Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 May 1929, p. 12

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THE HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY. 9, 1929 IBERAL STRATEGY TO BAFFLE VOTERS tes Put Up Who Cannot Possibly 4 Win JHOPING FOR CONTROL lares Moscow Is Work- ing Night and Day to De- stroy Peace of Empire b : { k London, May 9.--Rt, Hon. Winston hurchill, chancellor of the excheq- er, last night charged the Liberals ith sabotaging scores of parliament- ry scats and delivering them to the ocialists. He spoke in Glasgow and s speech was relayed to a number f other centres. %¥ He spoke of the "dangerous con- E: against the well-being of this ountry," and said the Liberal party, aving done its best to exaggerate he question of unemployment, was ow running 500 candidates of whom nly 60 or 70 would be returned. "All the others are simply put for- ard in order to confuse and baffle the voters in 430 or 440 constituen- icies," he declared, "and in the great hulk of the cases their men will lose Stheir deposits. They are doing it with Ethe deliberate object 'of producing a sparliament in which no party can ave a majority, They are doing it ith the object of being able to put ndue pressure first on the Conser- vatives and then, if that fails, on the Socialists. ) ' "Is that the kind of government we wish to aim at or which we require for the well being of the nation? I cannot conceive a greater misfortune than that the country should be, as it were, held up to auction in that way. The Liberals justify themselves when they are criticized in this re- spect by saying the electoral law 1s unfair to them. "I have not denied their grievance but I say their grievance, no matter how high you put it, does not justi- fy them in sabotaging scores of seats and delivering them to the Socialists." Mr. Churchill compared the Liber- als with a ruffian who throws a brick through a platc-glass window in or- der to draw attentiod to the fact he is unemployed. An Unjustifiable Action "It is an unjustifiable action," he added, "a breach of moral faith, al- though it may not be amendable un- der legal process. No plan to inyme the empire could be better than that for which the opposition parties, ana especially the Liberals are working steadily, namely, that there is to be a meaningless hiatus of government and that there is to be another gen- eral election, "If I am challenged to name our enemies I will do so, There is a com- munist government in Russia which never steps by night or day its at- tacks in every quarter of the world on the peace and prosperity of the empire." In a similar strain Rt. Hon. Sir, William Joynson-Hicks, home secre- tary, spoke at Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, He echoed the conten- tion that the fight was between con- stitutionalism and Socialism. Must Search for New Markets Montreal, Que, May 9.--The in- crease in American tariff rates fro. $2 to $3.84 per container prevents to an even greater extent export of Can- : / See This Ring -- in chaste severity-- smart,new and above ~~ - all, conforming Xt hl appeal. ZC « admirable y Eod latest trend. Simple line and silhouette in extremely grace- ful contour and line -- for the elite a ring of unmistakable This gayuisiie ring discloses designi y Gnatisy ni ing skill -- uti simplicity and contour con Jorming to the ultra modern trend $200 J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 10 King St. West + TRAUB Genuine Orange Blossom to Esgagem nt and Wedding Rings + * ade Mark Phone 189 I Would Not Like to Be Without Them Says Ontario Man of Dodd's Kidney Pills Mr. N. Shafer Used Them For Pains in Back Caused by Severe Colds Kitchener, Ont.,, May 8. (Special) During the winter months colds and chills double the work of the kidneys. It is therefore necessary to strengthen them and safeguard yourself against serious results, Dodd's Kidney Pills are a reliable Kidney medicine. Mr, N, Shafer, 31 Irvin St., Kit- chener, writes:-- "I have used Dodd's Kidney Pills on different oc- casions and found them very ef- fective for pains in the back caused by severe colds. I keep them on hand all the time and whenever I feel the need I take them until the pain leaves. I am past fifty and would not like to be without them." Your health, strength and vital- ity depend upon the eondition of your blood, for it is through the blood that every part of your body is nourished. Pure blood courisng through the body carries to the different organs the nourishment they need to keep them healthy. adian cream to the United States, and for this reason dominion produc- ers are urged to make more butter at all periods of the year, and so remedy the deficiency between the present demand and annual produc- tion of this country, Hon. J. Ed. Ca- ron, former minister of agriculture in the provincial cabinet said yes- terday. ---- NEW ART GALLERIES WILL OPEN TODAY $1,000,000 Collection of Pictures Will Be Seen by Public Toronto, May 9.--What promises to be one of the outstanding art ex- hibitions of the year in Toronto has been arranged for today--the open- ing of the Merrit Maloney Art Gal- leries. When this is thrown open to the public a $1,000,000 collection of pictures secured through the co-op- eration of the owners of the Ehrich Art Galleries of New York City, will be on view. Of peculiar interest in this collec- tion are examples of the work of such masters of the brush as Sir Thomas Lawrence, Sir Henry Rae- burn, George Henry Harlow, Fran- cisco di Zuraban, Allan Ramsay, An- thony Van Dyke, George Morland, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Dupre, C. E. Jacque and a host of others, whose authentic works the public are sel- dom privileged to see. In addition to the Ehrich Art Gal- lery exhibition, some fine examples of work by the late Paul Peel, Can- ada's master painter are on exhibi- tion in the galleries, while there is also a strong representation of work from the school, and by continental Barbizon masters. I Sweeten Her whch is dies . . . they're both for your favori heart. Don't forget to combine them day, May 12. In 1, 2 and 3 Pound Boxes. SMILES 'N' CHUCKLES Next the P, O. WE DELIVER ; EE hii cd iihs ht Ai ded a Lb B po tdi bod Debate bf GRR ES ERE IVR EERE I OTERF J Serra I IRE SHOT EAA fag Special Candy... for HER Special Day! MOTHERS' DAY and Karn's delicious can- SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY ASSORTMENT. Fancy Boxes up to $3.00 of Moir's, Neilson's, and Metcalfe's KARN'S DRUG STORE MOTHERS vs J te sweet- on Sun- Phone 378 DENY COMMUNISTS TORE UNION JACK Police State Story Circulated by Agitators to Create 1ll-Feeling Toronto, May 9.--Following an in- vestigation by District Inspector Moore and Constable Hartleib, of the provincial police, the attorney-gener- al's department has reached the 'con- clusion that there is no foundation in fact for the recent report from Finns, had seized a Union Jack from the school, torn it up and stamped upon it in the streets, Inspector Moore reported that on the contrary the situation has not been better for a long time with regard to Red activities in Timmins. He said that he had never scen a quieter May Day in Timmins than last May 1. In his report, Inspector Moore quo- tes the Timmins chief of police as stating that he believed the story was merely circulated to create ill-feeling in the town's foreign section as a prelude to May Day demonstrations. PRISONERS READ 10 GREAT EXTENT Those Who Can't read Take Out Picture Magazines From Library Toronto, Ont., May 7.--Romeo P. Lapierre, B.A., has left off teaching convicts in penitentiaries and next Year will teach French to the pupils of Humberside Collegiate here. After six years of work in St. Vincent Mr. Lapierre has many interesting things to tell about his work in the prison. "Every inmate has a library cata- logue in his cell," he said recently, "and there are 8,000 volumes of all kinds in the prison library to choose from. In addition the government subscribes to about 60 magazines. Practically all of the men avail themselves of the library privileges and even the illiterates take out pic- ture magazines. Fiction is most popular and the library is quite up to date." Part of Mr. Lapierre's duties con- sisted in visiting the men in their cells and asking them what they would like to read as well as advis- ing them what books to select. "The idea," he said, "is to try to mould a man's.life in prison so that he can better his position after he gets out." . The penitentiary school, Mr. La- pierre explained, is conducted in the noon hour. Attendance is not com- pulsory except for illiterates but many of the convicts undertake vari- ous kinds of voluntary studies. Last year eight wrote the high school en- trance examination and passed, one with honors. In the lower. school examinations six wrote and three passed in five subjects while several wrote the middle and upper school examinations with a measurable de- gree of success. Mr. Lapierre said he was unable to teach all the convicts but received: assistance from some educated men among the prisoners, one of whom was a school teacher. He said he had never had any trouble with discipline but there were always three or four guards presiding over the school. Mr. Lapierre comes from Montreal. He was transferred from St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary to the institu- tion at Portsmouth after six years' service, He graduated from Queen's University in 1927 and this year will obtain his high school teacher's cer- tificate at the Ontario College of Edu- cation. FLOATING BODY SEEN Kingston.--William Bralis, pilot on the steamer Ignifer, reported when he came ashore that a body had been seen floating bewtecn Coalbath Shoal and the foot of Wolfe Island, Thursday last, about Lten miles east of Kingston. Owing to a strong gale the vessel could not stop to pick up the body. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS On Face, Lasted Three Years, Healed by Cuticura, 'I was troubled with pimples and on my face. The pimples were hard and red, and after four or five days would fester. They disfig- ured my face for a time. The trouble lasted three years. "I sent for a free sample of Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and applied them. They afforded vebief after two or three applications, purchased more and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes o Ctl Oi wah pletely healed." (Signed) Emmett Labine, Maybrook, Ont. : Cuticura Soap is sanative, anti- septic, and not only cleanses but heals irritations and restores the normal action of the pores. Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause --congestion of blood in the lowes bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail. Dr. Leon- hardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tab- let, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile mis- ery or money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee, Timmins that communists, said to be, PARENTS T0 FACE CRIMINAL CHARGE Jointly: Responsible : For Malnutrition of "Child ---- Stratford, May 9.--A, J. Wilson, aad his wife who were held joint- ly at fault by a coroner's jury in- vestigating the death of Alma ©@I- ive Wilson, 15, daughter of Wilson some weeks ago, will face a crim- inal 'charge in eounty court within the next few days, according to Crown Attorney G. I. McPherson, The jury found the child nad been suffering from malnutrition and charged the "shameful neglect." They attri- buted the death to lack of proper medical attention. The parents will be charged un- der a section of the criminal code which states parents are guilty of an indictable offence if they fail to provide for dependent children,' Mr. McPherson said, LUMBER COMPANIES BLAMED FOR 10S Delegation to Wait on Mac- kenzie King at Ottawa (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) North Bay, May 9.--Contending a tremendous loss of property had been suffered and their beach decimated by the highwater of Lake Nipissing, caused through the damming of neighboring riv- ers by lumber companies to assist in their spring drives a delegation left here last night for Otawa to place the matter before the Do- minfon Government, The desv= gation which sought a hearing with Premier Mackenzie King, has been instructed to remain at the Capital until the , Govermuwunt's attitude has been definitely sturea. Various delegations made several unsuccesful visits to Ottawa last year. Mayor E, L. Banner, who is one of the delegates, stated yesterday parents with' R. NEILL, LTD. OF BETTER VALUES THE STORE We are featuring this week some wonderful Values in Shoes For ALL THE FAMILY WOMEN'S DEPT. Women's Patent and blonde strap shoes, Cuban or High heels. Price. $2.75 to $5.50 Corrective Shoe. A shoe for MEN'S DEPARTMENT Sizes 6 to 11 Tan and Black Oxfords $3.50 to $4.00 'We Sell the famous Empress ' YOUTH'S DEPT. Sizes 11 to 2 Calf Oxfords, Black and Tan Price $3.00 INFANT'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPT. Infant's sizes O to 4 in little Soft soles in Patent leather or white kid. Prices 75¢ to 90c Ohfid's Sizes B to 93% and 8 to 10%, in straps and ties built to give good wear.» Price $1.25 to $3.00 Men's Calf Oxfords $4.35 to $7.50 : N Tr a [ ------.. 12 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 3108 BOY'S DEPARTMENT Sizes 1 to 5 Boy's Tan and Black Ox- fords at $3.00 and $3.35 Tan and Black Calf Oxfords Sewn Soles Price. $4.00 and $4.35 MISSES' DEPT. Sizes 11 to 2 Misses' Black and Tan Ties Price $2.75 to $3.45 Strap Slippers in patent leather Price $1.85 to $3.45 city of North Bay had procured a fiat to Institute action against the Dominion Government for the re- covery of damages estimated at $250,000, occasioned to property owners by the flood waters. NOVA SOOTIA'S MINERALS Mining is one of the chief lines of industrial activity in Nova Sco- tia and coal is the chief mineral product; next to coal comes gyp- sum, then salt. Iron ore is no long- er mined having been displaced in the local iron industry by ore from Newfoundland, The past few years, however, have seen a marked re- vival of interest in Nova Scotia gold mines. Wanted To Go Home Sobbed Lonely Boy Kingston, May %--Just out in this country six months and suf- fering from lonesomeness, Freder- ick Edwards, aged 15, wandered into the office of+Mayor W. H. Craig, and bursting into tears, stated that he wanted to .go home to his mother in Liverpool. After making inquiries regarding the lad, Mayor Craig gave him a raii- way pags as far as Montreal, and upon arrival there the youngster will report at the immigration office and ask to be sent home. He has been working with a farmer near Brantford. The population of the Province of New Brunswick is now estimated at 411,000. Stomach Misery Changed to Joy Don't be miserable with those stomach troubles, PINK CAPSULES FOR IN- DIGESTION will end your stomach ills--they are guaranteed to banish ine digestion, gas, and ALL dyspeptic . disorders. Try them now from Karn's or any good druggist, GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL Clearance Sale Assorted patterns Regular 95¢".... 25 Doz. Boys' 50¢ Caps | FREE! Ladies' and Gents' Hose with every $3. or over pur- ase. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 10th Thousands of Dollars Worth of Merchandise at Greatly Reduced Prices FREE! 50 PRS. BOY'S SOLID LEATHER BOOTS With Panco Soles. Regular $2.75 .. $2.25 MEN'S NAVY BLUE Work Shirts Regular 79¢ 4 4 Cc Sale Price ....... YOUNG MEN'S GREY & BROWN WORSTED SUITS $18.50 MEN'S FANCY CHECKED HOSE 50 PR. BOY'S BLACK & BROWN OXFORD nek $3.25 15 DOZEN TWEED Top Coats v5 $9.50 10 DOZ. DRESS J Boys' Blouses Assorted patterns & colors, Reg. 75c¢ ... 49¢ Boys' Running Shoes Reavy Crepe $ 1 Boys' Navy i. SHIRTS Blue Suits Tan 15¢ $1.39 Reg. $7.95 ; $5.75 lars. Regu- extra bloom-' MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, COLLAR ATTACHED OR DETACHED. Reg. $2.50. $1.39 lar $2.50 .... Children's Extra Special' Running Shoes Dress up for the Holiday on May 24th. Get a made to meas- PRICE ........... QC ure Suit of Clothes with extra : Order yours now trousers free. for $22.50 Dominion Clothing Company 68 King St. West We Deliver Phone 2141 Regular $24.50 ...... Leese tne esses . Men's and Young Men's TROUSERS Regular $1.75 $1 00 Sale ....co00.

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