Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 May 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOUR 1 tk THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929 bia Fawork: Olsen's Orchestra (5, JMAL WKH, wea, p- RADIO PROGRA 1" mie te | He=, a : --A sms x ow, WEAA KERC A A CO) : NIGHT'S 5.30 WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Ten RA AOR. iio, e ' 2 Ei) Hrine Band. WGN (416)--Chicago. Air Castle; Un- WHAM. (58'9)--Rochester, Studio; or- Be (WJZ)=Ben Bernies' Mennen WP 5) New York Pollack's or- NBC System: Voice of the Evening to 800 WLS Chicago, Hits from "Princess chiestra. WLW (428) Cine, : W' (428 . Bumt Corkers. WBC (WEAT)--Seibertng Concert. S00 NVCHE Biri, Fiamisty ovis | 915 WIC @aAumts Cuy. Subway 8.80 Columbia: Sonora Hour, Uncle i "9.30 KOA (361)--Deaver, Bank Orchestra; WCAU (25)--Phila. Courtesy Program EOS SL 90 Columbia? Coors, Olsens Hour. NBC System: Sing to he INSULATING BUILDING BOARD . i yp BC (WEAR) Halsey 'Stuart Hour, WRC KOA WCE, ay Breen and , SEE THIS LAUDER Insurance 38 WFC Atlantic City. Version of De Rose to WIZ, KWK, WREN, WKY ABC, 6: TAS WARM IN WINTER + COOL IN SUMMER ROAD BARGAIN CUTLER & PRESTON 140 ROA Deaver, 20d U.'S. Engineers band] , WYO 20s avn, > rabies och of Wolo, New, Modern Brick dwell- 64 KING 81 W. FRIDAY'S DAYTIME FEATURES fhe An MAL, WKBY ; ll ing. Large Living Room. Telephone 572-223 1000 a.m. NBC System (WJZ)--RCA Educa- Weer "Sj Amlors Jigar to WEAR: : Concert Bu to! ® Master Bed Room. A real Night Calls 510-1560 Sonal Hour; Walter Damrosch, WIIC, : WEAF < w Oshawa, Ont. bargain at $5600.00. Good 1015 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Farm pro- Y CAFE. awa, Vil cash payment required at Sec gam, x this price. 10 pn. N BC System (Central)~Farm and VCR 1315) Buffalo, Charles NBC 'System: Iso.Vis Orchestra to SISTRIBUTED BY = 148 WSB_ Atlanta, U. of Ga, Program. BC. GC, WAU. "WHE WGN, WTMJ, WDAF, WOW, KSTP yesterday and sent the other 'dele- Tidy 6 room brick--on Mas. 245 wikia A ini Sox aol Forth pki 5% WAAL, Wiz, > JREN, WKY. or Dts % : OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED gations into gales of laughter, on large Jot With lots - also WGN, i i RT (356)--Toronto, Danc ouncin the of sl ry. Double garage, 300 NEC State (WJZ)-Little Sym Eons lier Diners, | BAD CRT OE) Bry a I OSHAWA, ONT. Litvivert was: denounelng Modern dwelling with all to WLW IR, \ EWE, WJZ (94.5) ~New York, Retold Tales WFI, WRC, WGY, WKY. WGR. . commission for *"'hypoerisy" in its conveniences. Let us show WBAL, WLS, ii Wi no oe» 3 WHO, WRUA, WMC, RFRC. work when papers in a big basket you how-to-save taxes. To- --Akron, Akron U, Pro- - Y : between the French and Japanese tal Price less than $5000. y GHT'S FROGRAMD fcc ew 28d inci, Hollingsworth Hall delegations caught fire from @cig- THE ApP% 4.30 NBC RN SADA hy i. Orehetes; Book Mans" Foul. "Tomy wis "iY Chieago, Concert orchestra arette stub and blazed = gor. DE REAL 82 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3082 WRC. umbia work: Daguerreot; pos . News; dance or- "u 1 diary bomb. = Markets, WABC, chest .00 KOA (361)--Denver, 2nd U, S. England) maintaining a regular supply of ed- an incendiary Opp p. 0. 7 50 NAD a York. Ma concert. KOI w A WPG (272)--Atlantic City, News; nproas 3 ve or ible fish in prairie lakes suitable 9 trinott broke off his speech Phose 1550 osits P, O addition will cost $128,000 and NBC System: Sports Talk; Waldorf WEAN, A y] OX, Dance Music, " . Sis. iSTP on Sh Tad Amos 'n' An-| gr the purpose. Battle Creek in the | abruptly, and the Soviet delega~ ; will lengthen the motor plant from Astoria' Music 10} 'WEA, WCAE, WF, WCAE, kSp, °| 1045 BUN (QO Cen. Hungry Fives | QA (@2-Kansas City. Amos 'w'| Cypress Hills, Southern Alberta, has | tion, always closely guarded, its present 880 feet to 1,000 feet, The company has just completed ew York. Oakland's an addition to its assembly plant NBC System: Uncle Bob to KYW, i Andy; Star Family, A .