' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1929 TR (400)--Detrolt. Lingemsn Mia: Nhe System: Concert Bureau Hour to wi 2.50 NEC Fre Empire liens fo Wi ' ' ' hi 5, veo Vile As Por mers Rare WDA, esi oud ; KPRG, WCSH, WOAL WET, > : > i yo gers orches. # v ~M™ he 3 - HON et Network: Night Club. Rom: : ; rr CUTLER & PRESTON iy i ; v 4 (® |) dash ¢ 64 KING ST. W. WEAN, WSL, WHAR, Was, i RM wr walt: o Telephone 572-228 mid EE en & Ea. i BE nS oN; do. Eid AL he for Bh ouwai Ont na) Might Calls-510:1590. WT. A ' Tm chestra, i War, Be NC | URS ADSDA FEA ANY 9.00 a.m, NBC System 23, Copeland Wek orchestra | 500 CHW, route. Orchestra pro. eat' i ed in here by a coast guard vessel, NBC" to " with her skipper missing, was built 28 NB oe ly H SAT "Natoms' to er skippe 10.00 NBC b WRVA, by Fred A. Hamm at Mahone Bay, Network: Ida 4 y--Schenectady WGR, 4 1018 NBC Sratem OW EAT) --Househeid BS ae APL NS, in 1925, She was formerly Mystery System (Ceatral)--F, ; Wi 2) inges. known as the Down North. The craft ii Ye. Hour! Be a. Vz When i, KE, Eodk ¢ he is 68 feet long and of 16 foot beam. apie ion Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W, er owner, Leland H, Row, wealthy 3% WCCO Mpls. St. Pad, Miseapolls, vs. Soprano rat Te New York sportsman and operator 2 Manager. of a New Jersey shipyard, reported | "oc clined to grant it, Nearly 300 men TONIGHTS BVENING PROGRAMS WE Be w AR (dam--C : that bis skipper, Captain John Scho- 8.0 be Sltected m. the agree- EASTERN STANDARD TIME WSAIL I. : KPAB ( incoln, Balalaiks orches,| Edward K. Ch f this city, | field was lost overboard when he » ent, Feeling ran high during the #.30 NBC System: Bib and Jane to WEAF, KS! WBAP cht Worth, Boys 8d] (1 2p apman, of this | went aloft to fix the mainsail dur- meeting, as nearly half of the men - WRC, _ News; Gi Progra should have believed in Santa Claus. A 3 i were in favor of laying down their 1100 WRAP. (Hoo Fe® Wosth, Music. In life he had been known as the |ing a heavy blow. A quantity of li tools, Book Man. ' 1 "Chri eM nai quor was found on the Nomad, Tronto Moiict s WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Romeo | "Christmas Tree King" having dealt oTronto, May 6.--By a narrow| Ranks of striking unionists were x Slaten: Sheeryes gles yoores WRVA, WIAM, WKY; KOA and, Juliet, Phils: Danie' mele. in the evergreen Yuletide sity. margin, the members of the Inter-lreduced to 1,500 when a WEL { 5 Seid, tstn;' dine wie, le eau Kansas City Ane' mt | When his will was filed here it show- national . Sheetmetal = Workers' [settlement with one of the ner music, WPG (272)--Atlantlo Tey i s An, to KPRC, KMOX, K. ed that he had amassed a fortune of union, local 30, decided to accept |largest painting contractors on the Dinner Concert, Ww. (345; cago. Variety pro- | $300,000, His children receive the the offer of the contractors on Sat- | Royal York was made and other 7 SBC. Systems Arg Py ia, to ONE 22 FLA (339)~Clearwater. Dance Ram. | Pulk of his estate, but there are sev- Stylish Shoes urday, for an increase from $1 an|agreements entered into ith in- WEAF, WEET KS WTAG, ble. eral public bequests, 1. COLLIS hour to $1.07 3 an hour retro-|dividual employers. These were WTIC, 'WLIT, WTAM, WIAR, wwr, WGOHP (246)--Detroit. Dance musie. active to Ma; an further in- WD. WRG WCSH, WSAL, WGN, or Your Drug Needs & SONS ve to y 1, and a further in-|the outstanding features 'at the WoA T crease of seven and a half cents| conclusion of the third day's strike, WIP '(492)--Phila, Progress din. OMPSONS CHRISTMAS TREE KING N.S. BUILT YACHT IN NEWS an hour, effective May 1, 1930.