Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Apr 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1929 PAGE THREE |G.M.C. Production For First Quarter 1929 Shows Big Increase Pond on Malleable Property Not Suitably Protected Declares Jury in Verdict Find Stanley Crawchuk Came to His Death by Accidental Drowning Last Monday Morning JIMMIE FUDGE IS COMMENDED Heroic Effort to Rescue 'Danny Fudge, His Bro- ther Rewarded With Suc- cess -- Wil! Receive * Recognition The jury, investigating the death of six-year-old Stanley Crawchuk, "som of Mr. and Mrs. John Craw- chuk, 249 Mill Street, who was drowned in a pond at the rear of the property belonging to the On- tario Malleable Iron Company last Monday morning, returned the fol- lowing verdict at the inquest hela fn 'the Council Chambers last night: . "We the jury find that Stan. fey Crawchuk came to his 'death by accidental drowning 'on April 22, 1929, in a pond at the rear of the Ontario Malleable Tron Company. We find the pond was not suitably protected and strongly recom- mend that the pond be enclos- «ed by a suitable fence." "Coroner. Dr. F. J. Rundle pre- sided, J. A. McGibbon acting for the crown. 'Mr. McGibbon called upon George Blidgen, 20 Mill street, as the first witness. Mr. Blidgen 1s an (Continued on Page 13) AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 "POLICE SEEKING DRIVER OF AUTO Man Beat Hasty Retreat After Stopping at Scene of Accident Police are looking for a hit-and- run motorist of a new type one who showed decency and courage and was then overcome with a spell of "cold feet" and left the scene of the acci- dent in unusual fashion, . Yesterday afternoon shortly be- fore 5 o'clock, eight-year-old Steven Medweed, whose parents reside at 523 Drew street, was struck by a car near his home, The driver picked thz lad up and carried him for a half a block in his car, apparently with the intention of taking his home. In- stead, however, he left both boy and car Behind and beat a 'hasty retreat on The child, although not thought to be seriously injured was taken to the hospital this morning for an X-ray examination. The police took posses- sion of the car and are trying to find | the driver. In the battle against booze in Mexico, we suppose it is correct to say that the government forces con- stitute the revolutionary army.-- Hamilton Spectator. Too Late to Classify KITCHEN MAID WANTED, AP- ply Commercial Hotel. (99a) WANTED EXPERIENCED STEN- ographer. Apply in person'at Peebles and Morden, 9 Bond street east. + (99a) TWO--1927 Chevrolet Sedans Ly ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. Hudson-Essex Distributors 9 Prince St., Oshawa Phone 1100 MR. & MRS. HOEHN HONORED BY CHOIR" F. C. Hoehn Is Presented With Gold Watch, Mrs. Hoehn With Mesh Bag In recognition of the seventeen years of service of F. C. Hoenn in the choir of King street U ited Church, during which time he has for several years been president of the choir, chairman of the Music Committee of the Official Board of the Church,and musical director in the Sunday school, the choir last night presented Mr, Hoehn with a fine gold watch. Mrs, Hoen wus also presented with a beautiful enamelled mesh bag in recognition of her many years of service in the various phases of church and Sun- day school work. The presentation was made at a social evening held by the choir in the banquet hall of the church last night, over fifty members being in attendance. The President, F mk | Herring, made the presentation, an address being read to Mr. and Mrs. Hoehn by E. J. Luke, chair- man of the business committee or teh church. Rev. C. E. Cragg, pastor of the church, and H. C. Treneer, organist and choir leader, in brief remarks added words of commendation for the splendid ser- vice they had rendered Oshawa Claims To Have World's Smallest Watch The smallest watch in the world is believed to be in Oshawa. This pride of the watchmaker's art is on display in Bassett's jewelry store, and was shown publicly for the first time here yesterday at the meeting of the Kiwanis club. This watch has a total diameter of only three-eighths of an inch, inch across. It is three-sixteenths and the dial is only a quarter of an of an inch thick. Contrary to what one might ordinarily expect, it keeps perfect time ,said R. N. Bas- sett, The face of the watch, just outside of the dial, is set in tiny diamonds. This watch, which was made in Switzerland, is an exact copy and is the sanie size as the watch presented by the Swiss. to Queen Marie of Roumania. TORONTO Stock High Low 12.30 Abitibi 45 Bid Bell Tel. 163 Imp. Oil 115 It, Pet, 54 It. Nkl. 49 Ms. Hr. 72 Me. Frt. 34% Hr. Wal, 178% : Standard Time 174 34 19 55 32 5% Amulet Br. Holl, Bath, . Bedford Bidgood Bekghm, Dal. Oil 585 Gald Hill 3% Gra Bou, 11 Grnda. 18% Gvr, Diy. 3 Hm, Oil 2100 Howey ..124 Kd. Lke. 103 Kt. Fir. 14 Mn Bs. 42 McIn. 1850 Bid Mn. Cr, 450 Newbee 43% Nrnda 65100 Pion. 20 200 Prem. Royal. 170 170 845 84) 9 8% . 830 830 . 500 925 220 220 109 107 920 Vipond Latest Financial News Toronto and Nore York Stock rs Sanadian Stobie, Forlong and Bd Seay. 180 171 180 NEW YORi{ Stock High Low 12 p.m. Amer, Can, 141% 140% Atchison .. 200 199 Balt & Ohio 121% 121% Briggs Mfg. 4614 45% Can. Pac. 241 240 Can. Dry .. 86% Chrysler 943% Congoluem 233, Cur. Aero 167% Erie s..u0v 112% Fam. Ply. 67% Gen, Mot. 86 Gra. Paige 35% Gold Dust 65 Hud. Mot. 8615 Hupp .. 51% It. Com, It. Nkl. It. Paper Kly. Spgfd Mt. JWard Mck. Trek. Mar. Oil Phil. Pet. 41% Pan Am. B 61% Packard .. 133% Radio .... 101% Srs .Rhck. 156 Sin, Oil .. 38Yy Sta. Oil N.J. 58% St. Oil N.Y. 43 Studebaker 833 Simmons 8614 U.S. Rubber 57 U.S. Steel 186% U.S. Leather 23% Wiys., Ovid, 24% Woolworth 226 Wr. Aero 255 Ycllow Cab 483% 47 Wr. Hr. Card of Thanks Mr George Lyle wishes to thank friends, Oshawa General Hospi al staff and doctors for theirs kind- nesses, flowers and attention given him during his recent illness. (99a) Mrs. H. S. Weeks wishes to thank neighbors and friends also Westmount Parents and Teachers Associations for the lovely flowers sent during her sickness. (99a) = Everything in Lumber and building material, 25 Albert St. Phones 230--157 W. J. TRICK CO., Limited The Bio Swing IsTo ESN EX It Challenges Your Interest in These Important Ways Easy 10 Own On our own streets Essex the Challenger, under competent observation, averaged Easy 10 Buy FOR INSTANCE, in this city your | first payment, with your present car included, may be as low your monthly payments, $55.00. Your present car will probably cover the entire first payment. Purchase Plan offers the lowest terms available on the balance. The buying public has picked Essex the Challenger as the greatest value of 1929. They are giving it the biggest business even Essex has ever known. By thousands they are trading in other makes for the great Essex value. Never before has public approval been so near universal. '840 A Wide Choice of Colors at No Extra Cost The varietyis so great you have almost individualdistinction Here is a BIG adult-size "'Six'"=-- fine to look at--roomy and com- fortable--built as strongl y as any car at any price. Upholstery and appointments are rich and hand- some. There is such a wide variety of colors, that no matter what your 23 mil 2s $424, and 1 Toa the country prove Essex economy. Commercial users operating large fleets of Essex cars say that service and maintenance costs covering millions of miles of operation, are lowest of any car ever tested. The H. M. C. way it Sfilleagets jy Sarat any a Bile --it challenges all Hydraulic shock absorbers are standard--they do not cost one cent extra. he, same with 1 radiator RUA in this city can expect 18 to 20 miles and upward. Hundreds of records all over f. o. b. Windsor Taxes Extra < Hear the radio program of the *"Hudson-Essex Challengers" every Friday evening gallon. The average owner during "Challenger Week" AND UP Convertible Coupe - - 1080 d Equi Includes: 4 hydraulic lock, ' chromium- INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CONVENTION WINDSOR, 2nd and 3rd May Come and hear V. A. SINCLAIR, K.C. Chairman The Workmen's Compensa- tion Board on 'Industry Needs Safety Work" Other speakers on safety subjects include. A. P. ROSS, Bell Telephone Co., R. M. LITTLE, Albany, N.Y., J. C. CALLAGHAN, Steel Co. of Canada. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION ASSOCIA- TIONS Toronto Oddfellows & Rebekahs are cordially invited to ate tend the service commems- orating the 110th, Anni- versary of the founding of the Order In Simcoe St. . WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, April 27--(Opening Prices)-- Wheat, May, 1 to 13 3-8 lower at 119 1.2 to 119 1.8; July, 1 1.8 to 3-4 lowerati2l 7-8 to 122 1-4; Oct.,, 1 1-8 to 3-4 lower at 122 to 122 1.2, Oats: May, 5:8 to 3-4 lower at 48 to 47 7- 8; July 1 1-8 to 7-8 lower at 49 to 49 1.4; Oct., 1-2 lower at 48 7-8. Coming Events 8 Cents per word each in- eertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 85c. SQUARE DANCE AT BARN- HART'S Pavilion, Saturday night. (98h) SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 27th at 8.15 p.m, there will be a concert given at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, by the Toronto String Quartette con- sisting of Mr, Frank Blachford, first violin, Miss Florence Rich- ardson, second violin, Mrs. Leo Smith, Viola, and Mr. Leo Smith, Violoncello, The quartette will be assisted by Miss Marjorie Kisby and Miss Helen Johnston at the piano. The public is in- vited. Admission 50c. (98h) RESTORE YOUR LOST HEALTH, nature's method, elimination of poisons, no drugs. Class Min- eral Fume System, Phone 6331". (T.T.S) AFTERNOON TEA WILL BE held at the home of Mrs. Birch~ all, 336 Centre Street, Tuesday, 3 to 5, in aid of Holy Trinity Church, (99-a) LISTEN--SEE DEACON DUBBS, | Comedy, Albert St. Church, April 30th, Young folks, old folks, body come, Welcome to our play and make yourself to hum, Please to leave ' your gum and money door. And we'll give you an entertain- ment like you never had be- fore. (98a) BE ADVISABLE, CONSULT MAD- ame Zedda, Palmist,, 224 St. Jul- ien St. (99¢) COME THURSDAY, MAY 2ND TO Centre Street ' United Church, Knox Church presenting Old Tyme Concert and "How the Story Grew. 8 p.m. 25c. T.W.) (8S. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE IN Orange Hall, Monday evening, April 29. 25c. (99a) MAY DAY TEA AND SALE OF home cooking, candy, work aprons, children's wear, on May 1st, 3 to 6. Christ Church W. A. (99h) every- chewing at the QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. F.c. hob 20 Simcoe St. N, Qt sali y Fhone 289 MOST POPULAR OF LIGHT OPERAS T0 BE PRESENTED G.M.C. MUSICAL SO- 'CIETY UNDERTAKES AMBITIOUS TASK On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week the people of 'Oshawa will have the opor- tunity of seeing and hearing the most popular and the most merit- orious of the many clever light operas produced by Gilbert and Sullivan, "The Mikado." In choos- ing this opera for its first produc- tion of this kind, the General Mo- tors Musical Society hag made an ambitious beginning. The music of the opera ig of the very finest, not only in the solo, duet and trio se- lections, but also in the ensemble and with the accompaniment of the full General Motors Orchestra, the production should be a highly suc- cessful and entertaining one, The General Motors Auditorium, in which it is to be staged, is ad- mirably adapted for a production of this kind, but. through the cour- tesy of Generator and Starter, Lim~ ited, special amplifiers are to be 1n- stalled to ensure that all in the hall will hear