Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1929 1 JIONONTC_ HAY AND STRAW | Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets k t! q to farmers delivered at Toronto): timothy, loose amounting to 51,042 cases ou the four mar- TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are baying the ibis] orl 4 old, 114; do, new, il fresh ef 3) following prices, delivered Toron 8 A : i Eg cases returned--Fresh ex- "eggs, 21; Nov ; ae 0; Bean Arter 2ics ds, 2le. Nay oy, 2 new, 255; Ap ier, a; d, ter, A Chi ma; ial, 47c; No, 1, 46c; 43 1:2; andy, 43 1-2; tone Egy steady, CRES, v d, 45 ter, I to. 45 Tad; No, 243 1-2 to. He Tune ter, 2 1 afafinedand firsts, 25 to 2; tone 3-4, EGG MARKET REVIEW 25 zOttawa, April 16.~There appears to be a slightly firmer tone on Canadian egg mar- kets yesterday, especially for the grade of extras, Winnipeg.--Prices on this market have worked lower and dealers are now quot- ing the country shippers, extras 25 to 28c, firsts 23 to 25c, seconds, 20c, Storing is ex~ pected 7to become general this week. Vancouver--Conditions on this egg market are unchanged, Dealers are quoting produ- cers, extras, 22, firsts, 19; pullet extras 17c. Twelve cars were shipped last week and the movement into Storage continues heavy St, John--Egg receipts here continue hea- vy, alers are ting Sountey shippers, extras 27 to 29c; firsts, 24 to ; seconds, 20 to 22, 7 Clvieago Spot unchanged, April 27 3.4c, May, 28 1-4c, November 31 5-8c, PAN NIN WI RW WW WY CC a a A A J a EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS wy Cay rural route 2 Bath and has 'his residence at Deseronto, Insurance For Firemen Carleton Place.--The town coun- cil of Carleton Place has decided to % place sickness and acciden insurance upon the members of the fire bri- gade, the protection being to the extent of $20 per week when the men are on duty. taken up ton $19.00 to $20.00 Nominal JOINING ENGLAN (AST on T0 THE CONTINENT German Dream of Draining North Sea for Settle- ment PW WRN TW PW III WY Loh. TPVVVTTITVVTV CC a a Cac Nominated as Moderator Brockyille.~Rev, Robert John- ston of Ottawa has been nominated vA the Brockville Presbytery for Moderatorship 'of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in Canada. Painfully Injured Madoc~In clearing the debris of the fire in what was known as Thompson's garage, a large block of cement fell, hitting George Arm- strong and breaking a bone in the foot and two of the toes, PW WW TTY To Buve Chatauqua Smith's Falls.~--An organization "is being effected in Smith's falls purpose of conducting the hautauqua forthe Cahadiazi in that town luring the summer months, fs To. - - 3 i Carleton gh street, Carl hy dge street to the town limits is be undertaken this year by the Carleton Place town council, Eat Rad Lact ht] AAAI ED In Use the World Over - Merchant Dies Kingston.--~The death occurred following a few days' ess of um. |B. Carscallen, general merchant at. Tamworth, and one of the outstand- (ing residents of that place. De- ceased was 62 years old and had conducted a store and grist mill there for the past 30 years, Bank Managor Transferred Athens.--W, D, Thomas, for the past eight years or so manager of the Athens branch of the Bank of Montreal, ig being transferred to the banch at Thamesyille, Ont,, W, A. Reid, of the Yarker branch, hav- ing been appointed to the Athens branch, Castrol is of world produces PLUS the purest castor oil. The result -- a lubricant of unparalleled perfection, EY) Typical Scene, enang, Straits Settlements, No. 2, - Cheese--~No, 1 large, colored, #cyChment graded, 21 1-2 to Chickens, Do., 4 hy 2| Li 32.35 30-33 27-30 pounds s.eiiiee 5 1b g Many Yranssinds : © Kingston. tourist trade at Kingston's police station reached the peak last Friday night, when no less than twenty-six men, without the rice of a night's lodging were given ree accommodation, New Cadet Instructor Kingston.