Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1929 PAGE THIRTEEN ES. THE CLASS £4225" where , Mr. Buger -- ED ~~ meet <CTION : Seller NNN NNO ; $ ~ on C ANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, tors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con- ) Being ang general practice of . Offices 7% Simcoe St.. south, wa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, LLB.: AF. Aonis, BAA. LL.B. RANK S. EBBS BARRISTER, licitor, Notary Public, Convey- ances. Money to loan. Third floor new Aiger Building. Opposite Post Phone 2996. , E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, BA. --BAR- riseer, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- . Money to. loan, Office 1435 § St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. #. Grierson, i.C., ¥. K. Creigkton, B.A. Real Estate for Sale ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simcoe $t. North. Phone 27654F. (129-tf) ~~ DANCE ORUHESTRA MUSICIANS FURNISHED FOR all occasions. J. Watson, Teacher of Violin. Phone 2962. May 27-1mo.) REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms +n suit you Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86th) IVE ROOM HOUSE, ONE ACRE of land with large hen house for sale, Cash or terms. Apply at Bradford, Harmony, or phone 1664W. (130 1 wk) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- ect Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. ~ (1186) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and your Interests protected. INSURANCE--USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of. fice 38 Simcoe St. N (86-tf) LOUIS 5. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phoue 67. Residence 3206W. PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, etc. Money to Iran. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field GRE A HUMPHREYS, BAR- ristets, Solicitors, etc. 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to Inap, | (2611) $a Medical DR HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, = Special references to materni'y work and di- seasps of women. Two years' 'post graduate experience, Office and resi- denée 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. _McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geoft, Azcoucher. Office and resi- denge, King St. East, corner Victoria St. {0shawa. Phone 94. G T BERRY, PHYSICIAN, : Obshetrician, diseases of ts 'and children. Office and ce, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. Transportation CARTAGE, MOUVING, GRAVEL sand and cioders. Local and loug distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F. Smith and Cox, 44 Boad St. w. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to aud from all trains. (641) TRUCKING, LOCAL AND LONG distance. Also sand and gravel. Cunningham, 121 Albert St, Phone 1835. (June 3-1 mo) OSHAWA"S OLDEST ESTABLISH- od furniture movers; Park Road cartage. l'rank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 215. (May 14-1 mo.) H. LYSAK, LOCAL AND LONG distance hauling. New trucks. Reasonable prices, Phone 1617.1. 186 Bloor street east. (126 1 mo) TRUCKING, reasonable. (136-1) SUDDEN SERVICE local or long distance; "Phone. 2224, 'B.). HAZLEWOUD, PHYS! cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy.- Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050 Office open 9 am. to 9 5 m, Residence 161 King East. Phone UIE" (tf) DR{'DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M., L. 8. ©. P. and 'S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon aud Obstetric- 'ans Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 161 King St. L. hone 8166. (Dea. 21tt) SR. ALVIE BE, STEWART, SPB- Malist in surgery. Office 142 Sim- woe street North. Residence 166 Simcoe street- North. Phone 3026. (H6tt) M.D, L. R. Physician, I. ARCHER BROWN 3. P. & S. Edinburgh, Surgeon,. Obstetrician, special at- iention to maternity ork and dis pases of children. Office and resid- pnce, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. . (ef) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury .& Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose hing throat only. Appointments may be made at pk pr ne 97. (49-1f) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR, E, ¥. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12-a.m., 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence, 432J. (9th) Nervous & Mental Diseases DR. R. B. E. WILSON, SPECIAi.- ist nervous mental and Ductless gland diseases. Office and resid- ence Uxbridge phone 133. Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attentici®to X-Ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312. (41 yr) Beauty Pariors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.60 and $10. Automatic machine, 1 extra free finger wave. Phone £968. (851) EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34tf) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, (facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653. Cecil {May 14 1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL--EXPERT work done, 756H¢ Powder Putt Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3051. (104-tf) Money tc Loan CITY AND FARM LOAN», PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Field, Barristers, etc. Alger Blds. Phone 1614. (49ti) MOTOR LOANS--MOTOR LOANS, Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 2790. (791) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA. perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave., plione 3065w or 2067w. (72) THE OSHAWA PAINTERS -- Painting, Paperhanging, Grainiog, Signs and Monograms for Automo- biles, Etec. Reasonable prices. Phone 1495W. 14 Nassau St. » (May 9-June 9) Undertaking 0 | SUNSHINE COTTAGE FOR SALL--NEW 8-ROOMED rug brick house; oak floors throughout, chestnut trim, French doors, paved street, 5 minutes walk north of Motors; will accept G. m. shares @ $80, as cash payment. Apply 84 Alice St. (134-c) DIVISION ST. $1050 BUYS DANDY 3 ROOMED house. 40 foot lot. Phone Holden 37T1W. (1360) FOR SALE 133 ACRES ON LAKE Scugog. 4 miles north Port Perry. lot 23, concession ten. Buildings, orchard, cedar bush, muskrat marsh,' fishing, duck shooting. $4500. Williams, 67 Victoria street Toronto. (135¢) SIX-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE: large lot, all conveniences, in North Oshawa; cheap for quick sale. Ap- ply H. C. Misener, Uxbridge. (8. T. T.) SIX-ROOM BRICK VENEER, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, nearly new: bargain for quick sate. Owner leaving town. Phone 2530W for appointment or apply 240 Drew Stieet. (Tues. Wed. Thurs-tf) Wante¢ to Buy | Rates for | | Classified Ads. | Ic per word Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box sumber 10c additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents 8 word por month for each additional) word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De- partment MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wocd. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf; MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS snd all 'kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St. (134tf) Work Wanted RE-UPIIOLS TERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save: you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 595]. 56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED CALLED for and delivered 76c. If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 1885W. June 7 1 mo) WANTED--ALL KINDS OF GAR- dening work, sodding and grading Fhone 2918W. Cafl 162 Elliott Ave. (May 15-1 mo.) NEW METHOD WINDOW CLEAN- ers, 'screen doorg put on and tloors polished. Work guaranteed. 196 Burke street. Phone 2080M. (May 29 1 mo) FOR SALE--GRAVEL, SAND AND loam. Dump truck service. Prompt delivery. or prices' phone 2873W. Pidgin, 97 Colborne St. E. (May 18-1 mo) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS, M021 complete stock in Oshawa. Mudfitt and Park. $2 Simcoe St, 8. (65tF) For Rent North Simcoe St., Simcoe Manor and Buckingbam Manor. South Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, {nclaerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulurs. Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premizes. The Trusts and Guarantee Co., L.td.. Manager for Owner, Toronto. Apply Mr. Grier, Pbone 2089J. (111tf) FOR RENI--- FURNISHED FOUR roomed suite fn Victoria Apts. 291 S'mcce St. South. Apply to Mr. Grier, Phone 2989). (14tf) FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without board. Bed sitting room if preferred. Apply ¢8 Gibbs street. (May 28-1 mo) Help Wanted--Male AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TH Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every car a prospect. Endorsed by Ontario Motor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 40, 70 Lombard, Toron. SHOE CLERK, MALE, FOR SAT- urday afternoons and evenings. Ex- perienced preferred. Apply Burns Co. Ltd. (1248) WANTED A ONCE--EXPERI- énced Digman for body and fender work, Good wages and steady work. Apply Stratford Auto Body, 152 St. Patrick St, Stratferd. Phone Stratford 1477. farm. Good wages and board. Phone Clarke, Central line, 14 ring 2-2. Wm. Payne, Newcastle, R. R. 3, Ont.!