Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1929 CL Aree" where, ED S .meets CTION Seller "ooo \niseo / ----T WwW) CONANT & ANNIS, UDARRISTERS, - Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- veyancing and general "of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe: St. south, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, BA. LLB: AF. Annis, BA. LLB FRANK'S, EBBS BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Fublic, Convey~ ancer. Money to loan. Third floor new. Aiger Building. Opposite Post 4 one EN. SINCLA C. BAN of Commerce Build (116-1 yr) JO".EFH P. ANCA BA--BAK- riser, Solicitor, Notary Public, €nn- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 1 King St East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Resi phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. ¥. Grierson, K.C., 7. K. Creighton, B.A. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3206W. PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, etc. Money to Iran. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field 'A HU S, BA ristets, Solicitors, etc. 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to Totn. (261) Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to materni'y work and di- seases of women. Two years' post uate experience, Office and resi- dence 167 Simcoe S. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BEKRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, (Obstetrician, diseases of intants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1185. DR. B. ). HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given ta X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 9 p. m, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. or DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M., LB. C. F. and S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric- fan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 161 King St. E. Phone 3155. (Deeg. 31th) PR. 4 E. STEWART, SP cialist in surgery. Office 142. Sim- coe street North. Residence 166 reet North. Phone 3040: Simcog street J (56t1) J. ARCHER BROWN. MD. L R. C. P. & 8. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity ork and dis- eases of children. Office and resid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. (cf) 41; | Music store, ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pups, prepared for all exams. Oshaws, Wednesday, $2 Simcoe St. North. Phone 27564F. (129-tf) Tr. C. ist and chuirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in plana, organ and vocal music. Voices tested free. 63 Drew St. Phone 498W. D. POPOTT, TEACHER OF ViO- lin, mandolin and Spanish guitar; gradiiate "of Sophia University of Musie; studio at Wilson and Loe 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2388. (Apr. 30 1 mo) DANCE ORCHESTRA MUSICIANS FURNISHED FOR all ocpasions. J. Watson, Teacher of Violin. Phone 2962. (May 27-1mo.) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118t6) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. INSURANCE~USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N (86-tf) Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ang cinders. Loca! and long distance hauling. Phone 3048 and 2392F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. w. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks jor prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (6411) TRUCKING, LOCAL AND LONG distance. Cunningham, 121 Albert St. Phone 1835. (May 3 1 mo) OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furniture movers;' Park Road cartage. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd. South. Phone 215. (May 14-1 mo.) Beauty Parlors : BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE } Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone 2968. | (884) £ 'T A G Betty Warq at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968, (34t) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, © 9 Celina St. © We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. (May 14 1.mo) work done, 75¢. Powder kui Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3051. (104-tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of discases. of ear, nose ad throat only. Appointments may be made a is nay Phone 97. (45-t Di MS i a A Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PRB. 7. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 e.m., 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment. Office phones 2660. Residence, 4327, (otf) Nervous & Mental Diseases DR. R. B. E. WILSON. M.D,, L. M. C. C. Dip. Psyeh., specialist in ner- vous, mental and diseases. of the ductless glands; consultations. Of- fice and residence, Brock St. E., Uxbridge, Ont. Phone 133. Dental 2 DR, 5.3, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- gett's. Special attentien to X-Ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. 1312. R. F A. ORA, 37 King street east. Alger building. Phone 2560. Evenings by appoiat- ment. (48th) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's D Store. Gas for extraction, Phone 54. DR. L. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank = Bldg. Phone 948, residence. 1378M. DR. J. F. BROCK, NTIST, 18 Simcoe St: N., cver Dewland's. Phone 1957. Resi. 292W. Evenings by appointment. (July, 9tI) DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence 66Y. x 66-tf DR. LANGMAID, AVILES, Dentists, 27 King St. B. Special at- tention' to 'gas extraction end X- ray work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 and 231. (95tL) Engineering and Surveying ONEVAN D SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- ses, subefiv} ons, = Jansing n e or ing SUE saa) or 2544. = (89th) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS, GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention "to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service sharzing and repairing. (1070) == Dressmeking LADIES AND = CHILDRBNS coats and dr sses, masquerade cos- tumes Fauety sewing done at reas- Onable prices, IPhone 1347M. 21 * Rewe St. (Feb. § tf) 9 STSEUTED -_ f) | 2790. Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Field, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. ° (496) MOTOR LOANS--MOTOR LOANS, Discounts - Limited, Room 6, 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone (79te) a Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA- perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, 'worl guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave. phone 3065w or 2067w. (72tf) THE OSHAWA PAINTERS -- Painting, Paperhanging, Graining, Signs and Monograms for Automo- biles, Ete. Reasonable Phone 1495W. 14 Nassau 8S! (May 9-June 9) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 6542 Simcoe street north. Phones 219J and 210W. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOM 87 Celina street, Oshawa, = Corner Bruce street. Ambulaage. Plone 1082. i (96-tf) Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S. We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards ss Building Supplies FOR' SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd, For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. 4 (May 1-June 1) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, .place orders in advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618, : (78-t) NORTH OSHAWA CONCRETE Works; cement blocks 8" 9", 10" 12" cement bricks, Phone 1575J. (119-1 mo.) ORGAN- | Pr MARCEL AND QCURL--EXPERT 5 rices.' 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Guterio.| A 'Jamieson Bros. Real Estate for Sale Ri ESTATE, HOU and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms to suit you Office 38 Simcoe St. N. ; (86th) Ss room brick house. Reasonable cash payment accepted. Balance ar- Fy .Apply owner. 87 McLaugh- lin Blvd (1001) ROOMS, electric, water, sewer; hundred; terms; (Apr. 30-1 mo.) Al SE FOR SALE: furnace, twenty-two Phone 1754W. S. OMS, ed, Drew Street; oak floors throughout, built-in cupboards, fireplace; will accept car with casu as part payment. Phone 171bs" (119-11) STX-ROOM BRICK VENEER, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, nearly new; bargain for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Phone 2530W for appointment or apply 240 Drew Street. (Tues, Wed. Thurs.