Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Mar 1929, p. 9

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omen's Interests - Social and invites the items to . 35. . E. her sister, Mrs, T. Dun- Stratford. | 3.7 on Bagnall who is leav- make her home in To- 'entertained on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. George in, Elgin street west. There were lady friends of Mrs. A Bag- ent, Among the out-of- were Mrs. Crysler, of ; Mrs, Ed. Bovay, of Co- "hours; Mies GT Miller' of 7 on and Mrs. E. E. Miller, of Toron- 3 inflame the evening Mrs. Bagnall 'was presented with a Pyrex willow- tree platter, set in a silver service. Contests were played and were won by Mrs. N. Purdie, Mrs. C. Cousins and Miss G. M. Miller. Supper was "served by the hostess. A number of the fellow-employees of The Oshawa Daily Times enter- tained at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening in honor of Miss Dorothy Moffatt, whose marriage to Mr. Stewart E. McTavish takes place next month. ¥ * - Mr. W. J. Leask, of Ryland Farm, has returned home after spending the winter in California and Florida. Miss Margaret Kinnear, King st, west, is spending the Easter vaca- tion. in New York city, where she is a guest of a former class mate in To Break Up a Cold ACH TABLET CONTAINS TWO GRAINS OF PHENACETIN (ACETANILID DERIVATIVE) CONTAINS NO NARCOTICS Pinkuam LABORATORIES LYNN, MASS. 30c. at your drug store this column. Send in a postcard : e is spending Ea- Personal - - | Rae the University of Toronto, Miss May Thompson, ie Miss Hester Vokes, of Hamilton, is spending the Easter week with her father, Mr. A. Vokes, Albert street. Ld L > Mr. Charles Mason is spending the holidays and week end at his home in Toronto, » Miss Evelyn Pearne, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, is speading the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Pearce, Haig street. "® * * Miss Jean Hall, of the University of Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Hall, Lauder road. © LJ] LJ Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Wilson and family, Colborne street cast, are spending the holiday and week end in Campbellford. Miss Edith Vokes, of Walkerville, is spending the holiday at her home in the city. "" LJ Mr. and Mrs. L. Nott, of Windsor, are spending the Easter holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lobb, Queen street. . Miss Kathleen Brown, formerly of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute staff, now of the Belleville Technical School, is visiting Miss R. Metcalfe, at the Whitby House Annex. * Ww * Miss 1. Everson, a member of the faculty of the Belleville "Technical School, is spending Easter at her home here. . + Mr. Victor Crouse, of Walkerville, is spending the holiday with his mo- ther in the city. 2 +» : Miss Wilda Knight of the Univer- sity of Toronto, is spending the hol- idays at her home in the city. «+ ss Miss Edythe Cawker, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, AP Liectrophonic 10 .nch Double Sided Phonograph Records EX 26133{ 26134 Abide With Me Waltz Record No. 8884 Fox Trot Record No, 8907 Fox Trot Record No. 8878 Fox Trot Record No, 8912 Fox Trot Record No. 8872 : 17 Simcoe St. S. ag Two Specials for Easter - by the Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Montreal Direction Dr. A, Onward Christian Soldiers Adeste Fideles, (Oh Come, All Ye Faithful) Lead, Kindly Light Carolina Moon Hawaiian Guitars, Record No, 8893 A Precious Little Thing Called Love Fox Trot Record No. 18892 Button Up Your Overcoat I Faw Down and go Boom Song Records My Mother's Eyes Theme Song of the Motion Picture "Lucky Boy" If 1 Had You Fox Trot Record No. 8891 Where The Shy Little Violets Grow My Angeline Wear the new Apex Elcetrophonic Pionograph- IN " | {| Nap wirnalnnnd 71 Sicoe-St. North ge Phone 2388 Always on Hand HARRIS MUSIC SHOP E. Whitehead : Sopg Record No. 8880 Song Record No. 26137 0. 