Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1929 PROT TTT WY PVT TROT TTT TWN WI PWR WW PPP PTVVCIVVITVIITS EAST LAL, Pw vv 2 v ONTARIO PVETVVTTVVVVVTVIVVIVVVIVY L <4 4 L L 4 E Lodod Ca PERN VTVVTYY 2.8 Ld, Ca CC a a Work For Prisoners Kingston.--It was stated today that the work of tile making for prisoners at the county jail will commence in a week or so, Want Practice Stopped Kingston.--Objections are being made to the practice of motorists of driving their cars across tue Cricket Field, and steps wi]l pe taken by the Parks Committee to have this stopped. Condensed Milk' to Europe Brockville~--During the past year the Laing Produce & Storage Company, of this town, exported to Great Britain 97 per cent. of all the Canadian condensed milk im- ported into that country. ¢ 28 vr Hotel Opening Brockville--Monday, May 27, has been set as the date for the opening of the Hotel Manitonna, it was an- nounced by J. Gill Gardner, President of the Brockville Hotel Company, Ltd, today. Form Softball League Brockville--The Brockville softball league has been organized for the coming season with four teams in the intermediate section and six teams in the junior circuit, Renewing Cribwork Brockville, -- Employes of the public utilities commission are en- gaged in renewing the cribwork along the entire waterfront of the commission's property east to the foot of Ford street, Work For Graduates vice at Queen's University of which Mr. Gordon Smith is in charge, has done a tremendous amount of plac- ing of science graduates and under- graduates during the past few weeks. AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES: 2-25 Standard Tomatoes = 3 m2" Je FINE GRANULATED Limit 10 Pounds SPECIAL !! SUGAR 5c 1b. to each customer. FRESH FROM THE FARM FRECHE. Doz. 3 Fe CARNATION CREAMERY Butter ib.42¢ Cottage Ib. 42 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP HEINZ BAKED BEAN Brand Large Bottle 22¢ wey 2 Tins 25¢ MACARONI Jibs. - - 25¢ ICING SUGAR Jibs. - - 21¢ Canadian Cheese Old 1. 28 New ib. 25¢ Flour Monarch 7b. BAG Je 24-1b. Bag 1 03 Cottage Rolls 1b. 26¢ Chicken Roll, Sliced ..lb.39¢ ARNOLD'S SLICED BREAKFAST Baconib.25¢ COUNTRY CLUB SLICED Baconib.29¢ NEW . POTATOES § bs. 19¢ NEW GREEN CABBAGE 1b. ge FRESH GREEN ASPARAGUS 2 BUNDLES 33¢ FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 25¢ ORANGES 23¢c doz. Cooking Apples (6 qt. basket) $ RNOLD La Bg Fol J FISH Selected Fresh Fillets .........1b.20¢c Fresh Atlantic Haddocks ......Ib.12¢ Fresh Caught Lake Trout ....lb.25¢c Fresh Flounders ..lb. 16¢ Mild Cured Haddies .......Ib.18¢c Smoked Fillets .........1b.18¢ FRESH PORK SHOULDERS 1b. 22¢ YOUNG LAMB LOINS 1b. 28¢ MILK-FED VEAL LOINS 1b. 27¢ TENDER SHOULDER ROAST 1b. 19¢ Wing Steak ....Ib. 35¢ Porterhouse Steak ........lb. 39% LEMONS 23¢c doz. NEW CABBAGE LATS 11'S RN Market rs Marke Kingston.--The employment ser- 'and gasoline Lost Leg Peterboro.--As the result .e. an accident at the launching uv: » scow, yesterday morning, Captain . J. Walsh, 232 Westcott street, as lost one leg and may suffer the loss of the other. Sergea One Point Brockville,~At the final shout held last evening at the armouries between the officers and sergeants of the Brockville Rifles for the Mc- Donald Cup, the sergeants nosed out the officers by one point tne count standing at, officers 973; ser- geants, 974. Trees Planted Lindsay.--Within a few days the planting of 330,000 trees on the new 400 acre reserve near Burnt River will start. This reserve is owned by the county and was mc- quired by the council at its inaug- ural meeting in January. To Select Candidate Hawkesbury --At the annual meet- ing and election of officers of the Prescott county Liberal association, held yesterday, it was decided to hold a convention on May 21 to select a candidate for the coming federal by- election, Signs Removed Peterboro,--The "No Lett Hand Turn' signs that have been prom- inent of corner of Charlotte and George Sts. and which raised such storm of discussion from merch- ants and motorists, were removed this week. Battery Plans Reunion Cobourg.--The Twenty-second Me- dium Battery, of which. Major C. T. Peterson is officer commanding, will be the hosts of a reunion of the mem- bers of the old Cobourg Heavy Bat- tery here on May 16, Membérs of the battery since its inception in 18:6 are being invited, For District Convention Brockville.--About 12 members of the Brockville Rotary Club in- tend to motor to Rochester, N.Y., for the annual convention of dis- trict No. 28, which is to be held there on Many 9-10 for the dis- cussion of matters affecting the clubs of the district. od To Preach. at Ordination Brockville.