Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jun 1929, p. 2

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} Adi THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1929 ~The Whitby Daily Times "nent the post 0 "a : _.. REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN TRAFFIC SIGNALS SATISFACTORY UP 10 THE PRESENT Suggestion Is Made That Left Hand Turns Be Abolished (By Staff Reporter) . Whitby, June 22.--The operation of the new stop-and-go signal proved quite satisfactory to date and it is thought that the system will prove valuable in directing traffic and In preventing accidents, Observation of trafic at this point bas shown but one possible defect in the regulations now in force, This is in 'the case of left-hand turns For instance yestérday afternoon a car approaching Dundas street from the north and a car approaching Dundas street from the south receiv. ed the signal to go. Simultaneously the two cars turned to the west and almost collided with each other while at the same time a pedestrian who was crossing with the green light had to jump back with more than ordinary agility in an effort to avoid being struck. Obviously the pedestrian had the right of way over the car making the left-hand turn but while in law the right-of-way is provided by cer. tain statutory regulations in prac. tice it is generally given to the ob- LORD BYNG who welcomes Labor government .a , Wishes he could return to a: an ww oie A Delightful Breakfast Food made $25.00 Scotland Woollen 8 Rotish, Mgr., 11 Simcoe 8. 18 Simcoe Street, South, | SCREENS | For those screens which give : satisfaction Phone 2354 Millard's will do the rest. Our combination and screen doors are cheapest in the end, MILLARD'S MILL Joct possessing the most weight and greatest power. In other words the pedestrian's right-of-way is more sta tutory than real unless he wishes to brave the encounter with trafic and rest his case on the law courts after risking bis life and limb, Porbidden in Oshawa In Oshawa left-hand turns prohibited at the city's main inter- section, The situation however is different here as the intersection marks the converging of two prov. incial highways and the abolition of left-hand turns would impede trafic from the west, bound for points on the Whitby-Lindsay gwar. Mo- torists however should exercise care in making these turns and wait for pedestrians who are crossing the in. tersection with trafic, Those who do not wish to exercise this care should be charged with violating the High. way Trafic Act, it is claimed by residents of Whitby, WHITBY DEFEATS PORT PERRY, 11-3 Locals' Pitcher Turned in an Exceptionally Fine Performance (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 22,~Bhowing more ability with the willow than their op- ponents, Whitby defeated Port Perry 113 in an Interesting South On. tario Softball fixture last night, The visitors' defeat may be blamed in part upon the splendid exhibition of Herb Neal, the locals' smart mounds. man, who allowed but seven hits and is credited with 8 strikeouts, This alone however does not tell the story for Neal pitched a ball which proved difficult to drive any distance, As a general rule the batter found that his would-be hit was well taken care of in the infleld. Naples in the box for Port Perry allowed 10 hits and made 6 strike-outs, The locals showed that they were out to pile up a score right in the first innings and two runners crossed the plate in quick succession, The Port Perry sluggers had gone down in one, two, three order, In the second innings the visitors counted one run while Whitby ad. ded five. Maundrell, local short-stop showed himself to possess strong Babe Ruth tendencies when - he clouted a homer to far left field with two on bases. It was the nicest drive seen at the park for a long time and for a second it looked as though the ball would land out of the lot. Forrester and Neal also scored during this frame while Charl ton popped out to VanNest at 2nd base for the third down, Neither side counted runs during the third innings although Forrester secured a neat riple to right field, The locals did not score again un til the 5th innings when Maundrell was brought home on a single by McCallum, In the 8th frame Port Perry coun. ted two runs. Collacutt singled to right field but I, Harris went out on an easy fly to Maundrell, Naples secured a hit and Collacutt was ad: vanced to 2nd. Brock sent a nice drive down the third base line and Collacutt came home while Naples went to 3rd, Brock gaining 2nd, Daw: son reached lst and H. Harris sent a long drive out to centre field, It was handled nicely by Flannigan but Naples came home on the play when Quinton missed the catch. Brock also tried to make the grade but was put out while running home. The locals increased their lead by scoring three additional runs in their half of the 8th, Port Perry could not score in the 8th and the final count stood at 11-3, The teams: Port Perry---Battery, Naples and I. Harris; Infleld, R,' Harris, Van Nest, Brock and Willlams; outfield, Switzer, Collacutt and Dawson, Whitby »- Battery, Neal and Quin: ton; infield, McCallum, Charlton, Forrester and