Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Apr 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SDAY, APRIL 1929 i - > 46 WBAL Baltimore. Song Cycle--"In A arden, Cm nas 2 5.30 a i WRVA (2/0)--Richmond. Sport Talk; } 20 . WOR. (345)--Buffalo. Shea's Symphony Tonight 's Best Features _ Persian z= Wis (428)--Cinci. Markets; " Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM C (WEAF)--La Touraine Concert Orchestra, Colymbiat Simons Show Boat: "The NBC (WEAF)~Sunkist String Orches. NBC WEAR Tora. Frio Columbia? La Palina Smoker, EAF)--Palmolive Hour, ilwaukee. State High School Tournament, w Su om oes Orch P, incent es. Denver. In the Garden, "A Col- Campus." KOA lege THURSDAY'S DAY FEATURES am, WEAF New York, U. S, Marine Sd be OC Dr, Cougland br A ny A i 3 Pilon NBC System Z)--Cooking School. NBC System F)--Household In- stitute. m. NBC System (Central)~Farm and " TONIGHTS PROGRAMS NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, Glad Girls, J NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Music WEAF, WRC, WCA (283)--Baltimore. Sandman ircl WEY (379.5)--Schenectady. Centra, Bonnie Laddies; Orches- WIZ. Wow oh --Cincl, Willsey"s ' orches. Markets; ROEA (306)--Pitts, Dinner music. WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner Wear (256)--Phila, Entertainers. ila, E * WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Air School; he lL eR Gis)--Buffalo. Statler orchestra WTIC (500)--Hartford. Dinner concert KDKA (306)--Pitts, Address; enter- EH (223)--Akron. Musical program wees (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. Civic Wear (236)--Phila, Cathay orchestra; | Talk. WCAE (242)--Pitts. Gospel Songs. WEAF (454.3)--New York, Synagogue Or- TIME TABLES | rt from Oshawa Station. 828 9 | Whitby Hospital. ; || SUNDAY AND MOULIDAY SCHEDULE & Going W - Leave 8 47 p. 1 Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville - I e marked tby Hospital 1 ew day, April 29, 192 10.05 a.m. Daily. 2.04 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 8.03 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 11.10 p.m. Daily. 12.09 a.m. $ Phone Osbawa Waiting Room. 10 Prince St.-- C.PR, TIME TABLE, Schedule taking effect 12.01 am, ing West Daily. times shown above are times trains te, C. N, R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound except Sunday. ay only. Daly Sunda .m,~Daily except Sunday. 4h i sid Sunday, Sunday. Saturday, a.m,~Dail a.m, a.m,~. a.m. ly a.m.~Daily. a.m.--Daily except Sunday. p.m.~Daily except Sunday. ay only. ly except Sunday, Daily except Sunday. BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE CEftectsve wo. und aiter Nov, # Go! West Arrive Arrive Whitby Hospital 7.1 7.3 CNRW yoy, (379.5)--Schenectady, Radio Skits to HAM, Jip (492)--Phila. Uncie Yip. y WLW (428)--Cinci. Educational series. WTAG (517)--~Worcester, Coal Miners. WLW (428)~Cinci, Unique Trios, (384.4)-- Winnipeg. Dinner *mu- sic. WCAU (26)--Phila. Concert. N ystem: La Touraine chester, WHK (216)--Cleveland. Questions and Answers, WJZ (394.5)--New York, Talk by "Jno. Kennedy, . NBC System; "Washington Politics" to WJZ, WBAL, KDKA, WLW, WRC, Kw. . 8.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Imperial Hour. WCAU (256)--Phila, Sylvania Orches. NBC Sy yt ier Th 2 i WEAF, WRC, WCAE, KSD, WOC, WTIC," WTAG, WWJ, WLIT, WGR, wow, WDAF, WEEI, WCSH, WJAR, WGY' (379.5)--Schenectady. G. E. pro- gram, Wir (492)--Phila. "Everybody's Gar- en. NBC System: Mobiloil Orchestra to WJZ, WBZ, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, KYW, WREN, KSTP, WTM]J, KOA, KVOO, KWK, WFAA, KPRC, WOAI, WEBC, WJR. Columbia Network: Simmon's Show Boat to WOR, WNAC, KOIL, WLBW, ADC, WMAQ, WJAS, WADC, WEAN, WFBL, KMOX, WGHP, WHK, WMAL, WKBW, NBC System: Wonder Bakers to WEAF,"WTIC, WKY, WTAG, WLIT, WOW, WRC, WCAE, KSD, WCSH, WMC. : WCAU (256)--Phila, String Band, WIP (492)--Phila. Recital, NBC Sylvania Foresters to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, KWK, KYW, WJR, WBAL, WREN, WLW, WHAM, WRVA. 4 9.