Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Apr 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1929 } The 'Whitby Daily Times POLICEMAN'S FEES '10 BE DISCUSSED BY TOWN COUNCIL Contentious ¢ Question will Come Up at Meeting "7 'Next Monday ' '(By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 13,--A contentious {ssue, the question of fees for the police department, faces the town connell at its next regular meeting to be held in the council chambers Monday night. Notice that he would introduce a bylaw to abolish the fees of the police department was given by Deputy Reeve C. E. Bowman, at the last regular meet- ing of the council and supporters of the measure will probably at- tempt to give it three readings on Monday. Introduction of the bylaw fis practically certain to cause a divi- sion in council as some of the civ- ic fathers take the attitude that the work of the police department has been highly satisfactory and that it would ge advisable to leave well enough alone. Those who are opposed to the fee systém admit hat the police department should not work as efficiently witnout fees. LAWNS CARPETED WITH GREEN GRASS (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 18.--The frequent raing of/the last few days have had at least had one good effect, for the lawns of local residences are now carpeted with green grass, A week ago all lawns were covered with dead grass but the new blades have been coaxed up by the rain and now delights the eye of every- one., In another two or three weeks providing the weather is fav- orable, the trees should be burst- ing into leafage and Whitby's streets will be transformed into avenues of green. PAYS TO WAIT Claim Agent: Are you hurt? Accident Victim: Don't know. I haven't seen the paper yet. badly SALE OF BAKING HELD YESTERDAY (By Staff Rey Reporter) Whitby, April 13.--A tea and] sale of homemade baking held in the council chambers yesterday af- ternoon under the auspices of the Ladies' Ald of the Baptist church proved a guccessful event and a neat sum was realized, Delicious producs of the culinary art were displayed at booths and attracted a ready sale. From five o'clock on supper was served, including tasty salads, jellied meat, bread and butter, tea and cakes. The tables were nice- ly arranged, the floral decoraivions including daffodils and pussywil- lows. The whole event was con- ducted in a splendid manner. ADJOURNMENT IN EXAMINATION Waselena Witwicki, Osha- wa, Appears in Whitby Police Court (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, April 13.--An adjourn- ment of one week was made in the caseof Waselena Witwicki, of Osh- awa, who appeared before Magis- trate J. Willis, Dr. C. F, McGilli- + | yray, of Whitby, and Dr. Jas. Moore of Pickering, for an examination as to her sanity in police court yester- day afternoon, The woman was arrested in Osh- awa on a nominal charge of vag- rancy after she had escaped bare- footed and poorly clad from a house in which she had been stay- ing. She claimed that she had been frightened by hearing someone rat- tle the pones of her bedroom win- down, but admitted that it might have been the wind. The doctors wished to secure further evidence from people with whom she was acquainted as she was able to ans- wer all questions intelligently, The case was one of a harrow- ing nature as the woman is separ- ated from her husband and has no means of support. She spent some time in the reformatory at Toron- to and claimed that before return- ing to Oshawa she had been em- ployed in the home of a Jewish family, whom, she told the court, owed her for several months' wages, She could not remember their ade dress, however. Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with ithe same care--as if our reputation were to Band or fall upon that single package. REDROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good prettilp decorated | REPRESENT ATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN LARGE FUNERAL FOR WHITBY BOY Attend Obsequies of Little Harold Snyder (By Staff Reporter) 'Whitby, April 13.---~The funeral of seven-year-old Harold Snyder, who met death by drowning when he fell into Pringle's creek last Tuesday night, while playing on the steep bank, was held yesterday af- ternoon from the residence of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Alloway, Byron street sotth. The incident was one which touched the heart of the whole community and many, including former playmates of the little lad, were present at the service." Rev. D. B. Langford, rector of St. John's Anglican Church was in charge as- sisted by Mr. Emery, a former lay reader at the Church. The ser- vice was very impressive and the rector sought to soften the poig- nancy of the grief with the mess- age of eternal life brought by Him whose life was distinguished by love for little children. A sad feature of the tragedy wus the fact that the mother of the de- ceased lad was overcome by her loss and was unable to remain for the full service. She was in De- troit when word of Harold's death was brought to her. The wealth of beautiful floral tributes spoke eloquently of the sympathy which hag been manifest- ed for the family during its sad bereavement, The pallbearers who were all school boys and former acquaint- ances of the deceased child, were Warren Watson, Richard Blow, John Gill, William Till, Donald Hodge and Patrick Neill. Inter- ment was made In St. John's Cem- etery. ARTHUR SLYFIELD LECTURES ON BIRDS (By Staff Reporter) Whitbp, April 13.