Maundrell; outfield, Brown, Flannigan and Kay, The score by innings: -- R. HE Pt.Perry 0100000203 71 Whitby 25001003 x~-11105 The red hat was. bestowed on the Roman cardinals in 1245 by Pope Innocent 1V, as a symbol of their readiness to shed their blood for Christ and the church, At the same time the cardinals were give en precedence over all archbishups in ceremonies and processions, Three out of the five ordained at Saskatoon the other day were ex-Captains in the Church Army=-- A. E. Longfellow, W. Getliffe and E. A. McCarthy. Wanted $2,500 at 7 % For First Mortgage on an Attractive Brick and Shingle House. Good Security. APPLY BOX § THE TIMES OFFICE are |. CHANGES MADE "IN HYDRO RATES Substantial Reduction in Rate For Commercial Lighting (By Staff Reportar) Whitby, June 21 ~The interim rate for power in Whitby for the year Bet ginning January 1, 1929, will be the same as last. year, viz, $3600 per horse power according to a sommin . cation received by the Public Utilit Commission from the Hydro Electric Power Commission' of Ontario, The Commission recommends that a new schedule of rate for the retail sale of electricity here be as follows: Service Charge--33 cents gross per month for two wire service; 66 cents gross per month for three-wire sere vice, . Consumption Charge=3 cents per Kilo-watt Hour for the first 60 Kilo~ Watt Hours per month, plus 1%4 cents per Wi for all additional con- sumption during the' month, Mini- mum monthly bill, 94 cents gross. Prompt Payment Discount 20 per cent, ; Commercial Lighting Service Charge--56c per 100 watts of installed' capacity with a minimum charge per month §0c, Consumption Charge~Sc per KW. H. for the first 100 hours use of in- stalled capacity; plus 1 cent per K, W.H, for all additional monthly con- sumption, Minimum monthly bill, 94¢ gross, Promp payment discount, ower Service charge--$1.00 per H.P, per month of connected load or maximum demand, . Consumption charge--2c per KW, H, for the first 50 hours use per month of connected load or maximum demand, plus 13c per K.W.H. per month for next 50 hours use of same, Plus 33 cents per K.W.H, for all ad- ditional monthly consumption, Prompt Payment Discount 10 per cent, Street Lighting 121 lamps, 100 CP, $1000 per lamp per annum, i 134 Jamps, 80 CB, $9.00 per lamp per annnum, 112 lamps, 100 watt, $7.56 per lamp per annum, 3 lamps, .500 watt, $11.50 per lamp per annum, lis There is @ decided reduction in the follow-up charge for Commercial Light=a matter of exactly 20 per cent, 'Lhis does not mean that every commercial bill will be down 20 per cent, but after the customer has made use of his connected load, for 100 hours during the nonth, he pays for the balance of his requirements only, 8 cents (net) per K.W.H, instead of 1 cent (net) that he has paid for the past few years, . In the Domestic Schedule there is a slight reduction for about 75 per cent of the users of electricity, name. ly 4 cents per month, On the other hand the cansumers with a three. wire service (now comprising about 25 per cent of the users) will find their monthly service charge will be increased from 37 cents a month to 66 cents--a matter of '29 cents a month gross or 28 cents a month net, This increased charge is added to cover the cost of the extra expense of three-wire meters and heavy three wire services. It is now general throughout the Province and Whitby is being brought intg line with other municipalities served by the Hydro, The commission has directed the Superintendent to use the new schedule on and "after August 1st next, This will give ample warning to customers of the impending change. MEXICANS HAPPY | OVER SETTLEMENT RELIGIOUS STRIFE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mexico City, June 23.~Mexicans, moved to happiness as three years ago they watched with foreboding crowded to 'their churches today to give thanks for settlement of the acute phase of the Nation's bitter religious strife. owers Mexico's own, Zempoa- suchitl and Maravillas were heaped high around the altar at the church of Nuestra Senora De La Guadalupe near the capital, the thankoffering of a now smiling people to their patron Saint. Some of the blossoms were brought from as far as the floating gardens at Xochimileo, While the government moved fast to permit return of churches and church property to the ele for first masses, June 29, the Bishops $Homasives Aamoyncet SHA) 0 bring the country's priests back to their parishes: Plang were already afoot for a monster nation-wide demonstration July 6 to President Portes Gil, for bis having completed the settlement which without destroying the wtiue ture of Mexico's revolutionary snc. ial laws, will permit the priests to return to their flecks. The first mass probably will be said at the Shrine of the Virgin, Guadalupe, June 29, day of Saint Peter. The shrine is to the Mexi- can what Mecca is to the Mobamme: dan or the Ganges to the Hindu, Literally tens of thousands should be on hand for a glimpse of the ceremony before the legendary image of "Our Lady of the Guadalupe. BY COMMISSION SIR THOMAS 1IPTON Whose smile shows his delight at the accepance of his challenge to the United States