Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1929, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929 " Easy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAM TONIGHT'S BEST FEATURES . St. Paul. Third U. 8, andolin Club. WEAF)--Cities Service Concert BC (WJZ)--Armstrong Quakers, 8.45 weg. Ad antic City. Rotary Club Har- and, 5.00 NBC WEA F)--An Evening in Paris. NBC ow ry Ligley yin Fo ! 9,3 NBC (WEAF)--Schradertown Band, ! NBC WT) Phen Theatre Memories 10.00 WGN Chic: Opera Great Moments 10,30 Columbia Night Club Romances. AF)--Atty. Gen, Rew. L504 Phipps. SATURDAY'S DAYTIME PROGRAM + 9.30 a.m, WEAF New York, pray Band to WRC, WOC, WER KF Wow. 00 WLW Cinci. Women's Hour, 05 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- stitute, w Jos pm. Kvw Chicago. Louis Panico Or- 2.30 WMAD * Chicas Musical ipoum, 3.00 KMox St. Rn. Baseball--Browns vs. | 3.30 NBC System (WJZ)~RCA Demonstra- 345 Wika0"¢ "Chidago. Baseball, Cubs' vs. 4.3 Wie New York. Vallees Orchestra to Wi Mifwaices. Baseball, Milwaukee vs, Louisville. TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS 5.30 NBO. System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, WRC, Wi OW. 345)--Chicago, News; Music. 5.00 Rica iat News; Book Man I (283)--Baltimore. Sandman cir- . NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Music # CWEAT, WCAE, WRC, WHO, OW. 'W GY (379.5)--Schenectady, Markets; Orchest NBC System: Ballew's Orchestra Ww. WLW ((428)--Cinci. Willsey's Orches. 5.30 WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner Or- WAR (02) --Ransat City. Air Sete] NBC System: _Raybestos Twins WEAF, WLS, WTAG, WWJ, WAM, WCSH, WCAE, WGR_ (545)--Buffalo. Statler Orchestra. to WBZ (303)--Springfield. Maytag Radio- wceco (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. 3rd U.S. Inf. Band. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Trianon en- semble, NBC System: WEAF, WRC. WGY ons Sch dy. Speaker; Dinner WIP oe Chila, Uncle Wip. WIZ (39%. ali York. Bonnie Lad- dies to WJZ, KOA, WREN, WLW (428)--Cinci. Educational series WOW (508)--Omaha, Murphy Hour. YRYa 2/0) Richmond. Amos and Andy; Movie WTAG G17) Worcester. News; Ban- |. croft Orchest: 7.15 NBC See! Health Talk to WHAM, KOA, WLW, WBZ, WB WCFL, WREN, KDKA, WIR, wha, KWK, KSTP, 7.30 CN RW (384. 4)--Winnipeg. Concer! WCAD' (256)--Phila, Cathay Orches. Wor (545)--Buffalo. Musical prog. BC System: i Circus to WJZ, Whi Yaz BAL, WEA WLW, Whe Ws we WHAS, = KYW, 8.00 CNRA Huntin Sextet. WBAL 283)--Baltimore. Gallery, Solumbia New: River Songs to V . WN FBL, KFH, WMAL, WREC, WCAO, KMOX, WTAR, WWNC, WMAK, KOIL, WLBW, WH WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Concert or- chestra, NBC System: Conoert Orchestrat valiers to WEAF, WRC, WEEI, KYW, WGR, KSD, WAM, Wh WE AA, KOA, WCAE, WTIC, PKY WI, WDAF, WOW, WOC, KSTP, WIP (492)--Phila, Musical Shower, WIZ (394.5) New York, Tenor; "Old Man Donaldson." WPG (272)-- -- Atlantic City. Dinner mu- sic. 8.30 Columbia Network: Veedo! Yad] WOR, WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, KMBC, We co, W WKRC, WGHP, WOWwWOo, KMOX, " WJAS, KOIL,» WCAU, KFH, WISN, NBC System: Armstrong Quakers to WIZ, WHAM, WBZ, KDKA, KWK, WLS, WBZA, WREN, WBAL, WIR, Musical Art to Kemp's Orchestra tof Ft. Garry | Travel Talk; | Stem: Philco Medios Theatre WHAM, KSTP, wLw Wiz war A INGE Wo 10.00 rik Sistem: Salon Singers WIIG, WOC, 7 RbC'S to WEAF, AR, WLIT, vs Harmaniacks WCAH Ge lium! wip oh phils E El Patio Orchestra WIAS 0X, WCCO. 1030 0) FCA " 3H Teronto. Concert ensem- RS umbia Network: 'Night Club Rom- ances to same networ as "Kodak With the Senate t KV0QO, Wi WGR, WCAE, ' WOW, gh Adelphia Orcehstra § ysiem Sita y's Music to Rv WBZA, WREN, WBAL wi ALLL Maytag Program. 