Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929 Dm a I A 3 Barn Destroyed Drookston.--A fire of unknown Ein completely destroyed a large tn with stone foundation owuca "Percy Lancaster. d 7 | "Afr Mail at Kingston ngston.-- Kingston | citizens il 'have an opportunity of send- g letters by aeroplane on June thet official opening day of the Imgston flying field. Filling Holes Port Hope--Town employees are ®y, just now in filling holes on me of the worst of the town reets with sand and gravel. The ik is a considerable improve- sat. To Decide Church's Fate Kingston.--When the Bay of Quin- conference of the United church pets :at Napanee on May 29, the testion of what action will be ta- in in regard to Zion United church * this city will be coasidered. Celebrate Birthdays Kingston. -- Two well-known ingstonians. James Craig and homas W, Mills, were both cele- rating birthdays on Wednesday, ry. Craig being eighty-four years | age while Mr. Mills is seventy- ree. Montreal-Ottawa W.M.S. Cornwall.--Mrs, E. C. James, of pckshire, Que, was elected presi- int of the Montreal-Ottawa confer- sce branch, Women's Missionary jciety of the United church of Can- la, at the third annual meeting here. ERNE NS X ~ SETHI), ALIA 4 {| -= Ii > Ay ees 15> KIDNEY ~*~ La BACK Ac HE 3 nw. JDDER TROVE ) HEumMmAT!S Good motor mechanic to op- || erate large fully equipped !| old established brick garage | right near the four corners. || Right man will be offered most desirable terms enabl- | ing him to conduct the busi- | ness entirely on his own ac count, if preferred. Splendid chance for a local man with ambition and con- nection. J For appointment. phone 249. EASTERN ONTARIO QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. NEWS New Principal Named Kingston--At a meeting of the board of education last night F. W. Danby, 'assistant principal of the Ot- tawa technical school, was appointed rincipal of the Kingston collegiate institute' at a salary of $4,500 'per year. , ; Sent to Kingston Brockville.--Three young Kings- ton girls, who strayed away from their homes yesterday, were appre- hended here last night and today were sent back to the Limestone City by the local police. Good Record Milbrook.--A circulation more than six thousand volumes auuu- ally, constitutes a creditable record for a community of this size, and is the report in connection with the Public Library in recent years, to the pupils. 18 Caseg Tried Lindsay --Chief of Police R, H. Lawler's report of the town coun- cil shows 12 cases for the month of April. Of these two were ad- journed, but convictions were se- cured in all the rest. The sum of $354.50 was paid to the town treas- urer for taxes, licenses and fines. Start Work Soon Lindsay.--Beginning at once a group of surveyors from the uw partment of National Defense will start work on the "Lindsay Sheet" of the topographical map of Can~ ada, of Mr. A. E. Attfield, who has es- tablished headquarters at the resi- dence at the arsenal. Grove School Lakefield,--A simple and very impressive service was held in the chapel at The Grove on Wednes- day evening when a beautiful me- morial window was dedicated to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Young of Hamilton, who lost their lives in the Lusitania, April 1915. Good Fishing Charleston.--The salmon fishing is extra good in this locality and one 'day last week, R. Watts brought in seven fish, while W, Cro- zier brought in six fish. On Sunday W. Crozier brought in five while Del Woods reported four. The other guides were also very successful. Seek Theological Head Kingston.--Dr. H. A. Kent principal of Queen's Theological college, leaves | tomortow for England and Scotland primarily for the purpose of securing a successor to the late Dr. Morgan, who held the post of professor of systematic theology: Girl Guides Convention Ottawa,--Meeting for the first time in Ottawa, the Canadian Council of Girl Guides opened its annual con- vention with more than 80 delegates in attendance from coast to coast. Preliminary business was devoted to consideration of council and branch reports, School Estimates Port Hope.--The Port Hope public school board will require $20,500 from: the corporation to meet the expenses during the year 1929, according to the estimates, which were introduced at the regu- lar monthly meeting of the board. Liquor Warehouse Unlikely Cobourg.--Although two Co- bourg property owners have been approached in connection with leasing properties at the lake all narcotics. Children like Miller's Worm Powders because they are sweet as sugar and so easily taken. They cleanse even the most delicate system quickly and thoroughly without any danger and are free from NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA WORM ERS HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value Obtainable Buy. . . General Motors Hardwood All Small Blocks Taken Out Bone Dry, Clean and Good. Try a Load Today Phone 262 Dixon Coal : COMPANY 2 Four Direct Lines The party will be in charge: |tront, it is gonsiderea improbable here that Cobourg will become a centre for liquor export trade, ° SH ---- 1.0.OF. Officers Named Bellgville--~At a meeting of the | |Bay of Qunite district, No. 47, of the LOOF,, in this city O. A. McGin- nis, of Picton, was elected District Deputy Grand Master. Henry Ran- son, Secretary, was re-elected. A lod- ge of instruction was held 3t the conclusion of the meeting. , oi Girl Rescues Boy Ottawa, --Without so much as re- moving her gloves. or overcoat, Miss Gladys Smirle dived into the chilly waters of the Rideau canal to save five-year-old Jack Macdonnell from drowning Miss Smirle formerly was a star member of the Ottawa Glebe collegiate aquatic team. Drive for New College Cobourg.