Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1929, p. 19

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a, "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 "Easy-to-F, ind' Ls _RADIO PROGRAM T'S BEST FEATURES ac JZ)--~Retold Tales "Sign of the ou bia "Arabesque. NBC (WJZ)--Ben WEAF) Seiherling Singers. A Detective Mysteries: « Maxwell House Concert iE WIL Libby NBC" CW (WEAF) --Public Policy Night-- Frieda Hemple; Albert Spaulding and others, FRIDAY"S DAY PROGR S NBC System (WJZ)--Mary Hale Mar- tins Petiod. NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- stitute, p.m. NBC System (Central)=Farm and Home Hour. WSB Atlanta, U. of Ga. Program. WLW Cinci. Minatures of the Masters WA Chicago, Cubs vs. Brooklyn al- Koc Sn stem (WJZ)--Little Symphony wk, WZ, WBZ o WIR, K w Karp Sf, Paul, Baseball--St. I'aul vs. Minneapolis. TONIG! erie s Menuen Program--Toscha 6.30 7.00 7.30 800 N 830 N 9.30 TONIGHT'S PROGRAM (EASTERN STANDARD YiME) NE Ap ystems Bill and Jane to WRC, WEAF, NBC System: Uncle Bob to KYW, AL, WFAA, WMC, KSTP, KDKA, KPRC. NBC "System: Sports Talk; Sherry's Music to WEAF, WCAE, WRC, WJZ (394.5)--New York, Children's pro- gram, iw (428)=Cinci. Hawaiians, CFCA (357)~Toronto, Doc West. WGY (379)--Schenectady. Ten Eyck Concert to WGR (545)-- Buffalo, Statler orchestra. Nie JL. 5)--~New York, Pollack's or- Ww BAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner music WCAE (242)-Pitts. Pianist; 'Books; Uncle Gimbee, NBC System: Hymn Sine to WRC, WEAF, KOA, WCSH, WEJC. WOW (508)~Omaha. Dinner program; Scores. WOR (422)--Newark, "Sunshine." WTAM (280)--~Cleveland, Dinner music KYW (2M)--Chicago, Straight's orches. Columbia Network: Cino-P WABC, NAC, WCAU, WJAS, WFBL, RMON, anc. 2 NBC Comfort 77% p WEET, WJ AR, / AH WGY (379) ~Scl The : WGR (545)~Buffalo, Aan Joneses, Arcadia Orchestra, WiiaM (258.5)=Rochester. Wiki (204)=Buffalo, Variety hour. NBC System: Retold Tales to WJZ, KOA; WREN, KSL, KWK, WKY. KFAB (389)-Lincoln, Dinner Concert (2 hours.) Network: Ww GHP, Hour to WTAG, Eastman Arabesque to WEAN, WFBL, WJAS, K MOX, Ww MAL, WISN, Paul. Lowry Ww LEW, Wi eG (370)=Mpls, St, Oschestra; Book Man. N. System: Buck and Wing WEAF, WRC, WFI, WCAE, KSD, WHO, wey (379. 5)=Schenectady, Farm pro- BC System: Lehn' and Fink Seren. Srila WJR, WBZ, WBAL, LY, WHAM, KDKA, WFAA, Ww, % Khost. WREN, KWK, KYWw, Ase Chicago." Markets; The lus, C.P.R. TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1929. (Standard Time) Going West 5.45 am. Daily. 6.23 a.m, Dai 8.40 a.m. Daily" except Sunday. 4.35 p.m, Daily. 7.3% p.m. Daily. b 10.05.@.m. Daily. ~ 2.04 p.m. Daily. shy 8.08 pm. Daily' except Sunday. (3' 1L10 p.m, Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. All. times oH above are times trains Qepart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) m, Daily except Sunday. .m, Sunday only, m. Daily. .m. Daily except Sunday. .m. Daily except Sunday. .m. Daily except Sunday. .m. Daily. .m. Daily. except Saturday. m. Daily. DUI eatbound Bail. mm. Lo. Ba except Sunday. m. m, Daily except Sunday. m. Daily except Sunday. Dn § vd only. p.m. Daily a Sunday. Ty p.m. Daily except | Sunday. LE Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE . WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (fective on and after April 28, 1929.) t Savine Time) Wes! Jo With 5 8.0, East BoC ome onm pep PEPN MoODDOTP SRSUBRBRRE Susa3kTEEY 134 NNAOR NINA Sm v y (® Leave Arrive Hospital ? 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. Le 4.35 p.m. 6.45 p.m, 10.55 p.m. wisg (447)~Chicago, U. of Chicago eG ST0- Atlantic City. Scores; Hym 7.20 W MAG (447.5)=Chicago, Health Talk; Entertainers, 7.30 Columbia Network: 147] Marine Band 10 hp WNAC, WEAN, WFLL, WKB WC Nox, WIA, WF BM, KMOX, KOIL, WMAL, WCAH' (209)~Columbus, Watchtower Program (1 1-2 hours.) NBC System: Hoover Sentinels WEAF, iY, WFAA, WGR, WFYI WSAI, RC, WHO, "wi GN, WEEL, WCAE, Ww TAM, Ww WI, w DAF, KSD, WMC, Wow, 'WHA S, WSM, Ws, WBT, WKY, KSTF 3 Hl Orchestra to KDKA, KYW, WB WREN, , WHAM, 'WLW, WBZA, WIR WRVA (270)=Richmond. William Mary College. 