Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1929 t 5 EPARED FOR SEMIFINAL Nationals at Full Strength For Semi-Final Soccer Game Play Mimico Rovers at Con- boy Crowd of Supporters-- The Nationals travel to Toronto on Saturddy to meet Mimico Rov- ers at Conboy Park in the semi- final Ontario play off for the Dominion: Championship, The Rov- ers are the shock team of the seas- on through beating Toronto Scot- tish in the 'District play offs, To- ronto Scottish won the Ontario Championship last year, However the Nats are all set to show the soccef people that they can hold theirtown with the best of them. The Nats are no strangers to the Ontario football public, as they have as strong an outside sup- port, #5 @ny club in the province. Yet only' a short time ago they were, the 'outeasts of football, But that fs-the way with the Nats. . The harder the opposition the bet- ter they like it, They are still un- defeated amd are quite confident of going. forward to the finals at the expense of Mimico Rovers. The other Nemt: nal game jis between St. Catharines and Brantford. The witifier "6? "the final, travel to Montreal and play for the Kastern Canada Championship. A special bus will leave Prince St, én Saturday for Conboy Park at 1 p.m, prompt. The game is called for 3.15 p.m., and a record crowd is expected, The Ontario F. A, selectors will be up there and it is on the cards, that at least two of the Nationals players will be selected to play against the Welsh touring team on their re- turn game in Toronto. The Nationals team to meet Mimico Rovers on Saturday is as follows: Elnick, Boyd, Davidson, Hurst, Torrance, Petterson, N, Dougall, Hagan, Sathrang, J. Dougall, McGreish. Reserves Smith, Fuller- ton, McGregor, Grant, y All the above mentioned players report at bus station Prince St., at 1 p.m, prompt. A few seats are available so be in good time as bus will leave as scheduled. fk, Toronto, Sat-| urday.---- Expect Large 'King St. C.O0B.L, STANDING Lat RE Games y: Deloro at Peterboro; Belleville at Oshawa, oe Improved U.A.C. Defeats King St. Last night the Ukranian A.C. turned the tables on the King St. junjors, at a game staged at Cow- an's Park. In their last encounter the King St. tribe defeated the Ukes, seveneen to sixteen in ten innings, while the game last night did not go into extra innings. The Ukes fought their way to a close 16 to 12 victory by clouting out long hits and playing with fewer errors than their rivals, The game was not errorless ball, by any means, the King Street team having nine against the five of the winners. Score by innings: RHE 104 030 004-12 12 9 U. A. C. 022 502 50x-16 17 5 Batteries--Miles and Hele; Pet- rosky and Star. WALSH PLAYS SMART BALL St. Louis, June 21,--Young Ed Walsh pitched a four-hitgame and battel in two runs with a pair of singles in four trips to the plate, as the Chicago White Sox drubbed the Browns, 5 to 3, here yesterday, and evéned cp the series count at one victory apiece. Walsh weakened in the ninth when the Browns put across three runs in a belated rally. ROYALS WIN SHORT GAME Reading, June 21, -- Montreal won an abbreviated game from Reading here yesterday, copping a 1 to 0 decision when rain ended the contest in the seventh inning. Reading had a man on second base with one out in the seventh when a storm ended playing and the score reverted to even innings. Montreal grouped a double, single and sacrifice in the fourth for its winning run. 10 Inch Double Sided I Get the Blues Why ~, 65¢ More? Breakaway From "Fox Movietone Follies of 1929" Fox Trot Record No 8953 Wedding of the Painted Doll Fox Trot, on Apex Record No, 8924 Waiting For The Train Song Record No. 8951 Honey Fox Trot Record No. 8926 Walking With Susie From "Fox Movietone Follics of 1929" * Fox Trot Record No. . Fox Trot Record No. 8944 Blue Hawaii Waltz Record No, 8946 Wear the new Elcclroplonse Nav sv uanalinnag Wilson & Le 71 Simcoe St. North Phone 2388 The Sun Record Co., Toronto, Ont. APEX Phonograph Recerd: Why Pay More? 8952 When It Rains Apex Vhonogre Dealers Everywhere. Complete Stock of Apex Electrophonic Records