--About fifty delegates, representing the Cobourg Presbytery of the United church, assembled at a banquet in Trinity Hall in connec- tion with the drive for funds for the erection of the Emmanuel College in Toronto. Rev. W. R. Tanton, Cob- ourg, was chairman, Mov to Ottawa Diocese Brockville.--Rev. F. G. Strange, formerly in charge of the parish of Westport and latterly of Wolfe Island, is leaving the Diocese of Ontario on May 15 to accept ap- pointment to the parish of Port Elmsley in the Diocese of Ottawa. Shack Floats. Down River Brockville.--A shack which floated down the river opposite Ivy Lea was found to be intact, with furnishings and a stove, It is be- lieved it was washed off the end of an island and that it was put there by bootleggers who operated along the river. Classes Resumed Kingston.--The two rooms clos- ed by order of the Medical Health Officer in Rideau School were re- opened on Tuesday morning and classes resumed. No further cases of diphtheria have developed and all danger of the spread of the di- sease has now passed. Accommodation Needed Kingston.--The meeting of the Council of Queen's University was held on Tuesday afternoon with Principal R. Bruce Taylor presid- ing. The question of extra accom- 'wlodation for the students is a problem which is facing the Uni- versity. ft was brought out at tne meeting. No Relief For Motorists Kingston.--The City Poor Re- lief Association executive has de- cided to take drastic action in re- gard to giving relief in winter to citizens who drive automobiles in the . summer months. It is con- tended that people who can afford to bear the upkeep of an automo- bile in the summer do not need relief in the winter. Survivor Recovering Brockville--Still unaware of the fact that his three companions on the ill-fated motor trip from a dance at Kemptville last Friday night are dead, John Kelly, of Domville, sole survivor of the pur- ty, is improving daily in the 'St. Vincent de Paul Hospital here and his complete recovery at an eariy date is anticipated. Notice of Incorporation Brockville.--Notice of incorpora- tion of the Cowan Dairy and Ice Cream Company, Limited, with head office' in Brockville, appears in a current issue of the Ontario Gazette. The incorporators are Robert J. Driver, K.C, Helen Mary Byrne, Edward A. MacKenze, Hugh R. Starr and Reginald E. Dallyn, all of Brockville. Nominated By Presbytery Cobourg.--Rev. Dr. F. A. Scott Pearson of West Kilbridge, Scotland, has been nominated by Lindsay Pres- tory Homiletics in the Presbyterian College at Montreal. For the Moder- ator of the General Assembly the Presbytery unanimously nominated Rev. Robert Johnston of Knox church, Ottawa. Plaintiff Must Pay Kingston.--Suing for $10,000 damages as the result of injuries sustained in a motor crash, Albert Willis Mouldey, township of King- ston, was found by Mr. Justice Kelly not only to have no ground for the claim but was himself, liable. The judge awarded $200 damages to Oliver Chown, the | defendant. 1 Seek Daylight Saving Port Hope.--At an enthusias- tic meeting of members of the Re- tail Merchants' association it was unanimously decided to petition the town council to have dayiight saving inaurgurated in Port Hope and to interest every merchant in town in observing Empire shop- ping week, which has been set aside for May 25 to June 1. Two Thrilled at Once Port Hope.--This afternoon a well known young citizen had his daily thrill and, incidentally, a lo- cal autoist shared in it, when the youth, wheeling from Brown street onto Walton street, collided with the auto. The youth was thrown over the handle bars to the road- way, but was uninjured, and nei- ther auto. nor wheel received any damage. Cheese Factories Cobourg.--An innovation has been established this year in the cheese making industry in Northumberland ¥ of . 3 : sants take safe, mild and purely vegetable NATURE'S REMEDY and get rid of bowel DoleonR hot cause the trouble. Nothing like el for biliousnees, sick head- aches, . Acts pleasantly, * Never gripes. Only 2c. Make the test tonight-- and Sold by All Seven Oshawa Druggists { bytery for the chair of Church His- |) County, in that seven factories in the Seymour-Percy District are now op- erated by electricity. This will mean a possible saving in production costs and in, manual labor, The cheesema- kers ve a high standard before them in seeking to eclipse the splen- did record made last year. Champion Atlantic " Commuter Is Found Paris, May 10.