Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 May 1929, p. 12

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PTW WWW WW Ww Ww 2.8. ASTERN ONTARIO NE LAL AL SLES 2S 20 a 88 8 al PY a ho POTPTIV "Taken To Drydock Kingston--The motor boat which sank at its mooring during the gale of last week, was taken to . Diiigle drydock on Wednesdgy ; ing for repair. : in Bloom Kingston.--Several beds of tulips are noticed in bloom in various sections of the city, and the flow- ers in the parks are practically all budding. Receives Appointment Kingston.--Mr. W. A. Campbell, of Iroquois who took a specialists course at Queen's University . the past session, has accepted a classi- cal appointment on the staff of tha Brockville Collegiate Institute. Dock is Passable Kingston.--Some reports: have been current that Swift's wharf is not in condition for traffic eince the recent gale. This, however, is not correct as large trucks are passing over it every day without any danger. Making Progress Kingston.--A. Wilson of Dox- sees, Prince Edward County, who TET TVITVTITITIVETVIIVEV? was painfully injured when pinned beneath his wagon rack on Friday last, is progressing favorably. The strong wind of last Friday was re- sponsible for the accident. Ex-Warden Dead A former warden of Prince Edward County, Deloss Spafford of Point Traverse is. dead in his seventy-second year. He held the highest position in the county in 1908. Banker Transferred ' Belleville.--Walter E. Scott, for the past seven years manager ue the local branch of the Dominion Bank, has received notification of his transfer to Orillia. The change will become effective immediately. Boys Camp Belleville-- The boy's camp of the Y.M.C.A. will be operated for the first two weeks in the month of July. The Camp at Moira Lake will be in fine shape for the young immigration which promises to take the outing. This outing is for boys from ten to seventeen years. Still On The Job Kingston--The engineers en- Cut Driving Costs Pick the concrete roads . . . and enjoy the comfort of their safe even traction surface . . . as well as the fuel economy and reduced car and tire depreciation they offer. Advocate this modern Spportuity eos to 0 your car and increase your pleasure « « « and safety . . . in motoring. keep costs . . . even 'Where traffic is heaviest. . . are neg taxpayer's money. ates, budgets can be devoted almost entirely to needed n More concrete paving . . . and wider highways . . . are the vital needs of modern traffic. "It's the little it costs to maintain that makes concrete paving economical." Canada Cement Company Limited Canada Cement Company Building Wi) Phillips Square Concrete paving is permanent. Its up- South Shore High out of Montivat' aving at every enhance the value igible. It saves the here it predomin- ew mileage. Calgary Peg | before County Magistrate J. W. Lf Keeps You Internally Fit! Stir a teaspoonful of Rexall Health Salts in a morning glass of water. Plegsant, refreshing, effervescing. Fine for sick headaches. bil- , dousness, indigestion. Keeps bowels regular and the sys- tem fit. . Makes .the whole day bright and cheery. Rex- all Health Salts is sold only at Rexall Stores. Large tin 50c. Save with Safety at YOUR: REXALL STORE Jury&Lovell Simcoe S. Phone 68 2.9 2.8 5 8 2 8.8 5.0 0 88 5 5 0 0 0 8 0 00 8 5 0 5 00 2 8 0 0 0 80 8 0 08 2 ee SE 8 08 0 000 0000 Rt i RE JC J J J J Je J ee Je Jb i J San i i i nt Ja J i J a a a dda oe o> have not yet completed their work. The rough weather of I week gave them quite a setback in their work. $ : Att Graduation Mr, Thomas W, Mills of this city is in Auburn, N..Y., where his son, Rev. Van Mills, pastor of Victor N. Y., Presbyterian Church is to- day receiving his degree as a Bach- elor of Arts from Auburn Semin- ary. He is an undergraduate of Queen's University. » Cornwall Growing \ Cornwall--According to the re- turn of the assessment roll the population of Cornwall is now 10,- 938, an increase of 599 over a year ago, when the figures were 10,399. The roll just returned amounts to $10,544,025, a gain of $1,476,890, over 1928. Queens' Appointments Kingston. -- Queen's Board of Trustees has reappointed Professur 'John Matheson as DDean of une Faculty of Arts for a further per- fod of five years. Professor E. L. Bruce was appointed to the newly founded Miller Memorial Research chair in geology. Minister Taken Ill Deseronto.--On his way to su- dress a meeting in Sarnia, Hon. Peter Heenan, federal minister of labor, was taken {ll yesterday af- ternoon and left the train here. He was able to take another train back to Ottawa. His condition was not considered serious. Boy Shoots Himself Belleville, -- Obsessed .with the idea that he was suffering from cancer, 20-year-old Ora McLaugh- lin, a student in the fourth form at Trenton high school, walked in- to the barn and deliberately shot himself through the temple late last night. Dies From Burns Kingston. -- Mrs. Emily Mae- Donald, over 80 years of age, died from burns received in a fire that destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Emberley, about two miles and a half from the village of Ernesttown. The cause of the fire is unknown: Valuable Freight Presscott.