Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Apr 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1929 MN\~~ meets Mr. Seller SSLEIED SECTION -4 NNN O < CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, | Solicitors, Notaries. "public Ete. Low Jevancing and Law Offi ves" 7% Sisheot, St. south, wa. Phone 4, G. Conant, Ora "LLB.: A.F Annis, Bia. LL.B. F Solicitor, ancer. M W:E N. SINCLAIR, KC, B of- Commerce Sailing. cle t gt yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.~BAR- tor, Notary. Pablic, Con- acer. oy to loan, Office | St. East, Oshawa. Phone Res phone 837. G N & CREIGHTON---BAR- IRIERSON Pub. 5. Entrance Simcoe St. Ehoze 13. «. Grierson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A. LOUIS 5. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 'Notary, over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3206W. PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, etc. Money to loan Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field GREPR AND HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc. 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to Joan. (26t1) Medical DR HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon. Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and di- seases of women. Two years' post graduate experience. Office and resi- dence 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Pass corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, discases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155, DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, § 1 attention given to X-ray wi and Electro- Sheopy, Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office a 9 am. to 09 B= Residence 161 one 2416. © (tf) DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M,, L. R. C. 'P. and S. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric- fan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 161 King St. E, Phone 3156. (Des. 31tf) DR. ., STEWART, SPE- cialist in surgery. Office 142 Sim- coe street North. Residence 166 Simcoe street North. Phone 3020. (56tf) ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L. R. c. P. & S. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity vork and dis- eases of children. Office and resid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. (uf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOORJ A Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97 © (49-tf) Pe Lae Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. B. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6. Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence, - 432J. (9tf) Nervous & Mental Diseases DR. R. B. E. WILSON. M.D, L. M. C. C. Dip. Psych., specialist in ner- vous, mental and diseases of the ductless glands; consultations. Of- fice and residence, Brock St. E., Uxbridge, Ont. Phone 138. ° Dental DR S.J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, office over Bassetts'. Phone 959} Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR, FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 87 King street east. Alger building: Phone 2880. Evenings by appoint- ment. (48tt) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's D Store. Gas for extraction. | Phone DR. L. E HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid Saygen ge gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948. residence. 1378M. D. . ¥. BRUCK, IST, 1% Simcoe St. N., cver Dewland's. Phone 1957. Resl. 292W. Evenings by Appalptment (July 4d) D GIF] 0 Regent a Bldg. Phone fi Residence 669. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DA Dentists, 37 King St. B. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse In attendance. Phones 1248 and 281. (96tf) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITE. ONTAR- io Land ors and Civil * cers, sub-divisions, town Sunicipal engineers. 365 or St _E. Phones 2532) or 2544 " Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service *hareing and repairing. (107t0) Hospitals HOSPITAL--WHITBY PRIVATE Hospital receives patients, very reasonable rates. - Open for inspec tion daily, For further informa- tion 'phone Whitby 350. (Aor. 5-1mo), cher (Hambourg COO, To of | ronto) Osha 'ednesday, Nor Phone 2764F. T C. ist and choirnfaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in: plana, organ and vocal music. Voices tested free. 63 Drew St. (129-t8) Phone x K| JOHN" H RENWICK. ORGAN. ; and choirmaster Simcoe United Church. Teacher of piano, ong cal Studio at the church" Connaught St. Phone 2600W. AIIAN banjo, Harry Wagner, Torontu teacher at Harris Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. 