Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1929, p. 7

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IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 PAGE SEVEN LABOR CONFERENCE MEETING IN BUXTON Delegates Represent More Than Quarter Million Women | ~ Buxton, Derbyshire, Eng., April 25.--Delegates representing more than 250,000 Labor women met for a three-day national conference to discuss iological and mical problems closest hearts of women, The 'meeting, presided over by Mrs. J. L. Adamson, member of the London county council, has attract- ed wide attention, coming, as it does, shortly before the general election. The chief business of the confer- ce will beconsideration of a re- ort on "women 'and the general election," which purports to review the failings of the Conservative Government and to outline the in- tentions of Labor if returned to power. : The report deals with the neces- sity of insuring peace, with the cost of living, the housing problem, child-welfare, pensions for the aged, the situation in the coal fields and the alleged . injustice of the poor law. : The agenda for the conference jncludes resolutions to 'set Labor women on records as in favor of improvement in all of the afore- mentioned questions. It also in- cludes one resolution which de- clares that "this conference depre- ciates the practices of allocating specially difficult constituencies to women candidates for Parliament, and urges the adoption of a scheme to place candidates on an equal footing." Other resolutions to be submit- ted seek changes in the liquor laws, increased punishments for criminal assault and prison reform. Among the Labor Party leaders scheduled to address the 62 dele- gates assembled, are Ramsay Mac- Donald, Miss Margaret Bondfield, member of parliament, and Her bert Morrison, Labor leader. Miette Hit Springs The waters of Miette Hot Springs ifn Jasper National Park, Alberta, resemble those of the Sulphur Springs at Banff but are several de- grees hotter. These springs are situated about 12 miles from the 'railway and are reached by a good "trail. . CO. to the Farms For Sale We have a number of farms ready for crop on reason able terms. Some with full equipment, APPLY PEEBLES & MORDEN Real Estate Brokers 9 Bond Street, East. SHOT ENEMIES OUT MOUTH OF CANNON Brigand King of Afghanis- tan Claims Plot to + Kill Him London, April 25--Bacha Sakao, the brigand king of Afghanistan, has disposed of four of his ene- mies by having them shot from the mouths of cannons, the Daily Mail's Lahore correspondent reported here. The king claimed the men were leaders of a plot to kill him. Following up his attempt to .en- trench himself firmly in the king- dom he seized from Amanullah, Bacha Sakao offered a large re- ward for Nadir Khan, Minister of War in Amanullah's Government. Amanullah also was desirous of arresting. Nadir Khan, the Daily Mail dispatch said, but the reason was not given. It was répuiieu last February that Nadir Khan was preparing for an attempt to seize the throne for himself, Further fighting in Sheik Hahad Valley was reported. PARAGUAY WANTS FORT BOQUERON Now Occupied by Bolivian Troops in Disputed Territory 'Washington, April 24.--The secrecy thrown about negotiations here to settle the Paraguayan- Bolivian dispute, which almost caused war between the two Sduth American countries. in January, was penetrated Monday night 'that Paraguay is seeking return of Fort Bouqueron in the disputed Chaco territory which Bolivian troops captured and still occupy. Fort Bouqueron was captured early in January, after Paraguayan troops had taken the Bolivian Fort Vanguardia, First news of the cap- ture of «+ Fort Vanguardia came when President-Elect Hoover was receiving a delegation of Bolivians aboard the battleship Maryland off Antofagasta, Chile, during his South American good-will four. For a time, war 'seemed certain between Paragyay and Bolivia, a war that it was feared might en- guf other South American coun- trise as allise of one or the other. It was prevented 'by a Pan-Am- erican conciliation conference here after weeks of concerted effort, and both Governments signed a protocol agreeing to submit the question as to who was the ag- gressor in the Fort Vanguardia in- cident to a commission of inquiry and conciliation. It is this com- mission, now