Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 May 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929 PAGE FIFTEEN ANNIVERSARY AT "ENNISKILLEN WAS A FINE SUCCESS Sports and Play Contribute to Entertainment Monday ; Enniskillen, May 28.--Mrs, G. Pres- ton was called to Oshawa on Satur- day to see her son Warren, who is ill with pneumonia in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Moores, over the week-end. Arthur Jackson and friend, Miss Fletcher, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown and Olive, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tamblyn and Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and Mary visited Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ormiston Sun- day, Mrs. A. Tamblyn of Orono is ill with bronchitis at the home of her niece, Mrs, R. Ormiston, with Nurse Mrs. Bradley in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry and family paid a visit to the village and are moving their furniture to Toronto. Mr. Cook has bought a grocery store and will reside on Main street, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead and Mrs. C. J. Pascoe are visiting Mrs. H. J. Werry. 'L. M. Slemon has re-shingled his store and made new: alterations in + the store, making a big improvement. W. J. Stainton is giving his house a fresh coat of paint. Miss Myrtle Brunt of Toronto visited her. parents, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Brunt, over Sunday. The Sunday school anniversary was continued on Victoria Day. Al- though cool, the sports were carried out. A baseball game was played between Tyrone and Enniskillen jun- iors, the latter being the winners. Horseshoe games were played, the winners being Mr. Russell and Will McLaughlin, who donated their prize to the funds of the Sunday school. Messrs. Ames and Lambert of Bow- manville' were 2nd. The 3rd prize went to Mr. Glenville and Mr, West of Orono. A league game of football was played at 3.30 between Bowmanville and Enniskillen, which resulted in a score of 2-1 in favor of Bowman- ville. The high wind was rather hard to play against, Tea was served in the schoolhouse where the ladies were kept busy providing for the record crowd. Then all assem- bled in the church shed, which was packed t othe doors, and were enter- tained by the young people, who pre- sented they play, "Yimmie Yonson's Yob! © The Orono orchestra provided splendid music between acts, which was much enjoyed by all. : "Yimmie" appeared as a good- natured Swede, who was disguised. He was thought to have stolen a hun- dred dollar bill and jumped into the river, but after he found the guilty victim he discarded the wig and moustache and became once again the son of Mr. and Mrs, Kent,'who have been wishing for his return. This part was well acted by John Slemon. "Pal," the detective, who was full of pep and fun, was deeply in love with Kittie, was presented by Orville Ashton. "Frank," a clerk, boarding at the Kent's home, was the thief of the mystery. He was in love with Sylvia and was quarrel- some with her, thinking of nothing but money and ended his part by landing in jail. This part was played by Charlie Stainton. "Mickey," the farm-hand, a very ex- citable Irishman, afraid of Bob's ghost and thunderstorms, kept friendship with a superstitious cook, acted by Milton Stainton. Mr. Kent played by Frank Dorland, was a stern farmer, obstinate, and stub- born. = "Billie," a gentle girl, an adopted daughter of Mr. Kent, who became Bob Kent's wife, was taken by Miss Reva McGill. "Sylvia," a niece of the Kent's, who was very nervous and showed: fear of Mr. Kent, was well taken by Miss Annie Oke. "Peg," the cook, was continu- ally finding fault with Sylvia and making trouble for her, was taken by Mrs. Orr Jeffrey. "Kitty," a saucy mischievous girl, lively in manner and in love with "Pal," the detective, was taken by Miss Marjorie Martyn. BROOKLIN DEFEATS NORTH OSHAWA IN SOFTBALL GAME Wins First Game of Season By Close Score of 14-13 Brooklin, May 27.--Miss Bernice White, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. White over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vipond and daughter, of Toronto, visited over the holiday with Mrs. J. Vipona. A clean, fast game of softball was played on Monday between North Oshawa and Brooklin. This is the first league game of the season and Brooklin won by a scure of 14-13. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ormiston, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E, Pascoe over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and daughter Margaret, of Dunbarton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Grass. Mr. and Mrs, G. S. White and eon, Donald, of Oshawa, visited over tue holiday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. R. White and sons, 06! Newmarket, visited over the week-end with Mrs. A, Johnston. As the result of labor agitation and communistic demands, 2,500 Tug weavers in Pekin, China, were out of work for three months tais spring. : English tea drinkers are rejoic- ne that the removal of the duty a weed the price of tea to con- rs y about eight cents a Pound, ¥ 2 KEPT HIM. FROM WORK FOR A MONTH AT A TIME Never had a Sick Day Since 'Taking "Fruit-a-tives" + M. THOMAS GRAHAM Of the thousands and thousands of men and women who have been re- stored to perfect health by "Fruit-a- tives," none are more grateful than Mr. Thos. Graham, 538 Masson St.. Oshawa. "I am 60 years old and was treated for years for a trouble between the bowels and the bladder, whick kept me home from work for a montt at a time; until I started to take "Fruit-a~-tives."" Since then, I have worked steadily for four years anc have never had a sick day." eo 'I'ty this wonderful Aine; mad from fruit juices combined with th: finest medicinal i ients, '25c. anc 50c. a box--at dealers everywhere. PRESENTATION T0 NORTH OSHAWA SUPERINTENDENT Mrs. Nellie Dearborn Honor- ed by Friends and Pupils North Oshawa, May 28. -- As a mark of appreciation a presentation was given Mrs. Nellie Dearborn re- tiring superintendent of North Osh- awa, Sunday school, recently. The address was read by Mrs. White and the presentation was made by Miss Esther Dennis, being a purse of money. The evening was spent with music by Mr. Gilbert, singing by Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, and games and contests. Refreshments were served by those in charge. Sunday services were not quite so well attended as usual. Rev. Mr. Bunner of Bowmanville preached at both services. Mrs, Harold Powell and two chil- dren spent a day last week with Mrs. Howard in town, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Jr, and children, and Miss Mabel Brown and Mr. A. Jones, motored and spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell and John and Willma, and Mr. and Mrs, Victor Ireland and son, George, mo- tored to Grimsby and through the Niagara district. The peach blos- soms are in full bloom and the drive was a pretty one, Henry Simpson spent May 24 with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barrett before sailing for England. Mr. Simpson will be away for six weeks. Mr, and Mrs, E. Tattersall and chil- dren motored to Picton for a visit with: Mr. and Mrs. Lyod over the week-end. Quite a number are planning to at- tend Zion anniversary services and tea on Sunday and Monday, June 2 and 3. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chant and child returned Sunday from Sudbury. Mrs. "It is a recognized fact that perfect cleanliness is essential to the preser- vation of health, I bring comfort and satisfaction to millions of house- wives because I keep their homes spick and span and protect their family with Healthful Cleanliness." For greater economy Old Dutch is unequalled, No cleaning preparation does 80 much as Old Dutch and none can do it so well. Made in Canada Chant and babe had been visiting there for the past two weeks. Mrs. Hartnett and Marie spent the holiday and week-end with her: parents at Birketon. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Will Hudson spent J the week-end at Lindsay and Bob- caygeon, Mr. and Mrs. Paget and children and Miss Vera Neilon, all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Paget's re- latives here. Mrs. Reese and Miss Mary Manning spent the holiday and week-end with the former's daughter, Mrs. Bailey, at Toronto. W. J. Barrett attended the S.0.E. walk at Whitby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Tattersall attend- ed the ball game in Toronto Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and Miss Florence Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Webber at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jollow and Buddie and Teddie and Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander and Frances motored to Rice Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore of Bow- manville spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. Phe glorious 24th was well cele- brated here. Quite a number at- tended Brooklin Fair. In the even- ing there was a pretty display of fire- works. The boys' softball team were the winners at Brooklin Fair and won the prizes of sweaters, Mrs. Bruce Glover and Kathleen and Dorothy spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Walker, Kenneth Ave,, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Provost and family left today by motor for West- port, having received news of the death of Mr. Provost's father. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Farrow and children of Oshawa visited her mo- ther, Mrs. P. Vallant, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt went to Toronto Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stewart and Donald and Bruce were visitors Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terwillegar and children, of Harmony, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fice, Mrs. D. Howard and two children of Oshawa spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. H, Powell, Muriel, Albert and Frances Phillips enfertained their 'schoal chums to a party on Saturday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in picking wild flowers and playing games. The supper was served by Mr. and Mrs, Phillips. In the evening the chil- dren were entertained with fireworks. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Barrett and children, Ilene and Kenneth, To- ronto, Mrs. W. W. Pipher and baby, June, of Toronto, all Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barrett. UTTIE GIRL AT CLAREMONT HAS PAINFUL MISHAP Gladys Morly Cuts Tongue Badly, Necessitating Several Stitches Claremont, May 28.