10.45 WDA ine City. Amos and 11.00 Ady G2) =~"Toronto. Romanelli's or- chestra; Pacific Network: RCA Hour, WBAP (74.8)--Ft, Worth. Songs; Maurice Orchestra, ie TEN/TEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. For, Better Values in DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince , PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Sv. S.--We Deliver WCAU News; Golden Dragon Skellodians to gn) Sulla, The OC, NBC System : St. Regis Orchestra to WEAF, W WISN '(268)--Milwaukee, Collin's Or- chestra, NBC System: Slumber Musis to WJZ, WL w WMAK '(333)--Buffalo, Dance Orches: tra; News. WPG (272)--Atlantic City. News; Sil- ver Slipper Orchestra, 11.10 WGR CiDrBuffab, Staler orchestra. 1.30 CFCA (35/)--Toronto, Organ; vocal. KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Amos 'n' Andy, Dance Music. WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Varied pro- gram, " 11.45 WSB (405)--Atlanta, Hawaiian ensem- e. 12.00 CNRV (291)--Vancouver. Recital, WHK (216)--Cleveland, William's and Wylie's Orchestra, WISN (268) Miiwaukee. Dance Music WLW (428)--Cinci. Gibson Orchestra. Tokyo.--The commander of the Japanese Garrison in Shantung, China, was instructed telegraphic- ally today to postpone evacuation of Japanese forces from the rail- road zone in that province. The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for apy man when he be- comes content with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing.--Brooks. Home TORONTO YOUTH CONFESSES TO 70 ROBBERIES Was in Six Hold-ups, Stole 35 Autos, Says Adam Milo Woodbury, N.J., April 17.--Sey- enty-five robberies in:eleven coun- ties of Pennsylvania were confess- ed to by Adam Milo, 19, alias Charles Weaver, in the county jail Monday after four hours' ques- tioning by Wilkesbarre, Pa., de- tectives. The youth also admitted he had A RARE BARGAIN IN : A HOME New 6 room brick with open fireplace 'and all modern conveniences. Double Gar- age. Party leaving Oshawa, will sacrifice at $4650 with easy terms Close to Motors : THE . Disney Real Estate 20 King St. E. Phone 1550 stolen 35 automobiles and taken part in six hold-ups.: Milo, small of stature said he ran away from his home in Buffalo when he was 18, shortly after his family moved across from Toronto, He declared he had lived by robberies and hold- ups since that time. At Clayton, Mich., he said he broke jail while awaiting a life gentence on. four charges of felony. He was arrested here last week af- ter he had staged a series of hold- ups in Gloucester County. Milo, who looks anything but a convict, is. being héld -pending word from Michigan authorities. He may be returned to that state, or turned Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572.228 Night Calls 510-1560 over to the Pennsylvania detec- tives, who started quizzing him Sat- urday afternoon. It is said that he may also be linked to several -un- solved murder cases in Pennsyl- vania, Sheriff Stratton declared the youth was one of the most daring hold-up men in the land. "His statements have been most' amazing," stated the sheriff, Just anether little eold speil to better make us appreciate the de- lightful weather that is to cume.-- Guelph Mercury. tai tS Ri ad -- er eins: ELLA CINDERS--No Decision Yet By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb WLW (428)--Cinci. Entertainers. WHAS, WSB, WLW, WBT, WSM, BAS Columbia Network: Enna Jettick Melo- WMC. dies to ABC, WNAC, WEAN," WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Health talk; WHK, 4 Harmonica Band. WTAS, wen WrAG (517)--Worcester. Fowler's Ha- Ww WOWO, MAL, 7.00 WADC YAR ron, Musical Program 9.00 CNRA '(476)--Moncton. Studio program 1 Columbia Network: Han, I pust to WOR, WNAC, = WOWO, KOIL, WCAU, WADC, WG HE WMAOQ, KMB: WSPD, WC A. NBC System: An Evening in Paris to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WRC, WGY, ve SH, TAG WGN, WGR, WCAE, , WDAF, KSD, ' WIKR, WLIT, J WIP (492)--Phila, Recital. x NBC ve 'Wrigley Review to Z. M. we KPRC, WTR, WREN, KDKA, KY WHAS, WFAA, 5.48 a.m. Daily, WSE. 'KMOX., WJAX. WBAL, KOA, 6.23 a.m. Daily. WRVA, WBZ, = WBZA, WHAM, 8.40 _n Daily except Sunday, WOAI WPG {72)y-Atlanije City. Dance mu. 4.35 p.m. Daily. . 7.34 p.m. Daily Sunday, sic: special progra 9.30 WCCO 10) Mpls, 'St. Paul. Maytag 10.05 a.m. Daily. Players. 2.04 p.m, Daily except Sunday. NBC Sram Schradertown Band to 8.03 p.m. Dail: Ye WEAF. WGY, WTIC, WDAF, KSD, WRC. WEEI, 'WTAR, WTAG, WCSH, Ri, WCAE, WWJ, WOC, WGR, KOIL, WMAK ELLs, OEAR, I'M SiMPLY TR AND © WAR WOOR v WHE NOW! THERE KMOX, WJAS, WMAL, TIME TABLES | C.P.R, TIME TABLE, Schedule taking effect 1200 am, als. April B, Hing 'West All times shown are times iraing Pb from Oshawa Station. c. N. R. TIME TABLE Eftective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound 8.23 a.m.~Dail amt Sunday. y 8.58 a.m.~S 9.59 a.m.~Daily. L17 p.m,~Daily except Sundar. 2.32 p.m.~Daily except 6.47 p.m.--Daily except ri 9.42 p.m.=~Daily. 11.39 p.m.~Daily except Saturday. 12.09 a.m.~Daily. 12.25 wo=Daly. 4.44a.m.~Daily, 5.45 a.m.~Daily. 5.53 py except Sunday. 6.20 a.m.=Daily, 9.07 a.m.~Daily except Sunday. 2.06 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. 4.37 pm=Daily, 7.14 p.m, ~Sunday only. 7.27 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. 8.45 p.m.= Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Eftectrve w. und aiter Nov. 8 Going West Leave Leave Arrive ille Oshawa 6.15 am. 7.10 a.m, 2.20 8.20 a,m. Stylish Shoes i = LCoS BRINGING UP FATHER-- 50-54 King st. 1 HAVE A BILL FOR DINTY Ww. MOORE -BUT | CANT FIND ? HIM AND KNOWING YOL TO BE HID BEST FRIEND | THOUGHT YOU MIGHT PAY THIS BiLL- BIL FOR? DANCING LESSONS! LUMBER # Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Arrive Whitby Hespital 7.25 a.m, 8.30 a.m, 9.45 a.m, 10.35 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. bh ---- © 1029, In Int Featu Waterous Meek Ltd. 4.35 pa, 6.45 p.m. =9.45 p.m, 11.00 p.m, Leave Hospital STICK INSECT CEAF BUTTERFLIES THE ART OF DISGUISE Ii WARFARE, CALLED CAMOUFLAGE, 15 FOUNDED ON MANY Of THE PRINCIPLES OF PROTECTIVE COLORA- TION FOUND IN THE ANIMAL WORLD, TOMMY, ---g---" LEAF SuTTERrLY MAID AUNT A FLAPPER. 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 438 pm, 630 p.m. try Feat x Ey» Conn and Eye ig TY Disney Block 2 1516--Phone--1516 9,05 p.m. 10.10 p.m, 11.30 p.m. through Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND MOULIDAN SCHEDULE Going West J 3ROTECTIVE COLORATION 15 ONE OF THE GREAT EST FACTORS IN THE LIFE OF ANIMALS FOR PROTECTION IN. THEIR STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. [ETE STICK INSECT LOOKS 50 MUCH LIKE A TWIG THAT IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DISCOVER EVEN HEN LOOKING DIRECTLY AT IT. FACE OF ITS YINGS GAILY PAINTED BUT WHEN IT RLIGHTS, INSTANTLY FOLDING TT5 WINGS TOGETHER ABOVE 175 BACK, THE STREAKED BRON UNDER SURFACE ALONE APPEARS, SO IV CAN HARDLY BE DISTINGUISHED FROM A LEAF. Hospital 10.00 a m. 12.25 p.m 9.30 a.m. 12.00 p.m, 2.15 p.m. W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 23Y, Simcoe St North Hundreds of yvople wear utmost comfort Hare's Faultiess Lenses Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELE Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 8.45 p. 9.00 p.m. ne pm. LIS pm nx am, me are through Nhitby Hospital. Special Busses Pa AR Occasions Rates and Careful Drivers T A. GAR1OM™ Bowmanville-- Phone 12 or 346 Phone 2283 Oshawa Waiting Room. 10 Prince St.-- Sov CANT GET AWAY WATH THAT, FROEGFACE REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY df your Watch is not giving satistaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE, JEWELER Ofticial Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads. 10 King St. W. --_-- "Phone 189

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