Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1929, p. 2

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. Thk v...AWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929 The Wh Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the next the post office.-- Telephone REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES YOUNG LADS TAKE PRECARIOUS POST AT TOP OF LADDER CLIMB UNITED CHURCH TOWER VIA LADDERS OF WORKMEN Church Authorities Will Take Precautions to Pre: vent Repetition of Incident (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9.--Two young lads, of public school age, who evinced a desire to view the town and surrounding countryside from a lofty eminence took advantage of the fact that bullders had been EE STE NOW rking in the tower of the United Church last night and climbed to the top of the tower by means of ladders which had been placed on the inside by the workmen. They reached the top in safety as in- dicated by the fact that two heads soon appeared over the top of the tower and calmly surveyed the situation. No doubt the daring youngsters found what they went after: a a panorama lay stretched before them, the roofs, trees and streets of the town while to the north lay fields and orchards sloping up to the ridge where earth joined sky. to the south the harbor and lake. on the east and west beautiful farm lands with here and there a wooded stretch. The prospect pos sibly thrilled them but the thrill would not have compared with that which their respective parents might have received if they had happened to spy them from below. But even pleasing prospects pale in time and the youthful steeplejacks had to amuse them- gelves by hurling jibes to their fellows on the street. This diver- sion also failed and they presently came down from their eyrie perch to tread on solid ground. The incident has been reported to the church authorities and pre- caution will be taken to prevent children from climbing to the top of the tower again. To Unveil Tablet To Rev. T. G. A. Wright (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9.--A tablet in memory of the late Rev. T. (1. A. Wright, formerly rector of All Saints' Anglican Church, who died May 12th of last year, will be un- veiled and dedicated at a special service to be held next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Ven. Aréh- deacon Warren will be the speak- er for the occasion. The tablet is placed by the congregation as mark of thelr appreciation for the faithful services of the late rector during the eight years of his in- cumbency. 3 Sport Clubs Will Meet Town Property Committee Tonight (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, - May 9.--~Represetta- }| tives of the various sporting or- of every * much. For Every Home! A beautiful roof should be the "most important feature centuates and enhances the appearance of ahome so Whether you choose B. Ci Red Cedar, Asphalt or As- bestos, we have the shingles that when put on your home, can be pointed to with satis- fying pride and happiness. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 home. Nothing ac- itby Daily Times Whitby Office, Dundas Street, 434. 4 ganization including the, Whitby Ladies' Softball Club, the Whitby Football Club, the Town League Baseball Club, the High School Athletic Association, Bowling and Tennis Club and any others who intend to use the park for their games this season Are asked to meet with the town property comi- mittee of the council at the park tonight at seven o'clock. The pur- pose of the meeting is to decide on necessary improvements for tif playing tield. THREE MONTHS FOR ENTERING LOCAL SERVICE STATION Morris Mayenick Sentenced by Judge Ruddy This & Morning (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9.--Morris Mayen- ick, young Toronto man, was sen- tenced to thrée months determin- ate and twelve months indeter- minate and twelve monthskel wkuo minate in the Ontario Reformd- tory by Judge J. Ruddy this morn- ing when he was convisted on a charge of breaking and entering a local service station. Mayenick, who was remanded for sentence one week ago, when he pleaded guilty to the charges, was also sentenced to three months deter- minate and six month indetermin- ate for entering a service station at Pickering. The sentences ard to run concurrently and date from April 18. GIRL GUIDES GAVE VALUABLE AID (By Staff Reporter) . . Whitby, May 9.--In the report of the performance of the Whitby Minstrels held last Tuesday and Wednesday nights, mention was not made of the valuable -assisi- ance rendered by the Girl Guide Troop of all Saints' Church. The Girl Guides under the supervision of their leader, Miss Marjorie Ruddy, made very capable and courteous ushers, and in this way rendered a service for which the Minstrels are indebted. This was the first time that many citizens of the town had opportunity of seeing the Guides in thelr neat, new uniforms. ASK GOVERNMENT T0 REPAIR HARBOR AT PORT WHITBY Letter From Town Clerk Calls Attention to Dan- gerous Condition (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, 'May 9.