--A splendid lecture on' birds and bird life was presented by Mr. Arthur Slytield, librarian of the Oshawa Public li- brary, in the town hall last night under the auspices of the Dundas Street Home and School Club. Mr. Slyfield has apparently made an intensive study of this subject and the lecture was both entertaining and instructive. The use of lan- tern sides added considerable in- terest to the tople. Many Edith Lady Northbourne Has died at Betteshanger, Kent, aged elghty-three. She was mar- ried in 1868 to the second Baron. who died six years ago. Steamer Ashore The steamer Jet Black, of Lon- don, is ashdre on Flamborough Rocks, North Bridlington. Widow's Body in Pond The body of Mrs Rose Melham, a young Hersham widow, has been found in a pond at Claygate, Surrey. PROPOSED STREET Restrictions: Build in WHITBY! Choice Building Lots For Sale 'We offer for sale lots on Mary Street, here. They are 40 £t. x 200 £t. deep If you desire a garden these lots will be ideal--good soil and level ground. Some of these lots have finest trees and are exception- ally good fer building purposes. Houses to cost not less than $3,000, and to be kept back 25 feet from the street line. Get in early on these lots. For further particulars see e owner. as shown GRANGE PROPERTY PINE STREET GARDEN STREET MARY STREET F. L. BEECROFT Oshawa Telephone 324 GRIMSBY MAN WILL u (LECTURE HERE ON GARDEN CULTURE T. W. Tebbs Will Address the Horticultural Society (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 13.--Mr., 1. W. Tebbs, Grimsby man, will give a lecture on English and Canadian Gardens, in St. Paul's lecture room on Monday, April 15th, at 8 p.m, under auspices of the Horticultural Society. Mr. Tebbs has many rare and beautiful colored pictures to illustrate his address. Admis- sion free. Come and bring others with you. Mr. J. Alex. Edmison, B.A, or Toronto, the widely known and ever popular speaker, will give an address to the Boys and Young People in St. Paul's Church, Sun- day, April 11th, at the morning service. HOME, SCHOOL CLUB HOLDS MEETING Fine Program and Report of O.E.A. Convention Given (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 11. -- The regular meeting of the Home and School Club was held in the prin- cipal's room at the Central School on Wednesday evening, April 10, with a good attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. Pollard, presided. The meeting opened with com- munity singing, Miss Leta L. Bragg at the piano. After the business meeting a spelndid program was given by groups six and seven, Mrs. Harry Allin taking the chair. Mrs. M. L. Hancock, who was to have addressed the meeting, was unable to be present, but it was hoped to hear from her at a later meeting. Mrs. Pritchard sang two pretty vocal solos and Mrs. Champers also sang two numbers in excel- lent style. Miss Marguerite Arm- strong and Mrs. O. Daniels were the accompanists. Mrs. Wm. Ad- ams, gave two readings in her us- ual good manner, Mrs. Daniels also favored with a plano solo. The members were pleased to have Miss Peardon present and to see her exhibition of club swinging, in which she excells. Mrs. J, Thickson was the official delegate from the Club to the Home an School section of the O.E. A. convention in Toronto last week. In a splendid report Mrs. Thick- son outlined some of the activities of the Home and School clubs throughout the province and show- ed the excellent and progressive work these clubs are doing. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Thickson, Miss Peardon and all others assisting on the program. The contest among the groups was finished and Mrs. Morris' was declared the winner. This group will be remembered at the May meeting. Daintp refreshments were served and a social half hour enjoyed, after wich the meeting closed with the singing of the National An- them. TENNIS CLUB GIVES FINE PRESENTATION OF COMEDY DRAMA (By Staff aff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 12.