Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX' rl . . Social and Personal - - The Times invites the contributing items to or telephone 35. Mrs. E. Ham, formerly of Brou- ham, has arrived in the city, Swhere she expects to make her fut- Sure home. | SR * * Mr. Herbert Oley, in company with Mr. Edward Hall and Mr. "Harold Oley spent the week-end in sToronto, where they were the 4guests of Rev. J. B. M. Armour and 'Lady Norah Armour. Lady Arm- sour is the niece of Lord Justice "Sankey, and her cousin, Captain "Filmer-Sankey is married to the "Duke of Westminster's elder daugh- ter, Lady Ursula Grosvenor, , : Mr. and Mrs. D. Muir, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood, and Mr. William /Stuart motored to and spent Sun- /day in Toronto. J Ld LJ Ld Mr. Guy B. Dawson, who sailed a few weeks ago on the 8.8. '"Meta- gama' for England, returned to the city last evening. A pleasant evening was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Kemp, Ritson road south, on Satur- day evening when they entertained about forty guests on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of "their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. "Kemp were the recipients of many lovely gifts. The evening was spent in cards and dancing, after which 'supper was served by the hostess. . Messrs. Bill Rickard and Cecil Michards of Los Angeles were the 'guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs, J. ylie, Arthur street. ¢ * * Miss Thomas, a former member of the teaching staff of the Osh- awa Collegiate Institute and now of Toronto, was in the city last evening, the guest of Miss D. Van- Luven, and attended the premiere performance of "Outward Bound", an Oshawa Little Theatre presenta~ tion in Rotary Hall. * * * The Prince of Wales will open the Northeast Coast Exhibition at Newcastle on May 4. x Kk 0% Mr. C. L. Graham has returned to Napanee after spending a few days with his brother, Mr, Fred Graham, in the city. Ne Messrs. Clifford and Cyril Clarke pent the week-end in Lind- say. * kx x The Parts and Service Depart- ment of General Motors is enter- tainizg at an informal dance in the Mary street auditorium on Fri- your baking, use MAGIC BAKING POWDER Mode in Canada = No Alum! BAKING POWDER LT ee A Big Range of Dresses at $9.75 See Our Line The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. 'Phone 3083W Stylish Shoes I. COLLIS & SONS r=" I Diamonds! -Bassett's ion of its readers in this column, Send in a postcard day evening. This will probably be the last dance of the season. WOMEN'S MEETINGS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PLANS TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALE The regular meeting of the Hos- pital Auxiliary was held on Monday afternoon in the nurses' residence. The members were pleased to wel- come back Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, the president, who has just returned from the South. Final arrangements were made for the rummage sale, which is to be 'held in the market on Friday afternoon, April 19. ~All members of the Auxiliary were ur- ged to be at the market on Friday not later than one-thirty, A sum of fifty-six dollars was reported as hav- ing been realized from the sale of newspapers and magazines, which have been collected. The hope was expressed that anyone having news- +| papers or magazines to dispose of would phone 921 or 856. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY MEETINGS MISS A. HARSTON SPOKE OF "CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP" The weekly meeting of the Sim- coe street United Church Young People's League was held last evening in the Sunday School room. The devotional period was conducted by Miss Jean Hoover. In the instructional period "Christian Stewardship" was dis- cussed by Miss A, Harston. Miss Harston gave an interesting and instructive address on steward- ship. Miss Leah Garrow contrib- uted a solo, which was followed by a vocal selection by Mr. Scilley. The evening was brought to a close with games and a fun period. THE CHINESE SITUATION DISCUSSED AT CENTRE LEAGUE The theme of discussion at the weekly meeting of the Centre street Young People's League last evening was the Chinese Situation. This discussion was led by Mr. George Fletcher and was joined by members of the league. Mr, Flot- cher pointed out the old eciviliza- tion in China, which was prevale even before the coming of Christ and showed how this civilizal had come from