Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Apr 1929, p. 13

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Md « pire June 17, when the first ae : plete schedule of annuities, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1929 brit GERMAN CAPACTY DR. SCHACHT REJECTS THE BILL FOR : REPARATIONS German Official Circles Are y Watching the Situation 7.4 With Anxiety Seis, April 17.--Dr, Hjalmar | Schacht, chief of the German rep- 4 arations delegation, was reported, late, yesterday to have definitely : d . recent allied reparations, figures as being beyond Germanys ity to pay. was announced that he will .counter-proposals with a com- 'WY Stage of Negotiations Paris, April 16.--The conference of experts on reparations yes er- day apparently entered a stage of creditor allied nations and Ger- further negotiation between the many, the debtor. _ At meeting time, delegates from the four prineipal creditor nations had ready for presentation to Dr. 'Hjalmar Schacht, spokesman, a full exposition of the annuity and 'total figures presented him on Sat- urday. The general impression was that this explanation, typed and with copies for each present, was to pe made a basis for further effort by the German delegation to secure even greater reduction in the rep- arations claims. G.P.R. ANNOUNCES NEW STOCK ISSUE Common Stock Is Offered to Shareholders at $170 a Share . Montreal, April 17.--Announce- ment was made by the Canadian Pacific railway of an offering of new common stock to shareholders of record May 2, 1929, comprising 300,000 shares of $100 par, at $170 per share, on the basis of one new share for each ten shares held. Payments areto be made in four instalments and the new share will rank for dividends payable afte an. 1, 1930. This issue will in- crease the ordinary capital stock of the company by $30,000,000. At current levels the rights will be worth in the vicinity of $6 a share. The right to subscribe will ex- stalment will be due. The company will also offer to its officers and employes the right to subscribe to an additional $5,- 000,000 of ordinary capital stock at the price of $170 per share, on a monthly instalment plan, MBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices LU RADIO COMMISSION FOR TWO MONTHS Victoria, B.C., April 17. -- Two months will elapse before the rec- ommendations of the radio commis- sion on broadcasting will be made to the Dominfon government, it was stated today by Sir John Aird, chairman of the royal commission, which opened sessions here today. It will be impo sibloefmfwypk It will be impossible for the commission to complete its invest- "igationg and ring down its report before the prorogation of the do- minion parliament, he emphasized. © "We have yet to hold sessions throughout Canada and the com- mission will also visit Washington before any definite conclusions can be reached," said Sir John. I'M ALONE CASE 1 DISCUSSED IN BRITISH HOUSE Sir Austen Chamberlain Has Nothing to Add on the Subject (By arian Frese Lossol Wire) New York, N.Y., April 17.--The New York Times published the fol- lowing special despatch from Lon- don yesterday: "Austen" Chamberlain, the For- eign Minister, disclosed. in the House of Commons this afternoon that the Government shared the view of the Canadian government in the I'm Alone liquor ship case and desired to support the action taken by Canada. Sir Austen, in answer to a ques- tion by Harry Day, Laborite, read a long statement as representing the British ambassador's report on the sinking of the. vessel. The statement disclosed no new facts. "The United States revenue cut- ter Walcott," gaid Sir Austen, "en countered the I'm Alone off the coast of Louisiana, at a place alleg- ed by the United States preventive authorities to be 500 miles off her course to Bermuda. "The United States governmeut also alleges that at the time the I'm Alone was encountered by the Walcott she was within the limits prescribed by Article 2, of the con- vention respecting the regulation of the liquor traffic signed at Wash- ington on Jan. 23, 1924, but this is disputed." '"Has any, claim for compensa- tion been lodged?" Mr. Day asked. "No, I think not, at present," Sir Austen replied. Major W. P. Colfox, Conserva- tive, asked whether the pursuit was continuous. Sir Austen replied that he would rather make no fur- ther statement, or above all, offer any perosnal opinion at this time, A. C. MacQuisten, Conservative, asked: % "Is it a fact that all American liners have gone wet in defiance of the prohibition laws?" No reply was given. JACK MINER STARTS TAGGING 'HIS GEESE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingsville April 17.--More than 200 Canadian geese were caught, tagged and liberated by Jack Min- er, all in the course of a morning's work at his bird sanctuary yester- day. Ten of the birds captured had been previously tagged. Each tag bore the Miner address and a short scripture verse. White Gloves For Judge Pembroke. -- Mr. Justice Raney received the traditional pair of white gloves at the opening of the spring assizes yesterday. In com- mehting on the absence of serious misdemeanors in this county, nis SAYS FUTURE OF ONTARIO LIES NORTH COUNTRY Hon. William Finlayson Tells of Great Develop- ments There (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 17.