--Gordon Murray has been appointed, with the approval and " co-operation of the Roman Catholic Separate School Board, as Cadet and . Physical Training Instructor in the ¥ separate schools of the city. Breaks Arm Madoc, -- Miss Clarice Dafoe, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dafoe, had the misfortune to break her arm on Sunday afternoon. She was. climbing a fence when she fell, breaking both bones of her right, arm, near the wrist, Berlin, April 16.--To restore to Europe the geography of a half-mil- lion years ago, when Stone Age cavemen wandered at will across broad meadows where the English Channel now rolls; to make Eng- land once more a part of Europe in fact as well as in name; to add more than 50,000 square mils of fertile farm land to Germany /Hol- land, England, and Denma lengthen the Rhine, the El '| other rivers by scores of mil to leave many busy Earopeanfports, including the great port off Ham- ,. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 31 to 33; fooked hams, a7; Smoke 2 25¢; break- as acon, to i backs, to 38; do., smoked 30 to on aled, * Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 bs, id to % ., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs. has been appointed as a representa- | gi 50 Peary Ho weigh Sols, in. barrels, } fF sa «50; yweight roll z . tive of the Chamber of Commerce to ard--Pure tioreen, 16' JR ver Bapesl, the Harbor Committee of the city, lz Daily, 16 S-be; prints, 18 1-2 to 19c, at the close of this month by the [it wasannounced last week following] is 3.4c; hy 14 Sede: idle tis, local Rotary Club. The entrance | the meeting of the Board of Direct-|15 3c. = ' 2 *] 20 class pupils of both public and sep- | ors of the Chamber, 21 13e; pork "atte, 1 porpotlders 12 $10 arate schools will go to the Capital, ETE 2% 1-2, 5 Ze; pork hams, | ©ciivie, 2,000; fed steers and yearling ac- Producers to Organize tive, 25c higher; choice 1,200 to 1,400 Ib, steers, $14 to $14.25; yearlings, $14.50 good; Joins Harbor Committee to See Capitdl . Kingston.--Captain John Donnelly Children Smith's Falls.--Some two hun- dred Smith's Falls school children will be taken on a trip to Ottawa FESO EET SERRE (REE ra Bs ey BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, April 16.--Hogs, 11,500; hold- overs, 500; market draggy, 25 to 40c lower; bulk 160 to 230 ds, $11.90; to 300 pounds, $ Ibs., $11.25 to $11.50; packing sows, $10 ¥ Gets Rate * Kingston.--Manager R. J, Bush- No Man Can Serve «oll of the Kingston Industrial Ex- "hibition on Saturday morning re- ' ceived word from the Canadian Na- # tional Railways that the company Swill grant the special rate of $3.85 for thetrip proposed by the aszocia- tion to the Ottawa. Experimental Farm in June, Sold Farm to Open Store of ladies' and gents' wear, Descronto,--A, Thompson, who re- cently purchased the brick block at the corner of Main and St. George streets, is opening a general store Mr. Thompson recently sold his farm on The Arcade, Limited | EE SR EL A Li Extra large size blues-- Rag 18 in. x 36 in. . 27 in. x 54 in, . To Clear, 50 only - Velvet Chenille Rugs hall. Good designs, in rose, grey, $1.98 Fancy Rag Mats, extra special at 24in. x4810n. ....vuevved.B0c for bedroom or Mats rds diene IS survey 006 | Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1000 THIS IS THE POLICY YOU CAN AFFORD The Excel policy gives exceptional all-round protection. BENEFITS ! $3,000 for death from natural causes. $6,000 for accidental death. $30 per month and $3,000 at death for total payable durin male risks" from 15 to 43. Specimen Rates for $3,000 0 premiums Examination for "select eo Ag Rate Reef} EXCE INSURANCE LI Age EXCELSIOR LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO MAIL THIS COUPON TO-DAY mticsmus 35 min 7673 and permanent dis- disability. No Medical Rate Age Rave 40. inner 91.35 PT om---- 11 LSIOR FE COMPANY Oshawa, Ontario H. A. Mach Id, District M: Send me full information about your "EXCEL" policy. SEV REGIA ABB Tap Buy General ~All Small Blocks Are Telephone 262 HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY For Economy - Hardwood Blocks Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value