China west through Egypt, Greece, the British Isles and then to North America. The speaker pointed out that if we kept our trust in telling other parts of the world of Jesus in tinfTe the gospel would go back to the Orient and they would become dis- ciples as well. The entire meeting was given over to the discussion of this interesting present-day sit- uation, DEBATE HELD AT MEETING OF KING STREET LEAGUE The regular meeting of King street United Church Young People's League last night was conducted by group "A", under the leadership of Mr. O, Lint. The worship service was conducted by Mr. Lint, after which the presi- dent, Mr, E. Kiefaber, convened a business session. The lesson was read by Mr. Knipe and Miss Ruth Adams. Mr. Frank Herring con- tributed a vocal solo. The main item on the program of the evening was a debate on the subject "Resolved that reli- gion is more beneficial to a coun- try than patriotism', The affirma- tive was upheld by Misses Reta Vokes, Gladys Bryant and Gladys Orpwood, while Messrs. Preston Timmons, Ray Ripley and Bert Wood supported the negative, The judges were Messrs. C. H. Mil- lard, 8S. Gummow and C. Staples, re for your' skin amd Com has become the approved recipe for nat- ural skin and complexion beauty. There is nothing better than daily use of the Soap, assisted by the Ointment, to keep #0 the skin fresh and clear, the hands soft and smooth and the hair healthy. Soap 25¢. Ointment 25c. and 50c. Talcum 25¢c. Address J.T. Wait © Thedaily use of Cuticura Sample each free. Canadian Depor: pany, Ltd., M Ut Cuticura Shaving Stick 25¢. 1. RE RS SS ------ ppreferred). THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1929 The decision of the judges was given in favor of the affirmative. The meeting was concluded in the usual manner, after which a number of games were enjoyed, ALBERT ST .YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD CITIZENSHIP NIGHT The meeting of the Albert street Young People's League was last evening. well attended by mem- bers of the league. There were also a few members of the North Osh- awa league present. Miss Ireue Brown, first vice-president, in the absence of the president, conduct~ ed the usual business routine, Mr, Harold Lemon, third vice- president, was chairman for the program of citizenship night. Misses Brown and Hurlbert and Messrs. Lemon and Naylor gave a vocal quartette, which was follow- ed by a reading by Mrs. A. Perry. The speaker of the evening was Mrs. (Dr.) McMullen who gave an interesting talk on the early Greeks and their various modes of worshiping numerous gods. The meeting ;was closed with a contest. and the Mizpah benedic- tion. [ Rice KrisPies just crackle in milk or cream. They're crisp rice. Bubbles of won- derful flavor. N like We RICE KRISPIES WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS SHIRRING LENDS CHIC A long-waisted bodice, shirred at either side at low waistline, proves how utterly smart a dress can be by a clever manipulation of fabric. The dainty shirring is repeated at each shoulder at front, The two- piece skirt is attached to long-waist- ed bodice in smart scalloped out- line. The becoming neckline is fin- ished with applied "bands. Style No, 367 can easily be made in two hours. Try it! In the 36-inch size, 3 yards of 40-inch matriela with % yard of 32-inch contrasting is sufficient. De- signed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Lustrous crepe satin, sheer printed or plain velvet, canton-faille crepe, flat silk crepe, georgette crepe, and sheer woolens, appropriate. Pattern price 20 cents in. stamps or coin (coin is 'Wrap coin carefully. We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine, showing all the most at- tractive Paris styles, embroidery, etc. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department, Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find . Please s Price, 30 cents each, Send stamps. or coin. Wrap coin carefully. P meeting of thing. BROUGHAM WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Brougham, April 13.