Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1929, p. 6

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DE me ------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929 Interests in the Home ~ and Social and Personal . Captain E. H. Bailey and mrs. Bailey have returned to their home in New York City, after 'spending a few days visiting their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bailey, Westmoreland avenue, 4 Ld * Ad The members of the Ontario Temple No. 1, Pythian Sisters, met t evening in the True Blue hall, wih Sister Iva Cliff, M.E.C., pre- siding, According to Supreme rulings the Pythian Temples are to each set aside one night in the onth of May to commemorate Mother's Day, The local temple observed this day last evening, when Sister Jessie Coyne, P.C., presented each member with a flower. Refreshments were serv- ed by Sisters Larke, McCabe, Marie Northey and Cliff. The Sisters are making preparations fo receive their Grand Chief, Sis- ter M, J, Bonner, and Grand Dep- uty, Sister Lillian B. Rennie, both of Toronto, who will pay their official visit to the local temple on May 23. The members expressed their regret that Sister Alice Northey, Past Chief and Past Grand representative, is ill in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. LJ * - . 'Miss Evelyn Allen and Mr. George F. Watson of « Toronto, whose marriage takes. place in the near future, were guests of honor last evening when Miss Isobel Mec- Laughlin entertained at a buffet supper in their hoonr at '"Park- wood". The guests who numbered 'about thirty-five, were received by Miss McLaughlin. Supper was gerved in the dining room, the dec- orations of which were entirely carried out in a pink color scheme. The table was lovely with various species of flowers from tke Park- wood conservatories, which were all varl-shades of pink. - Mrs. G. W. Garner, Simcoe street south, is spending a week with her mother, Mrs, D. T. Mor- ris, in Bowmanville, while Mr. Garner is on a business trip to Regina. LJ] * . Mrs. Verne Leavitt is visiting her father, Mr. John O'Flynn, Picton. WOMEN'S MEETINGS REPORT OF PROVINCIAL W.M.S. GIVEN TO KNOX CHUHCH W. M, 8S. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyter- ian church held its regular meet- ing on 'Thursday afternoon Fol- lowing the devolional exercises and transaction of business Mrs. Archer gave a report «of the Pro- vineial W.M.S., which was held in Hamilton. This was one of the biggest missionary programs in history, fine reports being received from all over the province and the year having been one of the most successful yet experienced. = Mrs. Archer was given a hearty vote of thanks. : The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. J. Laughlin, NORT HSIMCOE W. A. PLAN SEVERAL FUTURE AFFAIRS The general monthly meeting of the North Simcoe Women's As- sociation was held in the church on Thursday, May 2, and was con- vened by the president, Mrs, Bat- tle. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Battle's group. A great deal of business was transacted and plans were made tor ALWAYS extra crisp and oven- fresh. The patented waxtite inner - sealed wrapper protects the goodness of Kellogg's CornFlakes even after you open the package. Another reason for saying "Kellogg's"! CORN FLAKES * Just try them with honey and milk or eream) Specials! 25 Silk To Be Sold Tomorrow Morning Dresses $7.95 PERRET WW CNR RI J J J J J Jt Jt J To Be Sold Tomorrow Morning Bete todo tostedectodtoctodin ide de Sicko toid PWN La Ladies' Tweed Coa $7.95 EI I SE ETC SCT SOC OC TC WL SW ¥ JJ J J J a J Jha Oh J Jb J a a BeBe etectotoetoctoatostotoctortoitetoctoctuadoctocts CO a UC 2 J J a J 20 a 0 Bete boteite tote de dete bo bote ite b, 6 J a J J J J J J PA WW a Boos oBeoteodeedocteotoetoeteotocteotectoctsatedecd: KE J J J J J J a a a a Spring and Summer Millinery Must Be Sold The SIMCOE ST. S. $1.95 Fair PHCNE 1173 several affairs to be held in the near future. Among these was the recital given last evening by Mr. H, C. Treneer and Miss Cour- tice under the auspices of Mrs. Nicholl's group. On the afier- noon of May 15, Mrs. Valleau's unit will hold a tea and sale of homemade cooking and. sewing at the church. Plans are rapidly forming for the anniversary in June when the ladies will attempt to keep up their record of pro- viding a splendid supper, At the conclusion of the meet- ing the ladies were given a de;non- stration of Super-health aluminum and were served a delicious hot supper cooked in these utensils. Chosen Friends Held An Interesting Social The members of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends were hosts Wednesday evening to about 150 gusts, when they entertained at a social gathering in their lodge rooms. The entertainment