for another series of yacht races for the America cup. REICHSTAG OUT OF GEAR, MINISTER TLL Big Debate on Reparations Upset by lliness of Stressman (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, June 22,~Dr, Gustav Stresemann, German foreign min. ister, has been taken 11 htrowing out of gear the Reichstag machin- ery whereby a big political debate on the new reparation plan had been scheduled with the foreign minister, the principal speaker, Dr, Btreseman apparently over- strained himself on his recent trip to Madrid and Paris, Chancellor Mueller also was un- able to appear today being indiy posed, The cabinet hastily decided to have finance present a short formal declaration later in the day on the govern- ment's attitude toward the Paris negotiations, DETERMINED DRIVE AGAINST _ LIQUOR Hide Located in Hotel When Raided by Police (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kitchener, Ont, June 22.=--A determined drive against illegal liquor interests in Kitchener was ushered in today when Provincial Constables Kennedy and McCoy smashed a hide at the American House, confiscaitng 10 quarts of rye whiskey and 35 bottles of beer, The hide was located in the hotel office, the door of which was smashed down when the leisee, John Seblr did not produce a key for the office. Seblr was arrested on a charge of keeping for sale, In preparation for the drive, two new constables have been added to the force, A third will arrive here early next week, bringing the total strength at the Kitchener of- fice to ten men, BERNARD MARMADUKE HOWARD Who recently celebrated his ais birthday, with his coming of age became the the sixteenth Duke of Norfolk. The Duke of Nor folk ranks as the first peer of Groat Buitain. minister Hilferding o ) The cars lined u Bowmanville PIRATES BEAT BLACK DIAMONDS Winners Proved To Be A * Hard-Hitting' Bunch of Ball Players ( Ri ) Sov e, boeyig spuds Bowman ville Pirates showed their superior ity in the Big Four bardball league when they took their third straight win at the hands of the Bowman: ville Black Diamonds by a score of 19 to 6. Manager Percy Lunns crew are a hard bunch to stop. He has collected a real bunch of ball play- ers both in the fielding column and in the batting column, The Black Diamonds started out good getting three of their runs in the first frame, The Pirates however didn't get a yun until the third when they got three and likewise in the fourth and fifth when they got three in both in- nings. The last innings the Pir ates went on the rampage scoring ten runs, The Dismonds flelding went shot and the Pirates knocked the old ball all 'over the lot, 'A feature of the game was a home run by Mike Osborne with three men on bases, This was the longest home run ever hit on the High School grounds, The line-ups for the game Blk, Diamonds Murphy Bates Allen B. Colwell E. Colwell Piper Candler were; -- Bow, Pirates Osborne Osborne Corden Red Hooper F. Hooper 8, Cameron Stark Pos, Pitcher Catcher 1st base 2nd base 3rd base short stop left field Large right field Thurston Hooper centre field Cole The league standings is as follows: Teams Won Lost Bowmanville Pirates .... 0 Black Diamonds ........ SWIMMING POOL POPULAR AT PARK Cream of Barley Park Is a Popular Place With Children (By Staff Reporter) : Bowmanville, June 22-Every afters noon and evening now, the younger citizens may be seen wending their way down to Cream of Barley Park for a good time, as & large number of them have received their school hols idays, One of the most popular feats ures of the park ndw is the swimming pool which is filled afternoons and evenings on warm days by the young sters, Because there are so many different kinds of playing apparatus and games on the grounds, it is the most popular spot in Bowmanville, With a number of shetland ponies being placed on the grounds for the use of the children and an instructor to show them the finer points of rid. ing, the kiddies are more than ever anxious to be on hand for these rides. BRIGHTENING HOMES WITH SUMMER COAT (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 28.~A large num- ber of houses in Bowmanville and district are preparing for the sum- mer by putting on a coat of paint or adding a new verandah or porch Several houses have been noticed getting their first coat of paint, On Temperance street, above King, the painters have been busy this week ainting. The paint sure niakes any nia ook different and gives it a real fresh look to go through the summer with, A number of houses have been putting additions in the forms of verandahs and porches to them, Especially along the highway to Qshawa this building may be nots iced. During the last two weeks or so over half a dozen of the houses along the highway have made a small addition generally for comforts sake which is something to have during this warm weather, GOODYEAR FAMILY OFF TO BIG PICNIC RG] : (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 22.