Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Mar 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1929 Pickering Magistrate Busy Dealing With Pickering, Mar. 20.--Mrs. John Law, of Jorante, visiting her 801 r. Gordon Law. 5 To H. end Mrs. Rickard. 'spent. several Jays last week with y ds in Belleville. Mr. J. Cook, of Georgetown, vis- Yted h his daughter, Mrs. AB. "Stork, for a few days last week. "" Mrs. Thos. Douglas, and som, "Jack, of Toronto, spent the week- "end with the former's mother, Mrs. "A. Burrell. % Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gordon and 'young deughter, visited the form- er's mother, Mrs. 8. Gordon, on Sunday. 5 Miss Laura Andrew, of Toronto, saccompanied by her friend, Miss «Minnie Ruttan, spent Supday at the home of her parents here, « 'Mr and Mrs. I. Ravin and son, 'were the guests of Mr. and Mra. Jas. White, on Bunday "Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Somerville 'spent Sunday with relatives in Tor- "onto. + * Mr. Thos. Walsh recently sold "Hig farm in the village, and is hav- 'ing a sale of household goods en 'Saturday, prior to leaving to take 'up residence in Toronto. The fam- 'fly has lived in the vicinity tor many years, and has been held in ithe highest esteem by all, They » caused. by recent, rains Paul's Dramatic Society was unable to pre- sent its play, 'The Old Fashioned Mother," in Kinsale on Friday ev- ening, as intended. This was a great disappointment to all com- cerned, and it is expected that a later date will be fixed. Born--On Sunday, March 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowan, a daugh- Tr. : Now that the nice weather is on hend, the trafic officers on.the highway are on watch for truck owners who overload. : During two months of the spring, there is a clause in the Ontario Trafic Act, preventing trucks from carrying & load over half their usual capacity, owing to the soft conditions of the road bed at that time. Some truck owners choose to disregard this clause, or to feign ignorance of it, and as a result find themselves summoned to police court, The lo- cal court hes been busy during tne past week, dealing with such cases. St. Paul's and St. Andrew's Wo- men's Missionary Societies were the guests of St. George's Guild on Wednesday afterncon at a speclat meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Barker. 'Miss Summerhayes, of the Diocesan Board of Missions | was present, and gave a Verv ine teresting talk on home and foreign missions. Musical numbers added to the interest of the afternooa. Following the program, §t. George's Society served refreshments and a social hour was spent, An interesting meeting was held by St. Andrew's Y.P.S. on Friday avening in the 8.8. room. - The pry gram was in charge of the Citizen- ship Committee and the main topic of the evening, was a talk on the Blackfeet Indians, of Alkerta, given by Mrs. L. H. Wright, of Stettler, By Authority of His Majesty King Edward VII. corporated By Act fa "fF Parliament) THE COMPANY'S OWN BUILDING Cor. Sherbrooke and Hutchison Sts, MONTREAL FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT-FULL RESERVE TO PROTECT EVERY POLICY Leslie Burden, 27 Simcoe St. S. Manager--Telephone 237 HEAD OFFICE: Alta. The audience learned things about the Indians, which is known only to hose who have lived mear them. special rites, which they modify with 'the Christian religion. part of the program. was woven around the twenty-third psalm, and | was 80 planned as to be directly in line with he talk of the evening. special feature was Jesding A of the psalm, as Ain fis the The i ple of St. Andrew's e young people Ww Church journeyed to Oshawa on Tuesday evening, and presented their play "Yesterday's " in Simcoe street United Church. The audience was an appieciaiive one, and the young people feal that they had a very profitable evening. SCHOOL CHILDREN T0 GIVE CONCERT - ATNORTH OSHAWA Everett Pogson Wins Book Prize Given By The W.C.T.U. North Oshawa, Mar, 22.---A con- cert will be given by the school children in the school on March 27, the pupils have been taking sing- ing lessons for a year and a half, and their teacher, Mr. Arthur Lynde, of Toronto, will direet the singing in the concert. A good at- tendance of parents is hoped for. The Jr. 8.8. scholars were given a St. Patrick's party on Saturday afternoon. The children had a happy time and lunch. ) Everette Pogson won the book given by the W.C.T.U., for the ex- amination on the "Effects of Alco- hol," taken from the Northern Mes- senger. We congratulate him. Mrs, Harold Powell and three children, Elgin, George and Gladys, spent Wednesday in the city with her sister, Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Bentley, Trenton, with Mrs, Sykes for Tuesday. - LIFE, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT ASSURANCE Mr. and Mrs. Vie Ireland and baby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Powell. Ford Bennett celebrated his 8th birthday by having his school chums to play and have tea on Mon- day. Freight Traffic on Welland Canal The freight trafic on the Welland égnal, Canada, during 1928 reached a new high record of 7,439,617 tons. rained where fr mad "\OMINION TIRE DEPOT owners -- Canada's only organized chain of factory- trained tire experts. These men have studied the making of tires-- right in the Dominion Tire Factory. They ate kept in touch with the latest methods and de- vices in repairing tires -- and in preventing trouble as soon as it starts. Lectures, clans, demonstration, and. practical work have all played a part in their course of training. They offer you expert, competent and trustworthy setvice in evety phase of tire care. Over 400 of thiem -- covering practically every city and town in Ontario and Quebec. They récormend 4 weekly outside examinati fon of tires and a thorough overhauling inside and out several times a year as the most economical method of increasing the mileage of your tires You are never far away from a _ DOMINION TIRE DEPOT OSHAWA Jamieson and Jamieson interest was the information . about their . ; The devotional | - - with games, contests; 'and Mr. Clarence Penfound. Then | "Work of Tuxis and Boys' Parlia- .| Harold Osborne and Donald Cour na 8 INSTEAD of exercise | Don't suffer the consequences of persistent lack of exercise, Learn the simple secret of the exerciser in the vest-pocket box for a dime! Millions know it! Cascarets makes bilious, head~ achy, constipated people feel won- derful. Their effect is not only quick,, but it's lasting. They give the bowels as much real exercise as they get from an hour in the saddle. ; ; Lo Oils, salts and ordinary laza- tives do not act . like, Cascarets. These things produce only mech- anical or chemical action. They actually. weaken the bowels. You have to keep dosing with them. Each time you. use Cascarets, your bowels | become ' stronger. They are made from Cascara Sag- rada, which stimulates the naturai muscles. of Cascarets and their tremendous sales of over 20" million packages a yeaf! s 1 win CASCARETS THEN THE BOW ; HANDY HINGED-TOP TIN BOXES FATHER AND SON _ EVENT AT COURTICE Tuxis Trail Ranger Groups Join in Banquet Courtice, Mar. 20.--Mrs, A. F. Rundle spent a week in Toronto with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster, While there Mr. and Mrs. Webster gave a birthday party celebrating - Mrs. Rundle's birthday which is an annual af- alr, On Friday 'evening last the Tuxis 'boys 'held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Gay. After the meeting games were played and a splendid lunch served which was highly appreci- ated hy the boys. Miss Beth Gay and her mother were most genial hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols and Miss Annie Holt were in Belle- ville. Sunday. Saturday evening Miss Mabelle Walters gave a St. Patricks party to about twelve of her friends who came in masquerade dress. During the evening Mr. W. R. Courtice who was asked to be judge gave the prizes to the best dressed lady and gentleman. Miss Birdie Dean of Toronto won the ladies' prize and Mr. Harvey Hagerman, Osh- awa, won-the prize to the gentle- man each receiving a beautiful pair of silk stockings. Cards were then the enjoyment of the even- fn ~"'er which a dainty lunch was I by Miss Walters. . and' Mrs J. H. Stainton in Toronto a few days re- THRY WORK WHILE YOU [LEER " Johnson has returned home itby after a lengthy visit or daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) n . 'ay evening a (Father and Son quet was held in the Sun- day. ..chool room for the Tuxis and Trail Rangers and their fath- ers. About sixty sat down to @ splendid supper prepared by the Ladies' Berean Class. After all were satisfied a toast was pro- posed to the King by Mr. Cecil Fourd, when they all sang God Save the King. A toast proposed to the Fathers by Mr. Gordon Os- borne and responded to by Mr, W. R. Courtice, A toast to the Moth- ers by Mr. Clarence Penfound and Mrs. Penfound replied. Commun- ity singing was led by Mr, Jas. Hancock and short speeches on the work done in connection with Tuxis and Trail Rangers by Rev. J. H. Stainton, Mr, Cecil Found a very fine address was given on ment' by Mr, Earl Lantenslager of Kitchener who is most enthusiastic and takes a great interest in boys' work. His address was helpful and enjoyed by all present. A short dialogue was given by Masters tice and' a pleasant and happy evening, came to a close. Live Stock Held by Indians Holdings of farm live stock by In- 'dians 'on reserves in Canada during 1928 were as follows: horses, 36,172; milch cows, 9,194; other cattle, 3 495; sheep, 3,204; swine, 9,704; hens and chickens, 108918; turkeys, 7,715; geese, 5,196; ducks, 7,788. Brive Com; To D food pany ada.Lintied "COOPER SMITH CO. Flow, Feed and Grain Nothing alse does this.| Mrs M. That accounts for the popularity] JUNIOR RED GROSS OF HARMONY HOLDS INTL HEETING Interesting Items of News From The Dis. trict ------ Harmony, March 21, -- The Junior Thigh held their first meeting Friday afternoon in school room, with the following . Edith Edwards, Wakely: A short busi ir 'was conducted and the > 'cards 'given to pupils. i s t Progra ven. : Miss Vers, Gimblett 'apd Mr, and 'Mery. Harry Gimblett, of the city, vis- on a. and Mrs, H. Wi on "Mr, and. Mrs. McComb and Mas- ter Teddy McComb, of the city, visit- ed Mr. iy Mon f Edwards > ied day; ' rs. 