--A letter call« ing attention to the dangerous condition of the breakwater at the local harbor has been mailed to the Department of Public Works at Ottawa by Town Olerk J. R. Frost, acting under instruc- tions of the town council. The town possesses one of the finest harbors on: the north shore of Lake Ontario and it is expected that the Dominion Government will take prompt action to save it from ruin. The government has in- vested large sums of money in the forms of concrete docks and the loss which would be involved if the breakwater should be swept away would be far greater than the cost of making the necessary repairs. According to reports published from time to time by engineers, the new Welland Canal will D2 ready for operation by 1930 and therefor vessels of deep draft could sail right from Port Arthur to Whitby. The city of Toronto has prepared for this, its harbor has Mother's Day, Sun., May 12 You'll enjoy selecting a hat for Mother here this week. We've made a special effort and have prepared a smart group of larger head- sizes for the older woman in modish, yet dignified styles. In hair and the popular straws, specially priced at Continuing Our Clearance Sale at $2.98 There are. still many Perle Viscas, Toyos, Rammaille, Bangkocks left to choose at this very special price. They are regularly up to $5.00, and though the selection is not complete you may still find a very smart hat at this very attractive price. Pure Silk Hose First quality Spring Colors 3 King St. East Silk Hose full-fashioned $150 $195 UY-227 UX-280 UX171°A DEPENDABLE For HE os eg of radio fans and more radio owners than ALL other tubes combined. been dredged to accommodate the larger lake boats and elevators have been built at the waterfront for loading and unloading grain It is an Interesting fact thot Whitby engaged in the grain trade many years after Toronto was without an elevator. There seems no reason why an elevator -could not be operated again with profit here providing the government would see that the harbor was properly dredged. It has been many 'years since dredges were at work in the har- bor and for this reason some of the larger vessels are afraid to enier. A member of the Roysl Canadian Yacht Club once stated that the Club often cogsidered visiting Port Whitby but refrained from doing so due to the fact that commodores of the larger yachts téared that they might ground their keels in a sandbar, Only last week a steamer made a dif- ficult run from Kingston to To- ronto in the face of a heavy gale wheheas if the harbor was kept properly dredged it could have sought shel'er here. There is every indication that shipping on Lake Ontario is on the increase and the loeéal harbor should be again prepared to take its share in the lake carrying trade. PIC Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent Telephone 800 Pickering, May 9.--Mrs. John Remmer and small daughter, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Remmer, The Ladies' Ald Soclety of St. Andrew's Church met at the home of Mrs. N, E. McEwen, on Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Emery, o1 Toronto, were callers in the village last week, Mr. Emery occupied, at one time, the pulpit of St. George's Anglican Church, and won many friends during his sojourn in the village. » BE. J. Walsh, of Toronto, spent Wednesday in the village. The Women's Missionary Society of St. Paul's Church met at the home of the Misses Law on Wed- nesday evening. W. Rogers, accompanied by his gon, Clarence, was in the village on Wednesday, making arrange- ments for the sale of property and household goods belonging to the estate of his mother, the late Mrs, Jas. Rogers, which are to be put up for public auction on Saturday afternoon; May 18. MINSTRELS GIVE SHOW AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 9.--The Whitby Minstrels are visiting the Ontario Hospital tonight where they will present thier show for the benefit of the patients and the staff, It is an annual practice for the Min- strels to visit the hospital and their efforts are aways much 'ap- preciated by the patients. Many of the Minstrels are recruited from the staff. ' Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion Medical authorities state that nearly nine- tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, in- digestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydroch- lori acid in the stomach. The delicate stom- piety. is irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. ' Artificial digestants are not needed in such cases and may do real harm, Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get INE CONCERT BY SCHOOL CHOIR Pupils of Frank Converse Smith Assist in Excellent Program (By Staft Reporter) Bowmanville, May 9.--The con- cert put on by the choir of the Boys' Training School and pupils of Frank Conversé Smith in the Opera House on Tuesday evening was a decided success and those who failed to avail themselves of the opportunity of attending, miss- ed a treat, The opening number was a piano duet by James McVeigh and Ar- thir Lees who played "Minuet'" by Mogart, in splendid style. Mr. Me- Veigh also played a plano solo "Mazurka" by Godard which re- ceived prolonged applause. There were four choruses by the choir, "Who is Sylviai' and 'Cradle Song" by Schubert, "My Old Ken- tucky Home" by Foster, "Dixie Land' 'by: Emmett and '"Tenting on the Old Camp Ground" by Kitt redge. The singing of the choir in these numbers was excellent, the verséds in the second and last num- berg being sung as a solo by Edwin Mortrisson and Emilio King rc spectively, each of the lads having ito respond to an encore, The other numbers on the pro- gram were violin solos by other pupils of Mr. Smith, Mr, BE. Norris played "Evening Song" by Mendelssohn Miss Esther Wallace, "Serenade" by Victor Herbert, Miss Agnes Rogers, two numbers, "Faust Fan"asie" by Allard aud "Ave Maria" by Schubert, Oscar Jamieson, "Danny Boy" (arranged by Kreisler) and litle Miss Elaine Reaman, 'Concerto'" by Seitz. 'Each of these artists was well ro- ceived and loudly applauded by the audience who would have beet N.