--Rev, Rural Dean L. E. Davis, rector of St. Paul's church will preach the sermon at the or- dination gervice to be conducted in St. George's Cathedral, Kingston, next Sunday morning. The morn- ing service in St. Paul's Church will be taken by Rev. Canon J. O. Crisp, of Kingston. To Raise Funds Kingston.--Definite plans for the campaign of the Kiwanis Club to raise the necessary funds for the purchase of Sandy Bottom bathing beach, by the sale of bonds, were laid before the members of the gud og their meeting in the LaSalle otel. Extensions Started Kingston.--Tha Bell Telephone Company proposes to make the ini- J tial expenditure in the recently an- nounced $886,000 extension pro~ gram fin thig city next month when a new test board will be installed in the local central office, by meaus of which it will be possible to de termine the exact location of trou- ble on a line. Surfacing Streets Brockville.--At a meeting of the works committee of the town coun- cil held last night it was decided to recommend to the council that ame- site surfaces be placed on the new East Market street roadway and in Church street between Buell St. and Court House avenue. Mayor Helps Couple Kingston.--Without a cent ot money and with a broken-down Ford, a newly-married couple, who came here rom Syracuse, N.Y. a few days ago, found themselves stranded and sought assistuuge from Mayor Craig. The mayor "staked" the couple for car repairs to carry them to Brockville. New Lodge Instituted Cobourg.--For the first time in the history of Oddfellowship in Co- bourg the Patriarch Militant ae- gree was conferred last Wednesday night. Members of Canton. No. ¥ went to Cobourg in a body and in- stituted a new Patriarch Militant lodge. Fifteen members were int- tiated and the charter was present- -1 ed. Stillness Broken Burnbrae. -- At last the age of power farming has reached Burn- brae and the peaceful spring sun ness is broken by the roar of a fourcylinder tractor engine pilot- ed by Don Watson, 16-year-ola son of L. . Watson, owner of a 200-acre farm at Burnbrae Corn: ers. Invest Surplus Lindsay.--The Hydro Commis- sion meeting yesterday was briet but considerable business was dis- cussed. Among other things it was decided to invest $15,000 in Government of Ontario Bonds. The local commissioners had wanted to invest in Town of Lindsay bonds but the Ontario Commission had refused to grant permission for this. Schoolrooms Closed Kingston.--Two class rooms in Rideau school, the one occupied by morning by order of the Medical "Tealth Officer, Dr. 8, J. Keyes, ow- ing to a case of diphtheria, with contacts, having been discovered. The rooms will remain closed for one week during which time they will be thoroughly fumigated. Good Season Peterboro.--The muskrat trape ping season in this district--a par. ticularly good one as compared with other years--closed on April 21 and yesterday, being the sec ond last of ten days' grace, allow- ed for the sale of their catches, trappers were busy completing dis- Senior III Class and the other by |. Junior I, were closed on Tuesday | NEW CHAIN STORE SYSTEM FOR CANADA WILLIAM C. FISHER Managing Director, Kresge's ' in Canada Toronto, May 2.--Keener competi- tion in the field of low-price-range merchandise is assured by the im- pending establishment of a chain of Kresge stores in Canada. The first unit in this new chain is to be opened in Kitchener, Ont, to- day. Early in June two stores will be opened in Tqronto and one in Wind- sor, The first of several Montreal un- its will be established late in July. Ottawa and Peterborough stores will follow late in August, During the last four months of the year, still further units will be es- tablished in Winnipeg, Brantford, Quebec (2), Sault Ste. Marie, Fort William, Port Arthur, Kingston, Montreal (3 additional), and Toronto c (3 additional.) Thus by thé end of the year there will be a chain of 21 stores in actual operation. During 1930 and subse. quent years many other cities will be included. posal of their furs to dealers and jobbers. Building Permits Belleville. Building permits for the month of April totalled $21,610.00 made up of 9 permits, the largest being the remodelling of a block on Front street for the Eaton groceteria. A number of residences are included in the list of permits, -- Boat Seized Cobourg--A craft, alleged to be a rum-runner which is hoisted up on a sort of dry-dock in a shed near the shore of Lake Ontario at Port Hope, and owned by the Port Hope Harbor Commission, has been seized by Mr. J. O. Leblane, of the Customs Preventive Service, Cobourg, s+ «++. Wins Scholarship Belleville.