--Crossing the At- lantic ocean is like taking a trip from New York to Coney Island for Philip G. Peabody, retired councillor of law at Boston, wno has completed his 119th crossing. Peabody claims to be the cham- pion Atlantic commuter. News of his record was revealed by the claim of M, Jonas, president of the French Chamber of Commerce in Montreal, that he had made 111 trips Peabody wrote to the news- papers here sdtting forth his rec- ord after Jon had claimed the championship. Peabody said he had crosseu on the Berengaria 17 times, He has travelled on 40 other vessels, and has kept a filed record of every passenger list on every trip. "Twenty-four of my crossings have been between the United States and Egypt," he said. i have been in 43 different coun- tries and travelled not far from 2,000,000 miles." Farmer and Children Burned to Death Rochester, Ind., May 10.--Lloyd Fliteraft, 36, a farmer, and his three daughters, Mabel, 6, Mildred, 5, and Mary, 4, were burned to death in their home near. Akron, Ind., yesterday. The three girls were sleeping in an upstairs room. It was belived that a lantern they had taken up- stairs with them exploded, setting fire to the house. . 4 * This Attractive Garage Will Improve Your Property A fireproof and weatherproof garage that is very snug and very attractive, The wooden frame is covered with galvanized clap-board siding and galvanized Spanish Cluster Tile Roofing. PEDLAR'S "DE LUXE" GARAGE The panelled doors are 7 ft. high x 8 ft. wide with two lights of glass in each door. We erect the "De Luxe" Garage anywhere in the city of Oshawa, The Pedlar People, Limited "Phone 950 10 x 16 ft. . 10 x 18 ft. werecsrseeeses. $160 erected Price veterees. $150 erected Size We: arrange for building permit. SEDLAR'S METAL _ PRODU BUIL 40th to-morrow on and in variety of shades | Each ... MILLINERY TO CLEAR 100 HATS Including braids, straws and crochet You can certainly save money Coats Dresses Fugi Silk Dresses the tables for must be accepted as final, We had a wonderful sale of these wonderul dresses on Thursday. Another lot on to-morrow. 1410 44. At cach 92.00 CORTICELLI FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Regular $1.95 quality these are substandards but you cannot find the imperfection, . = Smart Spring Coats Our Complete Stock is included in these prices. Reg. up to $22.50 for Regular $25.00 to $27.50 for $19.75 | Regular $35.00 for _. | Regular $37.50 to $40.00 for $29.75 | THE SMARTEST STYLES THE BEST FABRICS AND THE LOWEST PRICES is to be considered. There are only 3 men not connected with the Arcade in an uw All $16.75 | $25.00 300 Wash Dresses You can't equal this value anywhere of fine Ba- tiste trimmed organdies in many shades, at each SUCCESSORS TO THOS. MILLER & SONS Anniversary SALE SATURDAY Is Ready-to-wear Day Exclusive Silk Dresses Our Complete Stock all new goods | | a wonderful selection in colors and || | silk fabrics. | | 4 PRICES $8.95 $10.75 $15 $19.75 | Big Sale Sample : Towel Sets 75 ONLY Large size Jac- || quard Towels with one or || two face cloths to match. Complete in folder at 1.19 200 Cannon Towels Medium size in white and colors. They will not last long at | | Every one of them a bargain The Biggest Lingerie Sale Those who saw and bought this exceptional offer realiz- ed the extraordinary value, in night dresses, step-ns, slips, bloomers. per garment. 98¢ | Rugs at a Bargain Price Velvet Chenille woven designs. Excep- i. 18149 Special Silks Baronet Satin On Sale again to-morrow per yd 75¢ Heavy Black Duchesse .........c.ce.......89€ Washing Silk Crepe snssnnersssnsn 31.89 36 inch Habutai Silks . ..79¢ Smart New Voiles .....ocsmmessnsnssnn.49€ New Silk Wash Fabrics woe eiiennena..79€ A A Irish Linen Tablecloths colored borders 54x54 ....5$1.59 Ginghams 15¢ THIS CONTEST IS FOR LADIES ONLY Read these rules carefully.--The two top stories are solid cake. Only the weight of these rizes. The three coupons giving the nearest or cor. rect weight of both total cake and its individual ingredients will win the prizes. Should there be three correct solutions or three with same nearest solutions. The total amount of the prizes will be. equally divided. Should: there be more than three correct the win- ning coupons will be drawn for from the cor rect solutions sent in. Only one coupon from each lady will be accepted. Your name and address is necessary. Coupons Will be found in Friday, May 10th; Monday, May 13th and Wednesday May 15th, Oshawa Times. The contest closes, Thursday afternoon, May 16th. No coupons will be accepted after 5 P.M. of that date. Read the coupon and fill in the weights as marked on each line. 3 gentle. y way will act as judges and their decision the Weight of the Cake? 3-Prizes- for the 8 coupons having the nearest weights to the whole cake and weights of various ingredients used in the cake. 1st Prize $15 Worth Merchandise 2nd Prize $10 Worth Merchandise 3rd Prize $5 Worth Merchandise The envelope containing weight of cake and ingred- ients has been sent to the May- or of Oshawa and will be op- ened on Friday, May 17th. No one knows the weights except the maker of the cake.

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