Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1929 PAGE SEVEN = TALKS OF PROBLEMS OF CENTRAL EUROPE 'Dr. Czako Says Difficulties 'of Minorities Must Be Solved Toronto, June 26.---Before any sttempts can be made to arrive ut & satisfactory settlement of the repa- ration problems of central Europe, the difficulties of the minority peo- ples must be solved, Dr, Stephen Czako, royal Hungarian ministers vice-secretary, who was in Toronto yesterday en route to Ottawa to lay a plan before Premier Kin and 'his government for the solving of central Europe's post-war prob- lems, Dr. Czako's plan is to orgamze a party of legislators, university professors and newspgpermen to return to Hungary with him and study the question there, The classes of men he has chosea tor the experiment, Dr, Czako be- lleves, embrace those most inter- ested in reparation questions, 'and most capable of suggesting solu~ tions to the difficulties of the pres- ent arrangements, Some three years ago a number of newspapermen from the United States went to Hungary, and the results were gratifying, the doctor said. He is hoping to receive as good or better results with toe present plan, "Before the war," he explained, "Hungary had an area of 120,000 square miles and a population vi twenty and a half millions. -"By the Trianon treaty, 80,000 square miles of that territory was apportioned to Czechoslovakia, Austria, Yugoslavia and Roumaeua, That territory is peopled with thir- teen and a half million Hungarian, now classed as minority peoples. "They are forced to attend schools in which their own ua guage is not taught, and they are being driven from their own church, the Hungarian Catholic, to the Greek Catholic... The probrcms of reparations can never be satis- factorily settled until provision is made for these minority peoples. "The situation obtains as well, though perhaps less strongly, and with few exceptions, in all the countries between the Baltic and the Black Seas. "There are about fourteen small nations with the same problems and difficulties under the post-war regulations concerning boundaries, minorities, economic and cultural questions. "'Great sums of money have bevu invested in these territories by the British and Americans, to facilitate reconsruction, Unless there is some revision of the present regu- lations, it is hardly to be belleveu that these nations in general will be able to obtain such a degree of '| consolidation as to create a basis for fulfilment of their financial obligations." In 1879-and To-Day! When the Marquis of Lorne and ests at the old Toronto, the telephone was in its infancy. To-day there are more York which occupies the old Queen's site, than there Princess Louise were Queen's in telephones in the Ri were then in all Canada. From his room in the mammoth hostelry to-day the Royal York guest that we shall try to do in the con- duct of these negotiations," The premier then added that the battle which ended with the return of the Labor government was a battle of the rank and file. It was very ap- propiate, he thought, that such a gathereding should be held in the headquarters of the Society of Friends. FORMER SUITOR 15 ALLEGED ABDUCTOR Girl Said to Have Been Taken After Rivals Battle - London, Ont., June 25.--A Mt. Brydges girl in training at a local hospital and a London youth to whom she is to be married in the autumn, reported to the police au- thorities yesterday a dastardly at- tack alleged to have heen committ- ed Monday night in West Midale- sex, arising from the jealousy ot rival suitors. It is claimed that the man accused is now being gought by police on a serious charge. The girl's story is reported to be that she had been courted by a Parkhill man, but that she drop- ped him and became engaged to a Londoner. Monday night the Londoner drove her to her old home at Mount Brydges, but seeing the Parkhill man they turned Clean/ | Dependable/ ~with Automatic Mc<Clary Oven Heal Control i M<Clary AN oq p=1[of:7-N, [c] 3) 4 CENERAL STEEL WARES PRODUCT ; Sold and Installed by Harry D. Wilson 23 King St. W. Oshawa 'Phone 46°"! -- The Parkhill man, accord- |Tonely spot criminally * dssaulted ing to their story pursued them, her, v4 compelled her to take nvr' abducted the girl after a batrie foumh tYat she would marry him in- between the rivals, and later at ajstead of fhe Londoner. away. = During the last year Dr. Czako a post-graduate nay call anyone of the 1,800 telephones JAMES PALMER Df the Walker House aquarium, Toronto, with "Amps," the 4 1-2 foot electric eel, which was shocked to death by its compan- fon in an hour and a half battle fn the aquarium. has been taking course in international law at Har- vard University and has learned to speak and write English fluently. He is in Toronto as the guest of Wishart Spence of Toronto, recent scholarship graduate in interna- tional law at Harvard University. COMES BACK TO CANADA Canada has a particular welcome for Canadian