Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1929, p. 30

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PAGE THIRTY See tario F THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 7929 - Ea irst is A Good Slogan For the Summer Vacation Highways Bulletin Tells of Road Conditions t-- - - Bulletin No. 6::Compiled from re- rts of "resident engineers, dated une 17:-- $ Highway No. 2: Windsor to Quebec Bounidary (544.4 'miles)--All paved. Roadside trestle detour at Lambeth due to 'bridge construction. Traffic advised to go carefully Woodstock to Princeton, due to rough pavement, aiecially during wet weather, Oak- alle bridge approaches under con- strisction, short local detour. Road- side detours east of Oshawa and west of - Cobourg. 'Resurfacing operations east and west of Deseronto, no de- tour: Rather rough east and west of Corfiwall. Road under construction from' 'one mile west of Dickinson's Landing to Cornwall. No detours. Highway No. 3: Windsor to Niag- ara 'Falls (2572 miles.)--Paved from Windsor to- Blenheim, From Blen- heim to Elgin-Kent County line road under construction and closed to traffic. - Good detour via Blenheim, Ridgetown, Higligate, Rodney and from. Rodney south to Highway No. 3, Kent County line to Niagara Falls paved. Short roadside detour one mile 'east of Delhi due to culverts washout. Canboro Corner easterly to Dunnville, road under construction, Road is open, traffic will travel with caution. No detour. Highway No. 3A: Chambers Corn- ere to Fort Erie (269 miles)--All paved. 'Highway No. 4: St. Thomas to Clinton (67.2 miles)--St. Thomas to Elginfield payed. Elginfield to Lucan gravel road, rough in places; scari- "fying in progress from Elginfield: to Exeter; traffic will exercise caution in "travelling. over freshly scarified road, Owing to the road from Clan- deboye to Centralia having been graded last year and culverts 'not lengthened, © traffic should observe special: caution in approaching all structures. . Road north from. Cen- tralia has not beep widened to stan- dard width, and where new culverts have: been constructed north from Exeter, special caution should be ob- served and traffic should not pass on structures. Road under contract for paving from Kippen to Clinton; northbound traffic will turn right at Brucéfield for 174 miles, then turn left on road between Con. 2 and 3, following signs 34. miles north, and then turn left 174 miles, back to the Righway, Southbound traffic will fol- 16w the reverse otder of above di- ré¢tions. Road paved from 2/4 miles south of Clinton, "Highway No. 4A: Walkerton to Durham (13 miles)--Good gravel road.. Halfway from. Walkerton to Hanover a washout in the road, pro- tected by a guard rail, necessitates one way traffic for a distance of .150 fect, protected at night with lan- terns. Road being widened near Hanover, caution should be exercised atithis point. One mile west of Han- over traffic will detour to the left and fellow. signs, returning to the high- way in the Town of Hanover. This is necessary owing to paving opera: tions which are under way in the Fewn of 'Hanover. . Highway No, 5: Hamilton ta Tor. onto (44.3 miles)--All paved. Sum- merville bridge under construction, roadside detour. Connecting link Sait Boag to Clappison's: Corners Paved, : Highway No, 6: Port Dover to Owen Sound (149.6 .miles)--Port Dover to Jarvis gravel. Road being widened, trafic will travel with cau- tion, No detour. Jarvis to Arthur 'Paved. Paving construction in pro- gress between Arthur and Kenil- 'worth 'to Chatsworth good. 'gravel road. Chatsworth to Owen Sound Paverient, i Highway No. 7: Sarnia to Peter- bore' (2852 miles)--Paved from 'Sarnia to Arkona turn, 6 miles east -of Warwick village. Arkona ttrn to _Elginfield good gravel road. -Elgin- "keld 'easterly to Prospect Hill under eonstruction; traffic from points west will detour' along: the 16th. Conces- sion: of London Township, being the first road: south of 'No. 7 Highway, 'and return to highway according to "directions indicated by detour signs. Traffic - proceediig westerly from "Stratford on No. 7 Highway will ob- serve detour signs as erected on the "ground, all turns being well indicated "both day and night. Prospect Hill easterly to Brampton paved, Bramp- "fon to Woodhill in fair condition; "Woodhill to about 3 miles .easterly closed ; grading and culvert construc- 'tion; detour south to base line, along "base line to county road at Clairville, "hence north to highway and easterly td. Woodbridge. Brampton to Wood- -bridge: not recommended for through Ltrdffic.: Woodbridge ta Concord, "traffic bound. macadam 'in fair. con- dition. Concord to Thornhill paved. "Langstaffe to Peterboro' macadam .