--Ten carloads of raw and finished silk arrived here yes- terday from the Far East, via Van- couver, over the C.P.R. lines and were ferried across the river om the car ferry, Charles Lyon. After inspection at Ogdensberg the ship ment, valued at approximately $2, 400,00 went forward to New York. Injured in Game Belleville--Miss Elsie Doolittle suffered a very painful accident Wednesday night, while she was '"warming-up" before the ball game in the Armouries between the Whoopee's and the Frontenacs. Miss Doolittle's nose was "knocked out" as they call it on the diamond and to-day the injured member {is badly swollen and discoloured. High Water Record Kingston.--Residents of the city who are wondering at the high water in the harbor this year, might be slightly surprised to note that in 1913 the water was record- ed at 18 feet six inches, and in 1916 at 18 feet six inches. The water level as it was recorded on Wednesday of .this week was 18 feet six and one half inches. Faces Serious Kingston.--DaDniel McEwen : of Burridge was committed . fortrial Bradshaw, on five serious charges against two young women and will' appear before Judge 'Deroche, of Belleville, at the general sessions of the peace and = county court here on June 11th, : (r Met With Accident Kingston.--Mr. . Donald McMil- lan formerly of Kingston and onw of Chicago met with an accident a 'few days ago in which he suf- fered a broken wrist of the right arm and several severe bruises be- sides a bad shaking up. The acci- dent occurred in Kansas City where Mr. McMillan was spending severe al days. > Cadets Win Praise Perth.--At the annual cadet In- spection un the collegiate grounds, Captain W. Ishester, the inspecting officer, stated that he had never seen a more efficient corps. Tro- gaged to make soundings at Catar- |: aqui Bay for the new elevator |C Lod TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY (1, 19 Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS > Grain - dealers on "the Toronto' Board "of 'rade are making the following quotations | or car lots: i A Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.14 1.2, No. 3 Northern, $1.09 5-8, and Ba; rts. Price Tagher than above) _ TOROM "FARMERS MARKET The ing are quotat] in effect the: St, 'Lawrence market, Toronto: < - reen peas, 6 gt Tomatoes, pound .. Maple syrup qt. .. Maple sugar, 1 1b. . Straw! es, pt. uve Watercress, 3 bunches TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the tollowing prices: Buying) Egsg, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, 28c to 29c; fresh firsts, 26c; seconds, 2c ta 23c. : 1, dc No. 5 35 solids,' pasteurized, No. urning cream: Special, 39¢; No. 1 H No. 2, 356 f.0.b. shipping point. 0 3. S04 Cheese--No. 1 large, col paraffined and government graded, 17 1-4 to 18 1-2. Poultry Do., 4 to 5 Ibs, Do., 3 1-2 to 4 lbs. Do., under 3 1-2. 1b Ducklings, over 4 Ibs, Old ducks, over 4 Ii Guinea fowl, per pair Staggy chick | TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto 'wholesale dealers are quoting the SRERSSRINANLSAREE LABUS 20131 1.4c; tone : to the trade: following prices 0 the ae: i 35; cooked hams, 47c; smoked sols, 25c; break. 'fast 26 to 38¢; .peamealed, 34 to Iau Pork loins, 32 1-2; New York shoulders, 23c; pork butts, 27c; pork hams, 27¢c, [ CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES . Chicago, May 11.~Excess bullish enthusi- asm of yesterday was not. carried. the Chicago Mercantile exchange today and egg future deliveries underwent declines hoogh butter held firm, T: seemed to operate on the that moderate ad- v "if any, were the best suited to the sn Be Bo in eggs and liquidation was receipts vious settlement, Opeu coutaitmentst: May: ge, 38; June 8, ; Nov, eggs, old, ; Nov. 5g, 693; June ter, 27 Dec.' butter, bi Two market ts-- Butter "today, 25,773; last year 19,314; Eggs, today, 55,08; last year, ; market--DButter, extras, firsts, 29 1.2¢c; tome firm, New spot market--Butter, extras, 43 1-2c tone ah ly. Eggs, firsts, 30 1.2 to ro. ' Street stocks--Butter today, 84,226 Jar, 7098, Eggs today, 116,05 ; last year, Movenient at ten markets--Butter, net in, 4567, Jast year, net out, 32,303. Eggs, net in, 43,114; last year, net in, 64,550, UFFALO LIVE STOCK ; holdovers, 300; market steady to J cents lower; 170 to 210 Ibs., $11.85 to $12; packing sows, $9.25 to $10.25; pigs, 120 Ibs R150 to $12; heavy butcher hogs, 1! to 25 cents lower. Cattle--Receipts, 150; good cattle steady: cows, 15 to 25 cents higher; common to me Slum, $820, to $9.75; cutters and poorer gra: des, $5.50 to $8, Calves--Receipts, 1,200; vealers steady; to choice, $15.50 to $16; cull and com- mon, $8.50 to $13 Si $15.20; cull lambs, $9 to $12. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK 14,437. Creamery, first, 41 to 43c. Cheese steady; receipts, 134,990. Eggs barely steady; receipts, 30,012. Fresh packed firsts, 31 1.2 to 32. TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 No. 1 timothy, led +» Nominal No. 2, do., Lower grades . Wheat straw ... Oat straw do. Hope, Captain Isbester and Prinei- pal Hardy. The cadets then par- aded, returning to enjoy a banquet in the school gymnasium, Accepts Port Elgin Call Brockville.