8.00 Columbia Network: Detective Mystere. o WNAC, WEAN, WCAU, WIJAS, on ; WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, KOIL, WSPD WHK, WLBW, WMAL, WCAU, WBBM. NBC System: Veedol Concert to WIZ, KDKA, WBAL, WLW, WBZ, WBZA, WRENS WHAM, WIR, WCFL, KWK 8.30 Columbus i» and Network: Sonora hour to WE KOIL. Broadway Light to WFI, WRC, WGY, NBC System: Maxwell Hour to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WiAL WHAM, WOW, WHAS, Ww AX, WEBC KOA,' KDKA, Kyw. .. WMC, W T™J, WLW, ,, KSD, WRVA, WDAF, STP, WSM, WSB, WHAS, 9.00 CNRM Qu --Montreal. 0 to CNRO, CNRQ, CNRT, CNR NRW Columbia Network: Concert Program to A N WOWO, » WIAS, K MOX, WSPD, , WKBW WE AN, WCCO, KMBC, WISN, Ww DBM (389)--Chicago. The Mangelo- ans, WBAL (283)--Baltimore. WGES (220.4 xn WGN (416)--C NBC System: KMBC, Futertainers, Studio prog. 4 usical Melange. Violinist; Orchestra to Ww. WIR (400) --Detroit, Maytag Radioette, WLS (315)--Chicago. Round-Up. WOR (422.3)--Newark, Solvist En- semble. 9.30 RW KH (352)--Shreveport, Studio prog. NBC System: Public Policy Committee , WTAG, WRVA, er. WGY, WCAE, 'MC R 'KY, WFC, WSAI WHO, WELT, WJAR, WCSH. NBC System: Iso- Vis Orchestra WGN, WTMJ, WDAF, WOW, wsM (461)--Nashville, Jackson Hotel Orchestra. / NBC System: "Around the World with Libby" to WJZ, WREN, KSTP, WBZ, wi AL, WHAM, KDKA, KYW, WJR, 10.00 CNRT (356)-- «to CNRM, Wi to Toronto, Dance Program CNRO, CNRO, CNRL. CO (370)--Mpls. -St. Paul, Minnesota Theatre. WFLA (333)=Clearwater, Studio; pop- ular songs. WIBO (526)-- --~Chicago. Popular; Dance Program (2 hrs.). WJR (400)--Detroit. Singing School, WKBW (204)--Buffalo. Gandy's Orch. WL Ww (428)--Cincinnati. Hollingsworth all, WOR (422)~Newark. Dance music. M (461)=Nashville, Studio. 10.30 KOA (361)=Denver. Bank program. NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WRC, WBAL, KDKA, Organ, oY (379). Schenectady, AM (280)--Cleveland, Variety hour. 11.00 RY hy (294)=Chicago. Panico's Orch. STP (205)=St. Paul, Amos "n' Andy; oY Carnival. AB (383) ~Linosin, Orchestra; organ WENR (315)--~Chicago, Westphal Or chestra; Entertainers. WFLA (333)--Clearwater. Dance Orch. WGN (416)~Chicago, Dream Ship; Dance music (1 hr.). WISN (268)-- Milwaukee. Roof Orchestra. C System: Dave Bernies Orchestra to WEAF, WRC, KSD. ---------------------- Pianist; Wisconsin The hiss is the only sound which has no echo. A spool of thread was unknown 125 years ago. Amsterdam is cut by canals into 90 islands, AEE 18 Simcoe Street South Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. U'hone w, For Better Values in DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince +tand son, TRUSTEES ADD TO PLAYGROUND AT SEAGRAVE SCHOOL Another Acre of Land Pur- chased To Be Used for Village Sports Grounds Seagrave, June 4.--Mr, and Mrs. L. Snyder and family, Mr. Haycs, C. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs, H. Lamb, Mrs. T. Lamb and Mr, Ste- phens, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. MacLean, of Uxbridge, and Mrs, MacLean, of Port Perry were week- end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk, Miss Dora Orchard, of Stoufl- ville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orchard, over the week- end. Mrs. Geo. Mark and family, of »| Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark and Mrs. A. Bruce on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moose, Mrs. »'. '| Rillingham and family, and a. Wells, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moun, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. I'. Rigley, of Osh- awa, visited Mrs. A. Tanner on I'ri. day last. They also attended the Zion T'ield Day. Mr, and Mrs. C. Harrison and family, of Myrtle, werc visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. H. Wannamaker Glen, spent Saturday in Burketon with relatives. Mr. and" Mrs. J, Harding spent Friday afternoon in Uxbridge -on business. Mrs, Richardson and family, of Toronto, are visiting at the home vr the former's