*road to Logust Hill in fair condition. "*Paving proceeding west of Union- ville; Locust Hill to Brooklin, gravel "toad 'in: fair condition, .. Brooklin to' 'Blackwater Junction pavement Black- water Junction to Sunderland fair. Detour from Sunderland to Oakwood ""in fair condition. Oakwood to Lind-: - "say 'pavement. ~ Lindsay to: Peter- " 'boro'. © macadam and gravel road in Fed condition: to Fowler's Corners. Detour -from Fowler's Corners to *"Petérboro' in" fair condition. * :Highway No. 8: Niagara Falls to Goderich (1568 miles) = Paved throughout: 'Highway No. 8A: Burlington Beach - "Citeff--Burlington Canal bridge be- ing repaired; road closed to through 'traffic. Webster side road--Con- =-mecting- "link from Van Wagner's Beach to Hamilton and - Queenstoir ~-Reoad,- concrete; road closed; con- struction of subway. Highway No. 9: Arthur to Kincar- dine (67.5 miles)--Good "gravel road to Teviotdale: Traffic on No. 9 High- way from' the east will follow High- way No. 23 from Teviotdale to Palm- erston, turning right as indicated by ~-signs- and returning to No.9 High- --way-onc mile cast of Harriston, Traf- __fic from the west of No. 9 Highway "will "turn right one mile cast of Har- ristorand- follow signs, returning to #'No. 9 Highway at Teviotdale. From Harriston to Clifford, paved road. "Clifford to Mildmay, gravel road, o-Walkerton under con: ood 4 struction and necessary to detour at Mildmay, 'following signs as erected on the ground. Return to No," 9 Highway 2% miles west of Walker- ton, Traffic from the west of No. 9 Highway will follow the reverse or- der of this detour, Walkerton to Kinloss, good gravel road. Kinloss to Kincardine, surface treated maca- dam road. Highway Neo. 10: Port Credit to Owen Sound (105 miles)--Pavement Port Credit to Caledon Mountain, Caledon Mountain to Orangeville, avel and 'pavement; gravel road air; road under construction; no de- tour. Orangeville to Primrose Corn- ers, payement and gravel; gravel road good, Primrose Corners to Dundalk, pavement. Dundalk to Chatsworth, gravel; road good. Chatsworth to Owen Sound, pavement, Highway No. 11: Toronto to Sev- ern (95.8 miles)~Paved' throughout. Highway No. 12: Whitby to Orillia (65.5 miles)--Pavement Whitby to' 3 miles north of Greenbank. Detour 1 1-4 miles west to Sunderland then northerly 2 miles and easterly 1 1-4 miles back to highway, Gravel road in good condition. Grading operations from 3 'miles south into Atherley. Detour to Uptergrove into Atherley. Follow signs. Highway No. 14: Picton to Mar- mora (50 miles)--Surface treated macadam pavement Picton to Fox- boro,' Grading operations Foxboro' to Stirling. Detour at Foxboro, which is in good condition, Follow signs, Stirling to Marmora, gravel road in good condition, 'Highway No. 15: Kingston to Ot- tawa (131 miles)--Gravel, macadam and asphalt pavement in good con- dition, except for 8 miles north of 'Perth, rough, Traffic-bound macadam being laid between Lombardy and Smith's Falls, and between Portland and Elgin, Carleton Place to Ashton good. Ashton to Stittsville road un- der construction, no detour, Stitts- ville to Ottawa good. Highway No. 16. Prescott to Ot- tawa (62.3 miles)~Concrete pavement Johnstown to Spencerville. Spencer- ville to Bedell under construction, no detour, Balance of road to Beckett's Landing gravel in' good condition: and concrete pavement, Highway No. 17: Pembroke to Point Fortune (18.1 miles)--Pembroke to Ottawa, gravel, concrete and penetra- tion roads. Road under construction Capp westerly, Ottawa to Chute-au- Blondeau 'paved, thence gravel to Point Fortune, in fair condition, : Highway No. 21: Morpeth to High- way No. 7 (56.9 miles)--From High- way No..3 to Petrolea road in good condition with the exception of the stretch from Morpeth to Ridgetown where. the road is rough; short de- tour in good. shape at Petrolea; bal- ance of road in good shape, Highway No. 22: Sarnia to Lon. don (68.8 miles)--Paved Sarnia to junction of No's 7 and 22; under construction between Highway Na. 7 and Lambton-Middlesex County line, closed to traffic; traffic recommended to take the. Sarnia Gravel Road to London. Lambton County to Strath- roy, fair traffic macadam. Traffic der construction, but easily passable, in fair condition. Cobalt-Engleheart, in fair condition. Englehart-Cochrane, in good condition. Sault Ste. Marie to North Bay (275 miles)--Sault Ste, Marie-Echo Bay, in fair condition; a few rough spots. Webbwood-Sudbury, jn good condi- tion. Sydbury-Hagar, n good :condi- tion, Hagar-Sturgeon Falls, rough in places; four-mile detour west of Warren, Sturgeon Falls-North Bay, in good condition. sae North Bay to Pembroke (158 miles) --In good condition; except between Bissett's Creek and Deux Rivers (13 miles), where it is only fair. As this road is narrow, with sharp curves, motorists are advised to take extra precaution: x International Highway (41 miles)-- In good condition. Widening opera- tions in progress between Mileage 34 and 35. THE PORT OF MONTREAL The annual report of the Montreal Harbor Commissioners just made public, tells a story in which not only Montrealers but' all nadians can take pride. The highlights of this report are: . 1. For eight consecutive years the port of Montreal has shipped more grain overseas than any other ocean port in the world, 2. It is exporting annually 45,000,- 000 bushels more than New York, and over 125,000,000 bushels more than Philadelphia. 