8. Five free lessons given on instruments sold. (Feb. 26-May 26) ER OF VIOLIN, Phone 2388. (Apr; 23-1 mo.) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies. (118tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants atterided to and your interests protected. INSURANCE--USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) Transportation CARTAG MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Loca) and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F. Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. w. ' COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West: Phone 6 treks for prompt service. Moving van gnd storage se equip- ment. Baggage transferred to aud from all trains. g (64tf) TRUCKING, LOC ON distance, Cunningham, AN Albert St. Phone 18365. (Apr. 3-May 38) TAXI--PHON NB 627. WM. CHAS. Werry, 109 Agnes street. Care and courtesy. (Apr. 15 1 mo.) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone 2968. (88tf) T A Y Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop. Marcel and sham- poo $1 Phone 2968. (3411) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize In ladles' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2658. (Apr. 13-May 13) MARCEL AND CURL. 60c. No. 2 Llewlyn Apt, Simcoe St. South. For appointment phone 3213J. (Apr. 1-May 1) ALLADIN HAIRDRESSING PAR- lor, 10 Church street. Marcel and curl 50c. Phone 733J. (98h) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & eld, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. (49¢6) MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages. Apply Louis S. Hyman, Barrister, 16 Simcoe street north, Oshawa. (44tf) MOTOR LOANS--MOTOR LOANS, Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14% King St, East, Oshawa. Phone 2790. (79tr) Painting and Decorating ¥. ©. HILL, DECORATING, paperhanging, paliting. Work guaranteed. Hstimates given. Phone 942W. 135 Brock east. UT. LE, FIRST CLASS PAs pethianger, painting and rices right, work teed. Pine Ave., phone wor 20 '0. ¢ ing and general house decorating, sample books on application. Phone 2811. A. Berry, 571 Simcoe St. N. Apr. 8-May. 8.) THE OSHAWA PAINTERS -- Painting, Paperhanging, Gralning, Signs and Monograms for Automo- biles, Etc. Reasonable prices. Phone 1496W. 14 Nassau St. (Apr. 9-May 9) ED, STEBLE, PAINTING AND DE- corating, 329 Court St. Phone 3134W. (Apg. 10-May: 10) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. tf | Hast, Ambulance, Residence, 543 Simcoe street. north. Phones $10J and 210W. DISNBY-COTT FUNERAL HOMa 87 Celina street, Oshaws. Corner Bruce "street. Ambulance. Phone 1082. (96-2) and Pressing A HIGH CLASS merchant tailor. 'Cleaning, press. ing and repajring. 12§ South Sim- coe St. Tel. 1688W. (Apr 4-May 4) UNIVERSAL Y, AN. and /dyers, the place for altera- tions and repairs. Phone 509. 123% King West. Above Cannings Men's Wear, (Apr. 25 1 mo) pupils raed for all exams. | Vi My 93 Simeos Mt. | +» suit you. Office 38 Simcoe GAN-| | PHONE _ 7164, HA HOUSE chestnut trim, French doors, oak floors down stairs at 153 Alex- andra St, overlooking golf grounds. Also lots just west, Reasonable terms Phone 1257W. (68tf) SA. ON Road. 75 acres, Spring creek, Good for poultry, 8 acres orchard. Apply 185 Simcoe North. (90 2 wks.) A T - tage and two lots. 2.1 Roxborough avenue. Will sell all or separate. Phone 1537W, between 6 and 8 p.m, (92tL) SAL EW GGED brick houses: 8 rooms and bath; 8 minutes' walk north Motors; oak floors, French doors, divided cellar, paved street, modern in every way including electric fixtures; low price; terms. Apply 84 Alice St. Phone 2091. (95 1 wk.) SAL ou AND LOT, No. 408 Bloor street east, Oshawa, lot 50 ft. x 206 ft. Good frame house, stable, driving shed and chicken house. Immediate posses- sion, Enquire on the premises cr to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &c., Oshawa, Ont. (Apr. 23-May 4) FOR SALBE--IN NORTH END. SIX roomed brick house. All conveni- ences, newly decorated. On paved street. Small cash payment down. Balance monthly, Immediate pos- session, Apply W. G. Miller, 4 Bond St. West. Phone 2780. : (964d) FOR SALE--TWO