 'Mrs, W. 5. Taylor vis- fted Mre. Ernest Larmer, Black- stock, Mrs. Pat Whitnel and June, of Toronto, visited Mrs. J. W. Rey- polds. The weather conditions for the Solina young married people's pic- nic were ideal and the grounds at Lakeview Park in splendid condi- tion last Saturday. At about 1.30 o'clock 35 people gathered for din- per. Soon after dinner the men played football against a picnic team from Agincourt, the score be- ing so near equal that they agreed to call it a tie. The ladies of the party played softball and Mrs. El- mer Gibson, of Oshawa, and Mr. Harvey ~ Crossman, of Kedron, chose teams, Mrs. Gibson's side wininng with a score of 38-6. About 6 o'clock supper was serv- ed with an abundance of good things. Then the men played softball and Messrs, Will Baker and Geo. and Mrs. Gibson conduect- ed a few races. The first one for women over 130 lbs, was won by Roy McGill, Enniskillen; second, women under 130 1bs., Mrs, How- sam and Mrs, Harold Pascoe tieing for first place. Three-legged race for women was won by Mrs. How- sam and Mrs. Pascoe. Then the lit-|. tle tots were given a chance and Miss Margaret Somerville, of Cher- rywood, came first. Altogether the day was very much enjoyed by all. One lone man was brave enough to go in bathing while sev- eral of the ladies found the water cold, paddling close to the shore. Mr, and Mrs. Pringle and daugu- ter, of Toronto, Visited Mr, C. D. Pascoe. Thos, Baker was at we warden s excursion at Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Thos. Baker and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wilbur visited Capt. and Mrs. Shaw, Lakeport. Several from Solina attended the funeral of the late N. 8S. HM, James, of Bowmanville, on Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Reynolds and Miss Edna - Reynolds visited Dr. Ellis. Reynolds, Hillshurg. Sidney Wright's driving horse fell into a cistern at the farm ot John Baker on Sunday, but with the assistance of the neighbors the horse was saved. Mr. Dewar has been engaged to teach at Baker's school for the coming school term, Wild strawberries are plentiful and very delicious at Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Dor- othy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooke and Kathleen, of Port Perry, visited -C. Howsam. Farmers are experiencing a busy time owing to the continued dry spell, hoeing and planting having been delayed earlier by so much wet weather. Haying is in full swing, sweet clover and alfalfa he- ing a heavy crop. Red clover is in full bloom and ready to cut. Al- sike is a very heavy crop, a verit- able hower of bloom. "It:is hoped the hot weather does not affect the filling. Winter wheat is in full head; coming along rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg are on a motor trip to St. Mary's and Guelph. "Mr. Baker attended the Amos Shorthorn sale at Moffat Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and children spent the week-end at Lindsay. Enniskillen football team came on Wednesday nighg: and indulged in a sweltering hot game of give and take with Solina lads for sixty minutes with no score. Reg. Hard- ing, Bowmanville, handled the whistle. The attendance was well over 200. Mr, and Mrs. John Pascoe were Sunday guests of Murton Walter, of Maxwell's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivell and PROMOTIONS AT- Results of S. S. No. 6 East Whitby, Are An. nounced Columbys, June 26.--Following is the report of 8.8, No. 6, East Whit- by. Pupils with 75 per cent, or over are entitled to honor standing: Jr. IV to Sr, IV Clarence Guy, 83.5; Frank Hayes, 75: Helen Brom- ell, 75.5; Elma Ross, 75; Jack How- den, 66. Sr. III to Sr. IV--(All Junior IV work covered and passed on)--Ev- clyn Stacey, 82; George Howden, 72. 'Sr. 111 to Jr. 'TV--Bob Howden, 67. Je. III to Sr. 1ll--George leach, 824 Viola Rooke, 82; Howard Grass, ; Jack Hayes, 65; Dorothy Hayes, pi Nelson Wilson, 068, Jr. 1I to Sr. II----Norman Guy, 76; Eric Buechler, 75; Harold Stacey, 73; Erline Hayes, 73; Ray Hayes, 72; Albert Buechler, 72. Pr. to First--Cuert Bucchler, 75; Normandy Rooke, 70. Teacher, V. Appleby Mrs. A. Milroy 'and Rillia from Markham, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, E. Murison, Mr, and Mrs. Sid Purves, from Fergus, called on friends in the vil- lage last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hayes, Mrs, L. Guy, Mr. and Mrs .H. James at- tended the funeral of their cousin, N. S. B, James, of Bowmanville, on Saturday, . Mrs. A. Brown, from Oshawa, is staying with her mother, Mrs. F. Garfat, for a few days. Mrs, Garfat has been sick with a bad cold, Wm. Grant spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dyer, Miss Marjorie Ashton has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks at home with Mrs. J. Ashton and friends. : Mrs. J. Fice, of North Oshawa, vise ited friends in the village last week. Mrs. Booth and daughter from Tos ronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F, Goodman, : Mes H, Jakeman visited her sister, Mrs. C. Vice, for a few days. La anniversary services be held on . July 14. COURTIGE C.G.LT, ELECTS OFFICER Beth Gay Is President er Eva Courtice Vice- President will June 26-- Saturday after- noon the C.G.LT, held their meeting at the home of Mrs. K. E. Courtice, when the officers for the coming year were elected and arrangements werc made for some of the girls to go to camp, The officers are as' follows presi- dent, Miss Beth Gay; vice-president, Miss Eva Courtice ; 'secretary, Miss Ada Annis; treasurer, Miss Louise Courtice; pianist, Miss Annie Wilk- ins. A piano solo was nicely 'played by Miss Ada Annis. After the mect- ing refreshments. were served and a pleasant time enjoyed. Mrs. Courtice in her 'usual genial wav made the girls most welcome iy i'r home. Mrs. Powers and }'\« Helen Pow- ers, of Orono, visiteu Geo. F. Anuis last week, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs, Peterson, Arden, were Sunday visitors of Everett Wal- ters. Mrs. W. Courtice, R. Courtice spent the week (COLUMBUS SCHOOL : end with cousins in Listowel, Dray- ton and Moorefield, On Thursday afternoon of last week the meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and the Baby and combined was held in the home of Mrs. W, H. Nichols. The presi- dent, Mrs, Clarence Penfound, pre- sided and after the devotional period the first part of the program was giv- en by the. children. Three songs were sung nicely. After considerable amount of business had been trans- acted by the ladies a program was presented on "Mothers." An interest- ing address on "The Mothers of To- day," was given by Mrs, Frank Run- dle. Readings by Mrs, L, J. Court- ice and Mrs, W. R, Courtice were also a part of the prograni. Mrs, G, F. Annis and Miss Hazel Rundle sank a duet, and Mrs, Walter Snider played several favorite hymns on the accordian and every one sang. Re- freshments of cake and ice cream were served to a large crowd of ladies and children, Mrs, Nichols and her daughter, Mrs. Snider, were very] genial and attentive to. their guests, MACDONALD VISIT TOUS, TENTATIVE Likely to Take Place Aiter Naval Question Settled Washington, June 27.~~Premier Ramsay MacDonald's proposed vise it to the United States is more likely to make place after than he- fore agreement is reached on na- val reduction, in the opinion of well informed persons here, Plans for the visit are tentative, the United Press was informed Tuesday, and consist merely in the knowledge among officials here that Mr. MacDonald would like to come, Officials who. ordinarily would be informed of any impena- ing visit, sald no word had been received on the subject. Under those circumstances, it was explained, any forecast of Mr. MacDonald's intentions might eas- ily be contradicted hy the receipt here of a definite statement from him, In support of the suggestion that Mr. MacDonald would not ar- rive until after the forthcoming