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Shea's Hippo- drome, Columbia Network: Van Heusen pro- gram to WOR, WCAU, WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, WJAS, WKRC, WOWO, KMOX, WHK, KOIL, WLBW, WMAL. WBC System: Ipana Troubadors to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WGR, WGY, WOC, KSD, WOW, WDAF, WBAP, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WSM, WMC, WSB, WBT, KOA, KVOO, KSTP, WTAG, WCSH, WADC, WJAR, WRC, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WGN, WTMJ WIP (492)--Phila," Radio Forum, NBC System: Smith Bros, to WJZ, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA. WLW (428)--Cinci. Franklin ensemble WRVA (272)--Richmond. Variety pro- gram. NBC System: Palmolive WEAF, WERI, WTIC w , RPRC, WOC, KSTP, WGR, WCAE, WTAM, WGN, WFAA, WTMJ, WOAI, KSD, W WOW, WDAF, KVOO, WLIT, WHAS, WSM, WSB, KOA, WBT, WJAX, WMC. WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. "On Wings of Song." NBC System: String Orchestra to WJZ, KDKA, WREN, Columbia Network: La Palina Hour to WOR, WCAU, 'WNAC, WEAN, /F WTAS, WADC, WKRC, HP, WMAQ, WOWO, ; KMOX, KMBC, WSPD, WMAL, KOIL, WHK, WISN. ! WPG . (272)--Atlantic City. Novelty or- Hour to chestra." WBAL (283)--Baltimore. The Mary- landers, - WCAH (209)--Columbus. Hawaiians, WLW (428)--Cinci. Courtesy program NBC System: The Continentals to WJZ, KWK. Columbia Network: Kolster Hour to WOR, WCAU, NAC, WTAS, WADC, WKRC, WGHP, WOWO, KMOX, WSPD, WHK, WLBW, = WFBL, WCAO, WEAN, KMBC, KOIL. CFCA (357)--Toronto, Concert ensem- b le. ~ System: Gold Strand Orchestra to WEAF, WCAE, /GY, WEEI, WLIT, WTIC, WOC, WGR, WOW, WTAM, WSM, WSB, WRC, WW], KSD, WBT, WHAS, WFAA, KPRC, KSTP, WKY, WJAR, WTAG, KOA, WMC, WOAI, KYW, Columbia Network: Daugerrotypes to WOR, WEAN, FBL, WMAK, WISN, WSPD, WLBW, WNAC, WMAL, WCAU, WMAQ, WCAO, WCCO, WOWO, KMOX, WTAS, WADC, WKRC, WGHP, + (428)--Cinci, Fillmores Band. (333)--Buffalo. St. Thomas Glee Club, WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Meekers or- chestra, WCAU (256)--Phila, News; Cathay or- 7.25 am. 8.30 a.m, 9.45 a.m, . 10.35 a.m. 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 4.3 pon. FRERRRIR .05 p.m. 10.10 p.m. 11.30 p.m. are through COAL COKE WOOD Waterous- Meek Limited UPTOWN OFFICE S8O0KingSt. W. Phones 1288 and 660 Arrive Hespita) est Arrive Whitby Leave ville Oshawa 9.30 am. 9.45 am. 10.00 am. 12.00 p.m. W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 23Y, Simcoe St. North Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultiess Lenses WCAE (242)--Pitts. Tracy-Brown's ore 3C 8; Lopez Orch to WEAF, WDAF, WKY, KSD, WOC, WOW; Cop WAZA (333)=Clearwater, "Dance 'ram. WGR. (545)--Buffalo, Statler orchestra WIP (492)--Phila. gan, WGY_ (379.5)--Schenectady. Hotel Ken- more Orchestra, NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WRC, WHAS WTMJ. WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Musicil Pot- rr. Wee (272)--Atlantic City, News; Dance Music. 11.05 WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Erickson' 1130 CFCA. (37)~Toronto. Dasee - ram. KMOX. (79)--St. Louis, Wylie's Or: WEW (428)--Cinel, Wills, -» ts WOC, (00)--Davenport. iberty ~~ School Orchestra. « 11.45 WSB (405)--Atlanta, Feature program 12,00 KYW. (294)--Chicago. Panico's orches, KFAB (389)--Lincoln, Ha Ha Club, KOA (361)--Denver. March Orchestra, WENR (345)--Chicago. Westphal Or» chestra; Mike and Herman. WGN (416)--Chicago. Solgkeries Orchestra, WHK (216)--Cleveland. William's, Wy- lies' Orchestra, Dream Ship; In Body WITT ; NGERS ror 8 has HUMAN HEARTBEAT APPEARS IN MOVIE Surprising New Facts About Most Efficient Machine Montreal, April 3.--An electrical engineer, Edward H, Hansen, of Los Angeles, California, reports he perfected an invention by which a motion picture camera can .| take photographs of a heart pul- sating within a living person. bg "4 ailments. calls his machine an osclographo- scope and says it will bring about a new system of diagnosis for heart 4% ord for study. slightest pulsation the heart cians, The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity, Becure your CONGER COAL now while best services are available. Conerr Lemen Coar Co. LiMrren writes Karl Vooght more, hauled for repairs. of muscles which tough. The stethoscope records only the sound of the heart in action. The X-ray allows it to be seen, but it does not give any permanent rec- The new device, says the inventor, will record the or change in so that the pictures thrown on the screen can be exam- ined and studied by several physi- Considered as a piece of machin- ery, the human heart is about the most efficient part of the in the May Popular Science Monthly, It works continuously for half a century and sometimes for a hundred years, without