--Rev. D. A. Cowan, former pastor of St. John's church, Brockville, and for the last three years' minister of the Unitea Church, Cayuga, has accepted a call "to the pastorate of the Unit- ed church at Port Elgin, Ont. which he will assume at the close of the Conference year, Suffered Great Loss Kingston.--Squadron. Leader J. H. Tudhope, of Ottawa, who was in Kingston on Wednesday in con- nection with the making of ar- rangements for the air mail carriers to stop off at Kingston on June 4th, the date of the opening of tha city's airport, lost his two boys, Vernon and Roy Tudhope, as the result of a drowning accident at Ottawa on April 24th. The lads were drowned when they attempted to get into a canoe. Was Acting Queerly Kingston -- On Thursday fore- noon a lady telephoned the police station complaining that an aged man was annoying her and also her neighbors by his queer actions on the street, which consisted of run- ning up and down the roadway, throwing a cane up'in the air and doing various "stunts." Constables McCheyne and Armstrong respond- ed but on reaching the locality found that the man had moved ou. Teachers 'Want Increase = Cornwall.--Female teachers at the Cornwall Public School . ave seeking an increase in their sal- ary rates, At the regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board this week, a letter was re- ceived from the teafhers asking that the maximum for ' women teachers be raised to equal the minimum for men teachers, which is $1,400 a year. Members of the Board seemed very anxious to get the figures of salaries paid to teachers in other municipalities of Cornwall's size before making any revision, and accordingly no action will be taken until such figures are obtained. Damaged by Fire Brockville.--Sparks, believed to have originated in a bonfire near- by, last evening ignited the roof of a frame dwelling at 440 King street west. the property of J. M. Manhard. The outbreak was dis- covered a Tew moments after six o'clock and 8 telephone call brought the hasty response of ihe members of the fire department, who laid two lines of hose. Only one stream of water was utilized, however, to quell the blaze, which ate through the roof and into the attic. Damage through fire and water was slight and is covered by insurance. i Work .on Street Kingston.--The City Engineer's depar'ment has commenced the work of grading on Edgehill, in preparation for the paving and work has also been commenced on cutbing on Lower Alfred street. Preliminary work for paving is also being carried out on Division street, between Brock and Princess street. ; '" ORDER YOUR SUIT . FOR THE 24TH MALLETT BROS. HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Buy. .. phies won. in rifle competitions Were préseated by Colopel J. A. i Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value Obtainable General Motors - Hardwood All Small Blocks Taken Out Bone Dry, Clean and Good. Try a Load Today Dixon Coal COMPANY Four Direct Lines Chicago spot | 41 1-2; standards, 41 1-2; tone steady. Eggs |= 3 last | ES EAST B East Buffalo, May 11.--Hogs--Receipts, 2,- '} 13, "A heep--Receipts, 1,600; god lambs, $15 to ||E New York, May 11.--Butter, steady; receipts | |i gathered firsts, 30 1-2 to 31 '1-4c; storage [IES a. -H-Fbo [I AI Special Saturday Night 7.30 P.M. | 25 ONLY Sample SPORT SUITS Various styles and weaves. Fine for Golf, Tennis or Hiking at THIS CONTEST IS FOR LADIES ONLY Read these rules carefully. ~The two top stories are solid cake. Only the weight of these is to be considered. There are only 3 prizes. the nearest or correct weight of both total cake and its individual i ents will win the prizes. Should there be three correct solutions or three with same nearest solutions, The total amount of the prizes will be equally divided. Should there be more than three correct the winning coupons will be drawn for from 'the correct solutions sent in. Only one coupon from each lady will be accepted. Your name and address is necessary. Coup ons will be found in Monday, May 13th and Wednesday, May 15th, Oshawa Times. The contest closes, Thursday afternoon, May 16th. No coupons will be: accepted after 5 P.M. of that date. Read the coupon and fi!! in the weights as marked on each line. 8 gens tlemen not connected with the Arcade in any way will act as judges and their decision must be accepted as final, SH CANADIAN GRAPHITE concentration of disseminated ore. |districts in Ontario, and {in the Canadian graphite is marketed |The mines and mills are situated | Buckingham, Guenette, and St. as refined flake, the product of lin Perth, Bancroft, and Calabogie | Remi districts in Quebec. Have You Tried Our ervice Yet: If You haven't you certainly have missed Considerable ROGERS SERVICE Means complete satisfaction to the auto owner. Our superin- tendent, Fred Ball, is satisfying every customer and our volume in business is increasing daily. Try Our Service Today. Rogers Service King Street and Wilson Road Phone 1840wW-2394 ------

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