Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1929, p. 9

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PRISONERS ESCAPE, ONE REFUSES; AND RELEASES - JAILER E. Sliger May Win Pardon For His Part in Jail Break CUT TURNKEY'S BONDS ---- Both Young Men Are Re- ported on Point of Porth, June 24.~Buccépsfully dodging & fusillade of shots from police revolvers in a chase yester- if evening, two escaped inmates of the Lanark county jail, Fred Mitchell, aged 21, and James Bmith, aged 20, both. of Smiths Falls, wer believed to be cornered fonight in a thick swamp near Maberly, 20 miles from here, With Frank O'Donnell, aged 21, apd John Kennedy, aged 20, Pmith and Mitchell last night ef- fected one of the most sensational Jail escapes ever made in eastern Ontario and unwittingly paved the way for a fifth prisoner, E. Bliger, 19, make himself the hero of the ail, .: Bliger, whom jail officials to- day fed the best of fare and who will be recommended for a pardon, not only refused to join the jail break plot but afterwards by remarkable manoeuvre released the turnkey, James Palmer, when he and the latter were bound, gagged and locked together by the desper~ adoes, Early this evening Smith and Mitchell were seen by County Con- stables Palmer and Duffy, who firing their revolvers, chased the fugitives into the swamp where they are now thought to lle, All the available police In the county, jein- ed by several volunteer posses, syrrounded the swamp tonight and resolved to keep watch with oyt break until morning when the cordon plans to close In and, it is hoped, capture the desperadoes, Turkey Palmer, minus two teeth as a result of his struggle with the fugitives, is one of the watchers, O'Donnell and Kennedy have not been seen since 7.30 o'clock last night . when they and the other two, all wearing civilian clothes which they had taken from the jail clothing department, saun- tered unconoeredly out of the Jailyard and down the street while Perth residents looked on unsus- pectingly from nearby verandas. With BSliger, the four escaped prisoners were the only inmates of one wing of the jall, When Sliger, spurning their offer of freedom, refused to join the plot, the others turned on him angrily and gagged and tied him. Shortly after, Hurn- key Palmer visited the wing on his regular tour of iuspection, One of the quartet threw a blanket over his head and pounding him with' their fists, silenced him with a towel as a gag and trussed him Bellen, aving taken Palmer's keys, the fugitives now had the run of the Jail wing. They threw the turnkey and Sliger into the punishment cell and then opened up the locked room in which prisoner's clothing is kept. Their clothes retrieved, they walked out of the jail, Twenty minutes later, New Martin NOW PLAYING Lewis Storie Marceline Day Henry B. Walthall in Freedom of the Press Sliger Vaudeville READER Limestone Grit 100-1b. Bag ..............50¢ Hogg & Lytle, Limited Phone 203 73 Zz 5 18 Simcoe Street, South. Baokache! Bladder Trouble | and Palmer were found by Jalil Governor Oates, 'I heard them shouting and hammering on the punishment cell bars," Governor Oatés said lat night, "When I found them and learned of the escape, 1 immediately notified the police, Pamer, angered by the rough treatment he had received, left to join the search, but before he went he told me how Bliger had freed him of his bonds and helped him raise the outery." Cut Turnkey's Bonds Sliger, it iy said, rolled himself across the cell floor into a posi. tion beside the latter, Then, al- though his hands were bound tight enough to sear the wrists, he man- aged in some way to reach into one of the turnkey's pockets and get the latter's knife, He opened the knife and cut the cord around Palmer' wrists; Palmer then was able to free himself! and Sliger, "We rewarded Sliger today," sald Governor Oates, 'with the best meal we could get for him and we are going to try and have him let out without serving the rest of his term," All four fugitives were serving terms for fraud, O'Donnell and Kennedy, both of whom are sailors from Nova Scotia, were in for 30 days each, while the others who are now helieved to be in the Mab- erly swamp were doing 45 days each, The terms of the first pair would have served on July 28, The others would have been free on July 20, REPORTED LANDING OF SPANISH FLIER PROVES UNFOUNDED Fliers Have Not Yet Landed at the Azores London, June 24~The whereabouts of the airplane in which four Spanish fliers set out on Friday from Carte agena, Spain, for Ner York was a mystery here last night, The Madrid bureau of Reiuters last night said that the official report Sat- urday night of the landing of the Spanish transatlantic plane at San Miguel has proved unfounded, A French report was received at Madrid denying the plane had ever arrived at San Miguel, No such official or semi-official denial had reached Spain so far as Reuters could ascertain, The Areo club, which is usually completely informed on such events as transatlantic flights, had received nothing since Saturday. Horta, Azores, was without any direct wor from it since it left Spain, It was supposed there that the plane had descended on one of the small islands of the Azores gieup with which communication would be pos~ sible only by boat, The radio of the plane was fre- Juently heard by Spanish stations in the early stages of the flight, but presumably could not be operated ex- cept when the machine was in flight, The call letters are E D R 16 and the sending wave length is 900 metres, Unconfimed Report of Landing New York, June 23.