Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Apr 1929, p. 2

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P and will be received at REPRESENTATIVE -- hab DISCREPANGEES INTORONTO STORY OF FARM DISPUTE Fail to Recognize All Own- ers of Farm Land Involved Whitby, April 27--Seven farmers residing in the town are mot con- cerned with the farm assessment dis- ite or else they have been myster- sly spirited away if 2a despatch which appeared in a Toronto morn- paper today is to be accepted literally. The Toronto paper has been giving generously of its space to the airing of the town's civic difficulties and today it comments thus: "Twenty-eight farmers are involv- ed in the dispute and the fact that 20 of them were present at the meet- ing tonight is pointed out as proof of the unanimity of the farmers on the stand they have taken." Only last Monday the same paper stated, 'The farm agreement dispute between the town of Whitby and the 35 owners of farm lands within the town limits received a new turn over the week-end when the farmers, act- ing on the advice of J. M. Godfrey, K.C, decided to take action under the municipal act to leave the town and join the township of Whitby." ether the distinction between 35 and 28 is that of owners of farm fans and farmers must remain a mat- ter of some doubt. None the less the dispute concerns all the owners of farm property whether they be the Jocuies. oF Ho, The question is one which ev. person. holdin farm Within. the ic ity and 'assessment role shows that there are 35 and not 28. The T Not fisg fied e Toronto paper not justi in stating that last night's meeting was prot of the unanimity of the stand te farmers are taking on the mat ter. According to its own statement there were but 20 present and this can not indicate that all the farmers are unanimous in their desire to leave the town. It would be quite correct to state however that those in attendance represented the great- er of the total assessed farm property. The meeting also proved that this group is determined to have the Rai and Municipal Board decide the issue. ST. ANDREW'S LADIES' BAZAAR AND TEA (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 27.--A very suc- cessful bazaar and tea was held in the council chambers yesterday: afternoon under the auspices of 'the' Ladies' Ald of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, A . number of prettily decorated booths were ar- ranged about the room from which were displayed delicious homemade cakes, pies, candles and other splendid products of the culinary art, Many fine articless of fancy work and needlework were also set forth: and found a ready sale while business was brisk at a num-' ber of novelty booths. From four o'clock on refreshments were served at tables which were charm: ingly arrayed with flowers and silverware. A neat sum was real- ized and the members of the so- ciety deserve credit for the splen- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1929 JAMES HOLDEN did manner in which the event was ucted. WILL APPEAL T0 ONT. RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD TWENTY OF TOWN'S FARMERS HELD CON. FERENCE LAST NIGHT Decide to Ask Formally For Annexation to Whitby Township (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 27.--Plans for the withdrawal of 2,000 acres of farm lands situated within the municipa- lity and annexation to the township of Whitby took concrete form last night when twenty farmers of the town met in conference in the office of F. H. M. Irwin, local solicitor, and signed a declaration of their willingness to stand together and pay all the costs of having the dis- pute brought to the attention of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. The farmers also signed a protest against the action of the town council in passing a by-law reducing the percentage of the re- bates on the mill rate for farm pro- perties. : Last night's meeting was neither open tot he public nor the press al- though the following statement was issued to The Times this morning DESICNS \ Your exquisite ensemble will have that touch of individuality when smartly matched with "ONYX" foot- wear. "ONYX" Shoes express the spirit of the season ... newness, beauty . .'. sprightliness . . . the ---- through the courtesy of Councillor C. H. Broughton, who acted as sec- retary. "A meeting was held .by the farmers last night at which the papers prepared by their solicitor were approved and the application to the Railway and Municipal Board for separation of farm lands from the town of Whitby will be filed at an early date. "A statement wus submitted which showed the com- parison of last yeat's taxes and thi (the rate has not yet been struck but it is conceded that it will not be less than this figure). The statement showed that the major ity of farmers will have more than 25 per cent increase in their taxes, five will have more than 40 per cent and two more than 50 per nt, The meeting felt strongly that the facts have not yet been laid clearly and fairly before the citizeng and instructed the commit- tee to see that proper publicity was obtained." BAPTIST CHURCH CHOIR HAS SOCIAL Entertained at the Home of Mrs. Michael, Dundas Street (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 27.--A delightful social evening was spent last night when the choir of the Baptist Church was entertained at the home of Mrs, Michael," Dundas street, by Miss Mary Wray and Mrs. John Bateman. More than thirty were gathered together and the members of the choir greatly appreciated this token of appreci- ation. At 9.30 o'clock a sumptuous supper was served at tables waicn had been prettily decorated with daffodils and silver candle hold- ers. The menu was one which might well have graced the dining salon of the Royal York, and in- cluded celery, meats, tasty salads, tea, cake ice cream and delicious Jellies. After supper the time was pleas- antly spent in games and song a number of the choir contributing to the program. Rev. T. F. Best, the pastor, was called upon to per- form an enjoyable duty when on behalf of the choir, he presented Mr. Robert Nicholson, leader and organist, with a handsome tray and a beautiful set of sherbet glasses, Rev. Mr, Best spoke hihly of the splendid services | which had been rendered by Mr. Nicholson 'and assured him that his work was much aprpeciated by both the choir and congregation. Mr. Nicholson although evidently surprised made fitting reply and all joined in singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The evening was brought to a conclusion shortly before midnight the choir expressing its thanks for the generous hospitality of the la- dles and those who had assisted them. DAYLIGHT SAVING IN WHITBY TOMORROW (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 27.