| with the lathers and plasters, ner. LEAVES FORTUNE| Cape May, N.J, May 6, -- The Ww. They were negotiating for $1.25 |stonecutters and plumbers still NBG System: White Ea, Copert 20 10 Simcoe St. S8.~--We Deliver Portland, Me, May 6.--The late' schooner yacht Nomad, recently tow- an hour, but the contractor de-' determined to hold out. WREN, WAL WL, KWK, WKY, KOA, WBZA. WPG' (272)--Atlantic © City, Musical By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb son GIF Cigu-gutems. Cpt archer fi Li y RN) | chestra, o 3 gi. : "GONE | WIZ, WT Waar Ea wre floll 168 -: Lh i QUST CANT x, Wain, KWK, WEBE, ROA" : i : -- ' iia /. Zz 4 TI ND WPG (272)--Atlantle City, Concert or- Hi4 ; 8.30 NBC Systems Motors Party to WEAF. 2.03 a.m. Daily, H ystem: Motors to All times shown above: are times Fralns WEEIL, WWJ, WTIC, "WOW, WOAI, Bepart from Oshawa Sta WSAT, KSTP, WOC, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WCAE, WTAM, WFAA, WSM, WGN, KSD, WJAX, WDAF, WHAS, WIAR, WTAG, WGR, WSB, WBT, KOA, KPRC, WTMJ, WGY, WIOD, WME, WKY. NBC System "Real Fiiks" to Z, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, WLW, WIR, KWK, KYW, WREN, WBAL. 850 CNRO (434.5)~Ottawa, CNRO Sym. 9.00 Columbia Network: Bum's Panatel AOR HAR 2 : TIA fo WOR, WNAC, WEAN, =WFBL. ; 4 ' = b= i gi WLBW, 'WFBM, WMAK,, WSPD, ' = Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELER ; op =F 0 12 Simcoe St. South 1 : = Son g ' SAAS BY [ In pl HE ompre SEEsnnaoes Rakbee £ i Bai Ai in 3 oy EEIEEERERE | Hy iH : B | BRINGING UP FATHER-- LUMBER yu ; ni des in . - ---- G THING A GENTLEMAN LEFT THIS MAGGIED NECKLACE] [| [AN'A LETTER FROM By IN AN ote & LETTER AND PACKAGE HE WELL: THIS 1S A WHOOPEE MS GURK HES HELL TELL ME EVERY THING I SAID IT 1D VERY IMPORTANT GREAT SURPRISE BACK IN "TOWNLAN' ALL 1D WHEN HE SEES AND VALUABLE - WELL: 90 ALL MY 5 ™M WORRYIN' 19 OVER Building TY ' : Materials 4 Prompt Delivery ait pS S SLBR6588 TEHRAN 20 aa S3E8E! PRRRRRERRRERED E 3 - ~~ wg 283 Senta / E: FRRRRRRRRRRREE Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. i) HT NOON apis oUEEse BERRRRRRRENGSE ES S88 vem Baa wn 58 2BHY8IBABE BEERREE ESoNoanm FaS282 3 Wouvuy 8 50 HoNas Eos a8us H DAME HATURE SPARES NO EXPENSE INHER ; "wh, : OH! T WONDER WHAT ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, TOMMY, WHEN ny 4 Wy' 0 THE POOR LITTLE MOTHS FLOWERS PUT ON THEIR BRIGHT COLORS TR im, BY % ; LIVED ON BEFORE ADAM THEY ARE ADVERTISING "FREE NECTAR Jf | SLE ull. AMD EVE WORE CLOTHES ? 'OH DRAFT TODAY." f "TRUTH I ADVERTISING BUT ARE "CONFIDENCE PLANTS. THE PITCHER ; PLAT HAS AN ATTRACTIVE BILLBOARD READ THE FLOWERS ADVERTISMENT AND 1 9] / AD TAKES IM SUCKERS BY ITS OFFER OF GEY FREE DIMERS WHILE THEY SIFT POL: 4 FREE DRINKS. THE SUNDEWS AND FLY- LEN FROM STAMEN TO PISTIL FORTHE FLOWER. (A\3 TRAPS BY THEIR ADVERTISING ENTICE THAT IS WHAT THE FLOWER REALLY WANTS. ry] | Li le 'GYPROC- CELOTEX | oma | thc: \w As a substitute for Lath and Plaster we RAAT ad iL EAN VM Thrrouan WITH OH, YOUR PHONE'S : ; ALL DAMES - SHE RINE ING, MISS JONES highly recommend the use of Gyproc--a SUCCESS, TLUE) |INTO MACS Ce SHED CLL ANSWER AT ; : WERE SIRLS fire-proof product of exceptional lasting 'hese You 2 AND SASUES wy YoU Han 3s "to WER PARTY N L quality. ACCIDENT wHENLFHINE He LET HER OLD fo ToL FOS \irry)dionie CELOTEX--an insulating board-- T1 Second-to-none. Courteous and Quick Service W. J. TRICK Company, Limited 25 Albert St. Phone 230