} (135¢) (1338) K 3 FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS and bed sitting room. for light housekeeping, 165 Ritson Rd. South. (126-1) OIFICE TO RENT, LARGE AND well lighted. On Simcoe street. Near centre of city. Immediate possession. Bradley Bros, Phone 169. (May 311 mo) THREE ROOMS TO RENT-- Large garden and two garages. Apply 46 Elgin street west. (13211) TO RENT--A NICELY FURNISH- ed single (rout bedroom; very ceu- tral; all conveinences; suitable for husiness person. Apply 78 Bond St. West. Phone $04, (136a) Help Wanted--f emale TADY SHOE , CLERK WANTED for Saturday afternoons and even- ings. Experienced preferred. Ap- ply Burns Shoe Co. (124tf) WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Plain cook- ing, Mrs. Sidney Mills, 314 Simcoe St. South. (134¢) EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED. family of three adults, Sleep out. Apply 22 Royal street. Phone 3139W. (135c) WIDOWER WITH SMALL FAM- ily desires housekeeper; would marry. Apply Box 21, Times. (136-¢) TWO ROOMS TO RENT. FUR- nished for housekeeping. Phone 1473J. (1331) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED front bedroom, suit one or two gentlemen, close to Motors' office, Apply 'Phone 2482. (134-c) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. Apply 318 Division street, Phone 3138. (13 4c) FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN Ltd, pianos: also radios, arranged. 15557. GARAGE DCORS Spruce and pine. in sizes 8 ft. x 8 ft. 7% ft. x 7; ft. 7% ft. « 7 ft. College Woodwork, telephone 2053W. (May 18-June 18) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW- laid eggs, delivered anywhere in city. Phone 896. (119-1 mo.) FACTORY OR OI'FICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (tr) CO. new and used pianos, latest wodels; terws Apply C. Trull. Phone (111-tf) SALK. FOR PLASPBERING, TINTING AND cement work done promptly. Phone 3045W for estimd'es. (131 1 wk) CELLARS . DUG, REASONABLE. Phone 15171, (135¢) BATTERIES CHARGED AND Dic- livered 75e¢, rental 25¢. Eatire electrical system of car overhauled and repaired. Prices reasonable. Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3112W or 3078J. (June 6-1 mo) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs, Dell, 263% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (May 13-1 mo) Hospitals NURSING INVITES the sick; registered nurse's care: excellent food. Phone 350 Whitby. Box 202 Whitby, (May 21-1 mo.) Awnings AWNINGS, PORCH verandah curtains, can- T. Taylor, Tor- Even- (77tt) WINDOW awnings, opy tops installed. onto. Oshawa phone 1053. LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. Bast, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Simcoe street north. Phones 210J and 210W. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMg 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulaape. Plone 1082. (96-tf) 267TW. Radio Service RADIO SETS INSTALLED, RE- paired, rebuilt or rewired, F. A. Diplock, 126 William St. IZ. Phone 2035M. Endorsed by National Ra- dio Institute, Washington, D.C. Expert service at reasonable price. (May 20-1 mo) DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTISL, 37 King street east. Alzer building. Phone 2860. Evenings by appoint- nent. (48tf) 5R. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. rorth, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. 'Phone 54. DR LL E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for, extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948. residence. 1378M. DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 18 Simcoe St. N., ever Dewland's. "hone 1957. Resl. 292W, Evenings yy appointment. (July 9tl) DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence 66Y. 66-t DR. 'LANGMAID, DR. DAVakS, Dentists, 27 King St. E. Special at- ention to gas extraction #nd X- ray work. Nurse In atteudauce. Phones 1243 and 231. | (95¢) fl W. Auctioneer PHONE 716d, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 5. We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 'King St. W., Oshawa, Ozterio. Building Supplies FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. 2 (June 1-1 mo) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of 'delivery date. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-t0) NORTH OSHAWA CONCRETE Works; cement blocks 8' 9", 10" 12" cement bricks, Phone 1575J. (119-1 mo.) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONFAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin-| ters, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers, 365 or 411 King St E. Phones 2532) or 2544. (89t) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (107t0H Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep at 4414 King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. (29tf) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Rloor St. East. Phone 1617M. ' (tr) Contracting Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. : Phone 1496. Res. phone 909]. (8-1) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- soclate architects, Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. (66Lr) CONTRACTING -- CONC RETE, plasterir electric or alteratious. 