Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 May 1929, p. 6

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" - THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 28; 1929 Sob tl eR RR Ct _ Women's Interests in the Home -- and the Community | > a (WOMAN IS FOUND TIED HAND AND FOOT Social Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blow and little daughters, Marion _and Vera, spent the week-end with the for- mer's uncle, Mr. William Blow, Elm- vale. eatin Complimenting Mrs. Joseph Mc- Cammond (nee Annic Tate), whose marriage took place on Friday, May 24, Mrs, Thomas Johnson, Jarvis street, entertained last evening at a miscellaneous shower. There were about twenty guests present and the bride received many useful and love- ly gifts. A social evening was énjoy- ed, following which supper was ser- ved by the hostess. Mrs. Sherwin of Harwood is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, Fred Lane, Oshawa Boulevard, Mr. and Mrs. William Short, Burke street, spent the holiday and week-end in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross and daughters, Elsie and Alice, King street east, spent the holiday and week<end at their cottage on Stur- geon Lake. * * Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Hoar, Simcoe street north, spent the holiday at 'Sturgeon Lake. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bale and family, Elgin street, spent the holi- day at Sturgeon Lake. * * * Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Millman, George Apartmenis, spent the week-end in Detroit. * * Ld Mrs, Kelly, owner and operator of the Kelly Vanity Parlor, wishes to announce to the public that she is moving to her old stand over Mitehell's Drug Store. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Found of Harmony spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H, Bishop in Toronto. * * * Mrs. Cranston of London is visit. ing her daughter, Mrs. Herb Gtay, William street east. * LJ] - Mrs, Walter Elliott, Simcoe stredt north, ig visiting her par- '. énts, Dr. George T. McKeough and Mrs, Mc¢Keough, in Chatham. ® =x * Mr. Glyde Gregory, spent the holiday and week-end with his par- énts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Gregory, Stratford. - * Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hannan and family, French street, visited with relatives in Brantford over the week-end. * x» Mr. and Mrs. E. Weir of Tren- ton spent the week-end with friends in the city. * x x Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rolson and daughter, Olga, Hogarth street, and Miss Myrtle Rolson spent the holiday and week-end in Kingstoh, the ts of the former's brother, Sgt. W. C. Rolson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dafoe and ehildren spent. the week-end with their parents in Trenton. * LJ » RECEPTIONS Mrs. J. H, Beaton, 556 Connaught street, will receive on Wednesday, May 29, from four until siz o'clock. WEDDINGS » WINTER---HORTOP The marriage was solemnized at e home of the bride's parents in rt Perry on Wednesday, May 22, 1929, of Greta Noreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F. Hortop to Maurice -- = APOZEN different things may Cause a headache, but there's [just one thing you need ever do to get immediate relief. Aspirin is an absolute antidote for such pain, [Keep it at the office. Have it ready in the home. Those subject to fre- quent or sudden headaches should Sy Aspirin in the handy pocket tin. Until you have uséd it for head- ches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you've idea how much Aspirin can help, t means quick, complete relief to millions of men and Joven who mse it every year. it does not Kepress the heart, GASPIRIN Aspirin is a Trademark Registered in Canada 8. Reasonable The F 3 Ein Speen Phone 3083W Special orders taken for Bridal outfit and Pe F. Winter, son of Me. and Mrs, Ww. b VAS, N. Winter, Athol street east, " awa. Rev. C. W. DeMille performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given in riage , ier,' a gown of white georgette and & veil, caught with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of butterfly roses and lily of the valley. She was attended by Miss Luly Christie