Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN Making One Trip Each Way at Myrtle iyrtle, April 17.--Miss Brawley 7Ritby was a week-end guest of Pauline Price. ; the big storm and are just going down in the morning and re- drning from Toronto at night, The side roads are still barricaded ad are likely to be for some time on account of bridges and culverts being washed out. /i Mr, Duncan Ray of Lindsay | Wisited at Mr. J, A. Carmichael's . over the week end. { Mrs. Will Parker of Ashburn hes moved into Mr. Will Rogers house and she and her daughter, Miss Jean, are being welcomed to the neighberhood. ".. Mr. Russel] Sanderson of Chalk Lake has engaged with Mr, Bert Duff for the summer, The.entrance class are now Bib ing an extra teaching day in the week as the teacher, Miss McFar- Jan is giving them extra time on Saturdays, " Mr, Albert Timmins who fs . working on the new line of the Bell Telephone near Sunderland, spent the week-end at his home + here. Miss Evelyn Masdey visited at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pilkey's on Sunday. ' Those who predicted an early svring are falling rather short in their predictions as Jupiter Pluv- fus is still very much in evidence and it will still be some time be- fore farmers can get on the land, as there Is a great acreage still standing in water. Teams and men were busy dur- ing the week end hauling up stones and earth to refill the wash- outs along the shouldering of the highway. In some places the washouts were so bad that warn- ing lanterns were placed at them for a number of nights. The Community Club Held its weekly 'gathering on Friday night with a good crowd present to en- Br some lively games of progres- five euchre. Refreshments were served by the ladies and the floor was cleared and dancing indulg- ed in for a time, The last meet- ing of the season will be held this week. Mr, and Mrs. James Dickson have returned from visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. James Morfatt of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Graham visited their son, Mr. Oliver Gra- ham, of Brooklin, last week. Mr. Roy Ptrey had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable milch cow recently. Mrs, George Williams had to be removed to the Port Perry hospital last week suffering from an attack of appendicitis. At time of writing she is reported as doing very fav- orably. This village can now boast of regular calls from five different bakers, The Young People's League held an interesting meeting on Tuesday night when further arrangments were made about the drama "Civil Service" that the young people of Mount Zion are giving here on April 26. Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor of Ashburn visited their daughter, Mrs. Bert Duff during the week. Extra gangs of men have been working along the highway during the week putting in new poles and bracer replacing the old ones that were brokn during th rent storms. Owing to much damage to the wires and service on the different lines has not been as good as usu- al this week. Secretary Stimson says Canada's note is temperate, In which it aif- fers materially from the mission of the I'm Alone.--Toronto Tele- gram, We can't help envying Professor Einstein. The man could prob- ably make sense out of a railroad time table in his first reading of it. New York Herald-Tribune. Sani-Bilt Week Will be Put on In Oshawa Luke Furniture Co. g3 King St. E., ROADS ONCE MORE: OPEN T0 TRAFFIC NEAR. CLAREMONT Temporary "Bridges Installed and Roads Repaired After Storm BM Claremont, April 17.--Mr. Wm. Graham who was in Edmonton last week judging at the Spring Exhibi« tion, returned home on Tuesday. Miss Clara Neal who has been in Toronto for the past few weeks spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott of To- ronto are visiting friends and rela- tives in the village. Mrs. Scott who is convalescing from a recent op- eration is making favourable pro- gress toward recovery, Mr. and Mrs, Robin Story of Sarnia spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Calmer. Mrs, Jack Fraser, "and infant daughter Betty of London are visiting Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Wilker. Mr. and Mrs. Somerville. and family of Toronto are busy getting settled in this vicinity, They have recently purchased thé farm east of the village, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. E, Spenceley and family, Mrs. Thos. Sanderson, who has been seriously ill is making slight but favourable progress. Mrs. Geo. Lee of Stouffvillg visited. her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. B, Madill on Tuesday. Chas, Cooper has purchased lot from Thos. Stephenson to used for storage space for used cars. ; Great damage was done to roads, bridges and culverts by the storm on Friday night of last week. Owing to the washouts on the rail- way line at Locust Hill train sere vices were held up for one week; Claremont residents went to To- ronto via Myrtle and Whitby. Mail deivery was held up for four or five days; not until the following Saturday evening were regular train services resumed. Meanwhile members of the township council have been on the job; a 'tempor- ary bridge has been constructed at Barry's Hill and the Brock road is now open to traffic. Residents have been busy hauling éars out of the mud on the ninth concession west of the village, but the roads are drying up quickly and since the frost is now pre! y well out of the ground it is expected normal conditions will prevail days. . Miss Margaret Graham who has been visiting frieads in Toronto and Oshawa returned hehe last week, An interesting, and educational address was -delivered by Rev. John Cockburn of Toronto on Mon- day evening at the Temperance Rally in the United Church, held under the auspices of the Anchor Society. In spite nt the unfavour- able. condition of the roads, there was quite a large attendance of those interested in Temperance work, including a number of mem- bers of the B.Y.P.U. Following the services a lunch was served. Claremont Junior Poom, report of the Spring examination, II, Class --Margaret Johnson, Gordon Tay- lor, Jessie Lewis gan, Anna Forsyth, Edna Taylor. Sr. I.--Mpyrtle Bacon, Betty Pretty and Clifford Basset; Allan Tomlingon and 'Frances Loyst, Gor- don Spenceley, Dolly Beaton, Gor- don' Overland, llean Hill, Mary Morgan. Sr. Primer--Jean Ward, fel Stevens, Herbert Forsyth 'and Margaret Hardy equal) Marian Tomlinson, Irene Taylor. in a few, and Jack Mor- (Mur-. then put on a few Jr. Primer-- Lewis Chidlew, Murry Morgan, Irene Lewis, A. U, Spoffard, Teacher. KEDRON CHILDREN'S GLASSES HAN FINE JOINT MEETING Pleasant Evening Spent in "Games Last Friday . 'Night Kedron, April 15.--The boys' and girls' classes met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett on Friday evening of last week. After each class had its meeting, they and a few other young people played progressive Lost Heir, Miss Marjorie Parker, winning the lady's first prize, a cream- pitcher and Master Leland Love, winning the gentleman's first prize, a clothes brush. Refreshments were served about midnight, after which a contest was put on, The boys stunts and a hearty vote of thanks was moved to Mr. and Mrs. Gimblett for giv- ing them such a pleasant evening. Mr, John Wright of Blackstock, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry on I'riday. Mr. Arthur Harvey week-end in Peterboro, Mrs. Foster Snowden, Zion, visiled Mrs. E. Mountjoy one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hancock spent Monday in Toronto. Mrs. E. Davis visited with her mother, Mrs. John Nesbitt, Osh- awa, for a few days. Mrs. William Hepburn is visit- ing friends in Toronto. Misses Marguerite and Kathleen and Mr, Fabian Conlin motored to Toronto on Sunday and visited with friends there, The friends in this community of Miss Edna Robinson, were sorry to hear of her death at the Osh- awa General Hospital on Saturday night. Frank and Lorraine Pascoe measles. spent the and with Ella Hoskin are {ll Bootleggers, we hear, are en- thusiastic about the muddy condi- tion. of the water this week. It saves them putting coloring in their brews.--Hamilton Spectator. CLAIM ARRESTS ARE IMMINENT IN BANK ROBBERY Police Believe They Know Gang Which Robbed Beamsville Bank Toronto, April 19.--With arrests seemingly imminent a squad of provincial police officers was clos- ing in on at least two of the gang of five, which on Tuesday robbed the Beamsville branch of the Bank of Commerce, and in escaping rak- ed the main street of the town with volleys from revolvers, a shot gun and a machine gun, Inspector W, H. Stringer, "iron man' of the provincials' criminal investigation branch, is heading the group of six constables in the search of the Hamilton district after working all day gescerday through the Niagara fruit towns. Another squad of officers late last night set out on a search in the To- ronto district . for others of the gang. The members of the gang which perpetrated the Beamsville' rob- bery Tuesday, and is blamed for various other crimes in central and western Ontario, in the l.st six months. Two or three of the group which robbed the Beams- ville bank have returned to this city while the others are still in the Hamilton area and in each of the two cities squads of provincials were searching early this morning, Identity of all members of the gang is knowr to police, it has been declared. The men having apparently been seen in Hamilton since tht robbery an in the Toronto district within the last few days, the search is now focused upon these two cities and intermediate points. There will be 4,000 orators in the Brtish general election. That ought to help emigration The way of the transgressor ve- mains similar to that of the pedes- trian, The public good is the desire of every public-spirited citizen. Coe operation brings results, -- Guelph Mercury. TUNE: IN FEATURING OVER 89 p.m. --BY-- MONDAY sani-Bilt Hour ROMANELLI'S Symphonic. Orchestra and the Adanac quartette C.F. C A. Oshawa | values like this one. must act quickly. This beautiful But you This price lasts only for the one week. special suite would sell regularly at $250 and be considered remark- able even at that price. : built with the fashionable kidney-shaped front, and shows solid walnut frame with hand carving. It You save $51. Itis is covered all over with a high grade mohair in the popular taupe shade. The reverse cushions are of Sevilla The following Sani-Bilt Dealers "wr SANTI-BILT FURNTIURE is Always on Display at this Store--We Ask You to Investigate This Bargain Luke Furniture Company, Oshawa Adams Furniturc Company, Oshawa S SHOW YOU OUR STOCK OF Snyder's SANLBILT FURNITURE "F. F. MORRIS Company Bowmanville Ontario Phone 10 This Week Above the clouds of competi tive ralues rides this Remarkable Sani. Bilt Week Special O other furniture sale will offer Chesterfield Freize in a floral medallion design, with the choice of four ground colorings--dark brown, dark blue, light blue and black. When you consider the saving--$51 there is good reason for coming in to see these suites at once. Come in today if you can. Remember the Sani- Bilt MOTHPROOR Replacement guarantee goes with every piece--a signed guararitee of replacement, free of charge, if moths should ever do any damage. will show you this special suite: F F. Morris Company, Bowmanville J. L. Westaway, Port Hope SNYDER"S SANI-BILT FURNITURE

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