the production rv. perfection. On Monday evening, in The Times, a special announce- ment which will be worth seeinp will be made. The Cast: The cast which has been chosen is a very capable and talented ome, the principal Toles being in excep- tionally good hands in the follow=- ing list who are taking part in the main parts given here:--The Mik- ado of Japan, Tom McDowell; Nan- ki-Poo, his son discuised as a wan- dering minstrel. Harry Havelock; Ko Ko, lord high commissioner Reginald Terrett; Poo-Bah, lord high everything else: Yum Yum, Pitti Sing and Peep-Bo, the three little maids, Joan Evelvn (Mrs. George Walsh), Elsie Richardson and Beulah Walker; Katisha, um elderlv ladv in love with Nanki- Poon. Mrs. W. Leasy. The chorus is made up as fol- lows: Jananese Ladies of court: Mrs. H. W. Nichol. Mrs. L. F. Unitt, Mrs. P. Mavbee. Mrs. Tolsland, Mrs. E. Gittens. Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. J. Dvag, Mrs. Noble. Miss H. Ward, Miss E. Watson, MisseHeath, Miss M. Kayes, Miss O. Jeyes, Miss M. Werry. Miss D. Hainer, Miss G. Forsythe gnd Miss M. Dearbdrn. Japanese nohlemen: N. Merrick R. Stacey. S. Rlack. IE. Watson. H. Dyas, J. Wilson, D. Pogh, E. Flom- ing, F. Avling, J. Davies, H. Bul- lock, M. Hainer and J. Pos. Seats are now heing sold and re- served at Robertshaw's book store. ARRESTED FOR THEFT Birch Cliff, April 27.--Scarboro po- lice have arrested two men in con= nection with the recent theft of a quantity of copper wire, the property of the Scarboro Hydro-Electric com= mission. Four men previously were under arrest on this charge and with the arrest of the two men yesterday, it is believed the remaining members of the gang have been apprehended. V.A. Henry | | INSURANCE 11% Simcoe St. S. Phones 1198W---Office 1858J --Residence : 1] Ld . Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machin: Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 To Best Express Your Sentiment give her Genuine Orange Blossom Rings---made by Traub and featured by this store. There are none more significant or proper for 34 565 Cars and Trucks are Produced Since January 1, 40 Per Cent Jump Over or 1998 BOY'S HEROISM IS COMMENDED At the inquest last night in- to the death of Stanley Craw- chuk, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John. Crawchuk, Crown Attorney J. A. McGib- bon paid special tribute to the work of Jimmy Fudge, 'aged 7, whose quick action at the scen. of the accident sav- ed the life of Danny Fudge, his brother. Mr. McGibbon de- clared that he hoped suitable recognition would be made of the' lad's heroic action, Mr, MeGibbon's declaration was heartily endorsed by Coroner Dr. ¥. J. Rundle, who pre- sided at the inquest. PRESENT PURSE 10S. F. HOWARD Following the te. copula? meeting of the Camelot Tuxis Square of Sim- coe street United church last night, the parents of the members of the group gathered in the Sunday School room of the church and presented S. F. Howard, leader of the group, of Tuxis boys, with a purse of mon- ey. Mr. Howard has been accountant at the local branch of "the Bank of Montreal for some time and is leav- ing shortly to become the manager of the branch at Holstein. J. C. Young read the address in which he expressed the regret of the parents of the boys on the loss of the lead- er, who had done so much to make these young Canadians see the pro- per way of living their individual li- ves as well as living for their country. Mrs. Armour presented Mr, Howard with the purse, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, April 27.