GOOD BUILD- ing lots, 38x110; all conveniences; on paved street. St. (97-2) ON SIMCOE STREET NORTH 6 rooms. Double: brick garage. Lot 52 x 100. Modern in every way. The best buy in the city at $8500. Jones Real Estate. phone 2667. ; (972 NEW 6 ROOMS NEAR MOTORS. $4800, cash payment $300. Bal- ance as rent. Why not own your own home. Call Mr. Rogers 2667. (97¢) BUILDERS LOTS IN ALL PARTS of the city, $300 up. Jones' Real Estate. Phone 2667. A Open even- ings. (97¢) FOR SALE--AN IDEAL BUILD- ing lot, plum and cherry trees, Rit son Road North. Apply Mr. G. Reoch, 32 Elgin St. East. Phone 442, (98-¢) HERE'S ANOTHER Good buy in a new modern 4-room- ed bungalo, $2500 with only $300 down payment. Balance like rent. Phone Holden 371W. (98h) SIX LOVELY ROOMS In this modern square-plan home on paved street. Special price $4800. Hurry! Phone Holden 371W. (98b) HORTON AND FRENCH Mundy Bldg. A few choice lots on Oshawa Blvd. Size 35 x 160 ft. $350 and $50 down. Another one,, one hundred down. b rooms. Price $2200. Bungalo 4 rooms and bath. $2500 with $250 cash. Wonderful buy at $5800. Best street north. Real home, (98¢c) A SNAP, BRICK BUNGALOW. four rooms, 3 piece bath. Hara- wood floors throughout, cellar, furnace. Must sell. Léaving town. Phone 1551M. (98b) fIOUSE FOR SALE--HARDWOOD floors throughout; garage; paved street. Phone 2047J. (99-c) FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED house, very reasonable, good loca~ tion; no agents. Phone 1663W. (99-b) TOT FOR SALE--LASALLE AVE. Near Athol east. Cheap for cash. 'Good speculation. Apply 23 Bond St. East, (99a) FOR SALE -- FRA USE. Five rooms with lights, water, gar- age. Will take lot and some cash. Apply 330 Simcoe South, Oshawa. (99¢) New. SX ROOM BRICK TWO STORY, hot water heated, chestnut trim, oak floors: throughout, tiled bath, geparate toilet, laundry tubs, coal mantel, tral. Fifty-six with reasonable pay- ment. Phone 101W. (99a) BOWN RBALTY Phone 2746 6% Prince St. 7 room brick, French doors, every convenience. Good locality. $4,500. 7 room brick, all conveniences. Good locality. $4,500. 6 room brick. Every convenience. Good locality. $4,500. Lots for sale in all parts of the city. Above property sold on easy terms. (99¢) THIRTY FOOT LOT ON OSH- awa Blvd., at sacrifice price. Own- er leaving town. Phone 101W. Apply 370 Jarvis, large bright rooms. Cen-) | Rates for | Classified Ads. First ineertion--13§ ons ' por word, Minimum charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion ic per word. » Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box sumber 10c additional per for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De- partment MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALE--GRAVEL, SAND AND loam. Dump truck service. Prompt delivery. For prices' phone 2873W. Pidgin, 97 Colborne St. E. (Apr, 17-May 17) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS. MOST complete stock in Oshawa. Muifitt and Park, 82 Simcoe St. S. (65tf) FIRST CLASS GRAVEL, SAND, loam and cinders delivered. Prompt service. Prices reasonable. Phone 3116W, Percy Davidson. (Apr. 1-Mayl) WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, can- opy tops installed. T., Tayler, Tor- onto. Oshawa Phone 1053. (77-tt) BOYS' TWEED SUITS, TWO pairs pants, one long and one short jon sale for $8.95. Engel's Store, 21 Bond West. (97 1 wk.) EXTRA SPECIALS AT ENGELS store, 21 Bond street west, don't miss this opportunity. 50 Travel- ler"s sample ladies' spring coats, latest styles, $15 to $35. On sale $5.95. (97 1 wk.) FOR SALE---ORIENTAL INDIAN rug, 9 ft. square; bargain for quick sale. Apply 102 Westmoreland Avenue. (97-c) FOR SALE--CREAM WICKER baby carriage, good condition. Ap- ply 19 Brock Street East. (97-¢c) ILLINERY SPECIAL, LADIES' hats from $1.00 to $2.98. Priced for quick sale. Engels, 21 Bond street west, (97 1 wk.) MEN'S BLUE SERGE AND BLUB Pin Stripe Suits on sale $24.95 at Engel's Store, 21 Bond street west. (97 1 wk.) FOR SALE-- TEAM WAGON, single truck, double and singie plow, three scufflers, harness, new collars and sweat pads. Other ar- ticles. Apply 56 Burk street. (97¢) FOR SALE--ATWATER KENT radio; batteryless, nearly new; sacrifice for cash. Apply 163 Ce- lina Street. (98h) FOR SALE--A SINGER SEWING machine, good condition. Phone 1811M. (98-¢c) FOR SALE--ONE 300 ACCOUNT McCagkey accounting system in 1st class condition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 