working here secret- ly; which has received Paraguay's request to megotiate evacuation of Fort Boqueron. » PREVENTS THAT "SINKING" FEELING Sales Agemss : Harold F. Ritchie Co. Ltd., Toronto | Gop | MEDAL |COFFEE youll chink | NATIONAL GROCERS COMPANY LIMITED Wholesale Distributors tn of made about it (Letter from 6 Halifax mother. "Original on fils.) EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK has been the leading infant food since 1857 THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, Dept. A 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal Please send me free your Welfare Book and Baty enor Book. NAME T0 ENFORCE BAN ON REGIMENTAL LIQUOR Decision F ollows Evidence of Drinking at Toronto Ottawa, April 25.--Regulations concerning the serving of liquor in regimental messes are receiving the attention of the headquarters staff authorities here in sequence to the inquiry recently held at To- ronto based on a complaint of the Ontario Liquor Control Board. In the case in point, it seems that at a gathering under the aus- pices of one of the battalions, lig- uor was not only served but that the non-commissioned officers who performed the service ineidentally collected for if, Complaint was by the Control Board, one of whose sleuths was present at the function, and an in- quiry was ordered, the finding be- ing that the allegations were not without foundation. = Clearly it was in contravention of the law and the regulations as well, It appears that under the regu- lations, which have obtained for years, liquor in regimental quar- ters is banned, but the penalty for an infraction of the rule has never been such as to- cause anybody to worry. Now, in view of the Toron- to case, the matter is being taken up and the intimation is that the regulation will be enforced and the penalty for violation of it stiffen- ed. A Foremost Tur Producer Canada is one of the foremost fur producers of the world. Raw furs are the chief commercial proauce of the wild life of the northern halt of the continent and as such represent ghe: only economic re- turn from large areas in the Do- minion. Capital Invested in Irrigation Construction costs of ten major Lirrigation products now operating in southern Alberta amount to about $31,800,000, or an average cost of approximately. $31 per acre for the area of slightly more than one million acres. The Columbia Ice-Field The melting waters from the Co- Park, Alberta, feed the sources of lumbia ice-flield in Jasper National three of the largest and most his- toric rivers in the Canadian West-- the Athabaska, the Saskatchewan, and the Columbia, which flow to three separate oceans. - Tey & rogulet daily course for a short AV & Lae y the Eyes in Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., CHURCHES FOSTER EMMIGRATION PLAN Anglicans Feature St George's Day With Appeal For Funds London, April 25.--The feature of St. George's Day in England is an appeal by Anglican churches for funds to help paor families to emi- grate to Canada and Australia. .| The scheme was organized by the Church of England Council on Em- pire Settlemenf, and the appeal is intended as an annual affair. It is planned to transplant hundreds of families from the proceeds of the drive. Y W. T. Gunn, moderator of the United Church in Canada, who fis at present in London in connection with the Free Church pilgrimage to Canada, informed the British United Press that the United Church intends going ahead with the boys' emigration plan, which was temporarily suspended owing to the death of the official in charge. He agrees that the church- es can play a most important part in fostering emigration. ICEBURG WARNINGS DELAY STEAMERS Huge Ice-Floe Encountered Off Grand Banks by "8S. Pennland New York, April 25.--With the arrival of the Red Star liner Penn- land, a day late' because of fce- floes off the Grand Banks, warn- ings went out to ships sailing tne north Atlantic to beware of ice- burgs, although there is usually no danger from them until a month later than now. The Pennland was in no danger at any time, he! ptain said, but a huge ice-floe, Which she encoun- tered off the raha Banks near Halifax Thursday night slowed her down considerably. The captain sald he saw enormous icebergs in that locality-----hundreds of miles south of where they are supposed to be at this time of the year. The Anchor liner California also arrived a day late because she had changed her course to the south after receiving radio warnings at sea to beware of icebergs. CHILDREN LOST IN | SWAMP ARE FOUND Two Michigan Youngsters ; Suffer From Exposure and Hunger Niles, Mich., - April 25.