stopping to be over- It 1s composed are extremely They expand,and contract J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W Manager. minute. with rhythmic regularity at an av- erage rate of seventy pulsations a The average life of an American is now [fifty-five years. In that period, his heart will have pulsated two billion, one hundred and forty-four million, two hun- dred\and thirty thousand times! He body, Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 ences, new, gumwood trim, north end. Immedi- ate possession. $5,000 "Oshawa, Ont. It is only 300 years since Wil- liam Harvey published his discov- ery of the circulation of the blood, in 1628. In those three centuries we have learned about the mechan- ism of the heart. We knew that its operation is like that of a pump. Each expansion draws into the left ventricle, one of four chambers of the heart, about four tablespoon- fuls of blood which has completed its seven-minute circuit of the body and has been supplied with fresh oxygen by the lungs. The blood passes through the four chambers, being forced out into the arteries through the tricuspid valve at the top of the right auricle. And that is about all we really know about the heart. fifty times a minute. rapidly. structure. used to exertion. ally means softened muscles. mi, the Finnish runner, owes his great endurance, physicians say, te the fact that hig heart is only about half the normal size and beats only A slow beating heart usually ||i= lasts longer than one that pulsates In geenral, the muscular condition or "tone" of the whole body is reflected in the heart's Soft muscles mean soft heart, which is why violent exer- cise or sudden muscular strain of- ten causes the death of those un- EIGHT SPANIARDS Nur- DISNEY Opposite P.O. Phone 1550 CApER 82 Simcoe St. S, Phone 3082 The most valuable feature of the heart is its elasticity. It will stand an immense strain and recover without stopping its work. Agr a rule, the smaller the heart in pro- portion to the body, the more effi- client it is; an enlarged heart usu- DEPORTED FROM U.S. Providence, R.I., April 3.--The first group of aliens deported from Boston 'under a cleanup drive now in force were placed on board the Fabre Line Steamer Alesia at this port and sent out of the country. There were eight Spaniards in the group, deserters from vessels which have touched at American ports. About thirty other aliens are now awaiting deportation at Boston. snot nin ELLA CINDERS--Who Sent This? 2, SOMETHING | JOHN SMITH AND JIM J BLUNT--THEY GET ALONG THEIR STUBBORN WAYS | {mn £5 res Tm -- ll] DNR By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb RA BRINGING UP FATHER-- WELL ITS GOT TO COME TO a SHOW-DOWN- I'VE GOT TO TROUBLE OINTY AN' WHO ARE "YO FIND WHAT'S THR OEEF AN' { SOMEBODY 19 GOIN TO SERVE A LONG TIME (N A HOSPITAL IP HE KEEPS ON ACTIN LIKE CABBAGE J, V A =) (== © 4.3 © 1929, Int'l Peature Service, Ine., Great Britain rights reserved. "WTTLEFISH | BY 1500 BC. THE EGYPTIANS HAD A fl VARIETY OF COLORS ALMOST EQUAL pa EGYPTIANS IMPORTED MADDER ROOTS FROM INDIA FROM WHICH THEY MADE_ THE PAINT KHONN AS MADDER LAKE. ALSO VARIOUS SHADES OF RED, VIOLET AND BRO WERE MADE FROM MADDER. I JHE ROYAL PURPLE OF TYRE HHICH WAS COCMINEAL INSECTS ON A CACTUS PLANT. A RICH, HEAVY CRIMSON, WAS OBTAINED FROM A SPECIES OF SHELL FISH CALLED MUREX,BY THE PHOENICIANS. SEPIA WAS FISH. CARMINE FROM THE COCHINEAL THSECT AND INDIGO FROM THE INDIGO PLANT. TODAY MOST OF THESE COLORS HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY COAL TAR PRODUCTS. |! If {) WELL,I WONDER IF THOSE OLD EGYPTIANS JUST GOT 'MADDER" 50 THEY COULD SEE RED" © 8.45 pm. 9.00 p.m. pm, 1L15 Dm. 11.9 p.m. are through Special Busses ™a all Occasions Rates and Careful Drivers T A. GAR101 Proprietor Bowmanville--Phone 412 or M6 2283 Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South | REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY if your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and: make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN a THE JEWELER 4 Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads. 10 King St. W. WATCHES Phone 189 DON'T OU KNOW] ANYTHING. ABOUT] "THE FIGHT GAME MR. WHIPPLE] dicate, Tne, Great Britain rights reserved You AIN'T HEARD NOTHING OO! TILLIE , (S 2 UHE SUP Ro. TO oQD?

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