'W. Wilson, of the city, spent Wednesday with Mrs, J. Clark. ; Mr, and. Mrs: Garnet Wright, of Blackstock, visited Mr. a Mrs. Thos, Oke last week. : Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Dusty and Miss Ena Dusty, of Greenbank, 'visited ackie on Thursday. Mrs. Deltor, of Arden, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Weese, ; Congratulations-are being tendered to. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Giles on the ift of a daughter on Monday, Mar. ness ealth Mrs. R. E. Chatterson, of Brigh- ton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, H. Wil- san. Mr. and Mrs, W. Clark and family are mo: to Toronto. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bickell, of Oke on Thursday. " 'The attendance at Sunday School 'on Sunday was 52. Arrangements arc being made for an Easter program. A. good attendance is hoped for next Sunday also. All are cordially invit- ed to attend. Come and bring a friend. Mr, W. B. Haynes received the sad news of the death this week of his brother, Mr, Geo. Haynes, of Hamil- ton. and Mrs. Arthur Minty and Miss Ada Minty, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mackie. Mr. Geo, Found, of Courtice, visit- od Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Oke on Thurs- aye A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Tooley, on Monday, March 18, when about twenty school chums of Della Tooley were invited to celebrate the anni- versary of her birthday. The tea ta- ble was prettily decorated and a large birthday cake trimmed with candles was in the centre. Pariners for. the tea were found by drawing numbers -and . dainty refreshments were served by Mrs, Tooley. The evening was spent in games. Della received many lovely presents and wishes for many more happy, birth- days, . The Home and School Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday, March 28, at 8 o'clock. Quite a number from here attended the! gymnastic display at the Oshawa Collegiate this week. : of t TiShective laces : ne Mig nn Di Treasurer Courtice, visited Mr, and Mrs. Thos. : Mr, and Mps. Andrew Minty, Mr. || WEETING OF WMS. AT ENNISHILLEN Enniskillen, Mar, 22--Miss Dalton, Miss Reva McGill and Mr. Orville Ashlow, spent Sunday at Mrs. Stuart odman's Seugos. Mrs. Wm. Trewin Hayden visited at Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Smith's, Osh- awa, | Ag Miss Elma Dickinson is visiting at her parents', Mr, and' Mrs. Elmer Miss Leona Bradley has taken her position at Mr. Guys in. Courtice. tulations to Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Smith. We wish them much happiness, Spring _has surely come when all Robins migrate north, We welcome Mrs. Smith to our com- | munity, . Mrs.'E. C, Ashton, Mr. James Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Stain- ton, Mr, and Mrs: W. H. Moore at- terided the funeral of Mr, J. Stainton at Zion on Monday. Our. W.M.S. meeting was well at- tended on Wednesday last. The study book was ably taken by Mrs. Dr. . | Ferguson, Plans for Easter were dis- cussed. Rev. Mr, Whyte will preach and our annual Easter thank-offering will be taken. Special music, On Monday we expect to entertain the ladies of Hampton and Tyrone so- cieties in the afternoon. All are wel- come at these gatherings. The school children are practicing for their concert on the 28th at 8.00 o'clock in the school room. All are invited. Mr. Carter is having a sale this next Monday, March 25th, Mr. and » "Ginadian ational Mrs. Carter and Albert intend mov- ing to Consecon in the near future. Also Mr. Watson, west of the vill- people in England. age, is selling out. Mrs. Watson in- tends to spend the summer with her fi S 110 KING ST. W. MONEY SAVED Is Money Earned You Save Money If You Buy The Famous Reading Anthracite Coal It is the brightest burning coal on the market and the most economical in the end. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE The Faultless Fuel Good Dry Body Hard Wood, Hard and Soft Wood Slabs--Order Now McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES PHONE 1246 14 Celina Street Phone 8 Brantford Roofing Co., Limited, Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Ont. a damaged furnishings from fierce spring storms and ing tempera- tures. Your home will be protected for years and years--and immeasur- ably beautified. ! The cost of re-roofing now is but a Ee amy ray ve to pty . ) Tugs, wall-paper and plaster. Go to the Brantford Roof - ing dealer and see the tough, fire-safe Brantford Asphalt Slates. They do not crack, run, peel or curl--a bulwark of colourful beauty and protection for your home. Write for copy of et "Beauty With Fire Protection" --an authori- tative treatise on the proper type, de- sign, finish and colour of your roof. a d Roofs CO., LTD. For Sale by W. J. TRICK »

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