Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jun 1929, p. 9

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1929 ° NW, Ward Booth Flying Squad, Geo, Hen- No. 8 .oovvnnee RATEPAYER NO, Tvssvsesnee No.8 ..viiveins ley, Albert Swail, Alex, ' Storie, NO. +.0r00ven ho Jack Young, Leon Frazer--(Rota- op rians). OSHAWA VOTED IN Ty wn SE well py SONIC IT 169 FAVOR OF BYLAWS) = conf? 1 227 2% CHURCH SERVIGE (Continued from Page 1) No, 11 ........ '® Svident that the bylaws were to be| NO. 12 covers 183 SE Wa b il mn ; { : ven substantial mpjorities. The Mn rig Rest. NAP: 4 » first poll to report at The Times of- Total ....... 344 y Yara ees -_-- eS (| hy 1Ce ar ERR fice was division No, 8, at the coul-| Goqardate ..... ; 4 Codarda yes : LOCAL TROOPS PARAD- ell Shapber, Where the Majoriues Summary : were uniform -- four bylaws, ee BW. Ward .... 172 Total .....:. ED TO ST. GEORGES the polling stations quickly settled S.B. Ward ..... 310 Majority for F Bylaw, § law, 57, CHURCH the issue beyond any doubt, and be- } Wary vee 444 ; fore Balt ne return were in it was Codard py seen e aws were assured ereee . of huge majorities in proportion to| ss ORGANIZATION Rev. Canon de Pencier De gi, hh Majors 'or » liered an Imprressive HIS IS a season of great telephone construction Thanks to Officials Majority for bylaw, 906, S ihe deputyreturning officers did| oy) \W No. Z-TO PURCHASE FOR THE ROTARY ermon activity throughout Ontario and Quebec. splendid service in making the fig- FROM THE H.E.P.C. ures available as early as possible. | POWER FRO H.EP.C One hundred. 'and. fifty. Wo¥ In almost every case, the results were S.W. Ward . : TREET FAIR 3 . . : . a Yes No scouts and wolf cubs from eight The work of extending and improving the telephone telephoned very promptly to the of- NO, 3 uveviiih 39 different troops in the city took fice of The Times, where they were Ne 3 FH part in a parade yesterday morn- . . . . bulletined in the window as quickly | NO. 2 .iv.eeee.. Bar In a Varadero system is now being vigorously carried forward. as received, to. the edification of a| NO.3 .....cv.e. y (Continued from Page 3) lic *hurch, Centre street. Spe- Y 1 large crowd of citizens which had F. Goodwin, Dr. Hazlewood, A. §.|%ial music and a splendid address Before the end of this year the company will spend gathered. Hundreds of telephone in- R Dr. Trick, F. S. Pott P uiries wi eceived throughout the oss, Dr. Trick, ¥. 8. Potter, I'.|hy Rev. Canon de Pencier on the . . . iid pd pn Fon 4... .. 74 MacDonald. (11. | Principles of the scout movement over $27,000,000 in construction, affecting almost of satisfaction followed the giving . ' 6. Ladies' Wear, Mareay SA featured the service. . d in th . of the information that the bylaws . .. er, Cecil Cannon, Art Germond, W.| The geouts formed in marching every city and town in the two provinces. had all been carried by large ma- Tavrnnenns F. Rowden, Dr. Tavers, > order outside the Armouries under Jorities, For the splendid service A % Jee Cream, Russel Weir, 1. the leadership of Scoutmaster W. Iti H . d eff 'th ; 5 ; ; rendered, The Times wishes to ex- . Ross, N. McLeod, i. IN. Bassell, |, Ppjerson and the scoutmasters is the aim and effort of the company t 1 tend its thanks to the deputy re- . 