Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1929, p. 6

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TE . PAGE SIX aE the same care--as of Red Rose Tea is prepared with if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package. REDROSE Aisgood'ted © RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good om Fie EES EEE ERAS ROP PPE RF TIIT LETT ------T Social and Personal Mr, Gordon Cook spent the week end at his home in Lindsay, ' * Miss Ruth White, Haig street, Is visiting in Collingwood, Ld LJ . Mr, and Mrs, Robert Drysburg of Gananoque motored to the city and spent the week-end with rela- tives here. A A Mr, Ross Courtice visited Mr Jack Cooper at his home in Orono over the week-end, a a Mrs, J. Hele, McMillan Drive, spent the week-end in Toronto with her sister, Mrs, Price. Ld - . Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Grant of Souris, Manitoba, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. R, Goyne, Church street, for a few days, They arrived in the city Saturday to attend the marriage of Miss Bernice Goyne to Mr. Cassal Larmer, * ¥ "Dr, T, W. G. McKay, King street east, was in Toronto yesterday, where he examined students under the Drugless Practioners Act, x ¥ Miss Courtney McGregor of Os- wego, Kansas, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, W, .J. Sully Simcoe street south, . LJ LJ Miss Sadle Thorburn, Kenneth avenue, spent the week-end with relatives in Sonya. 'Mr, Austin Ford spent tht week- end with his parents in Lindsay, ve *_ * ¥ Mr, and Mrs, E, James, Colborne street, Mr, and Mrs, C, W, Werry, Agnes street, attended the funer- al of their cousin, thel ate Mr, Nor- man James in Bowmanville on Sat. urday, or % 0% Mrs, Latchford of Brandon is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, R, J, Hynd- man, Celina street, Mrs, Latchford was in the city for the marriage of her grand-niece, Miss Bernice Goyne, to Mr, Cassal Larmer, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Church street, on Saturday afternoon, hk 8 Van der HART---REID A marriage of local interest took place at four o'clock Wednes- day afternoon, June 19, 1920, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W, B, Reid, London, Ont,, when thelr youngest daughter, Ellen Marl | etta, became the hride of Lester van der Hart of Toronto, only son of Mrs, Eleanor E, and the lato Arle van der Hart of Kitchener, Rev. Kingsley Salton of London officiated, Mr, Van der Hart was formerly of this city, having been connected with the local branch of the F, W, Woolworth Co: Mr, . and Mrs, van der Hart will be at | home to their friends after July 1 at their residence, Kenneth avenue, Toronto, LJ fl » The Ladles' Day at the Oshawa golf club was enjoyed yesterday, In the morning competitions were held, after which lunch was servea, There were about twenty-five members present for the event, In the afternoon tournaments were again enjoyed, Mrs, R. Morphy had the best score for the day, while Miss Margaret Burns was runner-up. Mrs, Daniel won the driving competition, Mrs, Pinner the putting and Mrs, H, E, Smith and Mrs, B, A, Dixon were tied for the approaching contest, A de- lightful social afternoon was en- joyed, Weddings STAINTON----GOSLING A quiet wedding was solemnized Monday, June 17, 1029, when Irene Esther Gosling, the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, F, Gos- ling, of Lindsay, was united in marriage by the Rev, H, Stainton, of Courtice, to Percy Cameron Stainton, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. C, N, Stainton, of Oshawa, GABOURIE-GEEGAN A pretty wedding was solemniz- ed at eight o'clock mass, Monday, June 24, 1929, in Bt, Gregory's church by Rev, Father Bench, when Clara Marion, eldest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, John Geegan, Stambaugh, Mich,,w as united in marriage to Joseph Francis, sou of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Gabourle, Harmony, in the presence of a large circle of friends, The bride was charming in a rose-heige frock with hat and hoes to match, and carried a bouquet of tea roses, She was attended by the cousin of the groom, Miss Mary Kelly who wore a becoming frock of poudre blue crepe and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations, Mr, Sid Gabourie, brother of the groom, was groomsman, After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the groom's parents, where a wedding breakfast was served, Later Mr .and Mrs, Gab- ourie left by train for Chicago and the bride's home in Stambaugh, Mich,, where they will spend their honeymoon, The bride chose for travelling a daffodil silk ensemble, On their return they will reside 1 Oshawa, LARMER~=GOYNE A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A, R. Goyne, 25 Church street, at two- thirty, Saturday afternoon, June 22, 1020, when thelr only daugh- ter, Bernice Annetta, was united in marriage to Willlam Samuel Cassal Larmer, son of Mr, and Mrs, A, J, Larmer, 206 Clarke street, Rev, C. RB, Cragg, pastor of King street United Church, officiated. Lohengrin's wedding march waa played hy Miss Vivien Goyne, cous- in of the hride. The bride, who was given in marriage by her fahter, was charming in a gown of white satin with radium lace and orange hlossom trimming, wearing an orange blossom and pearl ban- dean and platinum wrist watch, the gift of the groom, She carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart roses, Miss Dora Mountjoy was a lovey bridesmaid in a peach geor- gette frock with a mohair hat to match and carried a houquet of pink carnations, The groom was assisted by his brother, Mr, Ar nold Larmer, The ceremony took years, The family of Me, end Mrs. Wr P. Petty ¢ family of Mr, &n ra, W, P, Petty (1 and 2) of Cherrywood, Picker ing, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W, A, Milroy (4 and § Maple Shade farm, Markham, and celebrated the wedding anniversaries of both couples, Mr, and Mrs, Petty have been married 54 years and Mr, and Mrs. Milroy 25 _-- Its Childs Play fo use FLY=TOX It's so easy and convenient to kill flies and other insects with FLY.TOX. The clean, fragrant spray goes high up in rooms and penetrates into cracks and corners, and kills every insect it touches, yet is absolutely harmless to people. ELY=TO Made ln Canada by Conde Rex Spray, Co, Lid, Brighton, Outale Canada, Et -- aT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929, place under an arch of evergreen and seasonable flowers, The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a pearl bracelet, to the grooms- man a Longrines watch, During the signing of the register Miss Vivien Goyne played "The Venetian Love Song", After the ceremony n buffet supper was served and later Mr, and Mrs, Larmer left on a short wedding trip, The bride chose for travelling a blue geor- gette ensemble with chartreuse green and hat and shoes to match and an amber fox fur, On their return Mr, and Mrs, Larmer will reside in their new home at 94 Roxborough avenue, BICKLE~SHOEMAKER A pretty June wedding was sol- emnized at three o'clock, Satur- day, June 22, 1029, at the home of Mrs, A, 8, Bhoemaker, 30 Alma street, Kitchener, when her daugh- ter, Cora May Shoemaker, hecame the bride of R. Bickle, son of Mr. and Mrs, George B, Bickle of Bow- manville, Rev, W, L, Draffin, pas tor of the Pentecostal Church of- ficlated, The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr, Lloyd Shoemaker, entered the room to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mies Myrtle Good, Two little flower girls, Phyllis Upper, and Betty Toman, dressed in pink and carry- ing baskets of pink. and white sweet peas preceded them to the waiting bridegroom, There were no attendants, The bride was FOR DEB AND SUB. DEB A sprigged dimity for the slim de- butante and little sub-deb who f{ol- lows the styles of her older sister closely, The diagonal line of hip yoke is what makes it so utterly smart and graceful, The attached full gathered skirt swings beautifully at each move of wearer, Its sole trimming is bow of soit taille ribbon at left hip, Flow= ered organdie, nile green handker- chief linen, printed voile in gingham check in blue and white, dotted ba- tiste in pale pink, lilac shade in wash- able crepe de chine, printed crepe silk, flowered chiffon and pastel georgette crepe will add chic to sum- mer wardrobe, at a small expenditure, Design No. 534 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 years, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is pre- ferred), Wrap coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for this pattern you enclose 10 cents ad- ditional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine, It's just filled with de- lightful styles, including smart en- sembles and cute designs for the kid- dies, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern: Department, Ottawa, Ont, Enclosed ind vivianssrsasnrnrniene Gente, Please send patterns listed below: TTITTITTTCTIRVT TRIPP || | EERIE TED) Provines sivsessssssrsanisssnnissnsassnnnes Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps or coin, Wrap coin carefully, (1) A smart spectator frock of yellow flat crepe with searf in triangles of white, gray and yel- low, Ntitched bows of self-materinl finish the appliqued bands, In » moment of inspiration the narrow tallored belt does a different bow that is really a neat little knot with two saucy ends, (2) Three colors eggshell, tulip pink, black ~=and three materials, canton crepe and flat crepe with an appliqued conceit of leather, fashion this original semissports ensemble, The Jacket Is of canton crepe, while the two-piece sports frock is of flat crepe, The ensemble is completed in the hat of black ballibunti with flat trimming of grosgrain ribbon in which the three colors appear. (3)° A smart Paris coat of pink woollen cloth with collar and cuffs of broadiall, designed by Chane Cie and Perrvier.~Photograph of number (3) is by Henri Manuel of Paris, smartly gowned in Alice Blue georgette, a Dhiege crinoline hat, and shoes and hose to match, She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley, During the signing of the register Mr; Dave Chambers, accompanied hy Miss Evelyn Bickle sang "Until." At the conclusion of the cere- mony a buffet lunch was served in the dining room which was pret- tily decorated with pink and white ribbon, Later Mr, and Mrs, Bickle left on a trip to Montreal after which they will take up their future residence in Bowmanville, Guests from a distance came from Guelph, Welland, Bowman- ville, Port Hope and Toronto, FREEDMAN-=ENGEL One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H, Engel, King street west, at four o'clock, Sunday afternoon, June 23, 1929, when their second daughter, Paul- ine, hecame the bride of Benjamin Freedman, son of Mr, and Mrs, A. I'reedman of Toronto, The cera- mony was performed on the lawn at the rear of the spacious home by Rabbi Sacks of Toronto in the You'll be surprised how quickly and easily Dr. J. D. Kellogg's! Asthma Remedy brings relief to sufferers from Asthma or Hay Fever, It effectively overcomes irrita«' present of about 150 guests, The garden was particularly lovely with the Spring flowers in pro- fusion and Chinese lanterns gus- pended in the air, The bride des- cended the stairs to the strains of the wedding march played hy Mr, Bernard Gibson preceded hy two flower girls, little Evelyne and Pauline Engel, a ringhearer, Mir. iam Schwartz and her mald of honor, Migs Rose Engel, They ap- proached the marquee, under which the ceremony was perform- ed, as the groom and his attend- ant, Mr, Lou Freedman of To- ronto, took their places before Rabbi Sacks, The bride was lovely in her Period gown of white satin, The bouffant skirt was made of frills of white net, edged with silver and was fashioned long in the back, while it was caught up in the front, Her long veil was of embroidered net, worn cap fashion, and caught with orange blossoms White hose and satin shoes were also worn, She carriel a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily of the valley, Her sister, the maid of honor, Miss Rose En- gel, chose a bhouffant frock of flesh georgette trimmed with lace, with a hat te match and silver shoes, She carried an arm bouquet of deep pink Ophelia roses, Little Miriam Schwartz, the ring hearer, was In a dainty white georgette frock and carried the ring on a white satin cushion, Evelyne and Pauline Engel wers winsome flow: er girls in pink georgette with large baskets of flowers, A recep- tion wag held in the drawing room, which was decorated with palms and ferns, The bride's mother and father, and the groom's mother and father received with the bridal party, Mrs, Engel chose a flowered chiffon gown with hat' to match and wore a corsage hou- quet of pink roses and baby's breath, 'Mrs. Freedman wore a he- coming black lace ensemble with hat to match, and a corsage of vallow tea rose For the wedding dinner a florentine cloth covered the table, which was centred. with the bride's cake, Low silver bowls of pink roses were the floral dec orations while pink tulle. festoons and pink tapers in silver candle- iilcks were. used, The bridal tion and permits you ta couple were toasted by the offici escape from the horror of sleepless, restless nights, It relieves the worst cases, Try it and be convinced. Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, Limited Toronto, Canada D" J.D.KELLOGGS | groomsman and Mrs, Freedman the evening on a Chicago, chie fur, white hat, hose and shoes, On their man will make their home tempor. arly guests ago, Philadelphia, New York City, Detroit, Young ating rabbi and other members of the bridal party, The groom's gift to the bride was a rope of pearls, to the brides. maid a silver mesh hag and to the a fountain pen, Mr, left later in motor trip for Philadelphia, New York City, and Mrs, Freedman wore a Oxford grey suit, silver fox return Mr, and Mrs, Freed- Oshawa, Out-of-town present from Chile. in were Montreal and Toronto, CENTRE STREET YOUNG PEOPLES PICNIC The Centre stréet United church People held an outdoor meeting last evening in the form of a pienie, There were about 20 members present and an entertain~ ing evening was enjoyed, Following the supper hour ball games were enjoyed, These were followed by a paper chase which ended in an exciting manner when a number in the chare got stuck in a hog. After all had recovered a short period of worship closed the Women's Interests in the Home ~ and the - ------ vee This Ring-- | in chaste severity-- rib gaa smart,new and above Orange Bloses all, conforming to Faun. Vuiingling latest trend. Simple hi line and silhouette in extremely grace. ful contour and line ~ for the elite a ring of unmistakable ERAT Lay RII) i i J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 10 King St. West Phone 189 TTT TTT TTT TTT TT TTT YYY RA 0 Ah 4h Gh fh 4h dh 4h Jb 0h hh 4h 4h 4h 4h 4 A 4 4h 4 hh 4 hn An 4 ee an oo GET RID OF DANDRUFF BY USING Cuticura Soap ASSISTED BY Cuticura Ointment SOLD EVERYWHERE Soap 25¢, Olatment 250, and 50¢, ' Taloum 25¢, Sample each free. Address Canadian Depot) J. T. Wait Company, Ltd., Montreal, EW ™ Cuticura Shaving Stick 28c, ohhh bd dA A 4 4 4 A 4 evening's entertainment, Women's Meetings HARVEY-HUNT MISSION AUXILIARY MEETING The monthly meeting of the Harvey-Hunt Auxiliary was held in the Simcoe street United Church on Thursday evening, Mrs, K, Wa'~ son presided, The Mission Heralds were read hy 'Miss C, Harvey and Miss Stinson, During the program a pleasing solo was given by Miss Hoover and the Study Book. A letter was read Miss Belle Allin gave a talk from by Miss Waring from the Auxili- ary's little charge at Radway Centre, which was very interest. ing. At the close of the meeting re- fresehments were served hy Miss Allin's group and a pleasant time was enjoyed, BOYS SHOULD SHARE IN DOMESTIC DUTIES Manchester, Eng, June 25---Ad: dressing the Southport Chamber of Trade on "Girls and their future," Mrs. Dymond, head mistress of the Southport High School for Girls, said the solution of the domestie problem would only come when boys as well as girls were trained to home dutics TUNNEY SUED FOR HEART BALM Declares He Paid Woman $35,000 to Relinquish All Claims Bridgeport, Conn,, June 28. James J, (Gene) Tunney, retired heavyweight boxing champion, in an answer yesterday to the $500,- 000 breach of promise suit brought against him by Mrs, Katherine King Fogarty of Fort Worth, Texan, denied he had ever asked her to marry him, but said he had paid her sums exceeding $35,- 000 ta "relinquish all claims on him." Special orders taken for Bridal outfits, Reasonable Th: be Fashion. Shoppe Phone 8083W Serve fresh, tangy ¥ salads... on listless summer days! R you are entertaining company or are just by youre selves, serve fresh, tangy salads during the warm summer months and win a reputation as a charming hostess and a capable housewife. Be most pardcules about your salad dressings. Every salad dressing--French, Mayonnaise, Thousand Island, Russian, Cream or Boiled Dressing--needs the racy, appetizing flavour that Keen's Mus! alone can give. Use Keen's Mustard in all your salad dressings and thus make sure that your salads are appetizing and flavourful. Salad Secrets FREE--Send for a copy of our book, us Secrets", containing recipes for many new delight. KEEN'S MUSTARD Aids Digestion Colman-Keen (Canada) Limited, 107 Amherst St., Montreal. a. = WEEPY |§ re 6 To -------------------- © 0 ARRAY {Hey cLeAN? DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE --By Grace G. Draytor 2 199, King Featores Syndicate, for, Great pi AND HIDE, avext] CHEEPY. Britain til Tere WHEN ALONG CAME MRS LOPPITYS TWINS AND THEY WERE LOOKING AT THE BASKET OF - d - AND CHICKY-CHEERY TURNED RABBIT, GAVE M A PUSH / ND IN THEY TUMBLED. LOLLIPOPS é vd ly AND WE Lost oul LOLLIPOPS, TLL TEACH You NoT To SPOIL MY ™ ¢ HARD DAYS 4 gore To TelL my Be=Lveio Arc --- = MUDDY LITTLE FEET THE CLOTHES WERE ALL RUINED WITH THEIR 9 & -- Mae BUNNY BOXED THEIR EARS AND T ONT BLAME HER 9 | EN I ---- ------------------

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