Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1929, p. 8

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'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929 | "Easy-to-Find" =~ If A GR RADIO' PROG RAM |. = paciripr sgel, im, RBC System: Organ to WEAF, - : WHC Woe. KSDE WTAG, WLIT, BEST FEATURES (416)--Chicago. Air Castle, WDAP (452) Kansas City, Dance miu- i of le Statler orchestra ic, 00 Columbia: "Story in a Song." 7 oo DE Eas Uncle Bob Pro- Wer Buffalo, Arcadia orchestra; OM Philaadipaia. Turagemeinde tense | filiic EI Mron, News; Scores WIP (93) Phila. I Patio Orchestra ETE 2}: eld, Maytag Radio. NBC System: The Challengers to WJZ, o BD KA, KYW, WIOD, KYW VE in poen| VHA Vil | ul gram ', i Wek Gn Sehenectaa. A J BT, WOAL INSULATING BUILDING BOARD : oN , Wiz any New Yok. Bousis Lad. WCAU gE SEE THIS LAUDER [| Real! Estate Insurance dies to WJZ, , WH 0, . : SUMME, i WLS. (s)--Chicago. ior, AO, OIL WARM IN WINTEB + COOL IN R ROAD BARGAIN CUTLER & PRESTON KO. WLW, waz, WhZs, GH | New, Modern Brick dwell- Be KING Lb w. 630 WIE (3h) _Fiia Tasrumental quiet] 2% SECA. G-Torome, Eabasy .. Or: : . Night Calls 510.1566 Mig i BC System: Dixie Circus to WJZ, YH i , $ : Oshawa Ont. A oGinct Womers Hour, 1. | WoZA WEE, whi RBRAWIW:| Woah i0-Beltimors Musial Me : : cash payment required at IBC System '(WEAF)--Househ WMC, WSB, WJR, WHAS, KYW, WCCO (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. Maytag ArRIRLTED BY 4 this price, 2345 p.m. KYW Chicago, Louis Pasico Or-| , oo WO WEE, Fluvsss, © cowork: Dos. Wi this period th t i op 00 WBAL (289)--Baltimore, - Esskay How Columbia Network: Doc West to same period the amount of power Tidy 6 room brick--on Mas- CA r : - a : Columbia Network Y = Jp Chicage, Musica Potpourrl, io fe iat il ¥ AL se tm lhe Senne 10 OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED used per 100 of ovulation incress: son 8t. Largo lot with lots pas Vos » w AS WA, KMOX, WTAR, OSHAWA, ONT, the use of power per inhabitant Modern 18 eg ie Sarnae, 4 KSD, WTIC, KOIL, WLBW, WOAf, Sa Whe, increased over 46 per cent. conveniences. Let us show a WKY, . . . Y NBC System: WIP (49)--Phila, Adelphia_Orchestra . - Talking in Cabins fal Price less than $5000, ; XOA, WCKE, WIIE, WKY, WWI WIA Cizhs--Cinc. Great. Ad NBC § The Skellod WLS BSTATE inci, Great ventures, tem: i t | 10. A ity. 0 NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, WEAF, WOW. 'WOT , y entures. ystem e Skellodians to 0.45 WDAF (492)~Kansas City. Amos and An Easy Thing Phone 1550 ite. I'. O. B00 NpRA Cty ag yy News) Mall. Naz (mio sv Joi, Vocal; "OM chestra; News, Ry STP: Regis Orchestra to - x te News; Book rn inci, Educa TY (a) -Mencion, Concert Osches, 3, V )C. KFAB (389)--Licoln, Concert (2 hrs.y| Washington, D.C. May 10.--Pas- sulator. WEAF, WCAE WRC, WHO, wow HG A yuntic "I Clty, ; WCAU (25)--Phila, Golden Dragon or- NC Sins Slumber Musis, to WIZ, KSTP (205)---St, Paul. Amos 'n' Andy; |gengers may converse with ease in The problem of reducing the vi. y : Ballew's chestra. ? . - Z. CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg, Ft. Gi WCCO We, x ing WOR (422)--Newark, News; Dance mu- KPRC Wiz. (244)--Boston, Dinner (384.9)Winalpeg ary FCCO 0-Mpls, St. Paul, Singing KYW (94)--Chicago.' Panico's orches, | new sound proof wall developed by | sulation consists of a light fibrous' cognized as a serious handieap 'to WEAF, WTAG, wi , dio Program. ver Slipper Orchestra. 