Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1929, p. 12

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be snp ---------- Ee ST alps pi "3:80 NBC tion 2 pak Con- 5.30 N. ANAT pg 8 Theatre Music." © 30.00 Ric NBC oly Excerris of the Pas- 10.3 i Ears of the Tnterior ibur--T. H, Caraway, Arkan- pion Bc (WIZ-WEAY) -- Sacred Opers, 1230 WE Cinci, Gondolyrics, Ttalian Mu-, 2.0 sm "WEAF s 2A (DAY FEATURES, Band to Ch 4 WOC, WGR, Sri Wi 10000 WLW 4s Hour, i115 NBC fo EATS Hosehod Ta. [ y B "Atl ta. U, of Ga, Program, Ly i Wh y 4 Musical Potpourri, 30, Wh Chicago, Con- WPAF, WO S| (394, ho ne i Hg peas Pte Dinner mu- Veedol vi 8.30 Shiumbia Network: WOR, WNAC, WEAN Tees weal, Kb wa hits WO Rw |» 7 3 WMAL, We WS VSPD, Wako: WGHP, Wend " KM 10.30 ig Fi gi 4 HE i Me- WE. Columbia Network: Night, Bh, b gnats § to same network as 'CCO (370)--Mpls, St. ask oh i By Phtia, Adelphia Ore WIR 0) Detrit I NBC 8 ystems Passion Music to Tz 11.00 Caw. 12)=Toromto. Romanelli or- K ox' rst, Louis, News; Amos Ci (50 Phils. 'News; Golden ee 8 stem ; Skellodi to Hird Kg, woe WOW, WDAF, oA "Barsifal to WEar, WT ,. WOC, KWK,"W WIC WHIT." Wi RC, WERE, WTAM, KSD, WOW, WDAF, S WFLA' (333 a: Dance music. MAR $339~Buffalo, Dance orches- i no iia Vou 55, Stockholm, March 27.--1t will take 10 years to clear the present T, | 11st of Scandanavian immigrants to the United States if $1 Hoover's new immigration pro- clamation is not modified, it was estimated today, The Swedish Yseonte were shock- ed and astonished by the new 'e- | quotas, which cut Sweden, Norway land Denmark down to practically one third of the former quota, ac- PRC | Conaing to newspaper comment It was realized that any gov- crnmental representation to the United States would be futile as far as getting a modification was con- cerned, But it was hoped that the Scandanavian population in the Unjted Staise, with the aid of the press would urge modification of the new regulations before the law becomes effective on July 1, The Swedish = press is of the opinion that. Mr. Hoover would be President | grants * favorable toward sich a modifies tion, especially since the Scandan- aylan peoples are "the very immi- the United: States "desires most." It was understood that of~ ficlals of the 8S: -American Steamship line, through its' Ameri~ can representative, would do their utmost to obtain a modification, 'Dispatches from Oslo indicate that the Norwegian public was just as resentful in regard to the immigration question, * At present there are 25,000 Norwegians walt- ing permission to 'migrate to the United States, But on the basis of the new quota of 2,377 a year it over, without. reckoning on new applicants, i According to M., Hvidsten, a high civil "service official, if the bill. is mot changed a majority of these will withdraw their appli- cations and. go to Canada instead. EMPLOYMENTAN CANADA INCREASES Stabbed in Card Game Fernie, B.C.--Louis Bossio is in the hospital here today following a stabbing affray while engaged in a card game, His assailant, Tony Sproviere, is in jail charged with unlawfully wounding. would take them 10 years to get calls for assistance, pulled-her by her own' power and proce this port. The liner grounded ten miles from Cherbourg when returning from a Mediterranean cruise. She carried 100 passengers. Leaves For Japan London.~--The Duke of 8 Glouces- ter, third son of the king, left for Japan today to present the Order of the Garter to the Japanese Em- peror in behalf of the king. Impose Gas Tax Albany, NY. ~By a strict party vote of 27 to 24, the senate today re-passed the bill imposing a tax of two cents on each gallon of gasoline sold in the state. Killed by Train Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.--James Ste- venson, 55, of Bruce Mines, was kill- Jury & Lovell Easter Novelties from 5c to $1.50 BI GR Large Chocolate Filled Eggs _75¢ $100 and i Easter Boxes, each with a Greeting Card | $1.50 Fancy Easter Baskets Large Rabbits and Roosters Come in and see our display Jury and Lov "Beauty Talks; cert Orchestra, a (WJZ)~RCA Demonstra- i% WCFL Chica 0, Matinee Dance. 4% WoC avenger. H Home Management, 5.30 NBC: System: Bill a Jane to WEAF, Ww y Koki (306)--Pitts. News; Book Man, 40 L (283)--Baltimore. Sandman cir- 5 big NBC System: to WEAF, W RC. WGY (379. s)-- Schenectady, Markets. NBC HL String Quartet to WJZ Yow (508)--Omaba. Markets; Book "Friday' s Programs WBAL' (283)--Baltimore. Pennolene Page ea Waldorf Astoria Music CAE, WJAS, WCAU, NBC System: An Bening io Parte. to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, W 5Y, WCSH, WTAG, WGN, WOR WCAE, AA WET: KSD, WoC, wow, WIA t, stem: 209)--Columbiis, Columbus hr. ; Band: N WEAF, WIC, WIAR, VR CAE, Reb, Wow, wb woe, M. WIN in) Cine Vt to wae stem: $45 Columbia Network: Enna Tettick Melo. J dies to WABC, WNAC, WEAN, HK, WLBW, WFBL, WIAS, WADC, WBBM, WO, WMAL, KMBC, KOIL, Rg. '(223)--Ak: Musical