took the form of an indoor social and was enjoyed. led by Mr. Alfred Henning, opeu- ed the program. A varied musical program was given by a number of artists, Miss Evelyn Tole gave a piano solo, which was followed by a bagpipe gelection by Mr. James McGregor. Mr. George Lint contributed a banjo solo and Mr. Dan Leo an en-- tertaining monologue, 'Back on the Farm," was recited by Mr, Pel- leck. A fiddlephone selection wus given by Mr. Graham. Miss Ruby Black gave a delightful solo dance. An interesting feature of the evening was a talk on '"Friend- ship" by Mr. Alfred Henning. Mr. Henning stressed the {importance of friendship and showed the ne- cessity of everyone possessing this virtue. A colorful scene follow- ed when the members marched under the arch of Friendship. Mrs. A. W. Bell and Mr. O. R. Hall also spoke to those assembled. An offering for the flower fund was taken and then games, which were arranged by Mr. Orland Lint, were enjoyed. Concert Presented By Women's Association A well- attended concert of an informal nature was presented last evening in North Simcoe United church by a number or tal- ented artists, under the auspices of Group 2 of the Women's Associ- ation of that church. The program consisted of mus- ical numbers and recitations, a male quartette, Messrs. F. Hare, C. Staples, F. Walters and H. C. Tra= er, contributed two selec- tions. Mr. H. C. Treneer was en- thusiastically received and present- ed three piano solos and two vocal selections, Mr. Verland gave two vocal solos and Miss Courtice three recitations. Following the program, refresh- ments were served to the artists of the evenisg'by the ladies of the group. Community singing, ollers Agnes Kent Something for Nothing? Never! "And in addition to all this, we give you free a beautiful etc, ete.," Down the midway you can hear the hawkers yelling and you smile, Sometimes down town at lunch- eon time, up an alley or at a corn- er lot, the old mystery packages re- appear: "Here in my hand is an article of rare value." Sometimes we weaken and give up our quarter of a dollar with the others. But have you noticed that the mysterfously sealed bargain, the little that is sold so easily and leads to a mammoth free prize, has practically disappeared from the newspaper columns? These things were all very well once upon a time, but no woman who has the responsibility for a household in her hands today will buy food, clothing, fabrics, furniture or any- thing of that character in a wrap- ped package which does not dis- close its value until the money has been paid. The Daily Newspaper has become a general market place of its city. Unfair products cannot endure in this atmosphere. for the advertiser must keep faith ~ with his public and hig promise; and nothing but sound products can stand the test of advertising. Promising Lovers Not Giving Spouses (By Thos. T. Champion, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) London, May 10. -- Viscount Castlereagh, heir to the Marquess of Londonderry, is receiving daily support in his election campaign in Darlington from his sister, Lady Maureen Stanley. Her econiums on his virtues within the family circle would make the least modest brother blush. "It is not lovers who make fair promises that make the best husbands," she told an audience of women yesterday. "They tell wonderful stories, they get you, but it is a very different pair of shoes afterwards." In Carlisle, Brigadier E. L. Spears, Conservative, and ms wife, who under the name of Mary Borden, is-a well-known novelist, have temporarily divided forces. In his effort to gain election the soldier is devoting himself to the Socialists while his wife concen- trates on the Liberals. ; Mrs. Spears describes Lloyd George's election program as "a cowardly attempt to trick the peo- ple with a false pledge he knows he will never be called upon to ful- fill. Cream taken after meals is ex- cellent to increase flesh, A quart of milk a day, to be used for each child solely as a beverage, is not stalks The Womens Corner For. Anything of Interest to Asparagus--the artistocrat of vegetables--esteemed for its deli- cate and delicious flavor, will add zest to the springtime meals and 1ift them above the éommonplace. With asparagus, as with all vege- tables, freshness is essential to ex- cellence of flavor when cooked. Use it as soon as possible after 1% is gathered as Its delicacy and sweetness of flavor disappear soon after it is cut. A If the shoots are limp and droop and the cut ends of the stalk are brownish in color, you may be sure the asparagus is stale. It keeps fresh, however, for a day or two if the stalks are put into cold water and placed in the refrigerator. There need be no waste to the asparagus--even when the tips are cut off and used separately. The can 'be cooked, rubbed through a sieve and used for soup making. Te The most popular method for cooking asparagus is either bY steaming or boiling, It should be carefully cooked in order to keep whole the tender tips; it should be cooked just long enough to make it tender. Steamed or boiled aspar- agus is usually served with an ap- propriate sauce, Bechamel, Hollan- daise and Lemon Butter being the most popular, HOLLANDAISE SAUCE Four tablespoonfuls vinegar, four crushed peppercorns, four ta- blespoonfuls water, two yolks eggs, quarter cupful butter, seasoning. Place in a small pan the vinegar and peppercorns, reduce to one ta- blespoonful, remove peppercorns; add the four tablespoonfuls water, add the beaten yolks, stir over a gentle heat and add the butter in small pats--make sure each pat is dissolved before adding another. When half the butter is added, re- move from fire and add the re- mainder slowly, stirring well. Sea- son and reheat slightly. Serve with hot asparagus tips. ASPARAGUS WITH BECHAMEL SAUCE Cut the tough ends from the stalks evenly, leaving the tips about three and one-half inches long. Cook these gently in as lit- tle water as possible, salting it slightly when asparagus is about half done. When tender drain and reserve the water, place the tips on strips of crustless, freshly made toast, and pour over the sauce, which is a white .sauce in which the liquor from the asparagus is added to the milk in equal propor- tions and enriched by a well beaten egg. ORANGE SAUCE FOR ASPARA- GUS Beat two tablespoonfulsg of but- ter to a cream with the yolks of too much. "Buzza' Line of Mother's Day GREETING CARDS AND MOTTOS Best in Art and Literature FELT BROS. The Leading Jewelers ESTABLISHED 1886 12 Simcoe St. South "BUY WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" two eggs, add quarter teaspoonful each ofisalt and paprira, the grated rind of half an urange, and one tablespoonful of lemon juice, stir over hot water until the sauce thickens then add four tablespoon- fuls of orange juice and serve over steamed asparagus tips. ASPARAGUS RAREBIT Melt ome tablespoonful butter; add one level tablespoonful flour and mix well. Place in double bofl- er, then add half cupful milk and cook until thick, constantly stir- ring; add one cupful grated cheese, one tablespoonful tomato catsup, half teaspoonful galt, and one- eighth teaspoonful pepper. Stir until the cheese has melted, then add two cupfuls cooked asparagus cut into short lengths, Serve on triangles of fresh, buttered toast. ASPARAGUS WITH SCRAMBLED EGGS Steam or boil the tips of two fairly large bunches of asparagus. Use four eggs, half cupful milk, one tablespoonful butter, salt and pepper. Put the butter in pan, add milk, salt and pepper and eggs, cook un- til creamy. Pour over tips in a serving dish and serve' hot.--Mrs. ' R. J. R. Eden Mills, Ont. Special orders taken for Bridal outfits. Reasonable The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3083W LS community till it dissolves Sunlight Dissolves Freely The less real soap in the bar, the longer the wait for suds . . . and it's the suds that do the cleansing. 'With Sunlight, the all-pure soap, the suds are made instantly . . . pure soapy suds which cleanse more clothes than ordinary suds, yet are so mild in action that they positively cannot barm hands or fabrics. carton means real economy -- longer life The $5,000 Sunlight Guarantee on ev so your clothes-- protection to your rr i For That Dash of Cream-- and candies. A Cook Book for You--Free Dozens of tested recipes for delicious creamed soups and sauces, breads, fish dishes, salads, cakes, pas- tries, tempting desserts Yours for the asking. Mail coupon today. Stir in undiluted Borden's St . Charles Milk for that de- licate cooked -with-cream quality at the cost of milk. Cream soups, chowders and sauces take on a delicious new and richer flavor. Two sizes: Tall, 16 oz., Small, 6 oz. Si CHARLES NAME ADDRESS THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, Dept. A., 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal Please send me free St. Charles Recipe Book. were MIL DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE © 199, King: Pratures Synficate, Tne. Great Brita vights Prmervad' SHE WIFFENPOOF HAD A FUNNY FACE PAINTED. ON THE SEAT OF HIS PANTS I » AND THE LION THOUGHT IT WAS A STRANGE ANIMAL GOING "To BITE HIM- 60 HF SAT DoWN AND CALLED FoR HIS MAMA iN eed ~--By Grace G. Drayton OH: WiFFen- poo | YOURE. A SCREAM -- £0 DOLLY, BOBBY, COMFY AND THE WIFFEN-POOF RAN AWAY AS FAST As FAST couLD BE { ANT WE gor Be wii A) AND THERE WAS THE MAGIC CARPET AND THEY WERE Soon FAR AWAY 3/0 } r------ ~

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