--The April the Women's Institute was held on the afternoon of Tues- day last, at, the home of Mrs. Mil- ford Hamilton, and in spite of bad roads there was a large attendance. The secretary yeported the sending of the bale of clothing valued at seventy dollars, packed at the Mar. meeting, to Northern Ontario needy settlers. The paper for the afternoon had been: assigned to Mrs. R, D. Miller, who was unable to prepare any- For the subject "What Can I do to Help the Institute," each member responded tothe question- aire, and brought forth many help- ful ideas. The subject of roll call "Ways of Entertaining," received' answers both grave and gay. After disposing of the business in con- nection with the coming of the speaker in May, a bountiful lunch was provided by the hostess an spent a most enjoyable social hour together, the annual meeting for election of officers will be held at the home of Mrs. Holton on Tues- day afternoon, May 13. If it looks as if the custard will be watery, place a piece of bread on top of the custard before bake ing and it will help to remedy this. The oven's even heat is needed also to get a smooth delicious custard. = | APOZEN different things ma cause a headache, but there's [just one thing you need ever do to get immediate relief, Aspirin is an absolute antidote for such pain. Keep it at the office. Have it ready in the home. Those subject to fre- quent or sudden headaches should carry Aspirin in the handy pocket tin. Until you have used it for head- aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you've no idea how much Aspirin can help. It means quick, complete relief to millions of men and women who use it every year. And it does not depress the heart, GASPIRIN Aspirin is a Trademark Registered in Canada | | have to carry, bags. The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to Homemaker and the Housekeeper 'That nothing makes a more im- mediate or deeper impression upon those who see you among a crowd or meet you for the first time than the way you walk, is the opinion of Evelyn Laye, writing in the Lon- don Daily Sketch, Bhe says: You may be a beauty, but if you walk badly the effect of your beau- ty will be halved. You may be plain, but if you walk and carry yourself well you will make an jm- pression more lasting than that or good looks alone. A light, elastic step and a well-poised body give an impression of youth and vitality, People feel invigorated and want to ow you when you walk as though the world were at your feet. On the other hand, if you walk in a slovenly way. with your shoul- ders hunched forward and your head 'drooping, or perhaps you limp because your shoes don't fit or you have corns, those who see you are depressed. They think how dowdy you look and how uninteresting. A bad walk ruins the smartest ap- pearance. It is not fair to wear pretty clothes and have an attrac- tive face and figure and then spoil them by walking badly. There are many people whose walk and carriage completely spoil their appearance. Perhaps they've never really noticed themselves or studied how they look when walk- ing in the street. A generation ago deportment was part of the educa- tion of every well-brought-up girl, and so I think it should be still. But if you were not taught de- portment at school, you can learn it at home quite easily with a lit- tle patience. One of the first things one has to learn in the the- atre is how to walk about the stage gracefully and without self-cou- sciousness, and it is by no means one of the easiest lessonns. If you have never studied your walk and poise at all try to remember to no- tice your reflection next time you find yourself facing a long mirror or shop-window in the street. Be as critical as you would be of a stranger, and if you are dissatisfi- ed with yourself go right home and practice walking well. There i no better method than that of walking across the room with a book balanced on your head. This makes you hold your head up and your chin in, otherwise you will drop the book. - Keep your steps' as even as possible. You should walk on a straight line, If you do this your feet will be cor- rectly placed. Those who are inclined to turn their feet out 'too much should make a particular point of practic- ing walking on a straight line. It will help them enormously to over- come a very unsightly habit. The legs should be swung from the hips if your walk is to be grace- ful. Don't jerk your knees up and out. Watch the movements of your arms, too. They should swing eas ily but not violently as you walk. Most people walk more easily if they carry something in one hand, and, I suppose, anyhow, we will But it is a bad habit always to use the same hanu for this purpose, especially if you tuck your bag up under your army as we nearly all do. Using the same arm continually {is apt tu raise the shoulder on that side and give one a