Ea { WHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1929 \ "STAN, BARNIBTER, Solicitor, Nniary, over Dewlsod's Store, Money to loan, 16 Eimcoe arrest porth, Phone 67, Resldense vistors, vie. Money to inan, Alger Bldg, Opposite Post Office. Phone 1814, A. J. Parkhill, A, ©, H, Field vistors, Solicitors, ete. 94% Siw: cos St. N, Phone 2160, M hey. 19 clan, i . Obstetrician, Sova re Erencef to. watery work and di 1 anamienia. fica and hots fence 167 Sineos St. N, (cor. Brock) hone 110:t1) ce . and resis t, corner Vietorla 0. RF Has wor 8 'Faeiro. y, Ofde, Disney Block, Phone Office open 9 am. to 9 pm, hi Ntldence 16) King East one Physician, Burgeon an ee Ring' Bt B , Tesiden on EK Phone 3188, (Des, 81t0) " " L) fat urgery. Office 143 Sim. iat "a orth, Residence 166 ' 0 3040, Simeon ptreat North, Phon FH (g, P, & 8, Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special ate tention to maternity: ork and dls eases of children, Office and resid. ence, 186 Simcoe St. North, Phons wroat t 'Wi hp rest (1 oronto, wi e 8 L] office over ary % Lovells Dru; Store each Saturday, from 1 till pm, for yltation and treatment i dissases ear, nose and threat 8 ante qe be m rd SITE, 7 RIOHARDEON, OFFICE over Mitehell's Prog Store, Hours Lhpotaeie Dies ews 135 appoiptmen oe pho : Resldonce, 488), (Ith) ervous " . , J 1) ad {st nervous mental and Ductiess gland diseases, Oftice and resid: ence Uxbri [) phone 134, sett's, Special attention to X-Ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse 10 aueddance. Phone 089, Hous 1 \ a7 Kiug street east, Alger building. Phone 3860, Evenlags by appolat meat, (481) BE H. NM. COOKE, 9 SIMCO orth, over Mitchells D Store. for extraction, Phone b BEE oxid en gas for extrags Of R | Bank Bldg oh O48, pr Ty 178M. meoe St. NN. ever Dewland's. 8 Phone 1957, Real, 203W, Evenings by appointment. (July oth) . BI i eo 1780, pe HN dg. n a 1] " 4 Dentists, 37 King 8t. B. Special ate tention to gas extraction and X- work, Nuree fin attendauce. ones 1843 and 331, (96th) eterinary Surgeon BE SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, pect diseases domestic animals, Hospital, 203 Kin Sous. Phone 62 id oh work,' Second Building. Pb 1408 8 one es. ph 909]. i ate architects, Simcoe St. 8. or Felt Bros. (een) ndertaking Juda - AYN Residence, 843 Simcoe street north, Phones $10) and 210W, [ 3 Celina Siust, Cube, dames ruce ulanee. SASL chitectural Rove Bank ' "J } suctioneer, 346 Simcoe Bt. §, We he ure 8h ' 41 King St. W.. Oshawa, Ontario, a aL ASiuts (ia td A J t Ah utable Fire sult R, N, y h, i insurance wants ii a BATY Fay interests protected. "HOURE and Land agents for ene 1 of the best English companie f (hte ) ARTRUW LYNDE, VOCAL TEA: chat Namboury Congervatory, Tor 01 repaired for all esas, Shaws Wedaesthy, " imeos U North, Phope S7h4 PF, (180:t0) RUNEVTRE MUSICIANS FURNISHED FOR all occasions, J, Watson, Teacher of Violin, Phone 2062, (May 27-1mo.) Transportation A sand apd elnders, Lock) and loo digtance hauling, Phone 8048 and Hat, $mith and Cos, ¢4 Bond SL. Joe Bond St. West 'Ph ] 5 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and stemge warehouse equip- ment flosgase transferred to oy fro | tra if) distance, Also sand and gavel, Cunningham, 131 Albert 8t, Phone 1886, (June 8-1 mo) OBHAWA'S OLDEST E8TABLISH. ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage, Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park Rd, South, Phone 315, (June 156-1 mn) [9 L} distance hauling, New trucks, Reasonable prices, Phope 1017M, 186 Bloor street east, (186 1 mn) TRUCKING AND MOVING, LOGAL and long distance hauling. Prompt service, Reaponahle prices, Mes Nevin, Gilmour and Gardner, 207 Festubert street, Phone 2401), (June 24 1 mo) Beauty Pariors FETTY 1.00 PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe, Permanent wave $7.60 and $10. Automatic machine, 1 extra free finger wave, Phone hh Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop, Marvel and sham. poo $1, Phone 2008, (340) Beduty Shop, © Celina Bt, We specialize (n ladies' halr cutting, arcelling, shampooing, facials arcel 80 cents, For appointments phone 2083, NARCEL work done, T8e, Powder Pun Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East, Phone #0581, (104st1) Money to Loan (June 16-1 mo \ 5, )e ress loans arranged, Parkhill & leld, Barristers, eto, Alger Bldg. ane 1614, (40) Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14 % Xia St, Kast, Oshawa, Phone 2790, (70th) Painting and Decorating ££ GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA. S . erhanger,. painting and gralning. rices eh. ? nd 0 Pine Ave, plione J06Sw or ar, 9 \ repaired, Painting by 735 Cedar street, (June 17 1 mo) Sup furniture ob or hour, hone 24581), stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phons Essery Bros 832 ring 11, (June 1-1 mo) . A Kb, hone 1876), Cement blocks, v0, 10:12; cement bricks; gravel and stones, (June 20-1 mo.) To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery dato, W. Borrowdale, Phone nn ' : tf) Distributors' prices, Glazed Sash, Frames, Doors, Flooring, Rooting. Shingles, Paint, Hardware, Wall board, Pumps, Water Systems, Plumbing Goods, Electrical Goods. Send for big free oatalog with freight paid prices, You gave by dealing direct, Halliday Company Limited, 14 Halliday Building, Hamilton, modation for summer tourists, furs nished rooms, week or mouth, beautiful location, Board Yourself, Write Box 33, Bewdley, Ontario, (14%) and dyers, the place for alteras tions and repairs, Phone 308, 124 King West, Above Cannings Men's Sube a4 A wo) ---- LLL 1 ( E on Elgin St, East. All conveni con. Apply 890 Mary Bt. (14h) --] a be moved by purchaser oft lot, Price #300, Terms if desived, Phone 2088W for martieulars, ; C) mon mates ( sy. patie 74 Mechan | RIES A DC for and delivered 78c, If rental supplied #1, Batteries vepaired, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill EROW, June 7 1 me) V] " ors, screen doorg put on and (loors fulishen, Work guaranteed, 106 urke street, Phone 2080M, (May 20 1 mon) livered Tho, rental 26c. Entire electrical system of car overhayled and repaired, Prices reasonable. Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3112W or 8078), (June 61 mn) adio vice i tubes and seta tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied #1, Batteries re- aired at moderate prices, Char: es Wales, Phone 1046), (June #1 mo) Hemstitching WENETITCHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs, Dell, 26% fimooe south, Phone 16586, (June 14-1 mo) NAA lt A Wanted to Bu und all kinds of metals, Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poule try. Goods called for, Phone 8060m Nenidence BH Mill St (184¢0) or oe or Kent on J Store and six roomed dwelling with all conveniences, den Apr ply 81 Elgin E. Phone 1686), (14011) roomed houses; all convenience, hardwood floops throughout, mx rooms and attle; . vent B46 per month, Apply Box 48, Times, Watch Repairing ' A ' wise watchmaker, repair shop wt % King Street W ig Your "ps (20) ronage {a solicited, Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah eurtains, cans opy tops installed, T. Taylor, Tore onto, Oshawa phone 1053, Even. ATW, (77) Announcements "NN, Dell wishes to Inform those whem it may concern, that her Salon on Simcoe Btreot South for hemstitching, pleating, dressmaking, ete, i ln no way whatsoever connected with any Shoppe as circulated, (1281 ma, ) Second Hand Dealer niture bought and sold, 188 Aloor §t. Kast, Phone 16417M (114) Pets and Live Stock ullets for sale, laying. Phone TI8W, (148-0) Notice GENTLEMAN WISHES TO GET in touch with party motoring daily to Bay street district, Toronto, passing through Pickering at 7.00 am, (daylight saving time) and leaving oity after § pm. Business ANB ment. Phone 600 Ploker ng, : (148-0) Contracting we URETE, plastering, electric or alterations. 