--=The Western Union manager at Horta, Azores, to night informed the Associated Press that rumours had reached him that the Spanish ffiers were between Formigas and Santa Maria islands, at the extreme southeast of the group, He was unable to confirm the report, Unconfirmed Report at St. John's Halifax, N.S, June 23.--A despatch from St, John's, Nfld, late tonight had been received there that the Spanish fliers had left the Azores this afternoon and were planning to call at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, where supplies of fuel had been placed in readiness some weeks ago. All Canadian government radio. stas tions on the north Atlantic seaboard report through the superintendent at Halifax and at a late hour tonight, no news of the fliers had been received. -------------- ) WENT INTO DITCH London, June 24.~Saturday after. noon a car driven by a Detroiter at- tempted to pass the Lambeth bus near London airport and to avert a collision took to the ditch and rolled over three times, One of his passens ers, William F, Cook, 25, of djl {cGraw avenue, Detroit, was hurled out on the roadside. Cook was brought to Victoria hospital suffering from severe shock. Saturday night County Traffic Of ficer Fred Alired, while pursuing a speeder on the Springbank boulevard, crashed into a car driven by H, Axley as Axley turned into a lane, Alfred was badly shaken up and strained. His machine was wrecked and Mrs, Axley suffered from shock 'when their car was knocked across the road, 'e Retail 2000 of Them==In any Quantity Also Reliable For Various Human Allments Obtainable from any of our 33 Herbal Stores in Ontario Oshawa Store: S00 Simcoe St, South Dr. Thuna Balsam Remedies Limited Phone S338 $ " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 24; 1929 Here are four new arrivals to the land of opportunity who came with a recent party from the old country, From LEFT to RIGHT they are: Grace McKerrel and Doris Carter, two young ladies who expect to take up domestic service here, Colin and Allison Imlay, aged eight and ten, who are on their way to Hamilton to join their father, who preceded them to Canada. This youthful pair made the trip from England unattended, It is their second trip to Canada, SUNNYSIDE VICTIM DIES IN HOSPITAL J. Kempthorne Succumbs Following Whoopee Accident Toronto, June 24, --One death has resulted and another is feared from the accident in a "whoopee ride" at Sunnyside on Friday night, John Kempthorne, 30-year-old visitor from Paris, Ont, died in St, Joseph's hos- pital Saturday evening, 24 hours after he had been impaled on a fence picket in a 15-foot fall from his seat in an acrial car, His sister, Mrs, Elizabeth Balne of 376 McRoberts avenue, is be- lieved dying, suffering from fractures of the skull and pelvis, Frank and ack Balne, husband and son of Mrs, alne, are recovering. Official investigation is to begin at 3 o'clock this afternoon when Chief Coroner Dr, M, M., Crawford will conduct a jury through an inspection of the 'whoopee' machine, After this inspection, the inquest will be ad- journed for a few days, possibly long enough to permit the presence ol Balne and his son to testify, City officials indicated last night that there would be no civic or de- partmental investigation of the affair, the mayor and controllers expressing the opinion that the coroner's inquest would meet the need, Everything possible to aid the inquiry will be done by the city, they said, A worn cotter pin in a large cog which both drives and brakes the tion of the ride by police Saturuay 'whoopee' machine caused the fra-| gedy, it was indicated by an inspec- | | afternoon, The breaking of this small pin alowed the cog to slip and fore- stalled the application of brakes, Chalfont St, Giles, England, has de- cided to allow its 30-year-old clm tree to remain in High Street, near Milton's cottage, Nearly $82,000,000 worth of pro- ducts of this country were received in Cential America last year, Belgium is planning an extensive constraction program in connection with the international exposition to be held there next year, "An Army of Cordon Bleu Chefs An army, sald Napoleon, marches on its stomach, but a hotel proapers as much as any- thing on its food. These are the men at the Royal York Hotel who are responsible for the good cheer at that famous hostelry which was opened last week by the Governor- General with a distinguished com- any of prominent Canadians rectors of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the premier of Ontario and many others, These chefs command an army of 175 culinary experts and indirectly another army of 300 waiters, They