--June Horner, 9, and her little brother, Harry, 4, who got lost in the track- less timber and swamp lands near Barron Lake on Sunday while hunt- ing wild flowers were found near here Monday. The youngsters were tired, hun- gry and suffering from all-night exposure, Baby Harry was toddl- ing with one foot bare, having given up a shoe in some of the treacherous black sand of the woods, More than 200 men, led by the father of the children, were con- ducting a search for the youngsters when they appeared at a farmhouse west of here. 4 The children said they were too frightened to sleep, and had walk- ed all last night. A sister, Mabel, 11, who accompanied them on the flower hunt, fought her way out of the wilderness. She was hysteri- cal, sobbing that her brother and sister had been lost in the "black sand." which is a treacherous muck that swallows bodies like quick sand. CHINESE CUT OFF THEIR PIGTAILS Pekin, April 25.--More than 2,000 men have cut off their tails and 300 women have unbound their feet in Pekin, states the Cus- tom Reform Commission of the Office of Public Welfare. Six months were allowed for men and women to discard ancient Chinese customs, Those who have not complied are being arrested. DAYLIGHT SAVING In accordance with a reso- lutiom- of the City Council, Daylight Saving Time will be in force in the City of Oshawa from 12.01 a.m. Sunday, April 28th, until 12.01 a.m. Sunday, Septem- ber 29th, 1929, F. E. HARE, City Clerk Waterman's regular Pens for women are now being made with a clip and can be se- cured tothe inside of one's purse. Waterman's SERVICE AND SELECTION AT 5,500 CANADIAN MERCHANTS Colour, Er | in Women's Desksets wr their long, tapering penhandles, and bases of marble or onyx or bronze, Waterman's vari-coloured Gyro-Sheath Desk Sets add a charming touch of Old World atmosphere to spinnet or secretaire. : : Have your dealer show you the No. 7 group of Waterman's Gyro-Sheath Desk Sets. /Try the seven pen-points--one of them is guaranteed to give you lasting writing satisfaction. Ourillustrated TrophyCircular sentfreeonrequest, Use Waterman's Ink in Waterman's Pens A2904 OSHAWA FOLKS By W. H. Karn "THERE GOES THAT | GABBY MISSUS DOLEFUL ~ALWAYS KNOCKING / SHE AH YES SHE DOES, NEVER. SHE TOLD ME ONLY ¢} HAS A GOOD YESTERDAY THAT SHE | WORD FOR | WAS WELL PLEASED | ANYONE/ ( WITH THE WAY - SHE'S TREATED AT 60's HER OLD MAN! THE | WHOLE FAMILYS ALWAYS KNOCKIN' THE TOWN/ table. We are always pleased when we hear of some per- sons who has put in a good word for Please the wife with something for her dressing The most dainty and up to date toiletries are found here, this shop. THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC po; Alw -. [IMER Vegetables Asparagus Tips Beans Beets Carrots Corn Corn-on-Cob Kraut Peas Spinach , Squash Succotash Tomatoes Tomato Puree Fruits Apples Apple Sauce * Cherries A Gooseberri. : Grapefruit * Lawtonberries Loganb eaches ears Pineapple Plums Raspberries ubarb Strawberries ' ' Soups i Tomato ! Vegetable Green Pea le Ox-Tail Chicken with Rice 0 yu Eat Enough Red-Ripe JYIMER Tomatoes? COhese Most Healthful of Veaetables Contain All Three Vitamins CANNED Tomatoes rank at the top of protective foods. For not only do Canned Tomatoes contain three vitamins necessary for human growth and devel- opment, but they are rich in both vegetable acids and mineral salts. There's health in the finer flavor of Canadian-grown "Aylmer" Tomatoes, picked and packed at their hour of ripe perfection. You cannot eat too many AYLMER Tomatoes--for your health's sake, you should make them a part of your daily diet. Keep your pantry "health shelf" well supplied with AYLMER Canned Tomatoes. Buy a dozen cans at a time. ad 4/5 . i ~~ dhl. st AYLMEF Tomatoes 11) -------- | TD | (With the Yiner Canadian Yavor | Wl that Indicates Greater Health Value TH ---- \ " BE -------- "AYLMER Canned Tomato WEEK" | | Opens on Monday Next, April 29th Your Grocer Is Ready for Big Orders

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