'Phone 139 for estimates, (June 8:1 mo.) cellar tloars, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations, For prices 'phone 3878W, J, Pidgen, 97 Colborne t, B (188:11) GENTLEMAN, YOUNG, WISHES to meet girl friend, fond of aports and dancing, Old Country pre. ferred. Write appointment, Lonely. Box 44 Times, (1480) a ww Motor Cars condition, Has wire wheels, shogk absorbers, bumper, mirror, wiper, visor, new battery, toels and good tires. 286 Park Road South, (1480) Chureh St. Repairs all kinda cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service eharzing and repairing. 1070) anted To Rent Ad \ August, rural house with garden. Kitchen and three or four rooms, if possible bath. Apply Box 48 TU 40), street, Phone ' TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3 Ask for Classified Ad Do. partment Articles For Sale tab ba fay ow bone dry | FOIL) y woed. Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone | (Aor, tf) WALLPAPENL AND PAINTY, MOST ovmiplete stock In Oshawa, Murfitt and Park, 58 Simcoe Bt. 8, (661) FOR EALU--HEINTZMAN CO. Lid, planos: new and used planos, also radios, latest models; ters S1ranged, Apply ©. Trull, Phone 1666J, (111-L0) FACTORY On OFFICE CLOOK for sala at very reasonable price, fplendid running order. Apply Oshava Dally Times, (tr) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKERS has auto parts and accessories for sale ,15-17 Bond street wet. Phone 3080W, (187 1 mo) A " i also black loam, dump truck ser. vies, Moderate prices, Phone 1778), Jack Vorrester, 210 Allow street! (137.1 wo) FOR SaLELTReP DRUMS, One chestra outfit, value $200, Will sell for #150, Terms, or $100 cash, Phope 1500 and Isave number for Mr. Kelly Bolahood, (186 3 wk) SEWING Almost new, price, Phone (1460) FOR BALE~-BINGER machine, drop head, Will sell for hall 2H34W, 4 a ' ity Washer, terms if desired, Call 71 McLaughlin Blvd, Oshawa, Ont, (147h) MISS ' SIMPLICITY ELECTRIC washers demonstrators, Ten year guarantea hond with everyons, Your own terms, Call 105 Bimgoe #5. or phone manager 400, (147h) Help Wanted--Male L TRE (4) 5) Safe-Drive-Antl-Glare, every car a prospect, Endorsed by Ontario Motor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 40, 70 Lombard, Torouw, WANTED AT ONCE--EXPERI- enced Digman for body and tender work, Good wages and steady work, Apply Stratford Aute Body, 163 8t, Patrick St, Stratford, Phone Stratford 1477, -- (13810) WANTED= LATHL, PLANER, slotter and radial drill hands, Men acoustomed to heavy marine ens gine work, Apply stating age, exe perience and wages required, (o Box 44 Times, (146¢) { 0) I a ' . tern makers for manufacturing plant in Waeatern Ontario eity, Steady jobs under ideal working and living conditions, State age, experience and wages expected, Apply to Box 45, Times office, (148¢) WANTED «= AN LAPERIENCED house to house salesman, Repre- sent National Organization, taking full charge of territory, 850 to $100 a week assured if you quals ify. Repeat business, Permanent year round position. References re- quired, Give experience first letter and phone number, Strictly eons fidential, Box 49 Times, . (147h) Help Wantea--* erale Arp (12418) Experienced preferred. Burns Shee Co, A --d ' i aral housework at once. Phone 3164, (1480) 4 J Cc ". cooking experience not necessary, to help with housework and look after