'Phone 159 for estimates. (June 5-1 mo.) CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE cellar floors, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations. For prices 'phone 2873W. J, Pidgen, 97 Colborne St. E. RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at -moderate prices. Char- les Wales, Phone 1046J. 5 (June 8-1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (5611) 'I per bottle. Mos-ke-Toks CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKERS has auto parts and Phone 2980W. (127 ROOMS. ALL 295 French (134c) RENT--TWO Apply FOR conveniences, street, 3 standard | RENT --THREE | parily or unfurnished rooms. | Light, water and phone. Good loca- 234 Dearborne avenue, (135¢) HOUSE TO RENT--132 ALICE St. 6 rooms. All conveniences. Ap- ply Jas. Watson, R.R. No. 1, Osh- awa, (135¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM AND {bed sitting room to rent. Conven- tijences and central. Apply 178 Al- bert street, Phone T31J. ROOMS TO tion. Apply (1350) FLAT, FOR RENT--BATHROOM accessories { unfurnished. Apply 27 Westmore- for sale .15-17 Bond street west. {land avenue afier 5 p.m. 1 mo) | (135¢) FOR SALE--CHILD'S springs, good condition; and other articles. Bt. B. (135¢) COT AND |TO tapestry { rooms, rug, and stair carpet, walnut suite, room, Apply 51 Klgm {with same. Phone 799W. 20 Maple RENT---=TWO light, heat, Also one gas and batn- turnished room ; street. (135¢c) SAND AND GRAVEL, also black loam, dump truck ser- vice. Moderate prices. Phone 1778J. Jack Iorrester, 210 Alice street. (127-1 mo) FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL and 'black' loam. Gordon Drinkle, 306 Division St. Phone 3047W. (1330) TOR SALE--BED AND DRESSER, | New Perfection coal oil stove, and | oven; nearly new. 100 Bond Street, Last. FOR SALE CREAM Stroller. 77 Westmoreland avenue, (134¢) | TO RENT--TWO: ROOMS STONE. | FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. 8 Double garage. Con- Phone 371W. (135h) ONE WELL FURNISHED ROOM to rent. Suits 'one or two gentle- men, Board if desired. Central. 10 | Simcoe St. North. Phone 72 lovely rooms. tractor"s home. (135¢) WANTED--OFFICE GIRL. AP- ply Box 19 Times. (136b) {WANTED--GIRL, FOR HOUSE- ! work for two weeks. Phone 1778W. Call 216 Alice street. (136a) WANTED--SMART GIRL TO thelp in beauty shop. Good oppor- | tunity to right girl. Apply 86 Sim- coe St. North. Betty Lou. (136a) Posiiun Wanted WOMAN WITH ONE CHILD wants position as housekeeper, ia private home, at 'once. Mrs. Isaac Wright, 1453 Conant Street. FURNISHED | (130-1) i STENOGRAPHER AND DICTA- | phone operator wishes position. | Phone 2367J. (136¢) {A YOUNG MAN TYPIST WILL i start at $7.00 weekly to gain office experience and routine. Box 24 { Times. (136d) | GIRL, WISHES POSITION AS child's nurse or nurse housemaid. 1 With references. Phone 778M. | (136¢) Notice MISSING Any person having any knowl- edge of the present whereabouts of Grace Demill or Grace McMullen (the same person), who was last i kdesvn to be residing in the City of Oshawa .on or about the 4th day of April, 1919, are requested to get in touch with the under- signed. SWANSON, MacKENZIE & CO. Barristers, 'etc., 37 King street east, Oshawa. (136a) FOR RENT--TWO OR THREE jroomed flat, unfurnished. Wired for stove. All conveniences. Apply Agnes. street. Phone 1168J. (136¢) ror TOR SALE--ONE PAIR OF BAY: | light housekeeping. Apply 115 Rit- ton scales two show cases, almost | new, Apply 361 Verdun Phone 1526. road GENT'S SUITE FOR SALE. A MTS: | Size (ence; Phone |can space. (135¢) CHOICE APARTMENT TO LET: fit. Only worn a few times. 40. Cost $35. Sell for $15. 2214. Phone 1084F. (136h) son road south. (135¢) {TO «RENT -- FURNISHED, TWO- room apartment. Private conveni- central; private entrance; 96 Centre St. (136-c) DIAMOND RING, SINGLE STONE jall conveniences, immediate posses- for sale. Also 3 stone ring. Phone 27. (134¢) FOR SALE--TRAP DRUMS, OR- chestra outfit, value $200. Will sell for $150. Terms, or $100. cash. Phone 1300 and leave number for Mr, Kelly Bolahood. (136 2 wk) FOR SALE---CEDAR STRIPPED canoe, coal stove .and four burner gas range, with oven. .Phone 1155. (136¢) Herbalist TRY GOULDING'S for falling hair, of dandruff, 50c¢ for Mos- quito ete. bites. If placed on before going 'out a sure cure, Prince St. (135¢) Room and bard 0a "0 Announcements Mrs. Dell wishes to inform those whom it may concern, that her Salon on Simcoe Strect South for hemstitching, pleating, dressmaking, etc, i in no way whatsoever connected with any Shoppe as circulated. (128-1 mo.) For Sale or Rent TOR SALE, OR TO LET---STORE and dwelling, 180 Celina St. Tere phone 1686. (135tf) FIVE- ROOM BRICK HOUSE FOR sale or rent; possession July 1, Ap- ply George Lyle, 143 Colborne St. E. (136-~c) FOR SALE OR RENT---NEW S8IX- roomed brick house; all convenien- ces, near new offices. Apply 115 Oshawa Blvd. (136-c) Personal Young man would like to corre- spond with woman, or widow un- der 40 years. Apply Box 26, Times. (136-c) ROOMS AND BOARD, $8 PER week; rooms only $2.50 and up. Apply 39 Ontario Streer, (June 7-1 mo.) ROOM IN PRIVATE Board if desired. Phone 5201. 151 Colborne street east. (134¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR MAR- ried couple. $14 per week or two gentlemen. 'hone 1831J, (136¢) BOARDERS Every conveni- Arthur street. (136¢c) ROQOMERS OR wanted, Central. ence. Apply 168 Phone 3294W. HAIR TONIC | ¥ AMILY J diamond sion, Baird Block. Phone 4ub, (136-1) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED front room, large, suitable for two. Apply 56 Division St. (136-c) TO RENT--FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 21 McLaugh- lin Blvd. Phone 2784. (136¢) ONE FIVE ROOMED FLAT TO rent. Water and lights, Phone SO6M, (136¢) TO LET -- SEMI-FURNISHED !front apartment. Three rooms and bath. Apply Bradley Bros., office No. 1 over Ward's store. (136¢) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED home to rent. [lve minutes from Motors. Reasonable to careful ten= ant, Phone 1790F, afternoon and evenings. (1366) APARTMENT FOR RENT--VERY central. Fully equipped. Electric refrigerator. Electric stove. Use of electric washer and dryer. Apply Apt. 3, Llewellyn Apts, 82 Sim- coe 'St. S., or phone 2347TW. (136¢) FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment for light housekeeping all conveniences. Near Motors. 105 Colborne St, Kast. Phone 2287. (136Db) TO RENT-- 2 FURNISHED OR- unfurnished rooms, 'New home. All conveniences, Apply 29 . Eulalie Ave. . (136¢) Roomers Wanted ROOMERS WANTED -- BOARD optional* All conveniences. Apply 157 Agnes St. Phone S10W. (136¢) Notice MR. RICHARD GIMBLETT'S Perchern Stallion will stand for the season 'at his stables. Rear at 539 King street east, Oshawa. (1358) Money Wanted Wanted to Rent LOAN OF $2,600. SECURITY second mortgage on A-1 property, (132-1f) | 23, Times: 25 per cent discount. Apply Box {136-c) WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR three roomed furnished house- keeping flat, Apply Box 28 Times. (135b) TWO UNFURNISHED, ALSO TWO furnished rooms to rent, = Apply 242 Eulalie avenue. Phone 2607J. (136¢c) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED front rooms for light housekeep- ing. $18 a month. Apply 636 Car< negie ayenue, * (136¢) FOR RENT-- GARAGE WITH privilege of washiiig car. Apply 146. Simcoe street north or phone 224. (136¢) FOR RENT--THREE UNFUR- nished rooms. Apply Oshawa Blvd. Phone 2882W. (136¢c) Motor Cars FOR SALE--~--CHEVROLET erior, good running order. 92 SOD- $150. Apply 91 Nassau streef, (134c) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--HAVING RE- ceived instructions from Mr. D. Ek. Buyzer to sell at 171 Oshawa Blvd,, Wednesday, June 12, 1929; at 6 o'clock p.m., the following one oak dining room suite, 5 piece living room suite, one divanette, four beds complete, two dressers, quantity of bedding, kitchen table and chairs, one Westinghouse elec- tric range, one Congoleum rug 9 x 10, carpets, quantity of dishes, garden tools, curtains and drapes. Other things too numerous to men- | tion. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer, (135b) Auction Sale LARGE AUCTION household furniture, 17 John St. West, Thursday, June 13th. 1 o'clock sharp: 8 pe. dining room suite, oak; 6 beds complete, first class shape; 2 chiffoniers, 4 dress ers, 2 china cabinets, 3-piece par- lor suite, 1 parlor cabinet, 1 oak hall rack with mirror, 6 round ta- bles, 1 library table, 3-burner oil stove, 1 Pandora Range, 1 piano, new Williams' make. Other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Terms for sale, cash. E, J. Powmery, Auctioneer, 183%' King St. E. (S. T. W.) SALE OF AUCTION SALE There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the premises at 111 Frederick street, Oshawa, by A. C. Lycett, Auctioneer, on Saturday, the Fifteenth day of June, A.D., 1929, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, daylight saving time, the said premises. subject to a first mortgage of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars, upon which there has heen advanced to date the sim of approximately Nineteen Hundred Dollars. The lot has a frontage of 36 ft. by a depth of 96 ft. and there is said to be erected thereon a one- story brick-veneer. 