4 » A. Jones, J. B, Watehous, C. B. [of the individual troops, The ibl ; : ytogivet e best turning officers who gave splendid 3 0. : course of the parade following the pos 1 rvi 1 A co-operation in telephoning to the 2 B 8. ih Leo, Gav, iy ~ service lay from the church south sible se ce at lowest possib € cost The present newspaper office, and also to the - rown, bi chardson, C. lLulgn Centre street to John street and 1 1x H : : Cousins, L. A. Gifford. back to Simcoe where the company construction activity 1s part of this policy. staff of the Bell Telephone Comp- any, which handled hundreds of cails 9, Novelties, Geo. Hezzelwood, | marched past the War Memorial with great promptitude and efficien- " 53 Albert Crowle, Wiltz Drew, Dr. Mc-| gajuting as they did They dis: : : . . wi promptitude and eflicien-| No. SA Ig I aT Ye The rates paid by telephone users in Ontario and Que- The Electric and Gas Bylaws 8: wl kets, Ernie Warks, Or.) Jo bia address to the scouts Rev, bec today are the lowest in the world for comparable The largest majorities given were mie Burns. de Pencier declared that there for the first two bylaws, those for . ERE p 11. Flowers, Jas. Lewington,|ywere four main reasons why he - . . the purchase of the electric and gas| Cedardabe Orra Alger, Frank Maxwell. was wearing the uniform of the service. The company earnestly desires that this con- systems, and the geouring of Osh- SW. Ward Summ 3 " > Horse aes, Mike Bouckley,|geout, and that he must continue to duien will be maintained th ¢ ds . awa's power supply under the new 3. W, W sees ' . Churchley, F. Evans, live up to these "bugle notes" as 1 intained as € System €x ear regime from the Hydro-Electric Pow-| 5:1. Ward 13, Ball Throwing, Ewart Al-|the speaker called them, if he was yi pandas y\ ; er Commission of Ontario, The vote] N.W. Ward .... 9 |ger, Dr. Gifford, Carl Houck. to be a loyal subject of the King by year, against these was practically negli-| N.E. Ward .... 14. Dolls, Wes. Langmald,|anq a true Christian charactey. gible, showing that the citizens were| Cedardale ..... Grant Bird, F. Carswell. ' The first of these "bugle notes" argely of one mind on these ques- 15. Ball tossing, Stewart Al-|wag "watchfulness." Alert and al- > tions, Next in size of majority came Total 991 ger, L. E, Osier, Bert Johnston, ways wide awake, the scout repre- H. M. BLACK, the vote on the establishment of a Majority for Bylaw, 897 16, Alarm Clocks, Perc. Eve-|gents the ideal guard of RO nyre : commission for all public utilities. ---- leigh, Ernie Cay, G. W. Pinner,| His pledge to think of others at Manager The majority on this was slightly | BYLAW No. 3--TO PURCHASE |Dr. A. S. Stewart, R. 8. Virtue, 'I. [4]] times makes him one of those ' below that on the first named two LANDS FOR INDUSTRIAL Wilson, L. T. Lafontaine, M. E.|(, whom will be thrown in later bylaws, possibly because electors as S S Hartley. years the governing reins of the weil as Tutepayers voled on ai 32 12 17. Sweaters, Morley Jacobi, |nation. possibly because of some misunder- h C. N. Henry, S. Flintoff. "Fidelity to God and to the holy : standing as to the for mof manage- y 15 18, Ring, Roy Wilmott, Milton {jaw {is perhaps the most exacting : ment which would gvern the elec: . 8 |Bergey, U. Jones, E. O'Reilly. of the commandments which a tric and gas system when purchased Nada 19. Ice Cream and Soft Drinks, | scout must obey," sald the speak- by the oh. Iodustial By E 35 |Geo. Hart, Roy Bennett, Bert Mit-|ar, "Although fidelity to God e Industrial Bylaw ' chell, H. M. Brooks. should not be a command Which | | EE 'The majority on the industrial aun 59 17 20, Ice Cream and Soft Drinks, | needs thought whether to obey or area bylaw was somewhat smaller,| No.5 ...ovevees 17 |john Burns, Les McLaughlin, |not to obey, it is the base upon po Dut Wis. sumelently large 10. bg Soke). NO: 6/uvriensss 7 |Stewart Storie, F. Hare, which fs built the whole scout|pe pointed inculcated 1 THE STARTING POINT Yincing, She Jeagon Jo hig, DrobED \ i 21, Sweaters, Charlle Ander- movement and the axis around the Bible oi Bf ring hed Mere) " said De nald, "Ah"m fore hy ole gh De : N. son, Mac