hk OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, SAIUKDAY, MAY 4, 129 DECLARES WARD "SYSTEM HANDICAP PROGRESSIVE ITY Dr. Horace L. Brittain Also Says It Tends to Produce Ward Politicians Probably 74 per cent of all gov- ernment lies in the administrative field, he said, and in municipal gov- ernment from 45 to 50 per cent of all expenditures is for personal services in the form of wages, sal- aries and fees, Members of city councils do not need to be experts in administration but should be able to recognize ability and train- ing in others 'when they see it. Only blind luck, asserted MF. Brit- tain, could pick out a good medi- cal officer of health through elec- tion, but an election was the best manner of selecting ment who had common sensé enough to appoint debt of many dian cities is the ward systenw/ Sy: stom eba . aKness © ward : Wh, ow Is the fact that i ors ds to pre the type kiowit as the warditiclan. As eleetion to the hig Pofitions Is usally onfined {ose who have had oN ot aldermen, the 'ward' exp tality ecomes predominant through In large cities, where TOUBAY, themselves have opulation, the result vey 1 so serious as in smail- may no/ PARKS DECLARES HE WILL SUICIDE AND NOT GO BACK Arraigned on Theft Charge, Peterboro Jail-Breaker Pleads Guilty Rh "In power, ease of drivingsnd flexibility, the new McLaugslin- the right man as M.O.H. Windsor, May 4.--Although fre- Toronto, May 3.--A serious ar- ralgnthient of the ward system of electing city councils, as practised in Torofito and other cities, was ouneed by Dr. Horace L. Brit- ; director of the Bureau of Mu- ipal Research, in his address ursday night before the annual uet of the Chartered Institute 0 taries of joint stock com- pasies a Jae: public bodies, in Lo, rd of trade headguarters. . Brittain's topic was "The Personnel Problem of Municipal ©orporations" and dealt with the difficulty of finding the proper type of men to decide policies and to them out. The first type waa elected part of the personnel, 8 pointed out, and the second the appointed. Selecting persons for # type of position, he declared, brought two distinct problems to be faced.. Should Decide Policy city as a whole. phasizes distri¢t needs; pense. "But the chief duty of city coun- clls is to decide matters of policy," continued Mr. Brittain, '""and they should be so elected ag not to hand- icap them in such decisions. usual method of election by wards does result in such handicaps. icies should be decided on from a consideration of the needs of the The Pol- "The ward method naturally em- aldermen | ring the best service from al- are apt to be elected on the basis hn of their ability to get things done jr! in their wards at the general prs oi Caradian municipalities the Decisions are therefore notiole covncil ig elected each year. always based on the needs of thejis meins that a new member city but on the needs of ward dermen who wish to be re-electedrst of the year to learn the ropes One reason for the patchy developnd se'eral months at the end of ment and high local improvemeghe y@r to mending his fences. The e ward system may not i TT which ar ragtic- ped' so far as lute - : are concer: , the ef- In countries where there ice pany families the disadvan- tage? not be very important; but 2eW countries, where most 'erested in developing tne are ond earning a living, where pre in a state of rapid growth "ange, the ward system 1s a / handicap. rm of Service Too Short. he mext heaviest handicap to en is the too short and not lapping term of sérvice, In i tase several months at the rest /£ the time, with the possible While They Last Royal Cord Tire 33x4 Only one at this price. 32x4Y, U. Cord Tire Only Three Left $16.95 32x4 U. Cord Tire $15.50 32x4 'ROYAL COP TIRES $19, Only Two in $18.8' Have you ¢# °%F ish. $55 30X3: vt A 4.49 htly Used Incubator j 1 8tightly Used Incubaror 528,00 "J exce'tion of the two months' sum- S$-P-E-C-1-A-L-§/ me holiday, he must have his ear tothe ground. "Under the circumstances, it is extremely difficult to give good ser- vice. If re-elected, the alderman is under a handicap only slightly less heavy. One of the most im- portant requirements of efficiency in city councils is that they huve continuity of policy. This is prac- tically impossible without the rela- tive continpity of membership brought about by overlapping terms, The efficiency of all councils, not already so elected, would be promoted by the lengthening of