'bungalow, 26 ft. by 35 ft. with a 'veranda and containing' all ' conveniences, and situate upon a paved street in a desirable section of the City. TERMS: 10 per cent of the sale price in cash at time of sale and the balance of the purchase price in excess of the existing mortgage, to be payable within thirty days from the date of sale. For further particulars apply io A. C. Lycett, Auctioneer, or Joseph P, Mangan. \ JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Solicitor for Owner. | (134-136-139) CITY OF OSHAWA Tenders For Paving plainly marked Sealed Tenders "Tender for Paving", will be re- ceived up until 5 o'clock p.m. TUESDAY, June 18th, 1929 for "Standardite" or Asphaltic Concrete Pavements on various streets (3 in, top, 6 in. Concrete Base), complete with curb and gutter. Specifications and other infor- mation may be obtained at the Of- fice of the City Engineer. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. (Sgd.) W, C. SMITH, City Engineer. (135b) MORTGAGE SALE 0 FARM LANDS Under ana by virtue of the pow- ers of sale contained in two certain mortgages, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale at public aucuon on the premises about half a mile Kast of Taunton, Township of Dar. lington, on Wednesday, June 19th, A. D. 1929, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, ALL. THOSE PARCELS OR TRACTS OF LAND ertuate, lying and being in the Township of Dar- lington. and being composed: -- FIRSTLY :--The North one-half of Lot Thirty-four (34) in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, excepting therefrom the Southerly Forty-three acres (43 ac). SECONDLY :--That portion of concession of the said Township described as follows: -- COMMENCING at the Southeast angle of said lot; THENCE North Sixteen degrees WEST, Seventeen Chains. Twenty seven links; THENCE .South Seventy-four de- grees West, Ten chains, Twenty- two and one-third links to a point 1istant on that course, Twenty feet Westerly from the centre of said lot number thirty-four; THENCE South Sixteen degrees East, Seven- teen Chains, Twenty-seven links, more or less to the front of the said Fifth Concession; THENCE North Seventy-four degrees East. Ten Chains, Twenty-two and one- third links more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, The said parcels of land are said to contain about 75 acres in all. On the said lands there are said to be erected a brick house, barn with stone foundation, implement shed and other buildings all in a good state of repair. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and subject to existing temancy which expires April 1st, 1930. Purchaser will be allowed: ploughing privi- leges in the fall of 1929, TERMS: --10 per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid at'the time of the sale and balance at the time of closing. Sale to be closed with- in thirty days after the date of sale. The Vendor will accept a first mort~ gage of the lands for not more than 60 per cent of the sale price with interest at 7 per cent, maturmmg in five years. ALL other terms and conditions will be announced at the sale. For further particulars apply to CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers, &ec., 7% Simcoe St, S., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. or to Auctioneer, W. J. SULLY, Oshawa. the Fifth (124-130-136) OLD-TIME DRISKING "WAYS DESCRIBED Perpetual Drought Afflicted Scotsmen' 150 Years Ago RUM PUNCH COLD 'Two or Three Bottles of Port Drunk After Dinner Glasgow.--In an article that re- cently appeared in "The Glasgow Herald" reminiscent of other days long gone by, it was pointed out how universal the habit of drink- ing was about 150 to 100 years ago. Everyoné seems to have. been 'afflicted, or blessed, with a per- petual drought, in spite of their endeavors to slacken it at all hours of the day and night. In Glasgow, according to Dr. Strang, the members of the Morning and Evening Club used to meet soon after 5 a.m, (on the arrival of the mails from Edinburgh), and were in the custom of relieving the dry- ness of the news by sundry liquid refreshments, the favorite tipple being a "baurie'--which consisted the South part of lot thirty-four in| | of rum, with hot water and ségar poured out and skinked in a quart mug. Forenoon coffee in these days was as unknown as afternoon tea, but the Meridan Club was formed by a certain number of citi- zens who foregathered to partake