naval conference, it was recalled he and Ambagsador Dawes had eme phasized the expectation «that all naval powers would be equal pare ties in any reduction agreemen. A prior meeting between Mr, Maz- Donald and President Hoover, ob- servers believe, might arouse tor- elgn suspicions regarding the pos sibility of a secret Anglo-American understanding, Official opinion deprecates much of the speculation regarding the proposed MacDonald-Hoover cons ference. It was explained it would be impossible for the two men, de- spite their powerlnl pesitions, per- sonally to undertnke the negotla- tion of any formal agreement on anything. If they met before na- val reduction had been agreed to and were unable, at the end of their conferencd, to announce solu- tion of the problem, it ig believed public opinion in both countries might be disappointing. The Mac- Donald visit is interpreted here more as a gesture toward better Anglo-American relations than as a move toward discussion' or!solu- tion of any single difficulty, The fact . that Mr, MaeDonald and the President are not agreed on the former's bélief that freedom of the scas might be profitably dis~ cussed in advance of naval reduc- tion is not helieved here to have any hearing upon Mr. MacDonald's expected journey. entific efficiency . It is porcelain and enamel, tile, Housecleaning Old Dutch brings Healthful Cleanliness and i Fo ep ae J and represents a pEnifeam advance in modern woodwork, floors, steps, wind utensils, ete. infact foe al le throughout the house. for PROSPECT BOY I3 gS HURT Ken 'Hit By Base-, ball Bat at Myrtle : Picnic eR Prospect, 'June 25 --A serions accident happened last Saturday at the picnic which was held in Myr- tle, when Ken Studdaford was hit with a bat which severely injured his forehead. the Oshawa hospital, where he was operated on by a specialist Sunday morning, cessful and he is progressing as He was rushed to The operation was suc- «| well as can be expected under the This is a serious |h circumstances, drawback to Ken as he was writs ing his tinal examinations at Whit. by High School, were he as been attending the last 'four, years, Mrs, Hollday is not' fmproving much 'in health, as she has been po ering from pleuresy. All her triends here hope for a speedy re covery, Mrs. Lorne Thompson is also on the sick list; | Geo, Smith is having a new steel roof put.on his barn, Sidney Smith has the contract and will soon have it finished, Dr, Weageant, of Winnipeg, vise ited Mr. and Mrs, W. Thompson and other friends over the week- end, Dr. Weageant is on his way to Bcotland and left on the train from Oshawa on Sunday night for Montreal, where he is to meet oth er friends who are sailing with Mrs, Geo, Hannaford is with her mother, Mrs. Bell, of 'Shirley, who had the misfortune to fall last week and break her ribs, Mrs, John Varcoe, of Toronto, is spending the week with her sister, Miss Mary Martin, Geo. Hannaford and Sam Oyler motored to Uxbridge with Mr, 1. Contes on Saturday last, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. 'Smith and evening with family spent Su Mr, W, Parrot, of Chalk Grant Wilson, of Oshawa, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. W, Wilson, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, J. Ward, of Utica, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Will Thompson, Constant daily testing and dng a of the world's nt teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable never-varyisg flavor and goodness. Every package onion RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Migs Maudie Smith and Miss Della Martin spent Thursday last with H, David, of Utica, One thousand new houses are being built in the city of Regina, Bask., $4,000,000, { the occasion of our tenth spuivirary, we e Housewives of Ontario for their we desire to and i in T tod tu os 1 pon A five fully equipped, Fie) ay we are o) a total of eighty-five fully ( prinelpal centres of On Ontario. The large