. PAGE SIXTEEN LONG SLEEVED "DINNER FROCKS ARE SPONSORED Filmy Fabrics and Lace Used in Princess and Bloused 00 Styles favorite mode this season is the {ong-slecved dinner foe. These are carried out with filmy material, wn lovely lace acts as a delightful med- lum in a great many cases. Sheer metallic fabrics and chiffon are also outstanding fabrics, with the chiffon most important. Bright col- ors, colors such as tango red, deep yellow, orange, violet and jade green are important and these are generally developed in one tone cffects trim- med with seli-seaming and fabric treatment. A number of striking wns sponsor rather unusual shades in duller tints, as gunmetal, salmon, blues and green blues, or dusty yel- low, pinks and soft purple. New Silhouettes The princess line and the low bloused effect are the two silhouettes outstanding in the spring showings, Princess gowns are often developed with straight, short sheaths and lon- ger panels achieving an irregular hemline in the back only. Soft bows to imitate a bustle at times, and at others use peplums or flared tiers break the severity of the princess line. Bloused gowns are sometimes al- most tailored in effect, their severity relieved by the fabric and color in which they are made. Skirt Lines Dresses in bloused 'effect of chiffon or lace are cut with tiered skirts which are dropped at the back or at the side. Sometimes a front godet ap- pears instead, as on a chiffon frock with interlaced insets of metal gauze, and a dipped godet banded with the gauze, A number of chiffon dresses use self flowers which are generally placed on the back of the frock or start at the side in front and circle around to the back. 3 "The tendency to stress a plain geckline is apparent in all these dresses; showing a cutaway under- slip, the plain transparent neck treat- ment emphasizing the formal char- acter of the gown. er ------------ EASTER HATS 0 TO THE HEAD Startling Variety in Size and Shape of Chapeaux Being Shown For Spring , Easter Hats, it must be admitted, no longer autocratically predominate the spring wardrobe as the only sure criteria of Easter chic. But the psy- chological effect of a good looking new hat in the springtime cannot be denied nor overcome, ; There just naturally is something about Easter hats that makes every woman want one. In fact the only way a woman can get them out of er head is to put them on her head. he Easter sky line this season is tremendously varied. There are doz- ens of good looking reasons why al. new hat is inevitable, There are hats large and hats| small, hats rounding like turbans, ana hats tricorn, hats long in the back like fishermen's hats, hats long on the sides, A few style pointers about shapes show that there's a surprise in every smart hat, one way or another, Its brim may be uneven. It may follow the down-in-the-back silhouette of evening gowns. One side of the brim may go up, the other down, It is like- ly to be cut to show one's forehead and entirely cover the back of the neck. If the brim rolls, a touch of Spain may be added in the way of a bandeau, ; There's more variety in size even than in shape, this year, Hats vary from the woven straw turban to' the big floppy hats for garden parties and bridal processions. There are sizes for different times of the day and the chic woman will not wear a uit sized hat with an afternoon rock. One's features, build and the place where one is wearing the hat determine its size, As to color, two tones are smart- ¢r than one this year, quite in con- tradiction to the monotone little felts of many season, One's hat is not sup- sed to match one's costumes exact- y this year. Let the imagination dic~ tate a contrasting or blending color scheme, Last and greatest is the 'variety in materials, While women have been silently deciding whether or not to forego the ubiquitous felt, hat de- signers have stolen a march on them and created such alluring, romantic hats of straws and fabrics that a woman must have a heart entirely lacking in vanity to resist them. There are dozens of straws that combine with silks, crepes, jerseys, tweeds, linens, felts, and wors! like one's suits, Ballibuntl straw is still the classic for those "little hats" that women love, But baku, parasisol, leghorns, crin, Swiss lace braids and some roughish straws like pallaisson are used in profusion. The linen straw weaves are used as pliably as rics, making pleats, tucks and bows on chic little chapeaux. HEIGHT OF FASHION LIVES UP TO NAME March is with us. The trees are bare of leaves and the wind is cold, but it carries with it a breath of hope. We are nei yet into spring, but the leasant promise of the new season 16.in the air. And the most important thing in our minds at the present mo- ment is clothes. That is why, in pass- ing by The 'Height of Fashion the other day, we could not resist the temptation to walk in and have a little chat with the manager of this clic establishment. 'We discussed dresses first of all, and he told us of the lovely mew crepes which have such delightful names, "including Banjor, Astrabad A Saucy Bird's Head Adorns a Bangkok Hat In Rose Beige. . . . The Irregular Brim Is a Chic Note. > A Beige Afternoon Gown of Cire Lace' Is Trimmed With Sable and Topped by A Large Golden Ballibuntl Hat. A Luxurious Collar of Fox Fur Dyed a Beautiful Bois de Rose Adorns a Coal of the Same Shade Fashioned in Smooth Lido Cloth. (Spectator Sports Dress In Yellow Faille Su With a Néw Hipline 'And a Scarf Collar. All Costumes on This Page Created by Henri Bendel For Miss Norma Terris, Star of "Show Boal." of red, white. and black Flamingo | lar. and Lido crepes de Chine, Tiflis and | crepe, the feature of this being its Danabas crepes marocains, Denisette, | chic #acket. Milbourg and Beaute satin promi We then turned to suits and coats. and Ida crepe georgine, as fine as| The latter are 'smarter this season chiffon. chiffon-flowered and plain, {than they have been in vears, and it Snowflake georgette and Flamingo|is their collars that make them so. s-may be found here, | Fur ties itself in bows, fur scarves : Tin of these ma-| form jaunty cravats, fur falls in 2 terials. Sc me of the émartest are the | rippling jabot or frames the face in new three-piece suits made entirely {a huge Paquin collar, Kit fox, broad- of crepe. One of these models was tail, and Galyak being the most popu- NEW WEAVES SEEN FOR SPRING'S HATS A new note in spring muasuery is ribbed straw jersey, specially knitted and made into fitted and draped toqués that clear all the lower part of the forehead in front, covering the right ear and continu- ing in a round or pointed effect over the neck at the right side. Other new models are made of specially woven leaves su aal?y thick and very light straw. The leaves are large, two or Tnree forming one toque and are placed diagonally and attached together invisibly or under a stand up ridge across the crown. Contrasting colors such as black and beige are delightful midiums for tals ued. LS (EEE as (72 re [oS New Silk Frocks for Women and Children -- Including -- COATS DRESSES MILLINERY and Accessories Df all kinds. Special sale features in all these lines this week end. Two Lines $8.95 to aie TT TES STRATE LA ac Coat Special 12.75 ERY IOr 8 SE Rel A a $14.75 \ Spring Millinery, $4.95 Pubs of Suiy a We suggest Kayser Hose 1.95 or. W. A. DEWLAND, Limited Simcoe Street No:th - ee INP ™| The d. intere: dazzlis --long mg, mw the da alive every e And the luc wear adopte resorts mi go on into th The sleeve! worn ( monotc color © The eye. T fairs ar who lik several robe. E smart c ted sui wool stunnin outfit i fastene The especia jacket wear © crisp d; be too carded propria NAT