1737J. (98¢) FOR SALE--BELANGER COAL and wood cook stove, practically new, also Dominion circular heat- er in first class condition. Apply 284 Festhubert Ave Phone 1561M. (98b) FOR ALE -- DINI 00) table. Odd chairs, also front door. Phone 1545J. ' (99¢c) '|FOR 'SALE--COMPLETE GOLF- scarcely used. Price Apply box 29, (99-¢) ing outfit, very reasonable. Times, or phone 224. FOR SALE--THREE-TUBE HA |St: dio with loud speaker and ear phones. Phone 723718, (99-a) FOR SALE-STRAWBERRY plants. Apply F. Aldsworth. Phone 165271 5. (99-a) FOR SALE--ONE GOOD SINGER patching machine, 2 jacks and 12 flasks. Apply Clark Store, 138 Mill Strect. (99-c) BARGAIN, FOUR BURNER GAS range in good condition. Apply 1841; Simcoe St. South. (99b) ets and Live Stock HATCHING BGGS WHITH LEG- horns. Tom Barran Strain, winter layers, large white eggs. High fer- tility. $1.25 per fifteen. $5 per hundred. Phone Gordon Irwin 202 r 15. (95 1 wk.) (99a) Dressmeking CADIES AND -- CHILDREN'S coats 'and dresses, masquerade cos- 'tumes. Fancy sewing done at reas- onable prices. Phone 1347M. 21 Rowe St. (Feb. 8 tf) HATCHING EGGS . FOR SALE from single comb white Leghorns. Apply P. Kilburn, 466 Albert Street. Phone 624W. (95-0) THREE CH TS. Will swap for flock of hens. Ed. Steele, 329 Court St. (98¢) Auctioneer W. J. SULLEY, 'auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W.,. Oshawa, Ontario. GG -~ GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Phone 1 THOMSON i S- Goclase, architaotay.: Over Felt Bros, Simoos Ste) St. 8.| Oshawa, Ont., Business. Opportunities FOR SALE--A GOOD YOUNG cow, refreshened the 26th of April. Apply to Norman BE. Bradley, Lot 2. Con. 3. Don't call Saturday. (98c) BABY CHICKS CUSTOM hatching, bred to lay stock. Hatch- ery on Chestnut St. E., south of C.P.R. Phone 215. J. M. Kenny. Whitby. (S May 4) BUSINESS FOR SALE--OLD established' Bakery and Pastry business in Oshawa; excellent loca- £){ tion, immetiate possession, Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristérs &c., Solicitors for the Owners, (Apr, 22-May 4) Wanted to Buy MR. S, JAGOE, DEALER [IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods 2d for, Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St, (134t8), i flland Buckingham Manor. flwith Electric Dryers, in . For Rent North Simcoe. St., Simcoe Manor South Simcoe St, Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, cinerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars. Apply Your Local Agent Toronto. Apply Mr. Grier, Phone 2989J. "(111tf) FOR RENT~-- FURNISHED FOUR Apply to Mr. Grier, Phone 2989J. (14tf) TO RENT--BACHBLOR APART- ment In down town apartment block, water, electric light and steam heat, Box §9, Oshawa. (tt) OFFICE SPACE TO RENT. AP- ply Room 6, 143 King Street east. Phone 2790. (86-tt) FOR RENT--BARBERS SPACE to rent. Apply Balahood's, 61 King St. East. (89-tf) TO RENT--FARM HOUSE, 17 rooms, % acre Columbia berry bushes (berries yield close to rent). Will allow tenant space for gar- den. Apply Mallett Bros. (956tL) Help Wanted--Male AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents an hour, learning best paying trades. Kn- gineering, electricity, garage work, chauffeuring, bricklaying, barber- ing, hairdressing. Literature free. Yui Repairing F. A. VON EX 1 Swiss Bh repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pS ronage is solicited. Work Wanted Write, Dominion Government Chartered Trade Schools, King West, Toronto. (Apr. 6 to May 25) ANT T learn shoe business, Hien School education preferred. Burns Shoe Company Ltd. (80tf) BOY WANTED FOR work. McFayden Bakery, 293 Mary street, (98Y) A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED by a strong ordinary industrial Canadian Life Insurance Co. for City of Oshawa. This is a real opportunity with an excellent fu- ture for the right man. Box 30, Times. (99-c) AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learn- ing best paying trades. Engineer- ing, Electricity, Garage work, Chauffeuring, Bricklaying Barber- ing. Hairdressing. Literature free. Write--Dominfon Trade Schools, King West, Toronto. (Sat to May 25) TO RENT--TWO NICELY FIUR- nished bedrooms, suitable for young gentlemen, Breakfast is de- sired, All conveniences. Two min- utes' to Motors, Apply 157 Agnes St. (99c) ROOMS TO RENT WITH OR without board. Terms on applica- tion. 207 Simcoe street south. (96d) HOUSE TO RENT--6, ROOMS AND bath. All conveniences. Lease for year. Also garage. 