of the midday dram, then practi. caly universal. . A Favorite Beverage A favorite beverage at that pe- riod in Glasgow was rum punch, which was composed of water (cold) rum, and sugar with Jemon« and dimes. The article referred in above gives a contemporary ac- count of the solemn ceremony of "brewing" a bowl of this very pa- latable and wholesome drink, and follows it up with a description, by the same authority, of the. effects experienced by one who had par- taken of it not wisely but too well. As it is difficult for anyone famil- far with the nature and properties of this bevrage to believe that, if made on the lnes described, it could possibly have such delete- rious effects, one is driven to sup- pose that the symptoms and suf- ferings detailed were really due to some other cause. As a matter of fact it will, en further examination of the work quoted, be found that the pseudo- visitor to Glasgow had, on the first evening of his visit, dined with a leading citizen. At the dinner he states that thére was sufficient food for more than twice the number of guests; that everything was of the best, and that it was "washed down by delicious old West Indian Ma- deria, which went like elixir vitae into the recesses of .my vitals," while he also mentions hoch and white hermitage. He further ad- mits that after dinner they had twe or three bottles of port, recom- mended .by the host as being the real stuff, with "abundance of the same Maderia." [It was after this Gargantuan feast that the punch was concoeted, and "the real busi- ness of the evening commenced." Copious Libations The truth seéms to be that the narrator had both overeaten and over drunk himself, and that he might as well have blamed the salmon as the punch for his sub- sequent 'sufferings. We find indeed that, in the subsequent letter in which he describes the effects, he prefaces the description quoted in the "Herald" with the admission that he had 'been too copious in my libations." In any case it seems rather below the belt that Glasgow punch should be so "miscalled" by one who, under his own hand, has told us that he had often par- taken of it when he used of a Sun- day to dine with Captain Paton. He recounts how, on these occa- sions, if "a bowl" was mentioned, the Captain would bid his servant lass to bring a stoup of water from the West Port well and-- Then would he mix the genuine stuff as they made it long ago-- ---a mixture that seems to have left none but pleasant recollec- tions. After ' all, the "Letters" were only a vehicle in which "The Scorpion" could indulge his pow- ers of fine writing, while criticism of (ilasgow and its citizens was quite in the best manner of Black- wood's young men. A Dinner Party Another . contemporary account of the city, and the ways and man- ners in vogue there about 1820, is- to be found in "Cyril Thornton" --a book that has fallen, not undeser- vedly, into oblivion, though it. is still worth reading for its Scottish scenes. The author has taken up a different attitude from Peter, and in his description of a dinmer party at the Lord Provost's deals with it in a spirit ef broad farce. He has, however, nothing but praise for rum punch, though he, too. pokes fun at the solemn nature of the proceedings that we.e wont to accompany the brewing of a bowl. Another point to his credit is: that when he "exceeds'---as happened at the dregy at Balmalloch--he candidly admits that the cause of his subsequent sufferings was the quantity, not the quality of the liquor. I JUST STAY HOME. Down at the docks I love to stray And watch the ships that sail away For Liverpool and Singapore, For Rio, Shanghai, Nome, And every other foreign shore, And yet--I just stay home. The liners and the tramps depart And 1 go with 'em, in my heart, Across thé seas to ports that gleam Under the blue sky's dome. To travel to them is my drea.n, And yet--I just stay home. Sometimes T think that I will sail Out on that heaving ocean trail But deep inside of me I know I'll never get to roam. I watch the steamers come and go, But me--1I just stay home. For I'm the timed sort of guy To watch the-ships and sit and sigh And dream about thie course they take ; Across the ocean foam-- . And never, never make the break But just stay home! --By Berton Braley. When a father, mother ant daughter live together and there is an argument, father is the min- ority.--Galt Reporter, MONEY LOANED AUTOMOBILES Leins paid off or additional Cash. All dealing confidential. Open' Daily 9 AM. to 6 PP. M. G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loan and Disconnt Co. Limited Room 6, 14% King East. Phone 2700.

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