A World Wide News Service Times Readers LEASED WIRE News Department The Oshawa Daily Times A [AMOUS ALLIED GENERAL DIES... In far isian waters, yellow pirates attack a mer- chantrin . . . an aviator comes to grief in the Austraan bush . . . Instant the news is flashed under oceans, over continats, and through a leased wire into the News Jepartment of The Oshawa Daily Times. Before ie body of the stricken warrior is clothed in its cere- ments .. before the shaken survivors of the Chinese brutality have caposed themselves . . . even as a relief expedition is being @anized to fly into the Antipodean "never-never" land, the nevis received in the office of The Times. Oshawa reads about 'e event, wherever it happens, as soon as readers of the great gtropolitan dailies are told about it. And © manner in which this information is collected and sent to thearious newspapers co-operating in the news-gathering servicof which The Fimes is a member, is a romance of moda enterprise. The Canadian Press was established on a firm footing in 1917. This service co-operates with the great Reuters, Havas, and other continental chains and, through its connection with the Associated Press in the Jnitec States, it is in direct communi- cation with practically every news-gathering agency in the world. In addition it maintains its own correspondents in the principal world centres. The Canadian Press gives two classes of service, the leased wire service and a less expensive 'pony' service. The Times is served by leased wire and thus receives all the news as soon as the great New York, Chicago and Toronto dailies do. This service is costly, but it is in line with the policy of The Times to give it readers nothing but the best. Oshawa is one of the fastest growing communities in Canada. The city, has almost trebled its population since 1914. The difficulty of keeping pace with and catering successfully to such development may be imagined even by those least familiar with the complexities of the modern news- paper organization. Nevertheless, The Times has not only kept abreast of this growth, but, at great expense, energy and foresight, it has become a newspaper quite in keeping with the community of which it is an integral part. The Oshawa Daily Times is in all respects a paper which caters to the best in our city--it is not morbid--not sensational. Its syndicate features are carefully chosen and interestingly presented. Its opinions are carefully weighed, its editorials quoted throughout the Dominion. In every respect The Times is a worthy, mouthpiece of an ambitious, pros- perous and intelligent community. "The Oshawa Daily Times "A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City" This is the second of a series of 'Get Better Acquainted' announcements intended to strengthen the cordial relations which this newspaper enjoys with its readers.