--Prospects' of the Province lie in the North eoun- try, Hon. William Finlayson, prov- incial minister of Lands and For- ests, stated before a gathering of the Men's Association of Eglinton United Church here last night, Mr. Finlapson expalined that 85 percent. of the Province lies in in the North country, above tue Ottawa river. There was far great- er potential wealth in that district, he went on, than in the southern. "One indusry alone spent $30,000,- 000 in Kapuskasing," he said. Touching on the magnitude of the pulp and paper industry, he stated the favorable balance of trade with the United States was probably attributable to it. Mr. Finlayson poined to the co- operation with the pulp and paper industry in reforestation work. Only the increase in crop was used each year. The average trees cut were found to be 110 years old, but with good soil and proper con- ditions the period could be de- creased to 40 or 50 years, h stated. Canadians' Gift to Chicago University Chicago, April 17.--The Univer- sity of Chicago has received a $10,000 endowment fund from Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Lorenzen of St. Catharines, Ont., in memory of their son, Edmund Harold, who died in 1918 of pneumonia while serving with the student army training corps of the university. The fund is to be used to help deserving students. BRIDGE TENDER ON" CANAL IS' MISSING St. Catharines, April 17.--= Charles Doyle, night tender of the Canadian National Railway bridge: across the Welland canal has been | missing since, Monday night. His: coat, sweater, dinner pail and to- bacco pouch" were found on the bridge yesterday by the relief op- sralor. He had eaten his midnight meal. PLEA MADE FOR RURAL GAR Postmaster-General Says Their Position Is Under C . ) th » Ottawa, April 17.--Conservatives and a majority of the Progressives strongly urged on the government yesterday 'consideration of might have permanency of occupa- tion and reasonable, remuneration. Hon, Hugh Guthrie, when the mo- tion was made to go into supply, moved an amendment, seconded by Hon. H. H. Stevens: "That the present system of awarding contracts for delivery of rural mail by tender has proved unfair, burdensome and unsatlis- factory, and that such rural mail carriers should be appointed by the civil service commission upon a permanent basis with a definite rate of pay based upon mileage and the physical conditions of the ter- ritory involved, having regard to the amount paid to the other ser- vants of the government for sim- ilar employment." Mr. Guthrie pointed out the plight of over 4,000 rural mail carriers, whose positions were pre- carious and whose remuneration was inadequa'e. He compared the position of the rural mail carriers in' the United States and Canada In the former country there is per- manency of occupation ang remun- eration at the rate of $75 per mile per year, while in Canada the ten- the |, rural mail carriers, to the end they | "Superstires at no extra cost terrific strain high speed demands the protection in Gum Cushioned Tires. his ex master craftsmen, is the secret of the sta- of these super-tires. It is the secret of ability to resist heavy . strains--the grinding, and pounding of un- even surfaces. You pay no more for "GP" "Tires than for old style tires. Go to Gum Cushion Tire Stations--they'll show you. "Built Better to Wear Better" Gutta Percha & Rubber, Limited, Toronto WALTER S. WILLIAMS, Cor. Bond and Prince Sts. CHURCH ST. TIRE AND RADIO, 15 Church Street der system prevails and only $40 per mile per year is paid. Hon, Peter Venfot, postmaster- general, replied the position of the rural mail carriers was under con- sideration by the government, and would be dealt with when possible. He instanced other classes of pos- tal employes as worthy of consid- eration as the rural mail carriers. The opposition amendment was defeated by 106 to 70, with all the Progressives but H. B. Adshead, Calgary east; Wi. R. Fansher, Last Mountain, apd 'B. W. Fansher, Lambton east, 'voting with the STILL FIGHTING DIVORCE BILLS Henri Bourassa Again Ob- jects to Procedure in Dis- posing of Cases (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 17.--One more di- vorce bill received second reading Conservatives. during the hour devoted to eoustd- eration of private bills ,in the House of Commons last nignt. As in the case of the two bills which received second reading yesterdap, a recorded vote was demanded. It resulted in the aproval of the mo- tion for second reading by 99 to 56, a majority of 42, The taking of the division combined wth the debate which had preceded it, ex- hausted the entire hour for pri- vate legislation. Debate followed the lines already laid down. Henri Bourassa, (In= dependent, LaBelle), complained that members had not time to read, the record of evidence in these cass es. The Senate comimttee, accords ing to information given in the House yesterday, disposed of a dis vorce case in 25 minutes. To this statement, Col. O, H, Geary (Conservative, Toronto South), replied that while some cases might be roved in 25 mine utes, he had known of others which occupied an entire week before the Senate committee finally disposed of them. sami Every person liable to pay Dominion Income Tax should btain three copies of the official form, either from his Post- master or from the Inspector of Income Tax in his district. These forms are: Form T 1 --For all individuals, other than farmers or ers. Form T 1A--For farmers or ranchers. Form T 2 --For corporations and joint stock com. 3 panies. Note carefully the instructions on the form. Fill in all details accurately and answer all questions. Make up the amount of your tax. 'You can do this with the help of the accompany- ing table. Mail two copies, properly filled in and signed, to the Income Tax Inspector for your district, together with an accepted bank cheque or money order for the full amount of your tax, or for the first instalment. Keep the third copy for own reference. Be sure to have these returns mailed before April 30. Personal Exemptions exemptions should be noted carefully. They may be 'Dominion of Canada Income Tax Returns are due APRIL 30 Avoid the pena ties the law imposes for delay Public Co-operation Asked The Department's Inspectors will be glad to advise any taxpayer in pre- Below is the official Canada's Income Tax Schedule Trees of Dominion I © Stock Companies. Taxation for persons other than Corporations and Joint Personal summarized as follows. : The Llepartment desires the co-opera- The amounts mentioned in this schedule are those after Lordship stated that it was the second occasion since his appoint- ment to the Bench that he had congratulated Renfrew County on this condition. Es ls LN CA fs] NOT ONE--BUT FOUR REASONS WHY Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring is the most economical to buy and the best:-- 1st, Extra care is taken in the sclection of the Oak from which the material is run. It is bought from only the most fa- voured sections of the South, and runs to much longer lengths than the average hard wood flooring does; 2nd, It is run on patented machines which slice side« ways rather than cut over. the top. This eliminates the usual wave found in the average flooring; 3rd, In the first and second grades it is treated, without extra cost to you, with the patented Kant/Kup treatment. This guarantees you against cupping in the board and is a guarantee given with no other hardwood flooring on the market; 4th, It comes to you al- most direct from the dry kiln. There is no one in Oshawa who has a proper piace to keep hardwood flooring. You should get it in prime condition right from the machine, the same as you should get your milk, your butter, and your eggs. "Satin Finish" is handled by us exclus- ively on the small, immediate shipment, basis, and this permits us to guarantce absolute satisfaction. Finally, remember this, more than average flooring, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Waterous Meek Ltd. all exemptions have been subtracted. After calculating the amount of the tax payable according to the schedule, the taxpayer will deduct 20 per centum. (a) $3,000 in the case of a married person or householder, or any other person who has dependent upon him any of the L.A : d « A parent or grand-parent. 2. A daughter or sister. 3. A son or brother under 21 years of age; or in- capable of self-support on account of mental or physical ty. Note--Where husband and wife each have a separate income in excess of $1,500, then each shall receive not $3,000 exemption, but $1,500 exemption. (b) $1,500 in the case of unmarried persons. (c) $500 for each child under 21 years of age who is dependent upon the taxpayer for support, or if 21 years of age or over is incapable of self-support on account of mental or physical infirmity. : Send only Accepted Cheques or Money Orders Dominion Income Tax may be paid in a lump sum on or before April 30, or the taxpayer may pay one-quarter of the estimated tax due on or before April 30, and the balance in three equal, bi-monthly payments together with interest at 6 per centum per annum. If the taxpayer adopts the instalment plan of payment and fails to pay instalments as they fall due, addi- tional interest will be added. A cheque marked accepted by the bank on which it is drawn or money order for either the full amount, or the amount of the first instalment, must accompany the official forms, Cheques must be made payable to "The Receiver-General of Canada." Do not send cash. ' Mail forms together with cheque to the Inspector of Dominion Income Tax for your district. 5 de No [Extension %. Time / d making me Tax Returns for any réason, the Sei must'be imposed. © | 3 : cases of absence from home, or inability to sign the return for any other cause, your umccountaiit, or your solicitor, or your partner, or your agent may sign for you and save you the penalty. | No extension of time will be granted. 3 1 ; -- The Department of National Revenue INCOME TAX DIVISION, OTTAWA c. 5. wavress, tion of the public in administering the Income War Tax Act. ; \ : Taxation: On the first $2,000 of income ete ge wy portion thereof. 2% Location of Income Tax Inspectors Inspectors of Dominion Income Tax are located in convenient places throughout Canada. Consult the Income Tax Office nearest to you. Address "Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." The offices are at: Charlottetown, P. E. Island. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Saint John, New Brunswick. Quebec City, Quebec. Montreal, Quebec. Ottawa, Ontario. Belleville, Ontario. Kingston, Ontario. "Toronto 2, Ontario. Hamilton, Ontario. London, Ontario. Fort William, Ontario. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Regina, Saskatchewan. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. . Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Calgary, Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta. Vancouver, British Columbia. Dawson, Yukon Territory. wi = & geese sassssstss NOW tnd a bad 8 S-Be EET gesss died ier au 2 2 SRS SEN sss Sssssss gua 3 Sse ggg EERE 888 SazuNosw 82 ERT YP 888388888888 samvsEEacss, CEELEEEEEEEEE EH 88 senses sees The rate of tag applicable to Corporations and Joint Stock Com, ? panics Slit (8) por ceutum ou the fagome in excess it costs mo Honourable W. D. EULER, Minister of National Revenue. of Income Tox:

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