8879 and 8904 Song Record No, 8896 Mr, and Mrs, E, F. Cawker, street east. King LJ » Mr. "Bud" Davidson is spending the Easter week end with his par- ents, in Campbellford. * LJ LJ] : Mr. Keith Wickens is spending the holiday and week end with friends in Delta, 3 - * * Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C, M. An. derson, Division street, * LJ LJ] . oe Miss Harriet Swail, of Ontario La-| dies' College, Whitby, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, V. Swail, Masson street. * * Ld v Miss Anne Storie, of the Univer- sity of Toronto, is spending the hol. idays with her parents, Mr, and Mra, S. Storie, King street east. * LJ LJ » Mr, Ralph Young, Mary street, is spending the Easter holidays at his home in Athens, * LJ LJ Miss Ferne McGahey is spending Easter at her_home in Lindsay. * Miss Lois Mundy, resident pupil of the Ontario Ladies' iy eh spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, M, Mundy, Simcoe street north. * x % Mr. Keith Hochn, of Niagara Col- lege, is spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Hoehn, Athol street east. x % ¥ Mr. Lorne Arkley, Oshawa Boule- vard, is spending the holiday week- end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. M. Arkley, Kingston, x x x . Miss Velma McLean, Mary street, is spending the Easter holidays with friends in Kingston, CE Mrs. Hill and daughter, Margaret, of Toronto, are spending the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H, Boyce, Oshawa Boulevard. * kK ¥ Miss Ethel Grigg, Yonge | street, entertained a number of her friends at her home on Friday evening on the occasion of Her thirteenth. birth- day. The evening was spent in games and music, The guests were Misses Margaret, Catherine and Bernice Bulmer, Miss Jean Miller, Miss Mu- viel Stewart, Miss Jean Proctor and Master Roy Hennessey. * - LJ Mr. and Mrs. O. Perrin, Celina, street, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Luck- hurst, Albert street, are spending the Easter holidays with, their aunt, Mrs, Hattie Wilson, in Toronto, ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt, Ken- neth avenue, announce the engage- ment of their younger daughter,Doro- thy, to Stewart E, McTavish, of Re- ina, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. Mc- avish, Flesherton, The marriage will take place quietly in Winnipeg on April 6, WOMEN'S MEETINGS | The regular meeting of the Jessie Panton Auxiliary of St. Andrew's church was held in the ladies" par- lors of the church on Tuesday even- ing with Miss M. Pringle presiding. Miss Scott of the Semior W. M. S. ave an interesting report of the resbyterial held in January. The devotional exercises were followed by the usual sewing period during which refreshments were served. Ld One often wishes to use a bit of onion in salads and other dishes, but hesitates to cut a whole one for the sake of the tiny bit needed, particu- larly when the onion on hand hap- pens to be a large one. Keep an on- ion in a tumbler of water in the sun and it will sprout, cut the tender shoots as they are needed. They are delicate in flavor and the new shoots grow rapidly from the first cutting. This plan 'is especially practical for one who provides meals for a family of only one or two. ~ Diamonds! Bassett"s On Oshawa's Main Corner Song Record No. 8880 0. 8900 A Big Range of Dresses at $9.75 See Our 'iine The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3083W For Anything s, and you lay Fehed the "posts chan, and become--~perhaps an animal ith long; lon ears--or per- haps they grew 0 tall towers rising from 4 cul do--when you were ay, old as bi wall? Recalling 'Sets De ors aoa Tan di 'have planned b : 'of imaginative appeal. One of these beds has posts which rise into slender fir trees. (Think of the fun--asleep in a forest of Christ- mas trees!) +h : Another bed looks exactly like an automobile -- 'its posts being head- lights. The costumer of this set is.a stop-and-go signal the chair has a large "no parking" sign, and the desk is a handsome' garage. Wouldn't a boy revel in a room furnished with these pieces. ah Bat' for the most * sophisticated child, who is apt to resent the im- plications that he has only the ability to appreciate the nursery characters and alphabets with which his furni- ture has hitherto been ornamented, there is a new type of furniture built on the same architectural, simple lines that are so popular for grown- ups. It is almost totally lacking mn decoration, Onc set, recently noted is painted a soft apple green with the facing of the posts in silver. An- other is decorated in three tones of parchment. These two colors by the way, are the smartest just now. for the sophisticated young person's bou- doir. 