3 Maurice Orchestra 1) WCSH, WCAE, WJAR. » WRC, Columbia Network: Then and 10,10 wag (447.5)--Chicago. Musical pot- WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Long's sheets of aluminum and insulite. It [tion and caused President Hoover, WGHP, ' 10.15 WGN (416)--Chicago, Hungry Five; em -------------------- and has proved heav, der Wi yous Win Goldkette's Orchestra, L COLLIS shut out retin YY hough 0 Gor ila bureau of Standards Sage , A chestra, NBC 'System: Armstrong Quakers to . 10.30 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Organ; vocal. The "steady increase in the use & SONS aeroplane engines and propellers |aeroplane cabins by V, L. Chrisler WJZ, WHAM, WBZ, KD KWK, THOMPSON'S WCAU' (256)--Phila. Walton orchestra | of power per capita in Canada is i King st. are reduced to an intensity cuw-|and W. F Snyder of the bureau is ; WOC, . WGY (79.5) Schenectadsy, Concert, Or- WCAE, WOW, WHAS, WEE, WIOD, engines you how-to-save taxes. To- alisrs 10 WEAF, WRC, WERT, KYW, NBC Sve Spitalny's Music : In +H X rs to ann WEE KYW, stem i 3a Music 0 Of Airplanes Now THE DISNEY REAL KSTP, WSAL 312)--T: i i's or. KSD, WOC, WOW, WDAF, KOA, . ; ik » 3 0.00 CKGW )--Toronto, . Romanelli's or stp ' ' 11.00 £04 (%1)--Denver, U. of Col. Glee wall also is an excellent heat in- ubs stem : 's to WLW a Ata: Educational series. KDKA (306)--Pitts, Slumber music. WEAF, WWJ, WSAI, WOC, : ren. WOR 422) Newark, RERC 49 Holston, Amos 'n Andy, |2€roplane cabins insulated with a ithe bureau of standards. The in-|bration noise in aeroplanes is rve- music. Concert. sic. . ; : Stu. WPG (272)--Atlantic City. News; Sil- WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Worth, ; 30 NBC System: Raybestos Twins to WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Talk; Stu (¢ antic Sty, Svews; 45) Fi @ Songs filling: sandwiched between thin |the development of air transporta~ 8 Now _to ! 1 . Orchestra. ] Wo Ee Weto, WCAD, PHON E 22 GR $5) Dultabo, Statler orchestra WFLA (339)--Clearwater. Dance music Stylish Shoes ads little extra weight to the plane | while secretary of commerce, to or- ADC, Ri WREC, 3 : : Bi YMAL, WJAS,4KOIL, WCAU, KFH, For Your Drug Needs WMAK (333)--Buffalo. News;, Ritz or-| pgp oF POWER PER CAPITA Intense vibrations set up by the| The report on sound proofing Wis WBZA," WREN, WBAL, WIR, WLW _(428)--Cinci. Maytag Program. | shown by, a comparison of the fig- parable to that experienced by pas-|the first made on the investigation WLS (345)--Chicago. Sh 2 1-2 As, WSE, WLW, WET," Ws, 10 Simcoe St. 8.~--~We Deliver burl )=Chicago:. Showboat ¢ ures for+1920 and 1927. During sengers on a railroad train. The |undertaken last year, x. LJ By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb s Shagl WSPD, WAT ms. Ae Eves ARE SERMONS Now I WANT 'You RA om Cr RSE ale LL To Li SHARP ABOUT " DN , CLOSE. R A PREACHMENT OUR. WEDDING ps --AND Wow, WAR Witty, WoAL Woe ens Som HA To BE GETTING BACK TO THE RANCH -- OUR B® Eons as S8RR NBC System: Interwoven Pair to WJZ, WSB, WSM, WBT, KPRC, , WMC, WREN, KSTP, KDKA, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS WHAS, KWK, WFAA, WSS, A GIRLS GET SOONER OR LATER! Effective April 28, 1929, » WBZA, WHAM, 8 (Standard Time) wre (272)--Atlantic City, Pier Dance usic, 8.30 NBC Systems, Si gioremn Fon to , WD WLS, WRC, WEEL 'WIAR, WTA WLI AE, WW WOC, "WCR, Wow, =» ¥ WJ» WSAL : ; i BEEBE i £ PEP Daily. . Baily except Saturday, a SLEE085E SaERRkREER Mm, oo 4 8g COAL! COAL! am. Daily Phone 193 m. Daily excep Sunday, WwW. Je SARGANT i Yard--89 Bloor Street KE. Orders Promptly Delivered 8 g oF ok 8 4 BERER ? i 1 § vee 2 =] = - m. Daily. .m. Sunday only, Sunde oy Daily except ig Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE - 8 ° = 11 12, 4 5, 5, 6. 9, 2 4. 7. 7. 8 8 EE. I'VE BEEN AWAY FROM LUMBER ATI LITTLE WIFE FOR i HELLO DARLIN'- | y ; MY DEAR & ; tk FIFTEEN MINUTES: | MUST | : THIS 19 YOUR LITTLE Wop ti GO IN THE DRLG STORE AN BABY BOY. 1JUST UP - WANTED TO CALL Building ; 2 Te a ) J § v t ue You LP TO FIND Materials LO I fs : [REY DEAR SYE-BYE: HONEY- oes &8 HH pos SS: 1] Sppeees BRaBBEEE : | WON'T BE GONE Prompt Delivery LONG msvsT LITTLE WALK. ESonduawniS, ERLEBLRESS vOPPUPT g33BBE: SPBVana un 28388R88 BEEEREERRREEL Ty =o i & ? 8 Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. J: h td 858 pee 11] ome S2BnaAsR8gREY POPP OTP EERE LS Rin fron NNO. 85 aa ve 88 Aero 883 BSERER5SERREEE --- = =~ © 1929, Int Feature Service, tne, he) =) " Great Britain rights reserved. 58883 B3a3pRpaEBagRal SERREREREIEEEEE \ BRERBERE H i: Dr Sono vepEe ory ve I 8 [gs 3 aoSeNam § & 3 9 GET TEARIONES PLAY BELONGS AMONG THE MASTERPIECES i = | - COUNTLESS PAINTERS, PLAYWRIGHTS, POETS J | "Aus *' OF ENGLISH DRAMA. THROUGHOUT THE IBM CEHTURY Th WELL, MOST STATUES { F AMD COMPOSERS HAVE TOLD THE LEGEND / X , ENGLISH,RUSSIAH, POLISH AHD ITALIAN FAUST OPERAS SAAN AN MAKE SO MUCH § ARE ERECTED TO MEN OF 'FAUST, TOMMY. THE STORY FIRST § BOBBED INTO HOPEFUL BEING. GOETHE PUT INTO HIS CRN I | [LFS OVER AM OLD THAT LOTS OF PEOPLE REACHED BOOK FORM WHEN PUBLISHED BY y A GERMAFH AUTHOR HAMED SPIESS, IN 1567. = 2 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST SBBanS Es GOETHES FAUST IS THE GREATEST GERMAN DRAMA ---y- (IPR A Te 0ETHES POEM HAS HAD MANY STAGE PRO Be TR EE Nit 4 DUCTIONS. HHEM WE SPEAK OF "FAUST" TH 1593 CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE WROTE SSS [PANY THOUGH, ALMOST ANYONE TAKES FOR GRANT: HIS GREAT DRAMA HIS TRAGICAL HISTORY OF y 3 ED THAT YOU REFER YO GOUNOD'S OPERA. i ; 1 Jail ll j GY PROC CELOTEX L 2 | fill | me FE AnD DEATH OF DR. FAUSTUS: [8 Ay A & TILLIE THE TOILER--"Two Birds and One Stone" As a substitute for Lath and Plaster we OH, BUBBLES - IT'S NOT IF | TILLIE? VES 3 [TR Se ' : : : 2 : '|. TO MeeT | |SETZEM . youre 1 G md LUCKY For ME THAT! MAC || CAN HELP SHE'S HERE .||Me. ov: \'D highly recommend the use of Gyproc--a FELLOW SMASHED WTO | [Gonna [-- tr IL TELL HER Tike Ro ue HERE AS fire-proof product of exceptional lasting J MAC'S CAR. Go Nob WANT He SELL vou My 2OENT TO quality. "an 3 RIGHT AWAY OE el VERIFY My STORY - er av. v MAC 4 WERE | ABOUT THE ACCIDENT, CELOTEX--an insulating board-- GLa RY 7p | | FRING ou a NOT TW SELL Second-to-none. Op nosed | | FOR WORKING [7 Jl Courteous and Quick Service W. J. TRICK Kaus Smpamy, Mmited 230

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