the term to three years and the elec- tion of only a third of the member- ship each year. ""A third handicap to the efficlen- cy of city councils is too large a membership. This promotes talking to the gallery and lengthy speech- making. Talk is not cheap; m reality it is extremely expensive. A city council, at least in a new eoun- try, will secure a nearer approach to efficiency of discussion on the basis of real community needs if the membership is sufficiently small to be able to sit around a board table. This promotes dis- cussion and makes orating ridicu- lous if not impossible. "A complicated committee sys- tem is also a deadly handicap. it results in the threshing over of old straw, and the long delays incident to 'passing and repassing the buck." If all matters were discuss- ed in the committee of the whole, each would know what all the oth- be traditions of piiblié sérs|. The Police are busy every day Stopping motorists at random testing the brakes of their oars. YOU may be the next one picked' up with faulty brakes and e a stiff fine. For your own safety and the safety of others get your brakes re- Jned with genuine Raybestos rake Lining 31a drive secure in the knowledge that you cin stop quickly, safely and surely in any emergency. | house alive, he suddenly | guilty to the theft. After he elect- 'Jed trial by Magistrate D. M, Brodie, Silver, BRAKE LINING Mercury Service, Ltd. Corner King and Mary Streets, Oshawa DUNNING PLANNING NEW TYPE SHIPS ON HUDSON BAY ROUTE Thornton = Admits Private Company Would Go Bankrupt Ottawa, May 4. -- Hon. C. A. Dun- ning, Minister of Railways, declared here before the Railway and Ship- ping Committee of the House of Commons that the Government plans to build new vessels particularly de- signed to "give a fair chance" to the quently during the long trip from Moose Jaw, Sask. before he was arrested while driving a motor car stolen from O, E. Fleming, K.C, here, John Parks, 28, notorious Jail-breaker, declared that they would never get him to the big eaded in the Windsor police court, Parks wag remanded for sentence till May 10, on the charge. "They'll never get me back to Kingston alive; I'll commit sule- ide," he told his captors, He arrived in Windsor at 1 o'clock this morning in charge of Detective James Campbell, who was sent 1,800 miles to Moose Jaw to bring him hack, thus bringing to an end a nation-wide chase which was started by his escape from the Peterboro jail last January 3, where he was being held on an- puller charge of automobile-steal- ng, Parks, shackled In the dock to Detective James Yokim, presented a very different spectacle to the debonair person who was travel- ling with a young woman and us- ing the name of 0. E. Fleming when he was arrested in Moose Jaw. He wore a ragged suit of clothes, had no collar nor tie and his face was dark with a week's growth of beard. En route while the train was be- tween Kenora and Fort William, Parks made a sensational atteinpt to escape which was frustrated. Contrary to reports, Detective Campbell says he was not asleep when Parks tried to get away, but heard the faint sound of 2 saw as Parks was trying to cut his fetters, From marks on his body, the detective says he believed that the saw was hidden on Parks' back. Campbell says that the man made frequent threats and de- clared that they would never get him back to the "Big House" alive. Parks is being closely watch- ed in his cell at the county jail. LONDON WOMAN KILLED London, Ont.,, May 4--Struck by a hit-and-run motorist at 12.30 Thursday morning as she tried to board a bus in front of Springbank amusement park, Miss Diana Spiers employed as a domestic at the Queen Alexandra sanatorium, Byr- on, died of a fractured skull ana other injuries in Victoria hospital. Emin | = - yr " Nps. has been driving automo- for 15 years, and has an intimate knowledge of motor car performance and value. Yet his enthusiastic comment mere. ly typifies that of thousands who have turned to McLaughlin. Buick after making their own exacting tests. Not only have motorists in all farts of the country accepted cLaughlin-Buick's invitation T= owner quoted above biles Os'wa, en." (name on request) the facts Buick out-performs any:sar 1 : PS simian have ever driv They t behind the wel--got the facts bought Mel ghlin-Buicks. put McLaughlin - ce . « but they orders for more than twic/ Many McLaughlin car at or drive a McLaughlin- Be surg v it in traffic--on the way -- up more more careful your hile the steepest your bs gong sethe are inevit- abl ey lead you to ughlin-Buick ! McLaughin I Toffatt Mrtor Sales, Ltd. 88 Simcoe St. North hone § WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARFBUILT --MLAUGHLIN - BUICK WILL BUILD THiiM Ontario M-4.5.298 'Buick Phone 915 Fox HapWare erg know." re's Why Twestone Tirs Hold All Records Hudson Bay route. He did not state how many vessels were to be built, ; par Ef T their size, nor in what particulars . ? > re HE they would differ from ordinary freighters, but it is likely that the ice conditions they will have to con- tend with will govern the congtrue- tion. The announcement was made dur- ing a discussion of the losses on Can- adian National Steamships' vessels. Hon. H. H. Stevens suggested using some of them in the Hudson Bay service, but the Minister of Railways put his foot down on that proposal without hesitation. Those vessels, he said, were not suitable. Sir Henry Thornton asked what would happen to the C.N.S. lines if they were under private ownership, stated that they would "go into re- ceivership in 80 seconds." Continued consideration of the tenth annual report of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Lim- ited, occupied the attention of the committee. Sir Henry Thornton stated that the C.G.M.M. had a total volume of $159,000,000 and 1,307,000 tons traffic last year. Of these fig- ures the export trade totalled $112,- 000,000; import trade $39,000,000 and inter-coastal trade $7,000,000. Col. Thomas Cantley of Pictou sug- gested that a more determined ef- fort be made to sell or even scrap a number of the ships being operat- ed in the service at a loss. Hon. H. H. Stevens of Vancouver suggested that some of the ships be used on the new Hudson Bay route. Hon, C. A. Dunning, Minister of Railways, said, in reply to Mr. Stev- ens, that he is determined the Hud- son Bay route be given "a fair chance" and a better chance than the typé of ships in the Merchant Marine could possibly give the new route. Sir Henry pointed out that & ques- tion of policy is involved and that it now is engaging "the serious at- tention" of Hon. Mr. Dunning and Hon, James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce. Meanwhile, the seryice Is trying to sell'six ships, but only unsatisfactory / bids have been received to date. No Insulation! "NJADAM... could not rent a non- insulated home to-day. This house is bes ing completelyinsulated with TEN/TEST"". Agents who know what the public de- mands state that insulation is absolutely necessary to secure tenants and to.keep them satisfied. TEN/TEST Insulating Build- ing Board provides the full measure of insulation. Many homes already built are being re- modelled with TEN/TEST at slight extra cost. TEN/TEST makes houses proof against outside heat and cold, prevents draughts and dampness and retains furnace heat to the ture of 35% saving in fuel bills. You who plan to buy, build or remodel should inform yourself about this vital question. Write for "TEN/TEST and the Most Wonderful Adventure inthe World.' Mailed free on request. internal heat and friction -- generated within the tire by the cords chafing against each other. Firestone has solved this with the patented exclusive Gum- Dipping process. In this extra process, every cord passes through liquid rubber which saturates every fibre in every strand and insulates every part of the cord with pure rubber. This is the only known method which carries the liquid rubber to the innermost parts of the cords and unifies the whole structure of the tire . . . theresult--these tires hold all records for safety, mileage and endurance. 1PNENT | seri Your nearest Firestone Dealer has a complete stock of Firestone Gum-Dipped tires. He saves you money and serves you better. See him to-day. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HAMILTON ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR restone Builds the Only CUM-DIPPED TIRES MOVING TEN/TEST is made in Canada and used through- out the Empire. Sold in Oshawa dnd vicinity by Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited OSHAWA, ONT. ANYWNENE HIGH GRADE EQUIP: MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION. MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE i Phone 82 INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED : 1111 BEAVER HALL HILL, MONTREAL CARTAGE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE