Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1929 BG Lessen Relief Expenditures i CON: WARREN HERE : eacon Warren to, will be the special ! e's church on 'morning at 11 o'clock. lic is invited to this - - PAVEMENTS 4 frost on the pavements this 1 'caused "that slippery feel- en local motorists were driv- ng to work, and more than one found f unexpectedly skidding. The |; un had not been up long, however, Logg ni was dry again. THUCRS IN COLLISION ! large trucks met in a head- "and both "ditch at the Both gh, as fdr as could be learned, the drivers were uninjured. ATTEND CONVENTION ! G. A. Hegardorn, B, E, Hegardorn and A. Hambly of this city were in Toronto yesterday and today at- tending the first convention of the Manufacturers of Carbonated Bevs erages, SPEAKS ON GOVERNORS Continuing the series of Uniyer- sity Extension Lectures in modern Professor Underhill, of the of Toronto, spoke in Cen- last night 'on the governor 'that have been sent to Can- rham to the pres- r attention to the three cri- 3 aly om Lord Durha I s ' day. Professor Underhill paid | Ladies' Pictorial Patterns Special Demonstrations During Tomorrow THURSDAY MARY V. GILES, 'Stylest Representative, will be at our store all day tomorrow (Thurs- day), when she will give demonstrations show ing how to use the dies' Pictorial Patterns. Personal advice to any question will be a big feature in this demonstration. The Arcade, Ltd ses that have occurred when a gov-| ernor clashed with the premier of the day, show: ] the governor has changed until toda) he holds the same position n - adian politics that the king holds in Telation to the parliament of Brit- W. MH . MOORE TO SPEAK W..H, Moore, chairman of the Advisory Tariff Board of Canada, who is a native of Dunbarton in 'this county, has been secured as a speaker to the Kinsman's club of Oshawa tomorrow evening fin Welsh's Parlors, This will be an open meeting of the club and any citizens interested in hearing Dr, Moore will be welcomed. Mr, Moore's address will commence at 7.30 p.m, CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Grills, of Cane, New Ontario, and former res- idents of this district today are cele- brating their fiftieth anniversary at their home, Mr, and Mrs, Grills were married on March 27, 1897, They have nine children living, twenty-five grandchildren and three great-grand- children, The couple were well-known in Brooklin, Columbgs and Oshawa, NO POLICE COURT ' There were no cases listed on the police court blotter this morning and Magistrate Willis, of Whitby, who has been taking the bench in {| the place of Magistrate Hind of Oshawa, during the latter's con- valescence from a serious illness had a day off from his strenuous duties. 0. R. BE. 0. MEETS At a meeting of the Oshawa Re- ligious Education Council in Welsh's Parlors yesterday, the bud- get was struck for the year, Tt was decided to ask the various Sunday Schools in the city for a total ot $395 to rarry on the work of the Council, as follows: $100 tot he Provincial Boys' Work Board; $100 to the Provincial Girls' Work Board; $1560 tothe Ontario Religious Education Council, and the balance to assist the local religious education bodies. It was announced that a re-organ-; ization meeting of the Oshawa Boys' Work Board would be held in Sim- coe street church on Tuesday at five o'clock, and that the Girls' Work Board of the city would meet * in St. Andrew's Church tonight at 5.30 oclock. ng how the attitude of This will be apportioned | s; TO SPEAK TONIGHT A. MONRO GRIER Of Toronto, who is to be the speak- er at the annual meeting of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce in the Genosha Hotel tonight, A ---------------- TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Ont,, March 27.