prog Wat (303)--S Springheld, ly Radio- WEAF (492)--Kansas City. Air School NBC Sysems Mila s Musicians to WEAY, WC GY 4 1.8 eh rosiady. Speaker; "on Sy New York, Ratu Trio to WKY, WREN, Weak (428)--Cinci, Educational series. Raybestos Twins tc Wak WTAG, wis WIP (492)--Phila. Co Meister singers, ' war, NBC System: sist, w Ma WSB, WE WBT, WRAL, KDKA, WTR, WMC, hI WSB, KPRC, WOAT, WHAS, WSM. WRVA (2720)--~Richmond, Glee Club, : Passion _ Musle WTIC, WTAG, RSD, Wok, a Nac: Syste: WEAF, BUY THE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS \ More Eggs Jrom every pound of feed Y% make money any way you look at is when you feed this 'great ration-- : Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG was You get more Sf hrm yout flack. You get better cggs--better flavored r eggs. More uni- form in size and shdpe. that get the best prices. Better hatching eggs, that produce strong, lively chicks: And it costs iY to use this wonderful feed because it goes farther, does more; No wonder-its base is pure, fresh oatmeal. Into this are blended valuable minerals, proteins, COD LIVER MEAL and mo- lasses in dry form. We have a supply of this good mash for your hens. HOGG & LYTLE 54 Church St. Phone 203 BUY THE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS AN HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY FOR ECONOMY \ GENERAL MOTORS HARD WOOD BLOCKS A Heaping Big Truck Load of Good, Dry, and Uniform Wood For Just $9.00 Which Is $5.00 Than A Cord Of Any Othet Hard Confectionery WAC (244) Boston. News; Dance or- chestra, ed today 'when struck by a freight Weim (389)--Chicago, Variety pro-- WP Atlantic City. News; Sil ver Pero ata. WRVA ichmond, Organ, 11.10 woe A Ciba Brigodes or- ffalo, Statler orchestra. 11,30 gre oe oronto, Qrgan; vocal, --Chicago, String ensemble wo (361)--Denver. "Finance" Talk; Rappinéss Program P0951. Paul. Amos "0" Andy, iA Music wis (345) Chicago. Showboat (244 urs. 11.45 Wis (405)--Atlanta. Hawaiian ensem- 12.00 CNRV 1) Vancouver, CNRV players 468,5)~1.0s Angeles, Concert or- Ry A KPRC (545) --Houston, Studio program ---------------------------- #75 CHEVROLET LINE T0 OPERATE ALL THE YEAR ROUND (Continued from Page 1) from Europe and America are also in the Mediterannean countries in the winter, and require automobiles which inceases the winter demand from these countries. To supply the winter's demand, the cars have to be made here in the fall-- just the season when the Canadian de- mand for Cheviolets is slack. Preferential Tariff The New Zealand tariff it was stated, is such that automobiles that are at least 50 per cent made in Canada are subject to a con- siderable reduced duty over auto- mobiles coming from the United States, Since Canadian Chevrolets are now almost 95 per cent made in thig country, they fall well' within this clause, and from now on New Zealand's entire supply of Chevro- let cars will be shipped from Can- ada, Walkerville will also benefit to some extent by this inere manufacturing of Chevrolets, as 1t will keep the Chevrolet engine foundry there open in the fall months as well as during the rest of the year. Engines will be ship- ped direct from Walkerville to the seaboard, while the rest of the car will be shipped from Oshawa, At the seaboard, engines and cars will be placed on the same ship, to be po 8 ed in New Zealand ready for the road. At 'the present time, only Chev- yolet cars will be exported from | Canada to New Zealand, Spain and Egypt, said the officials interview- ed by The Times. The demand for the other more expensive auto- mobilés has not yet reached a suf- ficient volume to warrant switch- ing from the United States factor- fes. BRITISH WEEKLIES DISCUSS SINKING OF THE 'I'M ALONE' (Continued from from Page 1) much justification to square it with humanity. The impassivity of Cap- tain Randall who remained quietly on his deck saying "No" to every suggestion of surrender had an heroic quality which was worthy of a better cause.' Says Situation Serious Washington, Mar. 28.--Chan man Britten of the House naval commit- tee yesterday declared the situa- 'tion created by the sinking of the "I'm Alone" was very serious. "If the United States Govern- ment is going to chase vessels 200 miles off the coast and sink them because they are suspected of rum running," Britten said, "it will be 'able to chase them througn the English Channel and into the North Sea and sink them. Such a crisis as this could lead to a new war. I woul dnot be surprised if the incdent would result in very strained relations between the United States and Canadian and 'British Government.' Britten said that if any govern- ment desired to pursue the prac- tice. of using force such as was carried out in the "I'm Alone" af- fair, it should have largest navy in the world so that it could dictate terms to other governments, ~ A Fresh Angle Washington, Mar. 28.