Always on Hand 17 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1490 Two months ago L. ,. Harrison, Toronto, imported the latest thing in the outboard motor board game ---a motorized aquaplane board-- but it was not until this week that he found anyone who would try to ride the blamed contraption. This aquaplane or ski-board is a six-foot affair to which is attach- ed a racing outboard motor. The UE LEADING NATIONALS ARE P driver--or rider--starts the engine and then stands up and rides--or tries to ride--the outfit a la aqua- plan eboard is a six-foot affair to which is jump and curvette makes a wild wstern broncho look like a rocking horse. Bert Bury, the hockey and lacrosse player, tackled the outfit the other night and he rode it successfully for half an hour, but, just when he was pull- ing into the dock, in a conquering hero attitude, the ski-board decided to cut up a few extra didoes and bucked Bury into the lake. Going over a twelve-inch wave at full speed this board actually leaps en- tirely clear of the water. It takes a combination of a human eel and a slack wire performer to ride this, the strangest craft in the outboard fleet, JUVENILE TEAMS IN Though crosse league opened up officially on Tuesday evening, the first lea- gue game that has any bearing vn the standing was played last night and ended in a two-all tie between the Burk Street Bullocks and the Tecumseh juveniles, after a period of overtime. In the first league game, the Tod's Bakery boys and Weston Bakery were booked to play, Toa's team, however, was not complete, and the game had to be defaulted as far as the standing of the teams was concerned. They enlisted a eam and played the game, winning three to two, but the points are handed to the Weston team in the league race. Last night's game only served to show the close brand of lacrosse these boys are playing and their tie game will help little in deter- mining a winner in the loop. Though. they played together for the first time, the Tecumseh team played like old timers and were the best on the night's play, having a little tough luck around the nets. The Bullocks, a faster and heavier team, were experiencing an off night and were lucky in being able to hold the persistent attacks of the Indians. The teams: Bullocks--Goal, Sturgess; Merthey; cover, 'Weeks; Little, Anderson, Severs; centre, Dove; home, F. Fisher, Clark, Campbell; outside, Wilson; inside, W. Fisher. Tecumsehs--Goal, Kayley; point Cook; cover, Rolson; defence Tre. win, Wilkinson, Coad; centre, Ken- nedy; home, Holding, Normoyle, Young; outside, Barocks, inside, Grills; subs, Holdsworth, Carson, Smith and Watson. point, defence, CRICKET NOTES The following team has been chosen to represent St. George's, to play at Parkdale at "Old Trinity College' on Saturday, the 22nd inst: Gi. Dewbery, (Capt,), L. Phillips, N. Merrick, T. Hopkins, J. Gra- ham, J. Franklin, J. Allen, H. Drakes, W. Jackson, J. Ryl- ands, W. Adams; reserves, F. Drakes, S. Hopkins, F. Seftly. Will all players and reserves meet at St. George's Parish Hall, Centre street, at 1.15 sharp. CHICAGO FORGE AHEAD Chicago, June 21, -- Chicago made it four in a row over the St. Louis Cardinals and increased its lead over the Pittsherg Pirates by a half game yesterday by trounc- ing the Cardinals 7 to 6, in the fin- al game of the series. Hack Wison hit two home runs to run his total to sixteen, and Hornsby hit for the circuit for his tenth of the year. Kiki Cuyler stole thre bases and boosted his total for the season to 21, HOMERS PLAY LARGE PART Philadelphia, June 21.--The Gi- ants won their third straight game from the Phillies here yesterday, 11 to 6. Carroll Hubbell was: uncertain at the start, but permitted no runs after the third round except in the ninth whén Donald Hurst hit his thirteenth homer. Leach hit a home run for the Gi- ants in the eighth, RED SOX TRIM SENATORS Washington, J ze 21.