~Led by a strong rally in international Nickel, prices on the Toronto Stock ange this morning were fighting to regain their heavy losses of yes. terday, The effect of the reduction in the New York Call Money rate was reflected in such leaders as Nickel, Canada Dredging. Loblaw, Page Hersey and the Oil Group generally, and at the moon quotations these stocks all showed a substantial recovery from their previous close, The general list was not so broad as yesterday. Nickel, in & turnover of more than 25, 000 shares never got below 44, and after opening at 44 1-2, the price rapidly climbed to a high of 46 1.2, the noon price at this figure showing a net advance of 3 1-2 points. Canada Dredring with the largest gain on the list, advanced to 1-2 for a net gain of 5 1-2 points, while Loblaw followed closely with a 5 point gain at 85, Service tations made a similar recovery to 72, Canada Dry at 83 and Page Hersey at 118 and De Forest at 46 all showed a three point increase, while McColl Frontenac strengthened 2 3-4 to 30, Two points advan- ces were not uncommon, Imperial Oil sold up 1 1-2 points to 8 1-2, and International Petholeum had an appreciation of 1 3-4 at Liquidation continued among a number of | stocks, Consolidated Bakers br points to 28 1.2, while Canners Consoli- | dated Bakers breaking 5 1-2 points to 28 1.2, { while Canners second pref, slumper 3 1.4 0 8 3-4. Canada Brewing suffered a fur- ther loss of 4 3.4 points to 20, Moore lost 3 to 27, Goodyear 5 to 270, Supertest 1 1.2 to 28 and Canada Paving, 2 to 30. This is one of the season's newest models in Brown | Easter Footwear Offered at Lower Prices Just | and Patent Leathers. Exacte 23} Simcoe St. S. Women's Two More Days to 1ake Advantage of Our Large Range of Shoes Ties, Cuban Heels $3.00 Ladies' Ties in Patent and Blonde Spike heel, Here 18 a real snappy tle a8 cess ccecen, Ladies' Silk Hosiery. We have $5.00 | just received a shipment of the latest spring colors, Full- fashioned Ladies' Silk Hosiery, Here is s splendid line of circular knit hose in all the new shadef..oo voossees - Patent Leathers, AA to C Here shoes for growing girls wonderful wear, Straps, ties and oxfords, Pale ,........ MEN'S OXFORDS on front, Pair 95¢ essen 'Ladies* Patent Pamp. Spike, Cuban or low heels, Plain or with buckles, Pair $5.00 Women's Pumps in brown and Mare oon' shades, Cut out in sides with bow cise nnene. 94:00 LADIES' TIES Ladies' Ties in Taupe, Maroon, Sun Beige and will find t will give $3.00 Pair Men's Oxfords. A snappy looking and good wearing Oxford in black or tan... BE = Men's Oxfords, Black or Brown. Squa toes, leather or rubber heels. A real shoe for young men. $4.00 $7.50 $6.00 CEE ERR NY new-Surp?ss Shoe 7 Stores Oshawa, Ont. eaking 5 1.2 | MADAME NEVADA, NO DELIVERY OF MAILS ON FRIDAY FROM LOCAL P. 0. TWO WILL BE MADE ON SATURDAY, HOWEVER Special. Holiday Arrange. ments for Postal Service Are Inaugurated Shecial arrangements have 'been made at the lceal post office for in- foming and out-going mails for Good riday and Easter Monday, 'the former being a statutory holiday and the latter a legal holiday, The public lobby, will remain open from eight o'clock in the morning un- til six in the evening so that citi- zens may obtain mails from their boxes, General delivery wickets will be open from nine until 11 o'clock in the morning while registration ti- ckets will have the same time limit, There will be no money order bust- ness carried on during either of the two days. There will be no delivery by carrier on Good Friday although two deliy- eries will be made on Saturday, one in the forenoop and one in the af- ternoon. The latter is a special de- livery to ensure despatch of mails which have collected over the holi- day. One delivery will take place on Easter Monday in the morning, Postmaster F. T. Mathison stated that one collection of letter boxes will be made on Friday and Monday with the usual collections en. Satur- ceive the usual attention and will be day. All mails received up to 12 o'clock noon on Good Friday will re- despatched as usual. Monday's des- patch of mails will also take place as usual, LEGIONARY EDITOR T0 BE SPEAKER Will Feature Program of To- morrow Night's Reunion of Ex-Service Men Arrangements have now been completed by a special committee of the Oshawa Branch of the Can- adian Legion for a reunion smoker and concert to be held in the Osh- awa Club rooms, over the Stan- dard Bank, tomorrow evening. As an outstanding 'attraction, Thomas @. Lapp, editor of the Legionary and one of the pioneer leaders of the Canadian Legion, will be pres- | ent to address the gathering, and should be given a cordial recep- tion by the ex-service men of Oshawa and district. In addition to this feature, how- ever, an .excellent program has been ararnged by George Walsh, chairman of the entertainment committee. Some old favorite numbers of war days will be featur- ed by the soldiers, and a varied program including free smoker and an opportunity for renewing old comradeships will be provided. The event will start at 8.15, and all ex-service men of the city and district are extended a cordial in- vitation to be present. Died HOUSTON---In . Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, March 26, T. Edgar Houston, father of Mrs. (Col.) H, BE. Smith of Oshawa, The funeral will be held in Cin- einnati on Friday, March 29. (78a) Card of Thanks The friends of Mrs. Hazel Gunn will be pleased to know she is im- proving after three months of a nervous breakdown and on opera- tion on her tonsils, she wishes to thank all, her friends and neigh- bors for being so kind in sending flowers and fruit, Also thank Dr. Ferrier and Dr. Harding, (73a) 100 Late to Clrssify ONE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE Price $12. Apply 63 Colborne St. B. (73b) ANT A TWIN BAB AR- riage or a small wheel chair. Phone 1820J. (73¢) -- ------ Coming Events 8 Cents per word each ine eertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 8c, m-- ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING in Rotary Hall, on Wed, Mar, 27, 1929, in aid of the Grand Temple Pythian Sisters, Admission 35c. ) THE OSHAWA CITIZEN'S BAND will put on a sacred concert in the New Martin Theatre on Sun- day, April 7th, at 8.30 p.m. Pro- ceeds of concert to pay for unmi- forms, (73h) 0. Y. B, EUCHRE TONIGHT IN Orange Hall at 8 o'clock 38s, a) 'ON GOOD FRIDAY NIGHT EIGHT o'clock, the choir of St. George's Church will render a sacred can- tata entitled "The Darkest Hour" by Moore, (730) PALMIST, Ross Corners, Phone JpRolnt- ments 2894. a ¢ & ALARM CLOCK AT FOUR CORNERS Whether placing an alarm on the curbing at'a north west point at the Four Corners this morning was the work of a practical joker, or whether some guardian of 'the law was simply "timing" a parked auto- mobile, it is impossible to say, but the fact remains that at high noon today, there rested the" clock ticking away and with its': alarm turned to "silent!" Many passers-by st and curiously examined t time- piece and then looked around to find the cause of the act. No + one claimed it and as far as is 3.78) |! known, it still is there, GALA NIGHT HELD BY MEMBERS OF SCOTTISH RITE HIGH OFFICERS OF MA- SONIC ORDER PRESENT AS SPEAKERS Local Lodge Elected Its Of. ficers and Held Out- standing vent The annual meeting, election of officers and a regular gala night wag held by the Oshawa Club of Scottish Rite Masons last night at Welsh"s Parlors being attended not only by a large gathering of local members but also by R., W. John Rowland, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, W. A. Drummond, T.P.G.M, and other officers and members of the To- ronto Lodge, 'Perfection', The officers elec.ed are Presl« dent, Gorge Hart; Vice-President, R. F. Bennett; Directors, A, G. Storie, George Hart, R. F., Ben- nett, W. G. Bunker, C. B. De Guerre, J. C. Ward, A. W. Bell, W. L. Pierson, No stone was left unturned in making this a night to be remem- berd by both visitors and club (Continued on Page 13) STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Ont., Mar, 27.--Although no spec- tacular recoveries are staged, prices presente ed a much stronger appearance on the Standard Mining Exchange this morning. Among the higher priced stocks an od upward trend was established. Noranda a- gain featured the market and sold as high as 50.00, The noon price of 980 ine dicating a net advance of 1.25. Lake Shore moved up 45 cents to 22.95, while Sherritt. Gordon raced back up to 7.75. for a net gain of 75 cents. The other members of the Lindsley group were also stronger, Sudbury Basin climbing up 60 cents to 9.10, while Falconbridge recorded a 75 point gain at 9.00 Ventures improved 60 cepts to 9.60 and mining corporation regained 50 cents to 4.55. Treadwell came out slowly and sagged 1.00 to 1.0, while Buttes oat the sate amount to 3.00 an en reille eased off 25 cent: to 9.00, Coniarum brok t e to 25 ts, loss of 20 points, Yeats 8 ust Bt n Oshawa Mayor Mitchell Says He Believes Scheme to Be Bene'it to the City Mayor T. B. Mitchell and Civic Officials Expect That Scheme Will Reduce Re- lief Payments By the City to Indigent People Over Seventy Pension Will Cover Cost of Maintenance of Indigent " Occupants and City Will