--Russell C. Rosbor- ough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert A. Rosborough of Smith township, who has been attending the On- tario Agricultural College since September, has led his year in his | final examination and has won one of the degree scholarships. He graduated from the Peterborough Collegiate Institute in 1926. Britishers Arrive Belleville..--Scotch, Welsh and English boys and young men, as well as families of married men from Great Britain have been a- riving in the city this week and are directed to their new homes in the Bay of Quinte rural section by Mr, Lorne Green, local superin- tendent of employment and nwumi- gration. : Something New Peterboro.~~Something absolute- ly new in the realm of medicine had probably its first use in the city yesterday, when spinal anes- thesia was used in connection with an operation performed in St, Jo- seph's hospital. Charles Evans, the seventeen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Evans of 505 Sher- brooke street, had an intestinal obstruction removed by this meth- od, which does away with the ad- ministration of chloroform. Trouble in Antwerp Antwerp, May 2.--Trouble broke out at a Communist meeting here to celebrate May Day between par- tisans of Stalin and partisans of Trotzky, representing two con- flicting tendencies in the Commun- ist party the police intervened and re-established order. Two Stalins -puorters were arrested. Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying Afie following prices; ing) Eggs, swgraded cases returned: fresh ex- tras, 28c; fresh firsts, 26c; seconds, A Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 3c; No. 2, 3c. Churning cream--Special, 46c; No, 1, 45c; No. 2, 41c fob. Shipping point, Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, paraffined and eovertinent graded, 20 10 20 {2 Chickens, 5 pounds. ..vvvsseee Do,, 4 to 5 Ibs, ... Do,, under 4 lbs, .... Hens, 5'1bs. ......... . Do., 4 to 5 Ib Roosters, seeeeivesin Ducklings, 5 Ibs, to 5 Ib; ' 8. Spring broilers, 1 . 28 3-4 Ibs, .. 40-45 TORONTO PROVISICN PRICES Toronto wholesale. dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 31 to 33c; cooked hams, 47c; smoked rolls, 25c; break- fast bacon, 26 to 38c; backs, peamealed, 24 to 38c; do., smoked, 30 to 40c. Cured peas=Long clear bacon, 50 to 7C .» $21; 70 to 90 lbs. $i%; "0 10 190 Ibs, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight ro.., $38.%) per Uarrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 15 1-ic; tubs, 10 to 16 i-Zc; pails, 16 3-4c; prints, 18 1.2 to 1%. Shojteningy, tiereps 13 3-4 to 143 dc; tubs, 1% 2-4c; paiis, 14 3-4c; tins, 16 3-ic; prints, 15-3 4c, Pork lous, 32 1.22: New York s!'rulders, 24; pork butts, 27¢; pork hams, ic, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations in effect on Produce-- Eggs, extras, per dozen ...... Jo,, firsts r. dozen ...eieee Duck eggs, doz, ........us ire Butter, dairy, per pound . Do., creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, bunch ... . Carrotts, Ji.gt: basket . Do., 6-qt. sket .. Beets, 11-gt, basket oe Onions, dry, 11-qt, basket . Do., 6-qt, bask "abbags Cauliflower Spinach, peck Salsify, bunch . Mushrooms, per pound .. Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, each . Leeks, two bunch Potatoes, bag .. Cucumbers, eac! Parsley, per bunch .. Cress, three for ... Celery, per bundle . Oranges, per dozen . Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen Sweet potatoes, 6 qt. Cranberries, qt. ... Apples, 11.qt. basket .. Rhubarb, three bunches New potatoes, peck Green beans, 6 qt, Green peas, 6 qt. Tomatoes, basket Maple syrup qt. .. 5127 1.2¢c; tone steady. 51 off 51 $16; ple sugar, 1b, vives atepic sus 3 bunches . al Timothy, No, 1 Do, No, 2, .. MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, May 2.--Butter was half a cent cheaper in a wholesale way yesterday. The market for eastern townships No. 1 pasteur- ized, was quoted at 3c and New Zealand finest at 37 1.2c with New Zealand first giade at 37. To the retail trade the were 3) to 40c for solids and 40 to dic for prints, The market was reported quiet, re- ceipts were 269 boxes, No changes were reported in the egg mar. ket. Receipts were 1,846 cases. Cheese held steady, The trade reported that at May 1 there was an increage of 212,000 boxes of cheese held on English 'mas- kets, as compared with a year ago; which was interpreted as indicating there would be little interest in more Canadian cheeses for some time, Receipts were 385 boxes. Potatoes again mounted in price today, New Brunswick green mountains became /5 to §0c_per 90 Ibs., in bulk, while Prince Ed- ward Island potatoes rose to 85¢c whites. $1 for green mountains fd 9 Ibs, in bags, in carload lots, track Montreal, The trade reported demand as active, with supplies nearly enough to meet the demand. Quota- tions: Eggs, fresh extras, 33 to 34c; do, firsts, 31 to 32, PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, May 2.