Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1929, p. 4

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hy the ) erec- is and ns: 37 street Simcoe d On- eet S., j Sim- street \venue oe St. la Sts. 1siness me of firm, stated Farm hed In 8, one nvoly- indsay ti¢gf In town- , have 8 real yrden's in ase { this busi bein lays of r dog rabies gs bit- to the sf JL ® WE EiEy 1% or) 'pcrease in the demand for the local product. The contiiimes joins with the citizens generally in wishing PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 | y a | Ste; Ogtatna_Baily Signs THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER SUBSCRIPTION RATES side Oshawa carrier delivery limits): in the Counties of Ontario, Durham end Northumber- 1and, $8.00 a year; elsewhere in Canadas, $4.00 a year; United States, $5.00 a year. TORONTO OFFICE €07 Bond Building, ta Temperance Street, Tele phone Adelaide 0107, H. D. Tresidder, repre- sentative. REPRESENTATIVES IN 0.8. Powers and Stone, Inc., New York and Chicage. Delivered by carrier: 30c a week. By mail (out -- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 -- g or ANOTHER INDUSTRIAL STEP FORWARD Today The Times is able to announce an important extension on the part of one of its existing industries, the Williams Piano Company, which has extended its activities to include the manufacture of motor boats. This is an announcement which should be gratifying to the people of Oshawa, for anything which adds to the volume of employment provided in the city means something to its progress and prosperity. D. B. Carlyle, vice-president of the Williams Com- pany, in making the announcement, states that be- tween 40 and 50 men are already employed in this new division of the plant, and, as this branch of the business expands, as it is expected it will, further ad- ditions will surely be made to the staff. * The Williams Piano Company is to be congratu- lated on its foresight in branching out into a line of manufacturing which promises to have a splendid future, Motor-boating, particularly in thé type of boats which is being built here, is yet in its infancy, Land is sure to grow in popularity, with a consequent the new division of the Williams Piano Company well, ufor whatever contributes to the success of any indi- idual industry, also contributes to the welfare of the eammunily as a whole, { § "erie report which was presented by the board of Works at Monday night's city council meeting, out- Ening the progress which has been made so far with the plans for the Simcoe Street south subway, will show the people of Oshawa that the project is not being forgotten, It is a pity, perhaps, that greater progress with the plans could not be reported, but matters of this kind move so slowly, and involve so much negotiation with bodies which cannot be made to hurry, that it is satisfactory that some progress has been made. So far, the claims which have been made by the city council in the matter have been fair and reason- able, and they represent concessions which the rail- way company ought to be willing to concede. Some of these claims have been admitted, while others are to be submitted to further consideration before a de- finite answer is given. The steps which are being taken, however, have the support of the council, and, to a large extent, of the people of Oshawa, and the committee will feel encouraged by the success of its efforts so far to go ahead with the negotiations with the Canadian Na- tional®Railways and the Railway Board. " RESS WITH THE SUBWAY. SHOPPING WITHIN THE EMPIRE The Empire Shopping Week in Canada cam- paign will soon be under way again, and with the experiences of last year, it should be a highly pop- ular event. The executive committee which was in charge of the week in this country last year has issued some figures which show that, apart from the educational value of such a marketing event, there were tangible and practical results which were worth while, The main thought behind the Empire Shop- ping Week is that the nations within the Empire should, as far as possible, trade with each other, so as to build up British industry all the world over, In Oshawa, there is a predominant British sentiment which should sympathize heartily with this idea, and should help to make this com- munity's part in Empire Shopping Week an out- standing one, Quoting figures from last year, the Empire Shopping Week executive shows that, within the six months following it, the event was respons- ible for an increase of six million dollars in im- ports to Canada from other parts of the Empire, and an increase in exports to other parts of the Empire of $29,000,000. Thus, from Canada's standpoint, it was a highly successful innovation, and one which should be undertaken on an even larger scale this year. The people of this country need to be educated into buying goods, first of all, made in Canada, and, failing that, goods