of Oshawa, who wore a pink georgette frock, with picture hat to match and carried Ophelia roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Eugéne Rose of Picton. Following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served, af- ter which Mt. and Mrs. Winter left for Niagara Falls and the States. On their return they will be at home to their friends af 143 Colborne street cast, Oshawa, McCAMMOND----TATE The first wedding in Oshawa, at which the Rev. Duncan Munro, new pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church, officiated; was fittingly solemnized at 8.30 Friday morning, May 24, 1929, at the home of the bride's parents, 41 Brock St. east when Annie Amelia May Tate, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tate, was united in mat- riage to Mr, Joseoh McCammond; of Oshawa, third son of thé late David McCammond and of Mrs. McCam- mond, of "Carnanee," Templepatrick, County Antrim, North Ireland. Only immediate relatives and friends were present. The house was artistically decorated in pink and white while the rooms were fragrant with carha- tions 'in these colors. The lovely young bride, who is one of Oshawa's most popular young ladies, looked charming in her wedding frock of brocaded silk, in a becoming shade of blue, with blonde kid shoes and hose. She was attended by Miss Annie Peterson of Oshawa, whese brunette beauty was accentuated by her lovely frock of pink beaded georgette, with which she also chose blonde kid shoes and hose. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. George McCammond of Oshawa. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs, McCammond left on a motor trip to Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, the Kawartha Lakes and Peter- borough, and on their return will te- side in Oshawa. WOMEN'S MEETINGS ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR CEDARDALE SALE OF WORK The Ladies Auxiliary of Cedar- dale United Church met on Wed- nésday evening in regular session. Among other items of business the final arrangements for the Spring sale of werk, which is to be held in the Sunday school réom on the af- ternoon of Thursday, May 30, were made. The following ladies were ap- pointed to be in charge of the var- ious booths: ready to wear, Mrs. J. E. Arnold, Mrs, P, Leavitt; fancy work, Mrs, F. Singer, Mrs. F. Jones; home cooking and candy, Mrs, Wil liam Meoncur and Mrs, H. Day. Miss Greta Pankhurst,» Mrs, Clifford Har- mon and Mrs. Peelow will be in charge of the tea tables, YOUNG PEOPLES | SOCIETY MEETINGS WEEKLY MEETING OF CENTRE ST. LEAGUE The weekly meeting of Centre street United church Young People's League was held last evening. = After the devotional service Rev, Dr. W, P, Fletcher gave an interesting talk on the psalms and hymns of the early church. / The remainder of the evening was in charge of the social committee and games were enjoyed. PLANS MADE FOR SERVICE JUNE 2 BY CEDARDALE Y, P, The Young People's Society of Cedardale United c¢hureh met on Wednesday evening with the presi- dent, William Moncur, presiding. Plans for the summer were discussed and a financial statement of the pro- ceeds of the play, "The Young Vil lage Doctor," was given. It was agreed that the remaining share of the Building Fund be paid and the balance used for the grading of the church grounds, Misses Margaret O'Connel and Ruby McFarlane and Mrs, William Moncur were appoint- ed to arrange a program for the next meeting. Arrangements were also made for the Young People's Society to take charge of the Sunday evening service on June 2. Mr. Moncur will pre- side with Mr. Dynos us speaker. There will be a young people's choir with special musie. BOSTON COOKIES One-third' cup butter, § cup yel- low sugar, 2 egg yolks, 1-3 tea- spoon salt, 1 .cup flour, 1-3 tea- spoon soda, 3% cup chopped nut meats, 3 cup hot water, 3 tea- spoon cinnamon and # package of dates, HOW BABY SPECIALISTS TREAT CONSTIPATION Constipation in babies and chil- dren is the cause of colic, bloating, skin disorders, etc. It weakens them, just as it does grown folks; makes them cross, feverish and tretful. - But don't use grown foixs' medicine with them, baby special- ists advise. Ninety per cent of them recommend just ome preparation for constipation, colds and other ills of babies and children. They say Fletcher's Castoria. Millions of mothers have proved its merit during thirty years of use. Casto- ria is purely-vegetable, harmiess and pleasant-tasting. Genuine Cas. toria always bears the Fletcher sig- natur _ Avoid imitations. - Vents, Mr, and Mrs, David Hubbell, rs Helpful Hints for Harassed Housewives Mr, and Mrs. Dewey Hubbell and 'children of Toronto spent the holi- day week-end with the formet's MeMillan Drive, . * * x Miss J. Daniel and Miss Edna Thompson of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Kinnear, King street west, over the Jveek-end. Miss Jessie McClarty, Court street, Miss Polly Goold, Richmond street, spent the holiday week-end with friends in Windsor. * * * Mrs. D. Local and daughter, On- |' tario street, visted friends in Barrie over the week-énd. x x * Dr. Winchester of Toronto spent : EA the week-end with his daughter, Mrs, H. M. Gilchrist, and Mr. Gilchrist, Athol street east, and assisted in the evening service at Knox Présbyterian Church Sunday. . COL. AND MRS. CHARLES A. LINDBERGH Col. Lindbergh and his fiancee, Miss Anne Morrow, daughter of Ame bassador and Mrs. Dwight A. Morrow, Sprang a surprise on the public yesterday when thay were married quietly at the home of the bride's parents at Englewood, New Jersey. ton, who with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hamilton, is leaving soon to make her home in Oakville, the members of the teen-age girls ¢lass of Knox Sunday School, of which Mrs, H. Deyman is teachet, met at Miss Hamilton's home, Athol street Complimenting Miss Ruth Hamil: The Women's Corner | For Anything of Interest to | east, recently and surprised her. There wete about twenty-five mem- bers present. The evening was spent in games and fthusi¢. During the evening Miss Hilda Parker read an address and Miss Ehice Roy present- ed Miss Hamilton with a beautiful purse. Following the presentation supper was served and an enjoyable social hour spent. * 7 practice self-denial, * Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Hamilton, Athol street east, motored to and spent the past week, in Qttawa, . Mt. Earl Bradley of Walkerville spént thie holiday week-end in the city, the guest of Mr, Clarence Cox, Elgin street east, + may be, Miss D., VanLuveh, Masson street, accompanied by Miss Thomas of Toronto, spent thé week-end 'at her home in Hamilton. x 8 x Mr. and Mrs. H. Rae, Masson street, spent the week-end at their cottage near Brighton. * % as it receives. wé do not 'suffer. for what Miss Gertrude' Moor, a member of the faculty of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute, spent the holiday week-end at her home on Georgian Bay, near Midland. * x x Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pingle of Bowmanville are visiting their daughter, Mrs. A, F. Cox, and Mr. Cox, Elgin street east, for a few days. are cluttered Spring fever appearance. has i weé are well again. * a x Miss E. McCammon, Celina street, spent thé week-end in Torénto. $x % Miss Ruth Smith of Barrie spent the holiday and week-end with Miss Isobel Downey, Division street, * % = call. Miss Beryl Drinkle, Division street, has returned home after spending the week-end with friends in Bloom- field and Picton. * & mean that we Mr. Ross MacKinnon, Masson | many of our ing, Christmas Day are over. now in order. the Homemaker and the Housekeeper AVOID SPRING FEVER Spring fever does not come alike to the wise and to thé unwise It comes only to the unwise. wise make use of their ability to For, after all. crude as the fact Spring fever more or less than a cry for assis- tance from an over-fed body. During the dismal days of win- ter and during the bright; cheerful days as well, we aré prone to eat altogether too much. body needs more food than it does in hot weather, for fuel musc be burned in order to produce heat. But it seldom neds as much food Bo long as cold wéather lasts, With the ad- vent of Spring, however. unless we reduce the amount of food consid- erably. trouble begins. we might term "body fire' gets less and less. is fed into our furnace day after day--and before we know n we up with again made its We