are from left to Hght: E. Argange, party chef; R. Albertella, tan! chef; J, Cherrier, head chef; J. Aublard, ansistapt chef; W, cluding the president and di- Thonfield, banquet chef; and P, Raaberg, grill chel, odin ' PROVINCIALS TAKE OVER DUTIES IN FIFTEEN COUNTIES Attorney - General's Con- stable Act Amendments' Effective This Morning Toronto, June 24, -- Attorney- General Price's far-reaching con- stable's act amendments of the last session of the Legislature have been proclaimed by Order-in- Council and are effective from this morning, June 24, First move of this legislative machinery toward its ultimate op Jective--the bringing of all county constabularly under the disciplin- ary jurisdiction of the Provincial Police and the establishment of a greater and more effective co-oper-~ ation in law administration and enforcement between the Province and municipalities has already been made, New High Constable Appointments Appointment of 15 Provincial constables as Acting High Con- stables to counties in which here tofore there has heen practically no police organization and very little regualtion was announced over the week end by the Attorn- ey General, These appointments which will apply until permanent officials are named by the Govern ment, are as follows: H, Butler of the Orangeville de- tachment, to be Acting High Con- stable of Dufferin county; W, C, Oliver of Simcoe detachment to Norfolk county; A, Maclead, Pres cott, to Grenville; W, B, Elliott, Dunnville, to Haldimand; G, B, Cookman, Milton, to Halton; T, H, Owens, Brampton, to Peel; B, C, Jakeman, Morrisburg, to Dunaas; J. Berry, Cornwall, to Stormont; W. R, Pringle, Lancaster, to Glen~ garry; F, Wetherell, Lindsay to Victoria; G. V. Clubb, Kingston, to Frontenac; H, Storey, Cobourg, to Northumberland and Durham; D. P. Morris, Picton, to Prince Ed- ward; L, A, Denton, Owen Sound, to Grey and F, W, Barrett of Nap- anes (a former High Constable), to Lennox and Addington, Others to Be Added To the list of fifteen counties afore-mentioned Colonel Price hopes within a few days to add seven or eight others, These will come from the fifteen counties-- Bruce, Essex, Hastings, Huron, Lambton, Lanark, Lincoln, Ontar- fo, Perth, Peterborough, Renfrew, Simcoe, Waterloo, Welland and Wellington--in which police organ. ization is purely nominal, or where constables are only part-time offie- fals, some as old as 70 years, and in many cases, drawing mere pit- ances of salaries, Mr, Humphries has been negotiating with these municipalities regarding matter of having thelr police adminisrwu- tion taken over by the Provincial authorities and a number have al- ready signified thelr intention of entering the fold, In the case, however , of the Counties of Brant, Carleton, Elgin, Kent, Middlesex, Oxford, Waent- worth and York the Attorney-Gen- eral's Department will not take ov- er the police administration un- less requested, All these counties have full time high constables, paid by the municipalities them. Whose but furthermore ture, I new home, "ae. ws is right. pastes BE ST Wa) { KP N Who Build When homes are ideas and advice js spend the greater in that home? plan a house and plan it well and in architecture are always good, and of course they sre endowed with a flair for harmony in color, The spirit of modern woman is a free spirit; she is abreast of the times; she demands in her home, proper in« sulation, and properly built-in furni- In the planning and building of that your wife, nine times out of ten she Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Banned, whose e first sought? the woman who to ortion of her time omen know how to their ideas of symmetry / listen to the counsel of selves, and Carleton, Kent, Middle sex, Wentworth and York have police commissions to add to thelr prestige as good law enforcement districts, They will, however, come under General Williams for discipline, the new Constables Act providing for this condition, SLEEPING AUTOIST Dixie, June 24~A pleasant sleep in a coupe was broken when C, O'Neill, 410 Davenport road, Toronto, awoke to find his car wrecked against a concrete wall at the foot of an enbankment on the third concession near here early yesterday; Late Saturday night O'Neill, tired after a party in Hamilton, was re- turning alone along the Dundas high- way, Becoming weary he took a side road and motored until he reached a spot over-looking the Lakeview Golf club, 'Here he stopped at the side of the road, ; : Apparently some unconscious action of his foot released the brake for the heavy car lurched to one side down an embankment, striking a retaining wall at the bottom, Golfers playing from the eighth tee a few feet away, pulled the driver from the wheel just in time before fire broke out in the engine, O'Neill was stunned, but ex- cept for a fe. minor cuts was un- jured, The auto was wrecked, WOMAN INJURED London, June 24~Sunday after. noon a Detroit sedan struck a deep open ditch and turned over, A woman was badly cut, She was taken to friends in London, ; An attempt to do a kindly act in giving a couple of soldiers from the sanatorium