~The Good year picnic got off to a good start this morning, The cars all met at the plant and paraded uptown'in a gay manner, All the cara were de: corated in many different ways but all advertising Goodyear, It did not take more than one glance to show what firm the cars represented. Yel low and Purple streamers, the Good- year colours bedecked every car: Large spare tire covers were on each besides many other novelties such as balloons, flowers, hats, ete on Temperance street for the judging of the best decorated cart and after the judging proceeded out to the highway to wards Presqu'lle. J NEWCASTLE BEATEN BY ORONO TEAM (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June rons de feated Newoastle 4 to 3 in a regu: lar game in the Big Four hardball league last night. Moise for New. castle banged out a twobagger for the biggest hit of the game. ad Soman Siriaas he Sole Daily Times News; advertising aud subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--Office, 587; REPRESENTATIVE--RICHARD COW. . been put on NORMAN 8, B, JAMES Outstanding Bowmanville citizen, who died on Thursday after a brief illness, He is being bur. fed there this afternoon, Mr, James was associated with his father and brother in the print. ing and publishing b 5 of The Canadian Statesman, and Lycett had fourteen, The line ups were:-- Orono =~ Graham, Winter, Couch, West, Watson, Cornish, Lycett, Low- ery, Lytle, Newcastlo--~Walton, Moise, Caver- ly, Graham, Hennings, Brown, Thackery, Butler, W, Graham, BLOOD TRANSFER AT POINT OF DEATH Remarkable Operation Per. formed by Surgeons in Rumania (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cluj, Rumania, June 22. Transfusion of blood from a dead person to one on the point of death was accomplished here yes- terday, effecting what is believed to be the. first successful opera- tions of its kind, The doctors at a local hospital joined the arm of a girl, Rom Janvou, at the moment she bad died of an automobile accident, to the arm of a man, George Morar, who had stabbed himself in his heart and lost most of his blood, Morar, who was considered as dying, is now believed will recover, THOMAS HOLGATE HEADS ASSOC OF GOAL DEALERS Attended Annus! Conven- tion of Organization in Toronto Yesterdsy Toronto, June 22, -- Coal deglers went to school yesterday af of the convention of the Canadian Retail Coal association, at which were assembled some 360 rs, wholesalers and producers from var- fous parts of Ontario and from the Pennsylvania cosl fields, The school was a demonstration class of the same type which has ly during the ast year in Hamilton and Toronto, y agents of Anthracite Service, The schools, beld for dealers in various localities periodically, are intended to acquaint retailers with the his | tory snd composition of anthracite, {best methods of handling and using I-it, and other details concerning this type of coal, Yesterday's class, conducted by M, 8, Donnally of Syracuse, N.Y, was followed by a demonstration of elec tric heat regulators and furnace vacuum cleaners, The convention voted re-election of the officers, who are Thomas B, Hol gate, Bowmanville, president; Ar. thur Hillmer, Oakville, vice-presi- dent, and Bert A. Caspell, Brant. ford, secretary-treasurer. Three new directors chosen, were Ed, Brown, Port Hope; Len Jobnston, Stratford and T, D. Henderson, Woodstock, REMEMBERING A little ghost taps on the window pane And sobs with the wind and cries with the rain, A ghost of dreams shattered, a pro- mise forgot, A cry that was uttered to ears that heard not, ' I draw tight the curtain and turn on the light But the little ghost walks, out there in the night, ~Estelle Carter Munger in the Harp Even without a campaign On. tario seems doomed to have a de- luge of political speeches this sum- mer, with Mr, Bennett due to start as Mr, Sinclair winds up his tour. --Peoterboro Examiner, closing session in the Royal York 3 T. R, DAVIN Prime Minister of New South Wales, is shown leaving Aus. tralia Wouse, during his recent visit to London, FATHER'S FAILURE Robert, who bad been absent from school, brought no nete in ex planation, "But why have you brought ne note?" asked the teacher, "Mother was too busy 'with shring cleaning, sir," came the re- y. "But father should have written then," suggested the teacher. "Oh, he's no good as excuses, sir, Mother finds him out," came the frank answer.~~Dally Chronicle, Senator George P, Graham had come out in favor of Premier Fer guson's school policy, Gradually we are getting away from the idea that a thing must be wrong just because it has been suggested by He the other party Ottawa Jour. nal, *Dedd's Kidney Miller, my can with 50c y net [i reg rh be Pains in Back were Quickly Relieved Says Manitoba Lady who used Dodd's Kidney Pill hel sigh 1 LA ; tn prar on 5 DIT] DY KIDNEY PILLS \ p AL ! Ukipney P " Ww you? The 2, Ont. comfort. Styles give you "Srer.ovr" with confidence . . . con- scious of foot smartness . . . with awareness that "ONYX" Shoes will take you, every step, in case and Distinguished by smart designs, by lines of grace and besuty . . . "ONYX" a satisfying sense of being individualistic. We are ready to serve you...to help you step-out with full confidence that you have a smart, comfortable shoe . . « correctly fitted. The Burns Co., Ltd. Corner King and Simcoe Sts., Oshawa

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