-tf) PROPERTY FOR SALE $4600 -NEW 5-ROOMED BRICK bungalow on ene floor, 7 minutes from four corners (west), on pav- ed street: large living room and dining room, French doors, man- tle, oak trim floors, three-piece bathroom tiled and linoleum, white enamelled kitchen, large built-in cabinet and ironing board, inlaid linoleum on kitchen floor, wired for stove, blinds, gas, heater, laundry tubs, garage; no exchanges, Reas- onable cash payment, Phone 26956W. (124-b) FOR SALE -- FIVE . ROOMED brick bungalow and garage, hard- wood floors throughout, three piece bath, furnace, newly decor- ated, north end. Owner leaving town must sell. Small cash pay- ment down. Apply W. G. Millar, 4 Bond St. West. Phone 2780. (124h) or rent by June the 21st. Apply Box 7 Times. (125¢) Wante¢ to Buy MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER WN RAGS snd all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St. (134¢f) ANTE 0 UY--86 brick. veneer house, where owner will take one thousand cash and building lots to the value of about fifteen hundred. Apply Box 8 Times. (125b) WRITERS: ARTICLES AND FIC: tion wanted. Write Grey, 353 Church street, Toronto. (125a) Corsetiere MRS.. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managlug Corsetiers, Sprrella Shop 58 Elgin St. ©. Phone 936. Contracting AC s Plastering. Electric or alterations. Phone 139 for prices. (May 1 mo.) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTEK- fields made to order, We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street Phone 1595]. (56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED CALLED for and delivered 75c. If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 1885W. (May 6 1 mo) WANTED--ALL KINDS OF GAR- dening work, sodding and grading Phone 2918W. Call 162 Elliott Ave, (May 15-1 mo.) WANTED, LAWN CUTTING, GAR- dening and digging. Phone 1001J. L (121-1 wk) ONB BY Sidewalks, floors, TALL 'J w day or contract. 'chimneys, plastering, fencing, sod- ding and stone fire places, tree-cut- ting and hedge trimming. Phone 978W. A. E. McQuay, 25 Division Street. 3 (124-c) JTHOD 3 0 LEAN- ers, screen doorg put on and floors polished. 'Work guaranteed. 196 Burke street, Phone 2080M. (May 29 1 mo) AT I GED AND D livered 75¢ if rental required $1.00. All 'kinds of repairs on cars. The * whole electrical system of Your'® car overhauléd = moderate prices. Hutchingon and. Martyn. Phone 3112W or 3078J. ! ' - (1256) aa ad KINDS OF Ti REPAIL G at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for 'sale. Phone 438. . (tf) Hospitals "NURSING 7 SUNSHINE COTTAGE INVITES the sick; registered nurse's care; excellent food. Phone 350 Whitby. Box 202 Whitby, (May 21-1 mo.) _*. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations. Mrs, Dell, 261% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. May 13-1 me) TEI Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep at 44% King Street West. © Your t- ronage is solicited. (20tf) Architects € C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909]. (8-tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, = as soclate apchitects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. 1860) Shoe Repairing FIRST CLASS: WORK GUARAN- teed, shoes repaired while you wait. Our prices are lower. Shoes bought 'and sold. Alex Swetlik, 48 Bond St, E. (May 1-1 m9.) TI > . Golf Supplies I HA N STOCK A line of the finest golf clubs ob- tainable from $2.50 up. Golf bags and balls. See these before buying elsewhere, Golf lessons by ap- pointment, Jack Roberts, Profes- sional and club maker. Phone 998. (May 7 1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629 (S6tf) Seco! and Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR niture bought apd sold. 186 Bloor St. East. Phons 1617M. (tL) Ao wt MA | | Classified Ads. | Each subsequent insertion ic per word. Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents » Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box aumber 10c additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per wenth for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional) word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- - COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De. partment Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALE--GRAVEL, SAND AND loam, Dump truck sorvice. Prompt delivery. For prices' phone 2873W. Pidgin, 97 Colhorne St. E. (May 18-1 mo) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS, MOST complete stock in Oshawa. Murfitt and Park. 82 Simcoe St. S. (6841) Ss ASS A , SAND, loam and cinders delivered. Prompt