in the City Truck Loads and Wagon Loads Being Token Out of the Above Loads and Sold in Truck Loads for $3.50 Limited Quantity Scrap Lande of Scanting avd Board Eu for Just Dixon Coal Co. Motors Four Direct Lines Napanee~At a recent meeting it was unanimously decided to form a Producers' Association, same to be known as the Napanee District Milk Producers' Association, and also to become affiliated with the Ontario Milk Producers' Association, To Re-Open Hotel Deseronto--The Stewart House on Main street is being overhauled in preparation for re-opening, The ho- tel has been leased by the present owner, Edmund Dowling, to James McVicker. Mr. and Mrs. McVicker are re-furnishing the hotel from top to bottom, Cottage Destroyed Brockville.--Fire of unknown origin early yesterday morning de- stroyed a cottage situated just east of the village of Maitland, together with its contens, The building, which was partially furnished, was owned by Mr. Lancaster, of Ottawa, Falls From Scaffold Lindsay.--Herb Morrison, Queen street, a plumber, was painfully in- jured when he fell off a ten-foot scaffold at the McLaughlin Garage, He alighted on his face on the gran alithic walk. Blood flowed pro- fusely, and it is feared some hones are broken, Dies Suddenly Kingston,--James Joseph Lackie prominent baker and confectioner, died in the Hotel Dieu Hospital late on Sunday night, a few hours af- ter being stricken with apoplexy, while about to put his car in his garage. Mr. Lackie was born in the Township of Kingston, but spent the greater part of his life here. Moving to Whitby Athens.--Athenians in general regret to hear that Mr, and Mrs. A. A, Knight are soon to leave Athens. Mr, Knight having resign- ed from the Ontario Departmeus of Agriculture service for the pres- ent to take over his fruit farm near Whitby. He will probably continue the lecture courses during the win- ter months, To Rebuild Stores Athens.--During the past cou- ple of weeks workmen have beew busy clearing. away the debris caused last November when fire de- stroyed the three stores in the Par- ish block on the north side of Main street. It is pleasing to know that W. G. Parish tends to rebuild the various stores in the near future. An Excellent Record Kingston.--An examination of the report submitted by the school nur- ses to the Board of Education for the month of March reveals the fact that with 401 pupils enrolled in the new Rideau school there was not one case of exclusion for communi- cable disease, or contact, during the period covered by this report. Testing Cows Picton--Mr. F. J. Webster, local Agricultural Representative, reports that many farmers throughout the country are taking advantage of the Cow Testing Association, He has al- ready ordercd supplies for the work. The farmer is required to pay for a set of spring scales, sample bot- tles for each cow's milk and a box, suitable to transport the bottles. Medals To Best Marksmen Kingston.--An exceedingly beauti- ful little silver medal has been de- signed and struck under arrange- ments made by the District Cadet Officer, Captain M. Isbester, and is being forwarded to the boys of the cadet corps teams in the district who made the highest individual score in each team during the competition for the Laura Secord trophy. Distribution of Milk Picton. --Discussion on ways and means of improving the quality and distribution of milk in this city and a talk by F. E. M. Robinson, presi- dent of the National Dairy Council, dealing with a cure for some of the ills most prevalent to the milk produc- ing trade were the main features of the successful meeting of the local Motor Loans! Money At Once Let us re-finance your present contract or advance additional cash at a mo- ment's notice. Courteous and confiden- tial. Our rates second to mone. OPEN EVENINGS Motor Loans & Discounts Ltd. Room 6, 143 King St. East Oshawa, Phone 2790 MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, April 16.