--Red Sox bats beat a tattoo upon the under- hand slants of Ab Liska in the sev- enth inning of yesterlay's game and Boston beat Washingt.n, 6 to 4. Danny MacFayden went the route for the Sox and limited the Senators to eight hits. SPORT SNAPSHOTS for the experienced Weston Junior one-sided score, with a whole week of drilling under Walsh, When of lacrosse players. He now thinks One, three to two game, and, one, that have been played go to show the swing into action in future cvents, dive, but his enthusiasm received a from the Williams Piano Company daring in athletic circles, having announced his retirement, spills with expensive motors tumbling into the deep," said Foster in ex- plaining why he is withdrawing from the sport he loves so well, didn't mind about the upsets provided the engine would decline to take a machines went down into Davey Jones's Locker, : engine disappeared, and right behind it went Foster, the bottom of the boat 'having dropped off. --Toronto Globe, Tonight the Oshawa Lacrosse fans get a chance to see their Junior entry in the O.AL.A. race spread their stuff, when the play their first home game -against the Maitlands of Toronto, juniors, a bunch of young, new and home-brewed material, were no match In their first game, the team and lost the first game by a . Tonight, however, they are a different team, being no longer an inexperienced team, they have the one games experience along that vetran of lacrosse players, Pete Pete takes a hold of a team, they have to be good or he will make them good and in the case of the General Motors Juniors, Pete had plenty of material with which to build up a real snappy band that he has just such a band, and is looking forward to win over the Maitlands in the game this evening. The Marquettes and the Malleables, having both lost a game, have been playing; "You first, My Dear Alphonse" for the cellar position in the Oshawa and District Ladies Softball league and tonight puted right to occupy the lower rung will be decided, when these two teams meet for the first time in the league race. the undis- two all tie game out of the two games fans that the teams that are operating in the City Juvenile lacrosse league are well-matched and that the games to date have been close exciting affairs. There'll be one among the 'missing when the outboard motor drivers Harry ("Red") Foster, noted for his "Too many Foster jolt every time one of those costly On one occasion the The stage is all set for the first of the big and gala Saturday regattas at Clear Like, where seaflea races will be held this summer with trophies as the awards offered by Mr. Lorne Ardiel of this city. laid out and the entries for the various classes, A.B.C. and open, have been pouring in, which makes the officials of the Clear Lake events optimistic in their views towards the success of the summer weekly races. The course is Boats have been entered and Harry Bull oi Oshawa will in all likihood be piloting them. Tonights call by "Dopey." Textiles to defeat Times, Marquettes to hang it on the Malleables, King Street to win from St. Georges, and the Maitlands to win from Oshawa General Motors Juniors. JOHNSTON HAS WEIGHT DIFFERENCE Toronto, June 21.--While "Kid" Chocolate is regarded as one of the greatest boxers in the game, itis nevertheless a fact that he has had fewer professional bouts than Jackie Johnston, former Canadian bantam champion, whom he op- poses in the feature bout of the Shamrock Club's open air show at Maple Leaf Stadium next Monday evening. Counting both amateur and professional bouts, however, the Cuban has had more engage- ments than the local lad, 152 as compared with Johnston's 129, Chocolate is unbeaten and has been held to a draw but once. Johnston has won 119 bouts, lost 6 and drawn 4. General Motors Alexandra Park Saturday June 22 3.15 P.M. ADMISSION Tax included Si | TH TIT EERARE TTECTTIIIIT HTH 800 EM C. 0. A. B. XL. Senior Baseball BELLEVILLE | HTT {TELL Anglicans Swamp St. Gregorys 23-2 Little difficulty was experienced by the A.Y.M.C. intermediate play- ers last night in their attempt to make their win column read three and they did this at the expemse of the St. Gregory's team whose lose column now reads three and no wins, * Playing airtight ball behind the not any too good pitching of Keith the