'the Homemaker and the 'Do you remember--and of course Miss Margaret Anderson, of the you do- fancies, furniture | edroom The Women's Corner of Interest to unusual thoughtfulness, for every piece put into it plays an important sonality, taste in color harmony, but in count- less ways it will do much towa character-building. For instance, a step-ladder or steps will inevitably help the child to learn to wait on 'himself, With it he can climb out of his crib, wash himself at the lava- tory, put away his own blocks and toys on shelves that otherwise would be too high. But not Sverything need be as practical as this. Color in curtains and cushions is quite 'as important. The new patterns of the chintzes also show a change from the nursery characters that are so familiar, Scien- tific designs are now available with all sorts of fascinating pictures of children in action. They come in love- ly peach tones and robin's-egg-blue-- new versions of the old pink and blue formula for nursery decoration. And lamps, too, add a charm that nothing else can give to the child's room. These are sometimes made of humorous wooden animals or are like character dolls such as a French maid with a candle, Pottery lamps with figures of ducks or elephants or pigs are fascinating to the child too, and usually have shades of parchment it gures painted on them like the ase. To loosen a glass stopper take a feather, dip it in olive oil, and with it rub around the stopper of the bot tle or decanter, close to its mouth, Then place it before the fire at a dis- tance not less than 18 inches. Before long the oil, urged by the wormth, will insiuate itself between stopper and neck. Now take any handy wooden instrument--a spatula or light wooden spoon--and gently strike the stopper first on one side and then on the other. If not loose by this time, repeat the process, applying oil and warmth and striking again, as before, However tightly the stopper may be fastened, you will thus succeed in loosening it. When your Children Cry for It Here's relief and comfort for crying, fretful, feverish babies or children that you don't need to urge or command them to take. They love the delicious taste of Fletcher's Castoria. Your doctor will tell you it's absolutely safe, so you can give it as freely and as often as needed to keep your children happy and well. A few drops is all it takes to quiet fret- ful, feverish, colicky babies; re- lieve their biliousness, gas on stomach, constipation, etc.; soothe them to sleep in a jiffy. For like disorders in older children, you simply use a little larger dose of the same reliable Fletcher's Cas- toria. Don't use grown-folks' medicine; with babies or children, specialists say. Ninety per cent. of them recommend Fletcher's Cas toria; and thirty years of steadily increasing popularity proves they're right. To protect you. from imitations, the Fletchef signature || is on every bottle of genuine Flet- cher's Castoria. CANAL If you wish to make a dustless duster or renew one, pour a table- spoonful of turpentine and one of coal oil in a quert of hot water. Dip a clean cloth or mop in it and hang up dripping wet. When dry it is ready to use. Husban are stration. Why, na ve 80 CASTORIA "Furnishing a child's room requires | part, in developing the child's per- ; His room, not only develops. his | | rd " facts about food his mouth water and u the Moffats Gold desired. | Peerless Training Pays Spring Term Opens April 2nd. BOOKKEEPING. Canadian Modern Accounting STENOCRAPHY: ; } Pitma n * Simplest, Swiftest, w TYPING. iy Expert yping by {Studies v , DAY SCHOOL AND NIGHT SCHOOL SESSIONS You may start a course at Yr any time, - LENGTH OF COURSES We graduate pupils as quickly as is consistent with a thorough train- ing. As a result, stenographers and typists we have trained get better positions, and are capable of advance ing. FEES Full information on vouiest. No charge is made for the use of text books. : POSITIONS We assist our students to securs suitable positions, w THE PEERLESS BUSINESS COLLEGE H. G. FAIRBAIRN -- G. W. COWAN 17Y; Sisicoe St. North, Oshawa, Ont. MOFFAT Gold Medal Electric Ranges HUSBANDS are invited. of course, to this demon- Aren't they aoresten in good cooking and baking? Y : Moffats' expert demonstrator will tell friend husband cooked on a Moffat that will make 1 iedal Elbctrie Range that you Come in, and bring your husband. The Bowra Electric Shop 70 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Phone 1075. getting Dealers Everywhere. DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE : ALL BY HinseLF | THE MOON LIGHT -. ---~ Le H pr ~& Ww Phone 1490 | THE WEATHER VANE SQUEAKED.' fOH- HE LOOKS SO LONELY. LETS Him DowN 76 PLAY with Us, SAD Dolly -" Fonte Pon Poatuna Syndicate, Tne, Great Brian | THE WEATHER HE WANTED WiSH VANE WAS SO GLAD BECAUSE Te Go To THe Fairies BALL Po \B 3 So HE IHVTED OUR DARLINGS AND HE MADE HIMSELF Bic AND Took THEM ON His BACK ah --™eYss * AND THE BABY GFAR DANCED WITH THE FARy GUEEN- HE WAS JUST Toe SWEET r------ ree ------

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