|nesday evening A fitting closing to this excel- lent program the singing of Handel's "Largo" bythe choir, as- sisted by six violinists. This num- ber was also exceedingly well done. | SCREECH ONL'IS PUBLISHED TODAY 1929 Number Is An Inter. esting and Attractive Magazine May 10.--The '"Soreech Owl," the magazine of the Bowmanville High Schoo! which is published annually, was issued today and marks the cul- mination of several weeks' work on the part of the ing statf and pupils responsible for its pub- lication. The magazine this year presents an attractive appearance, both in the cover and in the arrangement and printin Literary efforts, poetry by the students, interesting jottings of school events and bits of humor culled from life in the corridors and class rooms, are accompanied by striking and clever {llustra- tions, as well as by pictures of the staff, prize winners, athletic teams and other notables alLout the school. The reviews of current events in school life are®in general well done, and the short stories and essays by the pupils are interest- ing. The 'Chuckles" column is one that contains a universal in- terset, while the "Who's Who" page is of especial note for the pupils. The magazine containg a .well-filled advertising section, in- dicating that the merchants of Bowmanville have hackéd up the school publication in a satisfactory manner, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, May 9--At the close of the regular meeting of Jer- usalem Lodge, A F.&A.M., on Wed- last, Wor. Bro. Frank Williams gave a very in- teresting address, with moving pic- tures, on the construction and uses of the telephone, being ably assist- ed by Roy Crossley and H. Gilchrist of Oshawa, This proved a most enjoyable feature, There are two ways to recognize the male bee; It's brain is larger and it makes no effort to keep the hive clean. -- Quebec Chronicle- glad to hear encore numbers, Telegraph. me me nex J ------ Ross, Ames &Gartshore Co, Ltd. Used Cars of the inside pages. | "With a New Car Warranty' All our used cars are put into 1st class condition in every way before being offered for sale. They are then sold with the same "warranty" as given on a new car. Below we list a few of our our tanding values in "Guar- anteed Used Cars." Monthly Payment Payment Down 1927 Chev. Sedan ............$210.00 1928 Essex Coaches ............$290.00 1928 Essex Coupe (Rumble Seat) wim 3330.00 1927 Essex Coaches ..........$250.00 1927 Essex Sedans ...........$270.00 1925 Buick Sedan .............$235.00 1927 Chev. Londeau 1928 Essex Sedans like new $330.00 1925-26 Studebaker Coach $313.00 1928 Pontiac Coupe ...........$313.00 Your present car taken as cash on down payment. Buy your "Guaranteed Used a pg gape Don't Forget: About Ambrose's 4th ANNIVERSARY "SALE greater than ever. Come to our sale and greater than ever. Come to our sale and ° you will remember it for years by our - wonderful values. Saturday Afternoon Special at 2.30 500 yds. Chambray All shades, 32 in. wide. Heavy quality. 10c¢c yd. 5 Yards to customer. No C.O.D. orders, and given to adults only. LADIES' SPECIALS IN READY- TO-WEAR Ladies' Coats in the newest shades and materials to go at Ladies' Dresses in the newest shades andstylestogoat ............. Lad'es' Milli . Reg. 4.50. Sal ry A Tw Taw aiid un «$1 98 39¢ Ladies' Heavy Silk Hosiery to pl at Pair ... . Saturday Afternoon Special at 2.30 p.m. Linen Towelling A real heavy quality at, yard, 10¢c yd. Only 5 yards to a customer. No phone or C.O.D. orders, and given to adults only. see ®t esse Sess etben Sere sese MEN"S SPECIALS IN READY- TO-WEAR $10.95 2 dozen Men's Suits to clear at Each . oe. vii. Men's Spring Coats to clear at Each ...... .:: Men's Work Pants Pair .. "i Men's Moleskin Pair .. «eae Men s Balbriggan Comb'nations to go a Persil covvivenecoin. ins csv seve $9.95 ...98c $1.25 T5¢ . .e sale for, on Pants. On sale for, Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers to go 39 ¢" ses esc ue o ces Ses renen. at "lene Men's Fine Shirts, latest patterns, si | Space does not permit to mention all the bargains. Come in and see for yourself what we havi to offer. Saturday Evening Special at 7.30 p.m. FLANNELETTE Good width and heavy quality. Only 5 yards to a customer. Yard, 10¢c yd. No phone or C.0.D. orders and to adults only. Car" from us. Ross, Ames Phone 1160 HUDSON-ESSEX, OSHAWA & Gartshore 9 Prince st | M. Ambrose 446 Simcoe St. S. Opp. Albany Street Phone 1668w $9.95 $6.95 i = aa Se Few people realize that rayon or | process is pure cellulose of wood artificial silk made by the viscose !fibres. lw -HEAR WITH THE NEW GEM Of interest to all deaf people is the knowledge that rolief is at last within their reach. We will be pleased to give a free demonstration of this from any druggist some Bi and take a teaspoonful of powder or four tablets in water right after eating, This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pai Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form--never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stom- ach purposes. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more deag of indigestion, derful instrument. JURY & LOVELL'S Optical Parlors PHONE 3215 OSHAWA FOLKS | MOTHER, HOW OLD WiLL 2 and look around, Attractiveness is important, The proper face pow- ders. and lotions are necessary. articles are the requisite all feminine kind. Drop in MUCH OLDER. { THEN T GUESS ) -THERE WAS A : NIE/ ALMOST) I WON'T BOTH TTL HAVE YO BE BEFORE)AS OLD AS wig eg Charming toilet THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF Ix

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