~Further weakness de- veloped in the butter market and values were reduced lc per Ib. which was due to the large supplies and the limited demand. ries Jor alt grades of cheese were well tained i i vere 8 od er a fair demand, Receipts 'he trade in potatoes f i undertone to Rigo boro Yet bur the was done in beans, but Little business prices, were unchanged, osing quotations were: Cheese, West- erns, 2 21-2c, Butter, No, 1, pasteurized, 45¢c, Eggs, fresh extras, 35c fresh firsts, 33c. -- .. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, April 16.--~Leading egg futures ad- vanced yesterday, stimulated by smaller se. cepts and by the firmness on spot. utter futures moved unevenly, April fresh dropping 1-8 cents while June fresh and December slorage standards advanced the same amount, Butter receipts were slightly under a week ago and spot was a little stronger. Egg movements into storage were about 3,000 cases more than a year ago, branch of the Dairymen's Associa- ion, Bell Tower Repaired Brockville.--Due to the rotting of timbers in the fire bell tower on the Court House building, the alarm has not been souhding dur- ing the past month or more when calls were turned in to the fire department, but repairs have been completed by I. W. Clow, carpenter and James McMillan, Public Utili- tiles Commission, electrical fore- man. : Seize Bags of Beer Picton.--~On Thursday last Pro- vincial Constables Storey and Mec- Brien of Brighton seized eighty bags of export beer that had been stored in the cellar of the house at Pres- qu'lle Point, formerly occupied by Ben Kerr, the Hamilton man who met death in the lake off McGlen- non's Point, the latter part of Feb- ruary when his boat ran into ice, Gasoline Explosion Roseneath.--~Two boys were in- jured and several others learned a severe lesson. in carefulness yester- day, when one struck a match and applied it to an empty gasoline drum in the fair grounds, There was suffi cient gas in the drum to explode with a detonation that was heard all over the village, One boy suffered injury to his leg, another was burned, and all were more or less singed. Farmers Busy Picton.--~Farmers throughout the county are busy at work on the land. Those who are plowing report it rather sticky owing to the heavy rains, Some sceding has also been done, The rains have started spring agal- lop. Meadows are verdant green and the woods are breaking forth into leaf. Spring is at least a fortnight ahead of the last few years, Piles Go Quick Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause. That's why salves and cut- ting fail, Dr. Leonhardt"s Hem- Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thousands of Pile sufferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell Hem-Roid with¥this guarantee. steers, and yearlings, $13.25 to $14; heifers, $13.75; cutter cows, $5.25 to $7.25; medium bulls, $9 to $9.50. Calves, 2,000; vealers strong to 50c higher; good and choice, $16 to $16.50; cull and com. mons, $6.50 to $13, Sheep, 5,800, Lambs 10 to 25c higher; good to choice, clipped, $16.25 to $16.75; medium, $14.25 to $15.25; woolskins, $17.75 down; 65 Ib. spring lambs, $22. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat No, 2 Northern, $1.29 1-4, No. 3 Northern, $1.25 3.4, No. 4 wheat, $1.22, No. 5 wheat, $1.12, No, 6 wheat, 95 3-4c, Feed wheat, 85 3-4c, (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay Porfs. Price on track -Ic higher than above.) Mani Oats No. 1 feed, 55c. No, 2 feed, 53%. . (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports.) merican Corn A n No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.08, No, 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.06, No, 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.04, (Delivered Toronto.) _ Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights bags included--Bran, per ton, $31.25; shorts, per ton, $31.25; middlings, $36.25, Ontario oats--Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 45 to 50c f.o.b. shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat, f.oob. ship- fine points, according to freights, $1.28 to Barley--Malting, 70 to 73c. Buckwheat--85 to 8c, Rye--~No. 2, $1.05, Manitoba, flour--First patents, in jute $7.40, Toronto; second patents in jute, $6.40, Track, Montreal car lots--90 per cent pa- tents, per barrel, $5.70. 