--A fair sized audience gathered at the Opera House on Thursday evening to see the comedy "Be An Opti- mist" put on by some of the mem- bers of the Bowmanville Tennis Club. No doubt the inclement weather kept many away who would otherwise have been present, but those who came were given » pleasant evening, The story dealt with the difficulty Jimmie May- nard had in inducing Mrs. Clinton to accept him as a son-in-law, even going so far as to permit himself to be bound up as a"mummy"' to take the place of one that was to be delivered to Mrs. Clinton on a certain afternoon but which was damaged in transit. In order to prevent Mrs. Clinton being disap- pointed, Jimmie makes a bargain with Isaac Golditeh, dealer in an- tiques, to substitute forthe '"'mum- my", in this way saving Golditch from losing his best customer. As "Jimmie Maynard', Edsall Oliver, who is no stranger to a Bowman- ville audience, proved himself to be an excellent "mummy" as well as a "talkie'" actor and quite sus- tained his splendid reputation as an actor. The part of the haughty Mrs. Clinton, whose sole interest in life seemed to be the acquiring of antiques, was well known by Miss Nellie Montgomery, as was also the part of her daughter, Mil- dred, very much in love with Jim- mie, portrayed in a snappy manner by Miss Bernice Bagnell. C. H. Dudley as Isaac Golditch made a typical antique dealer, running true to form when it came to mak- ing a bargain. Others taking part were Miss Helen Osborne, Miss Betty Sargent, Miss Gertrude Mor- ris, Miss' Marie Ames and Messrs. A. H. Bounsall, Stuart James and Bernard Mitchell, each one taking his or her part in a most credit- PICKERING Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent. MAN CONVICTED OF HIGHWAY ROBBERY NEAR PICKERING JAMES HODDE WAS ROBBED OF $150 BY TAXI COMPANIONS Edward Harrison, Oshawa, Will be Sentenced on April 18 for Crime Pickering, April 13.--Edward Harrison, of Oshawa, appeared be- fore Magistrate Clarke in the local police court last night charged with having participated in a highway robbery on the town line on October 21, last. and was convicted of the offence. In the robbery, James Hodde, of Oshawa, was beaten and robbed of $150 by three men, with whom he was riding in a taxi. Frank Maracle, of Oshawa, driver of the taxi, who was acquitted some 'time ago, .gave evidence for the Crown. Harrison gave evidence in his own defence in which the Crown declared he convicted himself. He admitted a previous record. He was remanded for sentence until Thursday, April 18. J. A. McGib- bon represented the Crown; Har- rison had no counsel and electea to be tried summarily. The other two men in the case have not bee. located and Harrison had succeed: ed in evading the police until a fe days ago. PETER SIMONS WAS AGAIN REMANDED Pickering, April 13.--The case of Peter Simons of the township of Pickering, charged with unlawfully having liquor for sale, upon the request of the defence counsel, D. A, J. Swanson, Oshawa, with the consent of the Crown, was adjourn- ed from last evening until Thurs- day evening, April 18, when this case will be heard at 7.30 o'clock. able manner. Altogether it was a most pleasing entertainment. A second performance was given om Friday night. FUNERAL OF W. T. ALLIN (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, April 12,--The fu- neral of the late W. T, Allen was held from St. John's Anglican Church on Friday afternoon, the rector, Rev. R. J. Shires, having charge of the service assisted by Rev. A. Bunner who read the scripture. . There was a large turn- out of business men and citizens who came to pay their last respects to a life long and worthy resident of the town. Many out of town friends were present from Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle, among them being Messrs. Rutter, Woods and Dawson of the firm of Warwick Bros. & Rutter with whom the late Mr. Allen did busi- ness for many years, also Mr. Gal- lagher of Montreal, another busi ness associate. Others from To~ ronto included Mr, Frank McDow- ell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClellan and Messrs. George and John Mec Clellan, The pallbearers were Dr. J. C. Devitt, Fred J. Mitchell, C, Avery Johnston, W. J. Morrison, Fred C. Vanstone and A. L. Hagerman. The floral tributes were exceed- ingly beautiful and numerous, two cars being required to convey them to the cemetery. REGULATIONS ON ADVERTISING HAVE BEEN MODIFIED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 13.