boys returning from the United States to take up farming. An interesting case in point is Cyrus G. Shaver, who has recently returned from living in Detroit and has taken up a farm in. Western Canada through the land settlement associa- tion of the Canadian National Rail- ways. Mr, Shaver was born and rai- sed on a farm in the Pembina valley of Manitoba, but.left Canada in 1922 to enter industrial employment in e hotel, or any telephone in Canada, iL Gdn | ' bh / J United States, Cuba, Mexico, Great Britain and almost any country in Europe. The facilities for quick and convenient communication are the last word in efficiency. The the Jerves of this great ey ment. . FRTTIERT § i inl i Detroit. He did very well, in fact, was able not oniy to save some mon- ey but also to obtain title to a house in Detroit, But his love for the Can- adian prairies drew him back again, and this year he determined to return and take up farming. Under the di- rection of CN.R. land settlement of- ficials at Winnipeg he eventually lo- cated on a splendid 320-acre farm near the town of Dugald, 25 miles east of Winnipeg, which he has pur- chased together with first-class build- fo Celebrating the building of a MILLION FRIGIDAIRES ~~ We Announce ings, and a considerable area under cultivation for $7,000, on a system of small cash payment and balance over a period of years. He was able to secure this location within 48 hours of arriving in Winnipeg, and has now made arrangements .to bring his family to the new home. TO-DAY'S LIST OF AUTO ACCIDENTS SUFFERS FACE INJURIES Mimico, June 26. Another Mimico resident was added yester- day afternoon to the long list of those injured on the narrow Lake- shore highway here, when John Mensour, 50, of 134 Lakeshore road, was struck down and severe- ly injured. Mensour attempted to cross from the south side of the highway opposite Mimico avenue, and was knocked down by a car driven by Josephine Doydell, 73 Superior avenue, Mimico. He re- ceived bad face injuries when he struck the ground. The injured man was picked up from the road and carried into the office of Dr, John Serson, and later removed to St. Joseph's hospital in Baycroft's ambulance. Chief Con- stable Fred Herman investigated the accident and lid not hold the driver of the car, which was pro- ceeding along the highway at a speed of 15 miles per hour, w+ ONE KILLED; FIVE INJURED Fort Erie, June 26, -- One man PREMIER CONFERS WITH AMBASSADORS Hopeful of a Definite An. nouncement of Disarma- ment Parley London, June 26.--Premier Ramsay MacDonald tonight made known he hoped before many days it would be possible to make definite announce- ment of how naval disarmament nego. tiations were to be conducted, where a conference would be held and the precist objects of that conference. He was speaking at a Labor recep- tion held at the Friends' meeting house in Euston road. At the same time he disclosed that he had ha da second conversation with General Charles (5. Dawes, new United States ambassador to Britian, and had also seen Hugh S. Gibson, United States ambassador to Belgium, who arrived in London only last evening to assist General 'Dawes in finding solution to what has been termed the outstanding issue between the two English-speaking peoples. The brief speech of the British premier gave confirmation to the in- dication by the Associated Press on Sunday that the visit of Mr, Gibson was of great importance in settling on the machinery and procedure of the proposed international negotia- tions inaugurated at the now famous One 100 gallon tank. tank capacity extra. INSTALLED COMPLETE (F.0.B. TORONTO) Fully Automatic, ElectricfIgnitdon, Additonal AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING at a price within the means of every Canadian home/ was killed and five others injured, one seriously, in a series of acri- dents on the Garrison road near the Peace bridge, early yesterday. rd * / ) The lowest-priced all-porcelain 4 gh Rims would make such rapid progress had hardly been ex- Built by Fess! Largest builders of ESS adds to its group of famous oil heating equipment in the British oil heating systems a new Frigidaire ever offered aires are in use than of electric refrigerators combined. Beauty, Power, Convenience Has the Frigidaire. COLD CONTROL . lowest-priced all-porcelain Frigidaire. This bey yl model (APS has 8 square {eet of »! 