Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1929, p. 10

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929. eieilen ey REV. J, W. SMYTH EE DD TT TE DD DE TET Te SSE FI NTE 3 Three Days of Marvelous |: Ey % ValuesinMen's and Boy's | Wear : 2 : Held at Ebenezer Church od Friday, Saturday Boye 2 Bloomer A) . Ebenezer, June 4.--Three fine services were held at Ebenezer on Sunday last. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, was attending Conference and in his absence the pulpit was occupied in the morning by Mr. Pet. ley, of Oshawa, who preached an DR. REFIK BEY Sxcullont SEmon We the text First minister of public health for | ing service was io. charge of tne hg Ri a Sues of the J Rod x C- | Mission Circle and the speaker was the changes in Turkey since the Dr Zuike 0 Zowmiarilie, whe war, he smilingly points to him- g on 5 self. "Look at me-a bachelor, work in China where he has been Years ago a man supported a missionary. The choir sang beau- many wives in my comntry, but tiful anthems at both services. here am I supporting none." Sunday School held a regular ses- sion in the afternoon. The annual anniversary at Eben- ezer Sunday School will be held on Sunday and Monday, June 9 and 10. The Sunday services will 'be held at 10.30, 2.30 and 7.30 o'clock, the speaker at all services being Rev. J. W. Smythe, of Wellington. Special music will be given by the choir and the Sunday School. On Monday afternoom, hoth softball C.G 1 T. Group Takes and football games will be played Charge of Sunday Even- by the young boys of the commun- . . ity. Later a football game between ing Church Service the married men and the single Hes will be played. There will be etd . also a league game of softball be- Enniskillen, June 4.--Mr. and (4 on Salem and Ebenezer. 'iva Mrs. Howard Stevens spent a few | wij pe gerved by the ladies of tho days in Toronto visiting friends. |ecommunity from 4.30 o'clock until Misses Winnie and Gertie Oke, [all are served. . At 8 o'clock in the of Bowmanville, visited their par- Svening Hie Yous seupie wil pre- : y ay, etween the Acts," ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, on Sun. | 4p Preity mentioned are standard day. time. Miss Mary E. Virtue is visiting Several fram this community at- her mother, Mrs. J. W. Virtue. jngeq 3a0iversary services at Zion : rE nid as _jon Sunday last. Miss Doris Grifin visited heh par Weather remains fine and all ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffin, farm work is progressing favour- Orr Jeffrey attended the Raleigh [ably now. convention at Kitchener, recently. -------------- ee -- Mr. and Mrs. T. Paul, of Toron- to, Mrs. J. Ashton, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wotten, of Peter- boro, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wotten and Helen, of Belleville, visited Nathan "5 sae mors vos | ESTIMATES GROW) & Men's Suits Men's Suits 8° an | Wm. Ashton, over Sunday. ------ $ O05 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston | Increase of a Million Dollars visited L. Lamb, on Sunday. --Objection Taken to About 15 suits to clear. Sizes 36 to 40 only. Regular $18.50 to $20.00. and Monday bd Ub r . Large sizes only. 31 to 36 Specials EFT EINNIN ENE ;$§; NE] ke 5 Boys' 2 Bloomer SUITS |[F In the new Cloths and colorings. Ed Made in S.B. and D.B. models. dG 4 Young Men's { SUITS a2 $: " & = 5 aw py T 832 Ke 5 Sizes 24 to 31. Gass Some with extra pants. Odds and ends from our Spring sell- ing--34 to 42. Regular $25 to $29.50. $8588 533 $n is) be 5 $8: Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Donald and Allan, Miss Dalton and Miss Civil Aviation Reva McGill spent Rerarded is To- ronto. slendi (nae Congralyiations £re sstended 2 Wing June Shere has been Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beech on the rease in m a estimates, arrival of a baby boy. and practically none in those for Miss Marion Orchard is ill with the JROV! Canadian Revs, Hon, 3 the measles. . , ster of nationa 'Mrs. A. J. Knox, of Orono, visit- | defence, told the House of Com- ed Russell Ormiston, spending a mone Tuesday when estimates of few days with her mother, Mrs. A, : 8 FT ' amounting in all Femblys, Who is much improved in ALi ii id 186, ealth. . 186,~ oh 932 .was accounted for by the fact da Ko ope 0 ™ that last vear $900,000 had been The Misses Teftrey of Scugog; voted as first payment for the new Ein < ' . ' | destroyers now being built. The visited Orr Jeffrey on Sunday. payment was not made, and had Mrs. H. Werry, Gordon Werry, | 4," po ro voted. Additional to this oh $3 pairs of trousers. Sizes 34 to 42. Regular About 50 Suits in this lot. Some with two hae prices up to $25.00, a3 35 & x: HERE ARE soME VALUES; Whoopee Hats THAT ARE ATTRACTIVE . All shades and sizes. Red, blue, sand and green. : 5 $15 © 2 | ; i E he Men's $ Ji Men's black and grey Cashmere Sox 3 pr $1.00 Men's Work Sox All Wool ......... 