sister, Mrs. H. Leask. Mrs. R. S. Long, of Myrtle, is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs, Ii, Scott, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. Collins, of Osh- awa, and Mr, and Mrs, E. Scott and family, of Toronto, were week- end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Harding. "Mr. and Mrs. G. Cherrie, of Scu- gog, spent Sunday at the home ur Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds. Quite a number attended the an- niversary services at Zion last week, Mr, and Mrs, 8S. J," Wooldridge and family visited the fromer's par. ents in Little Britain, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Brown and son, Gordon, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and daughter, Mur- rel, of Port Perry, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers ou Sunday. Mrs, J. Mark, who has heen con- fined to her bed through {llness for the past two weeks, is improv ing slowly. Mr. and Mrs. W. King, of Oak- wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wan. Stylish Shoes I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King st. Ww. PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Sv. S8.--We Deliver namaker on Sunday afternoon, und were accompanied by Miss L, King, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R, Moon and fam- ily, of Raglan, visited with rela- tives on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. T. Atkins, of To- ronto, visited at the home ot wr, and Mrs, end. Mr. and Mrs. 1°, Skarrett and two sons, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 'W, Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Bae and son, Carl, of Bowmanville, spent the week-end with relatives, Migs Irene Fpaflord spent the week-end at her home in Green- bank, Mrs, C. W, Clarke, accompanied by Mrs. L. Scott, Mrs. R., Scott, Mrs. A. Dowson, Mrs. Geo. Clarke and daughter, Ruby, spent Monday afternoon in Lindsay, Miss Una Sleep visited Mr. and Mrs C, Wilson at Prospect on Sun- day, Mrs, J. Blight and family, of To- ronto, spent the week-end at their home here. On Tuesday evening a numbér of friends. gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Munroe to shower the bride and groom of last week, Hazel . Garrell, formerly of Sea- grave, and Jay Gibson, of Sonya, The evening was spent in games, af- ter which the young 'couple were asked to take chairs in the dining room where the parcels were un- wrapped. Mr. and Mrs, Gibson thanked all for their kindness. The gifts were all appreciated, being very useful as well as ornamental, == | They have the hest wishes of their Seagrave friends for their future happiness and . prosperity. At present Mr. and Mrs. Gibson are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Munroe, Sonya. A meeting of the United Church Sunday School officers and teach- ers was held in the Sunday School Dowson over the ween 4 room to make arrangements for the Sunday School anniversary, to be held on June 23 and 24. The trustees of the public school have bought another acre of land adjoining the school playground from J. McTaggart. This will be a great improvement to the school, and in future will be used as com- munity play grounds. KEDRON SUNDAY SCHOOL TO MARK ITS ANNIVERSARY Rev. Mr. Dyer of Greenbank Will Conduct Services On June 16. Kedron, June 3.--The annivers- ary services of the Kedron Sunday Schoo! wiil be held on Sunday, June 16, and Tuesday, June 18. On Sunday afternoon and evening, Rev. Mr. Dyer, of Greenbank, will conduct the services, On Tuesday afternoon, a ball game will be play- ed. Tea will be served in ths en- closed shed, after which the Ehene- zer Dramatic Club will present the play 'Between Acts", They will also furnish music between the acts, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, Myrtle, A. M. Lawrence, Weston, and Mrs. J, Pereman and Miss Greta Pereman, Columbus, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mountjoy. Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, So- lina, visited at the homes of H. F. Werry and R, J. Luke, Mrs. James Finucan and Misses Annie and Alice Finucan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Conlin on SEED CORN Improved Leaming White Cap ; Early Bailey Golden Glow Wisconsin No. 7 16 CELINA ST. We have a complete line of the Best Varieties. of Fodder and Cob Corn Now In Stock North Dakota Longfellow Compton's Early Rennie's xxx Giant Eureka White COOPER SMITH Co. PHONE 8 Monday. Norval Crossman spent week-end with his parents, Mr. Mrs. F, H. Crossman. Quite a number from here at- tended Zion anniversary services. Mr, and Mrs. L. Hancock and Miss Beatrice Mountjoy attended the service at Brooklin United Church on Sunday morning. the and Miss Florence Wheeler has re- turned to Toronto, after spending a week with Mrs, F, H, Crossman. Mr. and Mrs. John Mountjoy and Migs Beatrice Mountjoy called on Miss Jennie Stocks, of Brooklin, recently. In a day the average adult breathes 400 cubic feet of air. - ---- -- ---- ELLA CINDERS--From An Expert : AUTHORITY ON DR. CANLING 2 1 READ YOUR ARTICLES IN THE PAPER, EVERY DAY ABOUT HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED, AND VE COME OUT OF TOWN TO SEE You ! AS THE COUNTRY'S oan ol WOULD YOU AIVISE ME TO GIVE THE. MAN 1 LOVE, 1 Bw ALL M MEANS ! A WOMAN'S PLACE RY IN THE HOME. MARRIAGE S THE MOST SUBUME GIFT THAT CAM BE GRANTED ANNI By Bil Comseleoan asd Cinrlic Pind: BRINGING UP FATHER Tosa | r LOVELY ) THIS APARTMENT Sui Due? TD EXCcLLusive- I DO SO DETEST COMMON PEOPLE THE LIOT OF TENANTS DINTY MOORE 3 AND HS [A BRIDE 5 ay LIVE HERE: JLUOST LOOKED OVER THAT HORRID CREATURE AND HIS WIFE LIVING IN THIS BUILDING? a THEY'VE GOT TO MOVE OR ELSE WE | I'M GONNA MOVE NOW! TELLING TOMMY THING NEYY, TOMMY EVEN | PRINTING iis 0 urmIL RECENTLY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RATHER SLOY ABOUT ADOPTING ANY- PRINTED BOOKS HAD 10 BE SOLDAS MANU jl SCRIPTS-BECAUSE OF PREJUDICE AGAINST TELE RTE THE FIRST MAN CARRYING A RED FLAG. WHEN BATHTUBS WERE FIRST INSTALLED IN THE U.S. DOCTORS DENOUNCED THEM AS DAH- GEROUS TO HEALTH AND IN 1845 A BOSTON MUNICIPAL ORDNANCE MADE SUCH BATHING UNLAYFUL EXCEPT ON MEY V4 _~ . 0 | MISSIONARIES ARE § BUSY TRYING 0 { GET THE HEATHEN TO SOLD wi THE KMICK 53888865 LLE ; PpToEmses HEE PH ICAL ADVICE. WHEN THE BULGARIANS WERE CONVERTED TO CHRISTIANITY THE CHURCHMEN WERE DOUBTFUL AS T0 + WHETHER THEY COULD BE CHRISTIANS AND WEAR TROUSERS AS NONE OF THE EARLY CHRISTIANS WORE TROUSERS. © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved S LATE AS 1896 ENGLAND HAD A AW PROHIBITING AUTOMOBILES FROM TRAVEL ING OVER THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AT A HIGHER SPEED THAN 4 MILES PER HOUR AND THAT IT SHOULD BE PRECEDED BY A - Bf kEcsaussutinnad £ 1] Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner H8mno PEFR 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. 2 - Eo « kd 2 Ct By Russ Westown B 4.35 p.m, 6.50 p.m. TILLIE THE TOILER--Willing To Learn WHY, NETY, T= y BOSS WAS 6ONNA Pete Tou XO. 32 #8 10 NIRA bo 4 TPTPPPT EEE 222 2 us 23, = NOPE = VD RATHER STAY HERE IN "THIS OFFICE BECAUSE - YOU ~ THATS ALL ATHY FE Boys® Fancy Golf Hose Special. Per Pair os. ss 50¢ Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W. Phone 2111 EEE EAA ANAS 4 5 Comme : SEER Ls! TP? E] GOSH, NIETY Don 'YOU WAN To ADVANCE VLL QEE IF | \ CAN GET You A BOOK ON "THE | GOT My IMUSTACHE SHAVED OFF, "TILLIE [HATS - - 11.00 p.m. Time RL Whitby Hospital. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Arrive 'Whitby Hospital 9.45 a.m, 10.00 a.m, 12.25 p.m. mn. are through WHY, NIFTY . You DONT KNOW wHaT LOVE {S MAYBE NOT, BUT) GOSH , VD LIKE © LEARN RN 10.45 pe is 11.00 p.m. East Arrive Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 11.00 a.m, 30 bn: ome 5.30 p.m. 3 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 7% pm. Author of: The Eyes in M 11.00 pan. 11.15 .30 p. Time marked te tirough busses to Whi EE Ro All Occasions A opie, Ou Wain Room, it Brine St. a Disney Block 2 1516---Phone--1516 Se

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