lose our appetite, we become languid; we eat practically noth- ing for afew days--and suddenly Few of us realize that we recovered because we reduced the daily amount of food--and still fewer think of this seriously enough so that the fol- lowing year they will reduce their food before Spring fever has an opportunity to pay its unfriendly Thé heavy meals of Thanksgiv- and New Year's Lighter meals are This does not must favorite dishes. | Yi Merely cut down a bit on meat, gread, eggs and other rich foods, fill the vacant spaces with salads, fruits and vegetables; substitute lighter desserts for heavy ples, puddings. and French pastry--and you have accomplished your end. Note that I have said "hea¥y ples and puddings." This does not mean that you shall eliminate the lighter pies and puddings or the dozens of light, easily digested and economical desserts that aie now available. It merely issues a warning against mince ple, sues pudding and such delicious "heav- ies." Really, the light dessert fits in with the anti-Spring fever diet, wonderfully well. For instance, what could be more tasty or usne économical than a prune whip .ur dessert? This merely requires the white of one egg. Do you want the minerals and. salts of fruit? This calls for a cup a=d a half of stewed prunes. Glance at the recipe below and see how nice- ly it fits in with your require- ments. 114 cups of stewed prunes, I pint of milk. 1 pkg. lemon junket, White of one egg. Sugar. Put the stewed prunes through a coarse sieve into a larger bowl, sweeten to taste. - Add the white of eggs and beat with wire whisk 10 minutes, Fill tall dessert glasses half full. Dissolve 'the lemon junket in the slightly warmed milk and pour carefully into glasses holding a spoon flat over the whip to catch the jun- ket as-it is poured in. This care- ful pouring will keep the whip from floating Leét set in warm room until firm. Grate a little nutmeg over top. Chill. Tue is nothing True, the Our need The fuel fuel and eliminate street, leaves this evening on a busi- fess trip to Regina, Sask, ® % My. and Mrs. A. Baker and family, Bruce street, spent the holiday and week-end with Jelatives in Trenton. » Mr. Alex Hall of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, is with his parents, Mr. and CLIFF CHALKS USED IN CURE Chalf from Beachy Head, a noted spot in England, ig being swallow- ed by patients ifi 4 London Hogpi- tal at the rate of two tons a year. It is the principal ingredient of a powder invented by Prof. H. Mac- Lean, a graduate of Abérdeen Uni- versity, for relief of ulcers of the stomach. Use of the powder has reduced the number of operations performed at the hospital from one or two a day to one a month. Mrs. Donald Hall, Laudér road. * 2 x Mt. and Mrs, Kenneth Clarke, Mrs. . Down, and Miss Hazel Yelland spent the holiday and week-end with rélatives in St, Thomas and London. * * Mr. and Mrs. S. Plowright and son Alin, Richmond street, Be the 'eek-end at Mrs, Plowright' in Lucknow. wg ome * % % A number of the members of family of the late Rey. H. M. Ti ning attended the service of the un- veiling of the memorial window te the late Mr. Manning at Albert street United Church Sunday motn- ing. There were: Mr. A. H. Milner and Mrs. Milner of Brampton, son- ir-law and daughter of the late Mr. Manning; Mr. and Mts, C. Isard of London, granddaughter and husband; Dr. J. E. Middleton and. Mrs, Middle- ton of Peterboro, son-in-law and daughter; Dr, H, K. Manning, Mrs, Manning and Miss Joyce Manning, of Toronto, son, wife and daughter; Mr. H. G. Manning, teacher in the Peterboro Normal School, Petetboro, and son, Master Billy Manning; Miss Laura Manning of Toronto, a niece; Mr. corge. Smith of Peterboro, brother of Mrs. Manning; Miss Mona O'Neill of Toronto, a friend ; Mr. Pesgrave of Toronto, a friend. Ashley and Crippen. der arrest last night. been preferred Kidnapping Story Trumped Up to Cover $5600 Loan te Friend Toronto, May 27--Her tale of ab- duction, maltreatment and robbery exploded and a confession of false- hood * signed, 24-year-old Zizi La- celles of 652 Bathurst street, was un- Detectives had investigated her story that she had een kidnapped yesterday morning, taken to a house at Bloor