service. Prices reasonable. Phone 3116W, Percy Davidson. (May 2 1 mo) FOR SALE--SPRING CLEARING of bicycles and automobile tives, new and used at lowest pessible figure. Cash or terms, 12 Atbol W. May 6 1 mo) FOR SALE--HBINTZMAN CO. Ltd, pianos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terws arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 15657. (111-tf) GARAGE DOORS FOR SALE. Spruce and pine in 3 standard sizes 8 ft. x 8 ft. 71; ft. x Ti; ft. T1% ft. x 7 ft. College Woodwork, telephone 2053W. ¥ (May 18-June 18) SPECIAL -- 26 LADIES NEW Spring coats to clear at $5.95. En- gel, 21 Bond street west. Last week of our anniversary sale. (121-1 wk) FOR SALE--STRIOTLY NEW- laid eggs, delivered anywhere in city. Phone 896. (119-1 mo.) MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $10. Last week of Engels Anni- versary Sale. 21 Bond street west. FOR SALE--KITCHEN CABINET in good condition, Half price for cash, Also gas stove and open grate. 182 Albert street. (123tf) COMBINATION . GAS AND' COAL stove for sale, Apply 114 Stacey avenue. (123c) FOR SALE--~LARCGE TENT, 12 x 12. 6 ft. walls. Newly painted and waterproof, snitable for booth or family camp. Used twice. Price 40 dollars, cost $90. Phone 2894. ' (123c¢) FOR SALE -- QUEBEC COOK stove with resegvolr, Quebec heat- er, large Congoleum rug, tapestry rug, stove pipes. Apply evenings. Preston Timmins, first house east Harmony garage. (123c) FOR SALE-- 1 STERLING PLAY- er piano and 1 brass cornet, both in first class condition. Apply J. As- kew, 210 Quebec St. (124-c) BABYS STROLLER FOR SALE. Phone 1084M. (125a) KITCHEN CABINET. FOR SALE. Apply No. 17 George Apartments. al (124-h) FACTORY OR OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (tr) FOR SALE_BICYCLE A 1 GON dition with lamp and message car- rier. Apply 325 St. Jullien street. { (124b) FOR SALB--GENT'S GRAY SUIT. Large size $8. Apply 178 Albert St.» Phone 7317. (124c¢) LE -- SQUARE PIANO, cook stove, and other household furniture, cheap Apply 623 Chris- tie Ava, . (125-b) 2 5 y 1 and table, cheap. Apply 63 Crom- well Avenue. (125-¢) FOR ' SALE--ELECTRIC WASH- er, good condition. Apply 76 King St. West. Phone 309. (125-¢) FOR SALE--CREAM REED BARY carriage, excellent condition; also Quebec heater and stove pipes. Ap- ply 101 Ontario St. (125-c) NEW ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLA for sale. Cost $190, sell for $130 including 3 books of records. Phone 3264W, (125¢) Awnings AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah -curtains, can- opy tops installed. T. Taylor, Tor- onto. Oshawa phone 1053. Even- 257W. (771) WINDOW Herbalist GOULDING HERBALIST OF Queen and Athol streets has moved to more convenient premises at 23 Prince St. Try our blood mixture. Try dur noted Mos-ke Tox for mos- quitoes and black fiy bites at 15c¢ per. box, (124¢). il co bungalow with sunroom. | All conveniences. Phone 2794). (121-1 wk) | \ street. Phone 4306M. For Rent : North Siincos St. Siiese Manor and Buckingbam or. South ms all latest Electrio roomed suite in Victoria Apts. 391 Simcoe. St. South. Apply ta Mr. Grier, Phone 2989J. (14L0) TO RENT--SMA APA ENT furnished. Suitable for lady or gentleman in business section. Ap- ply Box 93 Times, (121 1 wk.) --STUG- All conveniences. Twenty fruit and nut trees. Fine garden land on three lots centrally located one block from highway. Rent $25. Phone 91, Whitby. (122ft) FOR RENT -- NICE BRIGHT heated apartment on Oshawa Blvd. Phone 1808 r 3. (122tf) TO RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE. Furnished. All conveniences. Gar- age. Apply 14 Nassau street. (122¢) Hardwood flcors. F bathroom flat, (123¢) ee HED rooms, light, heat, gas and bath- room, also one furnished room with same, Phone 799W. 20 Maple St. - (123¢) TO RENT--ONE TOUR ROOM: bath apartment. Every couveni- ence. Two stores, Ideal situation for immediate occupation, Apply 442 Simcoe street south. M. Han- nick. (123 1 wk) FOR RENT--TWO 7 ROOMED houses. Central. Possession June 1st and June 12th. Conveniences in both. Apply 306 Kingsdale ae. (123¢ ROOM TO RENT, SUITABLE FOR two; "reakfast if desired. Phone 1234M. (124-b) UNFURNISHED APARTMENT TO vent: attractive three rooms, mod- ern suite, large living room with brick fireplace, unusually spacious bedroom, large built-in linen closer, bright roomy kitchen with back en- trance, electric' stove and refriger- ation, laundry. Available immedi- ately, Phone 1216M. (124-u) i BEDROOM FURNISHED. ALL conveniences. Close to Motors. Apply 90 Bond street west. Phone 417. (124-b) 7 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; for young couple; central. Apply Box 98, Times. (124-b) SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM, near Motors' office. 154 Roxbor- ough. Phone 2029F, (124-¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, Apply 299 Festhubert Ave. (124-b) FOR RENT--FLAT, TWO ROOMS, furnished. Central. Heated. Firat floor, Fireplace. Gas. Phone. Phone 1693, (124b) FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED apartment. New home. North end. Phone 3283W after 5 p.m, (124c) NT -- CO RTA furnished room. Private home. Centrally located. Suitable for one gentlemen, Phone 2041M. (124c) TO RENT--FRONT ROOM, FUR- nished as bedroom, or bed sitting room, suitable for two. Every cou- venience. Apply 178 Albert street. Phone 731J. (124¢) Help' Wanted--Male 5 Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every car a prospect. Endorsed by Ontario Motor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 40, 70 Lombard, Torouw. wanted, Traymore Savarin, 35 King St. East, Oshawa. (124-c) TA A of office in Oshawa, Soopso Fro- ducts. 650 Delaware Avenue, To- ronto, (124-b) A ! EY Camp, Bowmanville--man and wife--wife to be experienced cook, man to help with camp, Mrs: Rob- ert McCulloch. (124-b) SHOE ,» MALE, SAT- urday afternoons and evenings. Ez- perienced prefefred. Apply Burns Co. Ltd. (1241) J 4 N O ARE AM- bitious and want to make some real money in a business of their own. Watkins Supreme Products consists of Spices, Extracts, Medi- cinal Preparations, etc., and they are in demand the year round, We want men who are desirous of get- ting out of the rut and who feel they can sell. Others without ex- perience have made good) We will help you make good too. Write stating age to The J. R. Watkins Company, Department CW, Ham- ilton, Ont. MWF 2 wks.) Help Wanted--F emale LADY SHOE CLERK WANTED for Saturday afternoons and even- ings. Experienced preferred. Ap- ply Burns Shoe Co. (124tf) 'WOMEN CAN EARN. $30. WELK- ly, sewing House Frocks, home, ex- perience unnecessary. Materials cut, instructions, plan furnished. Write immediately. Dress Special- ty (Suife 56) 445 St. Francis Xav- fer, Montreal, Que, (W 8) Position Wanted i} MAN, MALF STENOGRA- French and English, many years' experience as general of- fice assistant and secretary, desires any kind employment im- mediately, Telephone 2576. (124-¢) YOUNG GIRL REQUIRES A POSI- tion as practical nurse; two years' training in a hospital. Phone 1444J. (124-b) EXPERIENCED GIRL WISHES position in store, ice cream pariuvr or restaurant. Apply 16 Nassau St. (124-¢) A 2 ELD Y 4 requires a position as a house- keeper. Please phone 902M or re- ply 152 Ritson Rd. South, (124c) ACCOUNTANT having executive ability open for engagement. Canadian. 14 years' experience in financial and manu- facturing accounting. Thoroughly trained in office management and accounting routine. Can supply highest references as to ability and character. Presently engaged but can start at once. Permanent position having a chance for devel- opment more desirable than high initial salary. Apply Box 75 Osh- awa Times, (W & 8 T pher, 2 wks) §TENO SIRES good office position. Bookkeeping and banking experience. Referen- ces. Box 92, Times. (125-a) GIRL F ES wants position in good home. Ap- ply stating wages to 299 Courcel- ette St. (1252) K K Avenue street. Phon® (1250) day. 34 1275F. FURNI D ROOM WITH OR without board. Bed sitting room if preferred. Apply 68 Gibbs street. : (May 28-1 mo) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED downstairs rooms, private en- trance. 58 Brock East. Phone 983M. (124c) HOUSE FOR RENT AT 64 CEN- tre street; $25 per month. Apply 104 King Street East. (125-¢) TWO OR rooms: bright, cheerful, house; all -convenietices. North end. Phone 600J. (125-b) MODERN 6-ROOMED HOME, 0 Bruce street; hardwood poiished floor. Phone 782W. (1235-d) FOR ak E HO ? five rooms, three-piece bath, gar- den and side entrance, $25 per month; immediate possession. Ap- ply 341 Olive Avenue. (125-c) FOR RENT -- FURNI apartment for summer months. Phone 3096W. (125¢) OR RENT--T BE JU - nished roomg in new home.' All conveniences. Apply 108 Frederick street. Phone 23957. (128¢) WO URNT D housekeeping rooms te rent with stove $5 per week. Apply 79 Mont- rave avenue. (125¢) FOR RENT---BATH FLAT, R . onable. Hardwood floors, cup- boards. New house, 256 Grooms avenue. (125¢) TO RENT--PART OF HOUSE ON highway, two large rooms and pantry, front and side entrance. Walter Logue. Phone 1588W. (125a) FO RENT -- TRA. LA groun oor fromt, two rooms. New {interior. Private CORO Very 'central, Planned for comfort. 96 Centre St. (125¢) FOR RENT -- SIX ROOMET house. All conveniences. Apply 444 Simcoe street south. Phone 1663W, (126¢) T---NICELY FUR . ed room. All conveniences. Apply 2688 Golf St. (125¢) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms suitable for light house keeping. All conveniences. Phone 2566W. (125¢) TO RENT--ONE 5 ROOMED flat, water and light, on Lloyd modern furnished Room and board OM A A. FOR TWO, private home, home privileges. Ap- ply 344 Athol street east, (112t1) NE 1367J. (124-c) i AND I - ate family. Seven minutes walk from Motors. Phone 695M. (124¢) ARD. APPLY 3 (1240) B 0 gentlemen. Single beds. Close to G.M.C. Phone 339) or 62 Divi- sion street. (124b) ROO Ss A wanted. Near four corners. Apply 10 Simcoe St. north. Phone a: 25¢) 0 A Simcoe St, South. B Materials SA MONEY B ings, alterations, repairs. Send for Free Book of over 3,000 Builders' Bargains. Doors, Windows, Frames, Flooring, Shingles, Paint, Hara- ware, Plumbing goods, Pumps, Electric fixtures, Garages, Water Systems, and general builders' needs at Factory Distributors' Prices. Write today to Halliday Company, 119 Halliday Building, Hamilton. For Exchange TOR EXCHANGE BRICK HOUSE in Oshawa for small house or farm or lots or truck. Apply Box 9 Times. (1260) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture and effects contents of a six roomed house. Including Mason & Risch piano, also electric wash- er nearly new. Property of Wm, Scott at 140 Division St., Oshawa, on Thursday, May 30th, 1929 at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. A. C. Lycett, auctioneer. . (M-W) Auction Sales AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1929, at 2 p.m. Having re- ceived instruction from E. Vanden Eynde to sell on the premises 185 Oshawa Blvd., all hig household ef- fects consisting of a number of beds complete, one mahogany dresser, quantity of bedding, one divanette, dining room chairs, sew- ing machine, electric range, 2 Con- goleum rugs, carpets and mats, curtains and drapes, one silver service, quantity of fancy dishes, cooking utensils. Other things too numerous to mention, Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, auctioneer. (1258) ~ MONEY WANTED WANTED-- ND MORTGA logn two thousand, Will give bonus of $500, Good security. New house. Apply 489 Athol St. East. (125¢) eradicate tuberculosis. Through development of a synthetic fluid in which microbes flourish, a tech- nique has been evolved for discov- ering by chemical analysis all the substances of which the germs are made--their proteins, fats and su- gars and how these are built. The aim is to locate the specific poison and then to find an anti- dote. Whatever is accomplished 1s expected to throw new light on the other germ diseases that still are uncontrolled. This pooled research is sponsor- ed by the National Tuberculosis as- sociation. A harmless bacillus which lives on Timothy hay and is named the Timothy Bacillus has become an important factor in this fight. The Timothy organism has been adopt- ed by the scientists as the labora- tory "control." A control in lab- oratory parlance fh a subject so similar to the one under test that it may be used for comparison with the human tubercule bacillus. The Timothy gekm will produce disease in no known animal, Its vaiuc 18 the guidance it may afford in the search for the all-important factor that is lacking in it, but present in the disease-producing germ, Other germs all harmful, be- longing to the same family as the Timothy bacillus are' those that cause leprosy, and bone and bird tuberculosis. TWO MOTOR CAR MISHAPS Toronto, May 29.