pro- duced in some other part of the British Empire, and there can be no more effective way of carry- ing on this work of education than by the Empire Shopping Week plan which has proven so suc- cessful, TIME FOR MEDITATION The recently-appointed Archbishop of York has pronounced a policy of life which might well be adopted by men and women in less important positions in life. On assuming office, he made it known that be intended to keep regular periods ! free for meditation undisturbed by the work and going on around the house for the carpet beater, the cares of his high office, that for one day a week and one Sunday each month he would accept no engagements, This is a wise principle of right living. The man who is so busy that he las no time for meditation, for quiet thinking, is apt to burn. him- self out very quickly, It is a good thing to be busy, to have a full life, but the limitations on the mental capacity of every man to stand the constant: strain of business life, and the mental faculties need their periods of restful recreation just as the physical body requires rest for fits refreshing. . The mau who takes time regularly to set aside the care and worries of business, and to devote himself to quiet meditation, in whatever form may appeal most to him, is certain to be more fitted to' face the crises of life when they come, for he will have stored away a reserve of mental capacity, and will have built up a faculty for concentrating, that will stand him in good stead. There can be little of real pleasure in life for the man who never ceases from toil except to eat or sleep, for he knows little of the intense enjoy- ment which can be found in those quiet hours with himself, HELPING FIRST OFFENDERS. Legislation having for its object the helping of first offenders against the laws to reform and steer clear of lives of crime: has been introduced into the Ontario legislature by Attorney-General Price, This new law was forecast by Mr, Price before the session opened, and it should receive the sympathetic support of all parties in the legislature, The chief feature of the proposed law is the wide and wise use of the probation system as a means of helping those who have committed their first offence of a minor nature to reform. In a great majority of cases, the first steps into ways of evil are not ser ious ones, and the evil tendencies, if checked by proper guidance, might easily be eliminated, and the offender saved from going deeper into crime, This bill recognizes the true functions of the ad- ministration of justice. With hardened criminals, punishment is an tial, and should be at all times sufficiently severe, as to act as a deterrent, But those who have made their first mistake cannot be classed as hardened criminals, and reformation and preven- tive measures, rather than punishment, should be the first consideration, Since it takes this into consid- eration, the new bill is a good one, and it should not have much: difficulty in becoming law, EDITORIAL NOTES The youth who respects the alarm clock now may live to see the day when he can ignore it. One of the signs of Spring is the hunt which is A pessimist is a man who has been listening to a mechanic's explanation of what his car needs to make it ready for spring, March provided us with its lion and its lamb, and it is now trying to hand out some of April's showers in advance, Ottawa despatches state that men there are applying for domestic work. They are getting married in Oshawa, too, The young girl who has developed a craze for writing poetry can take consolation from the fact that most people do foolish things when they are young. There is an agitation in some quarters for .pun- ishment for motorists who splash pedestrians with mud. The pedestrians might retaliate by splash- fog some of the mew cars with mud. Statistics show that the average weslth of Canada is equal to about $2,600 for every man, woman and child, Like a great many others, we are wondering when we can collect our share, The fact that seven constables have been killed and three wounded by gunmen in Ontario fn the last seven years, shows that there is some justi- fication for constables being armed with revolvers. Er hL SCOTS LEAD, AS USUAL (Charles Lynch in Ottawa Journal) Scotsmen are certainly developing politically, Of the Old Countrymen in the Commons there are 11 from Scotland, 10 from England, 4 who claim Ireland as the place of their birth, and 1 Welsh- man, ; : DOWN ON THE FARM (St. Catharines Standard) Says the Stratford Beacon-Hersld: "St. Cathar: ines Standard was feeling happy yesterday over the announcement that General Motors intend to increase the outpet of a plant there from two to five million dollars, The editor of The Standard, in loyalty to the mew concern, will have to trade in his Massey-Harris and drive a General Motors product." Our distinguished collaborator up in Stratford just naturally thipks in