--(Closed)--Foreign ex changes steady; Quotations (in cents): Great Britain, demand 484 13 -16; Canadian Dollars at 3-4 of one per cent, discount. Wednesdav Half Holiday AGNEW - SURPASS SHCE STORES Simcoe St. S. Will close every Wednes- day afternoon during the Summer months. Cars Roll Off Cs Canadian As' . sembly Line at Rate of One a Minute for Every Working Day of First Three Months PRODUCTION RATE TO BE INCREASED Steady Increase in Sales Ex- pected, and Schedules Will be Arranged Accord- ingly, Says J. H. Beaton, Sales Manager General Motors of Canada through' its general sales manger, J. H. Bea- ton made public today the news. that production and sales of General Mo- tors cars for the first three months of 1929 exceeded by forty per cent. the figures for the first quarter of last year. At the end of the last working day in March the General Motors plants in Oshawa, St. Catharines, Walker- ville and Regina had produced 34,565 cars and trucks since the first of January, This figure compares fav- orably with the total of 25802 units produced during the same period of | 1928. To achieve the record production of the last three months the ten thousand workers in Canadian Gen- eral Motors plants have turned out an average of more than 500 cars each full working day since the first of the year. To reach this average it was necessary to run completed cars off the assembly lines at the rate of practically' one a minute during ev- ery hour worked. Commenting on the record achiey c- ment, Mr, Beaton pointed out in an interview that the increased sales were not confined to one care alone, but were distributed 'among all the members of the General Motors fa- mily. Production of each one of the eight General Motors, lines registered a substantial advance, "Our production schedule for the next few months are based on a be- lief that favorable buying conditions will continue throughout thie Domin- ion, and that the steady merease in General Motor sales will 'be .ghain- tained," Mr. Beaton added. PATTE Let us furnish yom with quotations on your Painting and Decorating 85 Simcoe St. N. Phone 128 Myr Builder . . Your Immediate Requirements Can Be Taken Care of Right Here in Oshawa. Brick Our ability to supply you with all the Brick you will require is at your service. Let us help you. Simply 'phone 1246 RUG BRICK BARK BRICK VELTEX BRICK STOCK BRICK MAT BRICK YORK SAND AND LIME BRICK CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTERS, MORTAR COLORS, ETC. choice you have almost individual wiper, fet distinction. A SUPER-SIX motor--challeng- ing up to 70 miles an hour--60 miles an hour, hour after hour--in geta- The Canadian Government has recently reduced the Sales Tax on Auto- mobiles. Hudson-Essex cars are now priced accordingly. 0SS, AMES & GARTSHORE Company, Limited WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE AND PORT HOPE the occasion--none more stylish or better value. Our complete selection will permit a choice to suit your individual desire for style, shape or cost. Price $40 to $200 See Our Window D. J. BROWN, " The Jeweller 10 King St. W, Phone 189 shock absorbers--electric gauge for gas and oil--radiator shutters--saddle lamps --windshield wiper--glare proof rear view mirror--el k--controls on steering wheel--all bright parts chromium-plated. UNITED CHURCH ON SUNDAY, APRIL 28th, 1929 plated cowl ps. ' Add up for yourself the extras Essex offers to + added cost and you will see about $100 in extra value in those items alone. Motor Loans! Money At Once Let us re-finance your oresent contract or advance additional cash at a mo- ment's notice. Courteous and confiden- tial. Our rates second to nonc. OPEN EVENINGS Motor Loans & Discounts Ltd. Room G, 143 King St. East Oshawa, Phone 2790 SEWER PIPE AND FIELD TILE Remember our prices are right---We guarantee to meet all outside competition. McLaughlin Coal&@ Supplies, Ltd. 110 KING ST. W. OSHAWA PHONE 1246 at 8.00 P.M. Daylight saving CANTONS NO. 7 and NO. 10 of TORONTO will be present." All mem- bers are requested to meet in The lodge room at 2 p. m, sharp. ONTARIO REGIMENT BAND IN ATTEN- DANCE By Permission of COLONEL SMITH L

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