children, Apply in person, 124 Elgin 8t, W, (148¢) WANTED--ELDERLY LADY Rn light housework and cave of inva. Id, two adults, Call 168 Celina street, (148¢) ply 8 SE Mrs, Sidney Mills, 814 Simeoe 8 (14680) wanted, 'Apply Traymore, 38 King 8t, East, (14Ta) able to cook, Apply 27 Ritson road south (14%e) Ad 814 (14h) by Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. Phone 3822. (1480) Phony A33TWs (A418) -- = | evenings, Simeos Apts. five rooms all Iatest eon co including, Elostrie ref stoves, and fislures, Isundry 700ms, with Electric Dryers, | Mor, and shower baths For further pas tioulurs, Any Your Agent or Janitor on Premises, The Trust and Guaranive Co, IAS, for r, Toronto. r id Phone 2089), 1140) roomed nuite in Vietorls Apts, 891 'meoe Bt, South, Apply to Mr, Grier, Phone 2983). 140) without board, Bed sitting veom it preferred, Apply 6% Gibbs street. ' May 28-1 we) OFFICE TY A well lighted, On Himocos street, Near centre of eity, Immediste pitsension, Bradley Bros. Phone 69, (May 81 1 mo) furnished rooms for light house- keeping, All conveniences, App 1235 Huron Bt, or phone 711M, (1471) od. Every convenience, suitable for light housekeeping, Phone 1478J, (1410) on Bimcos Bt, 8 rooms and bath. semi-furnished. Central, Apply Bradley Bros, office. (14211) t GNT om DI ostablished office King 8t, KE, Very central, $20 per month, Apply Box 27 Times, (1438¢0) TWO UNIUTINTEHED ROOME 10 vent for light housekeeping Phone 1804), (1431) ment, Also garages, 153 Simcoe street south, Phone AD. (1440) FON NENT--A TURNTEHED TWO roomed apartment, Phone 1778W or call 216 Allee Ht, (146¢c) rooms, "hardwood floors, new Louse, All conveniences, Rent reas: onahle. hone 2576, (1466) light housekeeping, Rent reason. able to right party, Phone Ha, o tage with conveniences at Oshawa on the Lake. Phone 420, Wh ( e) ' ' 1 4 rooms and bath, Electric tireplace. Apply 14% King St. E. Apl, Phone 2360, (1480) ( Rat PY Bruce Bt. Phone 454W, (148) ) Ness Man; Pruce St, rate reasonable, 9338 Phone 454W. (146.0) All conveniences, Immediate pov * [session, Baird Block, Phone 444, (1450) (} -- 4 furnished rooms for housekeeping. All conveniences. Heasonable rent on Simcoe street south, 1668W, "hone (1480) ' NT we, ' 1) N C suitable for two, single heds. Apply IR Ontario 8t, (146c) FOR RENT=TIVE ROOM NEW brick bungalow. No objection to children. $26 month, 401 Jarvia St., Cor, Lauder Rd. Real snap All conveniences, (1400) --DRIG FURNISH: ed front bedroom, central, Break i fant optional. 100 King St. West, (1460) apartment, private Apply 154 William 240, -- i= hath, central, St, East, Phone (1460) | room, suitable for one or two, Also garage, Apply 115 Oshawa Rivd, (1460) YOR I ) hright rooms, hardwood reasonable, Phone 2108M, -- floors. (147a) room with all conveniences, Apply 70 McMillan Drive Phone 2320W, (1470) room All conveniences, Close Lo Motors, Apply 80 Bond 8t, Weat, Phone 417, (147h) ] { pg n for two men, equipped for houses keeping. Apply 311 Simoos St, South, Phone 2126\WV, (1470) h ( rent at 425 Ritson road south, All conveniences, including electria light fixtures, Low rent to oare- ful tenant, Apply William Igel, 428 Prospect St, Phone 3017TW, (1470 ment to rent for July and August, Central, Phone« 5887 uoouy end ( [i -- 1} house, Phone 1091W, (1470) oom and week: rooms only $3.50 and up. Apply 39 Ontario Street, (June 7-1 mu.) "FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND board for gentlemen: all conveut ences, central; alse garage, Apply 17 Ritson Road North, (148-0) (1450) th : 0 All conveniences. §7 per 288 Jarvis street, (1460) Rrook St, Kast Motors. week, Private home, Home privileges, An ply 344 Athol street saat : (146t0) An alliwool garment never shrinks so long as it's on the sheep's back.