282 Nassau. (94 1 wk.) TO LET--JUST THE ROOM A gentleman would like--the right place and the right price. Apply 56 Division Street. (99¢) ROOM FOR TWO IN PRIVATE family; board if desired; three minutes from Motors; gentlemen preferred. 305 French street. a (97-¢) 3 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, May 1, near Motors. Apply 329 Alice Street, corner of Osh- awa Boulevard. (97-c) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent with every convenience, pri- vate toilet; also three unfurnished rooms, all conveniences; heat, wa- ter and telephone included; no children. Apply 29 Brock Street East, Phone 795. (97-c) TWO ROOMS TO RENT FOR light housekeeping. All conveni- ences or would taka roomers. Phone 814F. (97¢c) THREE YINFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Phone 1307J. (97c) FOR RENT AT THE LAKE FOUR roomed cottage. Screened porch. Possession May 1st. Also private room suit two gentlemen or busi- ness girls. Phone 289 r 13, (97¢) TO RENT--THREE UNFURNISH- ed rooms with electric stove. No children.. Phone 1623W. (97¢) TO RENT--THREE-ROOM FLAT, ground floor; unfurnished; in new house, near Motors office, $35. Ap- ply Box 24 Times. (98-b) FOR RENT---TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light housekeeping; good locality; no.children. Phone 2676F. (98-c) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS, UN- furnished, James Street, off Stacey Avenue. Phone 2779W. (98-b) APARTMENT TO RENT WITH all conveniences. Apply 437 Sim- coe street south. Phone 507. (98¢c) FOR RENT--APARTMENT TO sublet. Comprising of living room. Kitchenette, bedroom, bath, elec- tric refrigeration. Immediate pos- session. Apply 8% Simcoe St. S. Apts. 16. (98b) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED or furnished rooms for light house- keeping. Phone 1098W, (98¢) O RE 0 EE UN- furnished rooms, All conveniences. Apply 207 Clark. Biss (98¢c) OR RENT ~-- house. Garage, static. garden, or- chard. Possession at once on King street west. Apply 163 Colborne BE. (98¢) TO RENT -- FOUR _ ROOMED apartment, Cernitral. Apply 86 Sim- coe street north. Phone 1597W. (98b) FOR RENT -- SIX ROOMED house at 178 Bloor street west. Phone 1651 r 2 (99a) TO RENT--TWOQ UNFURNISHED or partly furnished rooms. Near G.M.C. Apply 314 Haig St, + (87¢) for one or two gentlemen, break- fast if desired. Close to Motors. Apply 118 Agnes street" Phone 15047. (98b) SIX R HOUSE TO R Newly decorated. 2 garages. Elec- tric fixtures. Phone 162 or ly (98b) EIGHT OOMED HO rent, furnished or unfurnished. Good location. Careful tenants, Ap- ply 367 Mary street. (99¢) ENT----TWO UNFU S. rooms for light housekeeping or would take roomers. . Tweé min- utes from Motors. Phone 320%. (99a BURK STREBT SEVEN ROOMED brick house to rent, All conveni- ence, Garage. Paved street. Phone 13247, (99¢) TO RENT--TWO CLBAN FOUR- nished light housekeeping rooms wiht a stove. Four dollars per week. Apply 79 Montrave Avenue. *99¢) BATHROOM APARTMENT OVER No, 134 Simcoe street south, also rooms over 28 Simcoe street uth and house on Park Rd. North with two acres. Apply Dr, Belt, 13 John Street. i TO RENT--BEDROOM SUITABLE |- Help Wantéd--Female WANTED--A MIDDLE-AGED WO- man for general housework in re- spectable home. Apply Box 265, Times. (98-b) MAID WANTED AT ONCE FOR general work. Family of two. Phone 956M (98¢c) COOK GENERAL WANTED, AP- ply 462 Simcoe Street North. WANTED--LADY CLERK RE- quired with knowledge of typewrit- ing and shorthand for railway of- fice. Reference required. Apply Box 28, Times. (99-b) EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL wanted, for downstairs work. Ap- ply 92 King street east. (99¢) Position Wanted WANTED--BY MIDDLE AGED protestant woman, housework or housekeeping, Capable of taking full charge. Would care for in- valid. Phone 833M. (97¢) YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS position as truck driver or chauf- feur, Apply Box 27, Times. (99-c) CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN wants work by day or wishes to do washing in her own home. Apply Box 32 Times. (99a) Room and board ROOMERS AND BOA. wanted. 68 Gibbs Street. (92 1 mo) ROOM AND BOARD WITH PRIV- ate family. 10 minutes walk from General Motors, Phone 695M. (94-1 wk.) ROOM AND BOARD, HOME COM- forts; garage. Apply 14 Nassau Street." Phone 1495W., (96-1 wk.) ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted, close to Motors; home pri- vileges. Apply 73 Oshawa Blvd. (97-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two in private family. North end. Apply Box 23 Times. (97¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Single beds. Close to Motors. Phone 389J or apply 62 Division street, (98b) ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted. Central. Phone 1665) or apply 174 Arthur Street. (98¢) ROOM AND BOARD NEAR TEX- tiles. Apply 110 Albert street. Phone 2617J. (99¢) ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted. French cooking. Apply 171 and 185 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 2915F, (99¢) J Boarders Wanted BOARDERS WA RS Ni Apply 44 Bond street east. (97¢) a Radio Service DIO 8. BE A Aerials erected, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired. Prompt service. Moderate prices. Charles Wales. Phone 1046J. : (Apr. 3 1 mo) RADIO SETS INSTALLED, RE- paired, rebuilt or rewired, F. A. Diplock, 126 William St. BE. Phone 2035M. Endorsed by National Ra- dio Institute, Washington, D.¢. Expert service at reasonable price. (Apr, 19-1mo) Motor USED CARS FOR SALE Luke Motor Sales. Phone 382W. Whitby, Ford Coupe starter type 1923 Ford Coupe 1923 Ford Sedan $100. 1923 Chevrolet Coupe new duco 1923 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1923 Oakland 6 touring 1925 Overland 4 coach 1926 Overland 6 coach 1926 Star 6 Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Sedan Several others to choose from. Monthly terms arranged. (98-c) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bpos. Phone 438. (tf) ' Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIZ » VETERINARIAN, Soosialin Ssemser a domestic guimals, t ital n, west. Phone 629. =r (56tf Hemstitching MSTI CENT G, yard, all kinds of alterations, Pleat- = dressmakin; Mrs. Dell, 263% Simétoe 9. Syuill Oe 1656 Apr. 10-May, 10) place for cars. Near four corners. {in RE UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- | F fields. made to order. Se, save ite Jou money. Estimates free. G. ne stable. 74 Mechanic street. a 1595). (56tf) Ee for and delivered 76c. If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 18856W. (Apr. 6-May 6) ACHELOR EPAI DEPT.--~ For those away from home. Also household linens, etc. Neatly and promptly mended. At reasonable charge. 4 Prince St. Phone hyism ' (97e) SEE CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE, Plastering. Electric or alterations, Phone 139 for prices. (76 1mo) Ti ith PROMPT SERVICE ON EAVE- troughing and repair work. For estimates phone 723 ring 4. (98d) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALBR. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M. ' (tn MRS. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiere, Sprrella Shop 58 Elgin St. E. Phone 936. Lost and Found LOST--WHITE AND BROWN German spitz, answers to name of "Rusty". Phone 1513M, (98¢c) LOST -- TRUCK LICENSE, chauffeur license, 4-two dollar bills in bill fold. Finder please leave at Pattie's store, Simcoe St. N., and receive reward. "99a) Wanted to Rent TWO YOUNG MEN single or doube room. Box 26 Times. (98¢c) YOUNG MAN WANTS SINGLE room. Close to Times building. Breakfast if convenient. Apply Box 31, Times office. (99a) For Sale or Exchange SALE R A Have three lots on Howard street, 3 on Stirling Ave., two Bloor street east. Will sell cheap or will exchange for mortgages or equity. What have you to offer for these. Phone 1620. (99¢) WANT . Notice In the SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO. In the matter of the Mechanics' and Wage Earners' Lien Act, between McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Limited, plaintiff, ana John W. Collins and Ella Lillian Colilns, defendants. Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause &nd bearing date respective- ly the Twenty-fifth day of March, AD, 1929, and the Twenty-fourth day of April, A.D., 1929, there will be sold, subject to a reserve bid, with the approbation of the Master of this Court at Whitby, by Alfred C. Lycett, Auctioneer, on the prem= ises at 784 Simcoe Street South, in the City of Oshawa, having a front- feet, by a depth of about one hun- dred and forty feet, upon which there is in course of erection a one story commercial building, 40' by 60' with an annex 12' by 18', upon a concrete foundation of cement block construction, with brick front, and flat roof of ready roof- 8. There is also on the sald lands 'a two-story frame house, about 20' by 27', containing all conveni- ences with a lean-to at the rear, in a good state of repair, upon a paved street, and in a good locality, at the hour of two o'clock in the af- ternoon, on Saturday, the 18th day of May, A.D., 1929, the following lands and premises in one parcel, namely :-- ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, in the Couns ty and Province of Ontario and be- ing composed of lots numbers thir- teen and fourteen as marked on registered plan of lots laid out on the West part of lot number ten, in the Broken Front Concession in said City, by Thomas Conant, ex- cepting thereout the Southerly thirty-five feet from front to rear of lot number Fourteen, heretofore conveyed to one D, J. Riordan by registered in the Registry Office for . {the Registry Division of the County . Jot Ontario at Whitby as. No. 20235 and also excepting part of lot Thir- . |teen, mentioned in deed 24129. The said property will be sold subject to a registered first mort- . | gage thereon, of One Thousand Dol- lars, with acerued Interest, for six months and subject to a second mortgage of approximately Four- teen Hundred Dollars. TERMS:--10 per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance of the excess' of the purchase price, over the exist- ing first and second mortgages, within twenty days thereafter. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the Stand ing Conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario. For further par- ticulars and conditions of sale. ap-. ply to Joseph P. Mangan, Barrister, Oshawa, Ontario. DATED at WHY: this 24th day of April, AD, 1929 "ROBT. RUDDY". Local Master at Whitby. . For Exchange WANTED--HOUSE IN OSHAWA. Exchange farm 98 acres, Port Perry. Good house, buildings. Silo. Price $6,600. Mortgage $3,000: Would sell as going concern. Ap< ply Box 11 Times. (93 1 wk) FOR BXCHANGE--WHAT HAVE you to exchange for my equity of $300 in a good building lot? Phone 1663W, (99-b) For Sale or Rent 3 FOR RENT OR SALE--SMALL farm, seven acres of land, three. acres in first year clover hay, or= chard, . 250 gooseberries and cure. rants, 600 plants of strawberries planted last year, all land except 'hay is being ploughed, four roomed , house, barn and stable, garage; chicken house, pig pen, good condi< tion, cement well built last year, Apply John Waduck, Lakeview Gardens, Oshawa, Ont. (99-0)[ : Tenders Wanted WAREHOUSE FOR SALE~~OSHwe awa Fruit Growers Limited offers for sale by tender their property at 75 Richmond Street, West, Osh-% awa, consisting of seventy-seven foot frontage by ore hundred and thirty-two feet in depth, situated thereon a frost proof store house, sixty by seventy-two feet. Tendersy to be accompanied by certified cheque for 5 per cent. of offer, Sealed tenders must be in not later than twelve o'clock noon Wednes~ day, May 1st, 1929. The highest or any tender not rily ace cepted. Reference E. C. Ilodgins, Manager Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Standard Bank Branch, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa Fruit Grow- ers Limited, John Johnston, Secre=s tary-Treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Osh- HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS OM floors finished like mew, Storm windows, combination | Contract B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Phone <n, residence 180r2. M Farms For Sale 1 'We have a number of farms ready for crop om reason- awa, Ont. (M-W-T-8), able terms. Some with fall equipment. j PEEBLES & MORDEN Real Estate Brokers 9 Bond Street East. i: FOR RENT Furnished Apartments Apply W. Shackleton Phone 2989) hv age of approximately eighty-two } deed dated March 19, 1928, and || CHILDREN'S REEFERS TO CLEAR AT , $1.98 Domini Clothing St 88 King St. W. Phone 2141 COAL-- Phone 193 'W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street B. Orders Promptly Delivered FOR RENT BONNIE BRAC COTTAGE, Oshawa, ori Wy the lake, he oh even ences: Apply to G- Dr F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Tourist Road House with booth, gas pumps, garage and 10 acres of choice. gar- den land. Call at 25 King St. East. 4 LYCETT

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