Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1929, p. 14

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in inet, Historical Highlights 800 N . 3 ce Alired C FEA h ic" System oY BE )--National : td Nev Jo a g Orchestra, a pas NBC's Rotem BAY) --ous chil In- Spe SETAE arm. vice E 18 WSB Attamia, 0. arine Band to WLW, arts KWK, WRC, } ] ob NC. us Fomine Symphou WBAL Ws, KOA, so N8CSy 3 WJZ ay what (283)--Baltimore. Circle, FP NBC Ea Waldorf Astoria Music ] WCAE, i Wz (394. 5)--New York. Old man Sun- gh ine, 1 WY lap )~Cinci. Theis Orchestra, BIS WR (545)--Buffalo, Science News; or- 59 KCL Gu 40) --Quebec. La Solel N a ews. WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner Music | Wer aussie Siy. Air School 379. | Wi om. 5)--New York, Pollack's or- 7.00 Koka (306)--Pitts, Entertainers. KFAB' (3%9)--Lincoln, Dinner concert. WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Wind ensem- ill and Jane, to WEAF, 394.5)--New York, Markets. 1 ble. ' Wanc ADC Sy Akom. Musical Program hours i Rr (242)--Pitts, Pianist; 'Books. { NBC System: Hymn Sing to WEAF. WIR (400)--Detroit. Talk; NBC ks Kemp's Orchestra ! Talks; WLS band | Wns S Giochn A28)--Cinet. Talk; "Organ, WOR (422)--Newark, Songs and Pat. Whva (270)--Richmond. Amos Wikc (517)=Worcester. Travel: Talk 7.30 NBS Tm Comfort Hour to WEAF, WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, WCAU (256)--Phila. Entertainers, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Farm pro- Siw (428)---Cifici. Historical High- 7.40 Woke (242)--Pitts. Uncle Gimbee. 745 WEap (375)=Ft. Worth, Musical pro- iz (394.5)--New York. May Breen and De WEY to KDKA, KWK, WREN, CN (iI) tial. French le i wom ato €NRO, CNRQ, Columbia ork Arabesque to WABC, NAC, _WFBL, WIAS, RUOX, ROI WKBW, BW, Nae stems The. Sore Shop to WEAF, WTIC., WAR. "RSTP, WEL WGY, 'WwJ, WTMJ, WEEL WCAE, WTAM, WHO, WER. © : EE i Wie ab, : wax Sandman ichigan | and' TIME TABLES CPR. TIME TABLE, Fiagh* Dall Saar t pr Sunday. a.m, AMD a.m. ~Daily. p.m, = Daily: except Sunday. pm.~Daily except Sunday. p.m.~Daily except Sunday. p.m,--=Daily, FR Dally except Saturday, Ny 117 6. 9. 12.090 2325 Went 5 2 PE | a.m.=Daily except Sunday. 9. aan Datly. except Sunday. Daily , 206 pm. Daly except Sunday. ir) Sends only, fy. % except 'Sunday. Fs Pom Daily praia Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville 9 Ebpatabpcfinae A BRREREE FRERERRERERS + i ; cht Ne - ~~ & & ? Pe B B PANS A {iA I XJ BE B 2 : i 11 fi BERERRREE 4A BEE £isges FERRED 2 E 5 bk ¥ 5 : ; oF 5 : : ' 4 z hy og2d ft : 65s By BEERERE 44 BE:E i b $11] i > E] 3 25a BREE 5 ir P 8 B B WRC, Wow, 5 "HO NBC Ai RR VL Ma oh : Wa Wistar 5 Paul, Soatoriic stem: Conaaia AY WL rE es wel N, . WBAL, WIR. Montreal Stock Lo, Nae oY to WIZ, 9.15 wha rk City. Musical pro- gram, 9.30 Columbia Network: stem : * Neawoltn WH: WLBW, WDBT, WTAR, WLAC, Ri WBRC. NBC Syste: Rapid Transit to WEAF, WIA YRC, WCAE, WCSH, WIC, WFL NBC System: Maxwell Hour to WJZ, WBAL, WHAM, WO wad DE J WOAY. KSTP, rican 10.00 NRG Git) Montreal Loos Program , CNRQ, C Corsmina' Network: Cojumbians to AL, CAO, WF. PAN. WADC, WOWO, in SN, WDSU, WCAU La Old Fiddlers, NBC System: Halsey Stuart Hour to WEAF, WEEL WTI WIAR, KVO0O, WGY, WTAG, WCAE, WCSH, /FI, WRC, WBT, KSD, KOA, TP, OW, T™ WWJ, W WJAX, KSTP, f ' WFAA, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WSB, KYW, WMC, WGR, WHO, WRVA. NBC System: Mallor to WIZ, AM, WLS, WLW, WIR, WBZ, WREN, KWK, WBZA, KA. 10.15 yeoo (E70) Mpls. St. Paul. Minnesota 10.30 KDA" * (306)--Pitts, Radioette; Orchestra, Columbia Network: Musical Episode to WABC, WEAN, WFAN, WADC, W. Penn WLBW, WMAL, WKBW, NBC System: Concert Bureau Hour to WEAF, WTIC, WFI, WKY, WTAG, WCAE, a KSD, WGR,' WHO, WMC, RVA. Wi bE 5)--Sch d | Marie W. Duncan; Eitiovs » Journey from The Pas to (By Canadian Press) Toronto, - March - 28--Marie W. ' Duncan writing in the Cagadian For- | um, of a tri by air from The Pas to the "Flin Flon" mine says:--"I fecl like an Eskimo in the clothes I have rchased. 