Thus Pay Onefifth In- stead of Whole of Cost The Old Age Pensions scheme which is proposed in Ontario will benefit this city, in the opinion of Mayor T. B. Mitchell and civic offi- cials who are in touch with the sit- uation, While this view of Oshawa officials varies with that expressed by the mayors of certain other cities in a Toronto newspaper, the local view is borne out by what appear to be strong arguments. : "It is my opinion that Oshawa will benefit if the Old Age Pensions Bill I now before the Ontario Legislature is enacted," said Mayor Mitchell in an interview with The Times today. Mr. Mitchell expressed his opinion that under this bil. which provides that the city is to bear 20 per cent of the cost and the Provincial and Dominion governments the balance, hte city will be relieved of a consi- derable proportion of the relief money paid at the present time to people over 70. The bill provides that all persons over 70 are to be given a pension of $240 per year, this amount being low- ered where the pensioner is already receiving certain incomes, and the pension will not be paid to persons whose income reaches a certain amount annually, It is pointed out by civic officials and the mayor that, in many cases, the city is now pay- ing a considerable amount of money in relief to aged people who have not a sufficient income to keep them- selves, and, under the Old Age pen- sions scheme, the governments are taking a large portion of this ex- enditure off the city's hands, and leaving it with only a fifth of the pension to pay, The scheme would be a saving to Oshawa in another way also, Mayor Mifchell stated, This was in refer- ence to people from this municipality now in the House of Refuge at Whitby and, being classed as indigs ents, are maintained in that institu- tion by the city. The government will, under the Old Age Pensions scheme, give each one of these per- sons over 70, $240 per year, which is sufficient to cover maintenance in the institution, and the city will only have to pay 20 per cent of it. Oshawa's position in regard to the Pensions = scheme is different from that of most of the other municipali- ties, in this respect, that it is a city of rapid and "recent growth, and therefor the proportion of people over 70 is much less than the pro- portion in other cities, Mr, Mitchell said. This would make Oshawa"s share of the payment of the 20 per cent of the cost less than the per capita share of some other cities, No definite figures could be obtain- ed by The Times as to the number of people in Oshawa who might come under the provisions of the Bill. Al- though the = assessment, department last year had received a questionaire from the government asking for in- formation, it came after the assessors had made the most of their rounds, and they could not make a compila= tion of the figures. It was pointed out by City Assessor R. H. James that compiling the total number of people in the city over 70 would in itself be of no value, for, without getting definite information from each of them, it would be impossible to determine how many of them would be eligible for the pension, as the amount of their annual income would be unknown. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New Yoik, N.Y, Mar, 27,~The high op: ening rate for Call Money started a renewal of selling pressure which carried many of the leaders, including Chrysler, General Mo- tors, American Can, U.S, Steel common Anaconda, 2 to 4 points be final Suotations, Federal Mining the and ing, last transaction in which was 301 several, dave ago, dropped to 266, Interns tional lepk was a i excep. tion, soaring, 11 1.2 points to a new high at 3 record SPRING IS ALMOST HERE And garden Phuting ing, plans must soon BROOKDALE NURSERIES, BOWMANVILLE Deliver healthy stock direct from Nurseries to your home. Catalogue on request. ] a 7 pg, Perle Visca V4 "Perle Remmaille # Crochet Visca /" THE MODE FAVORS THESE STRAWS FOR EASTER The most fashionable hats that will grace the Easter Sunday prome- nade you will find here! All the new straws, in the fascinating new styles that Paris and New York have inspired Yet priced so mode- rately that every woman may see that smartness need never be sac rificed for price--if she shop here! $2.98 $3.98 3 King Street 3

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