3. During the year 1928 the net registered tonnage of ocean vessels which traded to the harbor of Mon- treal was 500,000 tons greater than the tonnage of 1927, 4, The net registered tonnage of inland vessels during the same period increased by about 1,360,000 tons, The truth is that Montreal is not merely the second largest port. in North ' America; it is one of the greatest ports in the world, CANADIAN FRUIT CIRCLES Canadian fruit was exported to thirty different countries of the world last year, according to the annual report of the Canadian mine ister of agriculture, The list includes Great Britain, the United Statesy Scandinavia, New Zealand, Soutly Africa, Australia, Germany, Belgiumy France, Holland, Ceylon, the Baha mas, the Barbados, Bermuda, Chinag Egypt, Fiji, Finland, India, Italy, Japan, Hawaii the Philippines, etcg etc, Beckett's Landing to Ottawa. asphalt must drive carefully at culvert was). out. Strathroy. to Hickory Corners detour due to grading operations. | take.county road north from Strath roy to Sarnia Gravel and then eas Hickory. Corners to London, pave Highway No. 23: Mitchell to Tet jotdale (368 miles)~Good grav road, not standard width. New cu verts constructed from Mitchell. Listowel. last year; traffic should n.. | pass on culverts and special car | should be observed in approaching ail | structures on this road throughout. | Grading now proceeding north 'and south of Monkton; trafic will exer- cise caution where men or teams are working and watch out for soft shoul | 'ders. Grading operations between Lis- towel and Gowanstown. Traffic will drive 'slowly over fresh filling. Highway No. 24: Simcoe to Guelph (59 miles)--Simecoe to Brantford, con- crete and good gravel, Brantford tu Paris paved. Paris north, fair gravel and pavement to Guelph. Grading op- erations under way. Highway No. 25: Palermo to Milton (8 miles)--Traffic-bound macadam, in fair. condition; grading in progress at 16-Mile Creck; road closed ; detour to west 1 mile and north to Milton. Highway No. 26: Owen Sound to Barrie (74.6 miles)=--Owen Sound to Meaford, pavement and traffic-bound macadam; road good. Grading work in progress east of Owen Sound and west of Meaford: no detour. Traffic is requested to drive slowly. Meaford to Thornbury pavement; somewhat' rough. Grading work in progress wset of Thornbury; no detour. Grading north of Stayner and Barric; no de- tour. Highway No. 27: Barrie to Midland (32.8 miles), Barrie to Penetang (34 miles)--Through traffic advised to procéed via Crown Hill and north un County Road. Barrie to Midhurst, grading { #o detour, Midhurst to Elm- vale, fajr gravel road. Elmvale to Waverley, south of Midland grading in progress; local detour will be es- tablished as. required. Highway No. 28 Port Hope to Pet- erborough (29.1 miles)--Paved Wei- eome to Dale. Port Hope to Peter- borough paved, except for paving op- erations from Bewdley northerly. No detour. Highway No. 29; Smith's. Falls (30.5 bound mgcadam being I Forthon and Addison. -Carleton Place to Arnprior: (27.7 miles)--Carleton Place to Almonte, penctration pavement, norrow, but wn fair condition. Road under construc- tion between Almonte and Arnprior. Short detour west of Almonte. Highway No. 31: Morrisburg to Carleton County Line via Winchester ~Macadam, in fair condition." - Northern Development Roads Severn to North Bay (143 miles)--1n | fair .condition, North 'Bay to Cochrane--(274 miles)--North Bay to Latchford, in Latchford-Cobalt, un- a Em SC Brockville to miles)--="Traffic- layed 'near an A REAL BARGAIN HE ARCADE LTD. ANNUAL MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Every Item In this Advertisement is a Real Bargain, and Will be on Our Counters for 3 Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday REAL BARGAINS # 8159 50 dozen. only of these wonderful hose of silk thread, splendid From Our Linen © Section 100 ONLY PURE LINEN LUNCH CLOTHS These are of pure Irish Linen 36x36 ideal for picnics, lunches or breakfast, white with rose, green; gold, blue d mauve borders THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 69c Each From the House Fu ratshings 50 PILLOWS 64 CUSHIONS The pillows are well filled and covered in fancy ticking, good useful size. The Kapok filled and covered chintz: Come in round or square cushions THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 59¢c Each A Real BARGAIN | are with good qualit: length and in all eoloys and sizes. 3 PAIR FOR EXTRA 1000 yards of Broken lines of wash fabrics in voiles, dimities, rayons, All of high grade quality. Including silks ahd other fancy goods. 100 Silk Flat Crepe and Printed SILK DRESSES Thursday, Friday. Saturday 98c yd. Every one a wonderful bargain. We have endeavoured to give you real values during this season. But this value is away out of the ordinary. Exceptional in style and beauty. Every dress is de- cidedly new and the colors most attractive. Long or short sleeves. And all sizes. Values Regular $7.95, $9.95 and $10.95. Thursday, Friday 'and Saturday $6. SPECIAL 'g ~~,

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