1 have on no less than our pairs. of heavy socks. My mos-' casins are very beautifully embroid- ered. My parka is so light in weight that I can scarcely feel it over my two sweaters, but it is very warm. You see we are prepared to walk, :f necessary. I have an eiderdown robe with, me, too. That is one of 'the travelling necessities here. : Sturgeon Landing. I am writing this on the corner of fo! the wash-stand! Yes, an old-fash- ioned wash-stand with the crockery GR, on it, such as we used to play with in our attic. There is a heavy white bowl and pitcher, a china soap di with ridges, and a rack on the side for towels. The light is a coal oil lamp! It makes shadows on the walls and dimly lights the rafters in the roof. Yes, a, nd) The upstair rooms have no ceilings. They are divided by partitions with a space above them to the wooden roof, I must tell you about the Snowmobile drive. The cabin of the vehicle is like a big square box with a door on one side, two little windows on the other, and the windshield in front. The driver and four or five passengers sit in the TRIP BY PLANE sh | and straight, and I wondered how our INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN wien « COOL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. front part, and: the back is piled to the roof with baggage, mail and freight, The passenger seats are hard' backs would feel at the end of the journey. As we journeyed, however, our respect for the vehicle grew greater and greater, and we should have been glad to have a seat on its floor, It reminds me of a war tank in its disregard for obstacles. hear the distant purr of the plane! I am very excited. It is my first flight. Here it is! It circles high above the lakes. Now it is gliding down, a great blue butterfly. The Pas, one hour later It took us forty-five minutes to come from Flin Flon! That is almost unbelievable to those who have three or four days in making the trip by canoe or dog-team. We sat in a little cabin behind the pilot with windows on each side. The plane had large ski runners on which it taxied across the lake at a tre- mendous speed. Snow and trees flew past! Then we rose. The trees drop- ped below. We were close over the rocky hills. Then higher and higher. The mill and log buildings were lit- tle toys around the lake. We could see many lakes, sheets of white in the mass of frosted green. We were up 1,000 feet, 1,500, 2,000. The sur- vey lines were straight and white 'Little toy houses. Eabrine ont. 64 KING ST. Ww. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 through the green: The little snow- mobile, a black dot, crept along its trail. The roar of the engine was loud and steady. I began to love that en- ine! 'The smoke of camps was far elow. The "right-of-way" curved through the trees. Lake Athapapus- kow, a/jagged white sheet. We were 'over it in a few minutes. Sturgeon Landing already! Yet there was no sensation of speed, as there were no objects flying by. The smoke of The Pas! Then we were circling over it. The roofs came up to us as we banked over them. Telepragh wires very close. People looking up. Bumping, flying snow, trees, stillness. The pilot was at the door. It was over. In eighteen hours we had gone to the mine. In forty- five minutes we had come back. Every spring man finds he can become sore and lame in a new place in the backyard.