lopsided appearance. Apart from the question of ap- pearance, a slovenly way of walking and holding the body is definitely bad for the health, and is often the Baby Not Gaining? Look To His Digestion Babies can't gain when souring waste in a clogged digestive tract is forming gas, making them col- icky, constipated and miserable. Just try the method doctors en- dorse, and millions of mothers know, and see how your baby im- proves. A few drops of purely- vegetable, harmless Fletcher's Cas- toria makes the most fretful, fever- ish baby or child comfortable in a jiffy. A few doses and he's digest- ing perfectly and gaining as he should. To get genuine Castoria, look for the Fletcher signature on the wrapper. Jusead of bards forviing or strong, irrita take-- NATURE'S REMEDY J ror ans depmdable.ul- ff . vegetal ve. gentle, pleassnt--Nt--to- J NO NIGHT night--tomorrow alright. MORROW Get a 25¢ box, i Recommended and sold by ° All Seven Oshawa Druggists cause of nerves and nervous heaa- aches, indigestion, and, if the chest is cramped by drooping shoulders, of chest and lung complaints, Don't thing it's all nonsense and waste of time to study how you walk and stand and sit (for this is just ag important). It is for your health as well as your looks that you should cultivate a good deport ment, Helpful Hints for Harassed Housewives When your family eats eggs re- gularly for breakfast and the silver is stained constantly assa result, try keeping an aluminum pot of salt and soda solution with water nearby. Drop all breakfast silver into it when clearing the table and by the time you wash the dishes, the discoloration will have disap- peared. * * * For Sunday supper salads a handy way to serve it is to efit ce- berg lettuce in circular cross-sec- tions and place individual portions of asparagus, fine string beans, 10+ matoes and other salad ingredients on top of each slice. aly | FFs FL 4 LJ - . Drop a teaspoon of soda in the bean pot, fill with boiling water. Let stand in the oven of the range for about twc hours. This will clean it perfectly, making the sides and bottem of the pot smooth and clean once more. Nd Ld LJ The nicest covering for pantry shelves is white oflcloth or shelf oileloth with a tiny dainty colored edge. It can be wiped off when dusty, and presents such a clean ap- pearance when the doors are opvn- 63 King St. East NEW DESIGNS for SPRING «+ . now on exhibit in leading stores For Sale by Luke Furniture Co. ed. It pays for itself, too, in the long run, as it lasts indefinitely. * Ld * When selecting wall paper avoid the cheap printed varieties. It costs just the same to have these hung so the saving is only in the actual cost of the paper, and when one considers how quickly these in- ferior colors fade and how soon the paper turns brown it does not seem like real economy unless the house- holder hangs the paper. In that case there is no labor. expense and the paper can be renewed frequent- ly. When selecting paper do mot take a striped paper for a narrow room as this will accentuate the narrowness, * * - Old-fashioned mutton tallow, which can be perfumed with a few drops of essence of rose, is very healing for chapped hands or lips, or rough skin, ros A A USE 4 QUANTITY 2 PER PACKAGE--CASH & CARRY OR 12c PER PACKAGE PANY LIMITED An ASA DELIVERED LLEX Owing to the increasing popularity of Gillex, because of its unrivalled cleansing power and economy, we are now able to produce it at reduced cost and are passing along the saving to its thou= sands of users. Nothing finer than Gillex for laundering, dishwashing and all cleaning. Will not scratch or otherwise injure any fabric or surface. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, CANADA NO GRIT--~NO ODOR PRODUCED BY THE MAKERS OF MAGIC BAKING POWDER EE EER NEARER RRNA RRE ARERR ARANDA RREROR ARRON RRR RORe I RRERGRRRRRLL] DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Al BuT THEY O {| POOF = 50 Ww | |THE BARREL~ © NOT KNOW A WHIFFEN« | HIS MAJESTY OPENED ERE WAS NOTHING THERE © 12-. King Praturcs Syniicats, Inc, Groat Britals rights reserved = --By Grace G. Drayton IL HOPE THEY HAVE ICE-CREAM AND LOTS OF CAKE : iS So HE TOOK BACK THE ORDER ROYAL NETHER GARMENTS - AND GAVE THE POLICEMAN A KKK FOR HIB PANG oF THE TAEANTIME THE WWIFFEN- POOF MAD TAKEN DowLY- BOBBY AND COMFY TD THE GARDEN PARTY OF THE PRINCESS CHOW-CHOW OF PICKLEDOWN (OAVGHTER OF THE HIGH MUCK-A-MUCK | #16 Soa

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