--All clocks and watches should, be advanced an hour tonight for daylight sav- ing time goes into effect here at 12.01 a.m. tomorrow. Whitby in common with Toronto, Oshawa and other municipalities is adopting "the mew time" for the summer months, The whole town will arise an hour earlier than usual Sunday morning and adopt itself to the change. FEAR NEW FLOODS ON THE MISSISSIPPI (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Quincy Ill, April 27.--Hurling its tremendous bulk southward in the biggest rise since 1851, the Mississippi today was waging a new assault that may break through every levee for 75 miles below Keokuk, Iowa, leave 5,000 people homeless and cause aam- age that might reach $5,000,000. ---------------------------- LIKE A WOMAN She insisted hotly that, econ- omy or no economy, she must have a new frock and he, with equal warmth, declined to produce the cash, "I'll never speak to you again!" she said, angrily. "How like a woman!" he sighed. "When everything else fails, you try bribery!' Answers. Come infor DETAILS . \\\ ofthe /// 3000000 PRIZE PICTURE CONTEST Le US TELL you Bow easily you can qualify for a major in this big Eastman cone test--the greatest in the his tory of pho! oopahy. Entry blanks and contest informatic-; are avnilable at Come to our store to fill any photographic, need. We have a complete stock of cameras and Kodak Film. And our trustworthy photo finishing makes the most of every roll of film. J | Kina _Staset Hast . 3 is year's taxes, reckoned at 40 mills' ; Bowmanville : Daily Times Pr i, et PRESENTED * BY ORONO TALENT Interesting Entertainment Provided at Opera House Last Night Bowmanville, April 27.--The comedy drama, "Red Acre Farm," was well presented by Orono talent before an audience which filled the Opera House on Friday might. All of the actors took their parts ex- ceedingly well in portraying how the mortgage was finally paid, en- abling the owners to spend the last years of their lives in comfort. J. D. Brown and Mrs. M. J. Tamb- lyn as Josiah and Armanda Arm- strong, owners of the farm, each did their part well as did also Miss Cole and Mrs. E. G. Kerslake as the daughters, Nellfe and Laura, S. D. Souch was a very pompous Col- onel Barnaby Strutt, The comedy was supplied by Miss Eileen Sterl- ing as Junior, adopted daughter of the Strutts, and Carlos Tamblyn as Jonah Jones, the Armstrong farm helper. These two were exception ally good. The other characters, Squire Harcohrt and his son, Harry, taken by Wm. Sterling and Ray- mond Chapman, Dick Randall by Jim Brown and Tom Bushby by Or- ville Hooey, were all well portrayed. The Tamblyn orchestra supplied music between acts. BOWMANVILLE ROTARIANS GIVEN ILLUSTRATED TALK Bowmanville, April 27.--The re- gular luncheon of the Rotary Club was held at the Balmoral Hotel on Friday. The speaker for the day was Rotarian Tom Ross who, in- stead of giving his address at the luncheon in the usual way, invited the Rotarians down to his theatre where, after showing an interesting news reel, he gave a talk on his classification, illustrated by a num- ber of pictures. Besides being high- ly entertaining the address was most informative and thoroughiy enjoyed by every one. There will be an interesting ser- vice in St. Paul's Church on Sun- day evening, April 28th, which will be Fathers' and Sons' night. Rev. T. F, Best, of Whitby, will conduct the service and a men's choir will provide the music. A cordial invi- tation is extended to every one. PERSONALS Mrs. Percy Hamm and daughter, Dorothy, were in town Friday, guests of Mrs, Hamm's ndpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, C, Rehder, Well- ington street. Mrs. John Horne has been spend- ing a few days in Toronto with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jack McCul- lough, R Mrs. R. Shires, Sunderland, is visiting relatives in town. | PICKERING * ® ¥* * * ¥ 7 WHITBY CHOIR GIVES "CRUCIFIXION" HERE . Pickering, April 26--An apprecia- tive audience greeted the Whitby Tabernacle choir on 'Thursday even- ing, when they presented Stainer's "The Crucifixion" in St. Andrew's Church. Owing to the wet weather there were not as many present as generally attend such a splendid type of concert, The choir, which consist- cd of about forty voices was ably conducted by Arthur Lynde and gave a performance which was a credit to the members as well as their leader. PICKERING NEWS IN BRIEF Pickering, April 26--Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Callaghan and children, of Tor- onto, spent a day this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Murkar, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding and small daughter, of Port Credit called on Pickering friends on Friday. Mrs. F. Sarles and son of Trenton, is visiting her motH€r, Mrs. M. Ran- in. Mrs. Neil Hopkins of Stoney Creek, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Clark. Mrs. J. McGinty and family have moved into the house on Church St. owned by Mrs, Fawcett, EFFECTS OF MOTORING (Stray Stories) First Motorist--Do you know that motoring has increased my appetite wonderfully? Second Same--Well, that's good First Motorist--I'm not so sure I can't afford to eat now. The day is past when the lumber buyer had to take it for granted that he actually got the kind and quality of lumber he ordered and paid for. : One of our original deter- minations was to BUY and SELL on standard grades Only and to exactly repre- sent each grade properly when selling. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 ET _--_-- Notice Power There will be an interruption to electric service in Oshawa on Sunday, April 28th, 1929 From 6 O'clock to 8 O'clock A.M. and 2 to 4 P.M. In that section of the City from Bruce Street on the South to Colborne Street on the north; also Rural ; e Karn's Drug Stor DEVOTED T Durant "40" Four Cylinder Special Sedan "10 Minutes-- eo. With @ Durant employee! HcH quality is maintained in Durant cars through the loyalty and enthusiasm which each Durant employee feels towards the company and its products. Ten minutes conversation with a Durant employee would convince you of this valuable asset, which further ensures complete and lasting satisfaction from a Durant car. Bulls DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED « TORONTO, CANADA Rugby Trucks ¥3 Tom to 1%; Tow Capacities RAN mR 6G 0O D C A R Thickson Motor Sales, Oshawa, Ont.

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