--Butter steady; receipts 17,139. Packing stock, current make, No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 33. Cheese, steady; receipts, 322,870, Eggs firm; receipts, 44,556, Fresh gathered extra, 30 3-4 to 31 f.-2¢; extra first, 10 30 1.2¢c; first, 28 to 29 1-2¢; seconds, 26 1.2 to 27, 1-2; storage packed, extra first, 30 3.4 to 31 1.2c; first, 30 to 30 1.2c. Nearby hen. nery white, closely selected extra, 34 to 3c. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 2.--Butter and egg futures again advanced on the Chicago Mercantile exchange today, but in smaller proportions than yesterday. Arrivals of butter were con- 5 siderably diminished and spot held steady. I'here was more short covering and new investment was also noticeable, New highs were reached for the season in June and November eggs relieveries. Poultry regions are beginning to report the end of the flush season, which is having a bullish effect on futures, Open commitments: May storage eggs, 59; June storage eggs, 6; November eggs, old, : | 261; November eggs, new, 487; June butter, 18; December butter, Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 44c; stands, 43 3-4c; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, May 2.--Receipts of hogs, 900; holdovers, 600; market slow; weights above 160 lbs., 25 to 35 cents lower; others 50 to 60 cents; packers inactive; balk 160 to 250 lbs., $11.75 to $11.90; pigs and underweights, mostly $11.50; packing sows, $10 to $10.40, Receipts, of calves 400; vealers steady to 50 cents lower; bulk good to choice, $15.50 to J hi $16.50 cull and common, $8.50 to 2.5 ; x ; Receipts of sheep, 400; holdovers, $14; lambs slow, 25 to 50 cents lower; near choice clippers, $15; good kind, including strong weights, $14 to $14.35; fat ewes, $8 to $9 HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value Obtainable Buy . .. General Motors Hardwood All Small Blocks Taken Out Bone Dry, Clean and Good. Try a Load Today Dixon Coal COMPANY Phone 262 Four Direct Lines TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS SPECIAL 1! OSHAWA'S NEATEST « BUNGALOW Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.23. 3-8, No. 3 Northern, $1.18 7.8, No. 4 wheat, $1.14 3.8, No. 5 wheat, $1.05 3-4, No. 6 wheat, 91 7-8, Feed wheat, 80 3-4, (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports, track, Ic higher than above.) Manitoba Oats No. 1 feed, 48 3-4c. No, 2 feed 46 1-4c, (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports.) American No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, §1.04, No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, §1.03 1.2, (Delivered Toronto.) Millfeed delivered, Montreal freights, bags included: Bran per ton, $28.25; shorts, per Tr rble dash st ly Italian ceilings and bath. The last word in a home. Finest north end district, Specially priced for quick sale at $6,000. $1,000 cash, 5 rooms--modern bungalow. Brick. North end. $3,800. $500 cash. DISNEY REAL ESTATE Phone 1550. 29 King St. E. Price on ton, $28.25; middlings, $35.25, Ontario cats--Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 45 to 50c f.0.b. shipping points, Ontario good milling wheat, f.o.b, ship- ping points, according to freights, $1.28 to 1.30, QuALITY : COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. Barley--Malting, 70 to 73c. Buckwehat--85 to 8c, ye--No. 2, $1.05, Manitoba flour--First patents, in jute, $7.30; Toronto; second patents in jute, $6.30. Ontario Flour Track, Montreal, car lots 90 per cent, pat. ents, per barrel, $5.70. - Money Loaned AUTOMOBILES Twelve Months To Pay LJ * -. * Leins paid off or Ade ditional Cash. All deal. ing confidential. Open Daily 9 am, 9 p.m. G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loan Co., Ltd. Room 6, 143% King E. Phone 2790 $27.50. Friday Special irefocfoodoodeafuefeodoidrade cfeofeafoofendreloofeodinrefoadoafraffecdesd OSHAWA, SUCCESSORS TO MAY SALE oF Smart Spring COATS Every one of them up to the minute in style and fabrics. The tweed and tricotines used in the manufacture are the best procurable. The prices will suit every pocket. Reg. up to 517.95 RN an Sn Se . Clearance of Smart Millinery 2 lots of stylish models that are exceptionally good 100 HATS at $1.75 50 ONLY HATS $2.95

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