=-Guelph Mercury, The honeymoon ix ater when ha substitutes "So'long" for Good-bye, ny dips =Hanilion Spestator, fy |3 months old, Grey with white » | cover the average stacks of agriculs T---- | { housework, Laundry or any other Apply $29 Eulslie avenue, abe matriculation and knowledge or stenography, desires position for [1 oons, Phone 1014W, (146¢c) keeper sooks position, wage expecied. 7.0. Dox 381, Pras. ; e Phone (1478) position "as housekeeper, 350 vr 3. sake) between Buena Vista Street and Nassau Street, on Thursday, June 13, Reward, Phone 1752J. (146-¢) containing a wedding ring, ¥Vinder please leave at Times o oh (145-0) w #1 reward on return fo (1460) on tall, 12 Ahol St, E, tween Bagot Bt, Luke Furniture Store and Loblaw's, a folder of keys with one car key, Finder hone 1183W, (147b) gam ry Finder please leave at Times of- fice or 377 Simcoe St, South, J (147¢) JOBT -- "RIM (Chevrolet), between Oshawa and Whithy, Reward $5.00, Harry Hern, 106 William 8t, E., Oshawa, (1478) t MORE: the bite, Put away, 1be, it. on and scare them 26¢ and B0c per box, Try our famous Blood Mixture, Also Asthma Remedy. The dollar bottles that gives the million del- Iar feeling, Guaranteed pure herbs. Obtainable only from proprister, Goulding, 23 Prince St, Oshawa, June 34 1 mo) NATIONAL WEALTH STATISTICS ISSUED BE 3. | Increase of $600,000,000 is Shown Over Estimates For 1926 / o-------- Ottawa, June 24.=The national wealth of Canada, exclusive of un- developed natural resources, is Jigead at $27 687,000,000 for the year 1927 in an estimate made public at the Dao. minion Bureau of Statistics Friday "This is an increase of $900,000,000 over the 1926 estimate The wealth was divided among the rovinees as follows i=Ontario, §9,« 560,775,000 or 34.53 ner cent of the | total: Quebec, $6,852,279,000 or 24.75 per cent; Saskatchewan, $2,998,085, 000 or 1083 per cent; British Cos lumbia, $2.318,681,000 or §38 per cent; Alberta, $2.258210000 or B16 per cent; Manitoba, $1,92535,000 or 6.48 per cent; Nova Scotia, $875,129,000 or 3.10 per cent; New Brunswick, $751, 818,000 or 2.71 per cent; Prince Ld. ward Island, $148.493,000 or 0.53 per cent; Yukon, $16,830,000 or 0.06 per cent, While Ontario and Quebec lead in absolute wealth, the western pros vinces come first in per fhpita wealth as follows: Dritish Columbia, $4,082; Alberta, $3,600; Saskatchewan, $3 580; Ontario, $3,000; Manitoba, $2. 076,:8Quebec, $2,631; New Brunswick, 1,820: Prince Edward Island, §1.713; Nova Scotia, © $1,578, and Yuken doubtful, Agricultural Wealth : The total agricultural wealth in 1927 was $8,027,001,000, the largest itme in our national wealth, and 2899 er cent of the whole, This amount fmcludes the value of agriculture) Pros duction in 1927, or $1,730,304,000, to tural goods in the possession of farmers and traders, and the amount invested in the preparation for the new erop, The second largest item in the nas tional wealth was urban real prop. erty, Thig includes the assessed val. uations of taxed and exempted props erty, to which was added one-third to provide for under-valuation by as. sessors and for roads, sewers, The estimated value, as based on returns for 1927 received in the bureau from municipalities, was $7,238,688,000, or 26,14 per gent of the total wealth of the Dominion, . The wealth invested in steam rails ways, computed from the cost of road and equipment; and distributed by provinces on the basis of mileage, constituted the next largest item, amounting te 50,000,000, or 10.6 per cent of the total Value of Forests Another important item is the tans gible value of forests, which, esti: mated on the basis of the latest avail able data, amounts to $1,868,613,000 or 6.74 per cent of the whole. This Includes the estimated value of aes cessible raw materials, pulpwood, and capital invested in operations, and also an estimate of $325,000000 for distributed among the provinces acs cording to the estimated stumpage value, ' The value of machinery and tools in manufacturing establishments, -and of lands and buildings of manufac turing concerns in rural districts, Was estimated at $1,136435000 in 1927, or 1 per cent of the whale. In addi. tion, the estimated value of materials on hand and stecks in process in Manufactunng establishments, was set at $720000000 or 263 per cent of the total, The item, trading establishment shows the estimated value of fuenis ture and Antares delivery equipment, $ was bridges and || the present value of young growth |g and materials and stocks on hand in 1927 as $985,665.00, or 356 per cent of fhe at { the estimated popu n the hasis of the es . fation in 1927 of 9,519,000, the per capita investment in agricultural wealth wis $843, in urgan real prop- erty $760,in steam railways $310, in forests $196, and in household fur- nishings and personal property $ The per capita wealth of all kinds $2509, FROST CLOSED FYES OF AVIATOR WHEN SEVEN MILES UP) German Flier Admits He Came Very Close to Death Berlin, June 24~=Wilhelm Neun- hofen, the German airman who re- cently established a new altitude re- cord when he drove his plane to a height of about 41,000 feet, narrowly escaped death when he fainted from lack of oxygen during a similar at- tempt three days before, it was re- vealed, ! As a result of his record-breaking feat Neunhoferi has become known to Germany as "the man who has been closest 10 heaven" The climb wis made over the City of Dessau in a Bremen type machine, : The flier admitted that in his first attempt he came close' to death, He explained that in his second, and sue- cessful attempt, he had with him a safety device, operated from the in- strument board, which is designed to prevent mishaps of the nature which occurred during the first attempt, "In my first attempt," Neunhofen sifd, "I 'missed disaster by a hair's breadth, When | had reached an alti- tude of about 11, 000 meters the feed- or line of my oxygen apparatus sud- denly froze, 1 was left without air and fell into a faint, At about 4,000 meters | recovered consciousness, The plane was sinking, but retained its stability, It had made a gliding, spir- al descent of about 7,000 meters, "1 managed to turn on the gas and make a smooth landing, : "The greatest hindrance to a flight of this sort is the extreme cold, The greatest peril is the thin air. The change in temperature during. my climb was 80 degrees. When I left earth the thermometer stood at 2 degrees centigrade, When 1 got to the tap of my climb on my successful trial it was 50 degrees below cre, "1 was forced to fly without protee- tive goggles because the glass in them was completely frosted over when 1 got ta a certain height, 1 could not see through the thick coat- ing of ice, And every time ! wanted to look out of the cockpit to orient myself the biting cold struck me square in: the eves. As a result my left eve was frozen shut when | reached the top of my successful flight" 72VIL TAST NAME IN TELEPHONE BOOK: ZZYZZ Formidable Conten- der for Last Place New York, June 24=Mr, Zayzz rested triumphantly Friday in last place in the New York telephone di. rectory, It was a hard fight and the worst of it was that Mr, Zzyzz was not here Friday to taste the fruits of victory, By ringing Murray Hill 9077 it was ascertained that Mr. Zzyzz had left the city and would not be back until Sunday. aa Meanwhile, H. C. Zzyk was so chagrined at his failure to gain last place that he either left town, 'too, or was so fmmersed in grief that he did not care to answer his telephone, He had staked all on one brilliant coup d'etat and lost, Knowing that the new phone directory would come out seon, he changed his name from Z2yk to Z2yx, fecling confident the $12.18 RT 'X" would bring victory, Appare ently he had not reckoned wit Mone formidable Mr. Z1yzz whe could toss away one "Z" aud still win without benefit of vowel or consonant, The whole affair was simplified by od retirement from the lists of Mr, 2yz, who reigned in last place for years and years. Mr, Zzys is Lewis rowne Zzyz, rabbi and author, who writes. under the name of Lewis Browne, Mr, Zzyz apparently be- came convinced he had gathered enought glory, for his 'phone was dis- Sonnets some ome ago, 2 r. Zzysz is R, Cantarrang Zzyzz of 140 East 40th street, The youns lady who answered the telephone re- fused to comment upon whether Mr, Ziyi was taking his newly-born onors modestly," She also was re- uctant to venture an opinion' on how Mr, Zaye Jroncuny his name, Nicholas Putnam Zzyn loomed i a while as a formidable contender, but. at the last moment he weakened gnd his telephone number was given to August Heckscher, the philanthroe pist, Meanwhile, it seemed, at the hous the new directories went to press, that the A. A, A, Aaron Charcoal Company had an impregnable hold on first place with the A, A, A, Accounts ing & Auditing Co, sunning second, EASY TO START WAR SAYS FRENCHMAN Advocates Militia System for All Countries as For Peace LX | tr -- Paris, June 22.~In the light of re« cent international disarmament de« velopments, French political leaders displayed considerable interest today in the statemtnt made by Joseph Paul Boncour, that peace and real disarma- ment were impossible as long as huge standing armies were maintained by the powers of the world, M. Boncour insisted that the enly logical and certain way to peace is by the adoption of the militia system, The French League of Nations ex- pert argued that a military machine trained to the minute, offered & men- ace to the peace of the world, Let a "fait accompli" arise and the insulted nation, with a trained stand- ing army, begins eperations at ence and her army starts to moye toward the frontier of the offender--real or imaginary--te defend its honor, And there is war," But, M. Paul Boncour argues, if nations had only militia, requiring time for mobilization there would then be time for meditation. The red hot insult of to-day probably would appear not so insulting to- morrow and the whole controversy could be adjusted by apologies. And at toh same time a militia would be sufcient to protect the natien from foreign invasion. Paul Bopcour rid- fcules the idea that War requires trained technicians, . The great advantage of militia, in the opinion of Paul .Boncour, is that it lends {taelf to gradual reduc. tion, making possible plans for pom. plete. disarmament, whieh, he be. ligves, 1» not true of standing arm- on. We------------ A fashion note from London in- forms. us. that eigarettes to match the costume are now the vegue, and it strikes us that the London women are going in for awfully short smokes. springfield (Mass) Union, Re a iy el kth ol 20 acres of excellent past- ure at City limits for rent. 50 acres of hay, clover and timothy, open for tender. Large Aw and stable aleo for rent. Apply. LYCETT 28 King St. East Wanted 500at7% For First Mortgage on an Attractive Brick and Shingle Howse, Good Security. APPLY BOX § THE TIMES OFFICE - ~ MONEY LOANED IN TEN MINUTES ON AUTOMOBILES TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY Loins paid oft or additional Cash. AN ; Open Dally ® AM. to 6 P\ M, \ G.R. HOLDEN Discount Uo, Limited Motor Loan and ad Room 6, 1434 King East. "00.