8 «» It has ev essential Frigidaire i wi Bd, WL 8 ing the "Cola Coatalt, » laced anyw! ere=----pi to an ed electric Dlutyiog y other 08 Come in Now See the latest Frigidaire models at our showroom. Note the outstanding value which quantity production has made . + Learn the easy General It can be Bowra Electric Shop Simcoe St. N., Oshawa | bart's drug store, | west, where he is employed as a | student pharmacist. Victor Kuntz, 1083 Lovejoy street, | Buffalo, was fatally injurel wnen his car skidded and overturned in the ditch but two women possen- gers escaped injury. Kuntz died on the way to Columbus hospital, Buffalo. Mac Cliff, 198 Palmerston av- enue, Toronto is in Columbus hos- pital, Buffalo, with a fractured skull sustained when his car col- lided head-on with one driven hy Porter N. Streeter, 869 Delaware avenue, Buffalo, His companion, | Joseph Wall, Major street, Toron- { to escapel injury. Streeter escap- ed with lacerations of the scalp, but three other passengers in the car were more serioulsy Injured. They were: Harry Newcomb. Rye, N.Y.; David Wakeman, Glen Ridge, N.J., and Oliver M. Transue, Hart- + ville, Ohio. Cliff and Wax were to have re- turned to Toronto before next Sat- urday, The injurel youth was to have resumed work on Monlay at Roth- Dundas sareet Three other machines were wrecked following the Kuntz ac- cident when a Wisoensin car park- | ed at the scene was struck by an- careened third other machine which acros sthe road striking a car, * * * CAR JUMPS GIRL Port Arthur, June 26.--Thrown into the air by a stone when it left the road, an auto yesterday jumped over a small girl without touching her. The machine turned a complete somersault on landing. and its two occupants, Leslie Spofford and Danny Taylor, were severely injured. The gross sales of the Canadian wheat pool since its inception are now approaching the billion-dollar mark. Since the first pool was or- ganized in. Alberta in 1923 with 23.- 000 contract signers, the movement has grown until the membership is now 145000, and handles one-quarter of the world's total annual wheat crop. The settlers in the Danish colony at Pass Lake, Port Arthur district, cut 4,500 cords of pulpweod on their land last winter in the course of cleaning operations. They had con tracts from local pulp started conversations with the United | created, if IT may ring the changes on pected on the British side. General Dawes appropriately allowed the first announcement of the progress of the conversations of come from the British premier, The-ammbassador hime self, in speaking at a public function last night, referred only. generally to peace among nations, Brief But Hopeful Premier MacDonald, while very bricf was extremely hopeful. After referring to the great political vic tory Labor had won and the general position" of his government, remarks ing that there would be no miracles and no magic but a sincere deter. mination and courage to face public questions. He plunged nmmediately into his revelation, : "We lave allowed no grass to grow under our feet. We have already States. "I am not a prophet and am not going to pose as one able ta pro- phesy. I am convinced of this, that the obstacles that have been in the way of an understanding have been one English word, by a lack of under- standing of cach other, The great thing which is wanted in the world today is capacity of different peoples. different races and different nations to put themselves "in cach other's shoes, That will be one of the things CONSTIPATION RELIEVED ee * 0 QUICKLY This Purely Vegetable Pill will move the bowels without any pain and " depressing after ef- fects. Sick Headaches, Indigestion, Biliousness and Bad Complexion quickly relieved. Children and Adults can easily swallow Dr. Carter's tiny, sugar coated pills. They are free from calomel and poisonous drugs, All Druggists 26c and 75c red pkgs. KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI can afford. demonstration. «4 model, known as *J.R.", spec- {ally designed for use in the average sized home and selling at a price all Before model "J.R." became avail- able for your home, it was put to the severest working tests for 18 months. Itstood up with proved per- formance. We make this claim !... that this new Fess system is as EFFICIENT in operation as foreign built oil burners selling in Canada at up to double the price! This can be conclusively proved by For Warm Air.... Hot Water or Steam Model "J.R." works equally well with any kind of heating system and can be installed in any make of furnace. Burns any grade of fuel oil. FESS = Automatic OIL HEATING DON'T BUY COAL until you have seen the new Fess Models and have heard our interesting proposition. Empire. There is more Fess equip- ment serving in Canadian homes than all other makes of burner combined. AMAZINGLY SILENT... A great feature is its amazing silence of operation. For this reason it is the ideal installation for warm air systems. Only $395! Terms if you wish. Demonstration at your convenience at any of our sales offices, sales or agencies in principal cities throughout Canada. FESS OIL BURNERS OF CANADA LIMITED TORONTO WINNIPEG MONTREAL BRANCHES FROM COAST TO COAST Important! I ition to thi model there oi ot! er Fess Mod els oy meet the re- fipdel D5. of! large residences. Fess as "the aristocrat of al oil Hrs We also market Commercial and In. n covering single units with acity of 50to YS 13 sult wii H ig Miller & Libby 23 Celina St., Oshawa

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