--Further international complications in the sinking of the Canadian rum-run- ner's "I'm Alone" by a coastguard patrol boat, developed yesteraay with the disclosure that the sea- and the French embassy became active in the case, "First reports of the incident sald 'the seaman was a naturalized Bri- | tah subject, but the French consul | at New Orleans telgraphed tune '| ing month; This icnrease of nearly Moderate Gain Reported at Bureau of Statistics Sea- sonal Slacking Shown (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Mar, 28,--There was a moderate gain in employment at the beginning of March, according to monthly statements furnished to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics by 6,422 of the larger employers o- Labor throughout Canada. The working forces of these firms ag- gregated 944,681 persons, as come- pared with 936, 108 in the preced- 8,600 workers caused the index number (based upon the rshase for 1926 as 100) to rise fr on February 1, to 111.4 at Ag Ss ginning of March, as compared with 102.6 on March 1, 1928, The largest increases took place in manufacturing, but improvement 'Victoria, B.C.-----Charles St. Bar- be, 76, a resident of British Colum- bia for thirty years, time well-known died last night from injuries re- celyed yesterday in an automobile accident. Newspaperman Dies and at one newspaperman, train, while walking along the Can- adian Pacific Railway track, DUBIOUS (to maid): says I can have three days off a Is that a compliment or a hinsult?--London Calling. New Cook week. 10 King St. East Phone 2223 Missus dollars and other currency. Dresden, Saxony.--The local po- lice have arrested nine men charg- [3 with engaging in the forgery of way have combined?" pull tpgether."--Montreal Star, was also indicated in construction, communications and services, while logging, mining, transportation and trade were seasonally slacker, The trend was upward in the Maritime Provinces, Ontario and British Columbia, but in Quebec and the Prairie Provinces contrac- tions' were indicated. No Report Yet On "Im Alone" Sinking (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont., Mar; 28.--The De- partment of External Affairs bas not yet received a report from the United States government on the sinking of the Canadian schooner "I'm Alone", It is anticipated that such a report will be transmitted through the Canadian minister at Washington in the near future. Pending receipt of this report, the department. is making - no an- nouncements with respect to Can- ada's position in the matter, Two Killed by Gas Vancouver.--Mrs. BE. Adams, 77, and her grandson, Harold Jeffer- eys, 24, were found asphyxiated in their home here by gas which secaped from a service pipe broken by a tractor grader which struck it on the street. Condition Oritical Winnipeg.--The condition Sir Hugh John Macdonald, former Premier of Manitoba, was reported as critical early this morning. 25 Injured . New York.--Twenty-five per- sons were injured four seriousiy last evening when two trolley cars of the Tremont avenue line, both eastbound, and crowded, were wrecked in a rear-end collision on the hill at Tremont avenue and Purdy street, the bronx, vestigations showed that the sea- man who was drowned when the crew of the "I'm Alone' left their sinking ship was a Frenchman. The embassy immediately cabled the foreign office in Paris and ask- ed for {nstructions. Seeks Protection (Cable Service to hTe Times by Canadian Press) Belize, British Honduras, Mar. 28. -- G. Russell Taggart, United States consul here, sought police protection yesterday because of } high feeling vver the sinking of the vessel "I'm Alone." Two Bel- ize men were members of the crew. The authorities are taking every precaution to prevent to prevent an attack on the Consulate. BH HH [DID PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S.--We Deliver BL he lost his life was a French |] French embassy yesterday his in-). For The The Youths SUITS The boy in his first longs is a delicate subject to handle --his likes are peculiar. We have studied his require- ments from every angle-- and our showing of Suits will prove this. Many have two pants. Two-Bloomer Suits We know what a Boys' Suit should' be. It should be strong enough to withstand the rough and tumble wear, good looking enough for any.oc- casion and priced to fit Dad's budget. Sizes 8 to 14 years, $8.75 to Never have we 'offered 'a |. more pleasing stock of Boys furnishings than for this! Easter Shirts; Hose, Sweaters, Ties, Caps, § season. Gloves, etc. in fabrics you | will like. Prices interesting- "ly low. Sorings Best Values in KIDDIES SUITS Not only price appeal but style, fabric and tailoring. Ve show you the newest smartest models in man- nish suits for the boy of 5 to 10 years. $8.00 $12.50 JOHNSTON'S Simcoe Street N. Phone 676 "So the two dentists ou. your "Yes, they finally decided' to

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