--Crossing the in- tersection of Danforth and Logan avenues on roller skates, last night nine-year-old Margueretta Moore, of 52 Arundel avenue, coasted into the side of an automobile and received injuries about the head and legs. She was taken to her home. After his automobile had brushed against a pedestrian at Yonge and Gerrard streets, John Davis, of 29 Berkeley street, was held on a charge of reckless driving. The pedestrian escaped unhurt. For Sale or Exchange 40 ACRES OF LAND NEAR OSH- awa; would divide. Apply Box ¢ Times. au (125-3) Radio Service | ADI ETS INSTALLED, - paired, rebuilt or rewired, F. A. Diplock, 126 William St. E. Phone 2035M. Endorsed by National Ra- dio Institute, Washington, D.C. FOR RENT Bonniebrae Cottage, Bonnie- brae Point, Oshawa, City water, electric range, all con. , veniences, two fireplaces, screened porches, 2 car garage. Ample accommoda- tion. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ont. : Expert service at r ble price. (May 20-1 mo) A I) ' tubes and sets tested. batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices. Char- les Wales. Phone 10467. (May 7 1 mo) -- i For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT ON PAVED street, Close to Motors. Six roomed house. Newly decorated. Garage. Immediate possession. Apply 281 Division St. Phone 1579W. ( 128¢) TO RENT OR SELL-- $ ed eight roomed house with elec- tric light, water, hardwood floors, in most healthful village on Gull river. 75 miles north of Oshawa. Splendid bathing and fishing. Phone 1008F. (124c¢c) SCIENTISTS JOIN IN GREAT DRIVE Seventeen Institutions Band Together to Fight Tuberculosis of the accomplishments of tue first great mobilization of science in a fight against tuberculosis un- der the National Tuberculosis As- sociation are revealed hefe by Dr. Kendall Emerson, managing direc- tor of the association. These results, he says. may have .8 revolutionary effect wupuu tue methods . of attacking disease germs. Seventeen American institutions Motor ( less than 10,000; new battery, good condition. Privately driven. Phone 2681. Mr. Meek, (133c) "Wanted to apartment. Centrally located. At once. Apply Box 100 Oshawa Daily Times. 2 (134a) N 0 R "BY JUL 1st: 7 or 8-roomed house, vicinity of Motors. Apply Box 97, Times. i (124-c) WANTED TO RENT--& OR 5 roomed house. East end preferred. Apply Box 1 Times. (124c) A with small barn; with few acres of land, in vicinity of Bowmanville or Oshawa. Apply Box 5, Times. (125-b) rooms, for couple, central. Apply Times. Lost and Found -- NG a red stoned Phone (125¢) (125b) downtown section, gilver bracelet. Reward. 962W. Pets and Live pup female. Exceptionally fine have pooled their research brains and facilities in a national drive ro | Washington, May 29. -- Some | DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phoue 1083 Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE \ NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Fhoae | Ld ROSS, AMES & ' GARTSHORE CO. 9 Prince St. Oshawa Phone 1100 Hudson-Eseex Distributors MONEY LOANED IN TEN MINUTES. ON : AUTOMOBILES ' TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY Leins paid off or additional Cash. All dealing confidential. Open Daily 9 am. to 9 pm. ; G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loan and Discount Co. Limited East. Phone 2700. Room 6, 14% King 3 day, June 8, 1929, for: OST the business that has AR gl tains 6 vooms, kitcheneite, bathroom, pantry taken care of and is well decorated. inventory value approximately. $5000, yearly Each Tender must be accompanied by a m Further particulars upon application, THE TORONTO GENERAL 253 Bay Street, Terénto breed. Apply 187 Arthur street. (125¢) (125¢) FOR SALE STATIONERY & WALL PAPER BUSINESS Property of the late WESLEY T. ALLEN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ders will be accepted by the yndersigned Executors until 12 o'clock noon, Satur- carried on successfully therein for over twenty-five years, STORE-25 fr, by 85 ft, apartment over same with separate antrance. BUSINESS--Stationery, wall paper, books, music and novelties, stock is all up to date, eeding $10,000. The highest or any Tender not gecessarily accepted. LY LOCATED PROP {together with rtment con. and clothes closets. All Woon carefully sales exc A arked cheque for 10% of the Tender's price. TRUSTS CORPORATION, Exeeuters,

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