Hood, L. V. Disney, R. B. which the movement circulates. (are the very nucleus of the Chris- thinkin' ye deceived ne Didna ye : id . Smith, H. E. Smith. Faithfulness to -duty which is ser- y evi ) period as the electric and gas pur oi 29 9 29." Darts Bil K Fred tian religion. say that if I got married Ah'd be at at . ". arts, 1 arn, red | vice to others is a great command y i 21 Ave chase plan has been, and the rate y H Bud 'O'Neill, Charlie St Strength, physically, mental, |the end of ma troubles? Aye, payers were not quite so familiar are, Lag arlle Sten-| which a seeut should keep before |girength, of will as opposed to ob-| Donald," said the minister, 'but ; 8 i house, W. H. Hare. him and be ready to "jump to the : be ; , yr with it. There is the possibility, too, 23. Hot D Marti Libb iy stinacy, personality--these com-|Ah didna say which end. that the stress laid on the electric Ali St Pots, Marin Libby, Wheel" Whenever the occasion de-| 540 the last great asset of a scout. -- and gas bylaws detracted somewhat ves 44 Yr vy The speaker hoped that the tro VOT NEEDE ani Ay in the industrial area : . 2 26. Auto Draw, Gordon Con-f Taking for granted the elements |, . pn es Si go "Aft iid Mw ined m one, and gave less opportuntiy for No. 32 ieee. ant, Allan Annis, Stan Phillips, of the scout movement are oppos- strength of numbers and training | jim * er the oclor examin e clearing up some misconceptions re- ; - 26. Ladies' Goods, Joe Ward. [ed to the wholly military .ideas,|quring the years to come and din, she said, he looked at my : ) : a " Chester Smith, Dave Tod, F. Cun-|Canon de Pencier went on to say |e rine y tongue and told me 1 needed a garding it. Those Who shousered ie Cc ToLal yruvers s |ningham, C. W. Detenbeck, M./that he believed the teaching of broaden out 1 Become one of the | stimulant." t amount of bylaw, however, are de ed with edardale Sd BA pol Boil Ba 4 J ' y wy ' ' arling." s ; toe result of the vote. 3 Summ Gouldburn, G. Siberry, T. C.|military tactics to scouts is one oity's ablest bodles You don't Say darling," said ROUGH FOOD NEEDED fl py t 'e be SW. Ward .... Young. phase of life which 1s well left out hubby. Surely he didn't mean Just as the final results were being . 20 26. Electrical Goods stan {of th ieul Manli itl for your tongue received, Mayor Mitchell and George| S.E. Ward .... 75 : : 000s, ¥ 0 e curriculum. Manliness with- , : : RF EL w, McLaughlin called at The Times' N.W, Ward .... 114 2 [Everson and assistants, out enforcement of a military at-| -To mark your page in the cook Bei PEE ECT BOW ELIMINATION AS- office, to express their great satisfac-| N.E. Ward .... . 300 Weight Guessing, A. E.|titude was In his estimation the |Dbook, or any book, just snap a rub. irr BAP A SR ter cb wen Begin soap Pl ol oo H., Wil ber band over the page and 1 A 8 8 is tion with the result of the ballot-| Cedardale ..... 41 : son. . third greatest asset to the accom-|ber ban Page and bu FOR RENT and restoring flabby bowels to NORMAL ACTIVITY. ing, and to cordially thank The e-- -- . Sporting Goods, Nie Nicoll, plishments a scout should have. To of book lengthwise. * - Children, and adults Hee its taste and action. 5 BV : t t The Blue Devils. honor God, the king and the coun- Furnished Apartments Re po Trim Tf (2% times regular) § Times for the part it had played in Total .. 877 f . the success of the campaign for the Majority for bylaw 692 29. Ham & Bacon, Ernie Par- (try, to help others while possess- To brighten paint or varnish on Apply If you would like to try a free sample package just Y: vt this ad to Our ' Herbal Store, 500 Simcoe St. S., Phone 2558. carrying of the bylaws. sons, Max Soanes, W. Burns, T. N.