Anglicans held the Saints runless until the seventh inning when they scored their first while Webster and Trooter staged a head on collision in short right as they both attempted to catch the same pop fly. Up until this time the Anglican batters had been amassing runs by means of a series of«long hits, getting five runs in the first inning and addiog to it one, two, nothing, one, two and two while in the eighth and ninth thy corralled ten more get- ting four in the eighth and six in the last to bring their total to 23. St. Gregory's managed to get one more, This came in the eighth as a result of three hits that were well placed. Score by innings HE R.H.E. AYMC., .,.512012246--23 24 2 St. Gregory's 000000110-- 2 10 4 FOXX AGAIN LEADS Jimmie Foxx and Frank O"Doul again exchanged places in the Big Six batting race yesterday as O'-~ Doul went hitless against the Giants, Foxx slipped into the lead with- out lifting a bat. 0O'Doul dropped from .400 to .393. Rogers Hornsby, the only other member of the sluggers" circle to get inte action, combed St, Louis pitching for two safe hits in four times at bat and gained 3 points to .335. G Foxx, Ath, ...53 0'Doul, Phil, .54 Hornsby, Cubs 57 P. Waner, Pir, 56 Gehrig, Yank, 54 Ruth Yankees 356 AB RH PC 202 44 80 ,396 214 62 84 .393 212 71 .335 217 71 .327 193 63 .326 135 43 .318 TILDEN AND HUNTER REACH SEMI-FINALS IN SINGLES London, June 21.--Bill Tilden enterd the semi-finals of the Lon- Queen's club yesterday by de- don tennis championship at the feating his American countryman, Wilbur F, Coen, jr., 6-2,6-3, Fran- cis T. Hunter also entered the semi-final, defeating still another American player, Wilmer Allison, 6-2, 6-1, Teamed with Hunter, Tilden con- quered J, H. Van Allan and W. L. Van Allan in the third round of the men's doubles, 6-2, 6-1, "Red" Grange Defendany Los Angeles, Calif,, June %1.-- C, C. Pyle, professional football and cross-country foot race promo- ter, and Harold "Red" Grange, gridiron star, yesterday were nam- ed defendants in a suit for $.,121 filed In superior court by the Southern Pacific Railroad com- pany. The railroad alleges tue sum is due for transportation of two professional football teams during the 1926 season. TONIGHT'S SPORT CARD Intermediate Softball, Motor City Stadium, 7 p.m, Oshawa Times vs. Textiles Ladies' Softball, Rotary Park, 6.45 Marquettes ve. Malleable Iron Juvenile Softball, Cowan Park,68.30 U. St, George's vs, King St, x % ¥ Junior Lacrosse, Alexandra Park Oshawa vs, Maitlands, 7 p.m, Juniors Stronger for Tonight's Game Tonight a strengthened junior team takes the field in their first home game of the season when they play the Maitlands' juniors of Toronto at Alexandra park. Ip their last encounter the juniors were unfortunate in drawing the strongest team of the loop to oppose and fielded a team that was made up of practically all new players that have learned what they know of la- crosse right here in Oshawa, In this game, however, they are to be a much improved team and have to account for this improvement to a series/ of stiff workouts under the coaching of the veteran Pete Walsh, With this strength gained through a game's experience and a week's hard practicing the juniors are ready and willing to do battle with the high- ly rated Maitland team and they have confidence in themselves to the ex- tent of expecting a win over the North Yonge street boys in their game tonight, Some of the boys that are among the improved junior team roster arc names that are becoming more and more familiar to lacrosse fans of this city and they will continue to do so until they will be well known to the lacrosse world of Canada, They are Davids, 'Drinkle, Cowley, Cardinal, Luke, Staunton, Kidd, Black and Bo- ven, SORRELL WINS FOR TIGERS Cleveland, June 21,--The Tigers pounded Jimmy Zinn unmercifully to win their second game from the Indians here yesterday 8 to 4, Course Laid Out At Cedar Lake The buoys for the speed events have now been laid out on Cleag Lake, They form a triangle with g mile to each leg. The starting bu. is approximately one hundred yar off the dock of the South