--Miss Jessie McGlasham, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her cousin, Miss Mar- garet Hamilton, Mrs. Nichol has returned to her home in Toronto after spending a week with Miss Margaret Graham. Miss Kathleen Duke spent the week-end with Miss Margaret Me- Nab and other friends. Dr. and Mrs. Co}lard, of Toronto, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Bessle Graham was home over the week-end. Earl Underhill, of Aurora, ac- of the silver medal. MEDICAL MEDALLISTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO i The annduncement of the medallists in the medical school at the University, of Toronto will be made on Thursday night by the senate of the university. No. (1) shows L. J. Harris, winner of the gold medal; Nos. (2) and (3) are G. H. Haynes of Oxbow, Sask., and G. B., Weld of Vancouver, Joint winners] id companied by his mother, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, M. For- syth and other relatives. Miss Hilda Sulman week with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sulman. very ill. Miss Mabel McLellan, of Rich- mond Hill, spent the week-end ut spent last [her home here. Miss Isobell Gregg, of Toronto Normal School, spent the week- Mrs. J. Readman still continues end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, Gregg. Robert McCallum has purchased a new sedan. Mrs. J. S. Farmer, who has been seriously ill with the flu, is im- proving. rr Miss Stephens, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her brother, Rev. H. R. Stephens, and Mrs. Stephens. Farmers are making rapid pro- gress. with their seeding operations and are hoping the fine weather will continue, Rev. Roy Rickard, of Pickering United Church, preached in the United Church here last Sunday morning, Dr. Harold French, of Dresden, was the guest of Rev. A. McLellan and Mrs. McLellan on Sunday, Gladys, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morly, met with a painful accident recently. She was running around the house and fell against the table leg and as a re- sult cut her tongue badly. Medi- cal aid was sum found necessary to place several stitches to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bingham, of Toronto, spent Sunday with rela- tives in the village, ie Rev, Mr. Baldwin, of Uxbridge, occupied the pulpit in the Clare-~ mont Baptist Church on Sunday evening. moned and it was | Buy Canadian Products HREDD f SHOPPING WEEK May 25th - June 1st A Canadian food made of Cana dian Wheat in our beautiful new, at Niagara Falls, Canada. sun-lit Canadian Factory An open air theatre and recrea- Seven sisters were bridesmaids tion park are being included 1n the |and three brothers were pages at national memorial for Dr. David 'Livingstone, the missionary-explor- er, at his birthplace at Blantyre, Scotland, the recent wedding of Miss Phyllis Cowley and G. E. Taylor at Otlancs, England. OMrFPN MO IHZOX MZCL nmr no I<4Z0I MZCC Remember-- 284 FRIDAY (ONLY) SPECIAL ~ of- SALES yy DOMINION STORES MANAGERS Just to become better acquainted and to prove our desire to serve you, our customers, we have set aside the entire month of June for special Demonstra- tion Sales. - One of the proud traditions of our organization is the record of 'Personal Service" with the utmost in quality and economy. This is your opportunity to avail yourself, not only of the helpful suggestions and service that every store manager and clerk offer daily, but to prove to your own satisfaction the splendid values offered in our stores. This is Empire Shopping Week, and we are featuring Canadian and Empire products of the highest quality. "EMPIRE BUYERS ARE EMPIRE BUILDERS" EMPIRE WEEK SPECIALS 3-1b. Pail Reg. 53c SATURDAY (oNLY)SPECIAL PURE LARD For Perfect Cake and Pastries 1-1b. Print Reg. 18¢c Crosse & Blackwell's Chutney Branston Pickle 25¢ Double Superfine ss ses sss eee Y-lb. Tin .. Hawes Jar 1-1b. Tin Keen's Mustard . 25¢ .. 49¢ TUESDAY (ONLY) SPECIAL | EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK 25™ MAY To 1°" JUNE NMr>0 Mo nL EANEA=T] o o | (lulp-Thkilel <b Jok ¢ mzcel Pure Orange Breakfast. Bottle LemonOil . . . . 23¢ 5-1b. Tin MONDAY (ONLY) SPECIAL Beehive or Crown CORN SYRUP For the Table or for Baking 29: | 2 2.1b. Tins 27. Bayside Canadian 25. Ontario CLARK'S PORK anda BEANS For a Quick, Delightful Lunch REG. 14c TIN. No.2 Tins PURE JA Raspberry or Black Currant 21- Aylmer Brand Canadian PEACHES | SPINACH Tin : 15 35: | MAPLE SYRUP DOMINION STORES LIMITED 40-0z. Jar Lux Toilet Soap 6-0z. size . Charm P. & G. White Naptha 10 Bars 39¢ Ivory Cleans Everything Gillette RazorBlades3Pkts.$1.00 Finest Canadian NEW CHEESE 3 stor 21¢ Guest Size Soap . . . § for 19¢ sims ivoo 2 for 18¢ Pkt WEDNESDAY (0nly)SPECIAL MARMALADE Try it with toast made from Tasty Bread, Braeside Butter and a cup of Richmello Coffee for REG. 29¢ Updo bio kdubidB| o © DELMONTE FANCY FRUITS PEACHES Tin 19> 1°25. ec FRUITS for SALAD Tin 25¢ HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE frushen 23¢ [THURSDAY (oNLY)SPECIAL | 1 Specially Selected to Maintain Dominion Stores Quality REG. 25c LB, Pure Quebec Small Bottle Large Bottle 31 Standard of "Christie's Arrowroot BISCUITS 1.1b. Pkg. REALS NSS Mayfield Brand, Canadian Smoked Breakfast = Canada's Laraest Retail Grocers COMFORT or GOLD Bars BACON li liced oP PAok Sub {di ¢o o | [Duig TNilebL PiekSul ff N 47 Clark's Tomato CATSUP ml nMErpPnmMo I4Z0I mzZCce

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