patronage Serve Suton appeals to all thrifty buyers. ting out tenth sary we such an im nt event an without further demonstrating to you that our Slogan "WE SELL FOR LESS" is not an idle boast. The weekly savings can still be greatly increased by buying all your grocery Yoquirements the Loblaw Way. foe June, 1919, ve opened our first G Sok Ls ex on. modern pp covering all the yoau oy is sure proof that the Loblaw Self. Loblaw's Blue Label TEA Lb. Blw.Gl° BLACK and MIXED CAKE Loblaw's Cake Delicious Cherry Cake. ..ovepeee Rich Fruit and Nut Cake, .ve0ee Lb. 36¢c Lb. 32¢ Frosh Valencia Cake. .. Lb. 2l¢ Made from the finest ingredients =--in our own spotlessly clean seanenses SNACKS Prins 4c 39 Simcoe St, N. 156 Simcoe St, 8, HOURS Open daily 8 am, to 6 pn. Saturday 8 am. to 10 p.m. (osed all day Monday, July 1 DELIVERY HOURS Daily 10.30 am, 4 p.n. Saturday 10,30 a.m, 4 pm. 6 p.m, Ncte: Store open all day Wod- nesday, July 3rd NESTLE'S EVAPORATED MILK DOMINION DAY MONDAY - = JULY lst FOR YOUR PICNIC SUPPLIES--YOU WILL FIND COUNTLESS SUGGESTIONS--A FEW OF WHICH ARE LISTED BELOW. wild Sobers, Jam Jar 37c 2Y4 oz. Tin 14¢ Meat. and Fish Pastes CROSSE& BLACKWELL'S Glass Jar 24¢ Drinking Cups Pondedy the fn posted... 3 02. Tin 24 Lobster Caviar Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 Pkgs. 23¢ Nou xan lays depend an tates Pkg. 12¢ Mouffets Guava Jell Y 12% ox. Jar 34¢ MOANA Brand. . aries Lunch Rolls 15 sheets to a roll. , Sardines ER Brand and Delicious. . . Hi h Park Serviettes Straws. . Pkg. 120 2 Pkg. S¢ 3 Rolls 10c ansssanns 2 Tins 310 TLANTIC Brand-- veer. Pg 140 7 oz. Bottle 28¢ Bottle 10¢ 3 oz. Tin 160 th ho A Mis bibl han | ALASKA RED SALMON GOLDEN BELL BRAND Ia 32° SHIELD BRAND MAYONNAISE Mayonnaise Delight SHIELD Brand-- 8 oz. Jar 3l¢ A delicious Sandwich Spread 4 oz, Jar 17C Pimento Mayonnaise SHIELD Brand-- 8 oz. Jar 31c Rdeal for Salads. corre nen 4 oz. Jar 17¢ Mayonnaise Dressing $RIELD Bunt. 8 on Jar 28 Salad Dressing SHIELD Shins Cooked Rich and Creamy, 4 oz. Jar 24¢ Cooling Drinks Gra, abe Juice Raspberry V inegary 1, 260 Lime Juice 08 HEE ttl. «avs... 1 Bottle 390 this year, costing a total of ing else like it. Puffed Wheat For greater economy Old Dutch is une Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds and AKER Brand Miss Ruth visited Mrs. Reg. Som- 2 Pkgs. 25¢ Ingersoll. Cream and Semon Cup and } erville, of Cherrywood. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gilders and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett and Gordon, all of Bowmanville, visit- ed J. J. Brown. Nearly $34,000,000 will be {spent in the four western provin- ces of Canada on road construction * during the present year. Mrs. Sam Speers Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Baby "When baby was three days old Hy began ib yg pimples It very which later festered and broke and then scaled over. When he was twelve days old he was almost en- tirely covered with eruptions. The affected seemed to itch and burn so that I had to keep mittens on his hands to prevent him scratch- ing his face. in two Signed) )! tg completely healed. Sam nb Innisfree, Cuticura Soap, a sro aid to beauty, cleanses and purifies the skin and hair, restoring them to their natural, fresh and wholesome beauty. Its daily use maintains them in a delightfully healthy condition. 3 RFE equalled. - No cleaning preparation much as Old Dutch and none can do it so well. does sp Peanut Butter ACK AND JILL Brand-- Boneless Chicken AYLMER Brand Corned wd Ray ENTOS-- No, 1 else tin QUICK SUDS CHIPSO Pimento Cheese Med. Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles 19.9: Oz. 29° on and SOUR MIXED fio booed i .. Pkg. Ue JT M-- Lb. S4¢ Chateau or Velveeta CHEESE o staces Pig. 19° See oF ea ih ange Cup rr Bottle 33¢ oot and Orangeade KKOVAH Brand. ... abe Plus 2c. deposit on bottle Orangeatle and Lemonade re «...... Bottle 24¢ Crag po Cherry Punch _

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