3 efpefecfodfortosts The Last Lap in the Big Race When the student devel. ops that 'heavy' counten- ance and comes home laden with books from which to study--this must be inter. preted to mean EXAMS, and after that promotion or graduation, Wise parents makes sure their boy or girl is not handicapped with pencils that break or pens that scratch or blot, They are - equipped with new 'Waterman or Parker Pens and Pencils These reliable makes are absolutely guaranteed and will greatly assist the stu- dent to make the highest marks. Your Rexall Store has the entire range of pens and pencils to choose from, and every purchaser has the name permanently en- graved, free of charge, on pen or pencil. Save with Safety at Jury & Lovell's THE REXALL STORES King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 08 2.2 Steele deed Soot. Co ay Soest. 2, tooo too! oofeofecfeedeels foulosd Ca a a bool a a a ae a J a a J a a a a a ar a a a a a a ee 2 2. Beatotoctetectoctodtoctostestoctoctoctostoototoctostostectostostontonte Fo ctectestortoctectotontoctoctoctoctontutoctoctoctoctectontontoctontoctoctectoatontectotoctoctoetontoatotoctoctoctontont. ON oe a a a a " 2. OR) 0 Garden 16 Celina St. and Fertilizers We have a complete line of Government tested Garden and Flower seeds now in stock. quantity you want from a 5 cent package up. We can also supply you with the best in Fertilizers for your Garden, Lawn or Shrubs in 100's, 50's or 25 lb. bags or by the single pound LAWN SEED A SPECIALTY Cooper-Smith Co. Oshawa In any Phone 8 en the most ambitious plan pf con- tinental remodelling ever puggest- ed by practical engirders; scheme recently proposel anony- mously in a leading Benin news- paper, and which has attracted much attentdon among ejgineers. The plan is to dam and' drain the larger part of the Noh Sea be- tween England, Germany and Den- mark, in much the samg way that smaller areas have beendyked and drained in Holland. The southern two-thirds of the North Sea is seldom over 100 feet deep. Running eastward from the River. Humber on the east coast of England to the northern tip of Den- mark is a submerged cliff, once the coast line of Europe when the sea was lower than now. The plan is to build up a dyke along this an- cient coast line, to placé another dyke across the English Channel, and to pump out the sea water from the area thus enclosed. QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. Two Masters We are Retail merchants only. We have no interests in anything other than retailing and servicing of lumber and complementary building products to the consumer, granting at the same time special consideration to bonafide contrac- tors. We are, ourselves, not contrac- tors in any way, because we do not believe it is ethical business to attempt servicing a class of in- dustry and at one and the same time be in direct competition with that line. SO shawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Guarantee "Writing Satisfaction Merely to guarantee a pen is not an assurance that the pen-point will give satisfaction. But when youbuyaWaterman's Stainless, you buy writing satisfaction--and that covers everything required of a fountain pen. Ask your dealer to let you try Waterman's No.7 group of seven pens at $7.00. One of them will suit your hand- writing per- €r Use Waterman's Ink in Waterman's Pens ermans oe and Selection at 5,500 Canadian Merchants ¥ G@b DRY BODY HA King St. W. JOAL We 't know whether you can buy coal cheaper than we offer, but we know voulln't buy better coal, that's why we say it counts. J IT'S THE FAMOUS READING COAL |! THAT ®* COUNTS Hamilton By-Product Coke The Faultless Fuel RDWOOD SLABS AND SOFTWOOD SLABS ALWAYS ON HAND Brick, Lime, Tile and all kinds of Builders' Supplies cLaughlin Coal and Supplies ; Phone 1246

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