Beach Hoe tel, with the right buoy in Fiddler's Bay, and the left buoy in Swampy Bay, This makes an ideal course fog not only motor boat events, but alsq for sailing and swimming, The course is entirely clear of all obstruction, and it is anticipated that the boats entering the races will show exceptional vy : The hulls represent some of the most outstanding boat-builders--not only in Ontario but also the United States--such as the Peterboro, the Williams, and the Penn Yan. The motors take in the full ran of outboard motors, both in Cana and the United States, namely: the Johnston, the Evinrude, the Locke wood, the Caille, and it is possible that the Cross Radial will arrive, The first heat of the first race namely: Class "C" will commence at two p.m, Eastern Standard Time, and the heats will be run off at thir minute intervals, They will include Class "C," Class "B," and at five o'clock the Open Marathon, These events are for the Challenge trophies known as the "Kawartha" cup, the "Brule" cup, and the "Champlain" cup, with an added purse of some two hundred dollars for the winners, Saturday is the official opening of the South Beach season, Every Saturday afternoon throughe out June, July and August, events of a similar nature and for various Chale lenge trophies, will be held, which should stimulate a wholesome inter est in these most healthy outdoor sports, Particulars of the various events of sailing, swimming, etc, and entry forms, may be had on application te Mr. W, E. Brooks, Secretary, Clear Lake: Association Young's Point, One tario, A movement against department and chain stores has been sturted in Germany, Concerning Cross Checks With the dropping out of the St, Catharines senior O.AL.A. team it will be necessary for the league of- ficials to do something in the way of filling their berth in the loop or else the teams will draw a bye at every other weck or so, This Satur- day the General Motors team were to have visited the Garden City for their second appearance there this season, After the last game in the athletics home town the people there have had it drilled into them that the Oshawa team was not doing their part to further sport through playing the game in the sportsmanlike man- ner that it should be played. This was not the case by any means, as on their last visit there the locals were forced to engage in two small scraps that did not mean a thing and on both of these occasions the scrap was started by the same player. a's A St. Catharines man, pal Soe Their withdrawal leaves the locals without a playing date until July 6 when the league leading Brampton Excelsiors play their first game here, The intermediates have a player by the name of Daniels who is one real coming player, he not only, plays with the intermediates but also is on one of the teams of the juvenile league that is operating here in the city, * His smart playing was apparent at all times in their game with the crack Maitlands' team and he was indirectly, responsible for the locals only geal, having taken a shot that resulted in the rebound that Garrison scored on, NA SH - Leads the World in Motor Advanced Six "400" 3 STANDARD SIX Delivered, Fully Equipped : wo SEDANS SPECIAL SIX Oclivered, Fully Equipped ADVANCED Delivered, Pully $1224 $1827 $2142 Lower, Delivered, Completely Equipped Rices MARTLY designed--Iluxuriously S finished--beillinat in performance --exceptionally attractive in price-- ou should cerminly see the three Nash 400" 2-Door Sedans before deciding. The Standard Six 2-Door Sedan is the style and performance leader of its field: It has big Chromium-nickeled head- lamps, cowl lamps and stop Li Chromium-nickeled bumpers, an smartly flared, one-piece fenders. The engineis a new high compression with a 7-bearin pw pistons and torsional vibration damper. Delivered, Fully Equipped, Price Range of 23 Nash "400" Models, $1224 to $3168. . cluding Sei Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models. REID-NASH MOTORS Dundas St. West "| WHITBY shock sbeobers are Eegeias oouipmtnt 5 asre a

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