--Brandon Sun, $35 Lots in Dearborn Park sub-division for sale, Just west of Simcoe St. N. An oppor- Whit 'to 'get a grand site at low J. H. R. LUKE 352 King St. E. Phones 871 or 687w Raise Chickens WESTMOUNT--High, dry, level lot--44 ft. x 138 ft. 4-roomed frame dwelling, garage, chicken coops. Only $2,200 with $300 cash. Im. mediate possession. $25 a month pays for all. DISNEY Phone 1550 Will Raze Ruins, Brockville--At a gpecial meeting of the Board of Education held this neew, the contract for the demol- ishing the ruins of the burned Col- legiate Institute and the cleaning up of the site was awarded to Wil- liam Darling, 236 Perth street. Car Recovered Brockville.--Dr. J. P. Sinclair's car, which was stolen from in front of his residence Sunday night, was recovered in Kingston. So far, how- ever no arrests have been made in connection with its theft, but the pdlice are working on the case. Roads Are Bad Kingston,--Residents coming tn from the district report that the roads are in a very bad condition, owing to the fact that the frost is down at a great depth, and is there- fore taking a long time to get out. A sn -- 1 -------- BE yt ELLA CINDERS--A Stranger from the West By 5ilt Comets wud Charlie Pui Ppe-- Ee (ll Tm Program, NBC System: Palais d'or Drchestst io WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, WLW. NBC System: Iso Vis Orchestra KSTE: WTMJ, WDAF, KSD, Wow, W (428)--Cinci. Minstrels. 11,00 WELW {8 Ciel. Trio; Orchestra. Wis 345)--Chicago. Hamm's Colleg- WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Dance. Orchestra. wimg (487) Milwaukee. Dance Music (2_ hours). 11. gw WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Star Fam- 11.15 WhK (216)--Cleveland. Days' Orches, Fadil S570)---Mpls, St. Paul. Long's rches 1130 CRC (434.5) Calgary, Studio pro. gram, NBC System: Bernie's Orchestr: WEAF, WWJ, WHO, WRVA, Wek, WGY ' (379)--Schenectady. Organ also WHAM. KMBC (316)--Kansas City, Revue; or- chestra, KYW (204)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches, WGR Dalian, Shea's Symphony WHO 300)--Des Moines. Little Sym- phon; Wiz '(394.5)--New York. Slumber mu. SiC. 95 Years Old Napanee.--Mrs. Hulda. Chamb- ers, who resides at Anderson, which is about four miles from Napanee, if spared, will celebrate her 95th birthday on Good Friday. Visits Prison. Kingston.--General W, St. Pler- re Hughes, ,of Ottawa, superinten- dent of penitentiarieg, is in the city on a visit of inspection to the Portsmouth Penitentiary, COAL COKE WOOD Waters Meek| UPTOWN WN OPPO knew w Ww. WAIT TO TELL You "Ee COT TO DTOP HIGH - HATTIN' ME- © 29, Int'l Feature Service, Ine., Great Britain rights reserved. RYCIENTISTS BELIEVE THAT THE WILD FOWS FROM WHICH OUR TAME BREEDS ORIGINATED WERE NATIVES OF SOUTHWESTERN ASIA. THE WILD FOHLS. WHICH ARE COMMON IN INDIA RUN WITH GREAT SPEED, FLY RATHER HIGH AND ROOST IN TREES. THE HEN CACKLES LIKE OUR CHICKENS BUT THE COCK CROWS LIKE-A BANTAM ROOSTER. WILD SPECIES OF THE JUNGLE FOYIL ARE "KNOWN, THE RED JUNGLE FOWL AND : JUNGLE FOWL OF INDIA, THE CEYLON JUNGLE FOWL, AND THE GREEN JUNGLE FOWL OF JAVA. © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Ine., Great Britnin rights reserved. Et [| AH, THERE, MISS SONES. | HAVEN'T S By Russ Weston T'S E TICKET, IS ry TOODLEOO , MR. ONE -ROUND Hogan es VL BE SEEIN' CUT OUT THAT MISTER VM RE TOW, MUMSY+ YA ~ ULAR || HERE AT t WON'T HAVE To A0 OVER TO ONE-ROUND HOGAN TRAININE QUARTERS TO SEE HIM =~ MAYBE HE'S GOING © A PRIVATE BXHIBITION OVER. = vw - Hore For. US

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