|ing a trustworthy character, to he [doors or woodwork, use a little The detailed figures of the voting No. 4--BYLAW TO ESTABLISH A |Muffitt, Dr. Hubbell, N. Mallett, unselfish, disciplined and chival-|boiled linseed oil. Apply with a W. Shackleton DR. THUNA BALSAM REMEDIES LIMITED. are as follows: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIS- 30. Lamps, Bralnard Carlyle |rous were, he believed, the charac-|clean rag and polish with a son Phone 2989) SION and assistants, teristics of the true scout. These !duster. BYLAW No, 1--TO PURCHASE S.W. Ward THE HYDRO AND GAS Lari 33 11 -- SYSTEMS a ------ ere - i ----_-- re Terr =| DO YOU OWN YOUR OWN. HOME? 67 67 f JO. 4 surisnses 0 2 | ese : 72 2 No. 6 .. 1928 Chev. Sedan. ! A ! TT hil s No. 7 . : Hardwood Floors New car imi $650 NE EA Re 2 = Pi : LUMBER . 3 oe Rk NY] - od THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA akan' Er me Hardwood floors laid, sand- Total «..vev ee ished Complete by ROSS, AMES & 3 pe: X Pr "a : ' 4 , * g W. J. TRICK COMPANY GARTSHORE CO. : LIMITED oA hones 20 & 157. [| © Prime st. Oshawa Phone 1100 Building Materials Y ja Spating pt soap forms on the HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID { ! oy nside of the electric washer, it can BY EXPERT MECHANICS ; . ; ; om i ery be easily removed with steel wool, 08 s A Pr pt Deliv Colorful garnish and dainty suse Yu floors finished like mew 1 : : ad accompaniment will lend to torm windows, cotiibination - 3 oe QAR! § Ri . A ¥ » YS Right Prices your salad course a touch that will doors. General Contractors quite lift it. from the level of the N lig dE rel Meek Ltd. Mangel Seed : Yellow Intermediate Giant White Sugar V. A. Henry N REE re i ki) | INSURANCE Sema gk BE a i | Millett ¥13 Shucoe St. 8. IP 5 TR: lig ll i 8 hones 1198 W---=Otfice ! - : i 3 Hungarian and Commen i 1858) --Residence pe ' sv ; 20 acres of excellent pas- \ » ; JROTC SE : ture at city limits for rent. ; 3 ; LR , cf a Rape : ---Your Home [ial TUNER | || co ow oom Dwarf Essex a : s BRR WS Xs § : Large barn and' stable also o Zz NR -- ARES 1 ¢ Riad 0 3 for rent. Apply J There it stands ready to welcome you. : ed ; BS White Ca Ensilage Corn Bad ' It is yours for always--not merely as yy : 4 | LYCETT.. ite Cap Leaming y Barley : "long as you pay rental tribute, It is Rk 3 ; 25 King St. Southern Swed! is No. Golden Glow AER - LEX your haven of security, your safe in- A Sl NE B -------- iconsn Ne, a % ; vestment, your dwelling place. There bE : E ay are many reliable firms listed here who " ] Flint Cora Real Estate Insurance are in a position to render immediate Compton's Early Bloody Butcher Longfellow AY CUTLER 2 PRESTON service, whether you wish to buy a 3 > 3 Telephone 572-223 home or build one yourself. } Ny kA 4 Rooms -- Park Road Night Calls 510-1560 ' : District, new. A chance | for a handy man to fin. J 4 N ATAN RR |. ish. Electric. Price & To 1 nstarch pudding | pes i og g & Ly € SLI a A ep ESAT GOAL] EE paoRE | fe vi oo ea JAKE POSEY spoon of butter. Beat the white : separately and put into' mould or ||| Phone 193 IMITED , Only man now living who ever |pudding dish and pour on cooked ||| FolLe BEECROFT W.J.SARGANT | | Lode CC YOUNG DISNE X 54 Church St. hone 203 drove a forty-horse team, is boss | cornstarch. This will make it light |/l Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard hd Yioor' Street hostler with - Sparks 'Circus, [a8 a souffle. 'Whipped cream add. Yard. Phone Oshawa 324 Orders Promptly Delivered If 4% Prince}St) Opp. P. O. Phone 1880 which exhibits in Oshawa next |ed just before serving will also en- Whitby 12 Ph y bn, Oshawa® Ont sab. v Saturday afternoon and night. hance its value. PIN 2 : -

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