a ride ended disastrously for A. Rackham, a vetern, living on Wellington road. As he crossed the base line and Lambeth highways he was struck by cars from both direc. tions, His wife was cut and bruised and he was arrested by Traffic Officer Moses, charged with causing his wife hodily harm by negligence, He was liberated on bail last night, After attention by Dr, Annett, Mrs, Rack- ham was able to go to her home, James Brown of R.R, No, 9 London, was cut about the face and legs when his automobile collided head-on with a street car at Dundas street and Ashland ovenue, Saturday night, The auto was wrecked and the street car '| damaged, a SERIOUS CRASH London, June 24~A head-on eol+ lision at 2 o'clock yesterday morning between Lambeth and Delaware sent Thomas G, McCormick of 835 Dun das street, his companion, Irene Mann, of 748 King street, and the driver of another car, Frances Church of 14109 Maple Ridge avenue, Detroit; to Victoria hospital, McCormick had a dislocated hip, Miss Mann a fraes tured arm, deep forehead laceration and possibly internal injuries, and Church a Broken kneecap, broken jaw and chest hurts, ' FOR RENT Furnished Apartments Apply W. Shackleton )0 p34 td RABBIT INDUSTRY DECIDED BY TIMES London Newspaper Pokes Fun at Russian Plan London, June 24.--"The imagina- tion and the enterprise of the Bols shevists are boundless," says the Times in a derisive editorial on what it terms "The State Rabbit Indu try" recently devised in Moscow By a conference of officials from the Commissariats of Agriculture and Trade and the Meat Products Trust, The scheme is designed to remed the scarcity of meat in Russia whic has followed the dearth of wheat, Not much has been heard about it hitherto, But here is an official avowal that it exists and that it may be expected to last until 1934, "The experts have risen to the oc- casion and propose State rabbits as a substitute for the beef and mutton all the power of the State does not _ PrN S-- Ce YOU O yy 1928 Chev. Sedan. New car warranty "$650 ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 9 Prince S8t,, Oshawa Phone 1100 Hudson-Essex Distributors RE ---------- V. A. Henry INSURANCE MM} Simcoe St, 8, 1*hones 1108W---=Uftice 1888) --Rosidonce HARDWOOD FLOORS LAL) BY EXPERT MECHANICS 014 floors finished like mew. Storm windows, combination doors, General Contractors B. W. HAYNES 16] King St. W, Phone 0, residence 80rd, enable them to provide, The is grandiose, like all Bolshevist schemes, The conference appointed a special committee and instructed it to produce between two and three millions oi 'pedigree rabbits' within the present year. We are not in. formed how they are to perform the dui "Rabbits are very prolific, but the time allotted for raising so large a stock seems hardly sufficient, And the mere supply of rabbits, as is pro» videntially foreseen, is but the begin. ning of the task. There must be State factories for the mass produc. tion of canned rabbits, rabbit sau. sages, and rabbit pasties, The com- mittee is to superintend the construcs tion of these establishments, The question arises, Where is the money for this costly undertaking? of the subject. They listened to the details of the plan prepared by Gove ernment specialists which covers the next five years. Then, with a breadth of view and a sense of the psychology of the 'plain man' which does not mark all Bolshevist projects, they -- recognized that the general public "The conference took a large view |: CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W. Telephone 679-283 Night Calls 510-1560 would require education in the new boon to be offered them, They are to be instructed in the vast possibili- ties of rabbit culture by appropriate literature, travelling cinemas with special films, and organized methods RO FR SAN haa = EE LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber any Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 884 Whithy 18 Of RIORMARIA map mimics ie RE | ..-Your Home There it stands ready to welcome you. It is yours for always----not merely as long as you pay rental tribute, It is your haven of security, your safe ine vestment, your dwelling place, There are many reliable firma listed here who are in a position to render immediate service, whether you wish to buy a home or build one yourself. COAL! COAL! Phone 108 W. J: SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor ftreet Lk, Ovders Promp Delivered N YOUR OWN HOME? LUMBER o Buildin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. Hardwood Floors fam floors laid, sand. wood Finished Complete by Experts. 3 W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED i 38 Albert Stroet Phones 280 & 187. To t,t voomed furnished bung low, wood floors, open centrally located, $65 per month, ; J.H.R.LWWKE | Regent Theatre Building. Phone 871 $4,200----Gladstone Ave. Brick Veneer and Stucco Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath. Ash floors through- out, Newly decorated. $500 cash down, See Phone 1880 - *° Opposite Post Office a ---------------- a

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