terms of the old farm back home all the time. ' INCENTIVE TO THINK (Hamilton Spectator) Nowadays, perhaps the incentive to think is less than it has ever , We have our opinions ready-made for us, It is troublesome to think things out for ourselves; we are perfectly willing to take them on trust. What we call our opinions are usually second-hand--they are the opinions of others. The hurry and bustle of modern exist- ence is mot conducive to thinking in fact, a kind of contempt: is growing up for the contemplative individual, It is knowledge--the kind that fs easily procursble in the magiizines and i that counts very useful indeed, certainly, but not as valuable, after all, as original contributions to the store of human wisdom, which may only come from the development of special qualities of mind and sou Hello- folks! ae Jurt Juieh to talk about hm y, 80 we' t "evenin'" and "call it a pt 7 Staunch hy oi. A powder' hu be ! Ons account of this hd my leg, I'l have to start now." A good way to decide the issue when Wondering whether to stick to it or not is' t& take Shakespeare's word for it: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, whic If taken at the flood leads on to Fortune, Omitted, all 'the voyage of their life is bound In shallows and in miseries." A small boy asked his father how "Wel Sid the father, "S ell," sa e father, "Su e that England quarrelled with FZ ous "But," interrupted the mother, "England musn't quarrel with France," "I know," he answered, "but I am taking a. hypothetical instance." "You are misleading the child," said the mother, "No, I am not," he answered. "Yes, you are." "No, I am not." "Yes." "Alvi ht, Dad," said 'Alright, Dad," said the small boy, 1 think 1 know now how wars gin, The latest thing among the wealthy, so we're told is to go and be "psyched" a poycho- analyst instead of ving your fortune told by a "Mystic" from the east, . LJ ® A brick-layer said to a foreman on a new job, "I'd like to work here, but I can't find a place to park my car. The foreman replied. "I guess you won't do. This is a high-class job and we only want bricklayers who have chaufers." Maid -- "The lady can't see you; she's in her bath." Agent--"Oh, that's all right; I'm selling soap."--Life, Caught From Exposure (To Shell) A lady met a Government hospital patient, hobbling on crutches, "Young man," she asked, "what is the troub- le, Jheumatiom "No ma'am," replied th tient, "patriotism. Christian hv Ang Ji Peis Woburn Hercules ring 'the Presidential com A President-elect Hoover pl Sapa, a having performed a. great many un- usual tasks. But it remained for a shld to put him in a class with Her- cules, Asked by a teacher, a few days af- ter the election, what one of Mr, Hoover's greatest accomplishments rg bright member of the class re- "He stopped the Mississippi flood." ~Forbes Magazine He'd Have to Horry 'Alfred P. Sloan, of automobile By James W Barton, M.D ANOTHER JOB THE BILE DOES 1 talked so much about the liver a few months ago that my readers must have thought 1 was "liver mind- ed" as some one has put it. I point- ed out that it was the biggest organ n the ly; contained one-quarter of all the blood that was in the y: that it Jepatated the poisons out of the bl (was the washer- woman) of the blood; took sugar out of the blood and stored it as glyco- en until the body had need of it; elped to make the coloring matter of the blood; and also manufactured e. I tried to point out that a liver that was sluggish, didn't get squeez- ed or shaken up by exercise, would have all its jobs or uses interfered with, and so the individual who ate too much or took no exercise was likely to have a depressed, a "liver- ish," a "yellow" feeling, And now just a word about the bile which is manufactured by the liver. As you know it breaks up the fats 3 they can be absorbed into the ood, , It also kills off dangerous organ- isms, and it is also a natural purga- tive, We offer the Ret ERCHANTS of Oshawa can substantially increase the earning power of their Sav- al Merchants ) J This means that bile flowing into intestine takes care of foods that might prove dangerous and also hur- ries these foods along the intestine and outside the body. And now we are hearing of an- other job that the bile does that ex- cites our admiration still further, As you know in the intestine any work left undone by the saliva in the mouth or the gastric juice in the stomach, is Sompleied by the pan- creatic juice which is poured onto the food from the pancreatic gland as the food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine, Central nessand ings by depositing them with the ings Company. Why not decide now to make * the Surplus Funds of the Busi- earn our 4% Interest Rate. For the convenient transaction of your business, our Offices are open every day, including Satur- day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Canada Loan and Sav- Interest on Savings Subject to Withdrawal by Check your Personal Savings Business hours 9 a.m to 5 p.m, including Saturday. It has been found that if the nerves are cut which go to the pan- creatic gland to make it pour out its juice, still some pancreatic juice will flow, y Because the bile sets free a sub- stance from the walls of the intes- tine, which passing into the blood, acts as a chemical messenger to the pancreas, and it then pours out its Juice. The bile is Nature's messenger to the pancreas telling it that more pancreatic juice is needed, fore why I do try to have everybody do a little bending exercise every day, and thus squeeze the liver and make the bile flow into intestine. Deep breathing will also send the lungs down against the floor of chest or ceiling of abdomen and so squeeze the liver. (Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act.) Prepared by Rev Clarence Wilson DD, or Commission on Bvangelism of Feder] Counod of the Churches of Christ in « Amercs [7 Copynight1929 | Topic "LENT AND MY GOD AND FATHER" "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him" (Psalms 103 : 13), (Read: Psalm 103.) MEDITATION: Here is exqui- site comfort for me though I must You can readily understand there- | OSHAWA BRANCH OFFICE: 23 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Our customers always feél free to consult us concerning any financial matters. May we look forward to serving you? QS] § AVIA TAY Da [°AN AND SAVINGS COMPANY Operated Under Government Inspection | HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO KING & VICTORIA STS, 08 t or license, It corrects my self-esteem, too. God does not be careful not to make of it aes | lend us forth into the brightness ond of Thy peace Satisfy us early with A SAFE PLACE FOB, SAVINGS 1 Thy mercy that we may rejofes and be glad all our days. Amen. { expect too much of me He re- members my weakness; He is con- siderate of me as of a little child. And then, "Like as a father." His pi y is not contemptuous, but af- fectionate, I must be ashamed of my folly and sin. But I need not torment my soul over them beyond sincere repentance. The heavenly Father does not want me to be miserable. He cheers me with as- surance of His everlasting mercy. PRAYER: O God, our heavenly Fa her, who knowest our frame and rememberest that we are dust, have compassion on r frailty. Against Thee; Thee only, have we sinned; but there is forgiveness with Thee that Thou mayest be feared. Through a true repentance A. W. Austin GC A President Vice-Pres. Gen. Mgr, C. 8. Blackwell, Chairman of the Board C. H. Carlisle R. 8. McLaughlin Pres, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada Lid., Canada Ltd., Oshows New Toronto . R. Y. Eaton W. W. Near Pres., The T. Eaton Co 4 Lid., Toronto on Pres., General Motors of Pros Dogs Sorsay Tot, fame, was talking at che Bankers' Club in New a tt the automo- bile price war. "One ag" said Mr. - Sloan, oy Slices that give us a good $100 car within three , but such a car is impossible, is pre- flictor reminds me of 2 chap whe was eld up one morning by a bot Je jerked loose said as he , ," George him, "you'd better hurry, then, I just missed it." : Just Like a Professor The professor's wife had tied a string around her absent-minded hus- band's finger to remind him to get his hh gut. On his way home to a ner he noticed it. ", ," he mur- mured, "I hy oo entering the shop he sat down before his fay- orite barber. "Why, certainly, sir, if you wish it," said the barber. "But you won't mind my men! the fact that I cut it this noon, you?" THE ETERNAL GOD-Thou, O , remainest forever; thy throne from generation to generation.--La- mentations 5:19, . PRAYER--"Great God, how infin- ite art Thou! How poor and weak are wel Let the whole race of Creatures bow, And pay their praise to Thea" Ww A RESORT HOTEL With we a COUNTRY CLUB ATMOSPHERE NAUTILUS MIAMI BEACH." FLORIDA Ono of America's finest and most modern resort hotels, . An Unegualled Winter Playground 20 of grounds in the center of all Fig of all sport E. W. Hamber F. Gordon Osler LA Vi John M. Mackie pl Alan Ross Pair de ri Monireat Co., Lid, rad } Wilmot L. Matthews ~~ C. 0, Selllman Fon Sie ou Poe Copia 08 ly H. H. Williams Capitalist, § Toronto THE Er--"1ie%-~ 1 1871 Oshawa Branch T. W. JOYCE, Manager activities, re- for the Ii L has now peals, Ww much-arg identity; fessor Gi prisoner memory, by the pe one . o Farina the Fasci be a citi the two | disputed If "Nu sor Canel of his bir then Tur having g long that the two fest itself fact that acei, Che plead the supposed coming t Sompense Intervi Farinacel taken up "though sibly not not Brun Some t person streets o the police account « was suffe and was} pital for | ed. His {ished ir two wom him as tt was Sign other Sig Brothers, on either trates th their rel: of both ' fied as t contrary Verona d 170" wa Canella | of equal tion in a SSSA A

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