3 pr. $1.00 LEXIE 30 @ A Mr, and Mrs. R. Ormiston attended the graduation exercises at Oshawa hospital on Monday, when Miss Marion Brown, of Orono, received a second payment was now to be voted, With regard to an increase in civil air operations, this was due to the expansion of the ser- Men's Khaki Work Shirts ... $1.15 24 Topcoats The balance of our Spring show- ing of Men's Top Coats, Guard and slip-on. models in good as- sortment of colorings and sizes. her diploma. : vice on account of the larger part Wm. Stainton is attending the | aviation was playing in civil Ey convention of Chosen [I'riends at | ties, particularly in connection Hamilton, and Mrs. Stainton is| with the department of the in- spending a few days with her bro-{ terior. ther at Woodbridge. To Miss Agnes Macphail (Pro- Boy's Wool Golf Hose All sizes ... ..69¢ Boys' Khaki Shirts Size 11 to 14 .........95¢c Men's Shirts $8 In .the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, who preached at Napanee, the Sunday evening ser- vice was conducted by the C. G. I. T. girls. 'Thos. McGill took up tne "Life of Moses' from a babe in an interesting way. T. M, Slemon, Or- ville Ashton, Mrs. O. Jeffrey and Miss Reva McGill sang a quartette. Several good readings were given. 0. W. Williamson and son, Har- old, of Scugog Island, and Miss O'Brien, of Port Perry, visited Mrs. Sweetman. Herbert Slemon and daughter, @seta, of Toronto, Mrs. Moore and desghter, Kate, of Bowmanville, also Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and daughter, of Bethesda, visited John Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curtis, of Hampton, visited Mrs. Jno, Pye. Mrs. J. Saunders, of Bowman- ville, visited her daughter, Mrs. Theo. Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffin and family attended the wedding of their son, Melville, and Miss Myrtle gressive, Southeast Grey) the min- ister said that the presence of aviation under the aegis of the de- fence department was purely a matter of organization. Training was given to pilots at the depart- ment's station at Camp Borden, Technical training. was also given, but it was required that youths desirous of qualifying. as pilots should have had some instruction from a technical university. General A. E, Ross (Conserva- tive, Kingston) referred to a case where a young man had received training in several commercial fly- ing companies, and who, he said, had been refused a license because he wore glasses, He thought this defect should have been discover- ed before he had gone through all this training and his family had expended considerable money on him. : Col. Ralston replied that in this case the department had been willing to grant a license if the young man could land without the use of his glasses. iN Vi 570 @ KSSH sed 1% a 2) 4] Regular $25 to $29.50. $19.75 0 Boys' Khaki Shrit Waists 6 to 13 years ...85¢ Boys' Best Quality Tweed Bloomers ..... $2.15 Men's Fancy Lisle Hose 3 pr. $1.00 Men's Cotton Worsted Work Pants ......$2.15 Kiddies' Knitted Suits : © Men's Trench Coats In fine quality putty shades. Well tailored and good fitting with gun No Men's Blue Chambra Work Shirts .............95¢ of - toad a2 In white broadcloth with separate collar or collar attached. All sizes 14 to 1615. $1.35 Men's Balbriggan SHIRTS and DRAWERS 69c IL Henry, of Blackstock, on Saturday. War Policy Denounced Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fallis, Mr. | (anada had denounced war as a and Mrs. Roy Middlebrook and | national policy, Miss Macphail family, also Mrs. Middlebrook, Sr., | commented and for this season, it of Toronto, visited James Bradley. | wag inconsistent that the esti- mates in the dapartment of nation- al defence should show an in- crease. She would like to see Cana- dians take the stand that war should be forever abandoned. She saw no use in a non-permanent militia, and no reason for a grant .|to the Royal Military college at Kingston, nor excuse for civil avia- tion to be directed as a branch of the department of national de- fence. LIVE-SAVING SERVICE ON THE GREAT LAKES Ottawa, June 6.--The view. of the Marine and Fisheries depart- ment relative to life saving service on the Great Lakes is that the best protection can be given by provid- ing up to date aids to navigation, accurate charts, light, fog signa, buoys, radio, etc., his was the re- ply given in the House of Commons yesterday to a question in' connec- tion with this Matter. 0 ine o ER spection and the broadcasting © HON, STANLEY BALDWIN ri reports are also, in the Handed his resignation to the |gepartment's opinion, factors that King at Windsor Castle on |make for the safe guarding of life. June 4. His Majesty has sent | The service steamer '"Munay for Ramsay MacDonald, Labor |Stewart" will be equipped with leader, and it is presumed will {modern life saving apliance in the request him to form a goveia- |fall of the year and will be used as coment, oooo0oooo0. oo lu patrol steamer on Lake Superior. - flaps, full' belt and straps. Reg. 'Men's Overalls Sizes 3 to 8. Regul to $4.50. In plain blue bib style. Made from extra quality denim. Special, 2s 0 sgular updo $4. $1.49 $1.95 8 Simcoe sovos JOHNSTON' TR I TE TE rT TE TR Tu TR YR TR TTT oC) KC 5 Childs' Wash Suits In Many Pleasing Styles and Colors. Sizes 3 to 8 years. z z Z Z 3 $1.25 to $250 | |& i & & ao 2 & & Kiddies' Suits About 25 child's fancy suits, Oliver Twist and Middy style, LAI RIES Boys' Khaki Pants In sizes 6 to 16 years. | ~ & $1.25 Phone 676 | Wes esnIsee Men's and $1 99 : kd i" 3 i] 63 pen { [} a yes 4 £

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