| been stocked with brown trout of the | sprang up in great confusion. wi WFAA, WMC, KSTP, KDKA, Khateat, int Lehn and Fink Sereriade ON Ar DD hve: Jmtention Service KFAB (389)--Lincoln. Studio program; gonvoh variety as an experiment. Gen. Refuin, of the French del- | amid the undisguised laughter of @uoNew York Cures] to WIZ WIR WBZ, wEAL, WKY, W3AL G2 Cincl Dance music, | ® SFE son) Clearwater, Prices or- egationgeremoved the flaming tray | the commission and the discomfi- KP and work is now progressing on a i : WHAM, D. WF WLW, h ture of the Russians. sis WR ur-Bulas, ~Seietee News KPRC, "WEEN, KWK, KeW, WoZA! (2 hours.) WIR (400)--Detroit. Dance Music; or-| RUSSIANS ALARMED truck garage 70 feet by 200 feet an. CDM iwoskes: Darts Waco BY FIRE IN BASKET - | Oakland Motors Are 4 which will be used for the com- WLS '(345)--Chicago. Musical {isn WOR (422.3)--Newark, Merrymakers. WJZ oa York. Slumber music Stylish Shoes WPG (Z2)--Adantic City, Gospel PH ONE IN ap Hymns; Organ. INCREASE FISH SUPPLY Geneva, May 9.--Fire in a pap- I. COLLIS 7.30 KPRC (545)--Houston. Studio. Last year 2,336,500 fish fry of va-| er basket during a speech by Max- y Rua Qu Shesamions, Varad Pro. For Your Drug Needs rious kinds were placed in lakes in| Monday' and sent the other dele- SgSONS Tr - IE Ne ork U.S. Marine Band Be N?* Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta | spread consternation among the 0-34 King 8! RR nC, Naas Whats EBL, T 0 PSO S in persuance of the policy of the | Russian delegation to the Prepar- { Y KMOX." KON" VLBW. WiAL, », 10 Simcoe St. S8.--We Deliver [federal department of fisheries of | atory Disarmament commission WLS 345)--Chicago, Farm Forum, [) WIZ, BORA. Kew, "Wha kwh : By Bi WEY: wygAR WHAM, WLW.| ELLA CINDERS--The Bethrothal Number y Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Fe icy Wiping, Band 10 3, NV " glad 4 J 4 WERG WOSiP." WHE WOW, 1 CANT MAKE PRETTY SPERCHES KMOX, KMBC, KOIL, W5PD, WHK, YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT ME, ANYWAY, WLBW, WMAL. AND T AINT TO BRAG (256)--Philadelphia, Clean-up ABOUT--BUT I OVE YOU, AND TO ™ pany's service equipment, Expanding Plant _-- In Quebec motorists are compell- Defgpit, May 9.--An addition, | eq to come to a "dead stop" at rafl- 120 by 455 feet is being made to | way crossings. That is what quite the plang of the Oakland Motor {a number are also doing in On- Car company, at Pontiac. The | tario.--Chatham News, ' -- = SL tr -------- ---------- ------ A ---- r i Ww rogram, . ji Ba Rh Vil Tao MIE | times . i XA, WBAL, W /y Cy LA, $50 Se oh tr thu Yin WREN, WHARI, WIE, WCFL, KWE WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Musical pro- i CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS gram, ; : | WITH AN AUDIEN NBC System: Rapid Transit to wir, i SELF FOR r= . POG~GON! Effective April 28, 1929, WIAR, WRC, WCAE, WTAG, WGR, | : ET! (Standard Time) WEIL, ; . jl ¥ Eastbound NBC System: Maxwell Hour to WJZ, 7 except Sunday. WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, WOW, a.m. Sunday only. WJAX, WEBC, KOA, KDKA, WIR, .m. Daily. KYW, "WTMJ, "WMC, WLW, WHO, .m. Daily except Sunday, r x WRVA, WDAF, KSTP, KPRC, # .m, Daily except Sunday. WHAS, WSM, WSB, WBT. .m, Daily except Sunday, 9.00 CNRM (411)--Montreal. Program to CNRO, CNRQ, CNRT. SN TN SRN Ladd S8838TLY wun pUDTOUYe B3B3333ppER BRBEAR ally. Daily except Saturday, Daily. Daily. pa Felt Bros. aily. Daily except Sunday, Dail Dally except Sunday. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Daily except Sunday, zstab'ished 1886 ttl N==o Dally: Sunday only. Daily except Sunday, . Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville FYIrT T-- BUS LINE RINGIN HE -- . WEEK DAY SCHEDULE B G up FAT R (Effective on and after April 28, 1920.) LUMBER (Daylight Saving Time) }TYRI_NE 2 PPP OEEEsp ANTENNA ONNANOANNN > 1} hi, WELL: I'M GLAD ; HERE COMES DINTY HOW DARE YOU THINK MY 1 WOZ PLAYIN' TENNIS SERVES i DINTY 19 BACK NOW: BUT FER GOOD WIFE HIT ME? SHES TOO | i] An THE BALL FIT ME You & i EVEN IF HE WUZ : NESS SAKE- WHATS : m SWEET TO DO & IN THE EVE: RIGHT: | ; SAP ENOUGH | j§ : . ; ANY THING LIKE TO GIT 3 MARRIED - use [| Building : bis Materials : 4.35 p.m. 645 p.m. Prompt Delivery iis Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. Hospital - bens a3F NOW®EN ABLARRE3358 PPEOPTOPTUS wos NO ee o Nena con Fos 588888588 DUTPVOOTOEEEES RnawniS BE8333833383; fy Bo 3& BBERERBEBRBREE: SOX AMAWNNRO SEES ER88uk PYPPPPPPPppLbS ® ppPE3BpBERaanli ESweNn a | Hy § £ 2 orf; y 4 888 po in a b-3-R-R-3-R- LT N fy ONAN SN -- OPANAUNRS OPN 233333331 CONRAN NOON BSRIRRSH8ABBEE hho oa-Rob-E-R-R-N NEN 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m, 2.35 p.m. £6.50 p.m, 2Bassshgeas VPTPTOVVYTPpnpp 332333388388 CEEEEEREER EERE EEE hd 38 Lad I=] > & 8 1.00 pm, 11. Time marked Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST . HE TAPIR ISA CLUMSILY BUILT, THICK SKINNED : WOULDN'T YOU ffl I'D RATHER SEE Author of: | . ANIMAL RELATED TO THE RHINOCEROS AnD THE HORSE. : LIKE TOSEEA Yl A COUPLE OF Cpe Foatpre Service | THE NOSE AND UPPER LIP FORM AN ELONGATED | Bl piciiciago, fl SCALLOPS DOING our Eyes and¥Health 1 i | CoE SHOUT OR TRUNK. THEY ARE ABOUT SEVEN FEET LON. A Gerry I SSTLAT Disney Block KINDS OF ANIMALS, HOT FOUND I NORTH haa | 1 1616--Phooe--1516 1 ~~ | AMERICA, TOMMY. } V, ou -- : : sah : 1} ! 3) i$ = W. A. HARE Ses Se Lom NW | Fo) La OPTOMETRIST I NT) A 23Y; Simcoe St North ol~7 i : Ae 0 Re atatL ie re all Lm i 7 : LANNY 100KS LIKE A MIXTURE OF THE MOLE HE HAS HO TAIL AND HIS FEET ARE WEBBED. XX / J X) AND THE ARMADILLO. THE TOP OF THE HIS. HAIR 1S COARSE, MORE LIKE THE BRISTLES HEAD, BACK AMD HIHD PARTS ARE COVER- .m, 12.00 are through busses to a Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prige St.-- OF A HOG THAM FUR HE 15 EQUALLY AY HOME ENA ED WITH A SHELLY:PUATESAT LOOKS ON LAND ORIN THE WATER. WHEN HE 15 FUL N= AS IF IT HAD BEEN CHOPPED OFF SHORT. - FOR SALE - TR gg GROWN HE 15 ABOUT THREE FEET IN LENGTH. LA NT © 173, ing Puta Sadat, oe, Gro Ben eb rer] | 5-9 Beautiful residence on the corner of Burk and King, 15 rooms and finished attic, two bath TS0ma, stool on first flat, hot water heating, 4 rooms in basement, also four : 4 = VER YOU DON'T IT'S NOT "THE room cottage with stool, splendid site for bu I OSE AST EH ING] re, on COST OF "THE E l ° T R MA Cou a. | INT Sion Sve AGENT ivy ME, ur a ol! \ . G |] = TILLAE = TH . XC usive -ea oom : FENDER 8 STL IT'S "THE ERINCIP A § X SMASHED ON My 3 OF THE THING - T 3 ' SERVICE ACCIDENT CAR , BUY | WA : ourists Rest "STATION 5 \ HAPPENED x. BUY TL. os IY _WAS HIS FAULT Lot 93 ft 6 in. on King by 203 ft 101/ in. on Burk. Price '$18,000.00, for further particulars apply J. A. BICKELL 430 Simcoe Street South, Phone 1240W

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