--A modifica- tion of the present regulation cov- ering undertakers' advertising will be tried out for the next six moNths in an effort to circumvent the pre- sent extraordinary situation, ae cording to an announcement made today by the Hon. Dr. Forbes God- frey, provincial minister of health and labor. By the Embalmers' and Funeral Directors' Act, undertakers are al- lowed to publish, as advertising, nothing more than a small, plain professional card, This law and in particular this clause, was the subject of considerable protest from the press as well as from under- takers, when it was passed at the 1928 session of the legislature. Nor was the protest without effect, for the board of examiners appointed to enforce the act, never has enforc- ed it strictly. Following a conference with Thomas E. Simpson, M.P., for West Algoma, who is secretary of the board of examiners, Dr. Godfrey in- timated it was intended to stamp out objectionable advertising by en- forcing a modification of the regu- lation which would allow the ua- dertakers greater latitude. £0 to Feminine Grace and Beauty Science has achieved many important aids for enhancing woman's personal charms. To be truly beautiful to-day. special attention must be given to very detail of the physique -- the hair, eye brows and lashes, lips, teeth, skin, complexion, hands, nails, etc, We make a specialty of beauty aids such as: Or L Preparations, -- Lip- stick, Depilatories, Talcums, Foot Powders, Bath Salts, Perfumes and Toilet Waters, Dentifrices, Soaps, Etc. KARN'S DRUG STORE " OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 43 " BELIEVE MEXICAN TROUBLE NEAR END Government Authorities Ex- pect Little Fighting to Quell Rebels Mexico City, April 13.--Little further major fighting is expected by Government authorities to be needed to stamp out the last ves- tiges of revolt in Northern Mexico. In some quarters even the predic tion was made yesterday that with- in two weeks the military problem presented by the rebellion would be definitely solved. Fall of Ciudad Juarez to Federal troops aroused little comment here. Since evacuation of Chihuahua has come to be taken for granted. Ad- vices to the city's evacuation, and subsequent occupation by loyal troops, comprised the only news of military manoeuvres reaching Chapultepec Castle during the day. Federal forces presumably were continuing their advance from Cu- liacan, capital of Sinaloa, toward San Elas, on the Rio Fuerte, in the northern part of the state, and some fighting at least was expected before the rebels retreated north- ward into Sonora. t, Kidney Pill, which I did. They purifying down women should give Dodd's a trial at once. They give speedy 50c doi They did me whole ot hoe sof pond pr - Backache shoul with har Rid Hs oot their work of cleansing and lood, Weak, Nervous, Run- Best Remedy for Kidneys and Bladder Says Ontario, Lady, who used vho used Dodd's Kidney Pills re a Blackburn, "I was II KIDNEY od | HBS L KIDNEY oy i At All Daslezs, or by Mail from The Dodds Medicine Co. Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. Safer "Why do you say you would pre- fer to have a lot of money on you if you were held up by bandits?" "Because bandits get mighty peevish these days when they dis cover they have wasted their time, and are pretty apt to furnish a job Jop either the undertaker or hospi- al." The first six weeks with chicks. You Pep Chick Starter. digestion, vitamin B. both. Phone 203 SSS § Healthy Chicks Grow Quickest vigorous brood, if you feed Quaker Ful It contains exactly the food elements baby chicks need to keep them healthy and promote their growth. Its pure, fresh oatmeal gives the greatest nourishment, easily digested. Added to this and other ingredients are Cod Liver Oil, Cod Liver Meal, and MOLASSES IN DRY FORM. Cod Liver Oil acts like sunshine, and helps to build big, strong frames. Meal sends all the nourishment right to the spot, while the Molasses aids complete and provides the valuable Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Feed is an econo- mical ration, because every pound gives good health and most growth. As a grain ration to go with Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter, we recommend Ful-0-Pep Fine Chick Feed. We cax mpply you with Quaker FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER HOGG & LYTLE, Limited BUY THE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS are the critical times can have a healthy, Cod Liver Oshawa, Ont. =} a8 A A have head eaginie) the 88 Simcoe St. North For years the proven McLa been acclaimed by an pS A majority. hlin-Buick But now a tremendous increase in public acceptance during the past month, a new sales Bosouse here, in ja aflditon to th= powerful, trip 'Tremendous Increase 1. Dublic Heoonian ce 2 R years MeLanghlin-Buick has led the world in fine-car on engineering principles has resulted sales record for all Yio have br have but A Jo dive this gusat car 10 understand why fe is lig sales records for cars at or above its price. x.s.-208 McLaughlin Buick Oshawa, Ont. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, t Moffatt Motor Sales Limited Phone 915 LIMITED - Pa Es EER Lu kg esi fhiie

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