and urch eg gagged, bound hoy robbed of $500. | A nominal charge of vagrancy has against the young Frenchwoman and it is unlikely that any more serious charge will be laid, authorities said last night. Mean- while police are seeking to question a young man by whom the "kidnap- ping" is said to have been planned. i Tied hand and foot by heavy ropes, with a loosened gag hanging about her throat, the young woman was found on the floor of the old mansion on the south-west cornér of Bloor and Church streets shortly after 10 o'clock, when, hearing scréams as he waited for a street car at the corner, A. W. Wardell of 14 Pinehill road investigated: As he opened the door, the girl rolled out én the stoop, weeping as though hysterical. Taken to St. Michael's hospital for examination, she was found to have been unharmed, and Detective-Ser- geant Nursey and Detective Hill be- gan to question her. Slight discrep- ancies in her story led to further investigations, and, tracing a note which had been placed under the door of her rooming house telling where she might be found, discovered that it was similar to stationery in her room. The girl had told .police that she had received a message on Saturday night to meet a young man--her fiance--at Yonge and Bloor streets at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. As she stood at this intersection, she said, two men snatched at her, threw her into an automobile, and carried her to the housé two blocks away, there binding and gagging her and stealing the $500 from her purse. In her confession, the girls says that the faked kidnapping was plan- ned for no other reason than to afford a means of loaning the $500 to her male friend, and, at the same time, provide for the benefit of rela- tives an explanation about the dis- posal of the money in order to avoid comment, She refused to divulge the address of the man, who is said to be a young student resident at Montreal, This man, police say, bound the girl and arranged the details of the story. LINDBERGH WEDDED 10 ANNE ORRDY AT LATTER'S HOME Announcement Causes A Complete Surprise Englewood, C.J, May 28--Miss Année Morrow, daughter of Ambas- sador =nd Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow, and Col. Chas, A. Lindbergh, were married at the bride's home here yesterday afternoon, The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Adams Brown, of Union Theological Seminary, New York. Immediately afterward Ambassador Morrow left for Washington, the honeymoon plans of the couple were kept secret. Chinese girls in Canada te (2 the Margaret Eaton Se Miss Jean Mark and Miss Fannie Lee, shown above, are the first two raduate in physical education. The girls trained hoo! of Physical Education, Toronto. Photo by The bride wore a simple white chiffon dress, with short veil, made for her by Miss Mary Smith, the family dressmaker ' for years. She wore no gloves, but carried a bou- quet of blue larkspur plucked from the Morrow garden, just beneath the drawing room window where the couple exchanged their vows. So far as could be learned there were witnesses outside the immediate Morrow family and possibly a few of the household staff, News of the wedding came as a complete surprise. No advance an- nouncement of the date had been made, although there had been many newspaper guesses, most of which had favored mid-June. It was all the more surprising since every large newspaper of this sec- tion and some considerable distances away have beseiged the Morrow es- tate since the family first moved there this month and followed them to the maine summer camp and back. In addition many news picture Red Rose Tea comes direct to us from the finest tea gardens, then straight to your grocer -- brimful of and freshness. Every package guaranteed.,, RED ROSE TEA: isgood ted RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good agencies have kept photographers in close proximity for weeks. Besides the bridal couple and the clergyman five persons were present at the wedding. They were Ambas- sador and Mrs. Morrow, their daugh- ters Elizabeth and Constance, and Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, mother of the aviator. FLIERS ARE SAFE, MISSING NINE DAYS Australian Airmen Discov- ered Living in Lonely Lighthouse Melbourne, Australia, May 27.-- Two young Australian airmen, Lieut, Moir and F.ying Officer Owen, who have be missing since May 17, when they ped off from Bima for Darwin, hive been found at Cape Don, Queensland. They were unhurt, but their plane was damaged when they mistook the Cape Don lighthouse for Port Dar- win and landed in the dark. They have been liping in the lighthouse without any means of communication with Port Darwin. Pilot Brain of the Queensland and Northern Territories aerial sérvice, who figured in the ill-fated Southern Cross discoveries, found the missing airmen at Cape Don. Searching the ¢oastline, he spotted thé plané near thé lighthouse and located Moir and Owen shortly af- terwards. W.C.R, ENPLOYEES NOT TO BLAME Believe Operator of Auto Drove Directly Into Path of Train Windsor, May 27.--Provincial police yesterday were inclined to absolve Michigan Central Railway employes from any blame in con- nection with the triple tragedy at Maidstone crossing last Friday night when an automobile contain ing four Brantford residents was struck by a fast MC.R. p ger __EDITH R. DICK Daughter of Crown Attorney W. 1. Dick and Mrs. Dick of Milton, Ont, nurse-in-training at Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, Md, who received four scholarships The scholarships are first and sec- ond year highest standing and Dr. Cullen scholarships for practical work and executive ability. The oldest part of the cathedral was built in the twelfth century. In 1599 the roof collapsed, and in course of time the location of the tombs was lost, The cathedral is to be restored. RADIUM PREVENTS FIRES Radium has been installed in & rubber factory at Leningrad, Rus- sid to prevent fires. A small capsule of the clement permits the great amout of electricity that jumps from th rubber fabric while pas- sing over rollers, to leak slowly and harmlessly into the air. Only one miligram of radium is necessary to thus minimize the fire hazard caus- ed by the static, train. The officers believe the early report that Charles Reed, opera- tor of the mathine and 'surviving4 member of its occupants, drove di- rectly into the path of the express after allowing passage of a freight train in the opposite direction. Although Mr. Reed has recovered weonsciousness in Hotel Dieu, he has not been asked for a report by the police. He is suffering from a fractured skull and other serious injuries and last night his condi- tion is reported to be "fairly good." He probably will recover. An inquest will be held at Essex, June 1, in connection with the death of his wife, his daughter, Ada, and 11-year-old Betty Parker, who were killed instantly by the collision. FINDS NAVARRE TOMBS After a long search, Canon Du- barrat, an archaeologist, has found the lost tombs of the Kings 6f Na- varré in the ancient cathderal of Lescar, a village in the Pyrennes. MAGIC BAK ING ON) = 4 ConTams WO ALT n= Shere is far more MAGIC BAKING PO R used in Canada than f all other bra OO tes simian MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM ; E.W.GILLETT CO.LTD. TORONTO, CAN Ei has Sold everyw here, Addnss Canadian 'Depo: J. T. Wait Company, Ltd., Cuticura Soap and Ointment 25c. each. -. = Cuticura Talcum Powder For the Toilet and Nursery A Talcum Powder worthy of bearing a name that Besoms futous all pred the arid for Sue tained quality and purity for years, You will be delighted with its Hof efficiency as a cooling, soothing 'toilet, and as a sapative, antiseptic, d protection to your skin. An Ideal After-Shaving As ted addition to your eodorizing Powder. Sample frée on request. treal. DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE : ; »~ + an---- "3 | TABLE WAS SET FOR Four: AND } LY, BOBBY AND COMFY WONDERED }: EE a | WHO WAS "0,0cCUPY THE OTHER CHAIR =: © 199, King Features Syadiests, Toe. Groat Brita sights resprond THE MUSIC SOUNDED PupR- PpRR? A CAT ORCHESTRA STARTED To PLAY. AND | , LIKE * MEW-MEW: --By Grace G. Drayton SWEET, LITTLE, WHITE KiTTyY "THEN THE MAGIC HANDS DREW BACK WE A LITTLE FlGURE OH.IT NEVER SAW SUCH A gewron] i (------ AND WHEN SHE LIETED UP THE VEIL {

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